#i'll try to remember to update this
vashtijoy · 1 year
index of meta posts
Quick index of my meta posts.
Indexes: [two] [three] [third semester] [akechi's confidant]
The script I work from (which I did not make!) is here—page down to "Persona 5 Royal".
new posts
Does True Igor ever say "my Velvet Room"? Comparing the two Igors' use of language. (posted 2024/05/21)
The missable chats and the Phan-Site ranking murders. (posted 2024/05/12)
Followup: How Haru provokes Akechi into opening up on 11/7. (posted 2024/05/14)
Ren is the one who pushes the rivalry, not Akechi. (posted 2024/05/04)
Akechi knows Mona talks all along. (posted 2024/04/18)
Jose's star doesn't fade unless you establish a romance route. (posted 2024/04/16)
Did Akechi really say "Don't troll me online"? (posted 2024/04/01)
What exactly is Akechi famous for, and how long has he been famous? Also, can Akechi access Mementos? (updated 2024/03/30)
[P5R artbook] On Akechi's wish. (posted 2024/03/29)
How does the use of honorifics compare between the Japanese and English releases? (posted 2024/01/26)
translation and language posts (incomplete)
Does True Igor ever say "my Velvet Room"? Comparing the two Igors' use of language. (posted 2024/05/21)
How Haru provokes Akechi into opening up on 11/7. (posted 2024/05/14)
more translation and language posts
Did Akechi really say "Don't troll me online"? (posted 2024/04/01)
How does the use of honorifics compare between the Japanese and English releases? (posted 2024/01/26)
Shido's Palace: what do the posters say? Also, Shido and Akechi and their top buttons. (posted 2024/01/14)
Rank 5: what did Akechi really say? Also, notes from the Spanish translation. (posted 2024/01/10)
Terms of address: what do the squad call Maruki? (posted 2023/12/29)
[my translation] Deleted scene: Akechi at the refuge in February. (posted 2023/12/05)
8/28 and 9/13: Was Akechi really in state foster care? (updated 2023/11/20)
Akechi's deepest fear: "It's too late, I'm going to die." (posted 2023/11/12)
[translation] Akechi's P5T character trailer. (posted 2023/11/08)
Ann's confidant, rank 9: "you have the others". (posted 2023/10/20)
1/2: Joker's "true form" responses in Maruki's Palace. (posted 2023/10/19)
Haru: "we'll just take him out again". (updated 2023/10/19)
What song did Ryuji and Morgana originally sing in Mementos? (posted 2023/09/21)
"you trusted no one": life in single-player mode. (posted 2023/06/09)
Followup ask: "one for your lies, and one for your hate". (posted 2023/06/15)
Followup ask: is it rather Loki who represents lies, and vice versa? (posted 2023/06/15)
6/5: "pleasant boy". (posted 2023/06/06)
A karisuma X is not a "charismatic X". (posted 2023/06/05)
aijin kankei: Akechi's mother's relationship with Shido was more like sex work than a love affair. (posted 2023/06/03)
On translation: 4/10 and Shido's Palace: "a diplomat and some company president"? (posted 2023/05/28)
Does Akechi really say "the same strategy used in romance"? (posted 2023/05/27)
Character speech modes. Also, is Yoshizawa addressing her persona during her awakening? (posted 2023/05/12)
"Phan-site", "phandom", "phanboy", etc. (posted 2023/05/04)
Translation: the list of incidents in the background of the 4/10 cinematic. (posted 2023/04/22)
No, Akechi doesn't say "welp". (posted 2023/04/17)
Morgana uses wagahai, because he is, after all, a cat. (posted 2023/04/11)
The difference between a "phantom thief" and a "gentleman thief" in the localisation. (posted 2023/04/06)
"cursed child": "a child whose birth was unwanted". needs possible updating for negative suffering passive not being a thing (would remove "inflicted on the mother") (posted 2023/02/15)
Shido describes himself as making Akechi "dance", and Akechi later describes himself as compelled to dance. (posted 2023/02/15)
Cognitive Akechi: it's "you wanted Shido to love you." (updated 2023/07/01)
What's a change of heart called in Japanese? (posted 2023/02/03)
"the fish are beautiful": Joker's impromptu diversion at the aquarium. (posted 2023/01/20)
"good-girl type of pushover": what's going on here and wtf is he trying to say. (posted 2023/01/07)
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the-sassiest-skittle · 8 months
So the 'new' ticket numbers so far are:
Bagi - 001
Carre - 002
Bad - 003
Aypierre - 004
Philza - 018
Fit - 016
Felps - 026
Quackity - 027
Tina - 014
Tubbo - 025
Pac - 021
Cellbit - 010
Forever- 015
Foolish - 009
Niki - 029
Mouse - 007
Roier - 011
Slime - 012
Maximus - 017
Antoine - 020
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neathyingenue · 7 days
🎲 a kiss for silvia and caoimhe if you'd like? - @the-insouciant-scientist (and feel free to request one back! >:3)
is this the real life? or is this just fantasy........
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i rolled a 17--"an upside-down 'Spider-Man' kiss." which is honestly beyond my capabilities but i had to try!! (aka actually look up reference and draw in pencil before inking)
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nevermore117 · 2 months
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hrrng soap...
spruce and lemon scented. I cut it too early bc I was too impatient but it's fine. It was the texture of firm fudge and I wanted to bite it so so so badly. Also didn't get the bubbles out well enough but that's also fine. I need a better knife.
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saltytangy · 3 months
hi they deleted my newer account so i'm back here temporarily. how's everypony doing
update: account restored so bye again. i'm over here now ➡ @chiropterrors
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51334y · 8 months
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A lil' sketch of Durian from Unbreakable a DBZ AU.
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honeydots · 1 year
⚜ Lover's Stigmata ⚜ xanlow | ongoing Summary: After a false execution order goes wrong, Xander is forced to flee the castle and abandon his title. With his retainers in tow he tries to support Nohr from the shadows, but finds that his home is farther out of reach than he ever could’ve imagined.
my newest fates longfic!! it'll update every other friday~
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dearmrsawyer · 1 month
sawyer was sick over the weekend so we got some blood tests done and it turns out she is diabetic, she stayed at the vet a couple of nights, it was really strange to be alone in my room those nights. i spend more time with her than anybody. then we were supposed to pick her up thursday morning and they said to come in the evening instead because her glucose was v low. the vet asked me to find a glucose sensor to bring with me that evening, it was a public holiday so i had to find a pharmacy that was actually open. when we went to get her we waited 90 minutes and the sensor was being weird so they said come back later. finally brought her back home at 11pm and the sensor still wasn't working, had to go buy another sensor and bring her back this morning to switch them out, had to leave her there for a few hours so they could switch them and make sure the new one worked, then come back in the afternoon. i've had like no sleep at all this week, its a miracle i kept my eyes open to get training to give her insulin. she's so much better since she came home, even though she's not stabilised yet she very clearly feels heaps better ❤ it was such a relief to have her sleeping on my bed again last night. i was still up all night because i felt like i needed to keep an eye on her because i didn't have the monitor. we'll be in and out a lot over the next couple of weeks while they fine tune her dosage and monitor her levels.
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vodika-vibes · 6 months
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Fluffy Prompts for pining Characters
"In case you didn't know" Writing Prompts
Affectionate things writing prompts
There's only one bed writing prompts
Rainy Day Prompts
We just kissed and now I'm hooked writing prompts
Physical Gestures
Seeking out Physical affection
Fluff Prompts
Fluff Prompts 2
Cuddle Prompts
Touch Starved Writing Prompts
Shy x extrovert writing prompts
Smut Prompts
Smut Prompts 2
Smut Prompts 3
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Now that I'm back at my dad's house for the next week, I can finally read for the first time in MONTHS. My TBR pile is 16 books, which sounds like a lot, but when you realize it takes me an average of 2 evenings to read a 500-page book, it's not so bad at all.
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The unholy menace... And to make manners worse, my two MASSIVE white shelves (one 7.5 feet tall, the other one over 6 feet long) are both completely full. And the smaller grey one in the foreground would be filled by now too, if I actually started putting my unshelved books on it. (I haven't been, bc it wasn't supposed to stay in the middle of my floor, but I have no wall space to put it anywhere else, so ig it's staying there for now.)
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rainbowangel110 · 1 year
Hey Dagger. It's me Rainbow.
.... So it's been a week since we've last seen you. I know why you're gone but still. I miss you. We all do. Someone asked @angelcloves about you actually, they were worried why you haven't been posting. Fae was kinda polite and discrete about it, don't worry.
Nothing much has been going on really, more of the same actually. @el-fandom-birb and @stars-and-birds had a lovers quarrel over a meme (???) and now they're being dorky vampire/werewolf lovers. Send help. @haystarlight has been tagging Human as per usual. OH! Charolette is gonna make a continuation to that chess match fic between Papa Titan and Caleb! (Still don't know much about chess but I thought you'd appreciate it.)
Speaking of fics, remember that one post I reblogged with a looot of tags talking about a potential AU? I asked Charolette for some advice and fae were really nice! Still have yet to do anything for it, haven't even written the draft yet hahahaha
...... Moving along
We got a ToH PostHoot and everyone has been going nuts over the new info (Huntlow is bi4pan, Raine's palismen was in their violin, Evelyn was Flapjack's witch, Caleb and her were friends (cuz he was really interested in magic lol) but ya know how that goes lol, she was also a Clawthorne but no one knows apparently and a lot more I'm blanking on)
Fun fact: I made pasta today :D I'll dave some for you when you come back.
..... I'll admit, my dash feels pretty empty without you actually. I knew that would be the case when you told us you'd be gone for a while but still. It feels weird not seeing you in my notes as part of the "Biggest Fans" line up. You had a solid spot on there for a while. I miss you a lot.
PS: came up with a new tag lol, #just posting (cuz I reblog a ton so whatever I actually post doesn't really have a spot.... so why not!)
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sakuraprisma · 1 year
My One Piece Adventure Progress
Chapter 145 out of 1081
Episode 161 out of 1060
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amiscreations · 11 months
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Well there you have it guys! only about two months late but its ok😌
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sassysnowperson · 2 years
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It's Time for the Star Wars Rare Pairs Exchange!
Hi all! The Star Wars Rare Pairs Exchange has opened for nominations! Got a rare pair you want to write more for? Want to write fun rare pairs for someone else? Come on by!
Schedule Nominations - September 17-25 11:59PM PDT (will open early on the 17th) Sign-Ups - September 27-October 4 11:59PM PDT (May open early) Assignments Out - No later than October 6 9:00PM PDT Assignments Due - December 5 11:59PM PST Work Reveals - December 12 11:59PM PST Author Reveals - December 19 11:59PM PST
Rules Post, Explanation, and Link to the Discord Invite Here
Nomination Guidelines and Link to the Nomination Form Here
I'm co-modding this year, feel free to ping me with any questions or request an invite to the exchange's discord server. Looking forward to the rare pair joy!
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phantatrix · 11 months
With ao3 down, part of me wonders if I should start crossposting my fics?? I guess it wouldn't hurt since I generally cross-post my art on different sites. Something for me to think about tonight
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hooved · 2 years
i wish i could have my star trek merch collection set up rn. i need you guys to see how fucking much quark stuff i have because it’s like 95% just him
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