#i'll try to at least take a nap now tho. i need some rest
ppulverse · 1 month
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Marcus Álvarez x Reader
Anon asked: Hey, could you do a imagine with Alvarez, in which he's at the scrap yard of Santo Padre with the reader (his s/o) but Angel does not know it and so he flirt with her like all day and Bishop and maybe Taza and Hank tries to make him stop before Marcus notice it?
Word Count: 1.8k
Thanks to my lovely beta reader @chibsytelford 💘
Author comments: I hope you all enjoy. Gif credits to: @bai-feng-jiu
Tag list: @starrynite7114 ​ @chibsytelford ​ @dazzledamazon ​ @mara-mpou ​ @sammskellington ​ @gemini0410 ​ @1-800-imagines ​ @briana-mishell24 ​ @sassymox @whyisgmora @aquamento @sadeyesgf @viviansafizada @samcrobae @jade770 @witchy-wish ✨ (if you wanna be tagged, send me a message!)
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“Don' move”. A male voice tenses your whole body, being leaned above the trunk of your car while you're holding a box of beers. Looking at him sideways, a long forefinger goes to your shoulder feeling a light itching. “A ladybug!”
“Oh, sweet Jesus Christ!” Your heart is about to stop, leaving the box down back to place a hand on your chest spitting a sight. 
“Mayans' waitress?” 
“Seems like, just fo' today”.
“That's sad”. He pretends to looks like, supporting his body against your car, before offering you a huge hand filled by golden rings. “Angel”.
“(Y/N)”. Narrowing it, you smirk at the mexican slightly.
“Should we tell him?” Taza rest his forearms on the white wooden railing, turning his face to El Pacificador.
“Maybe he needs a lesson”. The man pursing his lips, raised both eyebrows. The Vice imitates his gesture. Looks like it's going to be a very fun night.
“You have to be fucking kidding me”. Bishop snorts going downstairs, moving fast his legs to your position and placing a hand on your lower back. “Álvarez is asking for you, querida”.
“Good, amma' take thos—”.
“I got it. Go with him”. The president pushes you softly, with one of these smiles he always has ready for you, since the day you met.
Nodding and clapping on air, you turn your feet above the gravel floor after looking to both men, putting your hands inside the pocket of your shorts walking towards the clubhouse.
“Little trouble is back at home”. Che says leaning close to you, leaving a gentle kiss on your forehead before Tranq kisses your cheek. 
“Happy to see you here”. The other man says, before continuing with your steps.
“Respect that girl, or you're gonna deserve to be dead”.
“Calm down, prez, I jus' was trying to help'er”.
“You're not gonna try to help her by putting your cock into her legs, you hear me, ah?”
“Jeez, man!”
“You won't be able to complain when Álvarez tears your tongue out”. The mexican says poking his chest with a forefinger. “She's off-limits”.
Sticking your head out the glass colorful door of the Templo you find your husband sitting inside, on the last chair at the table with a thoughtful look. His dark orbs are above the cigar consuming itself resting in the ashtray, not noticing that you're there, immersed in his own things. You know how much he misses the club, even if he doesn't talk about it as you would like. Running the door by the rail until is full closed, you walk towards him. His gaze traveling to yours, smirking at the mexican while he pulls back the chair giving you some space. Sitting on his lap with your hands supported half on yours, and half against his abdomen, your fingers play with the fabric of his shirt. The first time you kissed him, Marcus was sitting on that same chair, long time ago. And at least, he's not wearing one of those suits he uses working with Galindo, or probably you couldn't control yourself.
“Do you think I took the right decision?” Setting apart a soft and shiny bristle of your hair, his hands go down to your waist.
“It doesn't matter if it was the right or not. You can be a Mayan again, whenever you want it”.
“I can't ride my bike like I used to, cariño”.
“Then, I'll be your driver”. 
He chuckles nodding, before resting his forehead on your chest closing his eyes. Sometimes he has his doubts about joining Galindo's Cartel, without caring about the good jack and the stability his new job gives him now. But you will always be by his side, supporting his back.
“Charters are coming, I have to go back”. You say softly letting your fingers tour his nap.
“Okay, mi amor”.
┅┅ ┅ ┅ ┅┅
The crowded yard is flooded by latin music when the night has fallen down, and the delicious smell of barbecue running through the environment. Your hands moving fast above all the beers on the bar, using the opener to take off the bottle caps, while other girls bring them to the guys. You're not sure about what they're celebrating, being the first time you're at one of the famous Mayans' parties, but you're having so much fun.
“Hey, you, mister ladybug!”
Angel turns towards you, directing his steps to the bar placed in a corner of the yard. A smile getting draw on his lips, walking like he's dancing his hips.
“Is everything okay with your leg?” You ask with a laughter on your throat.
“What a sense of humor!” He cheers lifting up his beer on air. “What ya' need, sweetheart?”
“Ice. You know where it is?”
“Yea', com'on”.
Stepping out of the bar as soon as other girl comes to save your place, the man puts an arm on your shoulders guiding you to the metallic warehouse, next to the club. Supporting you the door after turning on the light, both come inside to the big fridge. Opening it to grab some bags.
“Wait, I got it”. 
Angel leans above the fridge to help you out, invading without asking your personal space. He smirks at you holding the bags you took.
“So, what'bout ya'?”
“How I didn' see you before around? To work here ya' must have friends at hell”.
“I'm family”. You just say, putting some more bags on his arms.
“Álvarez and Bishop's?”
“Yea'”. You nod closing the fridge.
“Well, I would be glad to see ya' often”.
“No, you wouldn't”. Obispo is behind you cross-armed, talking firmly without hesitation. “Take the ice to the bar”.
The Mayan doesn't say anything else, passing by El Presidente's side and leaving you alone. Closing the door you raise both eyebrows. Bishop snorts clicking his tongue. He trusts you, of course, but he don't trust the other mexican.
“I can protect my ass without help”.
“I know, little trouble. But I don' need an internally fight for that pretty and beautiful ass”. He laugh surrounding your hips with an arm, accompanying you to your place.
“When you started to be that bored, ah?”
“I keep the good times here”. He answers pointing out one of his temples.
“Shit, you sound like my grandpa'!”
Walking close of your husband, he takes your hand living a smooth and gentle kiss on the back of it. Letting you go from his cousin, you lean towards him placing your lips on his forehead dearly, before following your way back to the bar continuing with your task. Angel is there making your job easier when placing the ice inside the freezer.
“Daddy protects ya' good”. He whispers looking at you for a second.
“Daddy?” You can't help but breaking in laughs, covering your mouth with a hand. “You think 'amma helpless baby girl?”
“I'm sure you can kick me, befo' I can figure it ou'”. 
“Yea', I'm sure you would like't”.
“Well, that's not gonna happen, but you can keep dreaming”. You joke on him, grabbing a bottle of water to drink from it.
Bishop turns to the call, cleaning his mouth with the back of his hand after sipping of his beer. Marcus raises his chin making a gesture to the bar. Taza and Tranq looks at it too. El Presidente rolls his eyes, listening your laughs and watching Angel trying to flirt with you, ignoring the warnings he made to him.
“I told Angel to keep his hands off”. He just say, pretending to get up. But Álvarez stops him by a hand on his chest.
“I know you told him twice. Third is on my own”. He replies pretty calm, scaring Obispo more than if he was angry.
“And sometimes dreams come true”. The Mayan says, resting his body against the freezer.
Shaking your head with a loud laughter, you turn to the fridges checking the beers, before raising your gaze to your husband coming closer. Gawking nailing your elbows on the wooden bar and supporting your chin on your palms, you show him a lovely smile. No matter how many years have passed, you fall more and more everyday for him. Biting your lower lip with your incisors, you lean forward just a little.
“May I help you, señor Álvarez?”
Angel has an eyebrow upped, looking at the scene from the background and maybe understanding Bishop's words.
“I need two beers and my wife”. He says crossing his hands over his abdomen, as soon as he stops his feet.
“Yes, sir”. You just say winking the right eye.
“Having fun, mijo?”
“Yea', Padrino. She is… She…”
“She's more polite than me”. Marcus interrupts him with a calm tone of voice, twisting his head slightly. “Don't shit where you eat, Angel. You're smarter than that”.
“Sounds like he has an option”. You say frowning, passing them away with the beers between your fingers, taking off the opener handling on your neck with the free one, and giving it to other waitress.
And Marcus knows now you feel annoyed because of his words. That's one of the reasons you have never wanted to attend a Mayans' party. They're always marking their own territory over other members, and you're not a piece of meat, nor a trophy, not a bundle of money. Your husband follows your steps to inside the clubhouse in complete silence, not noticing the members who step out of it to give you some intimacy. 
“You know what I meant”.
“Look, I don't need… two pitbulls growling before me. You should know me after nine years”.
“I do”.
“Really? So then, why was tha' fo'?”
“I'm sorry”.
“Yea', you better compensate me later, señor Álvarez”. Walking closer, you offer him one of the beer, but grabbing your wrist to push you into him.
“You know how much I love you, right?”
“Nah, tell me”. You joke on him, placing both hands crossed above his nap, leaving some ephemeral caresses on his head.
“I can't explain”.
Pressing his lips with yours closing the distance between your bodies, until your chest collides with his, Marcus wraps you between his arms. It's true you didn't fall in love at first sight, but you wouldn't change him for anyone. You still feeling the same tickles and the same sparkles in your stomach whenever he's near of you. And you spend every morning, at least five minutes, watching him sleep peacefully above your chest. That is your favorite moment of the day, feeling somewhat blessed since you can do it every single day.
“Com'ere, papi”. You mutter against his lips, guiding him blinded through the only hallway on your steps to the dorms. “Let's remember old times…”
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non-stop-imagines · 5 years
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Excited (Drabble Request)
Request: #99: "After everything... I'd still choose you."
Pairing: Tony Stark x Pregnant Black!Reader
Word Count: 1760
Warnings: A couple swear words, angst, fluffy ending tho
A/N: Yay, another one because I feel like writing right now. I just hope that you guys like it. With the writing I've been doing now it seems like it's not up to par with what I have been doing if you guys feel that way I am soo sorry and hope to up my writing again soon. Anyway, here you go.
Requests are OPEN, if you want to be added to the tags list for a certain character, just ask. Masterlist
TAGS LIST: @avc212 @meeeeeeeeeps @beautifulwisdom2001 @iamzion-therealhabesha
Damn, damn, damn. You think as you look at the positive pregnancy test sitting on the bathroom counter. You stick your fingers into your fro and pull at the coils as you slide down the wall to the floor. Luckily Tony wasn't home at the moment so you had time to figure out how to tell him. Sure you guys have been dating for 2 and a half years, but the idea of having a kid hasn't even remotely crossed your minds, but now that it's happened, you couldn't have been happier and more scared at the same time. You decided that you've spent enough time going over all of your life decisions that led up to this point so you stand up, dust yourself off, and place the test in the trash. You turn off the light and exit the bathroom, already planning a way to tell Tony.
   “Hey, how was your day? Are you feeling better?” Tony walks into the bedroom and makes his way to the bed, crawling over his side to kiss your forehead.
   “It was fine. And yeah, I started feeling better at around lunch time. And once I did start to feel better, I went out and got you a little something for your late nights.” You proceed to bend over the bedside and reach for the present wrapped in old newspaper.
   “You didn't have to buy me anything. Also, just to make sure, there's no anniversary that I forgot, correct?” Tony asks as he covers his eyes with his hands.
   “I feel like I should be concerned with that question but I'll look past it. Anyway, open your eyes… now.” You have a white mug in your hands, the front facing toward you and donning the words “ #1 DAD” in big, bold, red letters.
   “Wow, a white mug. What did I do to deserve this?” Sarcasm drips from his voice as he gently grasps the mug and begins to survey it, stopping once he got to the front then looking back up at you. You tried to read his face but there was nothing to read. “Really?” Was all he could muster up.
   “Y-yeah. I found out today.” Your heart begins to beat faster and your breathing rate increases. You attempt again to read his face but it's still blank. “Tony, what's wrong?”
   “Y/N, I have to be honest with you, I don't know what to think.” He sets the mug down on his night stand and then turns back to you and began to nervously rub the stubble on his face. “I think that this is definitely unexpected. I think that I'm not ready for this. I…” He stops to think but you take the time to speak up.
   “Listen Tony, I know why you don't think you're gonna be a capable dad, but I want you to understand that you are nothing like your father. And I'm excited for when this child comes and you are able to see that. But right now, I just need you to be excited.” You take his hands from the face and hold them, caressing your thumbs over his knuckles.
   “I want to be excited, but Y/N this is scary. I don't know if we're ready.” Tony's face is soft and vulnerable, but yours hardens as you get up, and stomp over to your closet and snatch the first duffle bag you saw and start stuffing clothes into it.
   “Well, Tony,  since we have been together for 2 and a FUCKING HALF YEARS I would hope that a step like this could be made and understood. Sure getting a puppy or something would have been less of a shock, but WE made the choices we did and WE should be able to agree on a course of action.” You go into the bathroom to grab your toothbrush and some hair products. After packing them you stop and breath, then look at Tony. “Listen, I know you have your reservations about the situation, but right now I wish you would allow yourself to be happy.” You zip up the bag and slide on the first pair of sandals you see then head toward the door.
   “Y/N…” Tony calls, making you stop but only briefly.
   “I'll talk to you later, Tony.” You sigh, then walk out. After you head to your car you get in and sit for a minute, trying to figure out where to go. You pick up your phone and scroll to the person who will always take you in no matter the time and/or place: Steve.
   “Well, congrats on your surprise, but I'm sorry to hear how revealing it to Tony went.” Steve comes and sits across from you on his coffee table and hands you a water bottle.
   “Thank you.” You take a sip and then a deep breath. “I wasn't asking much, right? I just wanted him to be happy for us. For me.” You tap on the top of the water bottle as you try to fight back tears. “I just needed him to be encouraging right now. When I first found out I didn't know what to do. I sat in my bathroom, on the floor, motionless, because I was afraid of his reaction, what I would be like as a mom, if I would be a good mom, if this was even a good time to bring a whole ass child into the world we're living in right now. I guess when Tony reacted the way he did, that, in my mind, just confirmed one of my fears.” The tears still gently fell down your face as Steve pulls you in for a hug.
   “Okay, first, you can stay as long as you would like. Second, I do think that sometime soon you and Tony should talk. I mean sure it was slightly inconsiderate for him not even come remotely close to the excitement you were looking for, but I also believe you already started pushing away before either of you got any words out.” He pulls away from the hug but continues to lightly rub your back. You look at his face then progressively look down to your hands, taking in the painstakingly true words. All you do is nod, then stand with the help of Steve's hand to make your way back to his guest room.
   “Can I say one thing?” Steve raises his eyebrow and slightly elevated his head for you to continue. “I did not know that you had a two bedroom apartment. I mean yeah, one I understand stand, but two?” You joke as Steve now practically pulls you back to your room, giggling at your comments.
   It's been a week since you've seen Tony and during that week the most significant thing you've done was confirm that you were indeed pregnant, a month and a half in. You went with Steve and Nat to the appointment and part of you wanted Tony there, but another part of you wanted to be able to go back and show him the ultrasound photos of the currently practically invisible baby inside. So you decide that a week is long enough for you, at least, to fully comprehend what was happening and figure that it was time for you to go back and face your fears. You walk up to the front door and unlock it with your keys. Once you enter you drop your bag on the couch and start roaming the place. “Tony! Tony, babe, we need to talk.” There was no answer but you could hear faint snoring as you made your way back to the bedroom. You slowly open the door and enter to the sight of Tony asleep on the ground, with a half made crib next to him, crumbled instructions and crib parts skewed everywhere, and the mug you bought him, which was currently and unsurprisingly half full of alcohol. You smile at the sight, then approach your sleeping boyfriend, gently shaking him awake.
   “No, no more instructions…” he mumbles as he wakes up, then smiles once he sees your face. “I knew you couldn't stay away from me.” He sits up and rubs his eyes, then tossed the screwdriver he had in his hand to the side.
  “Can we talk?” You sit down next to him and grasp one of his hands, gently rubbing his knuckles. The smile on his face fades and eyebrows furrow. “The reason why I reacted the way I did was because I was scared too. And I hoped that you would be excited so I knew that this wasn't a mistake and that I didn't make a mistake, so when you reacted the way you did, I didn't know what to think.” You swallow hard to keep from crying, then continue. “It's just, I know this wasn't planned at all, but I believe we can do this, and there is no other person I would want to do this with because I believe you'll be an amazing father, and together we can raise an amazing child.” You look at Tony and give him a small grin, then melt into the hand he placed on your cheek to wipe away the fallen tear you didn't know you had.
   “After what happened last week, I realized that I had no idea how you felt about the situation, a trend it seems that I have. I just want you to know that after everything... I'd still choose you. So I want you to know that I am excited, I promise that I will be here for you from now on, and to show this promise, I attempted to put together a store bought crib. Key word: attempted.” He looks back at the pile of wooden bars and screws, shakes his head then turns back to you. “After realizing last night that this thing is a piece of shit, I have decided to make a crib from scratch because I can make one better than that thing in my sleep. Something that I should probably get.” He stands then helps you up, pulling you close to him by the waist. “I love you.” He whispers as he kisses the top of your head, then proceeds to fluff out your hair again.
   “I love you too. Also I have some pictures for you.” You proceed to show him the string of ultrasound photos from your appointment, then brainstorm names and nursery colors. The rest of the day was full of napping and cuddling, and, due to new found faith in his parenting abilities, an ultrasound photo was placed in a frame to be housed in Tony's lab forever.
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