#i'll probably add more original animals in the near future
cypriathus · 8 months
This post and the next one will contain some animal species that are prevalent within my multiverse. For this post, I'll be sharing the animals I created.
Copper-backed horsefly: A shockingly large horsefly species who either feast on the blood of small mammals or rotting organic matter. Females are about 25 inches (63.5 cm), while males are approximately between 20 inches (50.8 cm). The females rely on blood for developing eggs, while males preferably feed on nectar and/or carcasses. They’re known for their reflective copper abdomen, legs with yellowish-brown rings, and the reddish iridescent wing membranes. This particular fly species is commonly seen in dense forests where animals are plentiful.
Smaragdine blowfly or Belszarvodi’s eye: An average-sized blowfly species that are attracted to the stench of decay and filth. Both male and female smaragdine blowflies are close to 10 inches (25.4 cm). They’re known for its metallic bluish-green, gold coloration with a brilliant eye-like marking strewn across their thorax. Like most blowflies, they appear as scavengers, consuming rotting carcasses and excrement. According to legend, they’re seen as the servants or manifestations of Belszarvodi. Belszarvodi uses these seemingly normal blowflies to spy on other worlds or specific people.
Crowned locust or singing plague: A locust species that has been associated with bringing apocalyptic diseases and various plague deities. All crowned locusts are physically androgynous and are about 50 inches (127 cm). They are large locusts with eerily human-like faces and their “crowns” are made of thick cartilage. Their bodies are covered in a thin layer of an unknown substance attributed to the Hirczalotepus Tejasozuri. They form enormous swarms that spread across various regions, spreading insect-related diseases, devouring crops, and leaving serious agricultural damage. They are known for creating a mixture of high-pitched buzzing, clicking, and chirping sounds. They use this sound to attract mates, communicate with one another, and warn predators.
Fish-mongrel or sand-bellied leopard: A medium-sized wild cat species whose habitats are close to large bodies of water where fish are plentiful. Males fish-mongrels are as big as 67 inches (170.18 cm), while females are relatively close to 63-65 inches (160.02-165.1 cm). They’re commonly sighted near coastal cities and are known to be domesticated by humans for the purpose of fishing and potential companionship. Their hydrophobic, sandy-coloured fur coats help them to camouflage from their acquired target. They run nearly as fast as a cheetah, which benefits them greatly when they’re in unexpected danger.
Cacophonous moon-elk: A unique elk species who has a front-eyed, human-like face that appears to be fire-coloured with big, piercing icy blue eyes. Male cacophonous moon-elks are 8’ 2” (248.92 cm) and females are approximately 7’ 11” (241.3 cm). They have massive, branching antlers that span approximately 6 ft (183 cm). The colour of their fur coat is a shimmering reddish brown, while their rump is a mixture between yellow ochre and pumpkin orange. Their long, fluffy mane and under belly is that of grey-ish ivory. Instead of regular deer hooves, they possess large eagle feet with razor sharp talons. They’re usually sighted near forest lakes together as a large group. This particular elk species is known for imitating a myriad of sounds heard within their forested environment. As a result of this, these sounds are used within their communication and mating songs. When moonlight strikes, their gorgeous fur and eyes appear to be glowing like a will-o’-the-wisp floating above a marsh. According to legend, these elk are seen as guardians of the night deities and protective forest spirits who can endlessly reincarnate.
Rosy-throated warthog: A warthog species that are tremendously bigger in size and an incredible ability to quickly evade their predators, even being able to climb vertical cliffs. Males are 6’ 1” (185.42 cm) and females are close to 6’ 4” (193.04 cm). Males have coffee brown mixed with golden yellow fur coats, while the fur of females are light sandy brown, ochre, and ivory. However, both males and females are known for their striking reddish throats. This particular warthog species can either imitate or perfectly learn and understand human speech. They are also capable of intellectual thinking, using this to form group tactics and create interspecies relationships. This particular species is sometimes used by humans and Ufrajozlens as forest guides. They would lend their knowledge about the forest environment in exchange for either territory or specific foods such as mangoes and dragonflies.
Daybreak beetle or Khipezorjuwa’s golden tears: A larger-than-usual size scarab beetle species that is well-known for its shimmering golden colour. Both male and female daybreak beetles are relatively close to 14 inches (35.56 cm). Their elytra is also known to have a sapphire and emerald iridescence. They possess one thick, decent-sized horn for digging and rolling balls of dung. According to legend, these beetles were believed to have been created by the sweat that accumulated from Khipezorjuwa’s body. Khipezorjuwa’s job was to roll the sun above the horizon and carry it through the other world after sunset, only to repeat this process. This might explain why these scarab beetles were used as Khipezorjuwa amulets during Ancient Egypt as well as their natural colour and why they roll balls of dung.
Bone-headed vulture or scythe-beaked watcher: A fairly large vulture species that can be commonly sighted near cemeteries and labyrinthine forests. As bone-headed vultures are physically androgynous, all members of this species are close to 4’ 6” (137.16 cm). Their plumage is grey like fresh ashes and, weirdly enough, its head appears to be made of some unknown metallic cartilage material. Like all vultures, they’re highly versatile scavengers that rid the landscape of deteriorating carcasses. However, they primarily feed on fresh corpses or ones beginning to decay. According to legend, the bone-headed vultures are servants for a myriad of death and chthonic deities, using their sunset eyes and extraordinary scent to track down their next victim.
Wheezing mousetrap: A ferret-like mammal with a long bushy tail and large eyes that are commonly sighted in large forests. Their face is round and covered in a thin layer of whitish fur with horns protruding from their foreheads. They also have four stubby legs with bird-like feet and feline ears. There’s a very noticeable sexual dimorphism between females and males. The female wheezing mousetraps are 2’ 1” (63.5 cm) and males are 1’ 10” (55.88 cm). Females also have shaggy reddish fur coats and longer horns than males. On the other hand, the males are various shades of brown and have smaller horns. They’re usually scavengers who feast off of carrion, but there have been rare cases where they hunt small prey when things get desperate. Their name is a reference to the weird sounds they make during communication and when they’re attracting mates. However, they’re known to make high-pitched squeaks when in danger and purr when they’re happy.
Rippling helminth: These aquatic parasites prefer to inhabit decently shallow bodies of water. During most of their lifespan, rippling helminths can grow up to 73 inches (185.42 cm). When they open their mouth, it appears to be a suction-cup with sharp teeth arranged in concentric circles. Their eel-like body is adorned with patterns that are eerily similar to the rippling surface of an ocean. Like most parasites, they also reproduce asexually, but there are cases where they switch to sexual reproduction in order to encourage diversity. They’re all born microscopic, but once they have found a host to survive off for long periods of time, they begin to grow about the size of a sea lamprey. The only viable ways to enter their host is either through the anus or mouth. They prefer feasting on the entrails and/or laying their eggs within the intestines of larger creatures.
Blue-gold ophiomorphos or lizard of knowledgeable fruit: These serpentine reptiles prefer to inhabit heavily forested areas, spacious meadows or deserts. Their name is a reference to their bluish throat and golden insides. Besides those two defining features, they have a bone-white underbelly, and maroon scales with a striking purple and green sheen. They also have bluish-grey eyes with vertical pupils, four legs, sharp claws, and a pair of supraocular “horns”. They’re noticeably longer than all known python species, 31 inches (78.74 cm), and this growth is connected to warmer climates. They can kill their prey through acidic venom, constriction, and using their razor-sharp claws. According to legend, they were created as serpentine creatures with the intention of spreading heinous evil. However, they bore the fruits of enlightened knowledge that saved humanity from being ignorant to the material universe.
Elephas of judgement: They’re an elephant species that’s a staggering height of 17 ft (518.16 cm) that has six legs that allow them to have better balance and can move noticeably faster. Their skin is very durable and can withstand both cold and warm temperatures. They have four tusks with razor-sharp ends and they’re made from a pseudo-metal that their body naturally produces. In order to show their old age, they grow a third eye that allows them to telepathically communicate with other living creatures. They can also see their moral alignments and emotions through their auras, and accurately predict future events pertaining to nature. They’re incredibly strong and highly intelligent, which allows them to fight with ease and make firm decisions. Like all elephants, they prefer to engage in playful interactions and use their trunks and telepathic abilities to communicate with one another. They’re often used in wars and traversing a large amount of people from very far places. They genuinely prefer to befriend and work with herbivores and omnivores as they strongly dislike carnivores.
Proboscis camel: They’re a camel species that is approximately 9’ 5” (287.02 cm) and they possess three small humps on their back, allowing them to store fat and nutrition in arid environments. The hue of their fur mimics pink and red sand with a long orangish beige mane and beard of long hair occurring on the neck and throat. They have eight muscular legs, the feet of a roe deer, four iridescent eyes, and two rows of herbivorous teeth. They’re known for their 2 ft (60.96 cm) proboscis that can make extraordinarily loud roaring noises, spit acidic mucus, and better direct their sense of acute smell. They’re used by desert-dwelling Awukhoziels to traverse more efficiently to a desired location through a saddle or caravan, while carrying 5 times more than the average camel. The Awukhoziels decorate them with colourful, knitted blankets, jewellery, and a helmet that fits their head.
Croaking wolf: A seemingly regular-looking canine species with a height of 7’ 2” (218.44 cm) and slippery, yet viciously sharp fur. They prefer to thrive in environments where ungulates, smaller canines, vegetation, and lakes are plentiful. They have large teeth, piercing olive green eyes, lavender noses, small horns, and two bushy tails. Their name is a reference to their slightly thick vocal sac that helps them to emit a guttural mixture between a howl and croak. They use this sound to assert their territorial dominance, warn others that they’re nearby, attract mates, and use it as a social rally call. Their colours consist of reddish-orange, blonde, purplish-brown, silver, bluish-white, and black. They possess divine intelligence, zoolingualism, a poisonous miasma, and enhanced strength, speed, agility, and durability. They’re often the watchful and curious guardians of the cacophonous moon-elks.
Plumed whale: A bioluminescent, freshwater whale species with plumage that’s gracefully soft and they’re 130 ft (3962.4 cm). They have a red-orange head with yellow, wisteria, turquoise, and jade plumage that’s covered in hagfish slime and dewdrops. They’re often seen in a pod of 5-7 plumed whales, socialising and hunting large fish and aquatic mammals together. In order to accommodate this, they have four rows of bone-crushing, carnivorous teeth. The light from the sun and moon empowers their supernatural strength, agility, durability, and intelligence. They can send subliminal messages to all living creatures and control the ocean, wind movement, and aquatic growth.
Gripping whiskered sandworm: They’re a mysterious worm-like species that are 968-1205 ft (29504.64-36728.4 cm) and can only be found in grand deserts. They live underneath the sand in order to prevent scorching to death, but they do occasionally pop up for air and a short sunbathe. Due to being fully blind, they rely on sound, touch, smell, and vibrations to locate prey and decide if there is any danger nearby. They have an intestinal appearance with infernal ruddiness, a catfish-like head, sturdy, yet translucent fins, and crooked canine teeth. They can spray venom, let out an electrical discharge, and create sandstorms to paralyse and confuse its prey. They have a destructive bite and no living creature can escape its grasp once caught in its jaws. Some people have made it a spot to hunt them down because their liver has divine healing properties, their eyes can see future events when touched, and their bladder is full of leech slime.
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With the live action and animated movies for Atla coming out in the near future, I'm for sure they are going to add more queer characters into the franchise but it probably won't be a main character. I think it should be a main character, of course, as a repressed queer kid who grew up with the original show, I would probably cry if they made one of the og characters queer.
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I'm hoping I'll be able to fill in the middle part and truly feel complete the trilogy.
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fcsources · 14 days
hello freddi i need your advice on choosing real face for anime character? how do i do it correctly and accurately?
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𝙝𝙚𝙡𝙡𝙤 𝙯𝙚𝙥. 𝙞 '𝙙 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙩𝙤 𝙥𝙡𝙖𝙮 𝙖 𝙜𝙖𝙢𝙚. hi friend!! i want to add the quick disclaimer that i'm the most casual anime fan and i know i'm nowhere near an authority on this. i think the metric i would use is the location of the original anime and how large or small of an impact that location and culture have on the story world. for example, while the netflix adaptation of death note was unwatchable, the basic idea of a high school boy meeting a spirit of death and being given the ability to kill is pretty universal. so if you're looking at a direct adaptation of the original story, it's impossible to ignore that light and his family are japanese. on the other hand, i think there are actually a lot of ways that netflix could have done an interpretation of the death note story set in america that would have been really interesting and successful. for anime that take place in the future or similar, like one piece and cowboy bebop, i think you have a lot more creative license with the characters. imo i would cast the characters more or less individually based on what we know about their background. but then we fall into kind of a tricky middle ground. take black butler or kingdom hearts (i'm sorry i don't know final fantasy lol); while they're both manga/anime, neither actually take place in japan. i think in some cases, it's pretty obvious when characters are explicitly white, black, etc and not japanese. but in others, i'll be honest, i'm not really sure what that line is! i know i have a technique for this in real life, but that wouldn't translate to rp. i feel like it would probably be appropriate to cast with more or less "colorblindness" in these situations. just as we wouldn't expect western cartoon media to be automatically be white unless otherwise specified, i think at its core anime is a reference to the medium or style rather than inherently signifying anything about the location or characters.
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kursed-arcana · 2 years
I've been thinking about soul eater not lately and it really gets more yrqsh talk then it deserves. It's a fun slice of life series that expands on the academy. The best parts were definitly when the main series cast were included but it was fun either way.
I think I'll add it to my list of things I want to review or analyze in the near future. Honestly it probably would of been received better if the anime didn't tweak its ending or the original soul eater didn't go the anime original route.
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delemenko · 3 years
In the event that you stumble across whatever I've got going on here, welcome! I am the person that uses this blog. You can call me pretty much anything tbh.
So, this blog is a bit of a mess at the moment, but from now on, I'll only be posting "original" content here, with the exception of ask games/memes. I want eventually post other shoti here so, I'm gonna break down what you might start seeing in the near future, of you don't already see it.
For right now, I mostly post about Unlike Pluto, but I want to start posting Like Saturn and why mona as well, because Unlike Pluto. There might also be the occasional post about 8 Graves, BANKS, or Tove Lo. Also, I'm always down to play with some song colours, so if you send me a colour (not grey, silver, or magenta, sorry), I'll give you three song lyrics from songs I like of that colour.
The Warriors
Shitposts, Headcanons, Alignments Charts, OCs, Texts From Last Night and stuff like that, and I've got some Fics rolling around through here. Also, those weird ass Hypotheticals I post because I like to watch others suffer, I guess. This also applies to the game.
Sometimes I post about Assassination Classroom (mostly the snipers because they're cool and none of the other characters are interesting) though due to creative differences within the fandom, I've become a bit disillusioned. I might come back to it, but for now, I've literally no reason to post about it. I also post a bit of MHA, and Psycho Pass. Probably another one that I'm missing. But aside from the occasionally OC posts, don't expect much of anything with any substance here.
You followed me for Xenoblade Chronicles? And you're still here? Aww, how sweet. Love you. Unfortunately, I haven't been all that motivated with XBC, and I don't care enough for it's spiritual successors to give them more room on my blog than I've given them. The memes are funny though ngl. I might also occasionally post about my Animal Crossing New Horizons stuff, so if you want to add me on Switch, lemme know.
Original Shenanigans
Haha, I highly doubt you followed me for any original content but I make Trippy Art and I write original fiction. I also take photos of myself on occasion, and make them into collages or gifs, so there's that. Might end up posting that on Kalenkuizy though, lest the gif pertains directly to whatever I already post, like the one above.
Other Tingz
I think I made like, two posts on On The Yard, because I think it's swell, and I might be misremembering, but I think I also have reblogged stuff for The Thing (1982) here, which is also a swell movie.
I will not post anything NSFW on this blog. I am aware that underage people follow me, so I refuse to post things of that nature here, as it's for a different setting, and I keep my degeneracy elsewhere. I will not post about political issues, moral or ethical issues, social justice issues, etc. This blog is supposed to be light-hearted and some form of entertaining and while I may comment on certain non-blog related things, I will not reblog it here.
I will generally follow whoever follows me, but I will not follow porn blogs, those weird ass dating blogs, or just blogs that seem suspicious. Typically, I will unfollow you, if you unfollow me, unless I really enjoy your content. You can send me just about anything in my ask box and I'll respond, most likely. This post will get edited as necessary. I'm down for a discussion and I'm here for a good time, so let me know if you need anything. 💕
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makiema · 5 years
Possibility of an Eren vs the Devil final showdown
Okay so I saw @marley-warriors-of-demon-blood's post and I pondered over it for a few days. I finally had the time to write it all down. What I have to say draws a lot from the original post. I'd just like to mention some more hints that I picked up while doing my research along these lines.
First off, I'll elaborate on the recurring mentions of "devil" we get throughout the anime and the manga (also talk a bit about Paths) and secondly, on Isayama's subtle inclusions of numerous other Judeo-Christian references. All of it directly hints at a dramatic ending that may involve Eren, the protagonist, and the main antagonist- the Devil.
1. The Devil : We have had an eerie account of direct or indirect references to the Devil.
• One of the earliest comes from Bertholdt in Season 2 Ep 36 when we first hear him addressing Eldians as "spawns of the Devil"
• The next time we literally get to see the Devil is in Season 3 Ep 43 when Historia revisits her past and the book she reads show us the picture of the Devil and we also see Ymir Fritz for the very first time.
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She's present in the story under the alias of Christa, who Freida points out to be a kind girl, always thinking about others.
However, this unsuspecting nature also makes her dangerously gullible and thus, the Devil tricks her into consuming the fruit which'd vest her with incredible powers that could be used to do some potential good work but also wreak havoc on Earth. The illustration was already a foreshadowing of the immediate future event whereby Rod Reiss would try to beguile Historia and get her to eat Eren but she'd see through the ploy and stand up against him. But, that's a different topic and I don't want to digress from my primary point. However this illustration carried an even darker foreboding as we'd realize in the course of the manga.
• The next implication comes from Floch, quite shockingly, during the Serum bowl, also in Season 3. We find him referring to Erwin as the "devil" out of nowhere, that too twice.
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It was horrifying yes, but could it be a darker message for events yet to unfold? Surely Isayama wouldn't drag in the word "devil" out of nowhere. Also, another thing I want to point out here is Levi's decision of finally using the serum on Armin. No, not the usual why (because by now it's clear that he wanted Erwin to rest) but whether or not this action of his, that earned him hard opprobrium from almost half the fandom, had some underlying meaning for us. Maybe more than the shock factor, the serum bowl was allegorical of future events- that the Devil, like Erwin here, is not dead yet and has been playing the strings since eons ago; that the character who is following in Levi's footsteps, i.e., Eren will have to make a difficult choice (which is why Isayama had been stressing on how he'll hurt the fans in the conclusion) and bring an end to the Devil who is still at large. Choosing Armin over Erwin seems to be an absurd decision from a logical pov and Levi's action maybe more than just "letting him rest". Isayama loves foreshadowing. Killing off such an important character could very well be an indication of something more than what's visible on the surface. Perhaps, it was symbolical of how, in the near future, the actual devil, who shares the same caliber as the Commander in plotting, will be forced to rest by Eren, who was trained by Levi to make difficult choices by himself.
• After this , Eren Kruger mentions how "anyone can be the God or the 'Devil' " in Episode 58, while also explaining how everything is connected by PATHS.
• The final and the clearest reference to the Devil is found in Wily Tybur's speech where he informs us of his devilry and we also come across Ymir Fritz, the girl who fell into his trap, and apparently consumed "the source of all organic matter".
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There couldn't have been a more prominent Biblical allusion than this one. Now, endowed with such power, Ymir Fritz sets off with beneficial work but, as per the Curse of Ymir, she dies in a few years and we learn that her power is eventually divided into Nine Titans.
• The Devil and PATHS : Only, in chapter 115, do we realize that she hasn't died or at least her spirit hasn't (I'll elaborate on this later). She's STILL very much functional in PATHS - this another universe or another place (whatever term you deem fit for it). When I say functional, I mean how she has to tend to and help her subjects respawn as per the contract with the Devil.
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However, notice the rather dark shading on her face? Those are similar to Isayama's signature stress lines that indicate Ymir Fritz is in pain or at least, she doesn't look like she's willingly up for kneading soil to help her subjects reincarnate. Now, if Ymir Fritz from Tybur's tale is still active, how can we rule out the possibility that the devil is active too? PATHS connects the future and the past. Eren Kruger can send words of advice to the future via PATHS, every shifter who's endowed with powers of the past has access to PATHS. In short, PATHS could be the place of any probability. PATHS is the place that warps time, history and even reality. If Ymir Fritz has indeed digested 'the source of all organic matter on Earth', then PATHS, where Ymir Fritz is struck, could be what supports this source or more clearly, it is what nourishes the root of the Titan Power. We know that Ymir Fritz obtained the source from the Devil and now, if PATHS is like nourishment to the source and is sort of a massive energy center (where even the concept of time is lost) it might very well be the Devil's residence or the physical manifestation of the Devil's will. The Devil, as part of a greater ploy, intended to do away with mankind and wreak havoc and that's why duped Ymir Fritz, a naive young girl, into consuming something that'd bind her and her progenitors to his evil will forever by genetic alterations, making it susceptible to his wilful morphing. With this, the main plot that revolves around slavery can finally reach an end. And breaking that tie to the Titan DNA, by destroying the Devil or PATHS (which helps the Devil to enslave Eldians/Subjects of Ymir no matter the era) could resolve the main issue and pave the way to freedom. If Eren does that, it'd be poetic given that Eren Kruger said that the Attack Titan and it's owner has always chased freedom. It's only fair that the Attack Titan (the embodiment of freedom) destroys PATHS (the embodiment that allows slavery). It all sets out beautifully and maybe this is the reason why Isayama even ensured that we get to see PATHS animated as early as in Season 2 Ep 10. Thus, we get a sneak peek of it in Ymir's memory.
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It just gives more corroboration to my hunch that PATHS is THAT important and can possibly be the abode of the Devil and hence, be crucial in the endgame. Also, isn't it ironic how Ymir says "I saw freedom spread out before me" in this scene? Or could Isayama be hinting at a possible conclusion that Eren would finally achieve freedom once he is also in PATHS dimension and destroys it? That this scene would be included so early in the anime but not carry some deeper meaning just doesn't settle well.
2. Other Judeo-Christian references : The manga is brimming with those but I'd just point out to a few as some interpretations may seem too far off and I have the habit of snowballing every minute detail.
• Violets : These flowers keep popping up time and again and is even there in the very beginning of the show. Eren wakes up crying from his 'dream-vision' and we find those violets right beside him.
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We again see these flowers very briefly under Armin when Eren consciously transforms for the very time in Season 1 Episode 10. This was not in the manga but Isayama wanted this to be animated. He wouldn't have stressed on the importance of including the violets if he didn't have a motif.
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Violets have strong religious connotations in Christianity. They blossomed when Gabriel told Mary of her son's impending birth. Now, Gabriel is the Angel who communicates with humankind and thus stems the potential meaning associated with violets - connections. The symbolism is a very important one as it could be a allegory to how PATHS connects the future to the present, connects all the Subjects Of Ymir. Isayama even canonically included the violets in PATHS dimension in Chapter 115, when Zeke meets Ymir Fritz.
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Isayama's emphasis to add violets in the anime and also later, to draw them in PATHS couldn't be for naught. The flowers and what they stand for must be crucial in the final resolution. Also, just as violets blossomed when the birth of the Saviour was prophesized, here in the the SnK universe, violets pop up when Eren is in the frame in the very beginning and when he first reveals his power, indicating he'd be the eventual saviour. If Eren is an allusion to Christ it also justifies what Isayama said : that he wants to 'hurt' the readers. We all know about Christ's sacrifice and perhaps Eren is also going to do something similar which will leave the readers hurting.
• Allusions to literary classics : There are a lot of allusions to Dante's Inferno and even to Milton's Paradise Lost, both of which borrow heavily from mythology and the Bible. But, I'd discuss the ones that I found the most suggestive-
1. Nine : The power of the Devil that Ymir Fritz inherited was split into Nine Titans. In Inferno, we get the Nine Circles of Hell that will eventually lead the poet to Satan. And like we have discussed before, the Devil has striking semblances to Satan. Satan lies below the Nine Circles of Hell and the Nine Titan Powers combined is equivalent to the power the Devil possessed. Uncanny similarity, eh?
2. Ymir and Virgil : Like @marley-warriors-of-demon-blood mentioned, Ymir Fritz is currently caught in a Limbo. She was just a naive little girl and hence, what ensued from her making a deal with the devil wasn't technically her fault. In Inferno, Virgil is distraught similarly- fated to remain trapped in Limbo forever. Now, like I said earlier, PATHS is connected to everything. And Limbo, the first circle of Hell, is also connected to the later circles. I hypothesized in a previous post how I think Ymir Fritz and Eren will meet next in the manga. (with Eren being decapitated and everything) Virgil was the one that guided Dante in his journey in Inferno and Ymir Fritz, currently just a lost spirit in another dimension, may become Eren's guide. She can advise the holder of the two most powerful Titans (the Attack and the Founding) on ways to resolve Eldia's problem by killing it's source, i.e., the Devil, considering she's really a girl with good intentions. This would also resolve her character arc properly. She'd get a stance in the story and not just be someone who was used by the Devil for his conspiracy. After all there's no one more suited for the task than Eren. I'm probably taking it too far but I do think Ymir will have a similar role like Dante. Both are caught in the Limbo, both are not at fault, and both are destined to meet the protagonist.
3. The Crystal : Annie enclosing herself in impenetrable crystal, which outwardly looks very much like ice, could be an allusion to Satan again. In Inferno, he's trapped in ice at the centre of the Earth. Annie is being held captive 'underground'. A very similar process is applied for Satan. He's held underground too and he's enclosed in hard, impenetrable ice, akin to Annie's crystal.
4. Paradis : The name itself could be suggestive of Paradise, i.e., the Garden of Eden, which is mentioned in the Bible as well as in Paradise Lost. The place is described as magical. The 'Paradis' in Isayama's story is not far from being extraordinary and is peppered with rare resources as Kiyomi points out in Chapter 107.
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It has "the forest of giant trees", a plethora of resources, and is teeming with diversity. It's equivalent to a biodiversity hotspot, a very rare place on Earth. It has an aura of supernaturality and extravagance, much like the Paradise of Milton. Also, the whole Satan luring Eve with the apple thing (and the Devil's likewise conniving) is also mentioned in Paradise Lost.
So, in conclusion, with this many underlying religious motifs it's highly possible that the Devil is the ultimate villain, like Satan is in Christianity, and Eren's final confrontation is going to be with him- the one who is the root cause of all evil. Even the final exhibition gave a lot of importance to the Devil tricking Ymir Fritz scene. It definitely has much more significance than is apparent.
One of the key themes in SnK has been gray morality. All the characters have their own reasons to justify their commiting the most horrible atrocities they inevitably had to, as per orders. Marley is not exactly on the wrong for torturing and ghettoing Eldians. They fear power that can actually trample on the whole world. Eldia is, of course, not at fault. Their genetic make up may spell impending danger but that doesn't make them any less human. They're cursed alright but that doesn't automatically strip them off their humanity. They have as much right to live as Marleyans. In fact, as we have seen Eren reinforcing from time to time, "Nobody has the right to take that away from us".
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Here, Eren also expressed his denial of any plan that even remotely suggested using this probability of turning into a Titan as a weapon to fight. Thus, we can trust that what Eren aims will cause the eradication of this possibility altogether. He will make it so that such a cruel way of fighting doesn't exist ; that nobody will have to be forced to turn into a Titan and die no matter the cause. And the only possible way to do away with this is to kill it's source : the source being the Devil or his instrument, the PATHS.
But, even if nobody is at fault, one cannot veil the truth that Titans exist or rather, the Titan DNA and the inadvertent possibility of an Eldian turning into a Titan exists. It still looms in the SnK universe like 'the grim reminder' we have heard over and over again in the anime. The reminder of humanity being caged and the humility of living under constant fear of Titans popping up suddenly called for invariable Fighting since the very beginning and had also inspired the chase for Freedom. So, how will Isayama bring the main plot/theme revolving Fighting for Freedom to a close? Of course, the answer is by ending slavery in all forms, including Eldians being a slave to the Devil via their fundamental genetic constitution. The Devil is the one responsible for making them Titans, for making the world see them as dreadful enemies. He is the one infringing on their right to freedom and right to live. Thus, Eren WILL face off with the Devil, the cause of all slavery in their world, and finally bring Freedom to humankind. After all, hasn't Eren's character always been all for freedom and for detesting and aiming to do away with every possible form of slavery? If the Devil's very existence is the cause of Eldians being a slave to devilish power, it's only fair that the one character, who has reasserted the importance of Freedom more noticeably than any other throughout the story, is the one that brings the curtain down on the Devil and all his ploys of enslavement and wreckage, consequently freeing his men.
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