#i'd like to set it on fire and send it to sea to burn to bits
heartofspells · 2 years
24 and 44? <3
All the hearts for you, my food critic.
24. What’s a trope that you’d like to never hear about as long as you live, let alone write?
Look, there's not a lot I shy away from, there really isn't. Even if I'm not particularly into it, I'll still give most things a chance if I see tags for the things I'm not a huge fan.
But it's got to be incest. I don't get it, and I can't get on board with it. And I'm talking like the very obvious sibling/sibling, parent/child, close family relations incest. The 'doing it because they want' and not 'this is here for specific purpose like trauma (or something similar)' type. And I mean, if you're a person who wants to write it or gets off on that, more power to you, I guess. I'm not one to judge on most things. As long as you're not hurting anyone physically or mentally in the real world, do what makes you happy, but I'll still never understand it.
44. Rant about something writing related.
Oh, good. Another rant. Just what everyone needs from me on no sleep and with words that make no sense and are pure chaos. yes
You know what, just for you, I'm going to rant about Google Docs (this is what happens when you call me a barbarian for using Word).
It's a nice concept, it really is. And I would love it if it worked the way it should. But it does not. (also, it relies heavily on internet connection, so if you lose that for any reason, you're sort of screwed, even working offline; that's a major flaw for me) If I want an Em Dash, tough luck to me I guess, at least the type I want, the elongated version that Word will automatically make so easily. And when you do make one, it connects it to the first word it follows. That's irritating.
You have to double space between paragraphs. Also irritating. And maybe there's a way to change this, but I don't know. I haven't looked and don't plan to. But on this subject, copying and pasting to AO3 leaves double gaps between paragraphs that you have to go back through and fix. No. Too much trouble. Just stop.
And the weird, random word suggestions where it squiggles underneath??? What is that? I know what I mean, Google, but thanks for taking sneak and telling me I should use skunk instead. Greatly appreciated. That blunder would have been so embarrassing. No no no. Word has nice, normal suggestions. You now what else it gives you? Synonyms on demand. Can only remember one word out of many because your brain has died? No problem! That little paper clip (and if someone asks me what i'm talking about, don't. i'm old. deal with it. i can't) has got me covered! Yes, another word for dark is night, thank you so much.
I could really just go on and on (and on and on and on), but I'll stop with these. Gah! (no wait! one more thing! it puts weird spaces between italics and punctuation. why??????? what is the purpose of this???? no, i don't want a space between my word and the period, thanks, but good on you for adding it once it's pasted somewhere else. ARGHGHGHG i am rage)
Send me something from this writer ask! (please don't make me rant again)
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readingrobin · 1 year
🦷🔥 for your ask game :)
🦷 Tooth and Claw - What obscure book do you wish more people would read?
The Dragon of the Lost Sea series by Laurence Yep that came out I think in the 80s? This was a real childhood favorite of mine and I was constantly checking it out of the library. It's got so much, a orphan running away with a shapeshifting royal dragon to reclaim her lost sea home from a witch that had entrapped it inside a pearl. Incorporates a lot of Chinese mythology and I think this was my introduction to the Monkey King, a figure I really like seeing pop up now and again. You could probably find it easily secondhand or in a library.
🔥 Fahrenheit 451 - What book would you set on fire if you could? (Or hurl out the window, if you’re anti-book-burning?)
I'm not going to name it because I don't want to give this book more attention, but remember that real transphobic book that had a real upsetting cover and claimed that trans people were "ruining our daughters" or whatever? Yeah, that one. Think it would make for some real nice kindling (or an artistic statement, I'd chuck it at a wall many a time.)
Send a book ask
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wisp-enclosure · 9 months
knocks on your door. hewwo can i get 💕🎶 for the catrats, and also for the katratts?
Oh hello, come on in. (I am. stealing the formatting Jay did. hi Jay)
Here's some catrat songs to lighten the mood.
Golden Hour - JVKE
For the love of my life She's got glow on her face A glorious look in her eyes My angel of light
2. Sunlight - Hozier
Each day, you'd rise with me Know that I would gladly be The Icarus to your certainty Oh, my sunlight, sunlight, sunlight Strap the wing to me Death trap clad happily With wax melted, I'd meet the sea Under sunlight, sunlight, sunlight
3. Guide You Home (I Would Die For You) - Rebecca Kneubuhl
I would die for you Cross the sky for you I will send out a light burning for you alone You're all I need You set me free And this fire will guide you home
And here's a taste of some katratts even though I haven't decided on Kat's whole personality adfsadfsadf
Obsession - Joywave
Sometimes I feel it comin' on at the wheel Distraction Is the only thing keeping me sealed from breaking I just need something To get me through the night, oh A new obsession Something to hold in my sights (Something to behold in my sights)
2. this is what falling in love feels like - JVKE
I got a lot on my mind Got some more on my plate My baby got me looking forward to the end of the day What you say? You and me Just forget about the past, throw it in the trash What you say? You and me Live the life we never had like we're never going back
3. Wrecking Ball - Mother Mother (technically more of a Ratt song but it's like, their influence on Kat, you feel me?)
It takes a dedicated hand To put it through the wall You gotta wanna break the heart Of all those pretty porcelain dolls You gotta wanna be the drummer in the band You gotta wanna be a battering ram You gotta see the artistry In tearing the place apart with me, baby
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madamhatter · 2 years
Send "♫" for me to list 3-5 songs that I associate with our muses. Bonus points if the receiver specifies lyrics.  If you want only your muse, specify in your ask! / accepting  
I bite my tongue, it's a bad habit Kinda mad that I didn't take a stab at it Thought you were too good for me, my dear
Then carry on, but I'm not hidin' You grabbin' me hard 'cause you know what you found Is biscuits, is gravy, babe, ah-ah
It started small, a simple thought That there was something wrong And if it's caught, I could set it right Or at least, I could try
And every word I overturned like a stone rolling easy And all I'd see hidden underneath only served to make me lonely Your trouble is like a lens through which the whole world bends And then you can't set it straight again
Through rain or spring, my own true love .. If I should leave, then I will return If I go ten thousand miles
Ten thousand miles, my own true love Ten thousand miles or more And the rocks may melt and the sea may burn If I don’t return, 
Oh don’t you see the pretty dove? Sitting on your ivy tree She is singing for her own true love As I shall sing for thee 
You're a girl, you're the best of all possible worlds Before my wild happiness, who was I, if not yours? You're a girl, you're the best of all possible worlds Before my wild happiness, who was I, if not yours?
Clock is sinking, in the quicksand, disappearing fast No bother, where we're headed, we won't need that What comprises all this joy I feel and where was it before Ancient and eternal, and surreal as a hug from a dinosaur
I felt the change and it came back around Then I moved in to the feeling I found And the feeling I found showed me how I could lose To love without boundary and put it to use
To remember the ghost who exists in the past But be freed from the longing for one moment to last
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ms-march · 3 years
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Lyric Prompts from the LBL Playlists- Adrienne Fairfax
PROMPT LIST #1- there will be a total of four lists all made from the songs of the playlist in the description. These don’t have to be used specifically for the person/relationship in the playlist description, that’s just where the prompts came from!
You do not have to specifically use these only for LBL. I would be thrilled if you would Feel free to use this for any of your fics or OCs, genders can most definitely be changed (I just typed them as a copy and paste from the lysis page so)!!! You can tag me in them and I would be delighted to read any :)) and of course you can always send me some too!!!!
“I never was ready, so, I watch you go”
“She would have made such a lovely bride”
“I don’t know who I am, I barely know where I’ve been”
“I look up at the stars at night, and I sometimes wonder if the atheists were right”
“If I’m going to change things, I’m going to need a partner in crime”
“And though this getting worse, I don’t wanna spend a day in it without you”
“Am I allowed to look at her like that? Could it be wrong when she's just so nice to look at?”
“I'd never tell, no, I'd never say a word, and oh it aches.”
“She means everything to me”
“Even when she's next to me, we could not be more far apart”
“I will be ok admiring from afar”
“I knew you once, and it was nice.”
“I’ve never met a man who thinks so much like me that we say the same things at the same time”
“Your mind is playing tricks on you, my dear”
“Soon it will all be over, and buried with our past”
“We used to play outside when we were young and full of life and full of love”
“They say when it rains it pours, but a light drizzle for now is fine for me”
“I'm okay with feeling nothing, but I feel nothing if you don't feel it too”
“My life's a beautiful nothing, but it's nothing if not shared with you”
“I don't mind the pain if my lungs burn with you”
“Though I don’t know where I’m going, I know what I’m doing, and I hope you’ll be there for me”
“Our self-destructive nature is all that we have ever known”
“Those summer nights seem long ago”
“You always take it further than I ever can”
“I understand, I'm a liability”
“The truth is I am a toy that people enjoy 'til all of the tricks don't work anymore, and then they are bored of me”
“That moment again, he's insisting that friends look at each other like that”
“Sometimes giving up is the strong thing”
“I gave it my all, he gave me nothing at all”
“Sometimes to run is the brave thing”
“The snaps from the same little breaks in my soul”
“I know when it's time to go”
“Her smile makes it hard to be mad it's not her fault that I'm so fucking sad”
“There's a beauty in knowing your place in the world, in loving yourself and knowing your worth”
“The truth begins to show”
“Lover, hunter, friend and enemy, you will always be every one of these”
“You and I, always in disguises”
“In life, in love, this time I can't afford to lose”
“You don’t understand, it’s all part of a plan”
“You're so ambitious for a juvenile”
“If you're so smart tell me, why are you still so afraid?”
“Where's the fire, what's the hurry about?”
“But you know that when the truth is told that you can get what you want, or you can just get old”
“Slow down you're doing fine, you can't be everything you want to be before your time”
“Too bad, but it's the life you lead”
“Don't you know that only fools are satisfied?”
“You belong among the wildflowers”
“The world has stood against us, made us mean to fight for you”
“You belong on a boat out at sea”
“Run away, go find a lover”
“The New York streets are just as busy as they used to be”
“You belong somewhere close to me”
“You always knew the melody but you never heard it rhyme”
“Sail away, kill off the hours”
“ all the wonders I have seen I will see a second time from inside of the ages through your eyes”
“You belong with your love on your arm”
“Welcome to the end of being alone inside your mind”
“Run away, let your heart be your guide”
“You're nothing short of magical and beautiful to me”
“When someone tells you they love you, you’re going to believe them”
“You belong somewhere you feel free”
“I'm right where you left me”
“I'm still at the restaurant, still sitting cross-legged in the dim light of a corner I haunt”
“When oblivion is calling out your name”
“They expected me to find somewhere, some perspective, but I sat and stared right where you left me”
“You left me no choice but to stay here forever”
“Are you going to leave a path to trace?”
“The darkest hour dies at the dawn”
“If I could talk to a younger me, I’d tell me to go slow”
“This time on earth it moves so fast”
“When it's gone, it's gone”
“Follow your heart like a bird set free”
“If I could talk to a younger me, I'd tell me to be bold”
“Dreams can't be bought or sold”
“Feel the love inside your chest, watch it overflow”
“True love asks for nothing back”
“t's not an easy reckoning, but sometimes I have the notion that womankind, and her heart and mind, sails on a restless ocean”
“Love will come, and love will go, as the years roll on forever”
“You knelt by my mattress, and asked for my hand, but I was sad you asked it”
“I must admit it, that I would marry you in an instant. Damn your wife, I'd be your mistress just to have you around”
“Sometimes I have the notion that womankind, and her heart and mind, is a tall ship on the ocean”
“I was late for this, late for that, late for the love of my life”
“While the church discouraged, any lust that burned within me”
“The only gifts from my Lord were a birth and a divorce”
“I was Cleopatra, I was taller than the rafters, but that's all in the past love, gone with the wind.”
“God knows I don't know exactly what I'm doing, but good news, we got her to get through it.”
“You'll see close to perfect patience if you watch her every move”
“Blue eyed girl, let your hair hang down.”
“Let the colors of your soul spill out for everyone to see.”
“In a world of black and white and gray you make something beautiful every day”
“I can't think of a better way to spend the time I have, so, I'll spend it with you”
“I'll march right along to your beat. The rhythm of your spirit makes me feel much more alive”
“There's wisdom in the way you speak and I see "I love you" in your eyes”
“I wouldn't mind staying up talking to you all night as you're telling me everything about the books you read”
“Before you came along my skies were often dark and clouded, but the atmosphere is clear now that you're here”
“I've heard my whole life that home is where the heart is, but I cannot feel at home when you're not near”
“When you hold my hand in yours there is wonder written on your face”
“I'd love to live inside your heart because it is a wonderful place”
“But none of that is ever who we are”
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A story written by me and my little brother!
“Now, hold it at an angle… there, that is perfect. You are a natural, Mal gein,” the woman helped her son adjust his hands, so that his dagger was properly positioned on the sharpening stone. She had a sword in her own hand, and used it to further demonstrate the way it was done.
He slowly turned the tiny blade from side to side, his eyes fully trained on it in childish wonder. Sparks flew off the wheel haphazardly and Spear giggled at the flashy sight. His mother, however, looked after him worriedly. She was not surprised when his finger slipped and nicked the blade, quickly snatching a bandage as he began to cry.
She gently shushed him, taking his hand and wrapping it in the cloth. He started apologizing through tears, but she once again quieted him.
“It’s alright, mal kendov, there is no shame in pain. That is why the gods gave us loved ones. To unify us and to lift one another up. Never forget this.”
Iýa looked the sleeping Daphne over from atop her starry perch with pity. “Struck by lightning at sea, I’m afraid. You were right to bring her here, Leonora. Let me see what I can do…” With this, she held Daphne and ran a glowing hand over her scales. The blistering burn slowly began to melt away, and Daphne’s eyes fluttered open.
Upon recognizing her surroundings, she squirmed in her mother’s arms and began to cry. She didn’t know why she was crying, exactly. Perhaps it was the way her sister had told on her mistake, or the way her mother looked at her regardless.
Either way, Iýa held her through every moment of it, crooning a lullaby in her ear and assuring her she was safe and loved. And whether Daphne believed it or not, it was the truth.
Trouble had begun to brew in the east, and the envy of the first man blew the growing storm westward. He stole a star from the Fair Folk’s skies, a great blasphemy against them and their Goddess of the sparkling Night.
While Asem was powerful to an egregious degree, the Fae still felt it necessary to push back against the man’s arrogance. This led them to go to their Goddess and make a wish.
But while the crown of Asem began to fracture his family and kingdom, the Fae’s wish had already been set in motion. Stories began to fly of monsters in the woods beyond the Faerie trading ports. Sailors would return, describing massive men as tall as trees, covered with midnight fur.
Those that knew waited with baited breath. Asem’s sin had brought him to justice all on its own, and yet the beasts made to destroy him already existed. The Fae only hoped to now hide these frightful children they had created…
Daphne sneakily slipped behind a pillar of sandstone, warily watching her back. Out of the corner of her eye, a pale pink fin darted out of view. Caught.
She would’ve laughed if it weren’t for the pressing need to not be detected. But did that poor pallid mergirl think she was being secretive in her attempts to win the match? The princess certainly hoped not, for the girl’s sake. In any case, she tapped her hand against the wall, and an icy open clip appeared around it.
With this, she allowed herself to let slip a quiet giggle and darted away behind another pillar. She coiled herself around it and promptly turned herself into pure water, so that she was effectively invisible.
Just as she had hoped, the pinky girl swam around the pillar, and was disappointed to find the princess wasn’t there. Daphne flicked her wrist, causing the clasp to snap around the girl’s tail, trapping her and making her yelp.
Revealing herself, Daphne resumed her tail, cackled like a witch, a shot ahead to claim the final prize. She snatched the flag, waving it excitedly to show off to her fellow competitors. They swam out from their hiding places, arms crossed and brows furrowed, and threw joking insults her way.
“How do you keep doing it, you wench, you?” One of them, Marina, snipped lightheartedly.
“I guess I’m just better than the lot of you,” Daphne quipped smugly.
With this, they giggled, laughed and talked, as they made their way back to their dwelling place in a cave nearby. When there, Marina and the pink tailed girl pulled Daphne into a private room to talk.
“What’s this about, ladies?” she said with slight apprehension.
“Well, we’ve been thinking. And, we figure you have the most experience with the outside world…”
“We didn’t want to send someone with anything less. And since these ‘Children of the Night’ are so out of control, even now, we thought you ought to-”
“Please, Daphne. You have friends, don’t you? The scholar you lived with in the human’s city, or what about that half-blood you got along with so well?’
Daphne held up a hand. “No, no. Cain and his family are more their targets than anyone else. And goodness knows where Ion is- frankly I don’t think they’d be able to help, anyway. And Leonora, well…”
A tense pause. They were isolated and their friends were scattered, and they knew it. What could they do? They needed the other civilizations to keep theirs afloat; they couldn’t just barricade themselves in.
“I have one last idea. Voyagers of all peoples have been the lead storytellers and information providers through this. People are bound to go to the Fae to find out what’s going on. If I wait there, I can intercept someone, get them on our side.”
And so the plan was set. Daphne gathered her things, set Marina in charge of the people, and set off for the forest shores.
After two decades of dedicating his life to a Spectrum Kendov (or Warrior), Spear had reached the point of the highest physical strength and endurance as well as elemental power of the Northern Dragon standards. A Spectrum Kendov was the highest honor a Dovah could accomplish, by defeating two God-like beings… Perun, lord of earth and all Hell fire, and Scorpio, whose stars reigned with war and bloodshed of all the other Zodiac beings.
Spear walked into the Champions Arena, the crowd roared with anticipation and excitement, for the supposed Spectrum Kendov, meant to protect them from all great evil had finally come to claim his title. His helm, shaped to match his demon horns, had already been placed upon his head, and his eyes, glistening with power and will, looked at his opponents, with no urge to kill, but to have mercy when they were beaten to the ground.
"Well, isn't this a sight to see!" Perun's deep booming voice shouted, "Another one ready to die just to claim a glorified and honorful title he just can't have!" Perun had always been the one to provoke those who had high egos, yet Spear remained unmoved with his words.
"Ain't that the truth, this little man is nothing but a few twigs tied with some leaves," A lighter, cockier voice came from Scorpio, whom was the one to provoke others who share his personality, "Sure he has a bit of a size… but he ain't average height, that's for sure!" Perun and Scorpio boomed with laughter.
"Gaah! What the fu-?" Scorpio never finished his exclamation before he was thrown into the arena wall after being punctured with a double axe bladed spear, Spear's personal weapon. The fight had begun, and Scorpio had already yielded to Spear, he was in so much shock he forgot how to fight, while Perun sprung into action with his flaming axe bladed chain, grinding the ground around Spear. As Perun made a final smash to where Spear was, a thunderbolt the size of five struck upon him, leaving Spear's weapon in his back.
Spear retrieved his weapon from Perun's back, and showed mercy on him and Scorpio, for they were only trying to find the true Spectrum Kendov. The tribe went wild and shouted, "Spear is our Guardian! All praise whoever's watching us that we have our Guardian!"
Perun spoke to Spear after he was helped up by him, "We stood no chance- your small appearance is really deceiving to your skill in battle and power. Scorpio and I made an agreement that we would be the Spectrum's protectors, because while you may be strong, you are not immortal."
Spear spoke in a gentle yet stern voice, "Indeed, and I would rather have someone by my side fighting with me, than having more power and relying on that to fight."
Perun and Scorpio took Spear to the North Tower, the one place where all you see is South. "The Wind of the Northern Winter lies here, if it finds you worthy of its own power, then you are the Spectrum Kendov, and you know what responsibility comes with that title…" Perun spoke grimly and sorrowfully as he finished his speech.
Spear responded, "I know all too well of the prophecy, but I'd rather know than not if… he… is to come in my lifetime…" The Wind of the Northern Winter flowed through his veins as he entered the tower, no cold came upon him, yet he felt he could never feel too hot. He had been chosen to be the Spectrum Kendov, the Decimator of Alduin as legend goes- but that time had not come, for another challenge for Spear and the Northern Dragons arose down South…
Nightmares plagued the residents of the trees, no doubt the Interlopers used these horrid dreams to communicate. Below the leaves, the devils hung Fae bodies in shackles, pulling and picking at them until they bled. Those above pleaded to their gods that they and their children would not be next.
The Interlopers held a ravenous, morbid curiosity. It drove them out of the forests, beyond the lands of the Fae. They tormented the remnants of the first city, the servants of the iron god and the blood necromancers of the east. Their cruel hands found their ways into the lives of the Imitites, the Ortothans, and the Dovahs who had ventured South from their home.
Even the sirens below the freezing southern waves and ice were not immune to this. They poked their heads up to find massive beasts afoot in the snow. The ice cracked under their weight, leaving them vulnerable under the sickly yellow eyes of their attackers. They sent ships to the flesh shepherds and wonder makers on land, and even some to their Fae ancestors still in the woods, but none returned.
They looked to their princess, the demigod of the moon, sea, storms, and dreams, to provide them with weapons and armour, food and shelter. She didn’t know what to do- how could she possibly slip past these monsters? They were everywhere! Not trusting the gods of the Fae she was created by, she turned to another. Going to the sea serpent of lost memories, she prayed.
The Northern Dragons reacted differently however. In their attempts to sail across lands and create new colonies, they had run into what seemed to be giant creatures of great physical strength. Those that were exploring had either been missing for a great time, or had come back with their boats and sails barely holding together, while one man handling the boat itself.
The Dovahs had decided that Spear, the Spectrum Kendov, should be the one to seek out what they heard were called Interlopers, and hunt every single one of them down. While they planned his exploration, they had caught wind of creatures called the Fae, who were being hunted by these Interlopers. With all of this information, they had compiled a plan to not only bring the Fae as an ally, but to begin not a war, but a hunt against the Interlopers. So Spear untied his sail, pushed against the boat onto the water, and sailed to what the Dovahs called the Midlands, the land between Northern and Southern lands.
Sailing across waters long, Spear found himself beached at the Midlands; scanning his surroundings he finds that a forest grows thick ahead. Grabbing his weapon off of his back, he is ready for any battle to come, as he senses danger within the dense woods. He jumps off the boat's prow and lands with grace, while only sand from where he stood moved. He sneakily and quickly veered into the woods, and found that it was vast and compacted with large, kapok trees. Spear took note as he is only used to his native Blackwood trees.
A sound appeared suddenly, Spear silently leapt to the back of the closest tree, and peered upon what looked to be what he was hunting. An interloper, magnificent in size and mass, making an absurd amount of noise through each footstep, looking like a bear on two legs, as it was covered in fur. Spear slowly and expertly aimed his weapons towards the Interlopers head, and threw. After a clash of weight caving down onto a tree, the body of the interloper crumbled into a pile of jade rocks, it was dead. Spear walked over to his weapon, sensing no other large beings around, and picked up his weapon.
Suddenly, a sharp pain dug itself into his shoulder, and he turned to be met with the end of an arrow, made of, was it ice? "Gaah! Shite! What the heck!?" Spear jumped behind a tree with an arrow in his right shoulder. "Alright, who has the bloody galls to face me in combat? I warn you, I am a Dovah!" Spear left the arrow in his arm so as to not cause more bleeding, and switched to his left hand to weild.
"Come on out Interloper! I may have mercy on you if you do!" A feminine voice shouted from beyond Spear’s field of vision.
"The hell do you mean Interloper? Is that pile of rocks not what a dead one looks like?!" Spear shouts, aggravated that he was accused of being something he wasn't.
"Wait...who are you, if not one of them?" The woman’s voice spoke once more, and Spear sensed confusion and fear in her voice. She must’ve shot him thinking she was being hunted by him.
"I'm coming out slowly, I would appreciate it if you would not shoot me again!" Spear tentatively stepped around the tree to see the figure's ice-sculpted weapon out, but not ready to fire. "I am Spear, Guardian of the Northern Dragons….who the Hell are you?"
"Princess Daphne le’Iýa, Faerie demigod of the ocean," Daphne realizes the wounds and puts away her bow while stepping towards Spear. Spear was obviously hesitant and held out his weapons towards her. "Look, I thought you were one of the monsters, and had I known you were not, I certainly wouldn't have shot you. I can fix that wound better than you can. Please, it's the least I could do."
Spear recognized her honesty, while still noticing fear in her voice. He let her come close enough to slit his throat, but she pulled the arrow out of his arm, and immediately started singing in a language the Spear only knows through ancient Faerie scrolls, and his arm healed, leaving only a scar to remember.
"You are skilled in your magic, I'm glad to have met you, even if I met your arrow first,” Spear spoke honestly and jokingly, as he knew that forgiving this supposed Daphne would be the best way to start a bond.
"I am truly sorry about that. Is there anything else I can do?" Daphne didn’t seem to want anyone else after her, and tried her best to apologize to Spear.
"Do not worry, you only shot in defense without fully knowing who you were shooting at, I can understand this," Spear patted her shoulder to assure her. "Maybe we can both benefit from this event of meeting each other… you could find safety and rest back in my homeland, and then you can share what you know about these Interlopers, this way we both are happy with what we get."
"Have you forgotten about my actions so soon? I shot you!" Daphne was dumbfounded by Spear's quick dismissal of what had happened to him. Although he shook his head at her.
"You need not worry of your actions, for they were acted upon through fear and reaction, you were only trying to keep yourself safe. I can help you with that." Daphne tried to oppose and tell him that he should not be so dismissive about the event, but Spear assured her through a side hug, which caught Daphne off guard enough for Spear to walk past her and towards his boat.
“Wait,” Daphne called. Spear turned back to look back. “The last time I crossed the ocean with someone, things ended up, well… not so good.”
“You’ll be quite safe with my people,” Spear said. Daphne shifted a bit, eying him with wary hope. He was exactly what she set out looking for, after all. “And besides. If you find yourself uncomfortable, you can always use your arrows again,” he said with a playful wink.
With this, Daphne giggled slightly and followed behind. Exiting the thick forest, the two climbed onto the boat. Spear set sail to Scandinavia, the land of the Northern Dragons. To which the two made the journey, to the next step in either great failure, or triumphant victory…
The pair tentatively made their way across the ocean, skirting past the Interlopers ships to find themselves on the icy northern shores. The princess scurried to and fro, fascinated by her new environment and its people. How different they were than the people of the places she had previously resided in…!
They were Children of the Sun, but unlike those in the First City, these people were pale, blonde, and above all, kind. They welcomed the man- Spear- back with open arms, and were more than curious to meet the woman he had brought along with him. They peppered her with questions and gifts and sights to see, until eventually she was taken to a large building made from an upside-down wooden ship, which they called the Companion’s Lodge, a place to plan a hunt of glory and honor.
Suffice to say, she should’ve known that the man she crossed the ocean with would be the leader. She also met his guards, the most different of men but an excellent team nonetheless. Here, the four pulled out books, maps, stories and paintings, pouring over them in hopes that a hint would be found. A sign that the plans they would go on to make were possible.
After much studying and deliberation, they had had enough. What better way to understand these monsters than through personal experience? Better to dive right into cold waters than to waste your time slowly wading. It was a siege they wanted, and it was a siege they would have.
The battle was ferocious, haunting... yet it yielded knowledge to Spear and Daphne. As Spear took two dozen Dovahs with him, all with different elemental abilities, Daphne trained in her skills with water. During this time she was informed of something from Spear she never expected.
"It is tradition when one makes an ally of another, they would train each other of the other's weapon, so that the bond goes beyond words of trust, it is also trust of possessions." Spear spoke to Daphne in hopes to have created at least a friend with her. "I believe we are trusting of each other, so… what do you say?"
"Uhm…" Daphne was caught a bit off guard. Her bow being one of few things she kept to remind her of the home she came from. "I'm not sure… I mean, I trust you completely… but I don't want to give my bow to anyone really…" She obviously didn't want to hurt him in any way, so she tried her best to tell him in the kindest way.
"Well, maybe we can teach each other of how to use one another's weapons, that way if we do switch weapons, it won't be devastating in battle," Spear was trusting towards Daphne, mainly because he felt a strong connection between them. Even so, Daphne felt guarded towards him, yet she agreed to training each other, as she remembered, ‘iron sharpens iron.’
While Spear was able to pick up her bow and use it with tremendous strength and agility, Daphne had immediate trouble with how to begin using Spear's complicated weapon. Until Spear suggested using it as a spear, not an axe, Daphne then swiftly grew more attuned to the weapon.
While this was happening, the Interlopers stronghold was being populated with readily growling beasts, yielding to tear apart anything that came. Just before the battle began, Daphne and Spear switched weapons, and having learned each other's weapons, they charged in the front line, and made mountains with the piling jade rocks from many fallen and crushed Interlopers.
With their great roar of excitement, the Dovahs roared with them, right into the line of Interlopers. As they crashed through their thick bodies with their hugs weapons, they became berserk and started wailing on them, showing no mercy. They had trained to fight like Hell itself, and they were as demons in this battle, blood soared not spilled, limbs flew not fell, and the morale of the Dovahs only increased. However, even with their great first triumphant starting charge, they started to wear down in numbers, just by virtue of the continuous streaming numbers of Interlopers.
As Daphne was using her water abilities in ways she never imagined using on the frontline, Spear used archery and close combat expertly to the point where he never missed his shots and never came close to getting hit. Even though the two sibling-like fighters were doing well, the Dovahs were still overwhelmed by the increasing numbers.
Many had used fire, metal, nature, and all of them were decimated, while those using lightning were barely holding on as well as wind… however, Daphne noticed something. She peers in close distance to two Dovahs using water abilities, making the Interlopers drown, what was curious however, was that when they were under the water, they couldn't move, therefore they couldn't breath and they died.
Daphne quickly refocused to the battle at hand, and Spear cries out, "Too many have fallen, fall back! Water Dovahs, drown those who follow us!" It seemed as though Spear was also paying attention to his surroundings. As the remaining group of soldiers returned to their outpost, the last two water Dovahs made a wall of water of which the Interlopers could not pass lest they drown and crumble into jade.
Daphne and Spear look at each other in agreement. The battle may have been lost for that day… but knowledge of weakness in their enemies may prove to be the element to winning the war, or as the Northern Dragons call it, the hunt…
The Companion's Lodge was bathed in a tense argument. They started the siege with the advantage of surprise, but it had quickly descended into mindless violence and death.
“How could this have happened? I thought we had them!” Scorpio shouted in frustration.
“We made sure to bring our best! All different kinds of elemental wielders were there with us, and nearly all of them were slaughtered! What more could we possibly have done?” Perun huffed. Although calmer than the others, his voice still wavered with stress.
“At least we learned their weakness,” Spear started to speak before being cut off.
“Oh, fantastic. Just in time for your people to be killed,” Daphne said icily.
“Our people,” Spear tried an uncertain smile.
Daphne paused and sighed, relieving a tad bit of the tension. “Yes, our people.” She looked around the room, which had largely quieted down. “I’m so sorry. If I had known it would turn out this way…”
“But you couldn’t have. This isn’t any of our faults,” Perun said in a soothing, almost fatherly tone. A somber silence fell over them, each lost in thought, or perhaps simply in grief.
“Daphne could tell us more about why this is happening,” Scorpio spoke quietly.
“I already told you all I know about the Interlo…” she trailed off. That didn’t seem to be the point. “Alright.”
“Well, the Fae goddess- my mother, Iýa. She created me and my… sister, Leonora. But she was made princess and I wasn’t, so I ran away. I didn’t realize why I needed to stay until the Fae had Iýa create the Interlopers we now face.”
A, “But why?” from Perun.
A, “Shush!” from Spear.
Daphne giggled before turning serious again. “The first man- Asem- stole from my people. He took a star and used it for a crown. I was already gone when all this happened, but I’m told the Faeries wished for justice. In return, Iýa gave them the Interlopers. Not that it mattered. Asem’s greed had already torn his family apart. His wives left him, his sons quarreled until they drove each other apart, and his people all left or died in the chaos.”
“And how is it you know so much about him?” Scorpio spoke with a hint of accusation.
She drew in a breath to argue, but Perun spoke as before her, more calmly. “He’s right. Even we didn’t know this, and we live much closer to the first city than you did at the time.”
Daphne huffed and turned away. Spear put a hand on her shoulder, making her tense and then ease up.
“I was there.” Silence. Spear’s hand pulled away. “I know how that must sound. Most people would have you believe I immediately joined the sirens under the ice, but…” She took a deep breath. “There was this boy. I went with him to his city- the first city- and his family. They were nice, but not kind. And I was there to witness this be their downfall. Not that it matters now- and it’s probably for the best, anyway.”
Spear put his arm around Daphne’s shoulder to comfort her, and it worked. She steeled herself again to go on. “Now, as for the Interlopers- in the city was a sorcerer- his name was Noah. I know it sounds like a long shot, but I know him, and I know he could help. I think our next step is to find him.”
Daphne had hidden herself away under her covers, with a small, glowing gem of ice. Curled up and warm, she sang a lullaby and fiddled with the ginger scarf in her hands. Her sister’s. If only they could’ve just gotten along, maybe this wouldn’t have happened. If she had just sought to understand her mother’s wishes for her, or if she had met Asem just a little sooner to convince him not to do what he did...
You’ll never be able to hate yourself enough to rewrite history, that boy’s gentle voice whispered to her. Silently, she nodded. Her heart ached with longing. How she wished she could hold him again. She’d fall to her knees and beg if it meant she could giggle with her sister again, or squirm and cry in her mother’s arms. If this could all go back to normal. But, drawing in a shaky breath, she reminded herself not to dwell on what could have been. She had a new family now, one that truly loved her, and she had to protect them.
Spear meanwhile, took a knife from his shield, which had many, but this one was different. This first knife he had crafted with his mother, the one of few things that actually cut him. He held it in his hands in admiration, as if he had never seen it before. Spear then held the knife to his chest as if trying to hug it, and thought about his mother.
He began singing an old song told by many of the Dovahs, called, My Mother Told Me. He sang it perfectly in three different keys. He then replaced his knife back into his shield, and stood up. He was ready for battle, for exhaustion, even for death… because he was once a boy who cut himself with his own knife… and now is the Spectrum Kendov… he feared not the death of himself, but the death of his newfound sister, therefore he swore that he would protect her, even at the cost of his life...
"Water is their weakness!" Perun shouted, "Why the Hell can't we just use your powers in every battle and destroy these cursed Interlopers?!" Perun was insistent on being a warlord, making sure everyone had a chance of fighting and getting stronger. Though he didn't realize the bigger picture.
"Every time I used my powers for an extended amount of time, I got tired, that is why we can't continuously use these powers every battle, because it would weaken us to the point where we can't even fight!" Spear spoke angrily at Perun, though he knew Perun's powers worked differently because he was a mythological God, he hated his lack of empathy when others got tired from using them. "Even if we didn't get tired, why should we fight and lose more of our men, when we can wipe them out completely in one big swipe?!"
"What are you talking about…?" Perun's curiosity perked up as he heard this. Daphne opened up a scroll of prophecy, and with her knowledge explained to both Perun and Scorpio more about Noah, a human from the seas, able to control great waves from below ground.
With this knowledge they created a plan, Spear would use his powers that combined into weather to create a huge rainstorm, Daphne would use her powers to raise the waves of the oceans, lakes, and rivers, and finally Noah would use his power to break the ground and gush water from the Earth. Their powers combined should be enough to cover all but the highest parts of the Earth. They trusted that the Interlopers would fall in and sink, while others would either get to the high ground, use boats, or swim in the sea if they were sea creatures. The missing component was Noah himself.
"Where is this Noah?" Scorpio asked urgently, he wanted to rid the Northern Dragons of any threats as soon as possible. Daphne then pulled out a map of the Midlands and pointed out where he could be.
"Right in the middle of an Interloper camp?" Spear grunted this, as he did not want anything to go wrong in getting Noah. Daphne nods, her expression was a mix of anger and disappointment, she had the same feelings as Spear. Perun started to notice the bond between Spear and Daphne, and while the two were talking more, Perun pulled Scorpio aside.
"I remember that Noah was taken captive with the Daevite Methuselah, though I don't know what their intentions were," Daphne spoke to Spear, she was annoyed by the fact they had to fight more Interlopers to get one person.
"I have Dovahs around the area, mainly for scouting. They came back long before all of this and told me that there is a camp, and it's only guarded by about 40 beasts, which I would think are Interlopers. It will only be tedious, that's all," Spear spoke to Daphne, trying to lift her spirits at least a little. It worked, and Daphne thanked him for being the one to look at a mug half full. Spear meanwhile thanked Daphne for looking at every possible bad ending, things to avoid.
As Scorpio and Perun come back unnoticed, they begin to pack for the adventure ahead. They thought it would be a walk in the small forest, so they only brought Spear, Daphne, Perun, and Scorpio. A mistake they made to bring so little to a battle they thought would be easy. For there may be small numbers, but the camp is one of the oldest camps the Interlopers made, and since they do not age with time… trouble is amongst those who venture into these parts of the Midlands…
The travelers numbering four ventured forth into the seemingly haunted woods. As they were traveling Perun started sensing many things in the woods, small animals mostly. He looked everywhere at all times, making sure they were safe. It seemed the right thing to do considering they were going into unknown territory for everyone.
The trees themselves were massive birch trees, usually thought of as peaceful, harmless. However twisted magic had affected these trees over the decades, and created monster-like limbs and branches. Even with these weird formations, no twigs or branches had fallen to be broken, as if nobody had ever ventured into this area.
They managed to find the camp of the Interlopers, and snuck in. All of them were on high alert, especially Perun, as they crouched and sneakily ran in multiple directions.
Daphne left the group and followed the sweet scent of water, a stark contrast against the putrid stank of things rotting in the dark. The brook led her to a horrid sound, red lights serving as a waypoint. It was awful; the closer she got, the more she clung to the bed of the stream for comfort. But alas, her head emerged at the rumbling thud of Interloper footsteps. She immediately gagged.
There, in the middle of a crowd of singing devils, was Iýa, but it was not really her. This was a massive, sickly tree, the size of a large town. It was twisted and warped, with a thousand wriggling bodies strung up in it’s branches. The aberration was screaming and crying an demonic bellow, all the while the Interlopers hummed as though in joy.
What was this thing? This couldn’t be Iýa, it wasn’t possible! Iýa was a glowing mother, a sleeper in the stars, a granter of wishes. She cared for the downtrodden and oppressed, and all those who could not defend themselves. She couldn’t become this, this...
Meanwhile, Spear, Scorpio, and Perun had convened in the main camp. It seemed that only the prisoner's area was inhabited, there they found the supposed Noah. As they started to unchain him, he started grunting. They quickly shushed him and told him they were there to help, he calmed down enough to be unchained, however, they did not quiet him in time.
Suddenly, a loud sound of seemingly screeching giggling and groaning of war had been shouted, despite Perun's attempts to look everywhere, he managed to miss the entire garrison of the Interloper camp. Spear and Daphne, now returned, immediately stood back to back as if they could take on the whole world, while Perun and Scorpio started smashing their weapons onto the Interlopers. Scorpios scythe had pierced many during the battle, while Perun's axe on a chain whirled around and clashed the heads of many. Spear and Daphne, using each other's weapons as always, were always either defending each other or helping the other attack an Interloper, they were synchronized.
The fight continued on like this until Daphne was thrown to a tree, leaving Spear vulnerable to the last remaining Interloper. Spear looked about him as the Interloper charged his weapon at him….although no injury befell him, rather on Scorpio. Spear threw his weapon and the last Interloper was thrown into a tree and broke into jade. Spear slides to Scorpio's side in time for him to speak to Spear for a short time…..
After his dialogue, his body turns bright and, as if he were being sucked into the sky, his body lifted up swiftly, leaving only his necklace for Spear to bear… Scorpio was dead. Spear shouted out in rage and a thunderstorm started to appear, then it stopped. Daphne hugged Spear tightly, and while Spear was caught off guard by this, he embraced her, being thankful that he was still with her at least. Perun had then brought who was seemingly Noah out of hiding, from behind thick berry bushes, and into sight.
After their journey back, and the heartache of Scorpio's death, they explain the whole plan of how to destroy the Interlopers. Noah was quite panicked at first, but after calming down and hearing Perun, Spear, and Daphne, as well as considering they saved him, he agreed to being a part of the plan. So together, they trained, and got ready for The Great Flood of Cleansing Sin. Factions around the world had been sent a message entitling everyone to either get to high ground, build ships to sail on, or dive deep underwater so as to not be destroyed by the coming flood. Who knew what more sacrifices have to be made to create peace, was it even worth it all? The story continued, and the next step was the extinction of a race…
Spear, Daphne, Noah, and Perun travelled back to the forest of their greatest travesty, and had one last moment of remorse, sorrow, heartache. The rest of the Dovahs were building their ships to sail on the waters to come, and they decided to go to the location after the prophesied flood.
Daphne didn't know Scorpio for long, but she still enjoyed his comedic comments and his radiation of happiness, and she knew everything would be at least a good amount more depressing. Spear knew Scorpio for not much longer than Daphne, but like Daphne, he enjoyed Scorpio's company, as well as their many interesting conversations… including the one where he told Spear he was getting married.
Spear and Perun had to hug his fiancé for over an hour just to comfort her. Perun was Scorpio's brother, they were not blood related, but brothers nonetheless, therefore Perun, for the first time in his entire life, cried a tear from his eye. All Dovahs remorsed of his death, but only those who truly knew and had a relationship with Scorpio needed time, time to be sad. Then anger rose from the sadness, and all of them started preparing for the creation of the flood.
As Spear and Perun walked away, Daphne tailed behind them and slipped into the nearby creek. She did not have the will to enjoy the feeling of her tail returning; the situation at hand was much too grim. Her mother was now an abomination, her heart torn out for those created to be betrayed. And a man who had so quickly become a brother to her was dead. Daphne never had any brothers, why now that she did would one be taken away so carelessly?
Daphne heaved a sigh and began to sob. At first it seemed that the Interlopers were tools, created to do the Fae's dirty work and then be ignored forever. But they weren’t; they were children. Made for violence and cast aside like waste. And festering in the dark for so long, was it any surprise they didn’t know any better? Was it their fault?
She now knew what needed to be done, but hadn’t they already lost enough? A good friend and a mother gone were too much, how could she bring herself to wipe out an entire race, even despite their actions?
She once again thought of Asem’s family, of Cain, and felt an overwhelming pang of guilt. Oh, all the things she could’ve, should’ve, didn’t do to stop this! Clutching at the clockwork bracelet he had given to her, she did the only thing she could think to do; pray. Not to what was left of Iýa, not to any leviathans or sea serpents, but to a simple god with a simple purpose. She only hoped her words could be heard, that things could still be fixed. But the quiet sound of a thousand voices whispered to her, that she already knew what to do.
Touching a hand to the grass, she began to sing. It was her sister’s song, a flowery poem of spring, rebirth and justice. But this was not justice for her, Daphne thought as the flowers around her began to bloom in unison. This isn’t for the Faeries, their queen, or even Leo (though Daphne did hope she was safe). This was not for Asem or the Children of the Sun, or even the countless cultures that had been picked, pulled, and torn at by the devils.
No, the flood may be necessary to wipe out the horror of their acts, but the flowers now blooming across the face of the planet would serve as the Interlopers grave. And she would ensure this day would be remembered.
The flowers had wilted as the sun set the evening after their blooming. In the night that followed, light rain began to drizzle. This quickly turned to torrents and lightning that could rival that of even the god’s creation. Flash floods cascaded down mountains, turning creeks into rivers and rivers into great lakes. Forests became cold swaps and Interloper camps were reduced to sticks and blankets.
Those devils that were not fastened in place by the waters took the prisoners by their chains to the summits of peaks. Yet still most of the monsters slipped and fell, leaving the humans, Faeries, and Daevas still in their chains to find higher grounds, both together and on their own.
All the while, Daphne and Spear were deep, deep, down, their magic sustaining and growing on itself on their life forces. Low in the halls of Daphne’s first home, in the strip of land connecting the massive continents, they dreamt.
Hers started out pleasant. She was in a field, picking flowers as fast as her sister’s magic grew them. They took turns braiding the blossoms into each other’s hair, until the ground began to shake and the earth was overturned. They were then older, ceaselessly arguing as their mother futilely tried to calm them. Both sisters stormed off, swearing to never speak again.
The doors slammed shut, and there she sat beside the scholar, quietly watching him write. She reached behind him for a pen to mimic his strange symbols with. But as soon as her eyes turned, she was face to face with the starry iron crown of Asem. Across her eyes played scenes of the brutality and deadly force of the Interlopers- their prisoners crying, her mother’s corpse screaming- and the storms and floods created to wash them away.
And then she saw things she didn’t recognize. Simple flashes, almost ideas. Some were light. Her friends, older and stronger. A wedding, two boys that looked half like her. Spear, in command of legions, and Leonora, princess of the Fae. But some were dark. A corrupt king and his four knights, sent to destroy, going back to their kingdom in cursed shambles. The cadaver of her sister, willingly having given her life to end the terrorous reign of the Fae’s ruiners, and the great profanities she created.
And then her mind went blank. Only the rains remained.
While this happened, Spear and Perun quickly started getting ready while Noah and Daphne had already started using their powers. Perun was there to guard them, but just in case anyone slipped by, Spear created spheres of protection to serve as a shield against any attack, and he surrounded Noah, Daphne and himself. While Spear started to control his power, he saw Perun burst into a flaming creature, with black wings that seemed to be infected with white colors. Then, Spear lost himself to his thoughts, his powers activated, and he could only see darkness.
Then, a flash of light, and he could see everything. He saw the bodies of the many fallen Dovahs that died during the hunt against the Interlopers. In the middle of the body littered ground, he saw Scorpio, his heart pierced, and his body lay soulless. Then, his eyes filled with life, and he got up. Spear stood back in shock and terror at this sight, he didn't realize this was only in his spiritual mind. Scorpio plucked the halberd from his chest, and tossed it to the ground, and then gave Spear a brotherly hug.
As Spear was in question, Scorpio calmed him, saying that it was not his soul that died, and that there is hope for him to live. Spear begged him to tell him how, he said he only knew that the coming Alduin must be defeated, before he could return. Spear was still in question, but Scorpio assured him that he would be a guide of what to do, and where to go throughout his life from now on. Scorpio then touched his necklace, which Spear bared on his chest, and Spear filled with increased power. The Blessing of the Zodiacs, only given to those worthy enough to fight by the side of a Star.
As Spear started calming down, his heart filled somewhat with anger, as he still remembered the deaths of the many Dovahs, and Scorpio. Then his heart filled somewhat with love, as his brotherly relationship with Daphne reigned in his heart, he knew he had to defend her. He didn't even think about his family, his friends, or even anyone else he was supposed to save, and he even forgot about the deaths. All he thought of was Daphne, and even the thought of her being injured haunted him… so he protected her.
In the physical realm, Noah was breaking water from the ground, and Daphne was moving water from all bodies of water, just as planned. Interlopers expectantly charged towards them, but then a fiery creature came crashing down, and looked at them. Horns grew a meter long each, body of a demon, with huge hawk-like wings colored charcoal and streaks of pure white, a tail meters long reached around the creature, and at the end, was an axe, all the while the creature was violently flaming, and was hold a huge Greatsword in one hand, and a Battleaxe on a thick chain in the other. It was Perun, in his true Rising Demonic form, filled with rage. Still in the stage of horror, the Interlopers were then crashed into by Perun, while he wailed his axe around and flurried his sword at them, they felt fear. Even in their terrified state, they fought hard against Perun, though they knew they couldn't take him down, they just needed to get past him. Due to Perun's arrogance in attacking them, many Interlopers ran past him and towards the flooding trio.
Though they got close to them they stopped in horror, as they looked at one of the three. Spear was glowing lightning bright, and a hurricane the size of the entire world started. Even Perun looked in confusion, he knew Spear could never use that much power in any given situation, but he did, because of the blessing given by Scorpio's spirit, and Spear's heart filled with the brotherly protection for Daphne. He created the hurricane that not only flailed the opposing Interlopers away, but immediately started filling the earth with the water.
Clans and Kingdoms around the world were taking refuge to hide from the flood. Samurai of the Isles took to the mountains with the Ninjas of Darkness. The Woodlands Weres took refuge in mountains as well, far from the Isles. The Southern Dragons used magic to protect them from the waters, and the Northern Dragons used ships, as they were voyaging Vikings, and loved the challenge of the storm. And the creature of the water took refuge in underwater caves.
The Interlopers were swiftly wiped out, as they couldn't swim or build boats fast enough, they crumbled into jade as they were suffocated by the rising waters. An entire race was wiped out, all except a few remaining Interlopers that managed to get high enough, but they were eventually taken prisoner or driven underground.
Then, when all the destruction was done, Spear and Daphne woke up exhausted in all ways, using that much power greatly diminished their strength. Perun ran to them in a hurry, and tried offering to help them up, but they both refused and just wanted to lay down for a bit. When they somewhat rested they slowly got up, and Spear and Daphne hugged tightly, and then they looked for Noah. When they found him, his body was resting peacefully, a burnt-out husk as he took his final breath using a great amount of power to help them stop the Interlopers.
And so the floods receded, and life seemed to simply go on. The sparse handful of Interlopers leftover were dragged into hiding, and their prisoners found their way free of their chains and back to their homes.
Daphne's blue eyes looked upon Spear's hazel, and smiled wearily. Then, they hugged tightly. Though they had made it in the end, many had sacrificed their life to help them get this far. Their mission was done, and Noah, Scorpio, and the Interlopers went with it.
They returned to the Dovah home land, where celebrations had burst forth like lightning. For the first time in a long time, they allowed themselves to simply rest and enjoy themselves. They ate, drank, and were merry for seven days and seven nights, but no time limit could contain their joy.
Until the bitter taste had set in. So much was lost, and yet they partied. But they reminded themselves that festivity was not meant to diminish the sacrifices made to allow it. They honored those that had fallen by reveling in the peace and freedom they had brought.
Perhaps the world would never be entirely fixed, but they had learned by now that it didn’t matter. Spear had never forgotten his mother’s words, and chose now to share them with his newfound sister. That is why the gods gave us loved ones. To unify us and to lift one another up.
“So what now?” Daphne asked him at one time. “The world will never be the same. It’s like, their entire existence has just been… swallowed whole.”
“Yes, I suppose that was the point. But we’ve done a great thing, you know.” She smiled at him and nodded. “And now we… carry on?”
She sighed.
“...And now we carry on.”
And so Spear returns to Scandinavia, and continues to be the Spectrum Kendov, Guardian of the Northern dragons. Not only that, but as he bears the necklace of his fallen brother, Scorpio, he feels his night sky presence, watching over him, as if he was right next to Spear. Perun becomes the general of the entire Northern Dragon Dovahs, and sets up a way of communication for Daphne and Spear, making it so that they can continue being siblings. After all of this Spear trains, what he trains for is only in prophecy. At first he didn't believe it, but as soon as he found a scroll prophesying Noah and the flood, Spear began his training to fight Alduin…
Daphne found herself aimlessly wandering when the Flood had finally left. She met the madman Ion again, and helped them raise their religion. And after a while, her path crossed that of the scholarboy from the first city again. They were married in a temple of the Iron God, and when that church no longer accepted them, they fled to build a family and a city of their own. Every now and again, the princess, now queen, would ride the waves north to see her Dovah brothers, just as they went south to meet her, as well.
The Interlopers fell into legend, the ghost stories that would frighten children at night. All had forgotten them but the Faeries and the Dovahs. They mourned for the losses caused across the world, and for all that they had allowed themselves to do and believe. So when the Apollyons came to conquer the Faeries, they accepted their fate in hopes that justice could be served properly this time.
And Iýa? She tore out her own heart to make the prison the Interlopers requested, where Asem rots to the present day. Her body, similarly, decays in a cavern just below it, as do the few remaining Interlopers and the Apollyon knight who failed to seize her. The Wormwood trees had long since pulled it into an underground cavern, wiping its memory from all those above. All that was left was a scar. Although Dovahs were disconnected from this magic, therefore they could remember all.
Perhaps there is a lesson to be learned here. About the envy of Adam, about the failures of the Fae, or maybe about the levity blindly doled out by Iýa herself. Or maybe it's about the teamwork of those who opposed the Interlopers, the love that bound them together, and the relentless courage they wielded. We may never know.
And so, the book closes and another story is shelved.
Well, dear reader, if you've read this far, I couldn't possibly thank you enough!
And many, many thanks to my little brother, Spear (@jack-spear-eye), for helping me on this!! Scorpio, Perun, and Kendov (Warrior) Spear (his self-insert), and the Dovahs are all his creations; Daphne is mine. We created the plot together, and the worldbuilding in general belongs to djkaktus (based on SCP-6666, 4840, and 4812).
Lil' man, I swear, he was the best partner on this! Every time I hit a roadblock, he had a new idea that got the gears turning again. It was a big commitment, too, I mean, just look at all that text! But we pulled it off, and I'm glad we did!
Fearless and creative optimist you are, I couldn't have done it without you, Spear.
So without further ado, here's the man to talk about it a little, too!
I did this not for my own gain, but to show others a message of unity, as well as to entertain. Normally I would say something in dovahzul (Dragon tongue/language) But pretty much I just want to say thank you all very much for giving me the chance to be a part of this community, and I want to personally thank Andy (@the-siren-and-the-sailor) for giving me the chance to do all of this, and giving me something to look forward to :•)
And last but not least, the TL;DR!
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tanoraqui · 4 years
I'd love to see either Shades of Magic or One (1) Folklorist! (Don't have easy access to emojis at the moment...)
[ask meme] what the hell, have a whole chunk of Shades of Magic fic, because at this point, this WIP is pretty much abandoned until I reread the books, and idk if/when I’ll do that: 
Lila left London in the middle of the night. The need to go had been building in her since mid-morning--not anything she could pinpoint, not even her usual edginess, wanderlust, need for somewhere more exciting and death-defying and new than the London and royal palace of Arnes. Akin to that, though, and she didn’t question it when she got up, gathered her knives and a change of clothes, and slipped out of the palace, leaving Kell still asleep in bed.
She found most of her crew on the ship or in the tavern, in their rooms, and she ordered them aboard with her usual grin. After the better part of a decade for most of them, they were used enough to odd departures that they didn’t do more than rib her a little. 
Only when her first mate asked straight-out if they were just leaving the couple who couldn’t be found (off with lovers, or family, or other entertainments), did Lila pull a little out of the dream.
“We’ll leave a note,” she said slowly, pushing away her impatience to be off. “They can have a few days leave, and...I suppose one can take a message to the palace, to say that I’ll be back soon.”
Her first mate gave her a strange look, but Lila was already bounding onto the ship, the stars above and the horizon ahead.
The first day at sea was as glorious as they always were. The sun was bright, the wind was strong (as strong as Lila chose to make it), and the horizon stretched as wide as ever. She set their course in a direction that felt right, with no particular destination in mind, and checked her treasured pirate map to see what might lie ahead. She was antsy, and her mood infected the crew, but they were on their way.
On about the second day, when she was trying to burn her sourceless impatience by filling the sails with driving wind, it occurred to her that she was being magically manipulated. She swore in four languages and ordered the ship turned around.
They made it barely five miles before Lila let the wind drop, distracted by the need to go the other direction. It wasn’t like Vitari’s sweet calmness or Osaron’s whispers, or even the time in Kriminee with the sorcerer-slavers. This scratched at her mind and burning through her bones, and reeled her in like a fish. If she was Alucard, she bet she could see the threads tugging her towards some unknown point.
Instead, she was Delilah fucking Bard: thief and pirate, hero of two empires and wanted in a third (the Faroans would get over it eventually), and above all, Antari. One of the strongest magicians in the world. 
She had the Night’s Spire turn around again, though this time she didn’t fill the sails, and she got out her pirate’s map and peered a lot more closely at the coded lines, feeling for the spell and comparing it to the chart, until she had a much better idea of where they going. Then she gritted her teeth and made for the nearest port in roughly that direction, and stopped long enough to rent a Veskan message-bird and send a message back to London. Not that she needed backup. But Kell would be worrying so hard it spilled over to Rhy, and then Alucard would cross his arms at her when she got back, and it just wasn’t worth the effort not to keep her family informed.
Kell still hadn’t caught up by the time the Night’s Spire approached the Floating Market, which Lila was definitely going to give him grief for later. At the moment, after nearly a week of travel with a burning itch of a spell on her mind, she was just angry. When the doorwarden greeted her and held out his hand for the entrance fee, she snapped, “I’m here, aren’t I,” and flicked her least nice knife into the wood by his ear. He let her pass.
Matis’s office was just as treasure-crammed as always, but as Lila stalked in, her working eye went directly to her old, abandoned one: hazel-brown rather than black, still shattered within the glass, and sitting on Matis’s desk in the center of an elaborate spell diagram. Mostly from firsthand experience, Lila knew it for bone magic, drawing and binding.
“You can stop,” said Matis as an order, and reached for the glass eye. Lila ignored her, ignored the fire in her bones, and snatched it first. 
The spell snapped as soon as the glass eye was out of the circle. Lila felt washed over with a cool spring breeze, seven tons of tension gone from her body and mind, and she rocked back involuntarily. Her eyes closed in involuntary relief.
She opened them again right quick, and just barely resisted the urge to let a threatening flame dance on her fingertips. “That was rotten, Matis,” she said. “You could have sent a messenger.”
“Time is short,” said the mistress of the black market, and gestured to a figure Lila hadn’t realized was in the room. “I have sold the favor you owe me, and it is being collected now.”
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seekandsekkle · 3 years
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Blessed New Moon Family. Happy Gemini Season Whoo Hoo!!!! We've got a Sun, Moon and Eclipse in Gemini. What a Birthday Gift (6-14, 51 Summers Baby) I'm grateful to be here. Excited for what life is bringing me these days and excited for all of you who took a chance on ya girl and let me fill your inboxes up with Pots, Cups and Sips of Tea. The energy of this moon is bringing the new as all new moons do but its coming in slow due to the retrograde of Mercury and Neptune. Technology has not been allowing us to shine with glitches and freezes, shut downs, zap outs and malfunctions of every kind. The universe really wants us all to have several seats and read a damn book or take a long walk or something. She really aint feeling us having all this screen time and is asking us to reflect, plot and plan our next moves so we're ready when the Summer Equinox comes sauntering in. (June 21st) This Moon/Eclipse energy will have you having epiphanies and revelations and such. You will be communicating with the seen and unseen forces. Dreams will be prophetic and deep af. Pay close attention to what they are showing you, get a dream interpreter if you need one ( I'll do it for you) so you are clean and clear with what Muvah Moon is trying to tell you. This Eclipse of the sun will cast a fire ring around the moon asking you to do a once over on your shadow side. This ain't a time to be marinating where the low vibrations reside. Check your privilege, check your attitude and get back in alignment with your higher self. This double double energy is a set up for some fuck shit, resist at all cost. You will be so sorry you fell for it when it's all over. Take the high road in all things, stay low, pray high is what I always say. Some of us will feel like lead is in our shoes. You really don't wanna do nothing and I'd listen to that somewhat. Take care of the major things in your life as much as you can but don't be surprised when you do try shit aint working right. I'm learning to just wait it out cause it beats trying to break through a brick wall with my tender head meat. The blessing of this moon cycle is that we get to call things into existence. Be clear about what you are asking for, make sure secure housing, coins and good health are on your list. Due to things opening up people are everywhere doing everything, acting as if the pandemic is over. Tread lightly in these streets and keep that hand washing and face covering going on around people. Spirit has spoken and we need to keep our protection game strong especially for those of us who are anti-vaxin and relaxin. 
Ritual: Sit in your sacred space with the scented candle or incense, vase of fresh flowers, and a list of your intentions. Use the power of the word and speak your peace out loud. Not in a shout but with conviction. We want it known that what we want, we deserve. Muvah is listening with a keen ear. She will flush out the superficial and give you exactly what you need, not always what we want. Be grateful because we don't always know what we need until it lands in our laps. That don't mean you can't ask...ijs I'd burn that lil' piece of paper and let the ashes blow in the wind. This double double air energy is sure to send your message right up to Muvah herself and that's a blessing.
Big O'pot of Tea (read your sun, moon and rising for a full cup of tea)
Aries - Getcha coins right. Investments, budgets, piggy bank, rainy day fund. Do any or all of this and thank me later. All the cards talk about the bag, getting it and keeping it. Think long term money, retirement money and generational wealth. The universe is on your side while taking these steps so get into it. Call in the Money Gawds and ask them for help with your stock portfolio...invest in something good...think of what we always need and putcha money on that. Your song for this moon cycle is "Money don't matter 2 nite" - Prince. It matters for you right now fa sho
Taurus - This new moon is giving you all the goodies baby. Things are stacking up on the luxe level, the coins and the bae. Enjoy all this goodness and be grateful for it. Call in support to stay in a good mood and trust the process. You don't want to spoil your pot of gold before you even have a chance to spend some of it. Stay tuned into the light and spread that love on the people who support you since they may not be as abundant as you are these days. Your song for this moon cycle is "D.M.S.R."  - Prince. Because you want it and need it .
Gemini - It's your time baby!!! Your sun, your moon, your eclipse. One would think its a good time to throw a big ass party and invite all 10,000 of your fans but no. You get to have a seat...a Royal seat, a luxurious birthday seat but a seat nonetheless. This is a quiet time, a relaxing time an alone time. Yeah I know this don't sound like a fun birthday but your body and soul is begging and pleading for it. Listen for once cause the fuck shit is lueming in the background waiting for you to step out. We want you safe, hydrated and refreshed this trip around the sun. Call in peace this moon cycle and allow it to be just that. Your song this moon cycle is "Shhhhhh" - Prince. For encouragement to lay around in luxury and quiet.
Cancer - You've been on the receiving end for the last few moon cycles in some way now it's time to give back. Make sure the people who show up and show out for you know that you love them. Do something special to brighten their day. They will be shocked that you even care and that makes this even more special. You are very good at receiving now lets see you give where it counts. Call in abundance in all its forms so you never feel like you are lacking in anything. This will keep your spirits up when this moon fuck your emotions up. Your song this moon cycle is "I Wish You Heaven" - Prince.  So you feel prayed on when you get sad
Leo - The sun might be setting on your old job/career and the Black moon might be rising on a new opportunity. If you like what you're doing great but if you don't this is a good time to start looking. Call in work that is in alignment with your heart. You should be working smarter, not harder. Make sure your intentions reflect something better than what you currently got going on. Your moon song this cycle is "Let's Work" - Prince
Virgo - Be excited about life dear one. Life is worth living. You can tend to stay on the brooding side of things and aint no fun over there. I dare you to take a walk on the wildside...just pack up and go. I feel the grin on your face now. There is a whole world out there waiting on you, go see it while you can still fully enjoy it. Call in Adventure Time, alone, with bae or with some friends. Your song this moon cycle is " Party Up" - Prince
Libra - You deserve to have your needs met. This comes up in a real way this cycle. Make sure your boundaries are known with the people close to you so they can avoid your explosive outburst when you reach your limit. Call in the support you need to make your dreams come true, ask for the help to stop procrastinating and actually get some shit done. Your song this moon cycle is " Good Love" - Prince. It's clear you need some.
Scorpio - Have a clear-the-air day with bae, or housemates or the kids. This ain't a time to bite your tongue. Ion mean pop off, just don't let small irritants pile up. Speak to your beloveds and get back to having fun cause that what hot human summer is all about.  Call in cooperation with the fam so all this talking you gotta do is worth it. Your song this moon cycle is "Gett Off" cause why not since you're so good at it *wink*
Sagittarius - You're coming in Hot to new and old flames and that's dope. You workin workin working day and night and that's securing the bag. But where is selfcare on the list? You can't forget you in all this. Call in a break and body work so you don't blow a flat tire on the side of the road within ya self. ya dig? May your care be just as important and the people you take care of. If you are ok they will be ok...okay. Your song for this moon cycle is "Forever In My Life"- Prince. So you make sure you are forever on the got damn schedule umkay!
Capricorn - Love is calling your name Capricorn. Stay open to the possibilities of love or at the very least tenderness and sweetness. You act like a hard ass but your creamy center is showing. This will let the ones who like but are a lil scared of you come out of the closet and make a move. Try not to be too awkward and allow some goodness to pour over on you. Call in the courage to say what you need in these new interactions. If a muthalova baulks when you speak your truth it ain't the end of the damn world this just ain't your person. Just move on and dont make it mean nothing. Your song for this moon is "Somebody's Somebody" - Prince
Aquarius - Your emo flag is flying high. It's ok to wanna be with family, it's ok to reminisce on the good times. It's ok to wanna feel loved and appreciated, It's also ok to stop doing too much so you don't get sick or hurt. Sit down somewhere and relax. The streets will wait for you. Call in spa treatments or long dead sea salt soaks at home. Your song this moon cycle is "I Feel For You" because we love you!
Pisces - Life got you wide open. You workin, you socializing, you doing all the things. Life is lifin' and you're making the best of it. At the end of the day it feels good to be in the flow of it all. Call in the inner knowing and innerstanding so you don't get distracted and fall off. Trust the process and enjoy the journey. Your song this cycle is "Trust" - Prince. Trust you know what you're doing even if you never did it before. The creator brought you this far trust that she is taking you to the next level too.
Personal Message: Do you want this pot of tea in your inbox twice a month. If so you also get a personal reading at the end of the pot. To subscribe for the next 3 months send your $150 to either of these payment sites with "Subscription" in the notes so you never miss a pot of tea. Cashapp $bushmamaafrica of Venmo: ReshawnGoods@omimagic
Extra Sips of Tea -
Blue Kyanite is perfect for this New Moon and Eclipse energy because it helps you make sense of the unstable transmission of communication due to the retrogrades, You can tap into hidden potential in yourself and spiritually you can use this to really connect with the positive unseen forces around you to help you manifest greatness in your life. Use this stone with your ritual to call in your needs and wants with clean clarity. 
Make a pot of fresh Mint Tea before bed to relax your muscles, to aid in your digestion and get rid of headaches. This tea will be extra soothing to your mind and body. We all need this balm soul calming tea to deal with the double air energy brewing right now. Have extra cups this week.
Yes Gemini Tea. PRINCE songs. I had too
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melonlordheroes · 6 years
The Dadlords: Sun, Sand, Sunk (PART 1)
-With the victory of Lyon in the voting gauntlet, Tiki's recent promotion to 5-Star, and all the chaos inherent in the BHBs currently taking place along with the Summoner's birthday happening the previous day... the Askran forces have earned a break. What better way than with a trip to the beach? While Mystery temporarily controls the grill (and occasionally threatens Arvis with the tongs to keep him away) the dadlords have scattered about to enjoy the weather. Hector is currently lecturing Lilina on the importance of sunscreen while she eyes Roy and Eliwood nearby attempting to lure a crab back into the ocean. Julius is plotting to try and dunk Julia underwater until a volleyball bashes him in the back of the head, courtesy Lucina and Seliph's extremely heated match being played with Fir and Siegbert. Finn is staring out over the sea, wishing Leif, Lachesis and Nanna were home with him and feeling a pang of sorrow at their absence. Bartre and Sigurd are watching the group, serving as makeshift lifeguards.-
Sigurd: It's rather nice to spend time with our families like this, isn't it?
Bartre: Heh, it is. ...Bet Barst woulda' loved to come too. Shame Genny came down with that cold.
Sigurd: Perhaps we'll have to all come back later in the summer?
Bartre: Now THAT'S the kind of thinkin' I respect! Good idea, Sig--
-Bartre is cut off by a sudden howl from further down the beach and both men stop to look at the source. Chrom is standing knee-deep in the water, looking pleased with himself, and in his arms wrapped up into the form of the ANGRIEST Nohrian burrito is Leo desperately trying to hide from the sun.-
Chrom: Oh, Leo, it's not THAT bad. Look, you're not even touching the water!
Leo: (hissing) Historically speaking, princes of Nohr and the ocean have failed to get along since time immemorial! I REFUSE to go into that, that glorified corrosive bathtub!
Chrom: (soft laugh) Come on, try it. I won't let you drown!
Leo: It's not drowning-- I'm not the one who can't swim! I just don't LIKE to!
Chrom: Not-- wait. The one who can't swim? Then... can Xander not swim?
Leo: No, he can't. (wiggle) Now put me down. I'll go help Mystery cook or something.
-Seemingly too stunned to argue, Chrom steps back onto the sandbar and puts Leo down. As Leo immediately flees to the safety of Mystery's side, Chrom approaches Bartre and Sigurd with a determined look. Arvis also steps over to join them, having tired of dealing with Mystery.-
Chrom: Did you two hear that, by chance?
Sigurd: (frown) Indeed we did. Xander can't swim?
Bartre: Oh, that's just a tragedy... what'll he do if he ever has to travel by boat?! Gods, if he gets thrown overboard...
Chrom: As Xander's fathers, we must teach him. For his own safety!
Arvis: Bah, so he can't swim. What's the big deal? Nohr's probably landlocked--
Sigurd: Are you saying that because you yourself cannot swim, Arvis?
Arvis: ...
Sigurd: (little bit smug) Aha. Got you.
Arvis: Dastard.
Sigurd: (waves a hand) Very well! Chrom, fetch Marquess Ostia and Lord Eliwood and let them know we'll be occupied. Bartre, you'll be our leader for this mission.
Bartre: Right! Heh, leave it to me. Our boy'll be faster n' a ship in the waves when I'm through!
Sigurd: And I'll help teach Arvis to the best of my ability.
Arvis: That is absolutely not necessary.
Sigurd: Do you want to explain to Julia and Julius why you can't come in the water with them?
Arvis: ...Damn it. Fine. You're on.
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