#i’m not saying Ethubs isn’t happening here… i’m just gonna leave it open-ended:)
myundeadgayson · 3 years
Last Life Assassin AU: Friendly Connections
In my last posts on this AU, I covered the Organizations and Non-Organizations of the AU. I’ve also fully written out Lizzie’s story thus far if you’d like to read that, but now I’d like to talk about some important connections in the AU.
By the way, this post is likely going to be hella long. I’ll be cutting it, but just know all the connections are going to be under the cuts. (And before you ask, I did absolutely take some inspiration from EmpireSMP as well for some of these ideas<3)
We’ll be covering: Etho and Bdubs, Lizzie and Jimmy, Lizzie and Joel, Jimmy and Joel, and Grian and Scar.
So if you’re interested, please continue reading!
As a quick recap, our assassin crews include The Southlands, The Fairy Alliance, The B.E.S.T. Organization, and Girlboss and Gatekeep. Our civilians are Scar and Joel, who run the shop, Magical Mountain. It’s literally just a normal magic shop.
Etho and Bdubs:
And they were roommates! (oh my god, they were roommates…)
Jokes aside, Etho and Bdubs are roommates. They share a little apartment together. (They may or may not have met through a Craigslist Ad a few years back.)
There’s a running joke in the group about them being married. Sometimes it doesn’t feel like much of a joke though considering they’re practically attached at the hip. Everywhere Etho goes, Bdubs is often right there as well and vice versa.
They also have the whole “bickers like an old married couple” thing going on. (Tango and Skizz make jokes sometimes that they might end up actually getting married one day and it’s only a matter of time.)
Bdubs isn’t aware that Etho might have a background in being an assassin pre-BEST, but he’s the one that typically points out that Etho’s a natural at the job.
Etho does have a surprising amount of comfort in handling knives, as well as throwing them. Bdubs has watched Etho clean them among other weapons with strange amounts of care. It’s almost as if Etho sort of goes into a daze and lets some sort of instinct take over. It’s a bit weird, but Bdubs ignores the nagging thoughts in the back of his mind and guides Etho to bed.
Yes, they have considered getting married for tax benefits. They’ve both made the pitch and it becomes more tempting every time one of them brings it up.
Jimmy and Lizzie:
Siblings! Siblings! Siblings!
They’re actually siblings, by the way. Jimmy is Lizzie’s younger brother.
Lizzie’s pretty protective over him. Even if they’re adults, she still often checks in on him to make sure he’s doing okay.
Every now and then, they’ll meet up for brunch. Jimmy comes over a lot to see her too. Lizzie’s noticed he’s been a lot busier lately though, but seeing as Jimmy always skirts around the subject when she brings it up, she lets it slide... for now.
Neither of them are aware that the other is an assassin. They’d prefer to keep it that way. (It doesn’t mean Lizzie doesn’t notice the dark circles under Jimmy’s eyes, or Jimmy’s oblivious to the way Lizzie looks frazzled some mornings when he comes by and she’s yet to have slept.)
Sometimes when Lizzie hasn’t gotten any sleep and Jimmy comes by, Lizzie will accidentally fall asleep. She’ll pass out on the couch while Jimmy rummages through her kitchen. He’ll end up walking in and realizing he’s been talking to himself for like five minutes. Every time, Jimmy just ends up smiling and covering her up with a blanket.
Even as an adult, Jimmy’s the annoying little brother. He has a bad habit of coming over unannounced and scaring Lizzie as a result. He also does tend to steal food from her cabinets, despite having his own perfectly good apartment and food to eat there.
Lizzie has a sneaking suspicion Jimmy comes by so often to her and Joel because he’s actually kind of lonely. He lives alone and even though Lizzie is like… somewhat sure he has friends, he still hates being alone.
She does love the fact that Jimmy’s basically best friends with Joel though. (Other times, she hates it because it’s another excuse for Jimmy to break into her house.)
Lizzie and Joel:
So, there’s a wizard and an assassin and they get married, right?
How do you explain to your spouse that you’re secretly running an organization that totally doesn’t kill people? Short answer: You don’t!
Joel doesn’t have a clue that his wife has killed people on the downlow.
To be fair, she did stop killing people before they got married... She just got back into the hobby recently because ya know... It’s kind of hard to stop a habit, especially one that you became so familiar with.
Since bringing back the Fairy Alliance, she has done significantly less killing! So far, they has been absolutely no murder by Lizzie’s hand:)
All of this probably sounds really bad, but Joel is perfectly content with not knowing what Lizzie’s done. (I feel like I can’t express that enough. Joel loves his wife so much, but he really just rather not know if she’s involved illegal activities. Dude, he’s just a random guy that works at a magic shop.)
He has noticed Lizzie’s been acting kind of strange lately, but decided that he’d let her come to him about it when she’s ready. As things have gotten weirder though, he realized maybe it’s better to ignore it.
Honestly, Joel just thinks Lizzie’s joined a really, really weird DND group. He assumes they’re just really intense about it, and that’s why he hears them use code names from time to time.
The Fairy Alliance will occasionally come to meet up at Lizzie’s home late at night (they don’t exactly have a secret meeting place yet), and Joel will accidentally wander past to get a glass of water and they all just freeze and stare at him. Joel’s learned to just wave them off and go back to bed. He assumes that’s another weird DND thing they do ��� 3am meetups to talk about their campaign. He usually just calls them nerds and prepares for another day of wizard dress up.
Lizzie loves her dumbass oblivious husband and his dedication to just ignore things. It makes her life a thousand times easier because she doesn’t know how she’d even begin explaining what she’s been doing.
Joel has noticed Lizzie’s been making a lot of money without him knowing how... He’s decided to ignore that as well. (Whatever it is, it pays for their lovely new penthouse suite, so he doesn’t mind!)
(...Joel might be Lizzie’s trophy husband, but we’re not gonna talk about it.)
Jimmy and Joel:
They’re best friends, your honor.
Before Lizzie and Joel got together, Jimmy actually did know Joel. They were good friends, but not super close.
Now they’re legit besties.
Jimmy comes to visit Joel at work sometimes. Mornings get spent with Lizzie, but lunches are usually for Joel. Occasionally they’ll meet up at a cafe to eat, but sometimes Jimmy will bring food to Joel at work and have lunch with him there.
Jimmy will usually sit on the stool at the end of the counter. He’ll talk to Joel while they eat, and Joel will lounge behind the register. Sometimes, Jimmy will loiter around, watching Joel for a few hours, before wandering off to do… Whatever Jimmy does.
Joel doesn’t actually know what Jimmy does when Jimmy’s not with him or Lizzie?
Like everything, Joel prefers not to ask questions. From the few times that he’s tried to ask and Jimmy’s poor attempts of stumbling through an answer, he’s decided it’s probably not worth it anyway.
Joel has occasionally noticed weird things about Jimmy. For example, on one of the morning where Joel went over to Jimmy’s unannounced instead, he noticed Jimmy wrapping his shoulder in bandages He’d never realized Jimmy had scars before either???
He did try to ask about them, but Jimmy was quick to brush him off. He’s decided it’s better to ignore those too.
Joel’s noticed Lizzie has some scars too? She’s mentioned that they’re just from accidents she had back in college.
When he asked Lizzie if she knew about Jimmy getting hurt, she told her that she couldn’t remember, but it’s also Jimmy and she doubts he’d tell her if he did. Jimmy often avoids telling her things like that because he hates worrying her.
Grian and Scar:
It was completely by accident. Recently, Grian wandered into a magic shop. It was purely by mistake, but somehow it feels like that one mistake’s changed his entire life.
He blames it on Scar, the silly man that insists on dressing up as a wizard daily for his business and pedals “magical crystals” to surprisingly gullible amounts of people (and not even children).
Sometimes, Grian can’t tell if Scar actually believes in the crystals or if it’s all just a scam. Whichever it is, he has to admit that Scar does make quite the sell for them. (It’s probably for the best that Scar chose to be a magic man over an actual businessman. Grian would be afraid to see what Scar would do with some actual political power.)
Though Grian claims that he doesn’t care for the place, he’s fallen into a habit of visiting weekly, if not more sometimes. He says it isn’t to see Scar, but it absolutely is.
Scar’s more than pleased about it. He lets Grian hang out as much as he wants. Now, Grian’s even gotten to the point that Scar lets him sit behind the counter or join him upstairs if Grian stays past closing time.
Occasionally, there’s days where Grian comes in looking exhausted. Whenever that happens, Scar usually ushers Grian upstairs and lets him sleep on the futon up there. It’d be a lie if Grian said he didn’t appreciate it. The area’s become a nice place where Grian feels like he can truly relax for once. It’s a good escape. As far as he knows, none of the Southlands even know about the shop, so it truly is Grian’s escape for a while from everything in his life.
Scar always gets so happy seeing Grian able to actually relax around him. Whenever they first met, Grian always seemed so tense and guarded. It’s been wonderful seeing Grian’s walls slowly come down. He thinks maybe they’ve become really good friends.
Joel often teases them about being a bit more than friends, but it usually gets ignored.
Honestly, Grian couldn’t even figure out why Joel was working there at first because he never seemed to be doing anything if Scar was around. Grian realized after a few times of coming in during times where only Joel was at the shop that Joel actually loves his job and works pretty hard. He just tends to goof off more if Scar’s nearby.
Grian’s kind of glad Scar’s got someone like Joel around to help and be a friend. (Doesn’t mean Grian doesn’t wish Joel would stop trying to annoy him.)
Fun Fact: Grian is not aware that Jimmy knows about the Magical Mountain shop, nor that Jimmy and Joel are friend. Enjoy that knowledge as you will<3
And that’s all we have for now!
I was actually going to cover some of Scott and Jimmy… But I think I’ll actually wait on that for now:) Hopefully all this will make up for it in the meantime!
Be sure to let me know who/what you’d like to learn more about next! Asks are always open, so feel free to ask about whatever you’d like!
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