#i;m shitposting about the book title
fabrickind · 9 months
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Me when I'm making anime circle skirts
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hiroki-moriuchi · 1 year
Hey remember when I was shitposting about Hiro being a communist?
I've got new PROOF. /hj
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See those books on the table? I am able to read a few of those titles.
On the right of the table, from top to bottom:
Crisis in the Industrial Heartland by Kenneth Spencer. About how the economic recession in the 80s formed.
Moscow and the Italian Communist Party by Joan Barth Urban. Apparently the Italian Communist Party was very much communist, but critical of the Soviet Union. This book describes that.
Strike Free: New Industrial Relations in Britain by Philip Bassett. Title speaks for itself.
Bottom middle: Human Resource Management: Theory and Practice by John Bratton and Jeff Gold. As far as I can tell, a pretty standard textbook about human resource management. Not particularly communist or even leftwing; seems to be liberal.
Left of that: The Italian Party System by Paolo Farneti. Might be there in relation to the book on the Italian Communist Party.
Top middle: Principles of Politics and Government by Edwin M. Coulter. About the US political system. Uhh, know your enemy I guess?
Bottom left: Might be called Political Theology.
On top of that: Industrial something or other. By a person whose last name is Green.
Now this is definitely not a random assortment of books! /j So communist. <3 We stan Hiroki Marx.
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battlestar-royco · 5 years
Considering my place in the anti community
So, I know that might be an alarming title, but rest assured I don’t see myself deactivating or ceasing discussion of SJ/M’s books any time soon. But a lot of things have led me to the decision to explicitly veer my blog in another direction. I’ve said more than once before that I made this blog around May of 2018 as a joke between me, myself, and I, as a way to vent my disappointments with the T0G and AC0TAR series into this dumb blue void. I kid you not, I literally did not expect anyone to interact with me at all, and aside from mutuals on my main, I’d never been sent an ask in all the (then) six years I had a Tumblr. I didn’t expect to meet and befriend such a passionate, salty, visionary, thoughtful community. A little over a year later, I’m interacting with too many people to keep up with, I find myself being tagged and reblogged by reputable bloggers with way bigger followings from all over Tumblr’s diversity-forward fandom communities, and I even have run-ins with anon hate and stan ridiculousness every so often. The anti community as I know it has been a welcoming home that has taught me so much. That being said, there are a few reasons I want to slightly switch gears. So here goes. This is a long one, so thanks for sticking it out, if you make it to the end.
What will remain and what will change?
More will stay the same than will change. I will still absolutely be answering asks about YA books and SJ/M, and I will be posting about the issues within them and how I think they could have gone better. I will also still be tagging such things as anti. I really enjoy discussing the nitty gritty of characters, worldbuilding, and how all that coincides with the handling of diversity and feminism in the books. This type of discussion is, I think, how I gained most of my following, so I don’t want to turn my back on you. Also, in the near future, I mainly just want my blog to be a place where diverse representation across all identity vectors and forms of media, especially fantasy books, is a focus. I want people to feel they can talk earnestly about their issues with xyz representation and/or discuss diversity struggles they come across with their own writing.
I feel like the anti community stagnates periodically and we devolve into cold wars with stans, picking apart miniscule details of the books, scouring SJ/M’s social media, repeating ourselves, or other similar activities. Going forward I want to reduce the conversations that are founded in pettiness or insulting other Tumblr users or SJ/M for things that honestly have nothing to do with the books, the YA/publishing community, or problematic behavior. Don’t get me wrong, there are plenty of things worth discussing re: problematic author/stan behavior, but it’s easy to lose sight of the reason for antis to exist in the first place. On to reasoning:
1. The connotation.
This is something many of you know about me as well, but it bears repeating: I never hated SJ/M’s books. My blog is a result of my passion and enjoyment of the earlier books twisted into disappointment. I wouldn’t have bothered making a blog about these books if I hated them from start to finish. I wouldn’t have made an “anti” account if I’d felt that my opinions would be accepted among stans. I felt there was a lack in both the anti and stan community for my experience, so I’m here to give voice to that. Although I started out talking about the negatives, I don’t think my blog has ever fit most people’s idea of “anti” on this site. There are a lot of truly toxic anti communities all over Tumblr who exist just to shit on creators and fans or to be negative out of spite, and I really have never identified with that desire, nor have I tried to exhibit that behavior. But thanks to worst of the worst on this site, anyone who calls themselves anti is automatically associated with that. I also think as a whole, every SJ/M anti is doing completely different stuff with their own blogs. We’ve got book cover criticism, opinions and advice about publishing, T0G rewrite projects, shitposts, etc. I myself started expanding months ago into providing writing advice on diversity and generally writing meta. It’s not a group of angry people yelling slurs at each other like I’ve seen other anti communities do, so I don’t think it’s the right label for me.
2. Stans.
This goes a bit with the connotation point. I feel like, especially because of how I’ve branded myself and because of antis who preceded the current batch, stans really have no idea what I’m about. I have always been clear that I do not wish to attack them or their enjoyment of/engagement with the books. And yet I’m constantly being vagued about, having my words twisted, or having my arguments and blogging style very purposely, transparently ignored/misinterpreted/ridiculed in said vague-blog posts. All this despite stans’ frequent claim that they ~never~ go into anti tags or check out our blogs, and despite their other frequent claim they don’t believe in the anti/stan divide and that we’re more alike than not. I agree that this divide is dumb, but it’s kind of hard to distance myself from it while constantly being thrown under the bus by SJ/M BNFs. I don’t mind anyone viewing or interacting with my posts, because transparency and all, but it’s tiresome to constantly defend myself because I’m being misrepresented by accounts that are 4, 5, 6 times bigger than mine who either don’t know how I run my blog or purposely mischaracterize me. I can’t control other people’s behavior and I don’t want to, but this is a change I’m making for my own mental health and to promote better behavior among both communities, and I hope others follow suit.
3. Things I’ve handled poorly and how I want to do better.
Anyone with an ask blog for a minute inevitably acquires their share of public fuck-ups. I can think of a few instances in which I would have handled a situation differently. For example, a few months ago the community as a whole was asked to expand our conversation to more than just presenting SJ/M and Bardugo as foils, and I wish I’d been less defensive there. That day made me think a lot about the way I carry myself on this blog and how limited the conversation can sometimes be. I really do appreciate any and all criticism for the community, and looking back, I feel like my reaction to that didn’t go along with the way I usually try to handle criticism. I think it would be good to try and, like OP said, infuse more book promotion into my blog in general, to try to support and read more books by marginalized authors in the future so we can discuss them more thoroughly here.
In closing/TL;DR:
This isn’t inspired by any particular event or person, but rather a lot of things that have happened in the past several months on Tumblr, in the world and the media, and in my personal life. It’s not a change that was inspired out of negativity, but more out of trying to generate a more positive framework for my Tumblr activity and seeing how I can effect change through this blog. I’m still here for rants, masterposts calling out problematic books and characters, pretty much all the book talk I was doing before. This is just a really long-winded announcement that I want to expand my blog to a general spot for discussing diversity in media. Thank you so much for sticking it out if you made it all the way down here. Here’s to improving ourselves.
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its-alumina · 3 years
A list of accomplishments in the past year that I am (somehow) proud of
1. Completed my physical set of my favorite book series Artemis Fowl (this takes first place because, I dunno, accomplishment.)
2. 15+ anime series finished this year (not quite sure with the number), including that long-ass Naruto. Most of these series have been watched in 2.5/3.0 speed, in an effort to train my Sharingan to read subtitles effortlessly (it worked!)
3. To date, 100+ poetry (or non poetry) typed in a notepad file titled "poetry" in my computer, all expressions of my feelings, thoughts, opinions, self. Here's to not losing the will to write shit and keep adding things up in that stuff.
4. Still don't know how to play any instrument (but no one's got me beat in "air" drums), yet I've still got some lyrics written down and recorded, hidden somewhere in the pc and waiting to be completed songs (to date, out of 20 song ideas, only around three or four are complete with verse, chorus. The voice is still not good tho.)
5. Not really anything yet, but the Aluminaverse is growing ever so slightly, with new concepts, characters, and plotlines being added bit by bit. The writer, however, is lazy trash, and is barely even writing any story. Whatever will happen next, no one fucking knows.
6. 21 (turning 22) and still employed, for some reason. Not that I'm complaining.
7. 21... and still a v$#%£& (seriously whut).
8. Still doesn't give a fuck about politics.
9. Regularly eats junk food.
10. Has a collection of Smart C+ bottles at home.
11. Now curses instead of tearing up whenever a The 1975 song comes up (still blocked them though.)
12. Has a set of reactors in shitpost Facebook account.
13. Recently liberated and free from toxic workplace.
14. Support game is not that shitty, thank goodness. Might play tank soon. And as always, a shitty carry.
15. Can play as Impostor really well.
16. Now plays League of Legends.
17. Still lies between teeth.
18. Maintains a healthy balance of suicidal and happy thoughts (an ecosystem).
19. Was able to post a good amount of tumblr posts to keep alive for another half year of inactivity... or three.
20. M e m e k n o w l e d g e e x p a n s i o n
21. Laughed a lot, even in crisis.
22. Was able to educate for a good two or three months
23. Slytherin supremacist after all this time.
24. Probably got drunk only twice (in which in one of them I'm drinking solo and it didn't *didn't* end well. I dunno, I've done lots of stupid stuff during quarantine)
25. Am a part of history being a part of growing fanbase of fave artists.
26. Still toxic when it counts.
27. Still crazy when it counts.
28. Still funny when it counts.
29. Still serious when it counts.
30. Still a simp when it fucking counts.
31. Light novel coverage is admittedly... less than expected (only 10 or less read so far this year, but at least it's something.)
32. Made a handful of character designs (drawing style's still shitty, so meh)
33. Reached One Piece chapter 999, a historic moment.
34. Had at least 15 crushes, of varying degrees (but now simps for only one. I just wish that she'd simp back or something). *Update: I don't think she would, but meh, what else can I do about it lol. At least I s i m p*
35. Stans the same artists more and more every day.
36. Overthinks less now (this doesn't make much sense semantically).
37. Vengeance still hot, grudges still strong.
38. Met quite the awesome online friends, and boy, was I glad that I met them.
39. The same favorite song, which is a testament that I am motherfucking loyal. (Lol).
40. Less bitter about terrible things, less judgmental of terrible ideas.
41. Still wanna commit genocide on terrible politicians.
42. I think I speak English better now, and that my grammar is a *little* better.
43. Has learned a little "konnichiwa" language.
44. Manages to be kind, because the Doctor said so, because kindness counts more. Would try to be more kind.
45. Loves self more now compared to then. Can stand up to self better. Can speak for myself more often now. Can do things for the sake of me and no one else most of the time.
46. Been gay/bi/pan at least three times (no kidding)
47. Was able to grow out my hair into a bird's nest mess lmao.
48. Tore off toxic friends off of my system like it's nothing, and forgotten about trash people not worth remembering.
49. Haven't shed a tear yet again, except for that one damn scene from Violet Evergarden and, of course, No Game No Life: Zero, but most definitely not for some damn human being (going strong).
50. Still alive, against all odds, chances, and dumb fuckery that Life and the World throws at me, and will do so again next year.
The year may have been terrible, but it's not lacking its rewards and lessons. Here's to a more hopeful year. Cheers!
Ps: Bad Side of 22 soon.
Pps: there might have been more to add, but this is a rushed list, and these are all I can think of. SML!
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lockwoodandcozine · 6 years
Artist Introduction #1 - Nanashi
Alright then... Well, for this Zine you can call me Nanashi! On Tumblr you can find me on @veiledbyamask  or, if you're more interested in my art practice, rather than my fandom-related shitposting, on @nanasartpractice . I'm a 22-year-old hobby artist and writer from Switzerland that spends most of their time on the internet with roleplaying and writing fanfiction.
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How long have you been drawing?
I've started drawing properly back in 2012, when I started my first askblog here on Tumblr, soo... for about 5 years now? Before that I was just scribbling as a child and occasionally on notes, haha! 
Which artists influenced your style? Do you have a favourite artist? 
A lot of people did, haha. I was FAR from being good at art when I started 5 years ago, but I learned a lot from the other, more experienced artists I interacted with. Many of those are now important friends that still keep inspiring and influencing me with their works and styles! As for a favourite artist... I don't really have one, if I'm honest. I like many different artists and their styles for various reasons, so it's very hard to pick one favourite...! I suck at choosing one thing above others, I’m sorry, haha--!;;;;;
Who’s your favourite Lockwood and Co. character?
* Well… Looking at who I chose to draw, I think that’s very obvious, haha~. Kipps was, surprisingly enough, one of the first characters to earn himself the title as ‘favourite’. He showed up in the first book and I was just like “Yep, that’s the one. This is where I’m laying my affection.”. I think neither of us expected him to get such strong competition in the form of the Skull and later even Ezekiel… whoops. Well, what can you do? 
How did you get into Lockwood and Co.?
I picked up ‘The Screaming Staircase’ at a bookstore on a trip to Germany on mere coincidence. I was actually looking for a different book entirely when stumbling (almost literally) over The Screaming Staircase. Since it looked super interesting after reading into it a bit, I bought it and planned to read a little further on the ship back to Switzerland. By the time we arrived home, two hours later, I was finished with the book an wanted M O R E, haha! 
What languages do you speak?Did you read Lockwood and Co in English or in another language? 
My native language is Swissgerman, but I’m also fluent in German and English, can hold a more or less proper conversation in French and Italian and understand a few other languages, too… if you squint, maybe. I did read Lockwood & Co in English though, yes! If possible, I always try to read, watch, or play all types of media in the language they were created in! 
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addcests · 7 years
Chocolate Kisses
hey look i’m not shitposting for once i HAVE ACTUAL CONTENT FOR ONCE  HI HONEY IM HOMEEEEEEEEEEE DID YOU GUYS MISS ME? NO? YES? TOO BAD EITHER WAY HERE HAVE A FIC a white day fic, it was also supposed to double as a fic for MM’s bday
Title Chocolate Kisses Pairing  LPMM Words 2130 Summary Psyker has a nice evening planned out for White Day. [prompt]
Mastermind could believe that Psyker would pull him from the comforts of their home for a nice evening out, even if it was a hard-pressed challenge of coaxing Mastermind from said comfy home, Mastermind complaining all the way. The outing was simple though—a brisk walk through some of the markets, a quick bite to eat, then into the hustle of the malls—and it was enjoyable. Sure, Mastermind would be more inclined to a quiet date at home, but a little outing every now and then was more than acceptable, refreshing even.
What Mastermind could not believe was that Psyker would pull them from the comforts of their home, knowing full well the weather, and still insist on their little outing.
And so, Mastermind made it quite plain how he was displeased with this chilling turn of events.
“Hey,” Psyker started, voice not holding a single ounce of sympathy, “For your information, I did pay attention to the weather report.” He stopped, jabbing a finger at Mastermind’s attire once he stopped too. “And I told you to go with the bulkier coat.”  
Mastermind flippantly waved his hand, as if he to motion that he was ignoring the fact that Psyker did indeed warn him, “Anyway, that coat didn’t match well with my boots.”
He was not doing this with Mastermind. The taller man let out a groan, ruffling his hair in an aggravated manner, refusing to give an answer to that in fear Mastermind would continue his little tangent about his outfit and fashion. He fell in steps behind Mastermind as he continued a few paces ahead. He did indeed continue why he did not choose the better coat.
This was no actual fight, for their bicker was commonplace, something normal. They bickered easily, their back and forth banter exchanged so comfortably, as if second nature, until they ran out of insults, left with nothing but childish name calling and finally fell into silence. Not a silence that was awkward, or unwelcomed, but one that didn’t require anymore words; a silence that enveloped them both as they enjoyed each other’s presence.
They shared a smile.
Psyker snuck a glance, noticing jittery movements from his peripheral. “You’re shivering,” he pointed out, moving closer and bumping shoulders with Mastermind, not waiting for his answer.
Mastermind ducked his head some to avoid Psyker’s watchful gaze, seeming to scrutinize his every shudder, mumbling, “I did say it is cold.” Or at least, it was cold. Suddenly, the frosty temperature was no longer a problem when Mastermind realized Psyker had wrapped his heavy coat around him. He had wanted to protest, but held fast to Psyker’s coat, clinging to the body heat that remained, enjoying the other’s scent as well. Instead of the feeble protest he had in mind, Mastermind hummed with content then murmured under his breath, “Mmm, are you sure?”
“I’m not the one who won’t stop complaining.” Psyker’s words were not malicious nor biting, but light with a teasing tone as he chuckled after.
“Mmm,” Mastermind made another low hum in the back of his throat, too pleased with burying his face into Psyker’s coat to really give an answer that was more than one word.
They pressed on, this time their goal was for home, because even Mastermind noticed the frigid air getting to Psyker, able to see more puffs of misty air every time he breathed. When he reached for Psyker’s hand, Psyker’s normally warm fingertips were slightly chilled.
Upon feeling Mastermind’s fingers curl against his, Psyker made a sudden gasp, a mindful noise as if something had just occurred to him.
But startled Mastermind quickly puffed out, “What is it?”
“Nothing, just,” Psyker reached towards Mastermind, confusion flooding his features as he neared closer, his intentions still not made clear, his hand dropping down and—
“Where are you touching?” Mastermind insisted, pausing at each word, wary of the sudden movements and Psyker still reaching for him.
There was something that sounded suspiciously like “hold still” and a low rumbling noise Psyker made—displeased, probably—followed by a click of his tongue showed Psyker wasn’t up to his usual… playful antics. After patting Mastermind down some, in one quick movement he reached in for one of the coat pockets and pulled back. And in his hand, was a small red box, wrapped, with a dark red bow. “I know we’re not home yet.” Psyker smiled.
Mastermind’s mouth dropped, if only a little, when the realization dawned.
It’s White Day!
At first, Mastermind thought Psyker just wanted him to get out of the house, instead of being focused on his studies, nose in a book. Having a planned date surprised Mastermind, if he were honest. But he wasn’t expecting a date and… and?
And whatever it was in that box?
Psyker caught Mastermind’s inquisitive stare, glaring down the box like a curious child who couldn’t wait to open a gift. At that, he smiled tenderly, the affection clear in his eyes. “It’s your favorite.” He wasted no time unwrapping it and pulling the lid off the box, revealing at least five expensive yet neatly packaged chocolates and other chocolate type bonbons. He chuckled, relishing in seeing Mastermind’s face light up.
His mood, previously thwarted by the weather, was now uplifted because of Psyker’s gift. “They are!” Mastermind affirmed, not even bothering to hide how the chirp in his tone at the sight of his favorite chocolates. He licked his lips at the sight, prepared to dig in. Before he could even touch one chocolate, they were all snatched up—gone just like that. His reaction wasn’t instant, staring numb, struck with too much disbelief to properly act as he watched the other man stuff his face. It took a plain faced Psyker munching on the chocolates, with no shame, for him to snap to. And when he did, his response this time was fast, furious, a loud pitched whine of, “Psyker!”
Despite the shrill and childish whine, Psyker didn’t seem too bothered in the slightest as he gave a lazy grin as he munched on the chocolates, too pleased with himself as he watched the heated Mastermind. This served only to rile Mastermind up more. But Psyker was quicker to act, dropping the box unceremoniously in Mastermind’s hands as he leaned forward, closing all space between them in one swift, fluid movement as he sealed Mastermind’s complaints shut with a chocolate filled kiss.
Poor Mastermind hardly had time to react, just barely registering that Psyker had even dumped the box of chocolates in his hands. His eyes widened, feeling Psyker’s lips but tasting nothing but chocolate. Once this was finally processed, his eyes rolled into the back of his head, his eyes fluttering shut, fingers digging into the box as he bit back a moan, and unable to stop the sound when Psyker slipped his tongue against his.
Psyker pulled back, barely a few inches, only to pounce on Mastermind again, leaving no room for the other to recover. Despite this sudden action, when their lips melded together again—how soft Mastermind’s lips felt—there was no smug smirk of satisfaction this time. Rather, Psyker wanted to coax Mastermind into something easier, softer… sweeter. Because his hands were free, both flew up to gently cup Mastermind’s cheeks, angling his head for a deeper kiss.
The sudden deepness—and all too familiar gentle, tender touch—had Mastermind grabbing blindly at Psyker, desperate for some sort of purchase to pull Psyker even closer. It was intoxicating, really. His head swam, whirling as he felt himself drawn more into Psyker with each lap of his tongue, each soft nibble on Mastermind’s bottom lip. And Mastermind chased him eagerly, matching each nip and swipe of tongue. Every taste of chocolate made Mastermind want to lose himself even more in Psyker’s chocolate filled kisses.
Something as simple as a sweet kiss.
That thought grounded Mastermind, with some reluctance, as he untangled himself gradually from Psyker.
“You’re red,” Psyker teased, smiling that though they pulled apart, they were still very much close, nearly pressed chest to chest as Psyker leaned to rest his forehead against Mastermind’s.
The sweet gesture would not throw him off, and his teasing remark only grounded Mastermind more as he flushed. “You ate my White Day chocolates.” He tried to be angry, really, but he wasn’t. Could hardly pretend. Not with the taller man this close, nuzzling their noses together now.
Psyker bit back a smile? It was hard to tell. “I think I shared.” But it was clear with another teasing comment, it was him forcing down a smirk.
“It wasn’t for you to share.” As if he needed a reminder, Mastermind absently stuck his tongue out, running the pink muscle over his lips, still tasting the expensive chocolates. Though it wasn’t his intention, he felt a small swell of victory when he caught a glimpse of Psyker following the action as he dragged his tongue once more. Desperate to push his victory, Mastermind wiggled out of his hold, turning his back to him.
Had Mastermind been facing him still, he’d see Psyker’s playful roll of his eyes. He followed Mastermind, knowing full well that was what the other wanted, hugging his middle and pulling him back to him. “Aww, how about I make it up to you?” He rested his chin on Mastermind’s shoulder with ease, humming into the other’s ear.
“… I was going to say with hot chocolate.”
There was a pause and then, “Deal.” Mastermind felt Psyker’s hand brush against his when he pulled away, feeling how chilled Psyker was. “I think we should rearlly head back and out of the cold anyway.” He felt a little bad now, about hogging Psyker’s coat to himself while they were still out. All the more reason to get back sooner too. They turned together, moving to march beside one another as Psyker hummed in agreement. “Besides, I think we’ve left Psych and Arc to their vices way too long.”  
The cold was getting to him, so there was a small lapse before Psyker hummed in agreement.
This time he nudged Mastermind to let him know he had his attention, bumping shoulders happily with him.
Mastermind could tell the cold was starting to bother him now. “I’m making the hot chocolate.” He wanted to make it for Psyker, in all honesty. He felt bad about still having his coat... Mastermind tugged it closer, hugging the coat closer a few moments before continuing, “But you’re making us cookies then.“
“Spoiling you,” Psyker bit out as if annoyed. Ignoring Mastermind’s cry of “hey!”, he grinned as his teasing tone continued, “And now the kids too?”
He didn’t give Mastermind any room to reply anymore, but Mastermind didn’t need to nor want to upon seeing Psyker beam. Transfixed, he watched the smile Psyker already wore, fond and light, grow, crinkling the corners of Psyker’s eyes as he stared down at Mastermind.
Staring down at the person of his affections, all so lovingly.
How could Mastermind reply?
But it became evident he didn’t need to when Psyker leaned over to press a sweet kiss to Mastermind’s forehead, replying for him, “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
When they announced their return, they stopped at the welcome mat when they didn’t hear any energetic replies bouncing off the walls. It was way too quiet, when it came to that pair anyway. So, Mastermind and Psyker assumed the worst, but instead as they traversed the house together they found themselves greeted with a heartwarming sight.
Psyker put a hand to Mastermind’s chest, who hadn’t caught on yet, a silent motion to halt him and silence him. Slowly he led Mastermind’s gaze with a jab of his thumb to pair before them.
“Well, that’s adorable.”
Psych and Arc were sitting on the floor, in front of the television huddled together. Upon closer inspection, Arc was leaning more on Psych’s shoulder, using Psych’s head as a pillow. Their held hands, their fingers linked together and they were snoozing soundly, fast asleep as their chests rose and fell.
Psyker seemed to be looking around until his eyes fell on a bouquet of roses messily splayed over a disheveled wide box of what looked like packaged candies and chocolates. It looked as if it were open too, with the way the ribbon was slack and the lid disturbed. He made a thoughtful noise in the back of his throat, eyes looking over the gift once again, “I wonder how everything went...”
“What do you mean?”
Psyker motioned to the gift that Mastermind had yet to see. “I’m curious about what happened but,” He flashed Mastermind a crooked smile. “Let’s make that hot chocolate and cookies first.”
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