#i will never forget a tag i saw on here on a photo of corey on the couch that said “rubbing my face along the seam” 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
punkstatikparanoia · 5 months
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scuzmunkie · 6 years
Run, Little Rabbit, Run: Chapter 8
A/N: Happy October my darling little pumpkins!! You all are so amazing!! I’m so sorry this is so late!! I am so sorry for the small cliffhanger I left you lovelies with last week. I loved each and every comment left!! I love you all so much!! Without further ado, here’s chapter 8! As always please let me know if you want to be added to the tag list or if there are any mistakes, enjoy! Smooches!! Baron Corbin x OFC Word Count: 2000+ Warnings: language, talk of death, mourning. Summary: Run, Addie, the Constable is coming for you..... +++ “Hello?” Addie called out. Looking around, she rubbed her eyes as she realized that she was still in the forest but there seemed to be a slight haze blurring her surroundings. Where was everyone? Looking down she screamed, falling on her backside. She covered her mouth, as she saw her bloody body still in Baron’s arms. Her eyes filled with tears as she watched him rock her lifeless body back and forth. “Please, Addie, please come back. I’m so sorry.” He cried into her neck. “Baron, I’m ok I’m right here. I’m...” She sobbed, trying to touch his shoulder, whimpering when her hand went through his arm. “Dead.” Addie covered her face as bitter tears fell down, knowing that there was nothing she could do now. Like her parents, death had finally taken her. And here she thought that the cancer would’ve killed her and not some supernatural jackass. “There, there child.” She heard as a gentle hand soothingly rubbed her shoulder. Addie sprang to her feet, backing away from whoever it was. There stood a woman, her olive toned skin glowing as her luminous white hair floated as if she were under water. Brilliant eyes that matched the brightness of a full moon. “Will you love him?” The etherial being asked. “Wh-what? Wh-who are you?” Addie asked as she kept putting distance between them. “I am the Goddess of the Moon, Mother to the Wolves.” “Oh, um... I’m Adelina. Do I, do I bow or curtsy or something?” Addie asked. It wasn’t every day one meets a goddess. The moon goddess gave a soft smile and shook her head. She absolutely loved humans, they never ceased to bring a smile to her face. With a wave of her hands, two chairs appeared. Sitting in one of them, she gestured for Addie to take the other one. Seeing as she literally had nothing to lose, she sat across from the moon goddess. Sighing, Addie turned her attention back to Baron, who was still sobbing into her corpse. “Is this what death is? Me walking the earth as a spirit?” Addie asked as a bastard tear slipped from her eye. “Oh no, my darling, death is so different from what your media shows. Death is simply going home, reuniting with loved ones who have passed before you.” As if on cue, a light broke through the night sky, two people standing in its warmth. Squinting her eyes, Addie saw the loving faces of her parents. “Oh my word, they look like they did in their wedding photos.” Addie said, covering her mouth. Without thinking, Addie began walking towards their open arms. Before she reached them, the moon goddess’s voice stopped her. “My sweet child, before you leave, you should know something.” Addie turned to look at the goddess with a puzzled expression. Again, she gestured for Addie to sit. “Death is not always final. You have a choice.” “Wait, what? How is that possible?” The moon goddess stood, walked towards Addie and crouched in front of her as she took both her hands. “I have been watching Baron his entire life. I’ve heard all his prayers, pleas and wishes. All he ever wanted was someone to love and love him in return. His father was never good to his mother, always belittling her, scaring her, hurting her all while poor little Baron watched. He wasn’t strong enough to protect his mother seeing as he was but a boy.” Addie felt her heart break at the thought of little Baron having to watch that horror. “Finally, when Baron was sixteen years old, he came home from school and found his mother, a bloody mess, cowering in the kitchen, his father standing over her, screaming. Something in Baron snapped and he challenged his father to a fight to the death. It was a long, grueling fight that ended with Baron standing over his father’s dead body. As he held and consoled his mother he promised himself that, if given one, he would love, protect and cherish his mate, he would never be his father.” “W-What does this have to d-do with me?” Addie asked in a small voice. “I have been watching you too. I knew that you’d be perfect for Baron.” “I’m nothing special.” She whispered while shaking her head. “He doesn’t want me.” “Oh my sweet girl, you are so special! Even though you’ve lived a life full of pain and loss, you still look for the joy, you love others as if they were your family, you’re strong in the face of adversity and you don’t let others get away with, I believe the vernacular is, bullshit. You have all the traits of a strong and loving luna. And believe me when I say that Baron worships the very ground you walk on.” “Luna... that’s the second time someone’s called me that. What is a luna?” Realization hit the goddess. “Oh how foolish of me for not explaining that. Of course you wouldn’t know. Forgive me child.” The goddess let out a small laugh. “A luna is the mate to the alpha. She is his moon, his queen, his everything. She is the only thing that can calm him even if he is almost completely shifted into his wolf. No other woman can tempt or satisfy the alpha. His love for her runs all through the pack as well. You remember how Ruby became more affectionate towards you within the past few months?” Addie nodded her head, smiling at the memories. “That’s because she felt her alpha’s love for you. So you see? Even if Baron was being stubborn, he and his wolf still had deep feelings for you.” Addie sat in silence for a bit, trying to wrap her head around what was just said. “So,” Addie finally broke the silence, “what are my choices?” “You can go with your parents, free of the sadness and heartache that comes with life.” “....or?” Addie whispered, looking back and forth between Baron and her parents. —- “Will you love her?” a soft voice asked. All eyes shot open and landed on the new voice that broke the silence. Baron, Ruby and Corey immediately felt their hearts warm up, as if their own mothers were holding them. She wore a simple white toga that flowed as she slowly walked towards the small group, never breaking eye contact with Baron. Now standing in front of him, she bent down and gently touched his cheek. “You know who I am” she said, her voice full of love. Not trusting his voice, Baron simply nodded as Ruby and Corey quietly made their way closer to their goddess. “Oh my dear boy, how stubborn you’ve been. I know you better than you know yourself. You really think I’d give you a mate that wasn’t good for you, child?” She lovingly looked at the lifeless body laid in Baron’s arms. Reaching down, she softly moved Addie’s hair out of her face. ”I’ve known since the day Adelina drew her first breath that she’d be the perfect mate for you. She loved you more than anything in this life....” she looked him in the eyes “and in the next.” Baron gave her a confused look. Placing two fingers on his forehead, she closed her eyes and bowed her head. It would be easier to show him. —- “What are my choices?” “You can go with your parents, free of the sadness and heartache that comes with life.” “....or?” Addie whispered, looking back and forth between Baron and her parents. She looked at her parents, a longing in her eyes. It had been so long since she was able to hold her father. And her mother.... she never had the chance to know her. Yet there they were, waiting for Addie with open arms and loving smiles on their face. She took a step towards them, ready to let go of all the pain, but then she heard it. Heard the voice that made her heart beat faster than a hummingbird’s wings. “I’m so sorry Addie, I failed you.” Baron mumbled, into Addie’s hair, “I should’ve told you when I had the chance.” “Told me what?” She whispered to no one in particular. “I love you, little rabbit.” “I’ll ask you again, will you love him?”the goddess asked again. Addie felt her chest fill with warmth like no other, then shatter at the same time. Looking once more at her parents, she gave them a sad smile. They looked back at her with tears of their own, knowing that it wasn’t her time yet. Having made her choice, she looked at the moon goddess and gave her a nod. “I’m ready.” —- Baron’s eyes snapped open as he stared at his goddess in shock. “Now you know what she sacrificed to be with you. Don’t make her regret her decision, my sweet boy.” She then playfully bopped Baron on the nose. “Will you love her?” She asked again. “With every fiber of my being.” Hearing all she needed, Baron watched as the moon goddess leaned down, placed her lips on Addie’s forehead. Cupping Addie’s face, she kissed her forehead, whispering something only she could hear. “I’ve done my part,” she told Baron, sitting up, “now the rest is up to her.” When the goddess pulled away from Addie, she had looked perfect, her clothes were good as new, the blood gone from her body and her shoulder healed only leaving Baron’s mark. The goddess stood and looked around at her other wolves. Walking to Corey and Ruby she kissed their foreheads. “Take care of your alpha, he needs all the guidance he can get.” She gave Baron a loving wink. Making her way towards her wayward wolf, she crouched down and gently touched Dolph’s shoulder. Stirring, he leapt into a fighting stance until his eyes landed on the deity that stood before him. “My dear child, stop this hate, the world is already so full of it. Be better. Respect your alpha and protect your luna!” She pulled him to his feet and cupped his cheek. “I love you, my little rogue, but you forget that I can see into your heart. I know how much you long for a place to belong. Now you’re part of of something stronger and if you give them a chance, they’ll love you more than you could ever imagine. Mind you, you have quite a bit of damage to fix. It’ll take time but be patient. Can you do that for me?” By now, Dolph had tears running down his face that she lovingly swiped away with her thumbs. Not able to use his voice, Dolph nodded his head. “Promise?” She asked, stroking his cheek. “I promise.” He mumbled as he leaned into his goddess’s touch. “Good.” She turned to everyone else, “I leave you now. Please, take care of each other.” With that, a cloud of pure light appeared and disappeared leaving no trace of their beloved moon goddess. Dolph bowed his head, looking at the ground with nothing but shame coursing through his veins. “Alpha, I’m so sorry-“ With lightening speed, Baron grabbed Dolph by the throat, glaring at him. “I should rip your throat out, but I know that she” he pointed at Addie’s cold body now being held by Ruby “wouldn’t want me to.” Sighing, Baron rubbed his face with his free hand. “If she survives this, as your alpha, I command you to stay the hell away from her until she deems it ok to be around you again. Am I absolutely clear?!” “Yes alpha.” Looking towards Corey, Baron gave him a nod. Corey and Ruby took Dolph and the three of them left. “Baron, pick up Adelina and I can teleport you both back to your hotel room. This is no place for you two to be right now.” Nodding, Baron carefully lifted Addie into his arms as Alicia took Aleister’s hand in one of her own and touched Baron’s shoulder with the other, Aleister placing his free hand on Baron’s other shoulder. Bowing his head, Aleister muttered a spell and within a blink of an eye, they were all standing in Baron’s hotel room. “Thank you both, for everything.” Baron whispered. Aleister nodded as Alicia kissed Addie’s forehead. “You better wake your ass up.” She whisper yelled in Addie’s ear. Aleister took Alicia by the hand and took their leave. Baron laid on the bed with Addie, staring at her lifeless face as he pulled her closer to his chest. “Please, little rabbit, please come back to me. I swear to you things will be different, I’ll get my head outta my ass and love you harder than any alpha has ever loved their luna. I just need you to open those pretty green eyes.” He whispered.   His eyes grew heavy as he fell asleep holding his luna in his arms. Hours passed as the sun was now coming up, the warmth shining through his window heating their bodies. All the memories came flooding back to Baron as he let out a small whimper seeing Addie’s eyes still closed. Sitting up, Baron rested his elbows on his knees as he held his fists to his mouth. Had the goddess been wrong? Did Addie choose death over Baron? “Hey, why’d you move?” Addie grumpily asked. “I was comfy.” Baron turned to see the slightly mischievous glint in her eyes, a soft smile on her plump lips. Without hesitation, Baron dove on top of his luna, kissing her with everything inside him. Pulling back he took in her new appearance. She looked more alive, her skin almost glowing, eyes more vibrant and most of all, not a trace of cancer in her scent. Resting his forehead on hers, they quietly gazed into each other’s eyes as he ran his fingers through her hair. “I’m so sorry, Addie, I never should’ve let this happe-“ “Do you want me?” She whispered. “What?” That caught him off guard. “D-Do you want me?” Baron’s heart sank. Had he been a better mate and seen the gift that he was given instead of allowing his pride to get in the way then Addie wouldn’t be asking this. “If you’ll have me, I want you by my side til the end of time. I will give you everything I have in this life.”
“Well then,” Addie pressed her lips against Baron’s, pulling back with a mischievous look in her eyes, “I guess you’re mine, Alpha.”
Growling, Baron sat up and pulled her into his lap, burying his face into her neck. He kissed from her neck to her ear.
“Oh, little rabbit,” he whispered against her ear before nipping at the lobe, “you have no idea what you’ve just awoken.”
Darling Little Pumpkins
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