#i will die if i dont think about shuggy everyday
aimbutmiss · 5 months
I think Roger's death hit Buggy harder than it did Shanks.
I'm not saying that Shanks wasn't sad or he didn't care. Of course he was sad. Roger was like a father to them both. However, he knew this would happen. The moment he saw Roger's face on the newspaper with the execution date, he knew this was no mistake on Roger's part. He never got caught. He wanted to be exactly where he was, and he wouldn't try to run away. This was it, the end of an era.
So he cried, like a child would when losing his father as Roger's head was sliced. But he was prepared to face whatever life would throw in his way after that point, because he had Buggy by his side.
But then Buggy got angry at him, started yelling. He didn't quite understand what was going on, why this was happening. His ears were ringing and he could barely make out the other's words. There was venom in his words, tears in his eyes. Oh god, he made Buggy cry again. And he's leaving. Why's he leaving? Come back!
Shanks cried when Roger died. He bawled, sobbed, trashed when Buggy left. Because he knew the first was coming, but nothing could have prepared him for the latter.
He ran after him, trying follow the bright blue locks, but he lost him in the crowd. Buggy was always good at making himself invisible, but never to Shanks. Unfortunately, there's a first time for everything. Everyone was running all over the place in excitement at Roger's final words, but Shanks' whole world had just shattered into pieces. He didn't care about the One Piece or Laughtale. None of it mattered without Buggy. He fell onto his knees that day in Loguetown, and he screamed and cried, ignoring all the commotion around him.
He waited for days at the harbor, hoping that Buggy would come back, that they would leave together.
He never came.
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aimbutmiss · 4 months
Not tiktok calling me out on my shuggy bs...
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aimbutmiss · 5 months
started a shuggy slowburn that's gonna take me forever, so here's the beginning:
Buggy was five years old when he first fell in love.
He had just learned how to swim, and everything had fallen into place then and there.
It was hard, not falling in love with the sea, when it was all you had ever known. Buggy didn’t know where he came from, or how he ended up on the Oro Jackson, but it didn’t matter. The sea was always there for him. When things got tough, as tough as they can get for a little kid at least, he’d go on the deck and stare out at the sea. It welcomed him with all its blue vastness, and it felt like home.
“Makes you wanna jump in, doesn’t it? That’s the dangerous thing about it. Pulls you in with its beauty and doesn’t let go. Unless you know how to float above it, of course. HA HA HA!”
When Roger laughed, he did so with his whole chest. It was funnier than any joke of his that Buggy had heard, and he heard a lot of those. It always made Buggy want to laugh along.
“I can teach you if you want. How to swim.”
Roger’s laugh had boomed across the deck once again as the blue haired boy had immediately nodded eagerly in response. But it turned out that Buggy was a natural at swimming and didn’t need lessons much, if not at all.
“We got a real son of the sea here, boys! Davy Jones bless him.” That’s what Roger had said as Buggy swam right into his arms. He had lifted him up and stared at him with a smile. “A fine pirate you’ll make, son!”
Now, at the age of twelve, Buggy felt nothing like a pirate. Roger’s words echoed in his head as the taste of the fruit he just swallowed soured in his mouth.
A devil fruit.
First of all, it tasted like shit.
Second of all, it was all Red’s fault.
Red, Shanks, another part of his life that had been there as long as he could remember. The other boy did give him comfort, like the sea. But unlike the sea, he had a mouth that spoke back at him.
Buggy definitely preferred the sea.
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aimbutmiss · 5 months
Buggy is such a The Archer girlie it's not even funny. How can every single line of lyrics in a song fit a character so well and how did I not realise this before????
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aimbutmiss · 5 months
Why do greatest showman songs fit shuggy so well??? A million dreams, from now on, tightrope...
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