#i went with autumn grove andy
grapecaseschoices · 4 months
for the Valentine's amorous asks you posted yesterday - 2, 4 and 51. Any OC you want although I think the questions would be fun for your oldest age-wise OCs.
haha agewise is hard because it's like i have ocs who are 200 yrs old [and some more] but look like they're 20. i think my oldest normally aged oc might be ... either pierre or andy [i used to have much older ocs but i havent broke 40 in a minute. gotta change that].
2. Does your OC remember their first crush? Would they ever admit to it now?
Andy: Yes (ish). No.
Zaine: If he had anyone prior to her Lady, then he does not recall it. Would she admit that she might have cared for someone prior to his Lady? Hrm. Maybe. It really depended on the situation.
4. Is there someone your OC has met who they would find physically attractive, if only their personality were not so repulsive? (Or that they find attractive and really wish they didn’t…)
Andy and Zaine: What does personality have to do with anything? ROFLMAO. I think both of their reactions, Zaine's especially, would be mild irritation. Andy's probably more exasperation before moving on from it. Not to say the thought wouldn't occasionally circle back but he wouldn't fixate on it. I don't think he has anyone specific though. Zaine does and she makes it the person's problem -- but then she makes a lot of things that person's problem so /shrugs.
51. Does (or did) your OC enjoy “the chase” or being “chased”? Or do such things appear to them like silly games? Or even as an unequal and unhealthy basis for a relationship?
Andy: Prefers to be in charge of things. And he's not opposed to games. I think, in a sense, he prefers games solely. In that everyone knows that nothing will come of it. He's the chaser, always. That said, Andy's current move is pick up at a bar, f*ck, and move on. It's rather straightforward, but I'm sure there's verbal games. The verbal chase.
Zaine: If Zaine is chasing you, you're prey and he is hungry. ROFLMAO. The only being Zaine might seriously consider playing such games with is her Queen, and she can't.
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greatbigfour · 5 years
01. A New Problem
MK turned in her bed and looked at Andy, or JJ. She still referred to him as Andy, even though everyone else knew him as JJ, and Jamie called him dad, of course. He didn’t seem to mind, but she thought that she should get used to calling him JJ too. She had time now to do that, now that she got him back. She pushed a lock of hair out of his face very gently. His eyelids fluttered open, and he smiled upon seeing her. Her own mouth curled into a bright smile. 
“Good morning,” she whispered softly as she snuggled up closer to him. 
He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. “Good morning, sweetheart.” They kissed. “What do you say we stay in bed for a little while?” 
“Hmm, OK, until Jamie comes in.” 
JJ sighed. “Deal.” MK snorted as she buried her face into his chest. She breathed in the cool, brisk autumn scents she had come to associate with him. It only made sense that he would the alter persona of Jack O’Lantern. It was a comforting smell. 
“Mom, Dad!” 
JJ groaned. “Well that was quick.” 
MK chuckled. She gave him a quick kiss before she sat up in bed. “What is it, Jamie?” She saw the worried look on Jamie’s face and quickly got out of bed. “Jamie, what’s wrong?” She walked towards him, JJ now sitting up in bed. 
“All of my grandparents are here. Something’s wrong!” 
“Did they say what exactly was wrong?” 
Jamie shook his head. “They just said they had to talk to you right away!” 
MK and JJ shared a look. MK turned back to Jamie. “Alright, you go tell them we’ll be out in a minute.” 
Jamie nodded and took off, MK closing the door behind him. JJ was already up and getting changed when MK got to the closet. 
“Do you have any idea what it could be?” he asked as he pulled on a shirt. 
MK shook her head. “No clue, and I wonder why they didn’t tell Jamie.” 
“Well, guess there’s only one way to find out.” 
MK nodded and the two quickly finished getting dressed. They dashed out to the living room and found two couples looking rather perturbed, and Jamie was on the floor looking at them with worry and curiosity. Jack and Rapunzel were huddled together on the sofa, while Hiccup and Merida sat in the adjoining chairs and held hands. Hiccup stood up when he noticed MK and JJ coming into the room. 
MK hugged him. “Dad! Mom! What’s wrong?” 
JJ embraced his parents as well. “Is it Pitch?” he asked as he pulled back from their hug. 
Jack glanced at Hiccup. “Well, it has more to do with our attempts with getting back to our world. Something, or well, someone, seems intent on keeping us from doing so.” 
“And isn’t Mavis,” Merida quickly added upon seeing Jamie’s shocked face. He relaxed as he shot his grandmother a look of gratitude, but there was still worry creased on his face. 
Jack nodded. “Definitely not Mavis, she’s actually been working hard, trying to help us.” 
JJ glanced between the four. “But, who wouldn’t want to head back home?” 
“That’s why we came here,” said Hiccup, crossing his arms, “we need you to help us figure it out.”
Jack sighed as he ran his fingers through his hair. “Though the only reason why we came now is, it seems to have gotten worse.” 
“What do you mean by that?” asked JJ as he sat down. MK sat down next to him while the other four returned to their seats. 
Jack let out a huff as he glanced between Hiccup, Merida, and Rapunzel. “Oh man, where do we begin?” 
Hiccup shrugged. “How about when the two Sandy’s really got started working on figuring out a way back home with the Onceler?”  
“”Which was New Year’s Day.” 
MK and JJ shared a look. “Wait,” said JJ, “since New Year’s Day?” 
“That was only a few weeks ago!” blurted MK. 
“Yeah, we’ve been having problems ever since,” said Jack. 
“At first they were minor nuisances,” said Merida, “or at least we thought so. Then, things got worse and worse. Instead of things being misplaced, or a crack in glass here and there, there were big messes, some ingredients were stolen, and some things were broken.” 
Rapunzel shivered. “But now, someone just tried to kill Jack!” 
JJ leaned forward, eyes wide. “What?” He glanced at Jack. “Someone actually tried to . . .” 
Jack waved his hand. “Don’t worry about it. Right now, we need to find out who is behind all of this to make sure it doesn’t happen again.” 
“Isn’t Sheriff Woody on the case?” asked MK. 
“He was, but there’s only so much a doll can do,” said Jack with a shrug. “And it is just him and Jessie keeping the peace. We need an expert on the case.” He looked pointedly at MK. “And I know we promised to let you have a few months to be with JJ and Jamie, but we need you, MK.” 
JJ and Jamie glanced at MK. She let out a breath. “Alright, I’ll see what I can do.” 
“We,” said JJ, “we’ll see what we can do.” He shot a smile at MK. MK really didn’t want to get JJ caught up in it, but she realized that not only would she appreciate the extra help, she would get to spend time with him. She loved him so much. 
She grinned back. “Yes, we.” 
“And me too!!” blurted Jamie. 
MK pointed at him. “Once you’re finished with your homework young man.” 
“Oh fine.” Jamie huffed and crossed his arms. 
MK nodded. “Good.” She turned to her parents and in-laws. “I’m on the case.” MK was surprised by their reaction as the four smiled wanly. 
“I really wish we didn’t have to rely on you for this,” said Hiccup, “but you seem to be the only one who can handle this.” 
JJ leaned forward. “Is there another reason?” 
Jack clenched his staff tightly. “I think Pitch is somehow behind this.” He glanced at the two pointedly and worriedly. “Please be very careful.” 
JJ shot him a reassuring smile. “Don’t worry, Dad, I’ve been practicing a bit with my powers. If Pitch is behind this, it will just give me a reason to try them out.” 
“You’re still not strong enough to handle him though,” mumbled Jack. 
“I can always send MK and Jamie to find you. I’ll be fine.” 
Rapunzel patted Jack’s shoulder. “Jack, he’s an adult now, we should trust him.” 
Jack sighed. “I know, but he hasn’t had much training.” 
“Then teach him,” said Rapunzel. 
“Then teach me,” said JJ at the same time.  
Jack ran his hand through his hair. “Well, it’s kinda hard to at the moment since I’m helping the Sandy’s find a way home.” 
Rapunzel took his hand. “I’m sure they’ll understand if you want to take a few minutes, or even a few hours to train our son. The more help we have defeating Pitch the better.” 
Jack sighed and nodded. “You’re right. I’ll talk to them about it when I see them later.” 
Rapunzel pecked his cheek. “Thank you.” 
He pulled her closer. “You’re welcome.” 
MK let out a breath as she stood up. “Alright, if I’m going to take this case, I’m going to need all the information you can give me.” 
Hiccup leaned forward and rubbed his chin. “Well, I think we gave you all the information we could give you. Things seemed to be lost or misplaced at first, but then the next week we found phials broken, ingredients stolen, and things spilled all over the place. Then, just last night . . .” Hiccup paused and glanced at Jack, apparently waiting for him to finish the story. 
Jack sighed. “Last night, I was on my way home when arrows were shot at me.” 
“What?” blurted JJ and Jamie. 
Jack nodded. “I was able to put up a shield of ice just in time.” He shivered. “It was way too close.” 
MK blinked. “But I thought you can’t die!” 
“You’re right, I can’t, but these weren’t your typical arrows. They had been dipped in nightmare sand! If one of those had pierced me, Pitch would have been able to control me.” JJ gasped and his eyes widened in horror. Jack continued. “When the arrows stopped coming, I went off in search of my attacker, but I couldn’t find anyone. So I grabbed the arrows and took them back to the Sandy’s. The Sandman was able to turn the nightmare sand back into dream sand, but that’s the only good news from that entire incident.” 
JJ let out a soft hiss. “So, someone in the town is working with Pitch.”
Hiccup nodded. “And we have no clue who it is.” 
MK rubbed her chin. “Well, looks like it’s time for a visit to town hall and take a look at Mavis’s collection of information on each person. Maybe someone will pop out.” She turned to Jack. “Speaking of, you’re sure it wasn’t Justin either?” 
Jack nodded firmly. “Positive. He’s been helping us too.” 
“Well then,” said MK as she strode towards the phone, “let’s see if there are any bad guys who made it into Cedar Grove.” She picked up the phone and dialed a number. “Hello, Mavis? We need to look at the info you have on the townsfolk. How soon can we look at them?” Her eyes widened. “Now?” She glanced at everyone in the room with determination. “That will be perfect. We’re on our way.”  
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No Stones Unturned: Mick Jagger
Sir Michael Jagger was born in Dartford, England to a middle-class family. Both his father and grandfather were teachers, while his mother of Australian descent was a hairdresser. Both his parents had hoped he would follow in his father’s footsteps becoming a teacher, but Jagger has stated that he had always wanted to be a singer from a young age. "I always sang as a child. I was one of those kids who just liked to sing. Some kids sing in choirs; others like to show off in front of the mirror. I was in the church choir and I also loved listening to singers on the radio–the BBC or Radio Luxembourg–or watching them on TV and in the movies." Until 1954, he lived next to and went to school with Keith Richards. The artist that led Jager to rhythm and blues was in fact the flamboyant singer, Little Richard. In 1961, Jagger left school after testing out of seven O levels and two A levels. He moved in with Keith Richards and Brian Jones in an apartment on Edith Grove in London. Richards and Jones had planned to start a rhythm and blues group called Blues Incorporated, while Jagger attended the London School of Economics as an undergraduate student. A common misconception is that they all met on that first day, then the Rolling Stones started. It happened as more of a gradual process. For his part, Jagger began to jam with Jones and Richards, which eventually led to the formation of the Rolling Stones. Yet, this emerged as a process because Jagger still kept one foot within the academic world.
From the beginning of the band, they would often perform for no money. Their first gigs were playing the intermission between sets for musician Alexis Corner. Their first live performance officially as the Rolling Stones was at the Marquee Club in July 1962. Jager officially left school by the autumn of 1963 in order to pursue music full-time. Another misconception was that the collaboration between him and Keith Richards took shape from the very beginning. Once again, this was a gradual process that took a bit of time to develop. Their first hit song was a blues cover, “Little Red Rooster.” Their first Rolling Stones original hit, “The Last Time”in 1965 took a lot of inspiration from the Staples Singers song, “This May Be the Last Time.” They did not really hit their stride until the song “Satisfaction”was released, which also emphasized an image of rebellion. The singer would say this in 1992 in an interview in Vanity Fair. “I wasn't trying to be rebellious in those days; I was just being me. I wasn't trying to push the edge of anything. I'm being me and ordinary, the guy from suburbia who sings in this band, but someone older might have thought it was just the most awful racket, the most terrible thing, and where are we going if this is music?... But all those songs we sang were pretty tame, really. People didn't think they were, but I thought they were tame."
In the 1970’s, Jagger changed his look, but more importantly his music as well. By the time of Sticky Fingers, he had learned to play guitar with contributions even on that album. On subsequent albums, the singer contributed guitar parts on every release with the notable exception of Dirty Work in 1986. By the 1972 tour for Exile on Main Street, Jagger had fully embraced the glam rock style that would define him for the rest of the decade. He would even admit himself this embrace of an androgynous look in an interview years later. The singer would often perform live wearing glitter and eyeliner. By the time of that album, Jagger had also taken over business decisions for the band in conjunction with his personal investment manager Prince Rupert Loewenstein. This partnership still exists to this day. Some have said that financially he helped to save the band because management had been robbing them blind since the beginning. In a 1994 60 Minutes story, a promoter for the Voodoo Lounge tour noted how unique it was to have a lead singer so plugged into the business side of things.
In the mid-1980’s, Jagger decided that it was time for him to record a solo album. This decision would almost lead to the end of the Rolling Stones. He would say in Rolling Stone magazine, there was a need to establish an artistic identity outside of the band. Keith Richards felt the complete opposite in that anything musically should be directed towards the Rolling Stones. In 1985, he would release his first solo album, She’s the Boss, which actually sold pretty well. Two years later in 1987 the singer released a second solo album entitled, Primitive Cool, which emerged as a modest success. Sandwiched between that was the release of a 1986 Rolling Stones album, Dirty Work. At the time of recording that album, Jagger and Richards could not even be in the same room together. The only reason that album even exists is probably because Ron Wood acted as peacemaker between the two during the recording sessions. To make matters worse, Jagger refused to tour after the completion of the 1986 album, but instead wanted to tour his solo material instead. This decision put the future of the band very much up in the air. The other band members went ahead and worked on their own side projects as well. The irony came in that Jagger was the only one who did not really grow from the experience of going solo when the band reunited for Steel Wheels.
Jagger has also starred in some well-known films throughout his career. His debut took place in the film Performance, which also starred Keith Richards girlfriend. Jagger portrayed an aging rockstar recluse in the film that has gone on to achieve almost a cult film status today. His next film took place with the film, Ned Kelly, where he portrayed the infamous Australian outlaw. The singer seemed very selective in the roles that he chose as they seem to take on a feel of art house. He did audition for the role in Rocky Horror Picture Show, but Tim Curry was eventually chosen for that film. Jagger also had planned to star in an adaptation of the book Dune, but the movie never went into production. Ironically, the film would be made in the 1980’s, but starring former lead singer of the Police, Sting. In more recent film roles, he has tended to play more of a bad guy as seen in 1992’s Freejack. In 1995, the singer even started a film company that released a 2008 remake of George Cukor’s The Women. The film did very poorly at the box office and critically panned by everyone with the possible exception of Roger Ebert.
Mick Jagger has been married once and been in several other relationships with women over the years. From 1966 to 1970, he was with singer Marianne Faithfull. A year later he was married to Nicaraguan model, Bianca Perez Mora Macias. They were divorced in 1978 on the grounds of adultery. He would reportedly have an affair from 1974 to 1976 with Bebe Buell, but they both have denied that this ever occurred. In 1977, Jagger began dating Jerry Hall, who had four children together. Another positive aspect of this relationship emerged in that Hall got the singer to give up heroin. Next up was Carla Bruni, who the singer had an affair with from 1991 to 1994. She would go on to marry the future president of France becoming that country’s first lady for a time. His relationship with Hall ended after yet another affair. A court in England ruled that their marriage was not legally binding when she sued for divorce. From 2001 to 2014, the Jagger was in a relationship with L’Wren Scott until she committed suicide in 2014. In her will, she left her entire $9 million estate to Jagger. Finally, ballet dancer Melanie Hamrick, who had his child in 2016 when he was 73.
Mick Jagger has left an indelible mark on pop-culture outside of the Rolling Stones. In 1975, Andy Warhol painted his likeness, which ended up on the wall of the palace of the Shah of Iran. His wife had purchased the painting. The band Maroon 5 had a hit song entitled “Moves Like Jagger” a few years ago. One thing he said about the song was unfortunately he didn’t hear receive royalties from it. In the film, Almost Famous, his name is mentioned when the character played by Jimmy Fallon asked the question, do you think make Mick Jagger is going to be going up on stage when he’s 50? In 1973, Carly Simon wrote the song “You’re So Vain,” but she has never revealed what guy the song is actually about. Some have speculated that the song is indeed referring to Jagger. This does seem unlikely since he did background vocals on the track. Don McLean created the iconic song “American Pie” with references to many of the musicians of the 1960s including Jagger. In the lyrics, McLean sings about Satan, which many believe is a reference to the singer. In 1967, a photographer took a picture of Jager‘s naked buttocks with the original going up for auction in 1986. The image sold for $4000.
For his part, Mick Jagger will go down as quite simply one of the most influential lead singers in the history of rock and roll. David Bowie once said that he dreamed as a boy about becoming the next Mick Jagger. Universities have had classes where they study the movement of Jagger as it relates to power, sexuality, and gender. They argue about how much the singer is really acting on stage, and whether he actually means everything that he sings about in his songs. Another aspect of his legacy emerges in his longevity. He has done it longer than anyone else in the history of music. A few years ago Jon Bon Jovi commented on this, where he was simply astounded at how much running and jumping around an older man does on stage. He wondered if there was any way that he could do that at the same age.
In 1980, Mick Jagger was persuaded to write an autobiography. The reason being came in that there were quite a few unauthorized biographies of him already out there. He wanted to set the record straight and went ahead in producing a 75,000 word book. Yet, at the last minute, the singer decided to completely shelve the manuscript. There is only one copy of it in existence, which belongs to the person that persuaded him to write it, Lord Weidenfield. There is no word yet as to whether this work will see the light of day upon his passing. In my personal opinion, I am not sure that it would be a worthwhile read since the book would only include the first 15 years of the Rolling Stones. He had not even begun to feud with Keith Richards at that time.
Jagger in his limited free time loves sports. He is a diehard fan of both soccer and cricket. The Rolling Stone regularly follows the English national soccer team, and will travel to see them play in the World Cup, if they qualify. Jagger also started an Internet site that follows and announces cricket games, Jagger Internetworks. His politics have also changed quite a bit over the years. In the beginning, he was very liberal writing songs about revolution and protest like “Street Fighting Man.” Yet, nowadays Jagger is a strong proponent of the conservative party in England. For a long time, he remained a large supporter of Margaret Thatcher. Finally, the singer has participated in a great amount of philanthropy in England towards music education and local schools. He started a Mick Jagger Center at his former school in Dartford, England. Another thing he started was the Little Red Rooster music program, which is featured in schools throughout the country.
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grapecaseschoices · 2 years
10 & 13 for oc awards?
10. Best Kiss?
The way this took me quite a few hours to think on. I am a huge shipper -- when it comes to characters that are not my own (IF is a new experience for me because I love romance based games but essentially I am putting my ocs in romance scenarios qweds lmao) . And most of my OCs havent macked in an IF yet/if they have it sorta, just happened. Also, I have the worst memory.
BUT! I recalled a spicy thread that I did (one of my first publically posted qawerd)  Henriette - aka Henry x Colette - were childhood friends who got married but divorced, because Colette (emotionally and magically) wasnt at a place to love Henry the way he wanted/needed. But they re-united. And had a bunch of good kisses. But none as great as the time they had s*x on her altar. Yeaaah, that was some good ish. This thread had a LOT of good kisses. Many really soft. But, uh. This is the first time I ever wrote something like that. 
A snippet  (warning: blood play - ish):
He could only stare at her in gratitude as his eyes drifted closed and he allowed the words to sink into his marrow. He turned his head to kiss her wet palm, a soft brush of affection, before his tongue rubbed at the base of her thumb, eyes open and holding hers. The taste of something duller than wine sunk against his tongue immediately. It was heavier, and the scent of it had only hit him a moment before. There was a hesitance, yet he didn’t pull away, as his fingers cupped Colette’s hand while they tentatively sought out the injury. He had not realized that she had cut herself but once the raised skin was found, he pressed his lips against it, tentative and concerned.
Honorable Mention: 
From another spicy thread, lmao.  Andy and Ben. Basically, in Autumn Grove a lot of the characters were getting in touch (or back in touch) with the magic in the world (tl;dr explanation). And one of the characters, basically put out a good vibes. It came out to a delightful thread. They were just soft kisses, smiling into the kisses. And it just something they wouldn't let themselves have naturally -- at the time. (Andy still wont wertfd lmao).
Surprisingly, Andy allowed himself to be led. Unsurprisingly, Andy let himself be kissed. Surprisingly, Andy was also still smiling, still laughing as Ben kissed him -- a puff of breath glancing Ben’s lips. Surprisingly, unsurprisingly, he kept his lips gentle as he pressed back in return, his hands cupped the other man’s elbow as he drew him closer, as he savored him.
And so it went, surprisingly, unsurprisingly, surprisingly, each movement calculated to elicit a response, each touch causing Andy’s fingers to buzz pleasantly.
13. Best playlist
Andy again. It goes from very life development with a touch of aesthetic to very aestheticy but still representive of his life to a mix of both but mostly vibes. The title comes from the Anne Carson translation: “Why does tragedy exist? Because you are full of rage. Why are you full of rage? Because you are full of grief.”
Honorable mention:
I think I have one or two that are better done (though not complete), but I wanted to showcase another OC aside for Kendis (plus this one hurts me a lot): Mason and Alvaro’s ship playlist qwsdefrd lmao. Just me exposing myself for loving layered opposite ships (especially if it’s grumpy/quiet & sunshine/hyper). About two boys with major self-esteem issues who handle them, and life, differently but find a home in each other. I CRY ALWAYS ABOUT THEM. 
Thanks for the ask, my dude :-D!
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