#i went to a halloween party this year as a 1920s vamp
agentcricket-art · 4 months
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art v artist 2023!!! can you tell i like teeth?
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bamon4bamily · 5 years
TVD 9x05 Halloween Special (part 1 of part 2) Enjoy! =)
Cut back to – 1921, Halloween Ball at the secluded hotel. Stefan, Klaus, and Rebecca are having drinks at a private booth.
STEFAN: Well this is quite the party, loving the decadence.
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KLAUS: Oh, my friend, the fun hasn’t even begun.
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REBECCA: (To Stefan) It seems like your plus one found something or someone to entertain him, he’s been gone for a while.
STEFAN: He’s a curious guy, he’ll be back eventually.
KLAUS: Remind me again why you brought him along? Or why we haven’t torn into his vanes?
STEFAN: He is off the table, so lose the temptation.
REBECCA: Why do you even care?
STEFAN: He’s a close friend, let’s just leave it at that. Anyway, what are we having for dinner?
KLAUS: Trust me, you will find it to be plenty tasty (snaps his fingers, a woman walks into the booth and sits beside them).
STEFAN: You know my taste…
REBECCA: And mine. (They tare into her neck; when they finish they leave the dead body sitting there as if nothing had happened).
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STEFAN: (As he is wiping the blood from his mouth) Lovely appetizer, but I’m ready for the main course.
KLAUS: Patience, mate, have another drink. Let’s get someone to clean our little mess, first.
STEFAN: Well, make it quick, I’m still hungry.
REBECCA: (Serves him more champagne) Don’t worry, love, I’ll go find someone to take care of this (kisses him, then leaves).
KLAUS: So, Stefan, are you sure it is safe to leave your “friend” to wonder about?
STEFAN: He can handle himself.
KLAUS: If you say so…
(A breathtaking woman comes into the booth, they both freak out given the scene).
LADY: Relax gentleman, nothing I haven’t seen before (winks, then casually sits next to the dead body and licks some blood from her neck). Yum… Care to offer this thirsty lady a drink? (Both, completely hypnotized by her beauty, head for the champagne bottle, Stefan gets to it first).  
STEFAN: (As he pours her a drink) Can I just say you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. (Looks at her hands) Love the glove… looks beautiful, and dangerous (smirks)…
LADY: (Flirting) Just as I am, dear (winks).
KLAUS: If ever I have seen true beauty… (kisses her hand).
LADY: Thank you, gentleman, you are not bad on the eyes yourselves. Listen, I brought you a gift from the Mayor (hands them a black box), a small token of his appreciation for attending tonight. (As they are about to open it) Not yet, my dears, they must be opened at midnight; trust me, they are worth the wait. In the meantime (she snaps her fingers and two beautiful women come into the booth; she kisses them on the lips then cuts their throats with her glove, licks some of the blood and kisses Stefan and Klaus), enjoy, boys.  
STEFAN: Wait, you are leaving? Please, stay, indulge with us.
LADY: I’d love to, but I have some business to attend to. I’ll be back for dessert, I promise. (When she walks out, Katherine, who has been lurking outside the booth, catches a glimpse of her, then vamps away).
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Cut to Matt’s house. Tyler and Khuyana are having breakfast. On the background, playing on the TV is a breaking news story about a couple that has been found brutally murdered in a cabin outside Mystic Falls.
 TYLER: So, he left early this morning?
KHUYANA: I think so… I’m not even sure if he came home at all. I went to bed alone and woke up alone.
TYLER: What do you think we should do?
KHUYANA: I know this might sound awful, but I think we should have a backup plan just in case he’s a no show.
TYLER: This is so strange, and totally out of character… we need to figure out what’s going on with him. When did it start?
KHUYANA: I guess I started noticing some strange behavior when I came back from a trip… after the massive aneurysms’ attacks.
TYLER: Bonnie told me about that, it happened before the Darius linking ritual, right?
TYLER: So this must be related to Darius… maybe his under some sort of spell?
KHUYANA: Can’t be that, Bonnie put a spell block on all of us after the linking incident.
TYLER: There is a spell against being spelled?
KHUYANA: I guess so, I still don’t understand how the witchy woo stuff works…
TYLER: Okay, well, Darius is also psychic, so, mind control?
KHUYANA: Can’t be that either, Bonnie psych-blocked us against that too.
TYLER: Doesn’t make sense… if he’s not under a spell or mind control… (Matt walks in).
MATT: Wow, you just won’t let it go… mind control, really? I told you guys, I’m fine, just exhausted, irritated, and under a lot of stress. All I need is some sleep to recharge, then I’ll be good to go.
TYLER: Are you sure, man?
MATT: I’m sure. I’m gonna go take a nap (kisses Khuyana; as he is walking out, turns around) and please, stop talking about me behind my back, it’s annoying (leaves).
Cut to – Mikaelson mansion, Klaus and Danae in the living room.
 KLAUS: I still think you should have told them…
DANAE: What for? Sometimes it’s better not to know.
KLAUS: Well, that is true… Are sure you are up for this?  Your migraines seem to be getting worse, love.
DANAE: I’ll be fine… it’s probably because subconsciously I’m nervous about being so close to my brother.
KLAUS: You have my word that you will be safe; under no circumstances will he find out you are alive.
DANAE: Thank you, dear, you are my knight in shining armor, always and forever. (Kisses him on the cheek). You know, if I didn’t have a thing for the ladies, I’d be madly in love you.
KLAUS: I know, love, as would I (winks, gives her a tender hug). Everything will be fine, I promise (kisses her forehead).
DANAE: What about Bonnie? Do you really think she will be able to keep control? Once her psychic-block is released, there is no doubt that she will be overwhelmed; and yes, I can help control her energy levels but there is no guarantee that it will be enough. One psychic blast and she can wipe us all out…
KLAUS: Bonnie is very strong-willed; I reckon she will find a way to keep it under control. To be honest, what worries me most is if she will be able to resist the temptation of not succumbing to her dark side.
DANAE: And if she does?
KLAUS: Well, if it comes to that, we’ll deal with it…
DANAE: As in, kill her? That seems a bit harsh, dear.
KLAUS: No, of course not, I mean contain her.
DANAE: With that kind of power, how on earth are we going to be able to do that? 
KLAUS: Emotions always have a way to control us, and I’m pretty sure I know her weak spot; we make her connect with those feelings so she doesn’t lose her hold...
DANAE: Whatever happens, let’s hope it ends well… I really like her. 
KLAUS: (Gives her a smirk) Oh, do you now?.
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DANAE: Not like that, dear, I mean, if I knew I had a chance, don’t doubt for a second that I wouldn’t try… she is a spitting image of Marie… (becomes nostalgic).
KLAUS: I know...
DANAE: (Teary-eyed) No matter how many years go by, the hurt just doesn’t seem to go away (Klaus holds her tight).
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KLAUS: It’s understandable, she was the love of your life. What happened to her was tragic, of course, the pain lingers, but eventually, you will find your way back to each other.
DANAE: Dear, I am immortal, how is that ever going to happen?
KLAUS: Never give up hope, love. After all, who would have thought there would be a way for the dead to make their way back? Look at Stefan, Tyler, Lexi, Katherine…
DANAE: They all had a connection to Bonnie, that’s the only reason they were able to come back.
KLAUS: I hardly think Bonnie wanted Katherine to return.
DANAE: It might have been a bad connection, but it was still a connection… 
KLAUS: Well, there is no stronger connection than blood...
DANAE: Yes, but Bonnie never knew Marie, probably doesn't even know she existed ... Anyway, let me stop with the self-pity, we have more important things to focus on right now. Listen, how about I start preparing everything for the “party” while you go get us some costumes, otherwise your friend Caroline is going to flip.
KLAUS: Oh, she most definitely will. Any special requests?
DANAE: You’ll be lucky just to find any so we really can’t get picky; whatever you can find will work.
KLAUS: Okay, love, let me know if you need anything else, I’ll be back soon. (Kisses her forehead, then leaves).
 Danae starts reminiscing about her past love. Flashback scene to a 1920′s party…
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MR. NORTHCOTT: Ms. Bennet, I must say, I find your views on Baudelaire’s work rather controversial, and, if I’m being honest, somewhat unstudied.
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MARIE: Well, he was way ahead of his time which is clearly, not your case...
DANAE: Marie is quite the literary scholar; you can trust she knows what she is talking about, Mr. Northcott.
MR. NORTHCOTT: I mean no disrespect, but you must admit that it is not often that you find a woman with such views… it is somewhat intriguing.
MARIE: Really? (Rolls her eyes).
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MR. NORTHCOTT: Please, don’t misunderstand me, if anything I respect you even more. But, enough with controversy, let us have a toast... to literary masterpieces!
DANAE: (Whispers to Marie) Want to disappear for a while? This man is really getting on my nerves.
MARIE: (Whispers back) I’ve been waiting for you to say that all night… (they excuse themselves from the table and find a cosy spot to share some lovin’).    
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 Cut to – Elena and Sam in his apartment, he hands her a plate of chilaquiles.
 ELENA: You spoil me too much... (Gives him a lustful look) Come here... (kisses him).
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SAM: Mmm... or we can just skip breakfast...
ELENA: (Composes herself) No, no, we need to eat at some point ... Wait, am I going to have to jug a gallon of water like the last time?
SAM: You are such a wus! Don’t worry, I turned it down a notch.
ELENA: I mean, I loved them, but I seriously thought my brain was going to explode.
SAM: We are going to have to do something about that… when we go visit my mom, she won’t be as a lenient as I am.
ELENA: Great, now I have another thing to worry about when I meet her.
SAM: She is going to love you (kisses her). (Looks at his packed boxes) So, I’m pretty much ready… we are actually doing this…
ELENA: We are! And I’m excited about you meeting the rest of the gang tonight, even if it’s just for a brief hello, goodbye. 
SAM: Is this the first time you are going to see Stefan and Tyler since they… well, came back?
ELENA: Yes… wow, I hadn’t even thought of that!
SAM: I’ll be honest, I’m kind of psyched about meeting more of your supernatural friends, it’s like going to Comicon but for real!
ELENA: (Laughs) I have no idea what a Comicon is, but I guess so?
SAM: Okay, just so I don’t mess things up, let me see if I got this right: Bonnie  is a psychic-witch; Caroline, a vampire; Tyler, an undead hybrid; Stefan, an ex-vampire undead human; your ex, a vampire turned human; Alaric, a vampire hunter turned vampire then human again, Indiana Jones type of thing; Matt, a human, and the town Sheriff… am I missing anyone?
ELENA: Nop, that’s pretty much the main core. God, hearing you makes me realize just how insane my life has been… I love them all but I have to admit that I’m happy to be leaving that craziness behind… I just want a normal, human life, you know?
SAM: Well, normal and human is all I’ve ever known, so I’m no point of reference… what about Jeremy, is he going to the party too?
ELENA: No, no…
SAM: Aren’t you going to say goodbye?
ELENA: We are, just not in person… I’m afraid that if I see him, I won’t be able to leave, so, we decided video chat was the way to go…
SAM: Are you sure?
ELENA: Trust me, I’m sure.
SAM: Okay… So, I went to pick up our costumes earlier (looking very excited), I can’t believe you agreed to go with it!
ELENA: Couldn’t bear to break your geeky heart (kisses him, looks at her watch). Listen, I need to go to the administration office to finalize some paperwork, we’ll start getting ready when I come back. Love you (kisses him, then leaves).
Cut to – 1990, Halloween night, Mystic Falls General Hospital. Paramedics bring a bleeding woman into the E.R.
 E.R DOCTOR: What do we have?
PARAMEDIC: Multiple stab wounds to the back, massive blood loss, heart rate erratic, pulse dropping fast… and Doctor, she is pregnant. Fetal heartbeat detected but it’s very low.
E.R DOCTOR: (To the Medical staff) Quick, prep the O.R for emergency surgery. (After a few hours, the Doctor comes out of the OR to talk to Police Officers).
E.R DOCTOR: Officers, there was nothing we could do; time of death was 24:05. Were you able to contact any family members?
POLICE OFFICER 1: The only family member we could track was her mother, but she has no idea who she is. She has been locked up in an insane asylum for years… other than her, she has no family.
E.R DOCTOR: Well then, I think you need to call child services, the victim was with child. Thankfully, we were able to save the baby, but he is in critical condition.
POLICE OFFICER 2: How on earth was the child able to survive?
E.R DOCTOR: If I’m being honest Officer, I have no idea, the child should have been dead upon arrival. I don’t believe in miracles but if I ever did, this would be the moment to make me doubt my beliefs.
POLICE OFFICER 1: If the baby makes it through, child services will take custody. For now, Doctor, we will need your, and your staff’s statements.
E.R DOCTOR: Of course, anything you need Officers.
Cut to - the Mayor’s house. Edward walks into his room and finds his costume laid out for him, along with a black box tied to a red balloon. He looks puzzled, somewhat scared. He slowly takes the box, unties the balloon and opens it. Inside, is the same chess piece he had sent Darius earlier, along with a note that reads: “Tasty, tasty, beautiful fear. Who is checkmate now?” He leaves the box and note on the bed, walks to his turntable and plays “Mr. Sandman”. Then, walks to the mirror, and stares in a daze…
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TVD 9x05 Halloween Special (part 2 of part 2) coming very soon! Hope you stop by, read and enjoy! =)
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