#i was originally into superwholock when i joined tumblr but i did NOT ship any of them i just watched the shippers w quiet fascination
cloudabserk · 1 month
i’ve had this blog for a decade now, since i was 11 years old! and i’ve been posting my original drawings for 4.5 years, since i was 16. when i started posting my own work i had <100 followers, and yesterday i hit 5000!
Tumblr media
i’m so grateful i get to share my drawings with this many people and i get to add happiness to the world in that way. thank you guys for being so kind and supportive of my dumb cartoons :)))
also for fun here’s the ten blogs i’ve been following the longest (who are still active):
@mimiadraws @thexfiles @marisatomay @pentheos @darkseldarine @8pxl @adrianicsea @hyrude @skeilig @walterwhte
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yournewlodger · 3 years
O and Z for the fandom alphabet meme?
O - Choose a song at random, which ship or character does it remind you of. I did a few randomizations on my main playlist until I found a song that I had an association with. For me it chose Do You Realize?? by The Flaming Lips. This song unsurprisingly has a lot of association for me. Most recently this song was used in my Data/Riker playlist, but the song gives me huge Star Trek vibes in general. It was also used in an AMV I made last year with Doctor Who! The AMV was mostly about the Doctor, like... in general, and their companions, and all that. So I always think of the AMV when I hear the song. Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go. You know, usually people would use this spot to talk about their current hyperfixations or whatever else they’re thinking about in relation to like, a character or how much they love a show, but mine’s a little different. It’s fan-related as in related to fandom. So basically, I joined tumblr in the wake of Superwholock. I saw the Mishapocalypse happen in real time. Tumblr University, Dashcon, in and out of all kinds of fandoms. Although my url was originally theofficialblogofofficiality (I know) my primary username on most websites was what it is here, yournewlodger. So, as you might have guessed, I came to tumblr thinking primarily about everyone’s favorite science fiction television series (not really.) The ‘who’ in Superwholock. I was obsessed, as most people were, from middle school to early high school, only really dropping out when the Ponds left and Clara came in, and completely fizzled after Matt Smith regenerated. Not necessarily because of Peter Capaldi, but I was thirteen so this old guy in a young man’s shoes certainly didn’t help. Now the Whovians certainly got up to mischief back in the day. We were always the first to hijack posts with *jumps into the TARDIS and flies away* on posts we didn’t like. We had infighting about ships and showrunners and all that. But it was all really lowkey compared to the Super and the Lock in my opinion.  After the video essay about The Johnlock Conspiracy and the re-awakening of Destiel, we’re all remembering our days in old fandom, namely Superwholock, with a much more critical lens. But I’ve joked with my friends for awhile now that Doctor Who ‘won’ the Superwholock race, because while it definitely had its faults, the fandom never got as intense as it did with the other two. Or did it? I really want somebody to do some deep diving. What were the trials and tribulations of the Doctor Who fandom during the Superwholock Era? Were we more subdued because we were steeped in much older lore and a much more mainstream show? Or was there something I missed because I was thirteen and didn’t understand the internet? Obviously I’m not asking you. This is a rhetorical call to action to any of us involved back then. It’s just something I’ve been thinking about recently with all the old tumblr nostalgia floating around. This was horribly long, but I hope you enjoyed regardless.
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