#i was just trying to level up jack because the adventure gives tons of xp! i did NOT think i was going to win
dravidious · 3 months
I've come to make an announcement, Aurelion Sol is a bitch ass mother fucker. He pissed on my fucking poro. That's right, he took his dragon celestial dick out and he pissed on my fucking poro. And he said his dick was "this big" and I said "that's disgusting!" So I'm making a callout post on my tumblr.com, Aurelion Sol, you got a small dick, it's the size of this mana gem except way smaller, and guess what, here's what my dong looks like!
Tumblr media
That's right baby, all fluff, no stardust, no scales, look at that it's not even a dong it's actually just a plushie!
He fucked my poro so guess what I'm gonna fuck the stars! That's right this is what you get, my SUPER PORO PISS!
Except I'm not just pissing with poros, I'm gonna go further, I'm pissing on you FIVE TIMES!
How do you like that, celestial? I beat you FIVE TIMES IN A ROW you IDIOT!
You have 23 hours before the stardust frrrragmmmments hit the fucking monthly challenge. Now get the fuck out of my sight before I piss on you with ghosts.
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