#i was flabbergasted at how non interested tom seemed
sabine-leo · 5 years
Silver lines...
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This is the Oneshot for the lovely @theoneanna  I do hope I did your idea justice and can light up your day a little bit!!
Author: @sabine-leo
Wordcount: 4756 (I CAN`T cut myself short SORRY)
Pairing: Tom Hiddleston x reader 
Genre: fluff, hurt, angst, romance, age-gap
A soft knock sounded on your trailer door. “Come in!” You shouted a bit louder and put the script you just had reviewed another time back on the table. A curly reddish-head ducked in and closed the door behind him. “Hey, I thought I come say hello before the madness starts. We only met at the audition!” It was Tom Hiddleston, lead actor of this film and he would play the love interest to your character. You took his outstretched hand and smiled “Hello Tom, that´s so kind of you!”
Offering him to take a seat you tried not to get starstruck. You were relatively new in this business and this was your first major role as a lead actress. Tom got rid of his jacket and sat down, the smile on his face even more handsome than on screen. “You reviewed the script for the day?” He asked, pointing to the papers in front of him. “Yes, gladly there were no major changes.”
Tom laughed and this was the start for a nice and very natural conversation between you and him.
You were happy that the both of you got along quite well from the start, that would make filming a lot easier. The first 9 days you did not have a scene together, but you observed when he filmed and he tagged along whenever you were on set too. The sometimes long waiting time between takes was always filled with conversations, laughs and discussions about the scenes.
 One night after you were done for the day Tom was waiting in front of your trailer as you emerged from it. “Care to join me for a drink?” But his eyes got big as the words were out. “You are legally allowed to drink? Or did I embarrass myself just now?” Laughing you walked over to him and said.
“You didn´t. I am actually 25…but I get that a lot, damn babyface!” you grinned a little and Tom laughed relieved. “I think you do have a very cute babyface…” he groaned and shook his head.
“Can I take that back, you don´t have a baby face, I just wanted to say that you look younger and are beautiful..” He rubbed his face. “Can we leave now, I am not succeeding in putting my foot out of my mouth it seems!”
Still chuckling you linked arms with him and said. “I think it´s cute…” Tom smiled down at you with a chuckle and walked you to the car that would drive the both of you back to the hotel. He opened the car door for you and told the security guard that only one car was needed tonight before he got in on the other side and smiled. “Alright, good to go…”
 Back at the hotel the both of you searched a nice spot in the bar and sat down opposite of each other. On set you had always talked about the film or the movies and plays the both of you had been part of till now, but tonight it got a little more private. Tom asked you some questions and told you about himself too. It never got boring or awkwardly silent at all. You had instantly clicked outside of the job too. 3 hours of laughs and non-stop conversations later Tom walked you back to your room.
“Thank you for a nice evening (Y/N).” Tom said and hugged you. “I hope I haven´t held you back on calling your family or boyfriend…”
 You hugged him back and said “No, I always call them in the morning due to the time difference. And no boyfriend…” You grinned with a little blush. “I see…” Tom smiled and added with a wink
“Same on my side…” Another hug before he let go of you. “Sleep well (Y/N). See you in the morning. I think we will finally have some scenes together.” You opened your door after he let you go.
“Yes, I´m glad they didn´t put the make out scenes first. I´ve never done them on screen before…”
Tom smiled. “Yes, on the first days on set it can be a bit difficult to get the chemistry going. I´ll try to help you feel as comfortable as possible. Believe me, there is nothing sexy about acting it out in front of so many people watching you, getting the lights in your face or correcting your body language from afar in between takes!” The both of you laughed and Tom smiled before he added.
 “I probably should have asked you already but I thought getting to know each other would make it easier…Are you comfortable kissing me or would you like me to place my lips always slightly above or to the side?!” He looked into your eyes and chuckled as you made a face and said.
“I hate those so called movie kisses. They always look weird on screen, as if the characters are terrible at hitting the target. I think it’s more awkward when you are kissing my nose then my lips.”
 Tom grinned and nodded. “You are quite right…but what I also meant was if you are comfortable with me being 13 years your senior. I am turning grey and definitely don´t have a babyface anymore!” The look you gave him made him blush a little. You took his hand and tugged him into your room. “Uhm….what are you doing (Y/N)?” You closed the door and turned on the lights full force. “Bend down a little!” You demanded and Tom was to flabbergasted to deny your request.
Softly your hands went through his hair and you huffed. “You do have some single silver streaks in those lovely curls of yours.” Tom was about to stand up straight again as you whispered in his ear.
“I´ll tell you a little secret.. I do have some too… and you may be a little older than me, but you are not OLD and I think you are dashingly handsome!”
 Tom blushed but stood up straight and went through your hair in return with a little chuckle.
“You are kidding me! Where should those silver streaks be?”
“Another secret…” you whispered “…coloration!”
Tom looked playfully shocked. “NO!”
Looking mockingly distraught you sighed.
“I would understand if you are not comfortable kissing me after that revelation and want to kiss my nose instead!”
 Tom couldn´t hold back his laugh any longer but tried to stay stern.
“I think I need to process this information for a moment before I can make a definite decision.”
He tilted his head and looked into your eyes.
“You know what…I think we should try both and then decide what feels better…”
“You are the older one with more experience!” You teased and made him grin.
“Exactly…so…” He took your head softly in his hands. “This is only for research purposes…” His voice was only a whisper as he said the last words and got closer and closer. Your eyes fluttered shut but then his lips hit your nose and then only the corner of your mouth or right above your upper lip.
 You broke out in laughter and Tom leaned back to look at you with a drawn eyebrow.
“I guess this isn´t working?!” You laughed harder and shook your head. “Nooo!”
Tom started to laugh too and took a step back. “Alright, real kisses then.” He pecked your cheek and went to the door and opened it. “I´m glad we could sort this out before tomorrow! But now excuse me, I have to find some hair coloration!” He stepped out into the corridor and laughed as you yelled after him. “I dare you! DO NOT colour your hair. Or I will ONLY give you movie kisses that look REALY awkward on screen!” Tom chuckled and blew you a kiss. “Sleep well darling!”
 You closed your door with a thud and groaned. Boy, the chemistry was definitely there between the both of you. Even that sloppy movie kiss got your skin tight. Well, it would not be like that when everybody was watching…at least you hoped.
 Back on set the next day you paced inside your trailer after reading which scenes would be filmed today. You had to kiss Tom today, in front of the director who was very VERY critical about on screen chemistry and how things should look. “Time to move (Y/N) the assistant shouted knocking on your door. You took a last deep breath and went outside already dressed and in makeup for the scenes.
Tom was deep in conversation with a crew member but as he saw you approaching he smiled and gave a little wave. The director gathered the both of you together some minutes later and talked you through the shoots he wanted to do. Tom smiled as everybody got onto position and whispered
“Still have grey hair, so kiss me silly…” You had to supress a laugh as the director yelled action and you charged at Tom who caught you mid run and twirled you around before he stopped with you still elevated and in his arms. Slowly he let you glide down and as you were on his eyelevel you leisurely started to kiss him.
 He tasted like peppermint and something uniquely Tom, it was intoxicating and you had no trouble kissing him for a while at all. Tom guided your legs around his waist and walked you to the nearest wall, pressing you against it with a soft moan before his tongue invaded your parted lips and tangled with yours. It got more heated with every second and you forgot where you were!
 It took a second before the yelled word got through and your brain gave the impulse to stop kissing Tom. Your hands were tangled in his hair and his free hand that didn´t support holding you up had lifted your shirt a little. But you weren´t the only one having trouble to stop it seemed. Tom looked as dazed as you did. For a split second he looked into your eyes with a shocked expression and cleared his throat as he set you down and took a step back.
 “Thank you, we will be ready to film the next scene in some minutes.” The director dismissed you and Tom, without looking at you again went straight into his trailer. Your heart sank quite a bit. Had you done something wrong? You managed to get into your trailer without running into someone and sat down for a moment, trying to go through what had happened. No, you had done exactly what the director had wanted you to do. So why had Tom reacted like that?
Some minutes later the assistant came in and told you that there had been a change in the schedule. The director wanted to redo some scenes with Tom first and you weren’t needed any longer for the time being.
 Great, now you were on your way to the hotel before you had the chance to talk to Tom about what had made him walk away like that. Not that he owed you an explanation but you wanted to know if you had somehow inadvertently done something to make him behave that way…and LOOK that way.
Later that day you decided that you had to talk to him if you wanted to get through the filming without feeling like a total misfit. You walked through the corridor and knocked at his door. Hoping he was back from set. You were about to turn as the door opened and Tom tensed as he saw it was you.
 “Can I talk to you for a minute?” You asked and came a little closer with an outstretched arm to touch him softly on his. He went out of the way and nodded. Now he even flinched when you wanted to touch him? What the hell happened?
“Did I offend you in any way?” You asked as Tom came out into the corridor and closed the door behind him. “No.” he answered curtly. You laughed a little on the sarcastic side.
“Good, because I really don´t know what happened after that kiss that you can´t even look at me right now!” You leaned against the wall and watched him pace back and forth.
 “I did look at you!” He said somewhat tense but didn´t even bother to look up.
“Yeah… I can see that…” you sighed and took in a breath.
“Look, Tom.. if I did something wrong you need to tell me. You are way more experienced filming than I am and I would hate if the next weeks the chemistry we had would go down the drain and we would behave… well like THAT…” Tom didn´t say a word and you began to get  a little angry.
“…Seems like I am the newbie in this business after all cause for a moment I thought we would be on the road to friendship…silly babyfaced me!” You clenched your throat to stop the burn that kept creeping up into your eyes. As he still did not say anything you nodded in surrender and went to the elevator and pressed the button.
 “Thanks for the talk! I think I know where I´m at now…” Gladly, the door opened fast and closed behind you. While you walked back to your room you mentally yelled at yourself and your stupidity. Opening your door you decided you could not stand to be in a confined space right now, went outside instead and took a long walk to clear your head. After 2 hours you were back in the neighbourhood of the hotel and sat down on the grass inside a little park. You felt a little more like yourself again and just hoped to get through the next weeks of filming without feeling like a total rookie. Maybe it was time to get your professional act together and behave like the grown up professional actress you claimed to be.
 You just wanted to get up as something furry nudged you from the side.
“Oh hey…” you said and smiled as the cute dog wiggled its tail and sniffed the hand you slowly stretched out. “Aren´t you a cute one!” You cooed and smiled as the dog jumped a little and nudged you to pet it some more. “You like that huh?!” You laughed and petted him under his chin.
“BOBBY!” someone shouted and you felt the footsteps coming closer and closer.
“Oh!” The familiar voice said and you looked up to see it was Tom.
“Oh…” You echoed… “Sorry, didn´t know it was your dog, he wanted my attention so…” you left the sentence hanging in thin air and got up to the dismay of that cute brown dog.
 “He likes to be petted…” Tom said and kneeled down to attach the leash again. “Sorry if he disturbed you…” he added and stood up again. “He did not…” you said and took a step back. “…He seemed to like my touch.” You couldn´t help but add. There went the professionalism…
Tom sighed and stopped you with a hand on your arm as you wanted to walk away.
“It´s not your fault…it´s all on me..” he started and you snorted.
 “Tom, I may be younger than you but I am not fifteen any more so cut the ‘Its not you its me’ crap. I clearly did something you did not like, so let´s be adults and get through the rest of filming. After that you won´t have to see me again until the press tour.”
Tom held onto you, even as you tried to walk away again.
 “Would you just listen for a second!” Now he sounded frustrated. “You did NOTHING wrong. I just couldn´t process how it …how YOU made me feel! You kissed ME and I kissed YOU. It was not my character kissing you or your character kissing mine. I WAS TOM and I could not handle my damn feelings. I reacted poorly and I am sorry for that!”
He talked very intense and his voice trembled a little because of it.
“I NEVER felt like that kissing someone on set and it freaked me out thinking about what we have to do on camera further along.” He raked through his hair again and FINALLY looked into your eyes.
“I am 13 years older than you and I should NOT feel what I have felt when you kissed me!”
 Was your mouth open? You were sure you stared at him as if he came from another planet.
“So, I kissed you too well?!” You tried to sum up. “God Tom, if you would have looked into my eyes after that kiss you would have seen that I felt EXACTLY the same!” Bobby tugged on his leash and made Tom lose balance and step closer to you as you talked some more.
“Jesus, I think I have never been kissed like that before. It scared the crap out of me but you should have talked to me. If you feel uncomfortable kissing me again, ok, we work on those freakin movie kisses then.” You took a breath and closed your eyes. “But that age gap crap, sorry for being so forward, is just that CRAP. 13 years may sound like something but it is JUST a number…and we already found out that we do have a lot in common…so, you might need to have a better excuse than that for not wanting to explore this chemistry any further.” You pointed from him to you for better emphasis before you looked up into his baby blue eyes. “Tom, I sure as hell would not want to walk away from such an mind bobbling kiss if you don´t give me a better reason than age and silver hair!”
 Now it was Toms turn to stare at you. Bobby sat between the both of you, wiggling his tail and probably thinking how stupid humans could be.
“I…” Tom began but closed his mouth shut again. He let go of your arm and breathed deep.
You smiled a little and said “You don´t have to say anything just now. But please do think about my words before stepping a foot onto set tomorrow. You decide how this moves forward. I think I was pretty clear about how I feel…” You stepped back towards the hotel.
 “Sleep well Tom, bye Bobby it was nice meeting you!” you waved a little and went inside. You had just laid your heart out. Now it was his turn to decide if he wanted to pick it up or step on it!
Walking without looking back was hard but you needed to do it for your own self-esteem.
Back in your room you went into the shower and ordered some room service with the hopes that you would finally be able to stomach some food.  This morning you were to nervous and after that kiss and Toms reaction you were to nauseated.
 Dressed in a comfy shirt and shorts you sat cross-legged on your bed and watched a movie. A knock on the door “Room service!” At that your stomach growled and you laughed a little. You got the food and brought it into your room but as you wanted to close the door afterwards something brown whirled in and rubbed itself against your naked legs. “Oh Bobby! Did you get away from Tom again?” You asked and kneeled down to pet him. You saw the little note attached to his collar.
 ‘I am sorry (Y/N) I behaved like an old, silver haired fool’
 Smiling as you read it you freed Bobby of it and rubbed his chin. “Did Tom think about it?” You asked to Bobby´s panting. “He did!” Your head shot up and you saw Tom leaning in the doorway. Bobby’s leash twirled loosely around his hand.  You slowly got up and Tom came in, closing the door before Bobby decided to go on another detour.
 You watched Tom come closer and closer. “And…what did he decide?” You asked quietly without taking your eyes off of him. Tom smiled a very handsome smile and let the leash drop to the ground.
“He decided…” he said and grabbed your waist and pulled you close with a hard tuck.
“…that he would like another one of those mind bobbling kisses of yours!” His voice had dropped into bedroom territory and did all kinds of crazy things to your heartrate. He tilted his head a little and looked deeply into your eyes. “So, would you kiss him again?” he asked darkly and licked his lips in anticipation.
 “Nah!” You couldn´t help but tease him and shook your head. Tom chuckled a little and you added.
“This time HE has to kiss ME!” Tom hummed and crashed his lips to yours. Your arms shot up around his neck and his hands pulled you up against him. One step and you were pressed against the wall again while Tom kissed you like he would suffocate without your lips on his own, your tongue tangling with his. Bobby whimpered one time and hid under the bed as if he needed to give you some privacy. Panting out a breath Tom started to kiss your neck and then back to your lips again. “(Y/N)!” He moaned and rested his forehead against yours. “God, you make me feel so much all at once!” You panted a laugh. “Right back at ya!” Tom stole another, now slower kiss and set you down again. He chuckled as he saw Bobby hiding and took you into his arms.
“That was his first peep show!”
Laughing you stroked down Toms chest and went to pet Bobby.
“Sorry Bobby, We´ll try to behave now!”
“Are we though?” Tom grinned and chewed on his bottom lip.
“Oh yes…at least for Bobbys sake!”
Tom grinned and saw the food. “Is there enough for two?” He asked hopeful.
“Probably not, but we can order some more…and something for Bobby if you want to stay…”
 Tom smiled and entwined your hand with his own.
“I would love to stay a little longer…”
 The both of you demolished the food you already had and after that the additional order. Bobby was happy too. He got some fresh water and some dogfood. After that he curled up on the chair and Tom and you leaned against the headboard of your bed. “Darling?” Tom softly said and tugged you against his chest. “You sure about this…Don´t get me wrong but I need to know for sure if you are up for the madness that is about to ensue when this gets out.”
You looked up and smiled. “I am if you are! Lets see where this leads us…but I do have a good feeling that this is not just a crash and burn kinda thing.”
 Tom chuckled “Oh, it burns alright… believe me! But I too think this is a sustainable flame…not just a quick darting one…” He kissed your hair and tilted up your head with his fingertips.
“One more before I say good night…” he whispered and initiated a slow but very intense kiss.
Rolling onto his side he mounted you and pressed you into the mattress…
“I should go before….” He groaned and pressed another hard kiss onto your lips, then got up and grinned dazed. “Sleep well darling!” Bobby got up and went to the door but came back to get a last cuddle from you. You laughed and watched those two leave your room before you fell back into the pillows with a moan but a big grin on your face.
 The next day was THE day… You were nervous like never before and had to go back into the makeup trailer 2 times before you were ready to go to set. Tom had managed to reduce the number of people to the absolute minimum and tried to reassure you that you would be fine. He was in skin-toned, tight briefs and had a towel wrapped around his waist. He held up another towel to shield you when you got out of the bathrobe with just a similar pantie for women but naked otherwise. You got under the sheets and saw Toms clenched jaw. He would not admit it but he was feeling a bit unsure himself. For one he didn´t like the fact that somebody would see you topless besides him and second because he did not know if he would be able to stay in character.
 Tom climbed into bed after you and took a breath. You giggled a little and he started to laugh too.
“THIS will not count as our first naked make out session!” He said into your ear and made you laugh some more. The script directed that your characters would wake up together and start a slow and sensual morning make out that led into more. Tom was right, it was really nothing sexy about being in bed naked while 5 people held 3 cameras, a microphone and lights into your face.
 Well, that was BEFORE the director yelled action and Tom started kissing your neck and stroking up your chest to take a breast into his hand and lightly squeeze. Tom, or the character he played, rolled you onto your back and moved on top of you. Initiating a hot kiss while his hands roamed your body.
His hips undulated against your core and he kissed his way down your neck to your breasts and down your stomach, covering your breasts with his big hands. His head disappeared under the covers and you arched your back as you felt his tongue lick your inner thigs. He did not have to do that because nobody would see it under the covers but he seemed to be totally in the moment too. Slowly he crawled up again and lifted one of your legs against his sides as he mimicked a thrust.
 You felt his hips press against you and he was clearly aroused. Your nails softly scratched down his back to his butt and Tom gave a hoarse moan. He rocked against you and kissed you open mouthed and with panting breaths.
 Tom stopped the rocking but stayed above you. He opened his eyes and looked at you with dilated pupils. “You ok?” he asked hoarse but softly and shielded you with his body from prying eyes.
You nodded but blushed. It had felt so real and you needed a minute. Tom turned his head to the director and asked with his professional tone again. “Could you please give us a minute. That was a bit overwhelming for a first scene like this.” The director nodded and cleared the set. Tom continued to shield you until everybody was gone and then got the blanket higher as he collapsed on top of you with a soft moan.
 “Thank you!” You said and stroked through his hair. “Thank you for looking after me like this!”
Tom lifted his head and grinned wickedly. “Darling, I would do anything that nobody get´s to see you naked but me.. but this was not solely for you…” You looked into his eyes questioningly.
“I would not be able to get out of bed just now!” He chuckled and pressed his erection against your core to your gasping breath. “You clearly turn me on…” He grinned and rolled onto his back.
Giggling softly you kissed his cheek and whispered into his ear. “Think about Bobby in a puddle of mud and the mess he would make before you could get him into the tub!”
 Tom laughed and looked at you.. “Helping a little, but what if you got all muddy helping me wash him and I would have to wash you too?” The grin that spread on his face was all kinds of sexy!
“Stop it Hiddleston!” You smiled and nagged his side.
“Ouch!” he laughed and watched you get out of bed, taking the WHOLE blanket in the process and wrapping it around you. “So much for shielding ME against prying eyes!”
He laughed and hoisted himself up onto his elbows.
 You threw him your bathrobe and bit your lip as you saw how tight his briefs still were….
 “Darling!” he warned and covered himself.
 The both of you would make it through. You were sure about that… And you could not wait to make out with him for real!  But before that you needed to get through take 2 and a whole lot more kissing!
General Tags for: @amazinggraces-world @tanishahka  @drakesfiance @confessionsofastrugglingteen @inlovewithfreyamikaelson @heart-shaped-hell @theoneanna @marikochi @xxxeatyourh3artoutxxx @awkwardfangirl2014 @rainbowsinthestorm
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bisexualbeluga · 6 years
Supercorp Prompt Fill
@mrsluthordanvers challenged: ‘write a Supercorp fic including both “I had the strangest dream. You were flying and you were carrying me,“ and “It must be hard to beg on your knees in that short skirt” ‘
Summary: After Lena has a vivid dream of flying in Kara’s arms she is almost certain her best friend (and crush) is the Girl of Steel. She’ll have to use her smarts to prove it the only way she knows how: with science and seduction. (Also on fanfiction if you want to review).
The Scientific Method
“I had the strangest dream.”
It had been several days since the latest attempt on Lena’s life had been thwarted. While many things had happened since then- her mother going to prison, Edge going to prison, Sam confessing to them- a few things stuck out to her more:
One, whatever she thought she might have with James… that was over. Well, they really hadn’t even begun but still. There were just too many things against them, their past with Lex and Clark, their current employment status, the fact that James hated her up until a few months ago…but most of all, their chemistry was just…non-existent. Yes, he was handsome, and smart and sweet but she just didn’t feel that raw attraction. Or any for that matter. She just liked the idea of someone to hold her and he had nice arms.
Which led her to point two.
“You were flying and you were carrying me.”
Kara Danvers. And her arms. Her best friend. Yes she realized long ago that she was attracted to her- who wouldn’t be? But she understood that Kara was straight and just because she was bisexual didn’t mean she couldn’t control herself. She would not set herself up just to get let down, especially if it put their friendship at risk. She nipped that crush in the bud as soon as the idea had formed, of course. But one thing she hadn’t realized, at least at first, were the many similarities her friend had with the notorious Girl of Steel. And she could not shake that dream. It had felt so real. Being in Kara’s arms, flying above the city…it was ludicrous. Unless it wasn’t. “What?! Like Supergirl?! Pssh- I wish!”
One of the things Lena loved about Kara was how expressive her face was. She had tells that Lena had observed and archived, her reddened cheeks when she was embarrassed, her stuttering when she was lying, the crinkle (okay so maybe she was in denial about the whole not-being-into-her-best-friend thing). And Kara was clearly uncomfortable when Lena brought up her post-poisoning dream.
The inability to write-off the encounter had Lena’s Luthor brain on overdrive and she was going through all the encounters between her and Kara and Supergirl and all the evidence kept leading in one direction. But she couldn’t be certain. She needed to go back to the basics: the Scientific Method. She needed to ask questions, do research, run experiments and analyze her data. She didn’t become the CEO of L-Corp just because of her last name, no. If Kara was Supergirl she just had to pay enough attention to see the truth, then she’d ask Kara about it.
So, while Lena should have been working on L-Corp’s quarterly budget report or Catco’s coverage on Morgan’s arrest, she instead chose to break out a fresh composition notebook to jot down her thoughts.
First, questions.
Is Kara Supergirl?
She thought about anything that might lead to this being the case, one of the biggest clues was that she had met Kara while she was with Clark. Clark knew Lena knew his real identity but they had never discussed it in person. As much as Lex hated him they were friends first. Lena liked to think that even if Kal-El never admitted it, he was thankful for Lena’s discretion. However, Kara’s proximity to him didn’t really prove she was National City’s hero, especially since they were both reporters. It could be easily written off as mere coincidence. She also distinctly remembered Kara using the phrase ‘I flew here…on a bus,’ as well. Not really a normal idiom and she thought it strange at the time but as she got to know Kara she learned she was always quirky and adorkable with her phrasing.
Or…maybe that was part of the whole ‘I grew up on an alien planet and english is my second language’ cultural displacement Supergirl could certainly have, no matter how many years she had been on Earth.
Next, their similarity in physical appearance. Same hair color, around the same height…did they both have blue eyes? She couldn’t be sure. Yes she knew the ins and outs of Kara pretty well (really well), but Supergirl? Whenever the hero was around the situation was usually either life or death, and on top of that the girl was constantly moving- sometimes at the speed of light- yes she had a presence one could not help but be enraptured by but she never got close for long enough to really look at her. Except for when she had carried Lena in her arms.
Just like in Lena’s dream about Kara.
With an annoyed huff Lena put her pen down and stretched out her hand. Looking at her watch she realized she had been at this for two and a half hours and she hadn’t thought of anything concrete.
She needed to move on to step two: collecting data.
Now that she had the idea that Kara and Supergirl were one and the same she couldn’t help but think about it anytime she was around the reporter and she stepped up her observation. It really didn’t help with trying to suppress her tiny- baby- crush on her best friend.
She needed to gather real, hard, evidence if she was going to confront Kara about it, though, speculative questions weren’t going to do it. Experiment one involved Kara coming to L-corp for their scheduled Wednesday lunch. She decided to play it safe and it wasn’t out of the ordinary that they ate at Catco or L-corp when they were too busy to try the newest hipster cafe or hole-in-the-wall restaurant.
The knock on the door made Lena’s mouth twitch into a smile before she signaled the other girl to come in. No matter how many times she had been there, how many times she told Jess to show her in whenever, Kara always politely knocked first.
“Okay, okay I know we always do Chinese when we stay in b-” Kara stopped on the spot when she saw Lena hunched over her desk, her speech and mobility rendered utterly utterly useless by the picture in front of her. It was a familiar sight except for the bright red horn-rimmed glasses perched on the bridge of the CEO’s nose. Her flabbergasted expression only got worse with a literal jaw drop when Lena finally looked up at her.
The raven haired girl tried hard to suppress a smirk as she put her game face on.
“What was that, love?”
It took a couple more seconds for Kara to recover before she sputtered out,“ Thailand.” She shook her head,“ I- I -I mean Tom Yam Goong. I mean, I got Thai, I know it’s one of your favorites.”
Lena stood up and rounded her desk to take the bag from her hand and give her a hug (they both may have lingered longer than platonically necessary) before they moved to their respective spots on the couch.
“I umm…when did you get glasses?”
“Oh these are old but I accidentally dropped one of my last contacts down the sink this morning and the replacements aren’t available until tomorrow.”
“Oh they umm…they look good.”
“Are you sure, because you’re staring at me like I’m a completely different person. They’re just glasses Kar,” she said matter-of-factly.
Kara’s eyes widened slightly before she cleared her throat and started hastily unwrapping the boxes.,“ R-right yeah, well I’m just not used to them. ”
Oh Lena was seriously enjoying this.
“I guess that’s true, I mean, I’ve never seen you without yours, after all.”
“Mmhmm.” Her lips were tight together.
“Do you want to trade?”
“I mean you know I want a bite of yours but they accidentally put cilantro on mine and I know you’re super allergic,” she tried to deflect.
“No, I meant glasses, I want to see how blind you are. I bet I’m worse.”
“O-oh umm, okay,” Kara agreed, unable to think of an excuse fast enough to say no without looking suspicious. Lena worried her bottom lip as Kara took off her glasses and handed them to her and Lena did the same before putting hers on. Honestly, she was just as blind with them off as with them on, almost like they didn’t have a prescription.
“Wow Lee, you really are blind.”
“Yeah…your prescription must not be that strong, I can barely see you with these.” She was only maybe two feet away but she couldn’t make out the details of her face very well, which kinda put a damper on her plan to compare her to Supergirl which she definitely should have thought of.
Well. Apparently even black-haired, genius IQ level, 3 PhD obtaining, Ivy League graduate Lena Luthor had her blonde moments.
“They’re not…the prescription is really low in both.”
“Then why did you say you’re dependent on them?” she asked as they switched back.
“Because I am. I mean, not in the traditional sense but…to be honest I have a lot of anxiety. I used to get panic attacks. I have since I lost my parents when I was 13. Alex, Eliza and Jeremiah were amazing but being adopted… as you know it’s hard for any kid. And I was alone for a long time before they took me in. Jeremiah gave me the glasses, I hadn’t realized how much I was struggling until they all showed me kindness. Since then, they’ve been a sort of…security blanket.”
“Kara…” Lena trailed before grabbing her hand and pulling her in,“ Come here,” she said, hugging her tightly,“ Thank you for sharing with me.”
“Of course, I trust you, Lena. I want you to know that.”
“I know, I trust you too.” The way she said it made Kara’s chest ache, in a good and guilt ridden way.
They pulled apart and the blonde pulled down her glasses to wipe away a single tear, before she was smiling again,“ Now speaking of sharing, pass me some of that soup.”
The next few attempts were sort of a bust, she tried hard to get her glasses off again or her hair down but something always seemed to get in the way or Kara had some line queued up. Her next idea, though it took a little time, was…unorthodox. That is, she had to wait until Kara wore a pale shirt again (of course it was another button down). And oh god, she really hoped she was right about this because if not, she had to find some way to live with how borderline creepy this was. She hoped Kara could forgive her.
They were hanging out at Lena’s apartment watching the Bachelor when Lena got up to get more wine,“ You want anymore?” she asked, slurring more than a little bit. They had already polished off one bottle. Besides, she was not going through with this plan sober.
“Yes please!” Kara said as she snuck a few swigs of the alien liquor she had hidden in a flask in her purse. J'onn and Alex agreed they could handle anything for the night and they’ve had a streak of quiet days, she figured it would be alright to relax a little.
“White okay?”
“Perfect!” Lena poured the glasses and took a deep breath before walking back over to the couch and very subtly, very carefully…spilled the entire contents of her fourth glass of wine down Kara’s shirt.
“Oh shit, Kara I’m so so sorry,” she started.
“It’s okay, Lee, really.” Flustered, Kara started dabbing the shirt with her hands (instead of a towel for some reason) and it really did the opposite of helping.
Lena grabbed a towel and tried to help her with her ruined blouse but it obviously wasn’t doing anything either, all according to plan.
Lena anticipated being able to see through the wet shirt enough to where her suit would be if it were there. She also anticipated that if the suit wasn’t there she could probably see through Kara’s shirt through to her bra. She was prepared to respectfully avert her gaze for that. What she didn’t anticipate was that her shy best friend would start unbuttoning her blouse right there on her couch to reveal her also surprising thin lace white bra.
Which was also wet.
“Uh, Kara, I uh…I can see…” Lena said as she continued to stare at her friends rapidly exposed chest and hardened nipples.
“What? I- oh,” she looked at Lena then down at her chest then at Lena again who was still staring. It was all very 'Old Spice’ commercial and Kara wasn’t even making an attempt at covering herself up. They both felt the shift.
Raw. Heated. Exposed. Daring each other with their eyes for the other to make a move- to do anything.
Then their phones chimed, at the same time. They held the stare for a split second longer before Lena checked her phone.
“It’s Sam, she uh, wants to talk to one or both of us. Or Alex.”
“Well…I, I don’t know about you but IIIII am tipsy,” Kara said, exasperated.
“M-me too.” Lena took a deep, steadying breath, her heart still hammering in her chest,“ I don’t think Sam or…anyone…for that matter would respect my judgment right now,” she said pointedly.
“Yeah same,” she nodded,“ So… I should, grab a cab home.” Lena laughed then, unencumbered.
“Oh please, you’re letting Karl drive you home like usual.”
“Okay okay…but it’s not my fault that your driver likes me better.”
“Well, it’s certainly not my fault that your sunny disposition and unintentional charm is magnetic.”
There was that charge again.
Kara stared at her again, unblinking and with that adorable puppy head tilt. Lena laughed it off, awkwardly,“ But umm…here, at least take a clean shirt.” Kara followed her into the bedroom to retrieve one, buried in the back of her armoire and handed it to Kara.
“Lena Luthor…is this a band t-shirt? You own a band t-shirt?”
“What did you think I was gonna give you? A valentino dress? We’re not the same size.”
“Yes, because that’s the only reason you wouldn’t lend me one of those,” she pulled it on, and it fit her well so it must have been a little long on Lena,“Oh man it’s an N-Sync shirt.” They laughed and laughed until the tension was gone again, but only for a moment. Kara suddenly felt overwhelmed, her super-senses going into overdrive. It was a lot harder to control when alcohol lowered her cognitive thinking. Without thinking about it she pulled up the collar of the shirt and closed her eyes as she inhaled,“ Smells like you,” she smiled, dizzily.
And that, coupled with the fact that Kara looked just as sexy in her shirt as she did in a wet white bra, broke whatever resolve Lena had left.
She slowly, but confidently, stepped forward to cover the two feet between them and Kara let her close the distance. The shorter girl gently took the other girls hand, still resting at the collar of her shirt and leaned forward. A breath away, but giving Kara time to either step back and blame the whole thing on the alcohol or finally act on whatever (hopefully mutual)…thing they had going on. This unresolved thirst.
Kara didn’t hesitate to connect their lips, a wash of wine, lipstick, and longing mingling in the middle.
Lena didn’t know how long it took her to pull back to breathe but she dove right back in as soon as she could. The fantasy of being with her best friend didn’t even remotely compare to the reality of it. She never thought that Kara could ever, in a million years, reciprocate her feelings. And reciprocate she did.
“Fuck,” Kara quietly gasped when Lena expertly slipped her tongue in. She groaned at the uncharacteristic expletive and Kara came apart and backed the CEO into the bedroom door, her thigh finding traction between her legs.
The blonde drank in the moan she got greedily and Kara gave her a look of reverence before kissing down her pale neck. Something told her she bruised easily and she couldn’t wait to test that theory. And Lena…Lena could not believe what she did next.
“Kar, Kar…we have to stop,” she breathed raggedly as oh god Kara’s tongue was on her neck. She pulled Kara up by gently tugging on her hair and kissed her again.
“You’re…you’re right. We’re drunk.” Her chest was heaving and her vision was slightly blurry. The mix of booze, never-ending sleep deprivation and the feeling of her best friends tongue running down her neck made her slightly delirious.
“Yeah, yes. And, it’s late.” Lena could see the switch, Kara trying to be a chivalrous hero and do the right thing, palpable arousal be damned.
“And it’s late.”
“And I’ve been waiting months for this so I’d like to do it right and take you on a date before I take you to bed.”
“Right. Bed. The one that’s 6 feet away.” Lena let her eyes wash over the gorgeous picture in front of her and tried her very best not to drag her that last 6 feet,
“My my Kara Danvers, who knew you’d be such a vixen.”
“Well, you’re not the only one who’s been waiting months for this.” All of a sudden her bashfulness returned as she giggled,“ Rao I can’t believe this is happening…” she mumbled into her chest.
Lena paused.
“What did you say?” Even delirious, she knew that phrasewasn’t normal.
“I said uh…I said Rao. It’s something Supergirl got me saying. A little inside joke between friends.” For Kara, it was a pretty good lie, but (though Lena couldn’t be sure) she was pretty sure it was still a lie. If not about being Supergirl then mayb-
-her brain short-circuited when Kara chastely kissed her again,“ I’m gonna go now.”
“That’s a good idea.” The blonde stepped back a bit. Lena followed her to gather her things before they stood by the door.
“I’ll see you tomorrow?” Lena’s eyes shifted down to Kara’s lips where she spotted traces of her own lipstick. She couldn’t help herself as she kissed the smudges one more time.
“Tomorrow, boss,” Kara whispered, pulling away much too early for Lena’s liking before starting down the hall.
Lena watched her go, smiling like a fool to herself. She may not have been any closer to finding out if Kara was Supergirl but she wouldn’t call the night a failure by any means.
“So should I speak to Jess about penning our first date into your schedule?” Kara called back. Lena rolled her eyes playfully.
“Goodnight Kara.” She closed the door and leaned against it, it was all she could do not to chase the girl down the hall.
No, not a failure at all.
For their first date Lena planned a dinner with all of their favorite foods, a view of the National City skyline at sunset and dancing under twinkling fairy lights.
For their second date Kara took her on a scavenger hunt at Lena’s favorite museum. With Winn’s help she created clues that were hard enough to actually stimulate Lena’s genius brain and the CEO of course, cracked it and eventually found the prize (two tickets to the regional chess competition that was in Central City a week from that day).
After their third Kara had told the rest of the team that she and Lena had become involved and they all took it better than she expected, which was a welcome relief after all of the doubt from the past. Alex was torn between loving the fact that her sister was also sapphic and the fact that her sister was yuck dating someone. Although she couldn’t wait to give the shovel talk to Lena freaking Luthor.
Lena didn’t think about her 'experiment’ again until the fifth date. She had been so caught up with just being with Kara. The more and more they allowed themselves to…indulge, the closer they got. She didn’t think she could get anymore attached to the blonde before they started seeing each other but boy, was she wrong.
It didn’t help that things had…started to escalate. Heatedly. Sometimes in very inappropriate places for a CEO and her employee to be getting heated. But the fifth date…
Well, technically it wasn’t a date. They were supposed to go to a comedy club but Lena forgot about a fancy charity gala that Lena and every other multi-millionaire in the city was going to. But, they had agreed that Kara should go too as Lena’s date. It was a subtle, public announcement. Not many people were entirely perceptive and they didn’t flaunt how close they had gotten but they didn’t hide it either. It was a good first trial, limited press coverage, no one too slimy.
Lena had worn red, Kara had worn blue and though they spent hundreds of dollars getting their dresses on they looked at each other like they couldn’t wait to get them off.
“Lena, good to see you!” A handsome man, with a British accent walked up to them. Immediately, Lena noticed his eyes linger on her date and her own narrowed.
“Michael, hello. Kara this is Michael, head of the U.K. branch of L-Corp.”
“Pleasure to meet you, Kara,” he said flashing a smile and taking Kara’s hand, kissing it tenderly,“ And what are you doing here at this gala Ms. Kara? Another CEO perhaps if you’re running with Lena?”
“Actually she’s a reporter but more importantly she’s my girlfriend. So I’d take a couple steps back Michael.” She said it with a Stepford smile and Michael just grinned back, not at all phased.
“Of course Lena, my apologies. You know I’m just a flirt by nature.”
“Which is why I asked nicely.”
“Enjoy the champagne ladies, Lena, I’ll see you in London next month. Kara, it was a pleasure.”
Lena was still glaring when Kara kissed here scowl.
“I’m sorry. He’s a great manager he just…he’s a player and I didn’t like the way he was looking at you. Not to mention the kiss on your hand may as well have come with a PG-13 rating.”
“I kinda hate to admit it but the slight possessiveness…kinda really turns me on.” Lena smirked,
“Oh yeah?”
“Mmhmm. But you know what does even more?” she whispered, her hand dropping down lower than it should have for where they were.
“The whole time we’ve been here, you’ve introduced me as Kara, or Kara Danvers, or Kara the reporter. Not 'my friend’, or 'my date.’ But just now, you called me your girlfriend.” Lena’s eyes widened at the realization.
“Kara I-I’m sorry, we should have discussed this just us first. I just-”
The blonde cut her off with a kiss,
“Keep calling me that, Lena Luthor.” They were both unable to hide their smiles as they pulled away.
Not an hour after the gala had ended and they had no problem taking off each others dresses. It was a big night for their relationship. Publicly coming out, becoming official official, and seeing each other just shy of naked at the same time. They had gotten close before, however, up until now they hadn’t slept together. Of course, they had thought about it, craved it even, but something always came up. They were both holding back for a reason. Lena, because she wanted to know the whole truth before she took this step and allowed herself to really, truly fall and Kara for the same reason, but because she felt guilty. And in case she accidentally tore the headboard off or something in the throws of passion. She knew she would never hurt Lena but furniture be damned.
“I’m on my period,” Lena blurted, very unsexily beneath her. Of course it was a lie but it just sort of…came tumbling out.
“Oh that’s…it’s okay.”
“I’m sorry I- you don’t know how much I want this, Kar, I-” the blonde kissed her again, fiercely.
“Don’t you dare finish that sentence Luthor. I don’t need anymore from you than you’ve already given.” Lena felt her eyes start to well up but was able to push back actual tears. God she didn’t deserve this beautiful, wonderful woman.
“If you’re okay with it, I can still do you.” Kara shook her head vehemently.
“No silly, this is a special moment. I can definitely wait.” Lena kissed her tenderly. She really was one lucky girl.
“Okay then, we’ll wait.”
She had to finish this experiment and find conclusive evidence, ASAP.
A few days later on their sixth date, there was a dangerous alien attacking the city and Kara had to leave in the middle of it due to a family emergency. It took all of Lena’s strength to let her go. Not minutes later she was watching Supergirl give a beat down to the flying purple and orange alien, but not without taking a beating herself. The next day, Alex called in sick for Kara, worry evident in her voice.
Kara texted Lena, telling her not to worry or come over and that she’d be back at work tomorrow but still, Lena couldn’t help but think that she knew the truth. She knew Kara was just trying to protect her by keeping her secret but they were dating now. She wanted- needed to know the truth if she was going to do this.
But maybe…maybe she was looking at this the wrong way. Maybe she shouldn’t try to prove Kara was Supergirl, maybe she should try to prove Supergirl was Kara. Sure she had thought a lot about if out right asking Kara was the best option but honestly…she was kinda having fun with the challenge. It was almost a matter of pride at this point what the truth truly was.
So experiment 3 was a go. And Lena told herself, if this last ditch plan didn’t work, then she would ask Kara point blank.
For phase one, Lena had asked her girlfriend if she could set up a meeting between her and Supergirl.
“Is everything okay? You’re not in danger are you?” Kara asked, frenzied.
“No no, nothing like that, I just want to run a few things by her. I’m working on a new serum that could help neutralize Kryptonite but I need her permission first. I would never try something like that behind her back.”
“Lena that’s…that’s amazing.” Kara looked at her awestruck.
“Well, it won’t be amazing until it works and she’s safe. But, you’ll do it? Set up the meeting?”
“Yeah, yes of course, does 8 in your office tomorrow work?”
“That’d be perfect,” she agreed,“ you’re more than welcome to be there for the meeting too, if you’d like.”
“Oh ummm…I’ve got a lead to chase tomorrow night, but I’m sure I’ll hear all about it.”
“Well, if not from me, then from her.” Lena was just having fun messing with her now. Blushing Kara was one of her favorites.
“Right yeah so, actually I have to prep for tomorrow so I’d better go now, bye,” she kissed her quickly, before hurrying off.
Time to move on to phase two.
For the meeting, Lena put on one of Kara’s favorite outfits of hers. Well, she was pretty sure it was her favorite, because the last time she wore it the blonde couldn’t keep her hands to herself at work and she got dragged into a supply closet just so they could make out.
Not that she was complaining.
It was an all black number. A short textured black skirt, and a dangerously low-cut equally tight leather blouse that did wonders for her cleavage. She put a blazer on top of it so she could do her own reveal at just the right moment. She also ordered take out, Thai, specifically.
She heard the familiar thump of Supergirl landing on her balcony and took a deep breathe. It was now or never.
“Supergirl, I’m glad you could make it,” Lena greeted the hero as she helped herself in,“ scotch?” she offered. Kara smiled,
“I really shouldn’t drink and fly,” she joked. Over the past couple weeks she had noticed how much more of herself Kara was letting her see in both of her persona’s, even if she was doing it subconsciously. Supergirls’ confidence and came out more than once, when the media was harassing Lena for the nth time about the next 'scandalizing’ thing. And in the few times she’d seen her girlfriend in her cape, the usually stoic, no nonsense hero started letting her guard down – smiling and joking just that little bit more. And, just like Kara’s eyes wandered, she noticed Supergirl’s did too.
“Fair enough. Though, if it were an actual a problem, I’m sure Karl could drive you to..wherever you live. He seems to enjoy Kara well enough.”
She gave the smallest of smiles before crossing her arms,“ ahem, speaking of Kara, she said something about a device that could neutralize Kryptonite?”
“Yes well, I got the idea after my mother tried to kill Edge with the Lexosuit, which as you know, runs on Kryptonite,” Kara nodded,“ I found a prototype she was storing and was going to hand it over to you but then my brain got thinking, and if I could analyze a sample of Kryptonite and break down it’s chemical composition, I might be able to figure out how to render it useless against you. Or, at the very least, make it so you don’t feel pain with it. Of course if that makes you uncomfortable I will hand it over in a heart beat.”
“Ms. Luthor,” Kara started, Lena always got a twinge of arousal down her spine when she said her name like that,“ It sounds like a fantastic idea to me. And, I trust you.” The proud gleam in her eyes was 100% her girlfriend.
“Well, in that case…” Lena shrugged off her coat and put on her best salacious smirk. The effect was immediate, Supergirl gasped and her eyes dropped dangerously low when Lena leaned forward, hands at the edge of her desk,“ We should talk business.”
“A-actually I-”
“Please, Supergirl. I want to do this right.” She pleaded with her eyes and the Kryptonian was mush. The blonde nodded slowly, swallowing dryly when the CEO bit her lip and said,“ Good.”
She let her voice dip low as she drew out her words, just that little bit.
“So, I thought to put you and your team’s mind at ease, I would do the research on your turf, if you’d let me. You could have me anytime you want.”
“Uh-huh,” Kara breathed, her mind falling into the gutter. If she could bleed, her fingers would be digging dangerously into her palm with how hard she was trying to restrain herself. After two weeks of being Lena’s girlfriend and not getting release she was aching for her. All she wanted to do was throw her down on her expensive desk and ravage her.
“And as an added precaution, I thought I could have a chaperon. You wouldn’t mind observing me, would you?”
“No not at all.” Her voice was barely above a whisper, now.
“Great, I cannot wait. I’ve just…I’ve missed working on real science since I took over Catco. It’s like…this thing inside me, this animal, that I have to feed or it just, frustrates me to no end and I can’t think of anything else. Like an itch I can’t scratch. You know that feeling?”
Kara hadn’t even realized she was holding her breath until she had to speak again,“ I…have an idea, yeah.”
“Well, it’s settled then. We can, help each other out.” Kara nodded, eyes closed, she needed to get out of there before she-
“I’m so glad you came Supergirl. Well, now that we’ve landed on something I can finally eat, I’ve been racking my brain about this all day, haven’t had the chance since this morning.” For a moment the lust swirling in the hero’s eyes was replaced with genuine concern.
“Lena, you have to eat. You’re already working god knows how many hours.”
“I know, I know. Wow, you almost sound like my girlfriend, you two really do share a lot don’t you?” Kara blanched as Lena opened her take-out container.
“That smells amazing,” she mumbled.
“Well, you’re welcome to have some, if you’d like,” the dark-haired girl offered as she started to take a bite.
“No that’s okay I-” Kara’s eyes widened in sudden realization,“ LENA NO!” she yelled, thinking too reflexively as she slapped the fork out of her hand. They looked at each other in shock, before Lena smiled slyly.
“HA! I can’t believe I finally caught you.” Kara blinked.
“I um, what?”
“Y'know, for a second there, I almost thought you wouldn’t notice the cilantro…Kara.”
“Of course I noticed! You know how badly you’re allergic to cila- oh. OH. You just called me…”
“Well, only a very limited amount of people know about that allergy. Isn't that right, love?” Lena couldn’t help but feel smug as she watched the girl sputter. Finally after two years, after all the missed lunch dates and family emergencies and excuses, she finally-
Oh shit, why was Kara crying?
Lena smirk fell straight off and a look of horror replaced it as she watched the Girl of Steel shake in her red boots with silent tears.
“Kara, no baby don’t cry,” Lena rounded the desk as quickly as she could and took her up in her arms.
“I-I’m sorry Lee, I’m sorry for not telling you sooner I just…I love you so much I can’t bare to lose you. You’re not just my girlfriend y-you-re my person and I know it took me two years to see that but I- God I didn’t want you to hate me for lying for so long but I didn’t know how to, and I just, I just, I just-” Lena kissed her cheeks, her forehead, all around her face as she simultaneously wiped away her tears.
“Kara Danvers, you listen to me. I could never hate you. I know you were conflicted and you had the best intentions.”
“I have the best intentions. Lena, I promise you. I was just so afraid that my enemies would put you in harms way to get to me, I couldn’t live with myself if something happened to you. But when we started dating, I knew that I had to be honest with you I just didn’t know how to tell you after I had lied to you all this time.”
“You did the best you could, I know you would have found a way to tell me on your own. I just got so caught up in the challenge of proving it…I should have just been honest with you too.”
“I knew something was up. I told Alex you had been acting a little strangely. How long have you been suspicious?”
“Well, I think in the back of my mind the truth was always there but I didn’t really start investigating until you saved me from arsenic poison.”
“J'onn did say it was risky that I saved you without my suit but there was no way I was going to- wait, what did investigating entail?” This time it was Lena’s turn to blush.
“I…figured it might be easier for you to tell me if you just…slipped up, or I found out on my own. So I tried a couple tactics to prove it. Actually, the first night we kissed I …may have spilled that wine on purpose…” for a split second Lena was afraid she’d be mad before she started laughing.
“You thought I would be wearing the suit didn’t you,” she nodded,“ well, I’m definitely not complaining about the alternative.”
“Me either, but if I’m being honest,” Lena looked her up and down,“ I really love the suit.”
“And I love you Lena Luthor,” she said candidly.
“I know it’s soon to say, but I do love you. It wasn’t a hard jump from overwhelming platonic love to romantic.”
“I- I love you too,” they leaned forward at the same time. This kiss was sweet at first, before it started to get more…passionate. Lena pulled the blonde into her, Lena’s ass hitting the desk harshly. Kara tugged at the hem of her shirt,
“This outfit, was part of it all too, wasn’t it?” she rasped.
“Well, you like it don’t you?”
“I like it, because…” Lena lifted her arms so Kara could rid her of it,“ of how fun it is to take it off of you.”
“And, you’re not mad I was…scheming? ” the CEO asked between pecks.
“As long as you’re not mad at me for keeping the truth from you for so long…” Lena threw her head back and groaned when her bra fell off and Kara ravished her breasts.
“I don’t know, Supergirl, I think…that you’ve been, very bad. I think that you might have to make it up to me.” Kara hummed on a nipple in response before starting South, nipping at her tensing abs and dragging her skirt down to her ankles so she could step out of it.
“I’ll do anything to make it up to you Ms. Luthor,” she breathed, pressing hot open-mouthed kisses along the waistband of her lacy black thong, bringing her hands up to Lena’s ass.
“It must be hard to beg on your knees in that short skirt,” she teased, hardly believing that Supergirl was in her suit, kneeling between Lena’s legs and dangerously close to where she needed her most. To where she’s needed her for the past two weeks- years- in her office of all places.
Lena felt the air leave her lungs and her stomach drop to the floor at the absolutely lewd way her girlfriend looked up at her as she pulled her thong off. Well ripped off.
“Haven’t you heard Ms. Luthor? I’m the Girl of Steel, I can be on my knees all night long if I have to.”
A/N: Hope ya’ll liked it!! It was fun working on stuff again. Let me know if you have anymore prompts!
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classicfilmfreak · 7 years
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New Post has been published on http://www.classicfilmfreak.com/2017/01/26/good-girls-go-to-paris-1939-starring-joan-blondell-and-melvyn-douglas/
Good Girls Go to Paris (1939) starring Joan Blondell and Melvyn Douglas
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“I’d be a much happier man if I’d never met you.”  — Ronald Brooke
Of the three films they made together, all screwball comedies, Joan Blondell and Melvyn Douglas had their best pairing in Good Girls Go to Paris.  The year before, in 1938, they had starred in There’s Always a Woman, a husband and wife comedy-mystery, and later that same year Douglas reprised his role as detective Bill Reardon in There’s That Woman Again, only now his wife was Virginia Bruce.  The two films had the same zaniness, but Blondell’s magic and the chemistry with Douglas were missing in the sequel.
In the early part of his career, Douglas appeared in horror films—James Whale’s The Old Dark House(1932) being the best—and detective capers.  His only appearance as the Lone Wolf was to launch the series in 1938 with The Lone Wolf Returns—the “return” heralding the first sound Wolf film since the silent days.  Most often, however, Douglas settled into romantic leads, often tuxedo-attired, playing opposite such ladies as Greta Garbo, Marlene Dietrich, Joan Crawford and Claudette Colbert.
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During much of his early Hollywood career, Douglas said he was bored by his “one-dimensional and non-serious roles.”  It was only when he began character parts in his sixties, this coinciding with the decade of the 60s, that he found meatier parts worthy of his talents.  He received a Best Supporting Actor Oscar portraying the decent father of the amoral Paul Newman in Hud (1963).  The next year, in The Americanization of Emily, he was loony Admiral William Jessup, insisting that the first dead man on a D-Day beach must be a U.S. sailor, foreshadowing another loony military Jessup, U.S. Marine colonel Jack Nicholson in A Few Good Men (1992).
In 1970, Douglas was nominated Best Actor in I Never Sang for My Father, about an insensitive, then ill, father of Gene Hackman, and in 1979 the actor received his second Best Supporting Actor Oscar as a bed-ridden business man in Being There (1979), influenced by an inept Chauncey Gardner (Peter Sellers) taken for a political pundit.
That Melvyn Douglas might have been bored in his role in Good Girls Go to Paris isn’t apparent.  He’s debonair, a smooth operator, his hair and clothes never rumpled, the dinner jacket, drawing room type.  His dignity is threatened, sometimes to the point of controlled exasperation, by the antics of a waitress who comes into his life.  She never seems able to tell the truth and leads him into all sorts of confusing and compromising situations.
Douglas’ co-star and, really, the only other actor in Good Girls Go to Paris who makes any striking impression, is the animated Blondell, one of the masters of the screwball comedy.  If Douglas adds the dignity and a center of gravity, however tenuous—he’s almost stiff by comparison—Blondell sets the tempo and provides, all at the same time, the effervescence, charm and craziness that keeps him, and the plot, wonderfully off balance.  This appealing mixture is found in few actresses.
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Walter Connolly seems counterproductive to the best interests of the film.  Known for over-the-top acting, his delivery is often loud and without nuance.  He is best remembered for It Happened One Night(1934) as Claudette Colbert’s father, who is about to give her away at her wedding when she runs off to the man (Clark Gable) she really loves.  In Good Girls Go to Paris, Connolly rehearses giving away his granddaughter for a wedding that never happens.
An exchange professor from England, Ronald “Ronnie” Brooke (Douglas), arrives to conduct his first class in Greek mythology.  Born in Macon, Georgia, Douglas makes no attempt to sound British, except for the occasional long “a.”
In a hallway on his way to his classroom, Brooke casually mingles with some young men who assume he is a fellow student and expect their professor will be a “grumbling old fluff,” with a “long, white beard.”  The students, expecting an easy course, are surprised when Brooke walks in as their professor.  He uses the incident in the hall as an example of an Aesop fable—the wolf in sheep’s clothing—and warns that, at end of term, they must pass a rigorous exam.
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In the university’s restaurant, Brooke is attended by waitress—not “server”; this is the 1930s—Jenny Swanson (Blondell), who demonstrates how to dunk a tea bag in his cup of hot water.  Accustomed to proper English tea etiquette, he responses, “And then you . . . drink it?”  In It Happened One Night, Gable had shown wealthy socialite Colbert how to dunk a doughnut.
Later, when Jenny has explained to Brooke how she plans to earn a trip to Paris by blackmailing some handy rich man’s son, he warns her with another Aesop fable.  Seems a sick lion asks a fox to come into his cave and hold his paw, but the wise fox notices that the animal tracks leading into the cave never lead out.  “Never venture into anything,” Brooke says, “unless you can see your way out.”
Literally moments later, she is almost run over by Ted Dayton’s (Stanley Brown) speeding roadster and is understandably upset until he mentions his rich father.  She says she needs a ride and jumps in his car.
In her first effort to get to Paris, she attempts to blackmail Ted’s father (Clarence Kolb), saying she has his son’s letters of proposal in her purse, but when she doesn’t produce them, the father threatens to call the police unless she leaves town.
On the way out of town to her home in Maple Leaf, Missouri, Jenny stops in to see Brooke.  She tells him she “forgot about the sick lion and walked right into his den.”  She didn’t show the letters, she says, because she remembered his warning, which caused a funny feeling in her stomach.  He explains it’s a “flutter,” her conscience talking, and reminds her that “good girls go to Paris, too.”  After giving her a book of Aesop fables, he says he will soon finish his lectures and leave for New York to marry Sylvia Brand (Joan Perry), then return to England.
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At the train platform—here happenstances really begin!—Jenny accidentally meets Tom Brand (Alan Curtis), Sylvia’s rich playboy brother, on his way to New York for her wedding.  Seeing in Tom another way to Paris, Jenny buys a ticket for New York instead of Maple Leaf.
In New York, Tom and Jenny go nightclubbing and meet Sylvia with Dennis Jeffers (Henry Hunter).  Eavesdropping, Jenny learns that Sylvia is in love with Dennis, not Brooke, and that Tom has a gambling debt.  Also present is Sylvia’s mother Caroline (Isabel Jeans), out with boyfriend Paul (Alexander D’Arcy), a gold-digger himself.
The by now drunk Tom takes Jenny to the family home and she puts him to bed.  In slipping out, she meets Caroline slipping in.  They awaken the ailing grandfather, Olaf (Connolly).  When Olaf loudly inquires about this stranger, Caroline improvises that Jenny is one of Sylvia’s bridesmaids.
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Jenny quickly makes herself a part of the family and begins winning over Olaf with a Swedish remedy for his sore throat.  One morning when the household assembles for breakfast, Sylvia is flabbergasted to find that Jenny, this stranger, is an “old friend from college,” and Brooke, who has arrived, is surprised to find Jenny is a guest in his fiancée’s home.  Both Sylvia and Brooke play along.
The climax, although less civilized and scattered over numerous scenes, is reminiscent of the kitchen scene, the gathering of all the characters in Moonstruck (1987).  A Mr. Schultz (George Lloyd) comes to collect Tom’s $5,000 gambling debt, but Jenny promises to pay him the next day, so Olaf won’t learn of it.
Earlier, when Sylvia was in Dennis’ car and his driving had injured a man, she had identified herself as Jenny Swanson to avoid a scandal.  Now, when Sylvia asks Jenny to take the blame, Jenny demands $5,000 for her silence—money for Tom’s debt.  As for Paul and Caroline’s planned elopement, Jenny exposes Paul as a leech out for her wealth, and Sylvia receives Olaf’s approval to marry Dennis.
After these couples have paired off, Brooke proposes to Jenny: “England, while the climate is not all that it should be, is very well known for honeymoons and has the added advantage of being just across the Channel from Paris.”  So, you see, good girls do go to Paris!
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The end is much, much more complicated than here described—and much funnier, with Connolly, in his best moment, bewildered by the confusing family revelations.  A movie fan has to see the film to perceive all the, let’s say, “subtleties,” if that’s the word, and to appreciate this crazy comedy.  Screwball, it certainly is!
Judging by Good Girls Go to Paris, it’s not obvious that the year of its release, 1939, was Hollywood’s greatest year.  The number of memorable pictures, including Stagecoach, Dark Victory, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, Wuthering Heights, Good Bye, Mr. Chips and, of course, Gone With the Wind and The Wizard of Oz, would never be equaled again, or even approached.
Appearing in one of the last years of the long Great Depression that had begun in 1929, Good Girls Go to Paris, is, however, representative of its era, the ’30s, when one point of the screwball comedy, like the concurrent Busby Berkeley musicals, was to lift the spirits of the American people out of their troubles.  In that regard, the film succeeds admirably, coincidences, implausibilities, silliness and all, thanks mainly to the sparkling appeal of Joan Blondell and the stabilizing anchor of Melyvn Douglas.  Not a masterpiece certainly but a fitting movie for late-night insomnia.  If it doesn’t cure the insomnia, the film is still a suitable diversion until the dawn breaks.
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