#i was evicting a spider from the premises (my room)
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emathevampire · 7 years
shook out my pajama pants n a very large hairy spider fell out... not even fazed in the slightest... I tell him he needs to Get Out and learn personal space by morning or he will be evicted from the premises, put my pants on, and go to bed. my room is full of spiders and this is fine. they stick to their corners and the undersides of my furniture and I feed them occasionally, we have fun here, it's chill. They know I do not tolerate it when they get too close, I know they don't appreciate me disturbing their webs, I know he's probs only been displaced from his regular spot cuz I moved a bunch of stuff yesterday... but he better move the fuck back to his regular spot or we are gonna have to have a serious talk tomorrow, because hiding in my clothing pile is OFF LIMITS FOR SPIDERS. I don't care how friendly they are, if they touch my body they are gone.
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