#i was arti and she was spearmaster btw
tamymew · 1 year
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me and the bestie @deathsangel-eva about to commit war crimes <33 [Day 8 - Jolly co-op]
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elsa-rain-world-stuff · 8 months
is Artificer your favorite Slugcat? is there a second favorite one? and why!
(Thanks for reading, love your art <3 :D)
Oh boi oh boi
Yeah Arti is my favorite because of 2 reasons: she reminds me of my other fav character (Undyne Undertale) and, well, ANGST
Yeah, the more angst the character has in their story, the bigger chance that they have to become my favorite
OH AND HEY, WANNA FUNNY THING? So, like, revenge theme was always, like, my thing. I wrote a THREE fanfics in HTTYD fandom with this theme. The first one was Hiccup killing people for Toothless' death, then vise versa, then (really funny) they both killed for each other, thinking that the other was dead. Fun thing that Toothless' style of revenge was similar to Arti's. I mean, kill everyone. No you can't read them (unless you know russian)
Sorry, i got distracted haha
So, you can guess that on the second place i have Hunter and Saint. Yes, both of them. Why Hunter isn't the first place? Weeell... Idk? When character dies, they just die, the end. When character loses someone they love... They get to live and suffer. Yeah. But still, being on a countdown? Angsty enough.
And Saint... Well, i like them mostly for their brainblast power. Yeah, if the character is strong and/or has some cool power i will probably also like them.
On the third place i have Spearmaster, and i should mention them because back in 2021 i thought they would be my favorite. Because that time we already knew many things about Downpour (which wasn't a thing yet, it was just More Slugcats, legendary mod). And there were like few gameplay videos and a whole stream with Spearmaster's campaign. And i remember that the person was told not to go to shoreline because of the massive spoilers (we were like WHY IS TGAT, IS IT BECAUSE MOOOON IS ALIIVEE???) (we were right lol). Instead they went to five pebbles and he ripped out the pearl from SM. And i was like OMG SO CRUEL I LOVE IT LOOK THEY'RE BLEEDING THEY'RE BLEEDING THEY HAVE FUCKING SCAR!!! and i immediately got few headcanons, that after the Wanderer (from Drought mod) failed their mission on bringing the gold pearl to Five Pebbles, SRS was mad so he took another slugcat, modified them without asking, sew a perl in them so they won't lose it and won't give it to Moon and sent to FP. And i was like OMG ANGST MM YUM YUM
And now it turned out that SRS is actually a good guy and actually cares about Spear and it's no fun ☹️ but the pearl episode is still great yum yum yum
Funny thing that about Arti we knew that she is, well, SHE, and that she fights scavs, has explody powers and cant stay underwater. And karma 1 locked. About Saint we knew that they have brain blast powers and were wondering if they gonna have it in the new version or no. Btw, i started shipping Artisaint in that time too. Like, strong, loud killer and weak quiet saint who can't even hold spears.
Oh well. I'm talking for too long now. Thanks for the question i guess 😅
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cheddar-inq · 1 year
three more scug designs!
btw usually ill refer to slugcats just with they/them pronouns but some of them will use pronouns like he/him or she/her depending on my personal headcanons for them i think arti and hunter use any pronouns but use she/her the most, rivulet uses he/they, and spearmaster uses any but primarily they/them idk man its just how i see them, call any of them whatever you like !!!!
monk is one of the few slugcats in the group with no glowing whatsoever, instead being able to grow flowers on their back these flowers can be picked without hurting monk, and if gifted to any creature will remove any hostility that specific creature has towards whoever gave it to them. the effect stays even if the flower is lost, and the flower doesnt mean the creature wont go back to being hostile.
its kind of like. "wow this is a great gift ok i wont beat the shit out of this person" and if you arent treating said creature kindly it will go right back to hating/wanting to eat you
monk is always at max karma and can grow karma flowers (although pretty rarely) alongside the normal ones. the karma flowers dont have the same effect as the normal flowers, just. normal karma flower !!
theyre pretty quiet, but super friendly and hate seeing people fight. they suck at breaking up fights, though, and usually just end up trying to find somebody else to break it up
bros also really short thank you for your time
monk uses he/she pronouns
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next up is artificer !!
artificer, along with a couple others like hunter and spearmaster, does most of the protecting for the group.
although capable of glowing, its not something she can do easily and its not something that really worth trying to do
Along with her normal explosion jumps/explosions, she can do a MASSIVE explosion which stuns and/or kills any creature in a pretty large radius. usually if theres a lot of creatures in one spot she'll go in, explode once or twice, and then come back so she doesnt stun/hurt any of the scugs in the group.
she can use the massive explosion once, maybe twice before needing to lie down and cool down. using it causes her scars to start glowing a bit and smoking and they get very hot which hurts arti a lot, so she doesnt use that explosion very often, only when she really needs to.
her usual explosions often work fine if she overheats from any of her explosions it has the same effect, but it starts a lot slower and just keeps building up- faint glowing, getting hotter, and starting to smoke
shes very protective over the others (at least, the ones she likes) and struggles a lot with keeping her emotions in check, as she has a habit of getting worked up over things and needing to sit down and calm herself down for a bit.
arti uses any pronouns, she/her preferred (she and hunter are partners. love them)
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aaand hunter !!
Hunter is based on a lantern mouse in terms of design. when sleeping, relaxed, or in bright spaces, she looks like the first design (dark red/orange-red one), but in dark places or when feeling a strong emotion they kind of "pop" to the lighter form and constantly glow (like a lantern mouse), their eyes and tail tip glow the most (eyes also get slightly lighter in color)
hunter is fairly serious but likes to slip jokes into conversation while keeping a straight face and not changing their tone at all, just to see if anyone will notice
shes usually hanging out near artificer
has the rot (of course how could i not) and sometimes it'll start to effect him more than usual, causing them a lot of pain and making it hard to walk. if it gets bad enough she can just collapse and wait for it to wear off enough for them to get up again
hunter uses any pronouns, she/they preferred (eheheh artihunter)
edit rq to mention: hunter does have scars, but theyre too dark to see on the darker ver and the glow from the other ver hide them (aka i forgot to unhide the layer with scars so here we are)
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artihunter doodle next
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Hey, here are my Rain World headcanons for the Slugcats!
Monk: (They/him/her) She is a demigirl with autism, and she is the granddaughter of Gourmand.
Survivor: (They/them) They are nonbinary. They have autism and ADHD. They have bad eyesight, and are the grandchild of Gourmand.
Hunter: (She/it/them) She is a lesbian and she wears a King Vulture Mask. She is dating Artificer and Gourmand.
Gourmand: (He/she) She is bigender and pansexual. He is a great cook. She uses his pronouns interchangeably. She is dating Hunter and Artificer. He and Artificer had a slugpup together, and they named them Sofanthiel (after Arti's Citizen ID Drone). She is good friends with the local scavenger population.
Artificer: (She/him) She is a bisexual woman. She loves watcing overseer projections. He has never eaten a Noodlefly. He is trying to learn to write in the language iterators speak. She also goes by Ruffian, Citizen, or Arti. She is dating Hunter and Gourmand. Her and Gourmand's slugpup, Sofanthiel, dissapeared one cycle without a trace, leaving her with one more slugpup to grieve :'(
Rivulet: (Any/Fae) She is transmasc. They have ADHD. He is a bit of a hoarder. Fae also goes by Ruffles.
Spearmaster: (They/it) They are agender and sexless. It has a symbol on its chest of a sun with seven rays (as a reference to SRS). They also go by Messenger.
Saint: (Any/all) They are agender, pansexual, and demiromantic. She is rivals with ???.
???: (Any/all) He is asexual and panromantic. She is a future Nightcat. They are rivals with Saint. They are the child of Artificer and Gourmand. It was originally called Sofanthiel, but he took on many names, such as; Nightcat, Inv (short for Inverted), Enot, and Paincat, eventually just telling everyone they met that they had no name. (So, y'know how "all slugpups go to hell"? well, ??? certainly went there.)
Nightcat: (Any/all) When they went missing under the name "Sofanthiel", they split into two different timelines, one where they became ???, and one where they became Watcher.
Watcher: (Any/all) I don't actually have any headcanons for this guy lol, I probably will once his campaign actually comes out.
Btw, please suggest other headcanons for me to put into my headcanoned lore!
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