#i want to kms so bad sometimes Jesus Christ
cherry-blossomtea · 3 months
Do you know how hard it is to be an artist when making art causes you literal physical agony and then when you do push through and try to make something, god willing you actually finish it, you look at it and go “this is shit actually.” Like no fucking wonder I haven’t made anything except for like one fic that got like 12 kudos in the last six months. And the only reason that got written was because my OCD was so bad it was write it or perish by Intrusive Thought
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 264: You Either Die a Hero...
Previously on BnHA: The kids of 1-A sat around waiting for something exciting to happen, and then it did happen, and they were all “!!” Over on the front lines, the heroes charged the Ol’ Villain Hotel with poor Kaminari crying the entire time, but we’ll excuse him since he is only in the second grade. Tokoyami gave him some gentle encouragement by reminding him of how hard he can slappa da bass, while Midnight told him to think of his one true love in order to find his inner courage, so he immediately thought of Jirou and everyone was like WHOA DID THEY REALLY JUST, and yeah, they kind of did? Anyway so Cementoss ripped the building open and Kaminari got all Thor on us and started battling this other electric guy, and then we cut to Hawks and Twice, who were having a friendly conversation similar to the friendly conversation Hawks had with Best Jeanist on the very same day that Jeanist abruptly went missing and was never heard from again! Hey, wait a second. You guys don’t suppose...??
Today on BnHA: Re-Destro gathers in the basement with all his followers and they’re all like “Re-Destro!!” and he’s all “what??” and they’re all “the heroes are attacking!!” and he’s all “:) :) :) the fuck??!” Outside, the heroes continue to wreak havoc, and between Edgeshot, Midnight, Honenuki and Toadette, I’m pretty sure they have actually killed some of these guys. But that’s silly though because heroes would never actually kill someone. Speaking of heroes not killing someone, back in the hotel, Hawks is all “(Ò‸Ó)” and Twice is all “(இ‸இ)” and then Hawks is all “I’m gonna arrest you but I’ll help you get through this and get back on your feet again afterwards because you’re a good person” and Twice is all “WHAT THE FUCK NOT THIS SHIT AGAIN” and does the whole Sad Man Parade thing. And Hawks is all “I don’t want to fight you!” and Twice is all “TOO BAD” and meanwhile Dabi is running up the stairs all “time to start some shit” and then the chapter ends. So while I’m relieved on behalf of Hawks’s soul, I can’t help but be a little concerned on behalf of his, uh, life. Shit.
okay, so! I finally have time to read this damn thing. but before I start, a couple of holdover thoughts from the prior chapter!
firstly, I want to go on the record now and say that I’ve decided once again that Hawks, in spite of all appearances, is not a murderer. you hear that Hawks. I’m putting my neck on the line for you. gonna look like a real stooge if you go and murder Twice before going on to fight Dabi to the death while we cut to Noumu!Jeanist taunting Bakugou
but in all seriousness, I just can’t reconcile it with what we know of Hawks’s character. his behavior during the fight against Hood almost got him exposed because he couldn’t bear to let anyone get hurt or to let Endeavor get killed. I know the HPSC got their claws in him at a young age, but in spite of that I don’t think he’s harboring a dark side. to me he always just comes off as tired and struggling to do the right thing even though he never asked to be put into this kind of position. he’s smart enough to understand the whole “needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few” thing, but he’s also young enough to still hold to a certain idealism, and juuust cocky enough to have faith in his own cleverness and convince himself that he can somehow achieve this mission without sacrificing anyone else’s life
so in short, I don’t buy the dark!Hawks theories. I just can’t. but I guess we’re about to see! and my guess is that Horikoshi will probably have Dabi interrupt before Hawks can reveal his hand either way, because Horikoshi is just like that. what a troll
(ETA: I forgot that sometimes Horikoshi also likes to troll by giving you exactly what you want but in the most painful way possible. shit.)
now, moving on, the other thing I wanted to quickly address is Viz’s translation of this very important line from last week! so as a reminder, here is readheroaca’s version
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and here is Caleb’s
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I’m actually really glad I’ve been reading the fan translations first, because it made me more aware of the potential nuances in this scene. so is KamiJirou actually being confirmed here, or not?? and I spent 20 whole minutes digging into this more the other day because I have no life, so here are my findings!
first, here is the actual Japanese panel
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and while I don’t speak Japanese, I can read hiragana well enough that I was able to plug it into a couple of translators to basically figure out what was being said. so here’s the full dialogue:
難しいなら --
so the part in bold there is the line in question -- 大事なもの (daijina mono). “daiji” means “precious” or “important”, but the thing is, “mono” for whatever reason is written in hiragana and not kanji. and the word mono (which can be singular or plural btw) can hilariously mean either of the following depending on the kanji used:
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lmao. so basically the bottom line is that from what I can see here, Horikoshi purposely didn’t specify! now I could be completely wrong; maybe this is a common enough expression that Caleb felt comfortable deciding that he meant “person.” or maybe he just guessed based on the context. or maybe he just said “fuck it, you only live once” and just went there because why the heck not
anyway, so that was fun, and for me it reinforced the fact that I really do prefer to have at least two different translations to compare in order to get the most complete picture of what exactly is going on here in this stupid manga that I obsess over week after week! so now let’s finally get to reading this thing
oh my
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I have so many thoughts whirling around in my head right now, such as “oh my god look at all these secret entrances/exits the villains apparently had” and “wow the heroes are so thorough” and such, but ngl, right now the biggest one is “why are they all entering so slowly??” seriously though. let’s just gradually meander on in single-file. no rush. meanwhile 800m northwest and 1 km east, Cementoss is literally tearing the building in half and the other heroes are charging full speed all “ARGGHHHHH.” and over in Jakku, Miruko kicked a door open so hard it killed a guy. but we’ve all got our own styles I guess??
at least this one guy 800m north of the hideout is doing some doorbusting. sheesh. be more exciting please
oh hey it’s this place
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behold. the great realm and dwarf city of Dwarrowdelf. well there’s an eye-opener and no mistake
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oh my god. first of all wtf is that shirt. and second of all oh my fucking god, let me just shut up and read this is amazing
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oh man. Re-Destro is one of the few characters whom I really want to see die. come on Horikoshi. don’t be a fucking coward. he’s had it coming ever since he killed that little mouse. and let’s not forget Giran. JUSTICE FOR GIRAN
oh we’re actually cutting back to this fight!
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I wasn’t sure if we would! shounen authors have this habit of showing the start of a really cool battle only to then cut away to a bunch of other stuff and leave us hanging for a dozen chapters, so yeah. of course, that may still happen. I’m just lucky that I’m invested in virtually every single thing that’s going on right now, so it’s a win-win for me no matter where we cut to next
(ETA: lmao there really wasn’t much more to this fight to speak of. but what do you want to bet Horikoshi will try to pull this shit with Dabi and Hawks next week though.)
holy shit
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this looks like when I attempt to build a gingerbread house. that’s uncanny
lmao Kami
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(ETA: Kaminari’s ridiculous smiling face is the balm we all need in these troubled times. tempted to ask him if he wouldn’t mind heading up to that telenovela happening over in Twice’s room and telling them all to lighten the fuck up.)
Lefty is all “does he have an absorption quirk?” because apparently he’s one of the two people that never watched the U.A. Sports Festival? how does anyone in this day and age manage to come across one of the 1-A kids and not know what their quirks are. and you’re a fucking general or whatever too, aren’t you? god you suck
so now he’s all “I BET YOU WON’T BE ABLE TO HANDLE... A FEW MILLION VOLTS” jesus christ. I bet you he can! but still, that’s awfully murdery of you. and to think, he’s on your side!! Kaminari are you really sure you want these guys as your friends
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straight up prepared to be massively disappointed in Viz when they inevitably translate the “Ninpo” part instead of leaving it alone and letting everyone bask in these sentimental Naruto vibes. and also ngl I prefer for Edge’s lines to be as close to the original as possible so I can better imagine them in my head. stupid sexy Edgeshot
holy shit “I’ve pierced a small hole in each of your lungs” !!? WELL ALL RIGHT THEN, YOU SADISTIC WARRIOR OF THE NIGHT. YOU HEARD HIM BOYS. I’M SORRY, BUT HE’S ALL OUT OF FUCKS TODAY
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and if it’s not all right, well. tough
can you imagine. you’re just a simple villain, chilling out in your Hilton Garden Inn HQ and minding your own business when all of a sudden the walls come to life and some fucking shinobu busts a small hole in your lungs, and then you just fall asleep. sometimes life comes at you hard
now Kamui Woods is doing his whole Lacquered Chain Prison thing, but we’ve already seen that one so I’m not gonna bother showing it! tough break Kamui!!
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oh shit everybody shut up we’re cutting back to Hawks!!
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but you pulled it off because you’re so damn smart. so now let’s stand around and explain your plan to everyone. what the fuck, Hawks
(ETA: and the thing is, now I’m thinking that by “incredibly difficult” he doesn’t mean that it was the cipher part that was difficult lol. that part was child’s play. any simpleton could do that. no, the difficult part was betraying his new friend. anyway so how’s everyone doing? what a fun chapter!!)
hey everyone I still have unwavering faith that this man is not a killer just FYI
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what does that say about me I wonder. let’s just completely ignore everything being presented on screen here. also what the heck happened to all this furniture? did he upend the entire room with his crazy feather attack, or is that damage from Cementoss’s shenanigans?
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fuck yeah. of course, I realize that by betraying Twice so harshly like this, Hawks has still found himself on lots of people’s shitlists. but I would just like to put out a friendly reminder that Twice, despite being the nicest and most loyal guy you will ever meet, is still a terrorist who was going to kill a lot of people because he’s friends with a guy who wants to destroy the entire world. so basically there’s just no clean way out of this and it’s all very tragic
but anyway if it’s any consolation, I fully expect Dabi to turn up in the very next panel and be all “BLARGH! IT’S ME!” before we commence with the single sexiest battle in this manga to date
lmao Horikoshi. “but before we get to the sexy battle let me just twist that knife up in there real good!” jesus
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friendly reminder that despite all appearances, Hawks is still objectively the good guy in this scenario. anyways for real, how are we all doing this afternoon. how many death threats has my bird son gotten today. I’m afraid to check. poor Twice is so trusting and I really hate to see him cry like this, poor baby. but I’m sure it’s also tearing Hawks up inside as well but we’re just not seeing it
and here we have Hawks, about to unleash his Mangekyou Sharingan
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“are you sure you don’t think this sinister maniac looming in the shadows with the deranged look in his eyes is a ruthless killer, makeste?? are you really sure?” Horikoshi asks while pouring every last inch of malice he can into a single chilling panel
and yes, you bastard. I am sure. fuck you, how long are you going to make me sit here looking like a complete ass. look, we get it!! either way, Hawks is clearly a compelling actor! but the question is, which one is really the false face? is it the smiling, easygoing Hawks who always seems to have a faint hint of sadness in his eyes? or is it this menacing figure stripped of all mercy? is it really so crazy to go ahead and say that it’s the latter? huh?? [pokes Horikoshi in the chest] huh?????
anyway so Twice seems to slowly be progressing his way from despair to anger, which is probably not good. heh. fuck
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maybe I was wrong about Dabi showing up and saving Twice, maybe his arrival will actually save Hawks instead lmao
anyway Hawks is still being all cold and creepy, and he’s all “you have my thanks.” and Twice is still crying, so maybe he’s still more sad than angry. well this is starting to drag out now though so if a certain spicy flame boi wants to make his grand entrance now, he’s welcome to do so anytime
oh shit Hawks is throwing me a bone!!! yessssss
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YOU SEE!! THE SAD LOOK. HE DOESN’T WANT TO DO THIS. HE’S A GOOD BOY. oh my god I just realized how tense I was. hahaha what is this chapter
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fuck!!! this is why I was so sure he was going to die! because he won’t go quietly; he’s not the type to ever betray his friends. to him the League are basically the only family he’s ever known, so of course he’s not going to just be all “okay sure I’ll go to prison and let you reform me”
so then what, Hawks?? you didn’t fucking think this through you stupid kind-hearted punk!
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is that one of Hawks’s feathers slicing open the mask. sing it with me guys. to the tune of Jingle Bells: fuck fuck fuck, fuck fuck fuck, fuck fuck fuck fuck fuuuuck
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oh shit!?!
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lol excuse me are you really just going to end it there? fucking seriously. Dabi running up the stairs with the crazy eyes while Hawks regretfully thinks of himself and his side as “hero scum”?? fff
and that last part! holy shit! again, I don’t buy into any of the dark!Hawks theories, and that includes the theory that Hawks will turn on the heroes and end up siding with the villains (because, again, it has nothing to do with him liking the villains, or secretly resenting the HPSC; it’s strictly on account of the whole “the villains want to destroy the entire world” thing. like. unless you think Hawks is cool with all of that of course). so I have to admit this was very startling for me to read
but I do think this is probably just some of the inevitable self-loathing finally spilling over after being forced to play this role and do all these things for the sake of the greater good, rather than him hinting at a desire to turn against the so-called “hero scum.” but still, that’s probably as dark as we’re gonna get from him, and ngl, it’s some heavy stuff
goddammit. feel like we need to cut to some wholesome class 1-A antics or something after all of that. as always, angst is a double-edged sword that I always anticipate and love but am also destroyed by sigh
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m39 · 4 years
Homestuck 11th anniversary/413 AKA Why I have more tolerance towards the Epilogues
And only on this time of year, when we have two holidays, we can talk about the thing that everyone in the Homestuck fandom loves: The Epilogues! :D
Everyone is pointing a gun at you.
You duck behind your desk while everyone else is shooting.
10 minutes later. You check out of you can stand up.
Can I talk now??
As you can see, today is not only the 11th anniversary of Homestuck but also the 1st anniversary of its Epilogues. Now, imagine one year ago, you were waiting almost 2.5 year for the Epilogues (three years if you don’t count Credits). You wanted to know the answers to many questions such as: Is Lord English defeated once and for all? What happened to that post-Retcon worthless c8nt who lost all of her character development? Is Terezi going to be okay? etc. Sure you got some supplementary stuff like the 1st act of Hiveswap (after like 5 years after its announcement, despite all of its development problems), Friendsim (that visual novel that detailed characters that will appear in later acts of Hiveswap), you read some fanfics like Cool And New Web Comic (personal opinion: very fucking good) and Vast Error (I didn’t read this one but I heard it was good and many people behind it are working with the WhatPumpkin team and on the other official Homestuck shit), there were some official snapchat photos and while those were very good, you knew that they will mean nothing when the Epilogues will drop in. And they finally does, on the Homestuck’s 10th anniversary no less. So you click on The Homestuck Epilogues, happy and excited as fuck and the first thing you see is… an introduction page ripped straight out of AO3.
You earn what can be basically described as a punch in the face where the metaphorical fist is filled with confusion. But it doesn’t end here. Then you notice something more disturbing in content warning and characters:
Rape? Abuse?? Existential Crisis?!? OC?!?! Polyamory?!?!?! GENDER TRANSITION?!??!?!?!?! BARACK! FUCKING!! OBAMA?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?
Like what in the actual fuck is happening?!!
Then you read the Prologue and you are like: Uhm… Okay. It’s not that bad at all, like, far from it. Maybe that AO3 page is just a joke? Everything will be alright right? RIGHT?!?
Then one week later Hussie (with help of some people) drops two nukes on fandom and it all goes to hell. No seriously, it’s like Hussie built Little Boy and Fat Man expies titled Meat and Candy, dropped them on fandom in which the centers of explosions were Dirk’s and Jane’s fandoms respectively and delivered some of the biggest Broken Base effect in Homestuck after like Act 6. Nothing was the same after that. Everybody were fighting each other over who was right, people didn’t even know what was canon anymore and even up to this date people are still misgendering Roxy for fucks sake (it’s not even that hard to remember it: she/her for the Alpha Roxy and her Candy counterpart and he/him for the Meat one; come on man)!
From what I’ve (mostly) seen on Tumblr, most of the Homestuck fans hates it to the bones. Only some individuals actually like them and I happened to be one of those people who likes the Epilogues.
Everyone is pointing a gun at you. Again.
One hour later.
Bogan: y̵i̸s̷.̵.̶.̶
Now, I don’t really care who likes the Epilogues and who doesn’t. Everyone has different opinions. But something tells me that the Epilogues (at least here on Tumblr) are overhated. Like, sometimes, the negativity towards the Epilogues is so big that it makes me feel like I was in Star Wars fandom. And when fandom starts to look like the Star Wars one, you know you are in deep shit.
But you might be thinking by now: Dude, where are going with all of this shit?! Well my dear… uhm… pickles? The point of all of this is that I want to share something with you. And that is the reason. The (main) reason why I (in worst case) have more tolerance towards The Homestuck Epilogues than most of the people (on Tumblr).
When I started writing this long as fuck text I thought that I would easily give more reasons, in other words, give like 3-4 points why I like the Epilogues. But then again it’s better said than done because most of them are connected to this fact:
This is the reason why I like them, why I can tolerate them. The Epilogues are mostly happening in two new timelines, different from the Alpha one. It’s even stated (or at worst implied) by Jade in Homestuck^2’s 6th chapter that the Meat timeline (and also possibly the Candy one) is not the Alpha one:
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The reason why the Epilogues are mostly not canon is that the characters from the Alpha timeline (Terezi, Vriska, Aradia, Sollux, Alt!Calliope etc.) make an appearance in one of the timelines (some of them in both).
Some people who hate the Epilogues stated that it RUINED some of the characters no matter if they liked them or not. That’s kind of… over-the-top because characters that are not from the Alpha timeline are clearly in some cases not the same ones that we know as I see it (at least in case of Neo-Condesce and Doc Strider) as a fuck you towards those fanfics that like to shove Ron the Death Eater and Character Derailment tropes down our throats because some fanfic creators didn’t like some of the characters from the original work.
In other words: Almost all of the characters from the Alpha timeline are the same characters as we know at the very end of Homestuck.
There are still lesser things that I find myself enjoying in the Epilogues:
-          The writing is on a very good level and when it’s pissing someone of it’s not from incompetence,
-          Post-Retcon Vriska actually gets some actual character development instead of ending up as a useless piece of shit that only insults everyone who achieved much more than she ever would (I mean it took (at least) almost 4 years for this to happen but still),
-          The fact that behind Neo-Condesce’s and Doc Strider’s turn to evil is some actual sense, like with the former one it was mind manipulations in her childhood (not to mention the literal mind control by Post-Scratch Meenah) and the latter one (in order to become ultimate) ending up absorbing some of the versions of himself that are basically a massive shitheads (like Bro, Hal, even Caliborn counts),
There are still other pros that either I can’t remember or they are too minor co count.
Does all of this mean that the Epilogues are flawless? PFFFFFF! Of course not. Nothing is perfect. There are some stuff that I don’t like.
The biggest one is that the Epilogues are sometimes overcrowded with so many words detailing every single thing that it actually becomes a slog to get through even one chapter (but then again, this is the reason why I don’t enjoy reading books). Sure, the original comic is like almost thrice as long as the fucking Lord of the Rings in case of the dialogue but it has pictures and animations to be more pleasant for the eyes. Which leads to another con: No. Fucking. Pictures. If I want to look for the details, then at least show me something else than words. Every fucking time I must look at dozens of words describing the most minuscule thing in the novel I’m like:
Also in terms of enjoyment I prefer the Meat Epilogue over the Candy one. When some people say that this book is a big, steaming pile of sadness and depression, at least the Meat part tells you from the start what kind of tone it’s going to have. The Candy part? Not so much. First it’s all happiness, (almost) everyone is happy, birds are happy, clouds are happy, nothing but happiness. And then you get punched in the gut, smashed into the ground and getting kicked over and over and over for so long that when the kicking finally stops it feels like 15 years passed by that time. And just to add up, the pacing in Meat is better than in Candy.
I’m going to piss you off even more but there are moments in the original Homestuck that are more cringe/rage inducing than some of the most painful ones from the Epilogues, particularly the intermissions in Act 6 Act 6 (DON’T GET ME STARTED ON WHAT HAPPENED TO BOTH SERKETS I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD).
Hey you.
Are you still reading this?
GOOD! Because you have reached the end of this long ass post that will get one like MAX. You know, like my other long ass posts. LOL AM I RIGHT?!?!
Jokes asides, we had a wild ride since the last 413. The Epilogues (despite what they are) gave us the answers to the biggest questions that Homestuck left for us, we got Pesterquest, the sequel to Friendsim that concluded the history of the MSPAReader (until another sequel -_-) and, of course, we got the official sequel to Homestuck, over 10.5 years later from the original comic’s debut. So, fuck ton of stuff throughout a year for me.
As for the Epilogues, look, I can, in some way, understand that some of you want to stay at least 10 km away from them but it has been a year (well technically almost a year) since they were published on the Homestuck’s official website. It might be a good time to read them once more. Without all of that hype they have built for 2.5 years after the credits. From the different perspective. Maybe even (and I dare to say it) right after yet another re-reading of Homestuck. Either way, remember that in most cases you can give someone or something another chance.
Before I’ll finally end this I must call out some of the more rabid Epilogues haters:
You are on your last breath.
Tha… that’s it! I’m done… wheeze S… See you next time. B-Bye now! Imma… Immabouttopffffffffffffffffffff-
You fall down on your floor after over 1.5 thousand words of talking. Suddenly you feel urge to check Twitter. You see that Homestuck^2 has just received another update. Roundabout starts playing in the background.
What?! And what is thi- PART ONE?!?!?! Oooooooooohhhhhhh ffffuuuuuuUUUUUUUU-
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sirjustice401-blog · 4 years
A long time plan failed
When u place purple fruit as Zambarau or yam or orange peel in the boom in Garbage, solution makes even range rovers, Cadillac, heavy machinery, electrical appliances and accessories, jets, planes, military vehicle, when what u want u place their cut diagonal photo as well. When it fails with charcoal water, pumpkin, pineapple, coconut leaves/sticks or as those mentioned above try as well with the above and even the Fanta black currents u can add into the solution 4 more results with other gadgets that has not been made as u keep on trying to get the best results dude.
Germans time is the essence, u sponsor some men who behaves like your own to say shit in my ears, i cant dude, take it all away, who is greatest, what has disturbed u 4 ages, here i come and i give the client like nation b4 u like Uganda, Tz and Jamaica and still not ashamed like Internet and pay TV, phones and home appliances. Cant u see u r a toddler to me, get ya way dude, what i can do great to ya, is sleep with ya woman not to marry but to pay as will bring bad disturbing kid without respect. U r the epicenter, u came with Illuminati and must eradicate it lest u r annihilated dude.
Shinny airplanes like the USA or air peace Benin made 1 are made with Garbage but much ripe mango of the same magnitude added to give it that feeling dude or rye as u add made or after the plane made, repaint it with shinny paint as with like Burkina Faso or Mali 1 in the links below which aint shinny
Getting money online thinking u got by as a head of ya pals, then shortly u r forced to pay like with 2goinvoice, even getting jobs 4 kids and building homestead 4 respects, which eliminates the same altogether so u get back to insulting ya long ago homies 4 no apparent reason. U Mexican as u heard carli or Texas were the same so wanting good life 4 ya kids and connected with Mexicans 4 that to happens as enjoy bar kalare make u insane water now can be made much in the boom process as in tumblr a/c sirjustice350, so ya plan fails so harsh with others. Eblotong'i bwana, warn them if u r not their described dude and Christ thing infused on 1 now failed, eating corp of this tribe or person made u to be innovative, so sell the same to the whole world to get cash as failed dude. Go to hell and die, where now are ya long time plans, dead and gone dude, stop ya shit bro lest 1 cut ya with machiethe
Rye paints or unhurt u add sweet banana in the boom process then ya paint or rubber tree extract like 1 in liberia or other cut banana u add purple fruit or egg shell and boom ya paint bro, or detergent in water then add sweet potato and boom ya paint bro
Iran fighter jet in the link below
The timer technology described below can also have the wall clock technology, where the tip of like hour pointed hand rubs on metallic plates at intervals within the clock like timer on how its set to switch on on places that it rubs on metallic plates connected with wire to meet the metallic hour counting hand and switches off the circuit when it turns on areas where aint got the same rubbing metallic feeling, they can be made many to switch off/on many times within an hour depending with the machine which harbor that timer. As in the song link below, Christ with rabbi to aid us dude, women my life kinda, that way, i have been drinking a little bit getting tipsy and smoking myth/says dude
Think if u r rude, u will be accommodated by me, take your rudeness all away dude and die, as we know now well how gadgets are made, not trying to make such in ya ways and all ya dubious ways to swag blocked. Die bro, so much coffins in the market requiring customers like you, so those who sell also as well get money. Die we bury ya. Just wants to give birth to kids 4 no apparent reason and disturb us with, carry ya luggage as 1 does to his at the airport, don’t rush to settle scores on 1 as that ya fucking the pussy result child. Cannot consult with any tribe now or want to join them as they are gotten off guard with what they produce can be made much in the boom process. Dont play cool that u r different from the rest in ya group to be accommodated, eat ya sweet dude or die ya own death
Yam crushed mixed with much water the below inserted as maize cob, thinner, raw mango etc makes even the purple baby star-soft and shampoo and even soaps dude as what Bringanya does so respect nations producing the same as in the link below, of much intense effect than others thus selling much high in price
Negros were taken to USA so they say what they are saying cause they produce little per state of which corn is the widely grown, so thought not of artificial boom made 1 to open their mouths wide as they do, if it was Canada they were taken they could be off respect cause it has much wheat, rye and cooking oil, so it was a test of character and they did not know of Alternator generator technology as E-car or airplane, so knew the earth crust 16 km so oil will be finished and the next car or plane will be powered by solar not knowing we go batteries that can open outlet along the way where they just replace ya car 1 once it atrophies along the road, thought white people will come to Africa during winter out of the above so their play dude
Gear motor like 4 the ceiling lights moving much slowly as can increase, decrease speed to either lengthen or shorten timer set time, where the outside gear to the push and pull switch that whether on or off the switch tip on same position- rotates to take it down to either switch the circuit on or off after another sequence as in the links below
The motor can be made of wire covered with firefighter fire proof cloth so to burn not as in the link below that type not the downer link type but the above, esp microwave motor style or Micah fan style not other wire coiled in the middle motor style that needs brass that get depleted to be replenished dude
When not yet in store u can uncoiled the above and place such clothes linen to recoil ya motor with even 4 airplane b4 u tie it to a belt to a new similar motor to start it as recoiled motor sometimes fail to kick on or start altogether lest the shaft rotated with bear hand or as explained above much more if it were a Dynamo where the motors with the belt rotating the same can be 2 with timer to alternate as the Dynamo remains one as cant burn up out of the recoiled fireproof cloth.
With the boom process u can place as well egg shell or sweet banana in the solution which as well when placed in garbage makes beds, sofa sets and kitchen ware and linings but wooden bro. The can replace the coconut made African broom option or mango as thinner option, pineapple, mushroom or cut pumpkin, can be used interchangeably or heaped together 4 better results outcome. The same precept makes even plastic mobile toilets and portacabin container houses
If u make other nation brand machines in ya nation or in client nation as well aid in the sinking of ya land synonymous with now many a nations doing the same which is a dirty game yet they ought to open outlets 4 repair and sale to curb the same and protect the buyers from illicit traders dude charging more and reaping huge from sales of other nation gadgets spare-parts. America contributes to the fall of ya land if u know not dude, so better address the same homey.
Armored glass helmet china made and coveralls, must have in ya house if vice verse of kebis being poor  
edwayie koro inn, Podi ong’ya kaochong’o riyo bird, mind ya business u sleek silly man, black supremacy, we want to destroy that sharp pointed nose, though kidding, that nose of hate, now talk, many nations got missiles and guns as usa and even airplanes, i told them how to make the same, so will send me some cash, any company willing like with innoson and more, any company that comes up after 2013, u kisii, mean, nyamawho fresh mouth herb can be made much as explained in tumblr sirjustice350, so stay with ya money, always away out of no-way dude. Gonna be war, u came with bible, when African tribes did not know about such yet u bother people that this or that is Jesus must end like with airplane with linear motion yet siren gas, and earth radius is 1000km yet 16 km and like outside air has no air yet got, as u got satellite yet not and more u heap on others, what remains is to kill ya and take ya land and what am up-to dude, clouds with rain yet clouds smoke like dude as the song link below, rob bank with armored all round glass helmet and ware as tumblr above tells u how such is made, armored glass coverall
EATING BOILED maize smeared with chilies even makes much gadgets in the boom process when what placed in as below are inserted. Makes even big airplanes, heavy machinery, houses on media as u cut the photos diagonally b4 heaping to the garbage, military equipment and any dude
Thick tire wheels inside the bullet proof vest technology or pieces of like armored glass (coin like) placed inside at raw to bar the bullet from getting to the inflated rubber to burst the tire, can aid in military maneuvers dude
Burkina Faso, Congo brazaville, Congo, Finland, Guinea made airplane in the link below and many west African nations as stated in the links below
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sirjustice400-blog · 4 years
What it takes in the boom process
When u place purple fruit as Zambarau or yam or orange peel in the boom in Garbage, solution makes even range rovers, Cadillac, heavy machinery, electrical appliances and accessories, jets, planes, military vehicle, when what u want u place their cut diagonal photo as well. When it fails with charcoal water, pumpkin, pineapple, coconut leaves/sticks or as those mentioned above try as well with the above and even the Fanta black currents u can add into the solution 4 more results with other gadgets that has not been made as u keep on trying to get the best results dude.
Germans time is the essence, u sponsor some men who behaves like your own to say shit in my ears, i cant dude, take it all away, who is greatest, what has disturbed u 4 ages, here i come and i give the client like nation b4 u like Uganda, Tz and Jamaica and still not ashamed like Internet and pay TV, phones and home appliances. Cant u see u r a toddler to me, get ya way dude, what i can do great to ya, is sleep with ya woman not to marry but to pay as will bring bad disturbing kid without respect. U r the epicenter, u came with Illuminati and must eradicate it lest u r annihilated dude.
Shinny airplanes like the USA or air peace Benin made 1 are made with Garbage but much ripe mango of the same magnitude added to give it that feeling dude or rye as u add made or after the plane made, repaint it with shinny paint as with like Burkina Faso or Mali 1 in the links below which aint shinny
Getting money online thinking u got by as a head of ya pals, then shortly u r forced to pay like with 2goinvoice, even getting jobs 4 kids and building homestead 4 respects, which eliminates the same altogether so u get back to insulting ya long ago homies 4 no apparent reason. U Mexican as u heard carli or Texas were the same so wanting good life 4 ya kids and connected with Mexicans 4 that to happens as enjoy bar kalare make u insane water now can be made much in the boom process as in tumblr a/c sirjustice350, so ya plan fails so harsh with others. Eblotong'i bwana, warn them if u r not their described dude and Christ thing infused on 1 now failed, eating corp of this tribe or person made u to be innovative, so sell the same to the whole world to get cash as failed dude. Go to hell and die, where now are ya long time plans, dead and gone dude, stop ya shit bro lest 1 cut ya with machiethe
The timer technology described below can also have the wall clock technology, where the tip of like hour pointed hand rubs on metallic plates at intervals within the clock like timer on how its set to switch on on places that it rubs on metallic plates connected with wire to meet the metallic hour counting hand and switches off the circuit when it turns on areas where aint got the same rubbing metallic feeling, they can be made many to switch off/on many times within an hour depending with the machine which harbor that timer. As in the song link below, Christ with rabbi to aid us dude, women my life kinda, that way, i have been drinking a little bit getting tipsy and smoking myth/says dude
Think if u r rude, u will be accommodated by me, take your rudeness all away dude and die, as we know now well how gadgets are made, not trying to make such in ya ways and all ya dubious ways to swag blocked. Die bro, so much coffins in the market requiring customers like you, so those who sell also as well get money. Die we bury ya. Just wants to give birth to kids 4 no apparent reason and disturb us with, carry ya luggage as 1 does to his at the airport, don’t rush to settle scores on 1 as that ya fucking the pussy result child. Cannot consult with any tribe now or want to join them as they are gotten off guard with what they produce can be made much in the boom process. Dont play cool that u r different from the rest in ya group to be accommodated, eat ya sweet dude or die ya own death
Yam crushed mixed with much water the below inserted as maize cob, thinner, raw mango etc makes even the purple baby star-soft and shampoo and even soaps dude as what Bringanya does so respect nations producing the same as in the link below, of much intense effect than others thus selling much high in price
Negros were taken to USA so they say what they are saying cause they produce little per state of which corn is the widely grown, so thought not of artificial boom made 1 to open their mouths wide as they do, if it was Canada they were taken they could be off respect cause it has much wheat, rye and cooking oil, so it was a test of character and they did not know of Alternator generator technology as E-car or airplane, so knew the earth crust 16 km so oil will be finished and the next car or plane will be powered by solar not knowing we go batteries that can open outlet along the way where they just replace ya car 1 once it atrophies along the road, thought white people will come to Africa during winter out of the above so their play dude
Gear motor like 4 the ceiling lights moving much slowly as can increase, decrease speed to either lengthen or shorten timer set time, where the outside gear to the push and pull switch that whether on or off the switch tip on same position- rotates to take it down to either switch the circuit on or off after another sequence as in the links below
The motor can be made of wire covered with firefighter fire proof cloth so to burn not as in the link below that type not the downer link type but the above, esp microwave motor style or Micah fan style not other wire coiled in the middle motor style that needs brass that get depleted to be replenished dude
When not yet in store u can uncoiled the above and place such clothes linen to recoil ya motor with even 4 airplane b4 u tie it to a belt to a new similar motor to start it as recoiled motor sometimes fail to kick on or start altogether lest the shaft rotated with bear hand or as explained above much more if it were a Dynamo where the motors with the belt rotating the same can be 2 with timer to alternate as the Dynamo remains one as cant burn up out of the recoiled fireproof cloth.
With the boom process u can place as well egg shell or sweet banana in the solution which as well when placed in garbage makes beds, sofa sets and kitchen ware and linings but wooden bro. The can replace the coconut made African broom option or mango as thinner option, pineapple, mushroom or cut pumpkin, can be used interchangeably or heaped together 4 better results outcome. The same precept makes even plastic mobile toilets and portacabin container houses
If u make other nation brand machines in ya nation or in client nation as well aid in the sinking of ya land synonymous with now many a nations doing the same which is a dirty game yet they ought to open outlets 4 repair and sale to curb the same and protect the buyers from illicit traders dude charging more and reaping huge from sales of other nation gadgets spare-parts. America contributes to the fall of ya land if u know not dude, so better address the same homey.
Armored glass helmet china made and coveralls, must have in ya house if vice verse of kebis being poor  
edwayie koro inn, Podi ong’ya kaochong’o riyo bird, mind ya business u sleek silly man, black supremacy, we want to destroy that sharp pointed nose, though kidding, that nose of hate, now talk, many nations got missiles and guns as usa and even airplanes, i told them how to make the same, so will send me some cash, any company willing like with innoson and more, any company that comes up after 2013, u kisii, mean, nyamawho fresh mouth herb can be made much as explained in tumblr sirjustice350, so stay with ya money, always away out of no-way dude. Gonna be war, u came with bible, when African tribes did not know about such yet u bother people that this or that is Jesus must end like with airplane with linear motion yet siren gas, and earth radius is 1000km yet 16 km and like outside air has no air yet got, as u got satellite yet not and more u heap on others, what remains is to kill ya and take ya land and what am up-to dude, clouds with rain yet clouds smoke like dude as the song link below, rob bank with armored all round glass helmet and ware as tumblr above tells u how such is made, armored glass coverall
EATING BOILED maize smeared with chilies even makes much gadgets in the boom process when what placed in as below are inserted. Makes even big airplanes, heavy machinery, houses on media as u cut the photos diagonally b4 heaping to the garbage, military equipment and any dude
Thick tire wheels inside the bullet proof vest technology or pieces of like armored glass (coin like) placed inside at raw to bar the bullet from getting to the inflated rubber to burst the tire, can aid in military maneuvers dude
Burkina Faso, Congo brazaville, Congo, Finland, Guinea made airplane in the link below and many west African nations as stated in the links below
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sirjustice399-blog · 4 years
What is placed in the boom process and more dude
When u place purple fruit as Zambarau or yam or orange peel in the boom in Garbage, solution makes even range rovers, Cadillac, heavy machinery, electrical appliances and accessories, jets, planes, military vehicle, when what u want u place their cut diagonal photo as well. When it fails with charcoal water, pumpkin, pineapple, coconut leaves/sticks or as those mentioned above try as well with the above and even the Fanta black currents u can add into the solution 4 more results with other gadgets that has not been made as u keep on trying to get the best results dude.
Germans time is the essence, u sponsor some men who behaves like your own to say shit in my ears, i cant dude, take it all away, who is greatest, what has disturbed u 4 ages, here i come and i give the client like nation b4 u like Uganda, Tz and Jamaica and still not ashamed like Internet and pay TV, phones and home appliances. Cant u see u r a toddler to me, get ya way dude, what i can do great to ya, is sleep with ya woman not to marry but to pay as will bring bad disturbing kid without respect. U r the epicenter, u came with Illuminati and must eradicate it lest u r annihilated dude.
The timer technology described below can also have the wall clock technology, where the tip of like hour pointed hand rubs on metallic plates at intervals within the clock like timer on how its set to switch on on places that it rubs on metallic plates connected with wire to meet the metallic hour counting hand and switches off the circuit when it turns on areas where aint got the same rubbing metallic feeling, they can be made many to switch off/on many times within an hour depending with the machine which harbor that timer. As in the song link below, Christ with rabbi to aid us dude, women my life kinda, that way, i have been drinking a little bit getting tipsy and smoking myth/says dude
Think if u r rude, u will be accommodated by me, take your rudeness all away dude and die, as we know now well how gadgets are made, not trying to make such in ya ways and all ya dubious ways to swag blocked. Die bro, so much coffins in the market requiring customers like you, so those who sell also as well get money. Die we bury ya. Just wants to give birth to kids 4 no apparent reason and disturb us with, carry ya luggage as 1 does to his at the airport, don’t rush to settle scores on 1 as that ya fucking the pussy result child. Cannot consult with any tribe now or want to join them as they are gotten off guard with what they produce can be made much in the boom process. Dont play cool that u r different from the rest in ya group to be accommodated, eat ya sweet dude or die ya own death
Yam crushed mixed with much water the below inserted as maize cob, thinner, raw mango etc makes even the purple baby star-soft and shampoo and even soaps dude as what Bringanya does so respect nations producing the same as in the link below, of much intense effect than others thus selling much high in price
Negros were taken to USA so they say what they are saying cause they produce little per state of which corn is the widely grown, so thought not of artificial boom made 1 to open their mouths wide as they do, if it was Canada they were taken they could be off respect cause it has much wheat, rye and cooking oil, so it was a test of character and they did not know of Alternator generator technology as E-car or airplane, so knew the earth crust 16 km so oil will be finished and the next car or plane will be powered by solar not knowing we go batteries that can open outlet along the way where they just replace ya car 1 once it atrophies along the road, thought white people will come to Africa during winter out of the above so their play dude
Gear motor like 4 the ceiling lights moving much slowly as can increase, decrease speed to either lengthen or shorten timer set time, where the outside gear to the push and pull switch that whether on or off the switch tip on same position- rotates to take it down to either switch the circuit on or off after another sequence as in the links below
The motor can be made of wire covered with firefighter fire proof cloth so to burn not as in the link below that type not the downer link type but the above, esp microwave motor style or Micah fan style not other wire coiled in the middle motor style that needs brass that get depleted to be replenished dude
When not yet in store u can uncoiled the above and place such clothes linen to recoil ya motor with even 4 airplane b4 u tie it to a belt to a new similar motor to start it as recoiled motor sometimes fail to kick on or start altogether lest the shaft rotated with bear hand or as explained above much more if it were a Dynamo where the motors with the belt rotating the same can be 2 with timer to alternate as the Dynamo remains one as cant burn up out of the recoiled fireproof cloth.
With the boom process u can place as well egg shell or sweet banana in the solution which as well when placed in garbage makes beds, sofa sets and kitchen ware and linings but wooden bro. The can replace the coconut made African broom option or mango as thinner option, pineapple, mushroom or cut pumpkin, can be used interchangeably or heaped together 4 better results outcome. The same precept makes even plastic mobile toilets and portacabin container houses
If u make other nation brand machines in ya nation or in client nation as well aid in the sinking of ya land synonymous with now many a nations doing the same which is a dirty game yet they ought to open outlets 4 repair and sale to curb the same and protect the buyers from illicit traders dude charging more and reaping huge from sales of other nation gadgets spare-parts. America contributes to the fall of ya land if u know not dude, so better address the same homey.
Armored glass helmet china made and coveralls, must have in ya house if vice verse of kebis being poor  
edwayie koro inn, Podi ong’ya kaochong’o riyo bird, mind ya business u sleek silly man, black supremacy, we want to destroy that sharp pointed nose, though kidding, that nose of hate, now talk, many nations got missiles and guns as usa and even airplanes, i told them how to make the same, so will send me some cash, any company willing like with innoson and more, any company that comes up after 2013, u kisii, mean, nyamawho fresh mouth herb can be made much as explained in tumblr sirjustice350, so stay with ya money, always away out of no-way dude. Gonna be war, u came with bible, when African tribes did not know about such yet u bother people that this or that is Jesus must end like with airplane with linear motion yet siren gas, and earth radius is 1000km yet 16 km and like outside air has no air yet got, as u got satellite yet not and more u heap on others, what remains is to kill ya and take ya land and what am up-to dude, clouds with rain yet clouds smoke like dude as the song link below, rob bank with armored all round glass helmet and ware as tumblr above tells u how such is made, armored glass coverall
EATING BOILED maize smeared with chilies even makes much gadgets in the boom process when what placed in as below are inserted. Makes even big airplanes, heavy machinery, houses on media as u cut the photos diagonally b4 heaping to the garbage, military equipment and any dude
Thick tire wheels inside the bullet proof vest technology or pieces of like armored glass (coin like) placed inside at raw to bar the bullet from getting to the inflated rubber to burst the tire, can aid in military maneuvers dude
Burkina Faso, Congo brazaville, Congo, Finland, Guinea made airplane in the link below and many west African nations as stated in the links below
Internet and pay TV servers are made when old used auto-mobile tires are placed in sewer water or city garbage where many photos of such cut diagonally as well can be placed into the solution 4 better results dude in the boom process while the decoders are made just with broad leaves of any tree around ya placed in the same in the boom process bro.
Music software mix that u can heap many music and it placed them at the music selection at minutes intervals as all take a certain time b4 1 comes in and all music selected and downloaded are recorded there as long as u got the pas-code to eliminate flash-disk or Cd once u have the internet bro.
Temptations of Christ are well written and who saw them, Probably Mr Hindu blooded men as that Colombian blood, so u are in a well position to tell us the same at what time such happened, don’t bother us with what was brought unto us but the beauty now it atrophies as a kid who was very pimply but now all lost as face appears gloomy to attract much a women thinking one ejaculated much sperm 4 him to rub on his face or mucus as a toddler so needs 1 to wipe 4 him as take care of him, so the concern dude or was be-rived and cried 4 long 4 a lost 1 like Abraham did to Sarah at her death dude
With Cadillac car is made with cut bones of human or teeth placed in Garbage or cut many type of color flowers sprinkled and boom ya car as much as u can add cut diagonal photos of the said car pictures while Range rover is made with many onions placed in the same above or rye solution or cut flower sprinkled and boom ya car in the boom process
Naphtali and Gard tribe father as in Genesis 49 was not an end though i might be 1 of them as Gad tribe their skin appear reddish as white-men of Russia are known, so don’t get me together with u those who claim the same as outside marriage he slept with other women which aint documented in the bible and i fall there not the Kikuyu blooded wives as above who gives to insanity in their play synonymous with today’s Kikuyu blooded men portrayed character. Russia change ya character cause the employ the same u do claiming they are Russian cause ya land still vast they wanna get their, bad dude, consumes us bro and now again they talk as Italians do in Casino claiming the same but stopped when told the make u insane water at bar kalare, Gem, Kenya can be made much in the boom process as now they got it along time Kenya was Italy. Locating the best and wants u to join or if u claim u r Naphtali they also claim as well, What u want dude, with me i can live anywhere provided i got tiny roof or food synonymous with my life in Kenya now bro, locate ya life don’t follow me dude, Now u wanna claim the writings in Tumblrs yours as making gadgets, question is why have u not come up with machines 1st, dude, stop being a little child calls 4 annihilation if u relent not dude, now we got ya dude
Black doted bird feather when placed in garbage in the boom process makes even American (decra roofing) type of roofing, when u have not succeeded in making the same, try adding African broom sticks as oleng in local jargon or papyrus reed pieces stick and boom ya smooth roof signaling respect dude as in the link below and with any gadget dude
Utility of beans or Ground nuts to those states or country that produce the same, can be used to make leather velvet for seats and jackets or brown wood card-boards used as lining in container houses and even shoes when pieces of African broom as above inserted or maize cob in the boom process and many wooden electric appliances bro.
I though i behaved badly in my past not to find that those who held me to that were of hunger with their plans to set me even more free and even with the many women i wanted without course. Happy are those people phrases maybe, all guilt elevated dude.
Dollars are made with cut dry cassava, white plastics or cut flowers as much as human nails placed in garbage adding maize cob as above and ya dollar notes in the boom process bro
Carrot makes even smokies when added to pumpkin/cabbage water in the boom process making such products to be cheap dude. Carrots as well can take the place of groundnuts as explained above and even makes rubber products as slippers which when inserted in Garbage solution as above makes even big space rockets or saucer jets in the boom process bro.
Starter comp, u rotate a motor inside then connect to a solar charger controller then to a high watt inverter to power your house as the comp u can use the solar lights in the link below to rotate the motor in between during the day and at night as it saves power on the inside battery as Walkman motor uses less energy when alone as that power in the battery can turn the motor 4 more than 12 hrs b4 it atrophies dude
If u Injure 1 who goes to hell or already magma as thrown to hell fire and still on earth investigating amounts to absolute nothing as such cases on ya are erased, it will be prudent to do such when the incumbent still all alive like kebi hitting a woman at Bar Kalare, when will u get this dude, stop Mr Hindu of such cause u judging others aint sure of being salvaged from hell fire as above. Live ya own life stop cashing into others lives bro
Shop online in Kenya at the link below dude
Laser sensor motion lights in the link below dude, click to get a glimpse as if u got a large compound u can place WI-fi controlled Motion sensor alarms to detect foreign particles early dude and hang on ya bulb holder Bluetooth enabled speakers
Invest wisely as in the link below
Yacht made in Nigeria link below dude, click well to get a glimpse bro
SA military vehicle in the link below dude and Iran submarine
Stop war accept triumph not defeat and compensate the owner dude
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sirjustice397-blog · 4 years
Timer technology
The timer technology described below can also have the wall clock technology, where the tip of like hour pointed hand rubs on metallic plates at intervals within the clock like timer on how its set to switch on on places that it rubs on metallic plates connected with wire to meet the metallic hour counting hand and switches off the circuit when it turns on areas where aint got the same rubbing metallic feeling, they can be made many to switch off/on many times within an hour depending with the machine which harbor that timer. As in the song link below, Christ with rabbi to aid us dude
Think if u r rude, u will be accommodated by me, take your rudeness all away dude and die, as we know now well how gadgets are made, not trying to make such in ya ways and all ya dubious ways to swag blocked. Die bro, so much coffins in the market requiring customers like you, so those who sell also as well get money. Die we bury ya. Just wants to give birth to kids 4 no apparent reason and disturb us with, carry ya luggage as 1 does to his at the airport, don't rush to settle scores on 1 as that ya fucking the pussy result child. Cannot consult with any tribe now or want to join them as they are gotten off guard with what they produce can be made much in the boom process. Dont play cool that u r different from the rest in ya group to be accommodated, eat ya sweet dude or die ya own death
Yam crushed mixed with much water the below inserted as maize cob, thinner, raw mango etc makes even the purple baby star-soft and shampoo and even soaps dude as what Bringanya does so respect nations producing the same as in the link below, of much intense effect than others thus selling much high in price
Negros were taken to USA so they say what they are saying cause they produce little per state of which corn is the widely grown, so thought not of artificial boom made 1 to open their mouths wide as they do, if it was Canada they were taken they could be off respect cause it has much wheat, rye and cooking oil, so it was a test of character and they did not know of Alternator generator technology as E-car or airplane, so knew the earth crust 16 km so oil will be finished and the next car or plane will be powered by solar not knowing we go batteries that can open outlet along the way where they just replace ya car 1 once it atrophies along the road, thought white people will come to Africa during winter out of the above so their play dude
Gear motor like 4 the ceiling lights moving much slowly as can increase, decrease speed to either lengthen or shorten timer set time, where the outside gear to the push and pull switch that whether on or off the switch tip on same position- rotates to take it down to either switch the circuit on or off after another sequence as in the links below
The motor can be made of wire covered with firefighter fire proof cloth so to burn not as in the link below that type not the downer link type but the above, esp microwave motor style or Micah fan style not other wire coiled in the middle motor style that needs brass that get depleted to be replenished dude
When not yet in store u can uncoiled the above and place such clothes linen to recoil ya motor with even 4 airplane b4 u tie it to a belt to a new similar motor to start it as recoiled motor sometimes fail to kick on or start altogether lest the shaft rotated with bear hand or as explained above much more if it were a Dynamo where the motors with the belt rotating the same can be 2 with timer to alternate as the Dynamo remains one as cant burn up out of the recoiled fireproof cloth.
With the boom process u can place as well egg shell or sweet banana in the solution which as well when placed in garbage makes beds, sofa sets and kitchen ware and linings but wooden bro. The can replace the coconut made African broom option or mango as thinner option, pineapple, mushroom or cut pumpkin, can be used interchangeably or heaped together 4 better results outcome. The same precept makes even plastic mobile toilets and portacabin container houses
If u make other nation brand machines in ya nation or in client nation as well aid in the sinking of ya land synonymous with now many a nations doing the same which is a dirty game yet they ought to open outlets 4 repair and sale to curb the same and protect the buyers from illicit traders dude charging more and reaping huge from sales of other nation gadgets spare-parts. America contributes to the fall of ya land if u know not dude, so better address the same homey.
Armored glass helmet china made and coveralls, must have in ya house if vice verse of kebis being poor  
edwayie koro inn, Podi ong’ya kaochong’o riyo bird, mind ya business u sleek silly man, black supremacy, we want to destroy that sharp pointed nose, though kidding, that nose of hate, now talk, many nations got missiles and guns as usa and even airplanes, i told them how to make the same, so will send me some cash, any company willing like with innoson and more, any company that comes up after 2013, u kisii, mean, nyamawho fresh mouth herb can be made much as explained in tumblr sirjustice350, so stay with ya money, always away out of no-way dude. Gonna be war, u came with bible, when African tribes did not know about such yet u bother people that this or that is Jesus must end like with airplane with linear motion yet siren gas, and earth radius is 1000km yet 16 km and like outside air has no air yet got, as u got satellite yet not and more u heap on others, what remains is to kill ya and take ya land and what am up-to dude, clouds with rain yet clouds smoke like dude as the song link below, rob bank with armored all round glass helmet and ware as tumblr above tells u how such is made, armored glass coverall
EATING BOILED maize smeared with chilies even makes much gadgets in the boom process when what placed in as below are inserted. Makes even big airplanes, heavy machinery, houses on media as u cut the photos diagonally b4 heaping to the garbage, military equipment and any dude
Internet and pay TV servers are made when old used auto-mobile tires are placed in sewer water or city garbage where many photos of such cut diagonally as well can be placed into the solution 4 better results dude in the boom process while the decoders are made just with broad leaves of any tree around ya placed in the same in the boom process bro.
Music software mix that u can heap many music and it placed them at the music selection at minutes intervals as all take a certain time b4 1 comes in and all music selected and downloaded are recorded there as long as u got the pas-code to eliminate flash-disk or Cd once u have the internet bro.
Temptations of Christ are well written and who saw them, Probably Mr Hindu blooded men as that Colombian blood, so u are in a well position to tell us the same at what time such happened, don’t bother us with what was brought unto us but the beauty now it atrophies as a kid who was very pimply but now all lost as face appears gloomy to attract much a women thinking one ejaculated much sperm 4 him to rub on his face or mucus as a toddler so needs 1 to wipe 4 him as take care of him, so the concern dude or was be-rived and cried 4 long 4 a lost 1 like Abraham did to Sarah at her death dude
With Cadillac car is made with cut bones of human or teeth placed in Garbage or cut many type of color flowers sprinkled and boom ya car as much as u can add cut diagonal photos of the said car pictures while Range rover is made with many onions placed in the same above or rye solution or cut flower sprinkled and boom ya car in the boom process
Naphtali and Gard tribe father as in Genesis 49 was not an end though i might be 1 of them as Gad tribe their skin appear reddish as white-men of Russia are known, so don’t get me together with u those who claim the same as outside marriage he slept with other women which aint documented in the bible and i fall there not the Kikuyu blooded wives as above who gives to insanity in their play synonymous with today’s Kikuyu blooded men portrayed character. Russia change ya character cause the employ the same u do claiming they are Russian cause ya land still vast they wanna get their, bad dude, consumes us bro and now again they talk as Italians do in Casino claiming the same but stopped when told the make u insane water at bar kalare, Gem, Kenya can be made much in the boom process as now they got it along time Kenya was Italy. Locating the best and wants u to join or if u claim u r Naphtali they also claim as well, What u want dude, with me i can live anywhere provided i got tiny roof or food synonymous with my life in Kenya now bro, locate ya life don’t follow me dude, Now u wanna claim the writings in Tumblrs yours as making gadgets, question is why have u not come up with machines 1st, dude, stop being a little child calls 4 annihilation if u relent not dude, now we got ya dude
Black doted bird feather when placed in garbage in the boom process makes even American (decra roofing) type of roofing, when u have not succeeded in making the same, try adding African broom sticks as oleng in local jargon or papyrus reed pieces stick and boom ya smooth roof signaling respect dude as in the link below and with any gadget dude
Utility of beans or Ground nuts to those states or country that produce the same, can be used to make leather velvet for seats and jackets or brown wood card-boards used as lining in container houses and even shoes when pieces of African broom as above inserted or maize cob in the boom process and many wooden electric appliances bro.
I though i behaved badly in my past not to find that those who held me to that were of hunger with their plans to set me even more free and even with the many women i wanted without course. Happy are those people phrases maybe, all guilt elevated dude.
Dollars are made with cut dry cassava, white plastics or cut flowers as much as human nails placed in garbage adding maize cob as above and ya dollar notes in the boom process bro
Carrot makes even smokies when added to pumpkin/cabbage water in the boom process making such products to be cheap dude. Carrots as well can take the place of groundnuts as explained above and even makes rubber products as slippers which when inserted in Garbage solution as above makes even big space rockets or saucer jets in the boom process bro.
Starter comp, u rotate a motor inside then connect to a solar charger controller then to a high watt inverter to power your house as the comp u can use the solar lights in the link below to rotate the motor in between during the day and at night as it saves power on the inside battery as Walkman motor uses less energy when alone as that power in the battery can turn the motor 4 more than 12 hrs b4 it atrophies dude
If u Injure 1 who goes to hell or already magma as thrown to hell fire and still on earth investigating amounts to absolute nothing as such cases on ya are erased, it will be prudent to do such when the incumbent still all alive like kebi hitting a woman at Bar Kalare, when will u get this dude, stop Mr Hindu of such cause u judging others aint sure of being salvaged from hell fire as above. Live ya own life stop cashing into others lives bro
Shop online in Kenya at the link below dude
Laser sensor motion lights in the link below dude, click to get a glimpse as if u got a large compound u can place WI-fi controlled Motion sensor alarms to detect foreign particles early dude and hang on ya bulb holder Bluetooth enabled speakers
Invest wisely as in the link below
Yacht made in Nigeria link below dude, click well to get a glimpse bro
SA military vehicle in the link below dude and Iran submarine
Stop war accept triumph not defeat and compensate the owner dude
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sirjustice396-blog · 4 years
Still saying shit i don't want to hear
Gear motor like 4 the ceiling lights moving much slowly as can increase, decrease speed to either lengthen or shorten timer set time, where the outside gear to the push and pull switch that whether on or off the switch tip on same position- rotates to take it down to either switch the circuit on or off after another sequence as in the links below
The motor can be made of wire covered with firefighter fire proof cloth so to burn not as in the link below that type not the downer link type but the above, esp microwave motor style or Micah fan style not other wire coiled in the middle motor style that needs brass that get depleted to be replenished dude
When not yet in store u can uncoiled the above and place such clothes linen to recoil ya motor with even 4 airplane b4 u tie it to a belt to a new similar motor to start it as recoiled motor sometimes fail to kick on or start altogether lest the shaft rotated with bear hand or as explained above much more if it were a Dynamo where the motors with the belt rotating the same can be 2 with timer to alternate as the Dynamo remains one as cant burn up out of the recoiled fireproof cloth.
With the boom process u can place as well egg shell or sweet banana in the solution which as well when placed in garbage makes beds, sofa sets and kitchen ware and linings but wooden bro. The can replace the coconut made African broom option or mango as thinner option, pineapple, mushroom or cut pumpkin, can be used interchangeably or heaped together 4 better results outcome. The same precept makes even plastic mobile toilets and portacabin container houses
If u make other nation brand machines in ya nation or in client nation as well aid in the sinking of ya land synonymous with now many a nations doing the same which is a dirty game yet they ought to open outlets 4 repair and sale to curb the same and protect the buyers from illicit traders dude charging more and reaping huge from sales of other nation gadgets spare-parts. America contributes to the fall of ya land if u know not dude, so better address the same homey.
Armored glass helmet china made and coveralls, must have in ya house if vice verse of kebis being poor  
edwayie koro inn, black supremacy, we want to destroy that sharp pointed nose, though kidding, that nose of hate, now talk, many nations got missiles and guns as usa and even airplanes, i told them how to make the same, so will send me some cash, any company willing like with innoson and more, any company that comes up after 2013, u kisii, mean, nyamawho fresh mouth herb can be made much as explained in tumblr sirjustice350, so stay with ya money, always away out of no-way dude. Gonna be war, u came with bible, when African tribes did not know about such yet u bother people that this or that is Jesus must end like with airplane with linear motion yet siren gas, and earth radius is 1000km yet 16 km and like outside air has no air yet got, as u got satellite yet not and more u heap on others, what remains is to kill ya and take ya land and what am up-to dude, clouds with rain yet clouds smoke like dude as the song link below, rob bank with armored all round glass helmet and ware as tumblr above tells u how such is made, armored glass coverall
  Internet and pay TV servers are made when old used auto-mobile tires are placed in sewer water or city garbage where many photos of such cut diagonally as well can be placed into the solution 4 better results dude in the boom process while the decoders are made just with broad leaves of any tree around ya placed in the same in the boom process bro.
Music software mix that u can heap many music and it placed them at the music selection at minutes intervals as all take a certain time b4 1 comes in and all music selected and downloaded are recorded there as long as u got the pas-code to eliminate flash-disk or Cd once u have the internet bro.
Temptations of Christ are well written and who saw them, Probably Mr Hindu blooded men as that Colombian blood, so u are in a well position to tell us the same at what time such happened, don’t bother us with what was brought unto us but the beauty now it atrophies as a kid who was very pimply but now all lost as face appears gloomy to attract much a women thinking one ejaculated much sperm 4 him to rub on his face or mucus as a toddler so needs 1 to wipe 4 him as take care of him, so the concern dude or was be-rived and cried 4 long 4 a lost 1 like Abraham did to Sarah at her death dude
With Cadillac car is made with cut bones of human or teeth placed in Garbage or cut many type of color flowers sprinkled and boom ya car as much as u can add cut diagonal photos of the said car pictures while Range rover is made with many onions placed in the same above or rye solution or cut flower sprinkled and boom ya car in the boom process
Naphtali and Gard tribe father as in Genesis 49 was not an end though i might be 1 of them as Gad tribe their skin appear reddish as white-men of Russia are known, so don’t get me together with u those who claim the same as outside marriage he slept with other women which aint documented in the bible and i fall there not the Kikuyu blooded wives as above who gives to insanity in their play synonymous with today’s Kikuyu blooded men portrayed character. Russia change ya character cause the employ the same u do claiming they are Russian cause ya land still vast they wanna get their, bad dude, consumes us bro and now again they talk as Italians do in Casino claiming the same but stopped when told the make u insane water at bar kalare, Gem, Kenya can be made much in the boom process as now they got it along time Kenya was Italy. Locating the best and wants u to join or if u claim u r Naphtali they also claim as well, What u want dude, with me i can live anywhere provided i got tiny roof or food synonymous with my life in Kenya now bro, locate ya life don’t follow me dude, Now u wanna claim the writings in Tumblrs yours as making gadgets, question is why have u not come up with machines 1st, dude, stop being a little child calls 4 annihilation if u relent not dude, now we got ya dude
Black doted bird feather when placed in garbage in the boom process makes even American (decra roofing) type of roofing, when u have not succeeded in making the same, try adding African broom sticks as oleng in local jargon or papyrus reed pieces stick and boom ya smooth roof signaling respect dude as in the link below and with any gadget dude
Utility of beans or Ground nuts to those states or country that produce the same, can be used to make leather velvet for seats and jackets or brown wood card-boards used as lining in container houses and even shoes when pieces of African broom as above inserted or maize cob in the boom process and many wooden electric appliances bro.
I though i behaved badly in my past not to find that those who held me to that were of hunger with their plans to set me even more free and even with the many women i wanted without course. Happy are those people phrases maybe, all guilt elevated dude.
Dollars are made with cut dry cassava, white plastics or cut flowers as much as human nails placed in garbage adding maize cob as above and ya dollar notes in the boom process bro
Carrot makes even smokies when added to pumpkin/cabbage water in the boom process making such products to be cheap dude. Carrots as well can take the place of groundnuts as explained above and even makes rubber products as slippers which when inserted in Garbage solution as above makes even big space rockets or saucer jets in the boom process bro.
Starter comp, u rotate a motor inside then connect to a solar charger controller then to a high watt inverter to power your house as the comp u can use the solar lights in the link below to rotate the motor in between during the day and at night as it saves power on the inside battery as Walkman motor uses less energy when alone as that power in the battery can turn the motor 4 more than 12 hrs b4 it atrophies dude
If u Injure 1 who goes to hell or already magma as thrown to hell fire and still on earth investigating amounts to absolute nothing as such cases on ya are erased, it will be prudent to do such when the incumbent still all alive like kebi hitting a woman at Bar Kalare, when will u get this dude, stop Mr Hindu of such cause u judging others aint sure of being salvaged from hell fire as above. Live ya own life stop cashing into others lives bro
Shop online in Kenya at the link below dude
Laser sensor motion lights in the link below dude, click to get a glimpse as if u got a large compound u can place WI-fi controlled Motion sensor alarms to detect foreign particles early dude and hang on ya bulb holder Bluetooth enabled speakers
Invest wisely as in the link below
Yacht made in Nigeria link below dude, click well to get a glimpse bro
SA military vehicle in the link below dude and Iran submarine
Stop war accept triumph not defeat and compensate the owner dude
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sirjustice267-blog · 4 years
Boom process
Wallets with placing cash among the business employers and their employees and the working class who are employed on every sector of the economy as much as women purse 4 carrying the same will soon atrophies if money placed online to eliminate the liquid cash as those making wallets will loose that portion of profit margin on their exports and those who had known how to make such in the boom process.
Cheat others cause its of Christians attributes is how they have come up with gadgets with like Nigeria to colonize other nations as well who aspire to makes such b4 Nigeria like has made it b4 them and turn their large Hindu, Islam into Christianity to purchase ya Christian movies and listen to ya songs as u got Pay Tv as well to subscribe from to be 1 of the largest economies but thought wise but to many it was not wise so the detriment with E-cars replacing oil which is their main Forex and others coming up with like pay TV and other gadgets to shortchange the above beautiful plan.
Jesse King Davids father house was the exact place where stands a white building adjacent to the stagnant water kapenesa when u alight from the matatu going straight forward at route 44. With not normal flat windows from above but of the shape in the link below while Onding gem was known b4 the venue shifted to as explained below, Judgement and hell fire buildings b4 relocating to Europe. When its known they shift positions to somewhere else, it must be private and not known.
The solenoid type of generator can be made with the shaking part of timer with such 2 as like 5 cm 2 rods with ends magnet connected to the vibrator thing to move back and forth to produce power as the ends are in opposite sides dude as in the link below, the timer is Generic Chanical Counter Palm Clicker Tally Training Timer Toys Red
Kinda, signaling defeat, u see the big water contain at WSU Kansas broken its supports and fallen as the water big can crushed to remind us the deal of Kansas are well known and encountered as in sirjustice199 tumblr a/c. And the statute of Liberty of NY head broken sometimes as well as the hand carrying torch as u see in ya mental picture miles away not Mr Hindu 10 km radius thing.
The like 10 cm marine boiler pump can be fitted on the dredger mouth to dig deep into the ground provided their is sufficient air to be pumped, so i know not if it can go up-to 1 km as such distances are hot with insufficient air lest u have ya own cylinder of circulating air or Oxygen like in the link below
I went to study in the USA to came and convince ya to avert the same if r ya plans as education only makes u and your family poor as only thing is to exhort money from ya to pay the lecturers which afterwards if u don’t belong u don’t get that job as much as when ya nation has learnt automation and making gadgets no need of such lest they are against ya to seek permanent asylum not to ever come back and the bad mouth directed to ya if u don’t obliged to their protocol. To eradicate it so u sail forward as to convince the such can be gimmicks to block the ways of those they have planned to frustrate. To equip ya as much as them and to tell ya of their being Kikuyu of Character as much as Trukana which many don’t tolerate which can bring bad Kids if population high or such a nation lacks natural resources as a new technology is handy as alternator generator eliminating fuel as seen today.
Getting money online from sources u know not or as 1 tells ya failure to which they kill u and take money from ya general collection budget, part of, and exhume your grave to sell ya casket and attire as the ransom and most 2nd hand suits sold in Nairobi and many 3rd world cities are products of the above and most ladies wedding clothes and shinny like black/brown shoes they put on corpse. So beware curse might befall u.
The motor bike head lights in the link below of 12 dc can be inscribed inside normal house bulbs to light even more bright than the not energy saver 240 type which gives much light as head and have short life spans  than the above, where step down 240- 12 V are placed on the bulb holder that holds such bulbs as above not placed on the 12 DC bulb
Emery nyimimit moloyo ukonkodi makebi goyo no, moloyo bank job ma magdalin timo-no, moloyo duka manancy oyawo no. Mit thel en mali peliod.
Wasee cheki vile nadance, an ng’amalich jowadwa as i the song link below, Ng’ama chalo kod kebi says Adrianu.
When 1 dubious deals are all blocked, friends how u can tell, is easy, kinda, u see them as defecated or in a pool of pieces of feces/mafi, at that time they wish to die as like with sisal ropes 4 cattle replaced with plastic 1 which last even longer than the above as that was the main market to Sisal growing nations like Tz and Kenya and even replaced with leather women hand bag as long time we had Kikapu made of the above product. Be good and sell ya products, don’t bother us with swag yet u r poor, u want us to buy ya own if its not money printing which when money abolished u r left with no words to pride as u have 4seen so starting to prepare ya-self 4 that hard life getting into others shit or cashing into others affairs dude
I will not carry ya kid, i did not give birth to him, its u and carry ya own burden as load but never will u hear him saying i beat him crying as if i got some penny i give to him to buy something. I aint ya father to be carrying all along with me, talk to hooligans to ambush me of the same dude. Got me little mama!!!!
The kebi/delanu present house position long b4 when Migosi and Tom mboya estates where down town, it was the commodores of Minneapolis where Judgement took place while the cross white house was the hell fire building the scroll taken with u from the former building long b4 the jew migrated from the Babylon. It had a subway to connect the 2 buildings synonymous with the kids Building in Chicago Ave which made Christ to be arrested when he was alluding of that building- the “Ki” sound as something kiddish is seen yet still gives to arguments as u r jew or not. And they are building post buildings in Kenya so that God can change his stand and shift the judgement to those buildings not knowing it goes down to even 5 Km as show on the links below of Judgement in Heaven Jesus. Behind the white cross house was that hell place as described in the link below. In reality where kebi house stands was Merry the mother to Christ mother/father house, so they thought Christ had been an angel as Gabriel appeared to Marry after the facility was transferred to Minneapolis, Transfiguration parable to remind us of reality.
The Mijikenda coast people blood of wanting blindly from people, talking bad as 1 who got thinking with that they will be tolerated of laziness, Tol and sidelinning people to join them yet they got shit is known when u engage such in an argument, kinda, u see the image of the brave software rather beast spirit comes out their face to vindicate that somehow u have overwhelmed them. People are still created as placed in sirjustice199 following tumblr a/c as with them they were created with either Lion as the beast placed in dough or apes as Chimpanzee- Christ with little kids/children to remind us of the truth and most men of such tribes got lines on the forehead as sliced bread when in distress or focusing or looking up, they were to love themselves so them alone buy while others works as slaves 4 them and even colored and white people who got the Girihama blood like WWE Trippe H. The mark of the beast tribe on the 4head, as Malachi 4 comes handy to help us pass the reality dude
If 1 really wants to kill like stub 1 with a knife or cut with panga, on the paths that the 1 to be slaughtered walks u see a dark pool of blood as road mirages and detectives arrests some people that way after merging those people photos with their friends or those they have cross their paths to avoid such killings and even with guns. As if relating 2 photos as pictures, Done that way!!!! He thinks if in a group grabs ya head and u solve the shit amicably is the ticket or key of understanding to dine with u in ya house. Die, u silly coast blooded people.
Baby wash star-soft is made as black and white with Miraa as kart which can as well be made in the boom process in cold water where u hurl sewer water unto the mixture and boom its formed while clean-soft 4 carpets and mats, made out of Bringanya as following the above method
The China E-van below if u got the vegetable cutter and fruit peeler and cut as with pineapple u can buy such not me and sell ya pineapple at a half price cause now it doesn’t involve the gimmick with cutting it. Make money not that u come up-to me i want to buy 1, the day i buy such approach me or ambush and steal from me
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finalap-blog · 4 years
de whole trut
Guns are made either with stones or cassava put in a container then many pissalivate on the container sides and boom the gun you want or grenade with sweet potato. Going to hell is 2 fold, u can go 2 hell but not in hell fire as furnace. match box/stick as well made with fieces or casava or both under the same above process
Dolls are made with muddy clay waters or dough like in the process above giving ny state like khs 200 billion yearly. Even motor bikes should be on credit or vans/matatu so the natives of a nation buys to build their own spheres not like the Tz people with ujama capitalizing on that to create a pool of people they have talked to, to remit money back home coz they are more than willing to give ya even tuk x2 like they have called kebi while kenya are still in heated debate of how to get women, of jealousy or kenya is beautiful, stop dude and put gadgets on credit to curb tz trade gimmicks.
With buy 2 non fuel generator, the solar 1 can charge the battery of the battery rotated motor rotating the stater to produce power to be used in cloudy weather or at night in the link below
Photo starts should be of 2 types, 1 that if sense light rays switches the switch to connect the circuit and 1 which if has sensed the same opens the switch to disconnect the circuit so the 2 set can be a timer 4 any electric gadget.
The devil will be hurled down in revelation is mlk coz he cheated folks with his a little bit altered sermons, that their is much nuclear in china dat can destroy a city as big as ny, putting people in constant fear and many more and chiefly, these were john the baptist sermons while arrested in jail dat made the elite want to own them thus has to eliminate him by cutting the head. Maybe he wrote them while in custody or during chapel he delivered them.
The no fuel generator you can buy 2, the solar powered option 1 that works during the day to power ya business and the motor rotating stater 1 (no fuel 1), works at night or when sunlight is insufficient due to cloudy weather. Its like killing 2 bird with 1 stone, click the link below 4 more
Kalenjin wants their own, material trouser do not depict ya, that if u wear other long pants they aint in good terms with ya, like kaki they wanna break a fight with ya even on roads. Lets us check ny if minaj is around and where is she hiding if not made it to ksm via the 16 km fissures underground.
tumblr a/c nelsonmcsleepy, following followers check, presidency is 4 the poor who wanna get rich via govt deal without dat they wallow in lack of money frustration
This is what u can delete. Cybers are even 4 white people or building other spheres like TZ. Govt to provide affordable wi-fi connection to every house where you can pay daily bundle to make cyber empty to thwart the moves of such nations with arrogance above, even with food grocery and shops as selling 2nd hand clothes they take it to Tz to build. So the govt should curb all this bro, like opening many chain stores with grocery sides, anyway life has became more affordable to every family. Delanu saying, NY mit, kata bol, even if its far, we got E-bicycle, echiew go kinyi to enyono anyona, u just wake up in the morning no looking 4 bas pas but just give it a ride to the library, shelter or the next free food joint not to mention mc donald and no stopage with the security traffic lights, u, you just lide. BEL yawa.
shoes made with hide or casava peeling under the above process. Mexican have their cartel in kenya hindering the dreams of those whom they percieve to be good looking while the locals say they got like trukana or masai blood who long to get to the USA coz they say if allow will even spoil their kids with bad kids, so their dreams thwarted as they can even hit ya legs, cut ya, kill ya or infect u so u are disqualified 2 get a visa period but sometimes it can be bad mouth out of jealousy bro
They wanted to do the above to Tz but E-cars have gotten them handy, folks everything comes to an alter no matter how complicated it is bro. After incorporating wireless alarm and gun as much as camera, if the criminal proceed into ya compound wanting to hurt ya, this what u do, buy a house with balcony in the middles and within dat balcony put ya drone to escape horizontally with the ground, choose ya house where behind got undulating lands, small hills or fenced houses to escape in the link below or just 1 with a flat top in the middle of the roofing 4 drone but people see not.
Tz stop send delegates, usa is much more rich in food rather they dont buy ya small gadgets like phones, they are self sufficient even if they get cash online.
Minaj come lets shower and heading to the shower, lets beth together.
What did u eat, ya booty to fat- whispering this in his friend ears, hitting his finger like a little kid, am going to tell ya mother, doing dat is Nehemiah izo.
Look 4 Jamaica woman after Mr Hindu organization is finished, atleast who understand leave the yankees they are malawians as malawi people are arab blooded, people who want from emerging rich people or-else they thwart ya destiny but u cant want from them, at the point the song ends, kinda, he is dirtying his hood from behind. Click the link below 4 more
Come here baby song, in the link below depicts a woman whom u could love but could not give in due to lack of sufficient cash but sleeping wid men in ya presence as doing this and dat but u have looked around, given up in life but still gets to her or now she is mad wid ya, check it out dude
Hindu are signaling me they are in bad shape, kuhangaika, its up to them, kinda, our strength, with what they have done, let them continues foreseeing more problems, till they thin up coz if at all they had triumph we could be seeing fire.
Banks should tell us their profitability where it cames from, like on Atm withdrawals, people lost, deceased without next of kin, mobile money transfer and a/c opening contributes to what percentage. u Will find the bulk is from Atm withdrawals, and a/c opening which should be free 4 the 1st 3 withdrawals and with ac/c opening the money is still your like with US banks even if its a prerequisite. The uk EPL is funded with this and thats why they want population increase to make many open a/c 4 kids or their own and a/c opening. When this is done it makes UK poor as u can see them frustrated. But onlinemoney out of money laundring has eliminated this once employed. Kebi dont not forgive their dirty tricks or spare them ‘sema yote‘.
Govt also should remove grocery store as they use this to fund money back home esp TZ short people. Chainstore should be opened as we are par with any other developed nation as nothing machine to buy as we have known how to buy such like bvr kits or household good or car which people save 4 along time to buy but now cheap and can be bought on credit and heavy machine like used to make roads are made locally so it save the govt money on such bro.
My new tumblr a/c email is [email protected] check it out or name mcsleepynelson, the email above was 4 this tumblr a/c b4 i changed it again to the tumblr a/c of the above name
you take ajuok niddle like leaves, mwarubaine leaves, Tamandarine/okwaju seeds, alovera and wild sunflower as landana, then mix then in the dark put them in the container, then u piss, salivate on the container sides then curative medication or antibacterial medicine packed in the link below boom are made
Where kebi house is situated was the jesus mother house when they were young, Aron hse was the jail where meshark, shadrack and abednego were arrested. The unfinished hse near 4rems ksm was the joseph/mary jesus mother house, Where gosh lived when at kim college was mc donalds and police post and a bus station where christ was 1st taken when arrested 4 fingerprints. Vin modi green hse was peter the rock hse situated. Rata clinic was the temple bro, Christ tought the old
The hse opposite the cyber was a police jail, gosh house where is situated was a bus station as well along time
They eye m-peas going E-africa so wanna be here yet to curb fake money saga it will be eliminated coz it involves liquid cash, so forget about that bro as well as when banks atrophies security guards will be reduced in number as job cuts while EPL will be affected as Barclay bank is the major sponsor dude, get this straight bro!!1. Kebi is a double edge cutting sword described in the 6 seals of the bible in revelation 6 in the link below
The dance that led to john the baptist being beheaded was in Seattle, Washington, they took a flight to an event there, so it can be the truth of a city built on the hill can never be hidden which will be more tolerable then tire and sidon at the judgement day JD.
What i explained to ya in details in other tumblr a/c or at a table u have 4gotten that u can delete a tumblr a/c if i changed the email i know not even if i still know the password in the link below making it a new story daily    
Zachariah adel of KB and the other best 1 where in the scene when john the baptist was beheaded and in-fact Zacharias ACHMED the Islam 1 was the 1 who took head on a plate, Its is incarnation bro, they were taken back from heaven to earth again and given longevity, they have live 4 many yrs as much as Railamoloding’a
Link below rep places with tea, so kenyans shut up bro
The 2 thieves were taken to police custody near the cyber jail i have described above, if u simply partake mwarubaine and put it to meditation as pray as well you feel some1 talking to ya and telling u this bro period.
Click the link below for a good step down transformer
Think i canhurt myself and they delete the following of this tumblr which in each following got every following so its a zero work thing dude, think twice bro.
Nowdays if u wear like worn out/old cloths the kamba or masai blooded their kids dont wanna associate with ya or gives ya a cold shoulder, they want to perpetuate their hooliganism as to make ya buy their new cloths to benefit coz they have known how to make the same, while china is saying no, to bring them online in a very cheap dimension so as to alter their destiny and make them sell theirs in credit sale or make them half price to meet competition bro, no jokes, their is a big progress jo!!!
Like in the link below b4 the song start, syllabus 4 schools and colleges can be made that way with what on the board captured to eliminate going 2 class 4 all but 4 the heavy headed who dont comprehend fast. What u do is paying the exam fee, their is alot of hick ups, gossips and malice in schools associate with lectures as much as name tint and bad mouth or progress thwarts.
Countries with coffee
Me am not yesus so dont force to the point u wanna box me, get it from the horses mouth, am not Jesus Christ. 2 give the lazy my hustle, i cant and let me reiterate the point, siwezi hata kwa dawa. The masai blooded who are 1st in social ills and hooligans at night, let them eat their sweet or rudeness or go to their tribesmen 4 help not us bro. Get this straight dude, period!!!
                                       Siren gas issue                                                        
Siren gas made out of human blood suffocates faster as the flash floods but reacts when hot with iron after long time breaking the cylinder causing plane fall, the best 1 is of hay or chaff bro, dont react bro.
The petroleum engine can be replaced with electric 1, if the bud like part of the engine is removed where combustion takes place and replaced with the electric 1 for any gasoline using gadget bro, dont worry not only with nyama tree with smelling mouth but as well with artificial food and replaced electric engine in the link below
PEOPLE who are machine makers dont love people  in their houses while them can be in ya premise, bcoz he is of utility to ya and mostly got Norwegian blood, got to understand this not that he is of bad character dont want people in his house.
The no fuel generator in the link below can be made a mini-small one and put inside machines like tv, stereos, cookers, computer or fridge so the nf generator just used in lighting of bulbs and in showers.
Railamoloding’a was the dives as daniel with nebuchadneza as am told
Click the link below 4 more, buy 120 v input transformer and output 12 v, after connecting like 4-24 v wet cell to give ya 100 v which you channel into the 120 v transformer as input to give ya 12 v as output which u put into a solar charger controller then to the terminal of ya e-car, vehicle where the battery is fixed, this resolve the battery pop up associated with E-motor bikes,bikes or cars, or if you buy the 1 in the link below when u put half current of 120 v it gives ya 12 but of high watts to avoid burning bro
Download of music should be done, let them create a website like with the betting sites where movies,lectures or songs are priced then u select, pay online then they send ya that group of songs, movies u bought at a fee online. click the link below 4 more
Adrian saying, gi thago kebi, ablomuko/goyo lakewho mokelego, gi palo niedwalo nyili gi, eh eh eh mano epach gi. Peleka njaa yako whoko, malachi four to cement de trut. Marry mama yesus nomer/tipsy b4 being injected with sleeping drug then an artificial insemination Ai done to give birth to christo b4 he was given his sermons as another who transformer to his image at 12 v in the tample did to give him name. Folk bibilia, wifecry was written period, whats the hoot and what do u want bro, to grab kebi manhood, his little food which if he refuteds u resort to bad mouthing? Stop dude and fix ya self somewhere to work, stop lazing around and gossiping like Pg women bro!!
As googled bro or binged
white men are kinda nuts and they cant be explaining on media as we purpote bro, out of research it has cross my mind that it is The whiteman of brazil with elastic ear lob at the tip where earing hangs, they r kikuyu, they have been mandated to advice the white-men in that they were told how to make planes so to cement dat happening and not to tell the trut of the end of the earth on the pacific side if you take a flight from latin amrica to keep Africans in dark to facilitate to destroy her gene via intermarriage and to continue monitoring people who buy gadgets they were told of online cash to perplex people how they survive yet dont want people to buy the very very gadgets dat gives them cash as well they help sponsor bad deals in Africa as frustrate kids in jobs and schools 4 the curse to fall on them. They even advice the white on who to assassinate like mlk, malcom x, tm, 4 the whites to cement the trut of a city which kills the prophet, dat it will be more tolerable 4 tire and sidon to be Brazilian capital which is sau paulo, click the link below to show at that time of the killing of the above and more not now, so they shift it that even if it happens its not the capital to kill or destroy the govt buildings and officials.
Pure is the sermon, who wrote them or who gave it to another, Gandhi or TM etc
When u sleep with Germans u desire poor kind of life of being alone while with Briton it makes ya behave like kids or love kids more than adult. Am walish, wales, wer, songs, waist, kiuno, as wale help people like jonah on the belly of the fish after transfiguring on how they do which i cant explain not. Can change into a parasite like gigas and logg itself in the belly of the fish b4 again transfiguring into a person or any other animal, outside in the dark.
Using a tractor to tilt the land lands ya in hell or makes ya insane like the white-men, In Africa kale uses the same, many lands are rugged to people use plough or cattle which makes them up-tune, so the white-men behaves like insane to get buy after death in judgement cause the flame is to hot. Click the links below 4 more
Kalenjins just want from people, when u have not the rush to ridicule ya house if good or not to join ya, when, kinda, u gonna have money, they stalk ya even wanting to organize malice on ya, stop that dude. Most Sa got that blood and Tunisia people, when u realize a woman got that gene, kinda, u desist from her, cause they join what they have helped bring down without being a shamed, can destroy the world as their male counterpart, just good with where their is cash crop cant hustle as they are always reserved and most negros with straight body bones like those in NBA are Tunisia blooded bro. Fellows desist from them, good in their own but more better than many other tribes like luo, kisii etc
German meet or barley got extra-taste of chocolate, they take the cow blood mix with chocolate b4 they put in the dark and spit saliva on it to make artificial meat AM explained in the following tumblrs of this a/c, same to drinks and barley. Even coffee husks, seeds are used to make shiny weak gadgets like just Tea or cocoa leaves or maize cob as well as cereal chaff makes dull ones.
The gasping 4 help when drowning is sweet when u have not given up on life and sudenly 1 listens to ya, finds ya and help ya to life again is the feeling when sleeping with a british women.
When u belittle people, doing wrong things,listening to music others have not listen to to comment yet sweet, when u r mean in life, when a friends eats like mwarubaine, they see you  outside ya house front door like in a funeral, kinda, in a casket, meaning u risk going to hell fire if u die or it brings hate that u dont understand with people around ya, so u must get out of that quagmire by listening to liberating people music and being humble and loving people as u love ya self, stopping ya dirty tricks.
nelsonmcsleepy like a cup of blood of any animal taken to dark put in a container then many spit saliva to make meet of the same kind, this also applies to human corpse bro with blood donations as well as strong siren gas is also made with human plasma under the same procedure described in tumblr a/c following me like nelsonmcsleepy
Get to check my following followers for full information guys and see which following tumblr u wanna delete cause they are many.
Photos for no fuel generator in the link below
mary jesus mother no mer, tipsy when was injected with sleep drug
Setting an example to the world next generation by what anything am doing
nelsonmcsleepy nelsonmcsleepy https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/Portable-Mobile-Container-Toilet-for-Bathroom_720238090.html?spm=a2700.7735675… nelsonmcsleepy taking my words 4 granted and am a man of my words nelsonmcsleepy we are same, cheap nelsonmcsleepy even minaj can now come, i have ordered 1 in the last link at nelsonmcsleepy tumblr a/c, timgimidwalo an delan, abe nyaka awinj mabel ok-inkendi, si wewe pekecahako
odhilo kebi marach eban kisumu, bank job imekwisa kabisha if mobilecash adopted, palo ni yot . every thing has an end bro, swag etc or pride
ya food even on credit they still want but will not help ya settle the credit, even ya just borrow like him so u got credit even a food that some1 has given ya like xmas or new year present they want to the point of organizing attack on ya much much as money given to u to help u buy things like cloths or shoes.
Most mineral water that if u drink, kinda, u feel ya brain open up, its soft and sweet to drink are mostly from mali springs which can make dat nation the most riches, it was made that way in that folks could have rushed there.
Illinois state u feel as if land is meeting as if u know how to construct things or sentences that r up on all sides not down this side and up that side or that is not meeting, so white-men investigate people that way, if u love Illinois they put an eye on ya bro, Kansas is beautiful but expansive as the land dont meet but rolls/run away bro
When drowning in a semi-deep water and 1 is helping ya who is not all that an expert but taking long, kinda, u r dying the next minute but drawing u to shall point holding ya hand thats how ya penis feel in a German woman pussy and on a British 1 you feel ya head moving from drowning, the struggle of gasping water, crying out 4 help, thinking about u r leaving what u love most, then out air, is the feeling with British 1 and thats why people became wild with their woman, you feel ya glan penis swollen like people hit you last week with that semi peni or like eating the chicken Gizard, that grumpy feeling, kinda, when u walk with such women after having sex wid them, u wanna embrace dem on the shoulder when people seeing thinking they will take it from ya and feel the same. Pure jealousy!!!
Click to watch the song below in the link below
Now they sponsor people to fall plane even on short distance to instill fear on people on planes of new nations which aint that original just like with their machines or with the rocket that can reach mars that it take long and must fall cause plane takes short time and still falls so what about a 7 month journey, u will fail/die to still maroon folks with their silly desires they have come up with, to control ya, so some tribes are now playing good cause they wanna go to the new planet like luo, kikuyu, kamba or kisii as well as masai. Its far wide to thwart the traveling mood on people and incase of attack its seen as they are coming no underground fissure to outside earth to other planets and china with other nations has that technology as well which tires the white with well place protection mechanisms not 4 it to fall on following of this tumblr a/c.
The trump character is six of a man and is kauma 1, where u identify pretty women to fix them with rich men so u benefit, taking a look at trump he is kauma, omani, acholi, kale and ARGENTINA blooded as well a kisii so he is a blessing in disguise to show ya of such so u dont destroy the world further of star-bon kids. Am superstar in my things so am sturbon, heard from a certain kid who could eat the whole turkey on a xmas eve and dont share with his friends bro. On trump Baghdad comment with a woman, the soldiers are even tired sited down to depict bad character 4 a president of the richest nation still wanting from people, should resign if he persist and dont address the issue of money laundering as put in following tumblrs of this tumblr a/c. Micheli gi lingo mit moloyo thel mochanda, donge delanu, utters another kebi.
She sit far from a point to depict she loves long penis that can log or get to places we can never imagine, near to tell she loves short 1 and medium, she sits in the middles, so think twice. Obama still fund hooliganism, sending people in that he is in love with ya, if you wanna make it big- i won sportpessa of over 250 million and am saying this without blinking my eyes, should be warned or killed if he persists, but its a blessing in disguise to depict kale, kisii, luya and baganda people character.
Stop company luncheons and ferrying people with the bus and grown ups who have in the past gone to good schools just sitting in the house. This makes young task to follow suit as some sees ya as role models and of work dont work good to start businesses as they long to get employed to feel the same or quench their thirst to their desires. Let now people buy E-bike, motor bikes for the same even in jobs and their own food bro to stop the illicit.
The masai facilitate justice so u gain much instead of wanting to injure or wanting some1 dime food. Its sickening bro, say like this, we have understand that they man was in the USA as we have investigated, call people he has mentioned that were with him in jail to to identify him and let him be compensated they money he is claiming b4 he gives you your share so u get out of the city to your area. According to sources he is saying he is compensated even the damages he can give you upto khs 5 m to start ya life all those in ksm, you can even buy 10 used matatu and put on roads to give ya 30 thousand shillings daily and you still be the tout and the driver so u benefit on a tree-dimension basis Mr masai, stop silly acts and pro-act and the time is now
Most Russian are Austria blooded, people who dont just give in to sentiments and is cemented in the link below moreover Most Jew as i have put in other tumblr a/c are masai blooded from the mothers side, they married their women or Austrians women with that blood to give a humble but confused people but good in doing polite business as the white-women does, people when u r close to them got respect and u feel good, so majority long 4 it not knowing the male counterpart cant understand and serve justice and we want people who can solve mischief not be pro it and thats the problem dude. Mad men, kinda, bro.
I have not joined any group that bars me from watching anything, provided its not in the vicinity of kids or them snooping, then where is the hoot, and they cant access the links afterward, Stop bro and let me enjoy studying the women race b4 i tell ya to save the world.
When they have realized u r good even in college and friends and relative pay ya fee somehow, they rush to screw it up to stop ya and at that time they want ya to take a break and 4get that spirit of sequence learning u have displayed as to have difficulty in a/c when u joined next time or u go and sleep wid their daughters which if u refuse they organize an attack on u if u walk bad.
When folks comment on ya life progress or what u have come up with is when u feel good like when in the USA, u got to scan the house you live in 4 people to comment to settle ya spirit and make ya happy, which the white women have known and dont like, so b4 they accept u again they monitor dat trend with ya which if u still have, its still a detriment to them that u rob them their dignity and thats it bro, get this straight dude!!!!!
Giving birth to kids not knowing their dirty tricks can be blocked, then they want ya food the lady with like 2 kids while the hubby is laden in disrespect. How will dat happen? Give birth to kids u can take care of good period. Not that i am mean bro or get to ya tribesmen to help ya. When will you get this bro, that Temperate lands got cereal while tropical lands got food crops such as yam, potatoes which tires the brain while many nations are populous and need wheat or maize daily to feed her population bro, like the Arab nations and china imports cereals so how can u be rich than them yet every nation have learnt automation if u were capitalizing on selling machines to other nations who have not learnt the same and the money making gimmick has been curbed by the proposed online or comphonecash and even with many booth system like the old telephone ones that enables ya to transact as debit or credit another or ya a/c even in ya phone or computer absentia.
The market at migosi now scrap metal shop was a crematorium, where mary the mother body was cremated and of what significance is dat bro, wont take us anywhere like a plane does. A drop of water in the ocean, to know the past important place they make ya feel good like even when doing nothing you dont wanna get out of their, they dont bore u off fast. Kebi sometimes takes scrap their but periodically coz its far from his residence. Dont bore us with old music that makes us guilty of our past, reflects bad old memories to our brain making u think people are discussing your past mishap.
When bank jobs have been eliminated the market 4 suits shrinks and buy drones like Toy 1 and locate the gas inside wire like of the blower to heat the gas cross-cross at alibaba, what do u want dude!!1
Anything in the hardware is bought at alibaba click the link below and you just change all category product name of what u want at more cheap price than in country like Kenya, Mr Hindu so back up dude
Get to check my following followers for full information guys and see which following tumblr u wanna delete cause they are many.
Photos for no fuel generator in the link below
mary jesus mother no mer, tipsy when was injected with sleep drug
Setting an example to the world next generation by what anything am doing
nelsonmcsleepy nelsonmcsleepy https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/Portable-Mobile-Container-Toilet-for-Bathroom_720238090.html?spm=a2700.7735675… nelsonmcsleepy taking my words 4 granted and am a man of my words nelsonmcsleepy we are same, cheap nelsonmcsleepy even minaj can now come, i have ordered 1 in the last link at nelsonmcsleepy tumblr a/c, timgimidwalo an delan, abe nyaka awinj mabel ok-inkendi, si wewe pekecahako
odhilo kebi marach eban kisumu, bank job imekwisa kabisha if mobilecash adopted, palo ni yot . every thing has an end bro, swag etc or pride
Photos for no fuel generator in the link below
Each race is good on their own so we need to create small nations 4 each. Sometimes if u see a certain race man talking it guide ya to leave Africa cause the whites wanna be here again and majority love to be served by them to feel good and police arrest after u show them rudeness, kinda, brings joy than polite life with free food and goods put on credit to enjoy economies of scale and create bad credit for such to be enslaved again as they cannot buy again anything. PETROLEUM will still surface if gasoline gadgets are made cheap like half price 4 many to buy, so don’t just laugh bro
The above links rep how to reach the mars or venus but in 7 month distance, to avoid timer malfunction that changes the current to the next cylinder coz the 1st 1 to hot to burst, they put them like 3-5 set at the same time in a parallel connection in that if 1 burns up to discontinue the current flow that would lead to saucer falling the others still do and at the same time the pilot can still control the same with switches.
Lindi, TZ was where Jesus changed water to wine long b4 the green man left Europe and they went to Europe and shortly again they left America 4 Venus then the white men moved to America.
Let the nation be built on its pace or reduce population 4 the resources to fit people once all loopholes have been blocked. Tz people are the once causing strife in the nation that they save putting them in others food that they are building Tanzania. Stop dude U r poor and accept the fact Germany or Canada is rich than u out of all explained in tumblr a/c following this tumblr.
One dot bar code machine putting that code on cash at central bank and the money censoring machine is made in such way to sense that. They can make fake cash those in Govt and do the same bro. Comphonecash does it, inaeweza, nyale, or curbs such dude period.
Angel Gabriel was Railamolodinga then, in marys house when sleeping, like people transfigure to any race did the same to be a white-man and switched the light on marys room and told mary u will be pregnant of a son when previously had done the same when she was not away put sperms in the syrange in a cold ice small cooler and when mary was deep asleep like lazurus took 1 syrange with a che3mical that makes 1 to fall a sleep like in  a minute and below the mattress had took out the better part of that mattress to make a bwol like hole only small part left to rich the top and that’s the position he used to inject Christ mother with b4 getting out of under the bed and again impregnating Mary with the sperm on the syringe to make her pregnant. Mary remembered the occasion later but thought it was a middle on the bed. B4 she could stand and check the mess he was down as overwhelmed by the drug, dude the whole truth, what do u want folks. Jesus was born in a ranch bro get it straight!!! It was planned and Mary had loose nuts was not that normal bro!!!
When folks have an eye on ya u don’t grow up in size, bible Mathew 5 an eye 4 an eye or a teeth 4 a teeth to cement reality bro.
By drinking milk from a cup but putting it like 30 cm from the mouth to pour out like water fall as well is another method of making gadgets. People who love traditions are always monitored and denied entry to nations, cause always they want to be 1st or destroy other races, know that people. Reasons to why u don’t get green-card and white-men looking 4 that. The Masai character is a blessing in disguise and a teaching to people who want big booty women like Russians to quit coz they are good on their own not in another tribe lest u go to hell cause u got the prophet.
The city which kills the dream of the prophet, Wichita, Minneapolis or Amsterdam, can be another version, it will be more tolerable to Sidon and tire than it, people will burn as u see, kinda, head lit on fire with burning hair or they grow mad or 1 eye pops out.
They now got dirty tricks of wanting people to leave food in a restaurant then they put it on water if it has like source then put on microwave to dry up then sold to them at lunch time in 70% removed price, people fear them yet its left overs like Christ with feeding 4-5 thousand people. People discard ya food to fund hooliganism and they create beef with ya if u fail to leave yours bro
Click the links above and see how fake money is detected, though you have known how to make cash using human brain with coins, guava etc and with notes, strawberry, kales, carbage etc, they will still show fake under the above machine in that where the money is made like in Kenya Delaru they sprinkle something extra on top to bridge the difference like maize seed or just cereals to read real money which with yours if u fail its fake and that’s the gimmick. Those who still with the govt can still do with making fake money, so the way to go is eliminating liquid cash and putting it on comphonecash bro period. So got to know how many seeds that must be sprinkled on that vegetable used to make money to enable ya money pass the fake/real money test, so u cant but must be told by those involved in the money making as grapevine is a everyday reality after long time bro. So take heed never relenting bro!!!! Go back to ya nation period Mr Hindu or Italian. Or just a liquid being poured on top and which 1 in what amount dude, Got to know dat bro.
Chirombero in ksm was the tomb where John the baptized was cremated if near their ya lips grow big and Christ was born in Lilongwe as the name Capernaum or Lake Galilee and John was not arrested in Rome but in Lilongwe, lost coin and little kid to cement de trut. They love lake cities the Naphtali tribe b4 they went again to Europe and distributed tribes again. Africans go slow 4 the truth to be told or known, don’t know a lot and its all true lies bro
With that little u can get started, friends you have not heard me that with me little cant start with me, u wanna put up a fight, wanna force me with marriage, then well and good, am die a bachelor, u wanna box me still, dude, what do you want with me, I don’t wanna leave kids behind in this dirty world.
At the end of the turnel u see people being give guns as hurled to them from a source esp in Uganda, Gambia, Togo, countries at least with understanding not pro-white none-sense meaning as well the gadgets matches those of Europe or N-America, this signal war and u see the white men in Africa walking inspecting vehicle originality and they came to it, so if u watch soccer they relent as in want to be like Negros that their cash they share many people. That’s to ya good and we wanna know dat not, ya problem. Now they wanna stop saying African food don’t spoil the mind like previous not knowing what they read have been given to or copy pasted from another source. Whiteman don’t be fooled but hold ya stand period.
The link below show how at dusk the luo walk with such with unknown chemical inside wanting to grab ya if u fail to utter back in their dialect. They can infect ya with virus yet 1 of them signal ya its trump thing. Resign dude, ya time is up bro!!! Wanting ya food every now and then yet they got it in plenty than ya, kinda, stupid and sickening bro!!!
The chairs in the link above if u see some1 working in the office u resort to belittling them, why? They instill the negative fear of people who thwart peoples destiny and lovers of shiny bright things and bright kids r never loved coz the pretend to know alot than their ages to the point of belittling the elders.
I was treated good when sick in the hospital, friends it was milk on milk, I mean milk after milk.
This that changes ya character that upset people and u know not, drinking cold water, buying socks and vests every now and then. They make u insane or rude and u know not like Us blacks. Tissue papers are made with cotton wool in a container where many spit saliva or urinate on the offering while cassava as well is used to make automated security padlocks or just locks.
They say if u love free cheap things u might land up in hell, yes its true, even with harvesting rain water, but u got the remedy saying they had put nuts on ya belly that rot to give ya chronic tetanus and rain water eliminates such and that’s the reason 4 harvesting it, Friends don’t know a lot in this life yet you know less or not. Stop cashing into others affair, mind ya own business bro.
By ng'amruok many women like in a circle with the offering like hay, wool or chaff in the middle as well makes gadgets. Kuchora saba sana, making ya legs apart at reflex or obtuse angle make even houses like in the link below with garbage as the offering
With the above slams will be casted into junk heap of yesterday and every family will be able to live in a descent sanitary house.
When achieving justice, sometimes if u walk, kinda, u see like some1 or wind pushing ya esp ya hand and back to the point u feel a touchy hand pushing u like a friend has done previously to show understanding and defeat of ya enemies bro. Get this straight on ya mind dude!!!
Get somewhere to hustle even if ya job has been  redeemed useless by new cameras and wireless alarm systems, don’t walk  around wanting good life to get into people houses to eat that you are  looking 4 precious food job. Suffer bwana, don’t say u know how to look 4 things yet we got wireless camera so u wanna say they rob u, your  dignity. Grow up and Mr Hindu and Uhuru, stop sponsoring this guys. In  the corridor they want  to like fight ya with their knife or eject the  arrow 2 hurl u with.
Woe to that city built on the hill, it will  be more tolerable than tire  and Sidon than that that kills the prophet,  John the Baptist was  transported from Rome to Mombasa and beheaded at  Fort Jesus. Will it  slide into see, women with Barabbas to cement the truth, sycamore tree  with zaccheaus
So they killed Malcolm x in ny to say he was a prophet yet his writings he was  given in jail, same to Gandhi and MLK in Memphis- Raila was the 1 who  transfigured to the White X-military man and shot him, sharp shooter.
To take their wives as bible promise means they good women that bring  forth good behaved kids not disturbing ones, like Christ alluding with  fig tree. Most whites are kikuyu blooded bringing disturbing kids and  many. Cut island men bring kids who disturb when have married other  women but the women when married good men bring good  kid, so I think it was cut island as the take their wives and they are  also found in  Florida, USA. Worker and vineyard parable to cement the  truth.
When grabbing ya manhood is an alt they start moving next  to ya in a bend  posture with their head down as if cleaning the dirt as  if you are  filthy yet some seconds ago wanted ya food, the greek blooded men as  many cut islanders got that blood. The luo are tolerated to give  greekamba, Mexican people curse and that’s the plan. They have more   stubborn bro!!!
No arab will dwell there, how? I think by the   slogan, there will be no arab means they will have been finished on   their dirty games of prostitution, making fake money, putting Arafat as  if they will not fall and no money to buy food as E-machines will have  declared gas redundant bro
The promise to Arab above was just written, the whites thought that Arab   will not be finished as they never thought of oil being redundant   period, as finished with E-vans, buses, vehicles as you can Google that.
E-faru link below from china
People who pride themselves after long became stubborn, they still wanna live large yet their dubious ways to dat life has been removed, better cut ya coat to ya size, scale down ya wants like the kisii people, Minnesota thing everyday wid bank statement issue, following them to no good.
The devol will be hurled down 4 deluding the nations not on earth but in   hell from heaven out of the sermons by mlk purporting that it is his   after a coin is put in the palm of the hand to see the truth as well as Nobel peace price in oslow by mlk and we are here where do we go from   here speech
The  white people and Nigro hide this as well they were not mlk things and   he risk being taken to hell and any1 claiming things which aint his bro.
The Burma people want some1 in the wife or hubby presence in his friends,   which if u fail they give ya names but if u accept can cut u with panga  or wanting to come and eat in ya house but its a signal of good things  to ya if that happens. The beauty is that they are few and we wanna  deal with them as identify that bad blood. They are jealousy of  progress,  never wanting people things but use dat trick bro which is  sickening to  the point of bringing their kids, usually they live a lazy lifestyle of  not knowing how they get their money. Some nija and hindu got this sad  character. They monitor those who can put food on table  and start  bothering them. It shows relief
Why do we go to  church? Now they  wanna say, dem pastors, since life has been made  cheap, we wanna  encourage young men to get partners to marry to  facilitate procreation  to add the offering in our bag but online cash  is handy to eliminate the monitored liquid cash. Online cash can be  phonecash or compcash, we  wanna pray 4 important men to gain fertility  and that’s our church duty, come bro
If u sleep with women as  prostitute with ya tribe blood u risk going to hell that’s why u r  encouraged to investigate, if any, so u quit u look 4 1 which got no ya  genes bro. Kisii got Saudi people  blood while Yankees got Bahrain,  Omani blood dude. Got 2 know this  dude!!
I want to erase any  thought of good life associated with  that am a survivor and the fact  that I want their pretty woman as I have put in some tumblr following me I copy pasted from another, so that if  am slain the next day they  don’t put in media “Good job well done” as  they did with Tm that they  have put a hold on me or gotten me. Removing  every doubt bro to bring  about mistaken identity. When u dislike posh  life they wanna attack ya  saying u want it, forcing the kikuyu blooded  men loving large life.
Another sense of good life to people who  don’t live that good is you see them  as a little kid smeared with fecal  matters as have not wiped out the  booty or to a woman when sited, kinda, the pussy turn ya head to that  woman. A lot of lorries with drones  inside but covered with relocating  house things like mattress in dat if  their is landslide or poisonous  gas emission they escape. The china made drones dat were brought in2 the country. Given to specific people mostly kisii, masai or kikuyou, in  their compounds testing them at night.
           Cat island  people are bad with people whom they see women to love, at that time  starts to stalk or harass a fellow  man when no 1 is in the vicinity.  Kikuyou men, luo men or luya got that  blood and the gaya got it maybe  on the mother side at that time, they  married their women but the  kikuyou married their men out of my thesis.  And Masai are lazy wanting  others food as if trump is the 1 telling them liasing with Uhuru. Even  trump got that blood of wanting to be a gay and putting ya to lough  with him as if a woman has accepted ya but if u r down and him up he  doesn’t give a damn, character synonymous with Floridians who as well  got the cat island character, Ci, cianda, stupig, matako in sheng. The  way Sydney poiter was treated in Miami b4 leaving 4 Florida is a lesson  to depict how they are always are. At night they  can grab ya manhood to caress it failure to which they cut/stab you to  death or even strangle ya, so its a 2 way phenomena. They want to seat,  lazy but don’t think  the very people who they frustrate are the  workaholic bro. They want  free things which can last like cash crop  while they put up in swag not words, bad character as those dubious ways to their survival have been blocked like with automatic locks,  shielding plane alternator 4 it not  to be electrocuted, no-fuel as  e-generator to eliminate cooking gas and govt wanting to increase  population to benefit from huge electric bill as water bill also and  many to use the new discovered oil deposits to sell much oil as govt  revenue, internet penetration per house and things like payed TV decoder to benefit them widely. These in my following tumblr a/c has a  bottleneck so, women are to play part to avoid replicating kids with  such character, so its a blessing in disguise. They are even thieves,  wanna still from ya in no vicinity even kim of korea got this gene and  they meet to discuss their agenda as cat island blooded men. Most  Yankees are Malawi blooded, and Malawians are arab blooded as Kenya  kisii people got Malawi people blood of wanting to be 1st b4 white men,  to out shadow people. They wanna destroy the world, this world will be  peopled with their offspring and that’s the joy/pride of white man, what they long 4.
Get to check my following followers for full information guys Make money bro by clicking the link below https://p1rmsbw.com/bonus-100-01/?id=13HJ&extid=EZA1scCd8Mv3FNKPeVHi4s&p=/user/registration/ http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/ghana/popular-ghanaian-movies-to-watch-in-2020/ar-BBYiqZN?ocid=ientp http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/africa-top-stories/four-killed-in-juba-nimule-highway-accident-police/ar-BBYm16V?ocid=ientp http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/kenya/kenya-gets-sh340m-food-aid-from-us/ar-BBYjt6X?ocid=ientp http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/nigeria/us-sends-special-message-to-nigeria-on-christmas-day/ar-BBYlRCH?li=BBQbcGp&ocid=ientp Ng'amruok mit ni!!!! Klismas ni achamo malalacha,  mojwangle, yesu emong'eyo.  Greenman at the door knocking. Click the  links below 4 more  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUjfWwqFcFI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DveNJhBH94 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2koLCaKIxdk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOUBXXKEPyI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zO8y0bdHXw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6H4YEiX6DRo You can save other browser apart from Mozilla like bolt or brave on ya   email drafts to use it to  open other a/cs that I that fellow think he   can change the email on it, he will never coz he doesn’t know that u did not use his on the cyber computer Tanta mounting to absolute nothing.   Or even open like 10 a/cs with a friend phone but with the same password while with email u put a number at the end like [email protected]. So with another 1 u open u just change the no so its no lost but in ya  mind and that’s how my crew do it bro, so got to think twice. Minaj with Austin, Tx I have heard or rumor has  it dat you are tinting my  name and to me that’s no good with you. My friend I hope u know me, let  me say it in a drunk posture as well am also tipsy “I bet nicki, you  will lick my  shoe na wewe Austin utakula  mabare” Simchezo, Deno  affirming tena  mabare za makofi. Jua Nelly G si  mchezo but Ni jina Kubwa hata tychus  ameakiri, yaani kuswear bro!!!  Minaj utalamba kiatu na Austin atapokea  ma blow, si za job but za mabare. Must have opened the facebook a/c on  that computer in order 4 the hacker to  shift the email address on it,  so don’t waste ya time b4 u find out on  which computer the a/c was  opened. Ja-rule alludes that he bought his  lips and king kunta as  displayed in the songs in the link below https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRK7PVJFbS8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8NQp9WGg7Rs Ndalo moi mana washomo migoshi in the link below, NY is built with tropical   water that must pass via the soil esp in Tz, Uganda and congo which if   known and the local resort to the same as processing the same beauty   soaps and harvesting the water so it doesn’t percolates unto the soil   many cities of the world will be no more like ny and Indian cities, so   looking 4 otherwise like to bring more people into E-Africa to increase  the no of people using Wi-Fi, internet penetration, electricity   penetration which if also is curbed with other modern ways like with   E-generators and solar leaves the GovT Plan in a limbo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9MwuQWD0y1I In the link below the same way that house is made with inner steel plate   lining is how the tallest sky scrapper of the world is made, not with   concrete like the  short African ones, can collapse quickly if it goes up bro. Stop this silly games bro!!! https://lixin-steel.en.made-in-china.com/product/iswmaQnPOrhK/China-New-Design-Prefabricated-Building-Steel-Structure-Frame-Villa-Prefab-House.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsM7d2tfS5gIVF6F7Ch16CAaEEAEYASAGEgKoSvD_BwE https://cy-power.en.made-in-china.com/product/OjpJdIDLnWka/China-Marine-Diesel-Engine-Accessories-Stainless-Steel-Sea-Water-Pump.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsM7d2tfS5gIVF6F7Ch16CAaEEAEYASAEEgKzvfD_BwE http://www.msn.com/en-xl/europe/europe-top-stories/passengers-asked-to-leave-plane-as-it-is-too-heavy-to-fly/ar-BBYk8CR?li=AAB4QbD&ocid=iehp https://jiejingdianche.en.made-in-china.com/product/OXWxvqJuAcrS/China-Jekeen-Electric-Fast-Food-Truck-Mobile-Food-Cart-Trailer-Hot-Dog-Vending-Cart-Ice-Cream-Push-Cart-of-Dio.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsM7d2tfS5gIVF6F7Ch16CAaEEAEYASADEgL_dvD_BwE Its not the debate but the beef as well between the people who love the   country side and the town and its going on bro and that’s it dude https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JX3GEnMzQWc I had to get to the UsA to read the minds of African further then had to  come back to read the minds of the white more, without my travels I   could not have come with all my explanation on the following tumblr.   Click the link below 4  more https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ara1B9lYlUk Okwaju seed os, Hosana  when boiled can treat Aidsu, Chwaids, click the link below 4 more, Its  called Tamarind https://www.google.com/search?q=tamarind+tree+photos&tbm=isch&source=univ&client=firefox-b-d&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiuza6E3tLmAhW5DmMBHY9vB_IQsAR6BAgKEAE&biw=1280&bih=910 The locks in the link below are made at night near the SEA or at the sea   shore where Avocado seeds or animal bones or hard human fecal matter put in a container or just openly but in the total dark, where many   urinates or sprinkle the sea water unto them and boom the security   padlocks below, u can buy online https://www.made-in-china.com/multi-search/security%2Bpadlocks/F1/10.html  https://www.amazon.com/slp/high-security-padlocks/rv4f93ut4onn9h4 Being Glutton is 2 fold, with ya own money, well- its good and you can go but with no money, with others money and still wanting others food while    you got ya food still and this peculiar with Masai blooded tribes. Many  tribes are glutton but with their own food like many Negros or with   free food that is in surplus not wanting other food even if you got   yours in plenty. Mark my words dude and fuck that character. Its a   blessing in  disguise for those tribe to be curbed in getting to other   nations, u  might think u r making it big yet u r screwing it up 4 ya   future  generation like with Greencard and with the money gotten out of  liquid  cash to phonecash with backup booths like with telephone to   allow ya  still transact with no phone eliminates bank and such corrupt  tribes who sell bank statement to many at high price and have most of   their people in the banking sector will be jeopardized. My friends   charity begins at ya home and the time for reckoning is right here with  us bro!!! https://www.amazon.com/slp/auto-door-lock/bs68vmrmohdz74t https://vitoox.com/collections/all?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI5760ss7L5gIVGJ3VCh3jRAhREAAYBCAAEgLjAfD_BwE https://www.amazon.com/SimpliPhi-Fuel-Free-Non-Polluting-Generator-Alternative/dp/B07WGX924N  https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07QZC1FV3/ref=psdc_348967011_t1_B07WGX924N https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07YKVGH1K/ref=psdc_348967011_t2_B07WGX924N https://www.amazon.com/Best-Sellers-Sports-Outdoors-Adult-Electric-Bicycles/zgbs/sporting-goods/3405141 https://lincelock.en.made-in-china.com/product/yNxntMeorWhZ/China-4-Digit-Heavy-Duty-Hardened-Steel-Shackle-Weatherproof-and-Outdoor-Combination-Padlock.html https://nordson.en.made-in-china.com/product/qCkEcrSDAvVY/China-Waterproof-Zinc-Alloy-USB-Charge-Bag-Locker-Cabinet-Keyless-Smart-Fingerprint-Safe-Door-Padlock.html https://cnlockman88.en.made-in-china.com/product/bqQEauOPRRYx/China-Brass-Combination-Password-Brass-Square-Type-Plated-Iron-Padlock-with-3-or-4-Dig-Digtals.html https://del-ev.en.made-in-china.com/product/CXzxoZNbyehR/China-HDK-Solar-Panel-EEC-Electric-Van-With-4-Seat.html With e-generator some how eliminates government supplied 1 and gas 4 cooking in the link below so its consequences is 2 fold. http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/kenya/raila-odinga-prepares-breakfast-for-family-on-christmas-day/ar-BBYkgCK?li=BBKhQr3&ocid=iehp https://www.made-in-china.com/products-search/hot-china-products/Electric_Cooker.html http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/kenya/president-uhuru-kenyatta-cancels-holiday-for-cabinet-secretaries-over-pending-bills/ar-BBYjSQV?li=BBKhQr3&ocid=iehp http://www.msn.com/en-xl/northamerica/northamerica-life-arts/cardi-b-and-offset-show-off-enormous-new-atlanta-mansion/ar-BBYm49r?li=AAB4QbD&ocid=iehp Get to check my following followers for full information guys Make money bro by clicking the link below https://p1rmsbw.com/bonus-100-01/?id=13HJ&extid=EZA1scCd8Mv3FNKPeVHi4s&p=/user/registration/ http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/ghana/popular-ghanaian-movies-to-watch-in-2020/ar-BBYiqZN?ocid=ientp http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/africa-top-stories/four-killed-in-juba-nimule-highway-accident-police/ar-BBYm16V?ocid=ientp http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/kenya/kenya-gets-sh340m-food-aid-from-us/ar-BBYjt6X?ocid=ientp http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/nigeria/us-sends-special-message-to-nigeria-on-christmas-day/ar-BBYlRCH?li=BBQbcGp&ocid=ientp Ng'amruok mit ni!!!! Klismas ni achamo malalacha,  mojwangle, yesu emong'eyo.  Greenman at the door knocking. Click the  links below 4 more  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUjfWwqFcFI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DveNJhBH94 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2koLCaKIxdk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOUBXXKEPyI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zO8y0bdHXw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6H4YEiX6DRo You can save other browser apart from Mozilla like bolt or brave on ya   email drafts to use it to  open other a/cs that I that fellow think he   can change the email on it, he will never coz he doesn’t know that u did not use his on the cyber computer Tanta mounting to absolute nothing.   Or even open like 10 a/cs with a friend phone but with the same password while with email u put a number at the end like [email protected]. So with another 1 u open u just change the no so its no lost but in ya  mind and that’s how my crew do it bro, so got to think twice. Minaj with Austin, Tx I have heard or rumor has  it dat you are tinting my  name and to me that’s no good with you. My friend I hope u know me, let  me say it in a drunk posture as well am also tipsy “I bet nicki, you  will lick my  shoe na wewe Austin utakula  mabare” Simchezo, Deno  affirming tena  mabare za makofi. Jua Nelly G si  mchezo but Ni jina Kubwa hata tychus  ameakiri, yaani kuswear bro!!!  Minaj utalamba kiatu na Austin atapokea  ma blow, si za job but za mabare. Must have opened the facebook a/c on  that computer in order 4 the hacker to  shift the email address on it,  so don’t waste ya time b4 u find out on  which computer the a/c was  opened. Ja-rule alludes that he bought his  lips and king kunta as  displayed in the songs in the link below https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRK7PVJFbS8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8NQp9WGg7Rs Ndalo moi mana washomo migoshi in the link below, NY is built with tropical   water that must pass via the soil esp in Tz, Uganda and congo which if   known and the local resort to the same as processing the same beauty   soaps and harvesting the water so it doesn’t percolates unto the soil   many cities of the world will be no more like ny and Indian cities, so   looking 4 otherwise like to bring more people into E-Africa to increase  the no of people using Wi-Fi, internet penetration, electricity   penetration which if also is curbed with other modern ways like with   E-generators and solar leaves the GovT Plan in a limbo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9MwuQWD0y1I In the link below the same way that house is made with inner steel plate   lining is how the tallest sky scrapper of the world is made, not with   concrete like the  short African ones, can collapse quickly if it goes up bro. Stop this silly games bro!!! https://lixin-steel.en.made-in-china.com/product/iswmaQnPOrhK/China-New-Design-Prefabricated-Building-Steel-Structure-Frame-Villa-Prefab-House.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsM7d2tfS5gIVF6F7Ch16CAaEEAEYASAGEgKoSvD_BwE https://cy-power.en.made-in-china.com/product/OjpJdIDLnWka/China-Marine-Diesel-Engine-Accessories-Stainless-Steel-Sea-Water-Pump.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsM7d2tfS5gIVF6F7Ch16CAaEEAEYASAEEgKzvfD_BwE http://www.msn.com/en-xl/europe/europe-top-stories/passengers-asked-to-leave-plane-as-it-is-too-heavy-to-fly/ar-BBYk8CR?li=AAB4QbD&ocid=iehp https://jiejingdianche.en.made-in-china.com/product/OXWxvqJuAcrS/China-Jekeen-Electric-Fast-Food-Truck-Mobile-Food-Cart-Trailer-Hot-Dog-Vending-Cart-Ice-Cream-Push-Cart-of-Dio.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsM7d2tfS5gIVF6F7Ch16CAaEEAEYASADEgL_dvD_BwE Its not the debate but the beef as well between the people who love the   country side and the town and its going on bro and that’s it dude https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JX3GEnMzQWc I had to get to the UsA to read the minds of African further then had to  come back to read the minds of the white more, without my travels I   could not have come with all my explanation on the following tumblr.   Click the link below 4  more https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ara1B9lYlUk Okwaju seed os, Hosana  when boiled can treat Aidsu, Chwaids, click the link below 4 more, Its  called Tamarind https://www.google.com/search?q=tamarind+tree+photos&tbm=isch&source=univ&client=firefox-b-d&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiuza6E3tLmAhW5DmMBHY9vB_IQsAR6BAgKEAE&biw=1280&bih=910 The locks in the link below are made at night near the SEA or at the sea   shore where Avocado seeds or animal bones or hard human fecal matter put in a container or just openly but in the total dark, where many   urinates or sprinkle the sea water unto them and boom the security   padlocks below, u can buy online https://www.made-in-china.com/multi-search/security%2Bpadlocks/F1/10.html  https://www.amazon.com/slp/high-security-padlocks/rv4f93ut4onn9h4 Being Glutton is 2 fold, with ya own money, well- its good and you can go but with no money, with others money and still wanting others food while    you got ya food still and this peculiar with Masai blooded tribes. Many  tribes are glutton but with their own food like many Negros or with   free food that is in surplus not wanting other food even if you got   yours in plenty. Mark my words dude and fuck that character. Its a   blessing in  disguise for those tribe to be curbed in getting to other   nations, u  might think u r making it big yet u r screwing it up 4 ya   future  generation like with Greencard and with the money gotten out of  liquid  cash to phonecash with backup booths like with telephone to   allow ya  still transact with no phone eliminates bank and such corrupt  tribes who sell bank statement to many at high price and have most of   their people in the banking sector will be jeopardized. My friends   charity begins at ya home and the time for reckoning is right here with  us bro!!! https://www.amazon.com/slp/auto-door-lock/bs68vmrmohdz74t https://vitoox.com/collections/all?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI5760ss7L5gIVGJ3VCh3jRAhREAAYBCAAEgLjAfD_BwE https://www.amazon.com/SimpliPhi-Fuel-Free-Non-Polluting-Generator-Alternative/dp/B07WGX924N  https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07QZC1FV3/ref=psdc_348967011_t1_B07WGX924N https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07YKVGH1K/ref=psdc_348967011_t2_B07WGX924N https://www.amazon.com/Best-Sellers-Sports-Outdoors-Adult-Electric-Bicycles/zgbs/sporting-goods/3405141 https://lincelock.en.made-in-china.com/product/yNxntMeorWhZ/China-4-Digit-Heavy-Duty-Hardened-Steel-Shackle-Weatherproof-and-Outdoor-Combination-Padlock.html https://nordson.en.made-in-china.com/product/qCkEcrSDAvVY/China-Waterproof-Zinc-Alloy-USB-Charge-Bag-Locker-Cabinet-Keyless-Smart-Fingerprint-Safe-Door-Padlock.html https://cnlockman88.en.made-in-china.com/product/bqQEauOPRRYx/China-Brass-Combination-Password-Brass-Square-Type-Plated-Iron-Padlock-with-3-or-4-Dig-Digtals.html https://del-ev.en.made-in-china.com/product/CXzxoZNbyehR/China-HDK-Solar-Panel-EEC-Electric-Van-With-4-Seat.html With e-generator some how eliminates government supplied 1 and gas 4 cooking in the link below so its consequences is 2 fold. http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/kenya/raila-odinga-prepares-breakfast-for-family-on-christmas-day/ar-BBYkgCK?li=BBKhQr3&ocid=iehp https://www.made-in-china.com/products-search/hot-china-products/Electric_Cooker.html http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/kenya/president-uhuru-kenyatta-cancels-holiday-for-cabinet-secretaries-over-pending-bills/ar-BBYjSQV?li=BBKhQr3&ocid=iehp http://www.msn.com/en-xl/northamerica/northamerica-life-arts/cardi-b-and-offset-show-off-enormous-new-atlanta-mansion/ar-BBYm49r?li=AAB4QbD&ocid=iehp Get to check my following followers for full information guys Make money bro by clicking the link below https://p1rmsbw.com/bonus-100-01/?id=13HJ&extid=EZA1scCd8Mv3FNKPeVHi4s&p=/user/registration/ http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/ghana/popular-ghanaian-movies-to-watch-in-2020/ar-BBYiqZN?ocid=ientp http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/africa-top-stories/four-killed-in-juba-nimule-highway-accident-police/ar-BBYm16V?ocid=ientp http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/kenya/kenya-gets-sh340m-food-aid-from-us/ar-BBYjt6X?ocid=ientp http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/nigeria/us-sends-special-message-to-nigeria-on-christmas-day/ar-BBYlRCH?li=BBQbcGp&ocid=ientp Ng'amruok mit ni!!!! Klismas ni achamo malalacha,  mojwangle, yesu emong'eyo.  Greenman at the door knocking. Click the  links below 4 more  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUjfWwqFcFI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DveNJhBH94 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2koLCaKIxdk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOUBXXKEPyI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zO8y0bdHXw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6H4YEiX6DRo You can save other browser apart from Mozilla like bolt or brave on ya   email drafts to use it to  open other a/cs that I that fellow think he   can change the email on it, he will never coz he doesn’t know that u did not use his on the cyber computer Tanta mounting to absolute nothing.   Or even open like 10 a/cs with a friend phone but with the same password while with email u put a number at the end like [email protected]. So with another 1 u open u just change the no so its no lost but in ya  mind and that’s how my crew do it bro, so got to think twice. Minaj with Austin, Tx I have heard or rumor has  it dat you are tinting my  name and to me that’s no good with you. My friend I hope u know me, let  me say it in a drunk posture as well am also tipsy “I bet nicki, you  will lick my  shoe na wewe Austin utakula  mabare” Simchezo, Deno  affirming tena  mabare za makofi. Jua Nelly G si  mchezo but Ni jina Kubwa hata tychus  ameakiri, yaani kuswear bro!!!  Minaj utalamba kiatu na Austin atapokea  ma blow, si za job but za mabare. Must have opened the facebook a/c on  that computer in order 4 the hacker to  shift the email address on it,  so don’t waste ya time b4 u find out on  which computer the a/c was  opened. Ja-rule alludes that he bought his  lips and king kunta as  displayed in the songs in the link below https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRK7PVJFbS8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8NQp9WGg7Rs Ndalo moi mana washomo migoshi in the link below, NY is built with tropical   water that must pass via the soil esp in Tz, Uganda and congo which if   known and the local resort to the same as processing the same beauty   soaps and harvesting the water so it doesn’t percolates unto the soil   many cities of the world will be no more like ny and Indian cities, so   looking 4 otherwise like to bring more people into E-Africa to increase  the no of people using Wi-Fi, internet penetration, electricity   penetration which if also is curbed with other modern ways like with   E-generators and solar leaves the GovT Plan in a limbo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9MwuQWD0y1I In the link below the same way that house is made with inner steel plate   lining is how the tallest sky scrapper of the world is made, not with   concrete like the  short African ones, can collapse quickly if it goes up bro. Stop this silly games bro!!! https://lixin-steel.en.made-in-china.com/product/iswmaQnPOrhK/China-New-Design-Prefabricated-Building-Steel-Structure-Frame-Villa-Prefab-House.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsM7d2tfS5gIVF6F7Ch16CAaEEAEYASAGEgKoSvD_BwE https://cy-power.en.made-in-china.com/product/OjpJdIDLnWka/China-Marine-Diesel-Engine-Accessories-Stainless-Steel-Sea-Water-Pump.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsM7d2tfS5gIVF6F7Ch16CAaEEAEYASAEEgKzvfD_BwE http://www.msn.com/en-xl/europe/europe-top-stories/passengers-asked-to-leave-plane-as-it-is-too-heavy-to-fly/ar-BBYk8CR?li=AAB4QbD&ocid=iehp https://jiejingdianche.en.made-in-china.com/product/OXWxvqJuAcrS/China-Jekeen-Electric-Fast-Food-Truck-Mobile-Food-Cart-Trailer-Hot-Dog-Vending-Cart-Ice-Cream-Push-Cart-of-Dio.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsM7d2tfS5gIVF6F7Ch16CAaEEAEYASADEgL_dvD_BwE Its not the debate but the beef as well between the people who love the   country side and the town and its going on bro and that’s it dude https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JX3GEnMzQWc I had to get to the UsA to read the minds of African further then had to  come back to read the minds of the white more, without my travels I   could not have come with all my explanation on the following tumblr.   Click the link below 4  more https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ara1B9lYlUk Okwaju seed os, Hosana  when boiled can treat Aidsu, Chwaids, click the link below 4 more, Its  called Tamarind https://www.google.com/search?q=tamarind+tree+photos&tbm=isch&source=univ&client=firefox-b-d&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiuza6E3tLmAhW5DmMBHY9vB_IQsAR6BAgKEAE&biw=1280&bih=910 The locks in the link below are made at night near the SEA or at the sea   shore where Avocado seeds or animal bones or hard human fecal matter put in a container or just openly but in the total dark, where many   urinates or sprinkle the sea water unto them and boom the security   padlocks below, u can buy online https://www.made-in-china.com/multi-search/security%2Bpadlocks/F1/10.html  https://www.amazon.com/slp/high-security-padlocks/rv4f93ut4onn9h4 Being Glutton is 2 fold, with ya own money, well- its good and you can go but with no money, with others money and still wanting others food while    you got ya food still and this peculiar with Masai blooded tribes. Many  tribes are glutton but with their own food like many Negros or with   free food that is in surplus not wanting other food even if you got   yours in plenty. Mark my words dude and fuck that character. Its a   blessing in  disguise for those tribe to be curbed in getting to other   nations, u  might think u r making it big yet u r screwing it up 4 ya   future  generation like with Greencard and with the money gotten out of  liquid  cash to phonecash with backup booths like with telephone to   allow ya  still transact with no phone eliminates bank and such corrupt  tribes who sell bank statement to many at high price and have most of   their people in the banking sector will be jeopardized. My friends   charity begins at ya home and the time for reckoning is right here with  us bro!!! https://www.amazon.com/slp/auto-door-lock/bs68vmrmohdz74t https://vitoox.com/collections/all?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI5760ss7L5gIVGJ3VCh3jRAhREAAYBCAAEgLjAfD_BwE https://www.amazon.com/SimpliPhi-Fuel-Free-Non-Polluting-Generator-Alternative/dp/B07WGX924N  https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07QZC1FV3/ref=psdc_348967011_t1_B07WGX924N https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07YKVGH1K/ref=psdc_348967011_t2_B07WGX924N https://www.amazon.com/Best-Sellers-Sports-Outdoors-Adult-Electric-Bicycles/zgbs/sporting-goods/3405141 https://lincelock.en.made-in-china.com/product/yNxntMeorWhZ/China-4-Digit-Heavy-Duty-Hardened-Steel-Shackle-Weatherproof-and-Outdoor-Combination-Padlock.html https://nordson.en.made-in-china.com/product/qCkEcrSDAvVY/China-Waterproof-Zinc-Alloy-USB-Charge-Bag-Locker-Cabinet-Keyless-Smart-Fingerprint-Safe-Door-Padlock.html https://cnlockman88.en.made-in-china.com/product/bqQEauOPRRYx/China-Brass-Combination-Password-Brass-Square-Type-Plated-Iron-Padlock-with-3-or-4-Dig-Digtals.html https://del-ev.en.made-in-china.com/product/CXzxoZNbyehR/China-HDK-Solar-Panel-EEC-Electric-Van-With-4-Seat.html With e-generator some how eliminates government supplied 1 and gas 4 cooking in the link below so its consequences is 2 fold. http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/kenya/raila-odinga-prepares-breakfast-for-family-on-christmas-day/ar-BBYkgCK?li=BBKhQr3&ocid=iehp https://www.made-in-china.com/products-search/hot-china-products/Electric_Cooker.html http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/kenya/president-uhuru-kenyatta-cancels-holiday-for-cabinet-secretaries-over-pending-bills/ar-BBYjSQV?li=BBKhQr3&ocid=iehp http://www.msn.com/en-xl/northamerica/northamerica-life-arts/cardi-b-and-offset-show-off-enormous-new-atlanta-mansion/ar-BBYm49r?li=AAB4QbD&ocid=iehp Nyathi ma-magdalin ni ng'amruok ministry mit nee, okonyaldhi maong'le, says kebi. Oketo ng'amruok mbele says Richard!!!! Of what significance is church, whats ya agenda bro when all ya  expectations have been blocked explained in the following tumblr above,  Why do we go to church, to defeat what or to get what dude, let truth be told and we quit. Let us say we know where it came from and we stop but respect the 10 commandments and the constitution period. 4 how long we  are gonna play dice wit with words, just like with a woman if she refuse u quit or with school, u start learning and at a certain time  stop/finish learning same with church dude. Its sickening preaching the  same verse everyday like akid who listens not who we don’t love but do  the exact bro. The white man wanted to leave Africa again so they stop knowing what they have known and that’s why they dug Suez canal  but its 2 late, Cant destroy the gene anymore as every tribe have learnt the same like automation, so its like a poison to them but we care not  as we can now  do ourselves. click the link below https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ShOQQOy5pf8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BOMUjX56xIk Warn us of the same china, what I send u on alibaba http://www.msn.com/en-xl/northamerica/northamerica-video/us-china-to-sign-deal-at-white-house-trump/vi-BBYlsqx?ocid=ientp http://www.msn.com/en-xl/money/finance-top-stories/china-says-it-is-in-close-touch-with-us-on-trade-deal-signing-ceremony/ar-BBYkzTN?ocid=ientp  
Copy pasted without re-reading
olimptrade offices are  located in the carribeans and the Latin America have known how to make  sophisticated gadgets, so USA, Canada to be attacked from there, they  are very stupid and silly/sick. We wanna see!!!!!
With well down  explained mechanism at mrmonde tumblr a/c, still the plane falls, its up to ya mr laughing trump, click the links below
The link below show how u can cab electric car battery sudden pop up by making even a 60 volt wet cell or more or connect many 2 give ya the same, then u put a solar charger controller to accept dat current and give out 24 0r 12 volts, it can last even 4 1 week b4 it falls again to 1or below to stop the worry of everyday charging even if the car is in full use or the alternator made to charge another 1 of the same kind which if the working 1 falls below 12 volt u eject it out and replace it with the charged 1 to last the same or even with solar panel
Click the link below 4 more, vin modi saying, jomadong’o bwana, in disgust and owe, why fellow? Tell me at my instagram a/c mcsleepy nelson
The link below of youtube show how to see a tumblr following followers as same with nelsonmcsleepy a/c
Now tumblr has disabled the sending of magic link option so its the email and the password period, u can try dude, stop many words bro
When u say of German/British pussy they get offended as if they are reserved wife 4 them or they got something good in store 4 them yet its 2 fold they want to get to their ways, later, they learn their ways, triumph over them, attack them and take their land. I know esp the luo, can not help ya but cheat ya and many got Argentina blood of being cunning as wanting from ya but not u from them as they give ya names. White-men take heed bro!!! Parasito!!
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Ronnie & Joe
Ronnie: Been to busy too answer your phone, yeah? Ronnie: Not dead in a ditch, worse luck Ronnie: enjoying your model perks Joe: Ugh, sorry, that took much longer than she said it would Joe: trust, no blow in sight, not that professional a shoot, sadly Ronnie: No fun to rush an orgy like Joe: Lmao, again, if only Joe: you do know its Sophie and the trust fund massive, yeah? Ronnie: all the posh cunts turn you down, poor baby Ronnie: back to slumming Joe: I'm not interested, like Joe: Not saying there's a reason poor Dais needs to be shot from the back or nothing Ronnie: Go in from the back yourself then, why not Ronnie: there's no reason Joe: You're alright tah Joe: Give her your number if she's got you so affected here Ronnie: fuck it Ronnie: posh girls try hard Ronnie: worse ways to spend a night Joe: Can't say I ain't a little gutted myself Ronnie: she's hotter for you no need to try Ronnie: or for you to cry bout it Ronnie: not like im any stranger to a 3way Joe: No doubt Joe: also none that the wildest she's ever got is a mild freshers week and gap yaaah Ronnie: didn't realise you were fucking besties Ronnie: if you want me to bow out for the bonding give Soph a shout for my slot Joe: I told you it took forever Joe: Creepy as I look, couldn't actually loom over her shoulder silently for the best part of 3 hours Ronnie: much better to go for the eye fuck and one-liners Joe: If only I had your expertise Joe: have to show me how sometime Ronnie: you know where I am Ronnie: same place I've been all day Joe: come over? Joe: your gf ain't here but neither is Soph so Ronnie: gutted for you Ronnie: a posh accent ain't my thing Ronnie: have to hit up someone else for your roleplay Joe: No kidding Joe: No disguising that hacking thing you do Ronnie: Take it up with your ma Ronnie: Didn't drop me on the doorstep of no palace, baby Joe: Thank God, they lock up their undesirable kids for life in the loony bin, you know Ronnie: course you know that mckenna you fucking headcase Ronnie: get the warning did ya, golden boy? Joe: 'Course, can't use the care home as an empty threat without eye twitching like, could she Ronnie: not much of a threat unless you're a pussy Ronnie: even Charlie hacked it Joe: Didn't know you had so much faith in me Joe: N'awh, babe Ronnie: fuck off Ronnie: with how much they love a gay bash you'd be dead Ronnie: you and your artsy mates Joe: That's more like it Ronnie: calm down you fucking lezza Joe: How does that even work as an insult Ronnie: You're a pussy and you have one Ronnie: how many braincells did you wreck on your pretty little photo shoot like Joe: S'cool with me Joe: that's what you're about these days, appaz Ronnie: fuck you Ronnie: I've sucked plenty of dealers dicks doesn't mean I'm in love with them or their stash Ronnie: such a romantic soul, mckenna Joe: that'll be the pretentious art prick in me Joe: take that as you will Ronnie: put it where you want like, just wash it off before it comes anywhere near me Ronnie: i don't know where posh girls go Ronnie: or where they let lads put their pricks Joe: Sure, wash it 6 times, then once more to be sure Joe: That headcase life, remember? Ronnie: not on enough gear at the minute to be forgetting Joe: So, you want some? Ronnie: not got any cash have I, you pity fuck Ronnie: don't ask stupid questions Joe: Someone's gotta Joe: Since you ain't Joe: I'll drop it off, consider it on the house Ronnie: and go the fuck where? Ronnie: loads of better offers suddenly, yeah? Joe: Naturally, the posh orgy, remember? Joe: Would hate for you to inconvenience yourself on my account Ronnie: you're a cunt Ronnie: and you'd love it Ronnie: you inconvenience me on fucking purpose Joe: yeah? Joe: i assure you, nothing cuts me deeper Joe: that what you wanna hear? Ronnie: fuck off Ronnie: I called and called you, you useless twat Ronnie: wasn't hearing that was you Joe: no phones on set, like Joe: I'm coming now Joe: What more you want? I can't get a postmate to pick that shit up for you Ronnie: Get to fuck Ronnie: you're coming over cause that girl has more sense than to let you get your dick wet Ronnie: it ain't no love for me bringing you to the door, baby Joe: Which is it, either gagging for it or gagging fullstop Joe: Either way, I told you, I don't give a fuck Joe: Believe what you like but I also told you I ain't letting you near me so where's the logic in that? Ronnie: where's the logic in you playing student all day you junkie waster Ronnie: i ain't trying to tell you what to do about that like so don't talk down to me like im a fucking invalid that needs her shit delivered on tap Ronnie: postmate your fucking head if you keep on Joe: Gotta pay for it somehow, ain't I Joe: Ain't even what I said Joe: you asked, now you're pissy that I'm delivering Ronnie: I didn't fucking ask Ronnie: you offered to be a fucking savior as per Joe: Just calling and calling for a chat, was we? Joe: Don't chat bollocks, Ron Ronnie: I wanted to see you, you fucking doss cunt Joe: Yeah? Joe: Funny way of showing it, babe Ronnie: Fuck you Ronnie: If you want easy go text your other bitches Joe: I ain't asking for easy but not looking for so uninterested you make me out to be a rapist, like Ronnie: what are you on about Joe: I get that that's what you do, and it ain't judgment on yous but can't say the idea of you only fucking me for drugs does it for me Joe: s'what I'm saying, take the drugs, you don't have to if you aren't about it Ronnie: Jesus fucking Christ Ronnie: Go cry to your perfect flatmates about it like Ronnie: Not seeing you try and wine and dine me you hypocritical cunt Joe: Fucking hell Joe: I know that ain't what you're after either but Ronnie: But what? You can't hack not getting everything you want Ronnie: That's life, mckenna Joe: What, I've got such lofty fucking ideals? Please Joe: I've got what I need Joe: How 'bout you? Ronnie: Try sticking your dick in someone you ain't related to and say that again Ronnie: what the fuck do you think I need from you? go on Joe: That ain't what I want, even if you reckon I need it, and Jesus and the rest, yeah? Joe: I got no fucking clue, baby Joe: You tell me Ronnie: had a clue a minute ago when you called me out as a junkie hooker like Ronnie: what's the matter, not so sure now? Joe: Need your ears check if you heard that Joe: Never mind your head Ronnie: it ain't nothing I ain't heard before Ronnie: not bout to shed any tears over it Ronnie: that's your gig Joe: Yeah, you love it Joe: We get it Ronnie: can't all hate ourselves as a full time job, baby Ronnie: burn yourself a little more so we can proper get the picture of how bad you're suffering Joe: Ha ha Joe: Funny Ronnie: makes me laugh Ronnie: which is all I'm looking for Ronnie: out for number 1 Joe: I'm very happy for you, babe Ronnie: tears of joy, are they? Ronnie: fuck off you ain't capable Joe: I know you'd love it if I was about to kms but trust, I'm doing as good as I always am Joe: You don't have an effect either way, soz to say Ronnie: liar Joe: You reckon? Joe: Even if you didn't come with junk to numb me out, nah babe Ronnie: you don't get to go cold turkey from me Ronnie: even if you fucking wish you could Joe: says who Ronnie: you Ronnie: you're about more than you're not Joe: yeah Joe: why all this drama then? Ronnie: what do you expect? Ronnie: I hate you Joe: 'Course Joe: Whatever does it for you, babe Joe: at least I only need me for that Ronnie: like you give a shit what gets me off, like you've ever Ronnie: I don't need you for anything Joe: Bullshit all the rest but I know that's a lie Joe: then I'll keep the gear and stay away Joe: No big Ronnie: I get to fuck you over by fucking you, what's easier Ronnie: Bullshit you could Ronnie: you can't stay away, you're too much of a sick fuck Joe: You know how to make easy seem like hard fucking work, babe Joe: and you can? Ronnie: I can, I don't wanna Joe: At least we have that in common, yeah? Ronnie: You want something in common with me? Don't be fucking stupid like Joe: Want? Like its optional now Ronnie: You tell me, changing personalities to fuck with the art bitches Joe: Nah Joe: was an IOU for getting the rent in late Joe: like I really wanted to be there, fuck that Ronnie: got somewhere better, have you? Golden boy too good for the posh cunts now Joe: I told you where I wanna be but you kept arguing instead listening Ronnie: Cause you're a lying piece of shit Ronnie: Tell me the truth, it'd only kill ya, like Joe: You don't believe me either way Joe: So much for loving yourself when you won't hear how much I want you Ronnie: Don't say shit you don't mean Joe: See Joe: Even if I got on my knees and crawled to yours Joe: not having it, are you Ronnie: You ain't about to do that so what the fuck does it matter Joe: wanna bet Ronnie: don't be a pussy Ronnie: you ain't no comedian either Joe: What do you want then Ronnie: come over, fuck's sake Joe: now was that so hard Ronnie: Shut the fuck up Ronnie: just do it
0 notes
kitkatdana · 7 years
boring tag
 1. DO YOU SLEEP WITH YOUR CLOSET DOORS OPEN OR CLOSED? I make sure they’re closed every night bc uh no thanks!!
2. DO YOU TAKE THE SHAMPOOS AND CONDITIONER BOTTLES FROM HOTELS? I have before but only like lotion if i really liked it. 
3. DO YOU SLEEP WITH YOUR SHEETS TUCKED IN OR OUT? Well they normally start tucked in but then wind up out by the end of the night.
6. DO YOU CUT OUT COUPONS BUT THEN NEVER USE THEM? Sometimes but not really idk
7. WOULD YOU RATHER BE ATTACKED BY A BIG BEAR OR A SWARM OF BEES? Bees because bears are fucking terrifying.
9. DO YOU ALWAYS SMILE FOR PICTURES? I gave up - I’m ugly no matter what face I make. Plus, even my real smile looks super fake so I’ve given up.
10. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST PET PEEVE? People chewing with their mouth open oh my GOD
11. DO YOU EVER COUNT YOUR STEPS WHEN YOU WALK? Do you count during marching band lol
12. HAVE YOU PEED IN THE WOODS? I can’t remember probably?
15. DO YOU CHEW YOUR PENS AND PENCILS? No it grosses me out how dirty pens and pencils are.
17. WHAT SIZE IS YOUR BED? queen sized ;)
18. WHAT IS YOUR SONG OF THE WEEK? I have multiple: “Get Like” by Kehlani, “Hannah Hunt” by Vampire Weekend, “Come Under the Covers” by Walk the Moon, “This Must Be My Dream” by the 1975, “sHe” by ZAYN. i honestly have so many more i’d like to list.
19. IS IT OK FOR GUYS TO WEAR PINK? Yes of course
20. DO YOU STILL WATCH CARTOONS? I mean I watch Bob’s Burgers sometimes does that count.
21. WHAT IS YOUR LEAST FAVORITE MOVIE? don’t kill me... but i really hate home alone.
24. WHAT DO YOU DIP A CHICKEN NUGGET IN? Ranch or ketchup hell yea
25. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE FOOD? I don’t know I mean i love apples and tortilla chips (not together no thanks)
26. WHAT MOVIES COULD YOU WATCH OVER AND OVER AGAIN AND STILL LOVE? all of the movies within the Star Wars Original Trilogy, jurassic park and jurassic park 3 (not the lost world that movie is shit), ABOUT TIME (my family watches this all the fucking time)
27. LAST PERSON YOU KISSED/KISSED YOU? shhh that’s personal
28. WERE YOU EVER A BOY/GIRL SCOUT? I was a girl scout for like 4-5 years
30. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU WROTE A LETTER TO SOMEONE ON PAPER? A few months ago but jesus christ I would never send it i should probably find i so i can shred it.
31. CAN YOU CHANGE THE OIL ON A CAR? no... but i should learn how to.
34. WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE KIND OF SANDWICH? idk i mean i just normally eat a pb sandwich but i really like club sandwiches sorry i’m boring.
35. BEST THING TO EAT FOR BREAKFAST? potato egg & cheese tacos from torchy’s
36. WHAT IS YOUR USUAL BEDTIME? it honestly ranges from 10-4.
37. ARE YOU LAZY? it depends on where i am mentally. lately - yes.
38. WHEN YOU WERE A KID, WHAT DID YOU DRESS UP AS FOR HALLOWEEN? Once i was Stephanie from lazy town. another year i was a unicorn. another year i was a smore.
40. HOW MANY LANGUAGES CAN YOU SPEAK? One fluently and i can speak spanish really really really poorly.
43. ARE YOU STUBBORN? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahayeahahahahahhaha.
44. WHO IS BETTER: LENO OR LETTERMAN? i don’t watch either
46. ARE YOU AFRAID OF HEIGHTS? very. it’s funny because i’m a drum major so i literally have to stand on a tall metal podium for 2-6 hours at a time and wave my arms around like a maniac and sometimes move around to show people different marching “dance” things and it’s yikes.
48. DO YOU SING IN THE SHOWER? yes but only if i’m home alone
49. DO YOU DANCE IN THE CAR? not really but more than i do normally i guess?
50. EVER USED A GUN? yeah and i hated it and haven’t used one since (which was like 8 years ago). they’re too loud and scary no thank you.
51. LAST TIME YOU GOT A PORTRAIT TAKEN BY A PHOTOGRAPHER? i mean unless you count school photos, not since i was a toddler maybe.
52. DO YOU THINK MUSICALS ARE CHEESY? nah i love some of em
56. OCCUPATIONS YOU WANTED TO BE WHEN YOU WERE A KID? i really wanted to be an astronaut. really bad. really really bad. lowkey still do.
58. EVER HAVE A DEJA-VU FEELING? a lot but that’s just what happens when you only go through the motions lol
62. WHAT DO YOU WEAR TO BED? normally just a big t-shirt but sometimes i wear sweats/leggings with it lol
63. WHAT WAS YOUR FIRST CONCERT? does a festival count bc then ACL 2004 
65. NIKE OR ADIDAS? idk i mean i wear more nike but find adidas more appealing (it’s just way too expensive for me i mean damn)
66. CHEETOS OR FRITOS? don’t do this to me
69. EVER TAKE DANCE LESSONS? when i was 5 i was in ballet for 2 weeks does that count
75. OWN A RECORD PLAYER? my dad does
80. HOT TEA OR COLD TEA? if i had to choose i’d say cold but i don’t really like tea
81. TEA OR COFFEE? neither
83. CAN YOU SWIM WELL? i can swim
85. ARE YOU PATIENT? depends
89. WHICH ARE BETTER: BLACK OR GREEN OLIVES? all olives are disgusting
91. BEST ROOM FOR A FIREPLACE? living room or study
92. DO YOU WANT TO GET MARRIED? if my partner does then sure
94. WHO WAS YOUR HIGH SCHOOL CRUSH? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha i’m kms. only true dana fans know.
97. DO YOU WANT KIDS? erg birth sounds painful but kids sound nice but idk again if my partner wants to we’ll talk
98. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE COLOR? i like a lot of colors. maroon & olive green & black & red & yellow
99. DO YOU MISS ANYONE RIGHT NOW? more than i should for seeing them practically every day
100. WHO ARE YOU GOING TO TAG TO DO THIS VIDEO NEXT? do it @idkimbecca smh @starsburnouttoo
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mrmonde-blog1 · 5 years
Share land percel housing strategy- you got a prime land somewhere, we evaluate the value of the land then we invite people to contribute money to build a story hse or hotel, school, hospital then you will get part of the rent of the whole project as per your percentage of the total cost to build the project plus your land money instead of leaving the land fallow. Stop the mayasma of doing small-tumbo businesses like operating a hardware and so on- fellaz think big. Do not spare them if the phone size BMI machine is outside, just point at her like remote control and if it doesnt match his /her BMi take something and hit him like a snake God inficted on Raila after deluding adam and eve at nyandiwa bar kalare near the spring and stream. Ai Abaluya, akamba, agikuyou Icon Ai in joshua eight JE, jest, tugomchezo, play- vineyard and worker parable to cement the truth. Nyako-mathiringinyi ma ratengo asuzo bwana. Eliminate Acid battery or water that it uses, introduce to cars, machines inbuilt battery within the Engine that is like the phone battery- you cant open lid and add acid into it- then they will be stranded after their departure plunging kids into problemo- king of ther jewomen. The voltage can be reduced to 9.5 v so that the invator uses it not coz when voltage drops below 10 it switches off automatically unless you open inside and remove the voltage regulator to enable it use even upto 4 v but the list of blasphemy was removed so you do what you wanna do and you wont escape hell fire. They want you to go to hell dude as August town Song by duan Stephenson- google bro!!! The clutch system can also be used to power Engines without using a battery. It used the spring system which enlarges when you press it down with your feet, when you leave it, it again rotates the hard mouth dynamo to start the engine just immediately when you start the engine with your key or it can be pulled like the hand brake. The alternator as the dynamo can have many synchronized gears to make it rotate for quite a long time. The alternator can be made like the remote controlled Arial on houses- its rotating motor produces power as well when rotated but got hard mouth to rotate- no motor tied on a belt can rotate it unless gear is incorporated. Unless you make these accessories then you can have the big mouth you got, but if you cant shut up dude- go back to agriculture and sell produce dude- am telling yah. Woe to the people who long to see the lords day LD, last days- the white behave exactly like the kisii or vice versa, who is who, whites are kisii or vice versa- who got each other blood. They got the character of wanting to be first above other people and for a woman if you got money she wants you not to intermingle with other people known to you previously. She want you to give her all your attention as you are recognized not other relationship. Your matrimony is the best not others. Bad character of not wanting to listen to others as well- world peopled with their offsprings. Anakula ni kama anachapa mtoto, hau anapiga ndondi, yeye ni mwana ndondi- mtu mabare za makofi- yaani kusaksuwa mtu. Moses was in diper with diarrhea and they thought he had contegious disease like ebola so they went to taste him if he got that special virus, coz river arkansas was shallow at that time and down there was the dam people drink from. Lazarus parable to allude the situation and thats one of the reason he was taken as special as much as being handicap- take this cup of suffering away from me with christo. M-pesa can be finished with card to card transfer of cash, it can make East african to form out of the tz character of wanting good things from you. Population can also increase dramatically then they introduce a system that makes it redundant as much as oil production with solar power matchines or buses like in Netherlands. Take heed nigros dont be like people from TZ. With PayPal if you want to connect your card with it, connect your card in the last minutes of the 5th hr to the beginning of the sixth hr lets say the fifty fifth minute of the time you were given the card by your bank. Literally you can write the time the card was given to you on your diary to connect later to avoid the bank connecting prior b4 you connect it and this you do to many bank cards from the same or different bank. Jesus with division and you can google that or mfalme wa yawhodi to cement the truth of christ sentiments. My body BMI is 25 and pulse rate is 25 period. The nigro are eyeing M-pesa going international so they say the are kikuyou or luo as much as East african community softening their stand that the belong.Monde Nelson https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100035346256365&sk=allactivity&privacy_source=activity_log_top_menuThe negative of bank card grows your head, you became big headed. With m-pesa, aint safe as the firm can lias with criminals to siphon money from you and once you got it, it confuses you a little bit. It was there and was removed since times of David, aint new dude. Youtube or google this, how to produce power using an alternater, or motor. If this is your new idea put it in youtube in your own dialect and the world will respect you. Be first to patent it or show case it in you tube. click the link below 4 more information.https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=how+to+produce+power+using+an+alternate If you picture or put up in mind how sky scrapper are built using the booster technology at night in your sleep, what comes to mind is the picture of a black horse bh booty hindu, hangary, which has refused to go a head, carrying up and forth his front legs, crying and the rider is Railamolodinga carrying a whip, Revelation six- the six seals. Raila was from just from mars brought by greenman when he brought sin into the world when he cheated adam and eve to eat the forbidden fruit. He was not born here and the greenman knows that. He got these blood, kisii-king of the jew another version, bangladesh, lazarus parable and women with release barnabas and he cheated eve at bar kalare b4 he was changed to serpent. kamba blood in worker or vineyard parable as well as luya/sweet blood, kikuyou out of his curved teeth at the lower jaw, lost coin parable and he his Cameroonian- mfalme wa yawhodi. Step foot song i saw nothing in those cities but when i came back to kingstone everything was working good 4 me. My denique- weeee- white women from kingstone jamaica, came and see- General degree. click thse links below 4 more words https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YpSSLjwX8sY&t=197shttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YpSSLjwX8sY&t=197shttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DupoY0we6IUNelson Mondehttps://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100035346256365&sk=allactivity&privacy_source=activity_log_top_menu They are creating East african community to get the UG and Tz women if they fail to get those from america, they are now just the same as the US women as we see from TV, the kenyan dignitaries. Quick money transfer services is the best coz it has no immediate know disadvantage. When you carry bank card it bigens your head As well as finger prints and thus BMI and pulse rate the best coz any machine can read it but with finger print you must carry the machine which sometimes can have technical hitches. The white dude who died in Riverside attack who also survived the september new york terorist attack was a huge support and a beast as far as propelling my Ae Idea is concerned. Check facebook name wandeterading kevinelson to see and youtube how to produce power using a motor or an alternator and see how assiduously he was concerning my project. The attack occurred just few weeks after Uhuru and trump meet in DC. He was also a beat as pro in repairing building escalator and lifts as par-time job. Rest in peace-who else can help or sor me out bro be warned. Go back to the drawing board- weed parable or king of the jewomen with christ you big bodied people bbp you. They look at you as if they are positive people looking for the community vice and virtues and that's precisely their job and what they are up-to, without them things will go haywire or hullabaloo, i mean wrong. As if you will pick a curse if you fail to heed to them or notice them, in that if you succeed in taking pretty women something drastic will befall you, in that is them only who should have such women. Get back to to work fellas, now we got machines to make work easier like in welding, carpentry and mechanics. Pull down your official clothes and swallow your pride, women love innovative men not the ones who must be employed or are wallowing in the miasma of wanting to be employed. Must be employed people, this goes to them. They want to create war to eliminate/kill small bodied people to take those jobs for women to love them, they are lazy and that's a big shame bro. You can do cheap driving- ing soung to drive trelors and lories to still gain respect. QM money transfer services is permanent like fedex as its durable compared to AE an Egg which if falls down it breaks, mayai/tong in luo. Because people will send money everyday and 4 you to open the similar business it got the patent or warranty of arrest- Ten minas parable- on the air above 10 km its cold, lost coin parable, eg a plane like the max breaks into 2 and people freez to death but you can escape if you got heavy clothing a gas on your nose but still the wreckage of that plane will cuts you- if you seat next to the rear door and you got the said cloths you survive but where will you fall if you got the parachute or fly gas tightened on your back- women with barnabas at the christ crucifixion. Ae one can make at home alone as mfalme wa yawoundi just like the Europe or American Engineering has been overtaken by china or Asian giants leaving them with their kids frustrated. Do good deals when still alive so that it can go well with your kids, dont live large but later on leave the next generation stranded. Kansas was lake and now is beautiful as part of SA with Noah, so they want the same with Caspian sea, the great lakes and L.Victoria to come up and its water spill to kill the folks around to increase the area on land, if you eliminated it physically the curse befall the whole nation who has done that. So they are waiting as a blessing in disguise. Kansas incident was at the time of Samson and the philistines whose land was part of ks and Colorado state cs. They are the Croatians, not joking people but very serious loving the as. Put trained umbwa tu- tubal as trained dogs TD, cats, tiger, simba on the cargo center of the plane to mitigate or curb what i have explained in details sent to you. Or you can use or employ voodoo as juju in swahili or black magics to still get them confused down there in the cargo handling unit but we aint sure if it will be effective. Put both stop many words folks. The airport crew monitor thse passenger with water coolers, big bags as well as suit case then alert the likes of Raila and susan to come even in Qatar to investigate how much is there if at all is fruitful to fall that plane. Healing of wounds, forgeting the past- hidden treasure parable and you can just google and infact brazil got internet 2, 2go, jokes you think like people say their ambrae jets can fall but in records air-bus and boeng leads the way. Black supremacy, Rio house. Go back to the USA they say and do you know what i tell them? I dont take part in free things built with 2goinvoice money, it doesnt bring happiness to me, i dont enjoy it period and thats with me and i'd rather take my ass or go, find way to a poor nation in which to built they have to sweet, hustle, struggle. Yes its good but its not lenient wealth- purely money loundring and its final and period. Learn to get my stand dude or-ell i will destroy you nose with a blow!!! Air safety AS, Judas, fall plane ikiwa ju/up/malo, mfalme wa yawhoundi, judashetani, judasheila, judasheads, judasusan, judaskari- committed suicide cs, hanged himself HH hagar hindu, haiti, hangary- cut the said wires in a plane using hack saw hs, homo sexual, haile selasi, home science, hagar somali, swedishona, hindu sianda- Thats the reason why he betrayed jesus christ in that he was spoiling the deal or making it known. Christ was arrested after he explained the goat and sheep parable in itally and the Guards as Rusians who chose the best land 4themselve in that they love cold land not for other people but among the jew as ones man meat is another mans poison. What you like another someone hates or dont like and vice versa as whats good for you may not be good for another fella in Genesis 49- stitch in time saves nine. Susan sunk Titanic, she has lived for long, Good samaritan parable an Un an known God in acts 17. Voice recognition machine when the cargo bags are being ransacked to cut the said wire that leads to plane dashboard and when the said wire are being cut. Blow siren gas as simon the siren cements the truth, he helped chrsit in explaining his parable-simondi the sirenelson- lost son parable, put welding machine to electrocute the fellow as king of the jew cements the truth. Most of these plots are done by women coz they are more secretive compared to me- another version of Isiah sentiment i will make women more important than me as they will deviate and marry small bodied people who must be told this and that in that marriage but are more creative than big bodied people because at the end of the day creativity is necessity and necessity is the father rather mother of invention. Susan killed aliyah, when you eat groundnuts and see the photo of aliyah on that fallen plane you come to see maria Carey MC not mama collins and R-kelly giving Susan cash in their talks. Google plane crushes of the world on the net and get all the friends of Susan and you will see what am insinuating even the 3 Russian-made Ug planes fallen around mt Kenya. Click the link below 4 more inforhttps://www.theguardian.com/world/plane-crasheshttps://www.theguardian.com/world/plane-crashesRolls-roy article by collins joe-hn ombuor, double click the links below 4 full pictureRolls-Royce to introduce new plane engines : The Standard https://www.standardmedia.co.ke/article/2001317890/rolls-royce-to-introduce-new-plane-engines https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1CHBD_enKE834KE834&q=rolls-roy+article+by+joe+ombuor+on+the+kenyan+newspaper&tbm=isch&source=univ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjO8Lesx5zhAhWJnxQKHZ-BA0oQsAR6BAgIEAE&biw=1014&bih=636 Boeng company have turned a deaf ear at my sentiments in that even the very employee of boeng can fix a small chisel and a hammer or an axe and tell the likes of susan where to reach 4 it in another similar plane- Lazarus parable so as to also benefit from the said cash gotten when a plane fall. They lias with airbus or other plane making companies. Just like with titanic sheep, lost sheep parable where an an was found to cut the chain. Lost chain lc parable, luya, luo community. Good Samaritan parable to cement the truth. Quick money Transfer services good with huge economies like india, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Egypt and even China, According to Minaj Ninkey and we are targeting these Market nitche a ccording to his personal assisant who love his ass Mr Nelson Monde NM in short not New mexico or niki Minaj. Its a platform where money is not wired or passing via the phone, simply many offices are created with security and liquid cash is in them. We simply use the Bmi and pulse rate to identify our clients as much as the id card. If you are in one office you simply give us the money you want to send to that person you have alerted to receive the cash, you give us your details plus the fellow details which we will confirm when he vist the other office to pick cash. You give us the money you want to send plus the stipulated interest which are drafted in our office brochure and we cash the interest but credit the money sent in our office system but on the receiving end we debit the same money sent upon receiving it. So our interest is only the amount added on the money sent, no withdrawal fee like the East-African M-pesa but only the sending fee, Thus making it more affordable and cheap way to send money than any other money transfer services and soon it will go international from ken-turkey. We will fax the creditor details to the withdrawing office as much as doing phone calls and sending emails as receipt. Th e Mission is to send money faster when you need it at your convenience. Logo is quick money transfer when you need it or at your reach. Some parents are burdened by the nasty behavior of their kids, so they sponsor the burning of the dormitory liaising with the askaris to avoid vices associated with 2goinvoice later on of changing kids charater as curse when you over withdraw money loundring cash and the fear that its going to collapse as much as the white people, hindu and the Nigro and precisely thats why they are somehow wild- the risk of free things ft. Big bodied persons just know how to search for employment, they dress good in other peoples job, know alot and want women with those jobs, Big shame, know more/alot in your own cocoon/job not other people created jobs like the masai they say your are them if you got a big idea, when you dont have that idea they are nowhere to be seen. We have pertented QM money Transfer services so no theft of the idea folks. Beware or take heed bro!!! Naming of person/persangers nop on the persenger seats should not be done but the nationality should be shown, if many kenyans, TZ, UG, malayasians, philipins, indonesians has board the plane desist please, even 2 people can make the plane to be fallen so that they share the heavy compensation given. The cartel take theirs and give the beneficiary is part because the control the economy of that country 4 you to trade peacefully you must get into their deals or-else frustrated to secure permits/licence. Why lie bro!! The persons fell the plane as much as ethiopians. Susan has bought Awhodi suv car and associates with the money which will be paid prior to delude the public not to know the reality after compensation of the borrowed cash is returned to that person borrowed, lets pretend is Mr President MP. Its a deal or a cartel bwana. Dont panda rich planes as the got more money carried by the passengers as this is a target to bring down these plane, eg The klm, air france but panda poor planes line qatar or emirates as mostly they carry the poor who lack much money- who to the people who long to see lords day LD and who will kill them and every one forms part of the brunt. But keep this in mind poor planes can be brought down even without cash carried in that they are eye the compensation given to the beneficiary the fella has written at the airport at boarding/booking time plus their BMI and pulse rate as well as finger prints with IEBC to avoid the taking time DNA 4 the compensation to be done immediately to avoid the dubious/dirty deals of borrowing cash prior since the compensation is guaranteed later. The DNA aint real coz some people are adopted to the beneficiaries. It null and void bro. China got internet and thats whats control the world so what we got to do with white man, owino or omollo banj, keth ume no hakigeuka rude, oki winj wach kaka nwa nene e-movie cha bwana, Erick utters faintly, en-kamano, its like that bwana. okoblokelonwa- donge joluo. Mfalme wa yawoundi- the luya/sweet/HUSTLE body were wide not slim in shape- vineyard and worker parable- they love sex and out of US greencard they have widely spread accross out of artificial insemination Ai. They are only good in poverty but when situation picks they became jealous to the point of crime and many Us singers got that blood. They aint innovators but look for new jobs and opportunity coupled with jealousy. Gi yar-re in luo, wapana in swahili, women take heed. The song a white woman loughs in the middle shows you how the white people has succeded in her plan to destroy Nigeria, venezuel, arab world, kenya and so forth so on. With electric buses the opec countries no more. If you even eat ground nuts GN and take the map of the world with diffferent nations and you take that place someone in the USA and look at his photo and the countries on the map at the same time, the spirit directs you which country is from or his ancentry, like minaj Jamaica and Uganda and hungary, snoop guok luo blood, R-kelly, neyo, luya blood, jadakiss madi blood, beyonce baganda blood, bow wow uganda as tray songs as tyrese etc. Nigros do this simple mathematics and its not rocket science, morever it doesnt cost a dime and return to your land as per the bible. JD congo blood, braxton aborigin as well as brook, you see australia. Godliath was the make, God or Gody was short cut, lia is cryeast, yath is treeks or medication. Holly trinity, God the father, son, holly Ghost/spirit. SON OF DAVID have mercy on us they thought christ was godliath ready to retaliate. God is dead philosophy. Tricks are short cut sc, scores. Jesusagody, yesusagody he was called.Most white women are jumpy they sleep with masai as well as kisumaites. When you sleep with luya/sweet you became chicky- jesus with little children and not settles as worried. It brings change in character. The said cut wires which runs from the engine of the plane to the pilot sector should run up on the passenger side not down to avoid many words with security issues. Christ with dust is the serpents food and mfalme wa yawhondi, wounds, adhola etc Judge Maraga was voted to serve the interests of the kenyan people as well as rooto or any other women lover dignitary not to have his people on the grass roots to thwart the pleasure of the lovers by wanting every pretty girl around in any major town. If you partake ground nuts you will see them making love to likes of very sidika. How do i know? Take vera photo and the dignitary and you will notice the act. Anaweka tu bwana hiyo fimbo bila kutojali mtu wangu, Anapiga tu rungu boy wa mine. You will have a long day in fighting me, we have recruited over 10 thousand folks who transfigure getting into the pilot belly prior to boarding the jets and our jets makes such a noice that affects the brain making you dull- they are better off and thats what the britons and chinis were waiting and we have sold much to them just awaiting the war. The get into the same plane for example boeng 777, they get into the basement at JKIA and they are tought how to cut wires with plies that if are connected makes the plane fall. These people transform into rodents and again in the laggage center transform to people to cut the said wires, the likes of raila, another sheila who fell from US navy ship now with redened eyes, and susan who owns a pub in ksm. They fell the 1st malaysian air, the red bus from western to Nairobi snd now the Ethiopian air liasing with indians, uhuru, obama, museveni and ruto in the mix among many other individuals. How do i know folks? If you know the named above, if you got some rapport with them, if you partake big brown ground nuts, by looking at the picture of the accident, for example the ethiopian airways on the net, you see the whole drama plus those who planned it on air, just like an alcoholic sees his own things when drunk but to you is real. Mfalme wa yawhodi. Nigros are the ones responsible for all these coz they promise these people love by saying they are this and that tribe. This push the tribe to get money in anyway possible to the point of committing crime. They go to the point of saying they wanna come back making these fellaz zealous. This is two fold, the want these people to be killed to reduce the population for them to come and enjoy or build for selected divas hotel, house and premises to please them. The french, norwergians, Germans, britons, spanish knows clearly which part of the earth they got these people from and history is bold enough to tell us the whole occurence but they will be rude and not accept, so at the end of the day is the white man. Arabs were also there b4 so they can clarify where the nigros were got- goat parable, church you can google please. Luya also share the brunt, they know how to get money online at http://www.2goinvoice.com and the software at weed weed ww cyber and how to connect paypal a/c with bank a/c at the last minutes of fifth hr from the time the card was given to you, not one card but many cards as much as junior a/cs who the lion of judah tribe in genesis 49 got that name from but still working for wahindi even after some of them have done that, evident by their resignation from hindu hard jobs and buying their own tuk tuk and motor bikes. The ones who are still working can enquire from those who have resigned and leave working for the hindu so that they get other indians like them to work for them, even people watching premiere leagues should stop coz they are facilitating money loundring as those matches are payed with the invoice cash, the officials get money from the a/c and thats what they do in their offices all day long- i mean they have been targeted. Ethiopia and Malaysia annihilate these motherfuckers, cutthroat dogs, know nothing but priding themselves people, people who dont liesten, whose backs are bents as prophet isiah pi says let their backs be bent forever in the biblia.He gets into someone who is traveling to Ethiopia or malaysia and the get to that plane whom they want to fell inside someone who also changes as them and when the plane lights put off the change to rodents at the back seat, get that pliers or bomb in the laggage and fell the plane but with them they are safe out of transforming into rodents hidding in a coolar or the black box waiting to be saved, they can even change to fish and swim. With BMI matchine do not forgive them as the bible says. They even operate people who they have organised travel 4, and put bomb inside the bell the likes of raila plays with it by hidding it more when the felled is being scanned at the entrance or at the way leading to boarding the plane. He takes it to the spinol cord, back coz the sensor sense the sides and front more, but when you move as getting off the matchine, they talk to him and move it towards the belly so it is not detected. The luos have became terorists. The uk, france, usa, italy should have a go slow as standstill in their operations as their economy is driven via 2goinvoice. These fellas have been target as they have been given daily 2goinvoice target to withdraw from, i.e the fifa officials. Let the plane have bright lights on the laggage center to bar these fellas who change from transfiguring or let welding machine be incorporated and the wire emanating from the matchine be zigzaged allove the laggage unit to electrocute these individuals, let the feaces fall to the air not getting into the sewer chamber of the plane in the cargo carrying unit. They use the lavarate to flash gadgets down and that someone down gets into the chamber and gets it. Let that be abolished. As a passanger boarding the plane, let your legs be fitted with a scanner or sensoring gadget so you dont change as it will be known. The rule of the thumb is those who change are not partaker of sour things st, soda should be administered in the airpoart to see those who cant drink sour solution so that the gadget to be fixed on them to avoid transfiguring at night in the plane for other purposes unknown to us, for example the fanta soda can do that. They even use match box size drills gotten from neel deep hardware in ksm to perforate holes into the gas cylinder to fall the plane- the hindu and the British and precisely thats why they brought them in East Africa. After the plane falls the money gotten is used to buy players at English premiership. Who to those who trust in Egypt in the book of isiah and i will humble Egypt in the book of Jeremiah and Ezekiel who was kierehere. The dashboard section of the plane ought to have hard wires so the likes of raila dont cut them with pliers to confuse the pilots leading to plane loosing control then crushing and should as well be fitted with cameras, not to mention the luggage side to see who is there and going on- king of the jew beside incorporating whigh voltage wires to electrocute those who transfigure. Who to the people who long to see the day of the lord in malachi four. When this is put in place fellas you wont hear of rampant plane crush pc- pier cianda, chinis, cynthia, collins, pagamum church etc. African countries should not operate planes, e.g, kenya, uganda, tz airways among many other poor nations because they are curious but not engineers at all, they scrutinize the plane which in other-way makes it not safe for travel hence planes fall. They wanna know more about the the plane crush. The aero-plane company e.g, rolls roy, boeng, air bus should not sale planes but operate these planes in every nation en themselves to avoid scrutiny and plane crush or just simply such happenings or occurrences. Plane companies should talk the next day in the media but when the ground crew puts cut hack saw somewhere down there and then tell the changer where is located to use it to cut wires that leads to the pilot sector to fall the plane. To me its a cartel and with my explanation the deal has gone sour. When the money in the plane surpasses the money which was used to buy the plane even three times, what is the loss folks to the company and at the same time benefit to the beneficiaries of the deceased as the will be compensated as much as when the plane is insured we will get new plane. What is Mr trump? Stop laughing when something is critical or looking in the news paper by the photos you have taken as if looking in owe or amusement, as if your deal has gone sour or that someone has hit a mega jackpot and you want to share in his happiness. Friends, pro-act, send missiles to stipa in ksm where they partly train people to fall planes. When one is a terrorist he lacks respect, look at you directly in the eye until you vanish and his eyes on the upper eye lids curves up like wanting to form a triangle. That how they are known. Morever terorists kidnap people without proper reasons and when truth surface they deviate in their reasoning. World reduce electricity to 50 volts for houses to thwart AE technologis coz people are testing 120V-250V motors. Flouresent and energy saver uses between 30-50 volts, Radio and TV uses 24v as much as laptops. Why cant we reduce electricity to 50 volts. Well how will fridge work or cooker let them be fitted with step up transformer to transform 50 volts to maybe 120V or 250V then this pride will vanish, believe me you fellas. People should not be killed but funded, many got big idea in later years if you kill them early like they wanted to kill Nelson Monde, you wount have heard all these. So killing people is white man idea to rob the earth more knowledge and so that the killed people spirit hovers around and help them locate what other dedicated fellas are up to. Look like a child stop looking at someone in the eye all through like you disrespect him or he has known your bad side or deeds. Kenya is rich they say, picture your car with you and they locate its price these side and how much money can do in Africa, stop all these silly scrap. But dont just buy a fake care and take photos with it giving Africans hope that you are that side and we are these side and we got nice cars than you then America is just good in TV. Developed world should crush cars which look like for the poor period. Indians add women period to sources, UN and KEBS should pro-act. Shoes inside got something like half size hack saw glued inside the soul- shindiyo. EHH-vivyo hivyo-donge omera. The USA leaving Venezuela coz now there is nothing in that country which they were upto out of AE technologies in kevin monde facebook a/c, view using your phone as well as arabia world and they have realize all kev is saying is in youtube and he has well provided the gmail a/c he used to comment on youtube and the pasword as well as the recovery option. Now they cant kidnap him coz he removed the phone number. Sonko is giving toy market 5 million coz he twitted me its over and blocked and he cant stand to see that happening, i mean he is ready to die and he is using that platform to tell the world something as well as wa kenyatta potraying indirectly how kikuyou are criminal with him he is malagasian. How do we know folks? By their small, tiny teeths. The women whose body was chopped into parts in Eldoret, i dont know kitale was cut by power saw ps by asenol who is a tuitor in taxi business among many others- just eat ground nuts and see the complete picture by looking at that incident on youtube or newspaper provided you know the culprits. Atm should be fitted with BMI to avoid bank theft or the bank ought to buy pulse rate machine as well as bmi to identify its customers. When they kill all of your next of kin, the bank has a holiday to share your money if they manage to kill you. A software should be provided to enable you check the money online and you can post it on facebook or twitter for friends to find if that money has been withdrawn in-case of your demise. It should just be there even if you die a natural death, the government either should not take it as bond coz also them can kill ya. French president has come to collect his share of the ethiopian air as to the ksh 20M of harambe stars. Check the newspaper fellaz.Hellen rasta wazungus as much as barry of highway and now Australia were part of the plot as much as hindu to induct the luos on how to fall the boeng plane so that its customers shift attention to Europe. Macron Emanuel twitted me that, he is partly Hindu, he sees what you are seeing at the same time not an hour later or tomorrow. How can they give you blue carpent treatment while stile serving then they left you in owe- the salary minimal utters obamaitchel. We must do anything under the sun or we must go out our way to get mone as money. Read the emails on forward up when the text starts and get to see how many people i have sent the email to- stop joking bwana. The Jamaican air that fell was brought down by Sussan and konshens. As much as air china by sussan who was inducted by Hindus using the electrician pliers to cut the wires dat leads to the dashboard. Click the link below for this song Kohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iSwMWDxdqe0nshens - sexin (official music video) tttttt Sheep and Goat parable, River Arkansas is rectangle where moses was put- birth of moses bom- miriam thought it was, so they wanted to dismantle it, rather pharaohs daughter. He was physically handicapped so the bible says he was special moreover saliva was flowing out his mouth. How disabled was he? Chon mochanda niluonga ni omollo, mama nomiya nying no, anyisi moch, kapiel echo miflash chietha nemol kende bila kuflash na maji- eblonene kakendi sawa hasa swears kolo. Click the link below https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B9YCplVD3Fkhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B9YCplVD3Fk Thats how i used to seduced minaj and the dude rapping is our kid who partly entertains us Kansas is rectangol and i will take Egyptians to KS so that they are landlocked, i mean incarcerate them there to frustrate them also for what they have done that the jew are lazy and them also getting money off 2goinvoice and the hindu saga with them bro. Nigros start to relocate to your land, every person to his land as per the bible. This is my new mail i just guesed the number when gmail provided the optional number. lastcalling45 and password saskatchewan45, i post things on youtube comment on minajs song, churchil live and raw and ecowas and afican union among many other. check it out. Revelation five- root of david who is able to look NIV version, mfalme wa yawhodi, malachi five- who to the people who long to see the lords day but in story building, aero-plane the hindu cant see, this is purely being alcoholic or having discerning spirit, to be able to see the bad or the good in something period. Kebi why smelling sweet and dirt, kevin answering- i am waiting for minaj to come and wash me and thats why precisely i married her, i aint a woman to smell sweet aroma alway, i got to get my head up high, i mean to hustle. Anashika bibi yangu huko durban kweli kweli, bila huruma yaani without second thought, mala mkono kwa paja, matako, kifua, hamsami kila body parts anashika. Masa tatu zina pita bado anashika hachoki, je wanawake hiyo niugwana kweli? The white people were entertaining hindu thinking they can come up with good cars but to no aval but fake ones and they believed to be oil in India but rightnow the AE technology has made oil redundant and they have seen that and now they are leaving the hindu alone as much as arabs and thats precisely american character. The kikuyou were saying they are Nigros to get to the usa and withdraw wide cash from 2goinvoice in mexico and canada as well since they got many banks and two eat free foods and the fact that oil was found in Darkota but AE has eliminated that so they clain lien or allegiance that the inventor is them- We got DNA to test for the parents whom they claim gave birth to the beast or they wanna hack his loggings which they cant. Friends you got to be wise, read between the lines. They say they want to eliminate people who are lazy and just love good things or free things yet themselves cant make those things, they love what has been made, in that they are lazy and them also are more lazier as getting money via www.2goinvoice.com. Every time i want to share my mind by commenting on youtube i open a new Gmail a/c, i find the previous one dis-enabled like [email protected] whose pass-word is botswana20 and now this writing am opening a new one to post as much as tomorrow or everyday. If you pride yourself you must be sulf-sufficient later on dont look for someone you belittle help- the jamaicans, luos or kikuyous, if you need help later humble yourself as much as USA. Ester of Kiwasco was in klm plane that left Amsterdam to Nairobi 5 yrs back in the luggage center looking for cash to fell the plane according to relevant sources from other trusted folks. Let the luggage center be blown by cold air from the atmosphere to freez the intruder to death when the set alarm system rings and the air starts to blow intensely and immediately. Leave many words-mfalme wa yawhodi and the passenger bags be put in hard bags and sealed b4 they are loaded into the plane not just put inside that way giving the intruder easy time to search the money and open the bag to fall the plane or stored hack saw, drill or pliers period. The sheila and susan associated also fell indonesian and philipins air, by partaking ground-nuts you will see if you know them and have the plane phone in the net or news paper. They wanna vist or come to your house to find out if at all you know their plans of plane felling or terorism to eliminate you, still they wanna follow you yet you are screwing the up- unawachimba utters Amani. If you see them offering money on the newspaper just keep it in ming they aint relenting but rude, they want to kidnap to rape or kill. I mean many money issues adverticed on the newspaper, even the estate that the kenyan waiguru minister leaves is built with the fallen indonesian/malaysian air- if you eat njugu you come to understand what am insinuating. Let them put camera on the luggage center but hidden, siren alarm or a voice recognition machine (That recognize the voice of the intruder) that only rings on the pilot side not downward, a corrosive acid sprinkler that as soon as the alarm sound the bright security bulb lights up, the electrocutor always on to thwart the maneuver of the intruder. When they cant hearken to my sentiments then falling a plane is a big business and a cartel. Lazaras parable cements the truth and sheep and goat parable which made Christ arrested, you can google up friends!!! The know pretty well that the plane uses siren gas to fly heated in a cylinder but they refuted to delude the public that they know nothing about plane coz if they say they know and since they are involved in craft and cottage industry people will raise eye brow on them that they got part in plane falling. They even lias not all the time to fall the plane far away in the oceans and seas but just from taking off or few minutes to landing to convince the public it a technical hitch of the plane and the company should be put to blame or the pilot was a screw or not an expert. They fell it close, just near the airport to build confidence on people that is the company itself. My facebook a/c is kevinelson mondy  both the two a/c appearing when you search. Nyaka bet ni-whongeyo loso accessories mi loso go Ae gadget like ghana otherwise sell the idea and get paid as a person and shut up your bg mouth or-else countries like japan or china will go into war with you coz you are using their properties to make what you are swaging 4. Money payment should be abolished greatly- direct money payment- we should have money in our bank cards and we transfer directly to another card of the same/different card at a reduced fee- we call it to wire money even on day to day small payments like shopping, taxi etc. We can wire using our smart phone or the computer. Paypal should be eliminated and banks should not accept it as it is used by criminals to get dirty money into the economy- let us know the source of the money like with western union. They fall ships and planes as much as buses or trains get that money buy 4 poor youth motor bikes to follow them recruiting them in their hooliganism. Who to the people who long to see the lords day, mfalme wa yawhodi. The same way in put them in wonder on how i say luo is the same way i can build ten times much better what they are upto even among other folks. Huduma number with fingerprints or body bmi or pulse rate to identify theft or know the exact population of a nation not cencus which aint correct. You even count pregnant kid on that woman, you delete the dead you add the new born that were never counted and you get the exact no of people in a nation not procrastination with census period. They even use human shit on bread or mandazi, get it from the smell and some of the workers who work in these supermarkets- the Hindu th, therko, sumbuwa, disturb, kuma as stupid. Towa mingi TM with 2ginvoice to support your future generation even if it is scraped, dont look at me in owe as if you are my woman and am on top of you pumping you just some few minutes to reach your orgasm. Pick your humble pisces, swallow your pride, resort to work and get to square one, i mean drawing board, stop being lazy and silly, sell your official clothing and get back to work. Ther mit, ten minas parable, timbe minaj. Sky scrapper are built using metalic bars just like the mobile booster are built, then on the floor partitioned with wood like the train rail and inside with card board or glass like with banks and on the outside on the metalic bars dark glasses like the tables from malaysia are fitted at intervals from inside or you can purforate holes from outside and tie the screw on the bars. luo say they built americah yet their building are concrete pillar made- so who is right, do it that way and why count you do it b4, then someone has told you. Thats the challenge. If you talk of the above concerning sky scrapper you see or visualized building collapsing as in the book of revelations it says a third of the earth collapsed. Those who destroy the earth as per the bible- uranium emissions ne, green-man with giving people kisii blooded kids who will people the whole earth with their offspring if not counteracted or checked. Eat ground nuts and where she is from the get to that country map and see which tribe or exact location they are from- any person dude- ecclesiastic four- his knowledge is not heeded but he saved the world and every tom, harry and dick is following him. Morever they make holes on earth from below changing temperatures and drying up some lakes, rivers and Aids virus epidermic, the people who brought it. Most nigros are from ghana, benin, cameroon, anzania, mozambique b4 greencard thing and from louisian and most southern states were there previously. Latoya whats wrong with Robinson even if it means sex? What has she done or upto "ask Latoya" Kevin saying she cries as if she has been stubbed by a knife and she is dying the next minute. Wajamani analiya ni kama kwamba amedungwa na kisu- motho ywak deadly. "Kenny saying" Minaj am completely full cf and what is remaining or the only thing remaining is me to visit our toilet OT, what about you nikey? Amani hawa watu wanataka nini, what do they want with me? "Amani" Wanadhani matako yako ni soft na laini, ni kama kwamba they want to strip you, or matako yako ni kubwa kwa thog you have just hidden them in your baggy trouser. "Kevin" Thats utter stupidity man, hiyo ni ujinga, mimi ni chali, am a guy who sleeps in chali style, looking up Lu-ocifer. Owhoma aka Raila amolo, is following me as if he does not know his next meal or aint sure for food, looking for what to eat bursting into rage. Go for screp metal SM and sell dude wacha fitina, stop being lazy BL, blow job, big lips, booty luo, llithuania, blunder etc Nikey get this straight, this your boy aka nelly, alias mondy, also called kevinelson that charismatic man and he is there for you waiting like never before What we want is kids who can survive both good and hard-times no single sided SS, SWEET, slow sex. African foods AF, baf, chaf, raf, saf . the white folks want to destroy the black genes BG- booty greeks, gergians, big gums etc- they are jealous as in they want to give agikuyou name so that folks are inclined to them out of the new found fuel or oil- beautiful black women love money and thats its but we got artificial insemination mark you my-a, think twice- look before you lip. Mya mbolo changu haitachapaa wewe, forget about rumours girl, will not cane you. Row row your boat gentle down the streem, merily merily merily merily life is about a dream- mochanda, odera my new boat, catch, while nikey my new catch in lake michigan, brook in lake salina, ks rather superior not ontario. Mahewa kwa hiyo crib, loud music magdalin, maisha ni sambamba, good girl GG, goal goal, game gina, georgian games. Hike the volume please mariah carey- dont you know i love you. Spare me that- mya rebuking- kevin saying KS- wanna love you up my ladies. Take it cool, i mean easy- you got not just a man but a motivator beside you. My thing is polite, but sometimes rude when rebuke- not young in the game- kikuyouth but mature and old- si mchanga but angali msoo, yaani mkubwa kwa game- get this straight keyshia!!! Get me on this email: [email protected], confirm phonenumber with that mail please. Obama barrack OB, comboa, save or stop thing stupid act, running a cartel on bullish where you pay them some money out of the profit gotten from the money deposited then you give them a little commission.So seem the bulishtrade a/c is closed so they are wild at me not knowing its made or designed that way to create fear on your side. It is not you that should always be happy when receiving but when you loose you became bitter. When you win its good when you loose its a pyramid scheme. It brings the truth on both sides. So you want to come to Kenya to meet your folks- stop killing people, obamadareraila, same as trumputtin- fuck you. Your daughters got no man or nigro,i can be one to save their desperation. Nikey,miayadirer was found beaten out of what he has explained above-babe save me girl, dont leave me in this mess girl. Always i will be there for you, every-time by your side and love you in any way you want or desire, baby girl dont leave me hanging, get this straight girl- one blood and forever in your arms. Just like you killed muamar gadafi MG the same indictment falls on you if you dont stop this bull-shit. Miaka tano sasa but my thing ijakuwa disected or katika au digested nitamwacha soon huyou dem. My thing is digested or dissected ni her thing wajamani. Read all my only two posts my friends. Girl i will give it my best shot BS- bur sianda, my best trial BT.The match between me and maya starts off next sunday, we are going to inaugurate that chemistry, i mean rekindle that love, make it official, folks i men the game will open up on sunday. With me an just eating my ground nuts one by one, i mean bits by bits no streess or stressing out and on my table a little bit of coffee mixed with lemon fully ready for that fateful night. Love and hip- hop before they went to the graveyard was gilbart ombeva as young joc folks- search that name on your FB. Am eating the groundnuts moja kwa moja but sometimes mbili kwa mbili but not tatu kwa tatu. Maya incase of distress between us do not give some-else the job girl- i will rectify my mishaps. The dimba, play will be live live and will kick off as usual or planned friends. Steve oburu of KIM college and works at tuff foam mall was Raila in on tuesday newspaper. Check the teeth structure folks. Go to the factory and check for him no keeping on saying am that or this and you know well his residence or working ground, needs New anchors to end this stupid malpractice or impersonation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQzqbpkJlTo King of the jew- authentic, ther as vagina you know each race, keys, pakistan was goshen, costerians were taken to kenturckey by portugues, fucking, aumalindi, mang, obamalaya as Raila was kilema-uma, uncapacitated as limpimg, jesus and little children, oumafi, faces not faces used to make metals converted by the devil- lost coin parable. LAS cruces, chicken come home to roost, rumours, rumo-finished, malizwa- mfalme wa yawhodi, owhoman, nani in swahili, moses, sex, ngono, ngotruok time mochanda, wajamani fanya haraka, houses, senye as vagina, boxes spoils your mind stay away from them. Magdalin nyathini- matako yake ni kubwa nikama amechukuwa tabiyako- be sianda ne yom kama yako yawa. Mwone vile anatazama kama mochanda- ameuwa kuwa prostitute, nitakuchapa nikuchereze usipowacha hayo. Mfundishe magdalin. Blinking light BL booty lover made christo to be jailed he said indirectly that the egg should have it on top of houses for indentification and is one of the greatest invention in history. Bl big legs, lips, britons lips, booty latvian, lithuania, lozi, luo, luya, ludaites etc Blow job BJ, baba jesus, joseph, james, air blower etcJEW, few, every ward, empty wallet meaning poor and agikuyouclaim to be rich, engineering works ew and they claim to know business like madness in the wilderness not promised land PL pink lips with mfenesianda lives in nairobi, naivasha, nakuru, narok- they are gidionights loving walking in the night or prostitutes, twilight girls TG, the gikuyou etc. For them to be rich they must kill each other to share the welth and live good like 2-pac says they kill each other, kich is nyukikuyou, bee, wannaibee in nairobi, so they will rice as bible says through the discovery of oil which nelly G electric generating gadget has finished and they want to confiscate it to patent it to be rich but time is the essence, to little to late man. Now am in the process of eating my groundnuts, nakula tu njuguu na nyim nyim or sim sim ss zangu mos mos yaani pole pole, haki ya mungu nitampandilia wajamani mimi si kilema vile brook anadhani- am not todler when it comes to sex or an infant or incapacitated am fit and am jumping my friends. Sunday itakuwa mechi between me and hanah. "Nikey" kevin will you lick my ass hole i have looked for such? "Kevin" Hell no minaj? "Nikey" Then you are not a man enough for me, i will vacate and leave you for another man immediately- you are one and a half man for me. "Kevin" You mean it, you will boot me "Minaj" Hell, yes. Not Gayesus "Kevin" Fuck that lie nikey G. I will employ any tactic under the sun to encounter his ways or maneuvers, i mean i will go out my way or my reach to come up to a solution or dismantle him DH, dho hindu, haiti, hangary. The other women will incline that thing to me at reflex, right angled position RAP, raila, raisi, easy, president, yot or obtuse angle and they will transcend the pomp like you gave me the other night. Rabii is teacher, wichiter, cheater, western seanda, teanda, seacheles, teathonia divasifolia TD, the dutch, devolandana, aketch as wild sunflower. Mechi between me and maya is wednessday, the game, fight between me and my miya not Mrr jemsianda MJ, mango jew, my japanis, jokes, military jets etc, game itakuwa ana kwa ana, moja kwa moja mzeya. Nimehaidi, i swear as promise, i have made a vow, i will stuck there, nitakwamiliya, i will not leave easily, i will be rude in that area, sturborn and i gurantee you that girl, no jokes NJ, nitakuwa rudeboy as far as loving you is concerned babe, in swahili it says i will be kichwa ngumu KN- knowls, knowledge, kevinelson, kichwa ndogo as small mind sm shrude maneja in mathew sixtin ms, matako sweet, sawa, swedishona, swisswana or minute mind mm maji matamu as juo, luo, tuo as sickevin. I swear nitajikakamua kisoap, kisabuni, i will pull up my socks as sex is concerned sic-k, tuo, i mean nitafanya jitihada, babe hardwork, i mean being industrous. Natafuta wajama msichana mwenye tako, booty yake imeshiba watu wangu na imenishinda kupata. Kenyan MPs. Class compose a sentense using the word "booty or buttocks" My woman of buttocks shortly died before the night she booted me. Correct- arsenalit. Nikey has agreed with me and she made a vow that if am feeling her inside she will incline it to me without further questions or compromise, she will incline her thing for me at 90 digrees, lopez at 80 coz she still dont belief me fully, brook 70 digrees, knowls 100 digrees, braxton 120 digrees but my confidence is with L-lo she vowed it at 180 after practising to make that angle out my her love for me. Folks unconditional love. TCL tv meaning ther cianda lungore, ther chinis, cameroonians, chiles, colombiams, luongore, lando, ther ciara, cinthia lando baba. click this link friends and read all after my edition 1st to 6th post downward to get the full picture. https://web.facebook.com/nelkevy/photos This the felow that changes to uhuru kenyatta during the lounch of TNA party.. click this link for more infor: https://web.facebook.com/gilbert.ombeva… Please read in full all my first six post- got the damning truth.Electricity generating gadget EGG, tong, ego, mayai, border, kata using machete, amicable soluotion AS, booty, asembly plant, national asembly NA, illuominati, ngato achiel, one person op obama phone, asembo bay, bas, tas, mas, kas, nas, pas, ras, was, das etc Please read every comments on the first five ff post. Yaani unapump unrelentingly without stopage or further directions or instructions. Thats not raila in the news paper but a poor boda boda bb rider at bar kalare who has small feet- the one holding sudan president like the twin building in mid-town kisumu like spouces ontop of mega plaza. Someone pricking your sianda- spys, somene hitting you Shy-lock Minaj, if i find one messing with my girl, from dust he came to dust he will return, i mean i will employ every resource within my reach to make sure he goes to his grave early. Natafuta wajama msichana mwenye tako, booty yake imeshiba watu wangu na imenishinda kupata. Kenyan MPs. Class compose a sentense using the word "booty or buttocks" My woman of buttocks shortly died before the night she booted me. Correct- arsenalit. Nikey has agreed with me and she made a vow that if am feeling her inside she will incline it to me without further questions or compromise, she will incline her thing for me at 90 digrees, lopez at 80 coz she still dont belief me fully, brook 70 digrees, knowls 100 digrees, braxton 120 digrees but my confidence is with L-lo she vowed it at 180 after practising to make that angle out my her love for me. Folks unconditional love. TCL tv meaning ther cianda lungore, ther chinis, cameroonians, chiles, colombiams, luongore, lando, ther ciara, cinthia lando baba. He looked exhousted as if the vigina is finishing or has finish him, Ke please pull up your socks- jitahidi, jikakamua kisoap, kisabuni. An agikuyou just approach me and told me nelly their is no point to suffer in kenya, lost of job in developed world which are paid under the table. Just get into our cartel, we control the JKA so after we change you to the point of fitting a porch or a brief case you go to the usa or europe without incuring any cost of airticket. We place you there work those jobs when they are there but give us half of your pay come back and put it in online shares, bulishtrade or start your own business. This a big thing without doubt thats how nairobi is built or mombasa, we are really reaping from it, wish we recruit every kenyan who is willing. Message to developed world to curb this malpractice or menace, every person finger print or voice recognition should be taken and confirmed before the work is assigned. click this link. Get money online GMO We have a huge client base of upto 5 hundred thousand clientele and recruit massively daily, i mean upto 200 such people everyday- we call them go-getters. Our client base is big, we mean that folks. http://www.bullishtrade.com/ Kevinelsonmondy Ombuorading Wandeterading obama coming for adeal- toyota, hindi, usa killed this fellow mistakenly as much as the luo and kikuyou. Guys where are you at amons funeral, want to use people- forget man. PS peace summit, prodigol saviour, pier sianda, sweet, swedishona, somali, swisswana, polish, peru sianda, snitch, stupid etc pier tamu pt, pis talk, pier tychus.Mochanda unaletesha gemchezo, na pia naletesha mchezo NM, nikey minaj, minesota, mt nebo, mama neddy, nelson, matako nebraskanamibians, nigerianorwergians. The fightugo iko tight with me girl and i guarantee you that it will be the dawn of you new happines with satisfaction guaranteed leave that poor boy who pride himself but when visting the pit latrine he diarrhea like a worn out motor bike which is being repaired, Get off his mosquito chest and small nasty arms. I will never let you go or down- this goes to my girl minaj. click this link.... https://www.youtube.com/watch… Game itakuwa always tight i promise, ngumu sana NS, nelsonorwegian sianda, not snitch, snake, slow, songs etc. My skills i guess are somehow suparb after years of training. Skyls ya game SYG-araila as cigarate.Seduction mission SM, smile, sianda mongolians, mathew 16 shrude manager SM, smote, smile, seduction campaign SC, scores, sugar caneth, sean combs, sean cutter, sianda chinis, colombians, somali, swedishona, swana cianda, snake, snitch colo, chinis etc KFC- kevin furking ciara, kenyatta, keneth, kenedy fucking chinis, colombians, kenturkey fried chiken, cheese. click this link folks: https://www.youtube.com/watch… Class affirm with me, kaposis sacoma KS utacoma, kevin snitch, songs, snake, swedishona, swana, serpent, slow, kitungu saumu as ugalic, olictigah, nigah, bat, hand, buttockevin- got medication. Please knowls give it an round of applause. Nikey, brook V your hagar needs ISO certification they are polite , goodlooking and has respect. ESP nikey is hangarian according to my thersis. Wine for me brook, nikey, dance for me coz your booty now is bubbling bubling BB, bible, wife s bibi, wise, is wiggling wigling WW white women, wwf, world war, wenye wivu as WW. Hagah yako inahitaji sifa, recognition, it seems you eat to much french fries FF, figure fucking, fish firming, figure fucking, french fries like luckey to to spreed and grow the buttocks, its like they are awaiting to burst, girl dont eat much- am leting you know, if you dint know. Dot eat much, reduce your cholosterol intake babe. Chebukatea fight CF-C, cianda fat, finish, french, cianda fucking, colombian fucking. Luo fallen short fs FAT SIANDA, FRENCH sianda, snitch as nmuch as kikuyou dont have their women of such so they burst into dire anger DA-la, cianda not like uganda, TZ, jamaica got their own women.The combution of oil to drive the turbine in the engine is also an awe to me, refridgirator cooling effect also is a ciander rather a wonder. They are using tax payers TP, the pier, pritense, precidency to woe women WW- white women, pesa ya uma for kuma as vagina, ouma, kitten, paka, owhoma as Raila odinga omolo, end signs ES mark thirtin mt, matako tokre, tz, togo, tasmania etc Govt money GM, gold money, gikuyou men. NATURAL GAS ng, NGONO, SEX, NYA GOT also a myth how is mined. needs a nobel peace price in oslo; electric generating gadget EGG, tong, kata, divide, amicable soluotion AS, assembl plant, mayai,yath, trees, medication, dawa, dust, dutch, luodaite, dynamore, dark, Parable of the worker & the vineyard- dont i have the right to do what i want with my own fucking life? They do wired things hoping to come up with invention not knowing these things are devols work, and they are found in parts- parable as christ insinuates CI-anda. The white man cheat people with religion so that folks do not wake up- jesus with belzabub, if engineering works EW is satans work SW-ara, then how can you come up with innovation? Guys if you wanna live follow me. click these linkevin https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=niniola+song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uh0dp8C6UZQ https://www.youtube.com/results…Our suffering OS, Hosana, God, mungu, yahwe- weyesuna, mosquito disturb.click these links for more details- https://web.facebook.com/nelkevy/allactivity… How to generate stimaowhoma that fully eliminates gasolin. Parable of the net TN, ten nill, the negev, nigros. Vinyard parable VP, valdmir puttin, very poor, vagina poa, vice president. Worker parable WP wilo, winyo pier. Owhoma was a cook, cookiing king of the jew and serving people sp in fort jesus aka raila, right to do with my life mathew or luke 20. The least shall serve you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZsRVkN5IbQ8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8EDiqCoRkuQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQWHKI4jo5k I beg of you and you denied, i mean you dint give it to me, you stuck with it, which kind of game, play, jokes, jest is that? scratch my back and i scratch yours is the rule of the thumb, is the channel.Give it to me and i will reciprocate back twice as much as you give me tonight. But babe tonight am really feeling your touch, wamth, your love- i mean am really feeling you. https://www.jumia.co.ke/jumia-tv-mania/… https://www.kilimall.co.ke/ am in deep shit of uncooth and brutal cutting by machete or panga from the kenyan govt, thats why am writting for support. And i magine christ apeared to me when i was kidnaped. He had big body BB, big battocks BB, small teath with spaces like he was from comoros, seacheles or malagasy or marry had that blood- really no one can believe, He emanated from the wall and showed me alot through body language. Believe me, tsunami in japan, india, britain and earthquake in nairobi as who to that city built on the hill. am editing and posting on my fifth post from this post or the fourth and the fifth post after this one out of security concerns that's why am not posting up. Check it out!!!I got so many emails because g mail keeps changing your password of the already signed up email giving you difficulties the next day. So many people desire uniform password for all their logging's but this is enmity to Yahoo and G mail. Stay out of this, let them hack my email- am better off. Get me on this mail- [email protected]. Levi as kevi to help you- no God like him in deuteronomy thirty tree DTT, donald trump, devol, david time, digitol time, the thuol, transformer, transfiguration, truth, tibet- when what you hide has been unearthed, known- how machines are made and you are poor, Jew, empty wallet, exactly, extremely white and genesis forty nine FN fating, fat nelson- stitch in time saves nine SN, snow, sianda nelson, father, frends, finish, french nelson. We call him jeshuran, jest jokes, joshua eight, Jestugo, mchezo, game, ran is mad, nuts, insane, groundnuts for discerning spirit ds, devol signs, iran was part of Egypt after darelocation out of torential rain, lost coin parable, kikuyou lower teath. The innovation still gets to you becouse kenyans cant make the accessories of making an egg, still you will make it and sell, open up you eyes- strong again economically after patenting it. Ciara is walking hurriedly on that song ft missy eliot, ME, mfalme as if she was cooking corpse and left it over the cooker but something has crossed her mind that maybe is burning or water almost drained and the neighbour maybe have been alerted by the odour or smell, so she is going to check and control the happening. The combution of oil to drive the turbine in the engine is also an awe to me, refridgirator cooling effect also is a ciander rather a wonder. They are using tax payers TP, the pier, pritense, precidency to woe women WW- white women, pesa ya uma for kuma as vagina, ouma, kitten, paka, owhoma as Raila odinga omolo, end signs ES mark thirtin mt, matako tokre, tz, togo, tasmania etc Govt money GM, gold money, gikuyou men. NATURAL GAS ng, NGONO, SEX, NYA GOT also a myth how is mined. Electricity generating gadget EGG, tong, ego, mayai, border, kata using machete, amicable soluotion AS, booty, asembly plant, national asembly NA, illuominati, ngato achiel, one person op obama phone, asembo bay, bas, tas, mas, kas, nas, pas, ras, was, das etc Please read every comments on the first five ff post. Yaani unapump unrelentingly without stopage or further directions or instructions. Thats not raila in the news paper but a poor boda boda bb rider at bar kalare who has small feet- the one holding sudan president like the twin building in mid-town kisumu like spouces ontop of mega plaza.uma is folkevin. MY barclays bank a/c was closed so no one can tell me to go and get money there- how stupid is that folks? 2go invoice also changed logging style from code sent to the phone no just to password, so it forces you to known the incumbent email address to close the a?c opened under your name. Its now futile even if you know the phone number PN, pier nelsonigerians etc just like paypal was also changed not to get into the phone line PL but jus a password. PL, pink lips, pantha leo as simba wa youdah. sianda, shida jamaicans SJ, satan jachien, shida joseph, james, jokes, johns, snake jesus, shoot, shot joseph, jeshuran, joshua etc. Most nigerians artists are ugandans due to small bodies as nigerians are heavly built, this is a plan of artificial insemination AI, accurate information or child transfered to a nation under kaguta govt to lure the world that they are nigros to get fever if oil has been overtaken as UG sing good in africah than any other country as congo. obama, trumpulin bullishtrade account frozen so they want deal, omondil to fix the reality show RS, ras swedishiona, swisswana, somali etc. DR-C congo has vast resources inclusive of food but nigeria, sudan, namibia is 80% driven fuel economy and fuel has been overtaken by Electric generating gadget EGG, tong as amicable soluotin AS, matako, chienyuma. Nigros ont claim even allegence to east africah because that fuel is now redundant, think outside the box or twice. my phone no is 0737505306 but the previous was 0718467657 which i was using in my logings which was hacked at my paypal account. click these links for more infor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rwQsp71PYlw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cSnkWzZ7ZAA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FVrEigYJiQg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qCUllMTf2uk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TyleICWPZ6U https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNXTu6T20n8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_bPjsDcPHks Mfalme wa yawhodi.. oniala, alabama, alamarks, mc donald ireland, ala is God, alcatel charger strong, serikal as goverment, alovera, mwarubaine etc Click this link: http://www.aptuspower.com/Default.asp https://www.youtube.com/watch… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKT8_kbwdUA tarujhttps://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=glen+washington+mix+ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8eytBBDxkI Class tunga sentensi ukitumia neno " Hagar"... Manzi wangu wa hagar aliniacha kidogo tu before kuhagar dunia. He looks at me stranded-Minaj says MS- msoto, poor- as if his manhood is being eaten a way or the vagina is swallowing, grinding his small thing ST, st tychus, stranded, startor, story as if the vagina is winning his thing reducing the size of his thing.Judges, joshua, james, john, james Eight JE-st, jestugo, mchezo, play, valley of jehoshaphat, kijeli is irony, jelly. Genesis, Gidions Eight GE, Gelectrics, gemchezo, generatoration, gem stone GS, good samaritan, greekevin, gikuyou, german, guyan society, gay songs, society. you take that meat stew or beans soup you pour on that white face of his, hicho michele, yaani rice. unamwaga kwa hicho sura nyeupe chake, e-olo ewiyeno jokanyama then kijiko just plough it out throwing it into your damn mouth. Rihanna - Diamonds https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lWA2pjMjpBs They fall sometimes the plain after monitoring how many people have carried liquid cash in the bags and brief case. They do this in far deep seas they collect the cash floating on their bags on water then cheat the folks they are looking for black box. They use the likes of Raila who transform to rodents or insect to monitor the luggage caring money. And this is done so that the plain company gets new order and the insurer pays to benefit the plain owners and the family of the deceased to benefit. The plain company can stop its operations just like the GM company. My friends if you don't know you better know. They want the money withdrawn from countries next to Syria not pay the military but taken back to the economy so pulling up the forces to the usa so turkey take over coz right-now there economy is huge out of the fact they have known massively to make electronic and mechanical gadgets. They saves their ass or their military budget, they shift some burden to upcoming nations. How do we know a city is built with floatsome and jetsome of fallen plains, like ny or atl if you take a glance at the city skyline in a flash you see like the plain hitting one of the tall buildings just like it hit world trade center few years back. Even ships they sink link Titanic to get the cash. Friends you have never heard that the money in the plain has been returned but the black box returned yet the cash is also in the box as brief case- they take that cash. People should be burred from boarding plains with huge cash lest they fall the plain with small drones that move without proper sound. They track the plain itinerary b4 they fall them. Eti ananipima, anapima mtu amemushinda mwenye wameblock. opimo mande gi rule nie-inches adi au anapima kuma yake na rula its how centimetre. Opimo pier min mare. Stupid fool. Ongiyo min mare to opimo min mare- mzeya wacha please kose mande rame yawa!! Shots - Young Killer X Khaligraph Jones Feat Sagini (Official Music Video) Shots - Young Killer X Khaligraph Jones Feat Sagini (Official Music Video) Credits Artist : Young Killer X Khaligraph Jones Feat Sagini Producer: Kashkeed (Kenya) Mixing & Mastering Engin... Play So bulishtrade.com is temporarily dis-enabled so trump is meeting Kim to discus the next terrorist activity either falling a plain or blowing Brussels train system. The USA fund terrorism and promiscuity but at the end of the day they send their army to the middle east proclaiming to the whole world they are curbing these vices, How absurd is that friend, pretense of the highest caliber. If they don't stop a fence is being built to curb their movement awaiting an alliance of other nations who have come up to destroy them to fulfill the bible promise we will take their wives. Middle east is close to India and Pakistan so they can open many a/c to withdraw cash from http://www.2goinvoice.com. Is purely pretense guys. Destroyed from down in Mexico and up from Canada. Mfalme wa yawhodi and the rich young ruler with Christ, what can i do to gain eternal life- sell all and give to the poor was usa being alluded, sell the software, canada, wall, duluth line of weakness with lake superior, Illinois. Donald trump and his likes were moved with jealousy as other taller buildings had came up taking away ny pride, so they could not bring just a building down, it could be seen pure as jealousy so it was to bring the way they did and say its a terrorist attack. So they have erected a new stylish building same to Riverside attack in Nairobi, the same fellow who was the best in fixing lift problems and motors as a private duty escape the tragedy but at riverside as i hear he was the target but this time round it fell on him. Click the down-link for more information. Just read between the lines and figure out for your self.They want developed countries to have more population so their is much flow of cash and many banks to operate to find how to withdraw much cash from these nations they want not to develop. Big shame of being unscrupulous. This man was a beast when it comes to propelling my discovery in Facebook which is date and the edited Facebook date can be seen, i have never gotten to my Facebook for the past one year. Dude when was your discovery, back off bwana just like in Revelation five- who is able to look/see who has prevailed/muomo which means he lived in hard life to prevail not in riches. He has not got himself in illuominatea so he can look at things which if he gets into illuminati then it makes that chapter null and void coz he will be no able to see unless he is struggled. 4 Ways to make a Free Energy Mobile Phone Charger 4 Ways to make a Free Energy Mobile Phone Charger 4 Ways to make a Free Energy Mobile Phone Charger You can subscribe here : https://goo.gl/017Emz facebook : http... Play Play 4 Ways to make a Free Energy Mobile Phone Charger 4 Ways to make a Free Energy Mobile Phone Charger You can subscribe here : https://goo.gl/017Emz facebook : http... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3oXvy0J4PE How To Make Generator Free Energy With Dc Motor 200% Free Energy Use Free Electricity How To Make Generator Free Energy With Dc Motor 200% Free Energy Use Fre... How To Make Generator Free Energy With Dc Motor 200% Free Energy Use Free Electricity For More Information Pleas... Play Play How To Make Generator Free Energy With Dc Motor 200% Free Energy Use Fre... How To Make Generator Free Energy With Dc Motor 200% Free Energy Use Free Electricity For More Information Pleas... KHALIGRAPH JONES x ROSTAM - NOW YOU KNOW KHALIGRAPH JONES x ROSTAM - NOW YOU KNOW BLU INK CORP PRESENTS THE 1st RELEASE OFF THE TESTIMONY 1990 ALBUM SCHEDULED TO DROP ON THE 12th OF JUNE, THE TR... Play Play KHALIGRAPH JONES x ROSTAM - NOW YOU KNOW BLU INK CORP PRESENTS THE 1st RELEASE OFF THE TESTIMONY 1990 ALBUM SCHEDULED TO DROP ON THE 12th OF JUNE, THE TR... https://nairobinews.nation.co.ke/news/riverside-attack-policeman-succumbs-six-bodies-found-as-death-toll-rises/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mK8SZ3TT8o4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9h_ygctnwA Alternator 220V & Motor 12V charging system Alternator 220V & Motor 12V charging system Alternator and Motor charging system Explanation: In this system, the alternator is able to give stable and dura... Play Play https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nYXIBTB4fao Alternator 220V & Motor 12V charging system Alternator and Motor charging system Explanation: In this system, the alternator is able to give stable and dura... Bible Gateway passage: Revelation 5 - New International Version Bible Gateway passage: Revelation 5 - New International Version The Scroll and the Lamb - Then I saw in the right hand of him who sat on the throne a scroll with writing on bot... Bible Gateway passage: Revelation 5 - New International Version The Scroll and the Lamb - Then I saw in the right hand of him who sat on the throne a scroll with writing on bot... https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Revelation+5&version=NIV Bible Gateway passage: Revelation 6 - New International Version Bible Gateway passage: Revelation 6 - New International Version The Seals - I watched as the Lamb opened the first of the seven seals. Then I heard one of the four living creat... Bible Gateway passage: Revelation 6 - New International Version The Seals - I watched as the Lamb opened the first of the seven seals. Then I heard one of the four living creat... https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Revelation+6&version=NIV 12 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04SfNQL9P-E https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-KT3IKtbV_Q He was a beast when it comes to fixing lift/escalator problems The border issue is to bar blacks with a criminal to cross to Mexico to open more bank a/c to get more money and any other one. Also to block the blacks to go further down as Costa Rica and to protect people from countries below mexico even Africa to get to USA via the border. Basically is out of jealousy, anyway what is usa when there is 2goinvoice.com where you withdraw money using firefox and you can buy dat software at amazon.com. Mexicans follow suit, USA was built using this money and you can do likewise. click these blue urlinks https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#sent/KtbxLvhNWMknQqsktfXdLJwThJztMRmhpL Reggae Covers Best Of Reggae Love Songs Vol 2 ►Romain Virgo,Ghost,Busy Signal,Daville & More Mix The book of isiah, christ is to preach the goodnews to the captive, bond- that was the money gotten from 2goinvoice and teeth whitening with hydrogen peroxide, nyamau concoction with smelling gums, mfenesi with big booty women in ecclesiastic four EF, MREFU, EFFECTUAL. The women frown at you as if you have taken or you want the same woman of booty they are interested in, they have developed up a beef of sphere of interest. They think you now got money at 2goinvoice and you are up to thwart their agenda of lesbianism, so they lie they give you or you beg them money in that they fund partly your life. Take the serial of your money when you give it tome so that if i go to the next vendor she identifies not just mere/empty words of false accusations. When you have defeated them they dont relent but send someone close to insane to terrorise you in that for him to leave you ,you must get into a jig with him of saying their sickening accent and thats a big shame brother. They resort to giving you warning and advice that you know well as this dont walk on this side of the road the car will knock you. They dont want to be called bandwagons or left behind. Do not deviate with your pride starting to say old phrases that you are now like greek philosophers without you children will pick up bad character, be what you wanted to be in the first place- get to make auto-mobiles like you have always portrayed to the whole world. Leave the little kids alone, advice grown-ups who are stuck like the ones in poverty- kids have a long way to go. Goat parable and mfalme wa yawhodi. She meets you for the first time like in a van not knowing shortly you are going to alight but wants you madly like you like in the same address or street or attends the same institution. This kind of a woman you won't meet again but she is madly in love, you have pity on her if she does this to everyone alien. Partly 2goinvoice money has made many nations to be innovative just like the jew spent 400yrs and became likewise so is a blessing in disguise. Eti ananipima, anapima mtu amemushinda mwenye wameblock. opimo mande gi rule nie-inches adi au anapima kuma yake na rula its how centimetre. Opimo pier min mare. Stupid fool. Ongiyo min mare to opimo min mare- mzeya wacha please kose mande rame yawa!! Shots - Young Killer X Khaligraph Jones Feat Sagini (Official Music Video) Shots - Young Killer X Khaligraph Jones Feat Sagini (Official Music Video) Credits Artist : Young Killer X Khaligraph Jones Feat Sagini Producer: Kashkeed (Kenya) Mixing & Mastering Engin... Play So bulishtrade.com is temporarily dis-enabled so trump is meeting Kim to discus the next terrorist activity either falling a plain or blowing Brussels train system. The USA fund terrorism and promiscuity but at the end of the day they send their army to the middle east proclaiming to the whole world they are curbing these vices, How absurd is that friend, pretense of the highest caliber. If they don't stop a fence is being built to curb their movement awaiting an alliance of other nations who have come up to destroy them to fulfill the bible promise we will take their wives. Middle east is close to India and Pakistan so they can open many a/c to withdraw cash from http://www.2goinvoice.com. Is purely pretense guys. Destroyed from down in Mexico and up from Canada. Mfalme wa yawhodi and the rich young ruler with Christ, what can i do to gain eternal life- sell all and give to the poor was usa being alluded, sell the software, canada, wall, duluth line of weakness with lake superior, Illinois. Donald trump and his likes were moved with jealousy as other taller buildings had came up taking away ny pride, so they could not bring just a building down, it could be seen pure as jealousy so it was to bring the way they did and say its a terrorist attack. So they have erected a new stylish building same to Riverside attack in Nairobi, the same fellow who was the best in fixing lift problems and motors as a private duty escape the tragedy but at riverside as i hear he was the target but this time round it fell on him. Click the down-link for more information. Just read between the lines and figure out for your self.They want developed countries to have more population so their is much flow of cash and many banks to operate to find how to withdraw much cash from these nations they want not to develop. Big shame of being unscrupulous. This man was a beast when it comes to propelling my discovery in Facebook which is date and the edited Facebook date can be seen, i have never gotten to my Facebook for the past one year. Dude when was your discovery, back off bwana just like in Revelation five- who is able to look/see who has prevailed/muomo which means he lived in hard life to prevail not in riches. He has not got himself in illuominatea so he can look at things which if he gets into illuminati then it makes that chapter null and void coz he will be no able to see unless he is struggled. 4 Ways to make a Free Energy Mobile Phone Charger 4 Ways to make a Free Energy Mobile Phone Charger 4 Ways to make a Free Energy Mobile Phone Charger You can subscribe here : https://goo.gl/017Emz facebook : http... Play Play 4 Ways to make a Free Energy Mobile Phone Charger 4 Ways to make a Free Energy Mobile Phone Charger You can subscribe here : https://goo.gl/017Emz facebook : http... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3oXvy0J4PE How To Make Generator Free Energy With Dc Motor 200% Free Energy Use Free Electricity How To Make Generator Free Energy With Dc Motor 200% Free Energy Use Fre... How To Make Generator Free Energy With Dc Motor 200% Free Energy Use Free Electricity For More Information Pleas... Play Play How To Make Generator Free Energy With Dc Motor 200% Free Energy Use Fre... How To Make Generator Free Energy With Dc Motor 200% Free Energy Use Free Electricity For More Information Pleas... KHALIGRAPH JONES x ROSTAM - NOW YOU KNOW KHALIGRAPH JONES x ROSTAM - NOW YOU KNOW BLU INK CORP PRESENTS THE 1st RELEASE OFF THE TESTIMONY 1990 ALBUM SCHEDULED TO DROP ON THE 12th OF JUNE, THE TR... Play Play KHALIGRAPH JONES x ROSTAM - NOW YOU KNOW BLU INK CORP PRESENTS THE 1st RELEASE OFF THE TESTIMONY 1990 ALBUM SCHEDULED TO DROP ON THE 12th OF JUNE, THE TR... https://nairobinews.nation.co.ke/news/riverside-attack-policeman-succumbs-six-bodies-found-as-death-toll-rises/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mK8SZ3TT8o4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9h_ygctnwA Alternator 220V & Motor 12V charging system Alternator 220V & Motor 12V charging system Alternator and Motor charging system Explanation: In this system, the alternator is able to give stable and dura... Play Play https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nYXIBTB4fao Alternator 220V & Motor 12V charging system Alternator and Motor charging system Explanation: In this system, the alternator is able to give stable and dura... Bible Gateway passage: Revelation 5 - New International Version Bible Gateway passage: Revelation 5 - New International Version The Scroll and the Lamb - Then I saw in the right hand of him who sat on the throne a scroll with writing on bot... Bible Gateway passage: Revelation 5 - New International Version The Scroll and the Lamb - Then I saw in the right hand of him who sat on the throne a scroll with writing on bot... https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Revelation+5&version=NIV Bible Gateway passage: Revelation 6 - New International Version Bible Gateway passage: Revelation 6 - New International Version The Seals - I watched as the Lamb opened the first of the seven seals. Then I heard one of the four living creat... Bible Gateway passage: Revelation 6 - New International Version The Seals - I watched as the Lamb opened the first of the seven seals. Then I heard one of the four living creat... https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Revelation+6&version=NIV 12 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04SfNQL9P-E https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-KT3IKtbV_Q He was a beast when it comes to fixing lift/escalator problems The border issue is to bar blacks with a criminal to cross to Mexico to open more bank a/c to get more money and any other one. Also to block the blacks to go further down as Costa Rica and to protect people from countries below mexico even Africa to get to USA via the border. Basically is out of jealousy, anyway what is usa when there is 2goinvoice.com where you withdraw money using firefox and you can buy dat software at amazon.com. Mexicans follow suit, USA was built using this money and you can do likewise. click these blue urlinks https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#sent/KtbxLvhNWMknQqsktfXdLJwThJztMRmhpL Reggae Covers Best Of Reggae Love Songs Vol 2 ►Romain Virgo,Ghost,Busy Signal,Daville & More Mix The book of isiah, christ is to preach the goodnews to the captive, bond- that was the money gotten from 2goinvoice and teeth whitening with hydrogen peroxide, nyamau concoction with smelling gums, mfenesi with big booty women in ecclesiastic four EF, MREFU, EFFECTUAL. The women frown at you as if you have taken or you want the same woman of booty they are interested in, they have developed up a beef of sphere of interest. They think you now got money at 2goinvoice and you are up to thwart their agenda of lesbianism, so they lie they give you or you beg them money in that they fund partly your life. Take the serial of your money when you give it tome so that if i go to the next vendor she identifies not just mere/empty words of false accusations. When you have defeated them they dont relent but send someone close to insane to terrorise you in that for him to leave you ,you must get into a jig with him of saying their sickening accent and thats a big shame brother. They resort to giving you warning and advice that you know well as this dont walk on this side of the road the car will knock you. They dont want to be called bandwagons or left behind. Do not deviate with your pride starting to say old phrases that you are now like greek philosophers without you children will pick up bad character, be what you wanted to be in the first place- get to make auto-mobiles like you have always portrayed to the whole world. Leave the little kids alone, advice grown-ups who are stuck like the ones in poverty- kids have a long way to go. Goat parable and mfalme wa yawhodi. She meets you for the first time like in a van not knowing shortly you are going to alight but wants you madly like you like in the same address or street or attends the same institution. This kind of a woman you won't meet again but she is madly in love, you have pity on her if she does this to everyone alien. ----- Forwarded Message ----- From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]> To: Lt.Christal Pagaran <[email protected]> Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]> Sent: Saturday, January 19, 2019, 2:52:43 PM GMT+3 Subject: Fw: Yeye yeye yeye, A girl like me ----- Forwarded Message ----- From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]> To: [email protected] <[email protected]> Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]> Sent: Saturday, January 19, 2019, 2:52:17 PM GMT+3 Subject: Fw: Yeye yeye yeye, A girl like me ----- Forwarded Message ----- From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]> To: [email protected] <[email protected]> Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]> Sent: Saturday, January 19, 2019, 2:51:37 PM GMT+3 Subject: Fw: Yeye yeye yeye, A girl like me ----- Forwarded Message ----- From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]> To: [email protected] <[email protected]> Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]> Sent: Saturday, January 19, 2019, 2:30:37 PM GMT+3 Subject: Fw: Yeye yeye yeye, A girl like me ----- Forwarded Message ----- From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]> To: [email protected] <[email protected]> Cc: Lt.Christal Pagaran <[email protected]> Sent: Saturday, January 19, 2019, 2:30:15 PM GMT+3 Subject: Fw: Yeye yeye yeye, A girl like me ----- Forwarded Message ----- From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]> To: Ruth Muga <[email protected]> Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]> Sent: Saturday, January 19, 2019, 2:29:55 PM GMT+3 Subject: Fw: Yeye yeye yeye, A girl like me ---- Forwarded Message ----- From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]> To: Ruth Muga <[email protected]> Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]> Sent: Friday, January 18, 2019, 6:58:33 PM GMT+3 Subject: Fw: Yeye yeye yeye, A girl like me ----- Forwarded Message ----- From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]> To: [email protected] <[email protected]> Cc: Erick Okonji <[email protected]> Sent: Friday, January 18, 2019, 6:58:07 PM GMT+3 Subject: Fw: Yeye yeye yeye, A girl like me ----- Forwarded Message ----- From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]> To: [email protected] <[email protected]> Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]> Sent: Friday, January 18, 2019, 6:57:22 PM GMT+3 Subject: Fw: Yeye yeye yeye, A girl like me ----- Forwarded Message ----- From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]> To: [email protected] <[email protected]> Cc: Kev Monde <[email protected]> Sent: Friday, January 18, 2019, 6:44:29 PM GMT+3 Subject: Fw: Yeye yeye yeye, A girl like me ----- Forwarded Message ----- From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]> To: [email protected] <[email protected]> Cc: Lt.Christal Pagaran <[email protected]> Sent: Friday, January 18, 2019, 6:43:26 PM GMT+3 Subject: Fw: Yeye yeye yeye, A girl like me ----- Forwarded Message ----- From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]> To: [email protected] <[email protected]> Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]> Sent: Friday, January 18, 2019, 6:42:58 PM GMT+3 Subject: Fw: Yeye yeye yeye, A girl like me ----- Forwarded Message ----- From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]> To: Lt.Christal Pagaran <[email protected]> Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]> Sent: Friday, January 18, 2019, 6:38:10 PM GMT+3 Subject: Fw: Yeye yeye yeye, A girl like me ----- Forwarded Message ----- From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]> To: [email protected] <[email protected]> Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]> Sent: Friday, January 18, 2019, 6:37:39 PM GMT+3 Subject: Fw: Yeye yeye yeye, A girl like me ----- Forwarded Message ----- From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]> To: Deborah Ojuok <[email protected]> Cc: Ruth Muga <[email protected]> Sent: Friday, January 18, 2019, 6:33:11 PM GMT+3 Subject: Fw: Yeye yeye yeye, A girl like me ----- Forwarded Message ----- From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]> To: coopbankkenya <[email protected]> Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]> Sent: Friday, January 18, 2019, 6:32:38 PM GMT+3 Subject: Fw: Yeye yeye yeye, A girl like me ----- Forwarded Message ----- From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]> To: [email protected] <[email protected]> Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]> Sent: Friday, January 18, 2019, 6:31:36 PM GMT+3 Subject: Fw: Yeye yeye yeye, A girl like me ----- Forwarded Message ----- From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]> To: [email protected] <[email protected]> Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]> Sent: Friday, January 18, 2019, 6:29:59 PM GMT+3 Subject: Yeye yeye yeye, A girl like me enya is very important to loose will not be there coz they have known about a magical free cash at 2goinvoice the likes of robinson, so they dont give a damn about scrap metal dealership infact they are insinuating they wanna close it. Shame on you white people. Its very painfull but there aint traces of blood or just blood do not ooze out. Its like a bruised skin from the heat of a hot metal, clinton is in love with folks Deuteronomy thirty three tt the naftali tribe had these warning it was changed on isachar tribe it, will be forced to forced labour when he sees the beauty of his land. Women with barnabas, detour. the naftali is itali, mfalme wa yawhodi, maldova as vineyard parable. Malachi four MF, mfenesiandapeness, matako flat, french, finish, fat, flabby. When 2goinvoice is eradicated with eliminating online money to liquid cash LC, lost coin- good neighbour with christ as little children to cement the truth then italians will  have nothing but the grape plantation and tourism  to move the economy coz 90 percent of her population gets money via http://www.2goinvoice.com and invest in bulishtrade.com they want to reap where they dint saw in parable of the talent as they are lazy. With their cars other nations have known to make such, infant if Ghana commercialize her automobile industry AI its going to be the richest country in the continent alongside Egypt and Ethiopia. Genesis 49 twelve tribes of israel Toi 4 masturbation affecting dem, watoi they are as kid, kids of the jewomen. Amedharau bibi yake, amezanaye watoyi wengi, uki love mkewe unazanaye atmost watoto watatu. Let americah de-evaluate their currency as it is used under 2goinvoice.com to thwart the maneuvers of 3rd world countries. The automobiles are in store guys we are waiting and watching 4 our friends and foes we as a people, we cant sing this way folks, dont you know..... https://mail.google.com/mail/#sent/QgrcJHsHpDdnTwwKmBKZrKQwGblmwdSZRNB https://mail.yahoo.com/d/folders/2 click the link upside when you open your yahoo or gmail browser Tell britons get out Australia my land, the aborigins land with immediate effect. Essa car ec, ennd signs mark/mathew 21. In store baby, dont you mind girl https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DupoY0we6IU Haile selasi with ethiopia as ethiopia also makes electronic, what a perfect combination These are egyptian cars on the downward link You shoot a fellow on a tandarua or tent then you drug him off your premise to the fence so any traces of hair or blood is not detected then you say he was an intruder ai. Where is the pictures on camera to cement the truth then still you aint a shamed you go to donald trump in washington sitting with him, morever a man working at the scrap dealership you also created a deal together with trump and robinson and a stupid fellow hit him with an iron rob to the point of death. Shame on you sick bustered. Its very painfull but there aint traces of blood or just blood do not ooze out. Its like a bruised skin from the heat of a hot metal, clinton is in love with folks. Because he was trying to make gadgets and morever you cant hack the email or facebook. munyambuliko wa vitenzi, yaani nikushuta shuta too, i mean farting. Email company should register people to minimize number of emails opened, the more emails you got the more paypal a/c you can open and the more money you can get from 2goinvoice.com. They should operate like a phone company does to minimize no of emails to open- mfalme wa yawhodi. Rumors has it that am of this tribe and that, well i will take that insult but keep in mind the DNA factor of those said parents to be my father and mother. And another in Mathew twenty mt where is the company rights sold to and where is the company situated or located? Ten minas or lost coin parable and who are working in this company is the greatest thing/commision. Go straight to hell you bustered, a people of jealousy and retort. Its early morning birds charping/singing, chickens cocking, the children are already out playing, some on the rooftops, others blowing vuvuzela, others washing utensils and washing their clothes yet grown ups/adults are still sound asleep in their bedrooms in their cocoon. Shame to you parents. slave port was in Ghana and they are making cars so what your stand now you are from ghana now? Online cash should be eradicated coz we dont know where the cash is coming from, it should be liquid cash all through when you send cash abroad you use courier to send not paperless cash, vineyard parable, the vice versa to block the white money tricks and maneuvers. https://mail.yahoo.com/d/folders/2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LrL5vgAbJ70 https://mail.yahoo.com/d/folders/2/messages/1034 IF am this and that race, well with me i accept but to you for proof bring those my parents and we do a DNA test to authenticated if they are my parents. If they conquer then you got the day and me i dont like my race or parents. Lets be men of few words. Two container house you conjoined them horizontally and put a V-shaped roof on two of them. The inside you put cardboard on the wall. The crafted house technology the company name. Lost coin parable, that hse can stay 4 a millennium guys dont joke and is cheap alongside being durable. You sorry and your sorry can never heal my wound baby, each day you keep coming up with a new story. You pole that we pole that if translated. We are polish from Poland the wichiterians. Click these links for more information https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UtOM-YGjjsw Go chongi piny ilem if you love a white women if she is so much in your mind and thats precisely what they want. Nill down and pray like you worship her, okibroyoudo, hautapata if you dont employ that. They wanna introduce these things later after our demise Nigros back to slavery, women with barnabas so they are left with empty words they wanted to go there if dolar is de-evaluated still to matter but slavery is handy. When dolla is de-evaluated it will be meaningless this side so they wont gain fame with free things FT fat taco, thats the plan wid 2goinvoive.com as sheep and goat parable made christ to be arrested. 2face's Official Video "If Love Is A Crime" click the link below on donald trump pulling out the usa troops https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-ab&q=trump+pulling+us+troops+out++of+++++++++iraq They have spreed all their wings all-over the world purporting to be rich but little did we know they fund all there projects using free-money gotten from http://www.2goinvoice.com. So they wanna withdraw the troops coz somehow the invoice has been dis-enabled so no funds for previous bujet to pay for their projects. If they  refuse to accept defeat then the best option is the violent will take it by force. click these links folks Visitors remember MLK at Lorraine Motel, site of his assassination Old freddie song is me, click the link below Imagine Dragons - Bad Liar (Lyrics) 2018 https://mail.yahoo.com/d/folders/2/messages/1248 click the links below and compare https://www.nation.co.ke/news/GSU-shoots-intruder-at-State-House/1056-3874160-84m7g2z/index.html https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-ab&q=intrudor+at+the+white+hse+from+texas https://www.google.com/search?q=intruder+at+the+white+house+from+texas&client=firefox-b-ab&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjtqqGc_NHfAhWF8eAKHfbbDYQQsAR6BAgFEAE&biw=1280&bih=931 maye nyime both, what can she tell me, ni nini anaweza kunishow. Endahuko, dhikucho jinga hii, bloody-fuckni, fool swears a friend and morever guves sex to stupid bragats to me. Alot of disrespect but at the end of the day its purely gaysm to him. Ruoth tinga malo echwada piny kachako-achung to-egoya, ka-tsunami notimo japan. Wan wadhi kayesu, wanwadhi mulo nyondo, wanwdhichamo omena, wanwadhi kanyasaye nyono mbuta The url or link in a computer screen is the writtings and symbols that starts with https://mail which is you copy paste and send to someone he sees exactly what you are seeing even with facebook. Before the link in email we got an i then a key and followed by a padlock. Dont disturb me now folks just highlight it and send to your another mail of the same calibre and  you come to watch exactly  what was in your previous mail even if hacked and deleted. How to make 220v Dynamo Generator Using 2-stroke Engine Copy paste this link to view https://www.made-in-china.com/products-search/hot-china-products/Container_House.html?msclkid=2c074caa0aca14cf9a481001461d18d4&utm_source=bing&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=QP-Construction%20%26%20Decoration(Prefabricated%20Building)&utm_term=container%20houses&utm_content=Container%20House https://putianchina.en.made-in-china.com/product/WXCEQnhKhNcm/China-Kazakhstan-Prefabricated-Container-House-Mining-Camp-Labor-Room.htmlYou bring them two- container the you refurbish and pimp the inside to your need. Nyaka bet ni-whongeyo loso accessories mi loso go Ae gadget like ghana otherwise sell the idea and get paid as a person and shut up your bg mouth or-else countries like japan or china will go into war with you coz you are using their properties to make what you are swaging 4. Money payment should be abolished greatly- direct money payment- we should have money in our bank cards and we transfer directly to another card of the same/different card at a reduced fee- we call it to wire money even on day to day small payments like shopping, taxi etc. We can wire using our smart phone or the computer. Paypal should be eliminated and banks should not accept it as it is used by criminals to get dirty money into the economy- let us know the source of the money like with western union. They fall ships and planes as much as buses or trains get that money buy 4 poor youth motor bikes to follow them recruiting them in their hooliganism. Who to the people who long to see the lords day, mfalme wa yawhodi. The same way in put them in wonder on how i say luo is the same way i can build ten times much better what they are upto even among other folks. Huduma number with fingerprints or body bmi or pulse rate to identify theft or know the exact population of a nation not cencus which aint correct. You even count pregnant kid on that woman, you delete the dead you add the new born that were never counted and you get the exact no of people in a nation not procrastination with census period. They even use human shit on bread or mandazi, get it from the smell and some of the workers who work in these supermarkets- the Hindu th, therko, sumbuwa, disturb, kuma as stupid. Towa mingi TM with 2ginvoice to support your future generation even if it is scraped, dont look at me in owe as if you are my woman and am on top of you pumping you just some few minutes to reach your orgasm. Pick your humble pisces, swallow your pride, resort to work and get to square one, i mean drawing board, stop being lazy and silly, sell your official clothing and get back to work. Ther mit, ten minas parable, timbe minaj. Sky scrapper are built using metalic bars just like the mobile booster are built, then on the floor partitioned with wood like the train rail and inside with card board or glass like with banks and on the outside on the metalic bars dark glasses like the tables from malaysia are fitted at intervals from inside or you can purforate holes from outside and tie the screw on the bars. luo say they built americah yet their building are concrete pillar made- so who is right, do it that way and why count you do it b4, then someone has told you. Thats the challenge. If you talk of the above concerning sky scrapper you see or visualized building collapsing as in the book of revelations it says a third of the earth collapsed. Those who destroy the earth as per the bible- uranium emissions ne, green-man with giving people kisii blooded kids who will people the whole earth with their offspring if not counteracted or checked. Eat ground nuts and where she is from the get to that country map and see which tribe or exact location they are from- any person dude- ecclesiastic four- his knowledge is not heeded but he saved the world and every tom, harry and dick is following him. Morever they make holes on earth from below changing temperatures and drying up some lakes, rivers and Aids virus epidermic, the people who brought it. Most nigros are from ghana, benin, cameroon, anzania, mozambique b4 greencard thing and from louisian and most southern states were there previously.
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