#i tuck this on the back of my pocket-
love love love your stuff!!! especially all your shokosugu pieces they all make me so giddy I had a request: suguru satoru and shoko all sprawled on one bed just lounging....shoko enjoying a smoke, suguru with his headphones on, satoru passed out like a log???
Hehe I'm always down to draw SaShiSu
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mvshortcut · 2 months
I was thinking about Kate and Milligan (as usual) but specifically about what Kate calls Milligan. Because he's Milligan to her, but that doesn't make him any less her dad, but she doesn't call him Dad, yknow?
How did it go? Was it an unspoken agreement where they just knew and understood the other despite just having met as father and daughter for the first time? Did she just bounce up to him and go "I'm not calling you Dad. You're Milligan and you're going to stay Milligan." and did he reply "Alright, Katie-Cat" without even a twinge of hurt because it's just so right? He just found his daughter, how could he ever be sad about anything ever again?
Or- maybe it wasn't that easy? Maybe she bounced up to him, and everything felt right, but he couldn't help but wonder... and so he went to the one place he always knew he could go when he felt lost. When he presented his troubles to Mr. Benedict - "No, it's going great, but I can't help wondering ... she doesn't want to call me Dad. Which is fine, of course, but ... maybe she doesn't see me in that way?" - when he presented his troubles to Mr. Benedict, how long did he laugh and slump unconscious for, before waking up and apologizing profusely, before helping Milligan sort it all out. (Which really meant sort himself out. Kate had it all figured out, apparently.)
Or- did she try at first? Did she try to press at a puzzle piece that just wouldn't fit? Her dad left. He left a long time ago and she's lived with that her whole life. But - her Milligan is here now. Could he ever understand?
Or- maybe it just slipped out one day, years down the line? When she was teasing him - "Extra coat, Kate, it's brisk out!" / "Da-ad, I'm nearly sixteen, you know, you don't need to-" - did they both freeze? Did she not realize what she'd done until she was halfway down the sidewalk? Did she catch him wiping at his eyes and blowing his nose? Did she tuck that away in her back pocket for later?
Just. It's all good, ya know?
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sugarpasteltmnt · 5 months
bRUH this is DELICIOUS yes yes YES 🔥🔥🔥
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essektheylyss · 1 month
hi! in 40 minutes your tag has been made obsolete if it's any consolation. I consider it cool cuz that's about the temp where I can't wear a tank top and shorts
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Oh I realized I fucked up and meant to say cool haha, it was like that when I reblogged it (I am on mobile though and cannot fix my tags 😔), but this is fascinating.
Honestly my consideration for warm is any temperature where I feel like I can get away with only one layer, whether that layer is a sweater or a T-shirt. Temperatures at which I would risk my mother going, "I told you to bring a jacket..." because I don't want to end up carrying the thing. "Cool" is when I can get by with just a light jacket or sweater, and "cold" is when I need a proper coat, and in the other direction "hot" is when I feel the need to jump into a body of water after ten minutes outside xD
I also wore the same thing for my entire childhood regardless if it was 40 degrees or 100 with only slight variation (tights/leggings under my skirt if it was cold, basically) because I went to Catholic school in a temperature climate, so cold weather uniform options just... didn't exist, which I'm retrospect probably had an impact on my temperature gauge.
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beliscary · 1 month
sir terence...
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greghatecrimes · 6 months
normally thirteen is so blorbo/teddy bear to me that I don't pay attention to how attractive she is. but when i rewatch lucky thirteen... THEN i see why yall say she's HOT
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Kanan gets to do a little murder :) as a treat
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aliferous-ly · 29 days
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i swear you give me the BEST hooks for @for-quill-with-love.
You freaking stumped me lmbooo I was sitting on that ask going feral for AGES--
not to mention the one u just sent XD I'll be sitting on that one for a while too.
IM HAVING SO MUCH FUN VIVI like . I'm sending asks as Me but also as Minecraft character me, to character quill, and like. AAAAAAA it's just a fantastic way to interact with and tell a story. also I LOVE using the text medium to my advantage lol. I had half a mind to send a message that just said [redacted for safety reasons] or some shit like that. I'm willing to go full depth with this
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joplinspiderz · 1 month
the dilemma of being proud of something i have written but not being able to show it off in fear of being burnt at the stake like those ladies back in the day
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mooshroomterrarium · 8 months
for the fake fic ask game: 🐝
all the days of our delights are poison in my veins (from bitter water by the oh hellos)
(3rd Life SMP, Scar/Grian)
This game is going to end. The desert sand is sludge beneath their feet, a color Grian's eyes refuse to linger on, but still Scar's giggles fill the yawning night— he talks about winning like he doesn’t understand what that means, smiles at Grian big and stupid like he's never had anything to lose.
Grian wishes Scar wouldn't look at him like that. He wishes Scar would hate him, hurt him, give him a reason to ruin this. It would make the next part easier.
fake fic ask game
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naffeclipse · 2 years
Heya Naff! I just wanted to send you a fun video that makes me think of the Detectives dancing with their Vigilante (even if Moon doesn't swing dance, it looks like fun XP).
Hope you have a lovely night! <3
ngl, I am absolutely swooning over this! Ahhh, I love how the dancers fit themselves into the choreography and work with each other to create something unique and beautiful!
Moon would make an exception for one (1) person. I'm sure you can imagine who ♥
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starfolk7 · 2 months
I keep thinking of a piece of Charlotte's backstory that I dropped on my brother (since we chat about each other's writing) and how it relates to her fic and him going "Oh".
It was an amazing feeling and I hope it's just as amazing when it get to writing it fjrhdhd
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blindmagdalena · 3 months
if words could be eaten, if fics could be devoured i would eat yours. they are *that* good.
this is perhaps one of the most delicious compliments i've ever gotten on my writing. i'm obsessed with this. thank you so much. 🖤
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eddies-house · 7 months
eddie in some kind of footloose au
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gunpowder-tim · 9 months
weird question but. if u wear a sunflower lanyard like do u have to wear it as a lanyard
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lovevalley45 · 3 months
i am an enjoyer of wearing my keys on my belt loop when given the option but i often tuck them into my pocket. n it's been so long since i've done that in the first place bc i lost my normal keychain literally the day i moved
so i tied my landyard to my belt loop so i could leave my room n make a quick dinner without having to worry abt being locked out and i forgot. i forgot the cat collar jingle effect
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