#i tried to avoid some of the more popular blogs (choupi; cotton; gaelle; etc)
tawmlinsun · 5 years
Can you name 3 people on here that are worth following (I said 3 so you dont write a novel trying to list everyone 😂) + the reasons why? Weird request I know, feel free to ignore if you don’t want to do it! I’m just looking for nice people to follow 😊
ONLY THREE?????? fuck okay here we go nonnie
@eliottamoureux - truly one of the sweetest people??? ever?????? so positive and kind and just such a genuine person. i love em so so much (literally the first thing that comes to mind when i think of her is “purest soul” so!!!) and my goodness is she talented!! pas peur is so stunningly written and oh my goodness em’s work just tugs at your heart in the most beautiful way and i am a forever fan!!! not to mention all her lil prompt fics!! snapshots of universes i want to dive into!!!
@softdemaury - myra, light of my life, aries queen, actual ray of sunshine. one of the first, if not the first, to ever reach out to me about my fics and just. every interaction with myra feels like a warm hug. she is so so talented (and a fic newbie??? i am ASTOUNDED) and her work just grabs you right away and pulls you in and yanks the emotions right out of you (whether she’s writing fluff or angst) and then you finish reading one of her fics and you’re just like ?????? i haven’t blinked in five minutes bc i didn’t wanna miss a single word????? oof.
@lepetitepeach - nat writes some of the most beautiful fics i have EVER read in all my years of fandom (and we’re talking 8ish years here, folks!!). like???? show me some stars is one of my most favorite fics EVER and i re-read it AT LEAST once a week, sometimes more, and not once have i been able to get through it without crying. not once, i tell you!!! my heart aches with how incredible nat is and how much i love her writing
okay it was v hard to narrow it down to three i’m sorry they’re all fic writers asldk so pls peep the tags (cc: @xiaojayss​, @eliottlesbian, @notskam, @feathered-minds, @oheliotts, @blanxkey, @cheloueliott, @lucaslallemants)
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