#i tried looking online for like 10 mins but couldnt find anything about why he has a pink suit
invertedspoon · 1 year
just found a picture of Saul Goodman but Redd White?????
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im not a Saul or a Redd enthusiast but what? why are they so similar?? was there some ace attorney superfan on the Saul Goodman costume department???
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saintkimora · 7 years
ok, here is a full account of what happened yesterday and the new events from today. caleb if you are seeing this please respect my privacy and stop reading now 
ok so it started the other day. caleb texted me at night saying he wanted to talk to me about something serious the next day. i asked what it was about and he said he just wanted to be friends but i didnt read too much into it bc he is impulsive so i figured he would come to his senses the next day
so then yesterday happened. i had just gotten out of sociology at like 10:40am and i saw that he had texted me all these things about breaking up. then when i got to my car he called me on the phone. he then proceeded to break up with me over the phone. his reasoning was that since hes prob moving in a few weeks, he wanted to stop being boyfriends now that way when he does leave itll hurt less than it would, so like easing himself out of the relationship basically. i think its a stupid idea 
so these are the issues i had. the first was that he broke up with me over the phone, not even in person. and like i was crying over the phone and his tone was just like very cold and detached and business like and that really hurt me bc he obv knew i was crying but i didnt feel any sympathy from him whatsoever. like if he was crying i would obv be comforting him and trying to make him feel better not talking like a robot. another thing that hurt was that he gave up on the long distance relationship before we could even try it. it made me feel like i was so worthless and unimportant that he didnt even feel like putting forth the effort to make our relationship work. and the fact that he did this all over a 10 minute phone call on his way to the gym. and then like 20 min after he had the NERVE to post a video on his snap story of him at the gym saying “feeling so good *blushing smile emoji*” like that really hurt my feelings and when i told him that later he was like “oh stop making everything about you it was just how i was feeling after working out” but like? i know he obv wasnt saying that he felt so good about breaking up. but what bothered me was that like after he broke up w me, i was a mess i was literally crying all day and i couldnt do anything but cry i was so upset. and then here he is just going on with his day like its another normal tuesday. like the fact that he was capable of being so happy not even a few hours after breaking my heart made me feel like i was nothing, like it was just an errand like “oh im gonna break up with perry then go to the gym lol” and the fact that he did it over the phone just made me feel so insignificant like i was nothing to him and that really hurt. and like ive tried to be the best boyfriend i can be for him and i try to do everything he asks of me so for him to just break up with me in such a dismissive way makes it feel like he doesnt even care
so i was crying in my car, like really bad like i was BAWLING. so i went to the student counseling center and asked for a crisis meeting and i got set up w this counselor named josh. he was nice and tried to help me calm down and focus on orgo. it was nice to have someone to talk to i guess
so then i went home. he called me again to like try to explain himself but only made me feel worse. he was like “you know when i move im not gonna be able to see you everyday and cuddle with you and fall asleep on your chest anymore” and that just made me sadder and i was crying again on the phone. then later we were texting and he was like denying breaking up with me. like, you said you wanted to just be friends and you explicitly said that you didnt want to be boyfriends anymore so how is that not breaking up??? and he said “i was trying to have a conversation with you but all you did was cry.” with the period to show how serious he was. and it really hurt me when he said that bc it felt like he was mad at me and using me crying against me, like i somehow did something wrong by crying. again if he was the one crying i would not be holding it against him like that so i really wish he didnt say that bc it made me feel bad for being emotional which should not be something to feel bad about. and at the end of the call he didnt say i love you like he always does so that hurt my feelings as well
and like i took away the hearts from his contact name and changed my phone backgrounds since they were pictures of him and that just made me really sad
i skipped psych and anatomy lecture but i couldnt skip my anatomy practical. i cried when i was backing up my car to leave bc i saw the “hi <3″ that he wrote in the dirt on my back windshield a while ago and it just set me off. so i got to school and i was planning on having this be the dropped grade so i wasnt like worried but i got a 90 anyways so that was nice. the prof was like “perry whats wrong you look depressed” and i was like im just a little sad today and he was like why and i was like “bc my significant other broke up w me” (i used s/o bc idk how my prof is about those things so i didnt wanna say bf). he told me this story about how in his senior year of college he had such bad mono it was misdiagnosed as hodgkins disease so he was given 18 months to live and his gf of 4 years left him after finding out. so he told me “perry, girls are like a bus. if you miss one, another one will come along in 15 minutes. if i had daughters i would tell them the same thing about guys” so that was nice that he tried to cheer me up. then when i was leaving from the other room (bc we leave our stuff in the other room during the practical) the TA came to me from the main room and wished me luck on my finals so that was nice of him 
so then i went home. then at 10pm i met w caleb in person in his car. we talked and at first he would not let me get a word in and he just kept defending himself and what also upset me was that he thought the reason i was so upset was that he was moving and he was so defensive like “i wish i could stay here but i have no choice i cant afford to live here its too expensive” and like that is not what upset me!!! i already knew he was moving ive had time to accept it what upset me was how he broke up w me for no reason w almost no warning and did it in such a cold way. and like the way i see it is since hes leaving instead of easing ourselves out of the relationship to stop us from getting hurt when he actually leaves (which wont happen bc itll hurt regardless), i figured we should make the most of our time together and enjoy each other as much as possible since we’ll have plenty of time to get over each other AFTER he moves. so when i told him my point of view he was like “i wish i thought of it like that, im really bad at this” so that was how i resolved the issue. he was hesitant about keeping the bf label but i told im i really wanted to and i didnt see a point in taking away the label now anyways. i also told him i at least wanted to try long distance instead of giving up before it even happens. i dont remember what he said to it though lol i was too emotional. but yeah the beginning of the convo just felt like he was berating me and i started to cry again bc i dont like it when hes rude to me like that
then he told me that im so sensitive i could see a squirrel in the road and cry and i had to explain to him that i am not a sensitive and emotional person! im normally v reserved w my emotions like ive only cried maybe 3 times the past 8 years and that im just emotional when it comes to him bc i care about him so much
another thing that bothered me was that he said every relationship teaches a lesson, and from ours he learned not to rush into things. i dont get that bc yes we did rush but that wasnt really a bad thing? like he wouldve moved regardless so taking things slow wouldnt have changed that. and like since we rushed into things it will hurt more when he leaves since we are closer than we would be if we took it slow but also like, if we didnt rush we wouldnt have gotten so close and had so much fun together in the first place. so imo the benefits of getting so close so fast vastly outweighed the pain of him leaving
so everything would be great except for this next part. he told me the easing out of the relationship thing was bc he got the advice to do that from his mom and leeann. so when i got home i made a post calling leeann toxic and his mom stupid for interfering in our relationship. and like yall can tell that obv i was kidding and just exaggerating for humorous effect like i dont really think his mom is stupid or that leeann was toxic, just that their advice in the situation was bad. but caleb texted me this morning being so rude calling me disgustingly disrespectful for saying that and he said that “next time you think about doing this remember how it felt when i dumped you (so he admitted that he did dump me) - and get those tissues ready” (since ive been using a lot of tissues since i was crying so much). that really really hurt my feelings bc 1. he is once again using me crying against me and 2. it shows a total lack of sympathy for me crying, like it felt like hell yesterday i was so upset and he knows that so for him to threaten to put me through that again just shows he doesnt really care about me or my feelings. 
he also said i need to stop using him and leeann and his mom as “characters in your online stories” like...these arent online stories? this blog is where i vent and talk about my feelings since i dont have anyone to do that with irl and i need to get them out somewhere im not writing these posts to be mean it just feels good to put my thoughts into words instead of bottling them up and even my therapist thinks its a good thing for me to do  
so he said that but i was NOT having it. i typed up a long text in response and even i admit it was kinda mean. like in his he said “dont even talk to me for the rest of the day” so at the end of my text i said “dont talk to me ever i am perfectly fine w never talking to you again the rest of my life so bye have fun in new hampshire or whatever” and he was like “perry stop you dont mean that last part” and then he called me and once again got defensive he said he was just trying to have a convo w me and i was being aggressive for no reason. like, no??? a convo would have been texting me like “perry i know its your personal blog where you post your feelings but this post upset me and this is why” not coming at me with 4 super rude texts out of nowhere. so he was trying to play the victim and paint me as irrational and that im overreacting just like he did yesterday and i didnt like it! he was just dismissing my feelings again. so i went OFF in this phone call like wow i really snapped and it felt good tbh
like i think he was just expecting me to sit there and take it and apologize like i usually do when he gets like this but i am done doing that! so i think he was caught off guard that i stood up for myself. i was like caleb i really dont care i have the most important orgo test of the semester today you already took yesterday from me but today i am not entertaining it if you have an issue call me after my test” and i ended the convo and hung up and then he texted me “good luck on your test” like ok hi king of passive aggressiveness 
so thats it. i felt good at first but later on i felt bad so i texted him apologizing for snapping at him but i said i wont discuss the tumblr issue until we are in person. i asked if he was free tonight and he said no he wants a day or two to be separate and normally i would understand but like...hes moving in a few weeks i really dont want to waste time fighting and being in this weird place
not to be out of order but another thing that got on my nerves was when we made up last night. he said “once i move youll have more free time for things like school, work, maybe going to the gym” like once again here he is commenting on my appearance! like yes i know im scrawny and i wish i wasnt but im sick of him taking jabs at my looks like my body, acne, and eyebrows when i literally have NOTHING but nice things to say about how he looks. it makes me feel bad when he points out my flaws like that and a good boyfriend is not supposed to make me feel like that
now for the most recent development. leeann sent me this LONG fb message bc caleb told her what i posted about her. like why does he have to expose me like that! i didnt read the message i was like “yeah im not reading this but just so you know i was kidding i wasnt serious i was exaggerating lol” and she was like ok lol 
i just dont know why she thinks i care about her input on MY relationship? like youre calebs friend not mine to be frank i dont give a fuck what you think about whats best for my relationship like you dont know me so mind your business
and thats another thing. in the past caleb has gotten pissed at me for sharing our business too much (by telling my friends (who he will literally never meet since they all went away for school) and by posting on here) yet here he goes telling leeann everything! seems hypocritical to me
and heres a second thing. i have always told caleb that my blog is my personal space where i can safely vent and talk about my feelings and that he should respect my privacy by not reading my personal posts. and ive told him that if he does wanna read them then hes doing so at his own risk bc im not going to filter myself bc this is MY space not his so if he really wants to overstep his boundaries and look at my posts then he cant get mad at me for them bc HE is the one choosing to read them even after my warning! so i dont think he should be getting mad at me especially when i was in such an extreme state of mind yesterday since he put me through the worst day of my life for no reason which literally couldve been 100% avoided if he had just waited to talk to me in person instead of breaking up w me over the phone. and like now i feel like this isnt even a space place for me to express myself anymore since theres a chance of him seeing. and i tried blocking him before but he made a new blog and wont tell me the url so i cant block him smh
so yeah thats everything that happened. im kinda stressed rn w this whole leeann drama even though he shouldnt have been reading my posts in the first place. like its just so much drama and i dont like how it feels and idk why this relationship turned sour so fast and i wish he would just be nice and sweet to me again. so hopefully things get better 
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apsbicepstraining · 6 years
Dean Karnazes: ‘When you’re striving, that’s when “youre feeling” most alive’
In his latest notebook, the ultramarathoner takes on the ancient Greek 153 -mile Spartathlon. He talks about the magic in sorrow and why he has stopped fuelling up on pizza
Hi Dean. You have a new volume out, The Road to Sparta. What is it about? It is the story and the lore of the marathon, from its genesis in ancient Greece 2,500 years ago to the modern marathon. Its how the marathon became the marathon.
And in the book you take on the Spartathlon race[ a 153 -mile race from Athens to Sparta] in Greece, right? Well, what I learned in experimenting the marathon is that theres more to the storey than a lot of us visualized, and it goes beyond 26.2 miles into an ultramarathon. Pheidippides was recruited to run from Athens to Sparta to draft the Spartan for duel. He was actually health professionals smuggler, they were announced hemerodrome, which entailed day-long runner. The Athenians realised that an elite ultrarunner could outrun a mare; we are able to essentially dispatch males quicker than horses if needed. So the Spartathlon is the modern-day form of that journey.
As an ultrarunner with Greek heritage, you must detect a strong connection with this story? Exceedingly often so. My daddy used to always say that were from the same village as Pheidippides. If you go to the hamlet where my fathers from, everyone gazes alike.
Youve flow hundreds of ultramarathons in all seven continents how did its own experience of is participating in Greece compare? It was a different sort of suffer in that Im a modern-day ultramarathoner. I have all the kit, Im gobbling gelatin jam-packs, hydration fluids and everything but in this race I tried to recreate what Pheidippides did 2,500 years ago, running in leather sandals, eating figs and olives and antidote meat I mean, the latter are a tougher raise back then.
What I detected when I was running for 24 hours eating exclusively figs, gives say I had some GI questions, my bowels kind of shut down, so I truly couldnt eat anything for the second half of the race exclusively ocean for 75 miles. I necessitate, he died at the end of his run, and I can see how it is unable to kill you. There was a point when I was maybe 120 miles into the hasten, I was excessively dehydrated, my electrolytes were out of poise, and as I was guiding along I identified what appeared to be a grasshopper, or a praying mantis, a little stick figure in between my hoofs moving along as I was guiding. And I was seeming down at this thing, trying to make sense of it, trying not to step on it and then I realised, it dawned on me thats me! It was as though I was in apache helicopters or a hot-air bag. So I make I had an out-of-body experience. Ive never had anything like that be allowed to happen before and I supposed, maybe this is how you feel right before you die.
Your volumes have inspired a lot of parties to take up ultrarunning. Is this a good circumstance? Ive been conflicted about this a little bit. Theres a race “ve called the” Western Territory 100 thats in my first volume, Ultramarathon Man, and theres a lottery to get in. You used to have a 50 -5 0 risk, but now theres 15 have applied for each entry, so its almost impossible to get in and parties blame me, they say: You told the world about ultramarathoning, and now everyones get into it.
I respect that, but I think its something of a myopic point of view because ultrarunning is a royal seek and has brought purpose to numerous publics lives, as it has excavation. I wrote about this in my book and, in a manner that is, that gave granted permission to other people to try these sorts of things.
I think people can identify with my floor because its every runners narrative, we all feel pain together. This latest work is about a very difficult hasten of quarry. I could have had a good race and it would just be a standard hasten report, but this is about a guy falling apart, its a commonality that unites us.
Do you think you have to be a certain type of person to enjoy putting yourself through those kinds of suffering? I think theres supernatural in destitution, and thats been lost in western culture. We pondered if we took all the sorenes and strive out of our lives, marriage be happy, and I think were so cozy, were dismal. When youre contending, when you look back at that ordeal, thats when you feel most alive, and I envision parties try that out because life is so prosaic now.
Youve done so many races, can you say if one was the more difficult of all? The Badwater ultramarathon across Death valley is a very challenging hasten, 135 miles non-stop, over 50 C, with a headwind.
Do you preserve your mileage? Do you know how far youve was participating in total? Not genuinely, but for the back of the napkin forecast, possibly about 100,000 miles.
Do “youve been” listen to music while youre operating? I listen to audiobooks. I perhaps have 500 on my playlist. I moved across America one time from LA to New York and I perhaps listened to 50 journals in 75 eras of running.
I really like nut butters, I find they sit better with me than gelatins ultramarathoner Dean Karnazes. Image: Atlantic Books
Whats the furthest youve ever run in one proceed? I once moved 350 miles in an 81 -hour continual push.
What do you like to eat while youre ranging? Ill never live down the story in Ultramarathon Man of prescribing a pizza and going it delivered to the roadside as I operate by. But I dont eat that sort of nutrient any more. I really like nut butters, I find they sit better with me than gels. I like coconut sea for hydration, I find that works well.
Whats your favourite home in the world to control? It was London today[ we did a curve along the Thames in central London before the interrogation ]. My favourite target is wherever I am that day. But that was a splendid drain. To you, it was all normal, but it would be like me taking you for a run across the Golden Gate bridge[ near his home in San Francisco ].
Do you ever extend barefoot? On the beach, or the infield of a track, yes. I enjoy leading barefoot, but not on pavements. But I did move a marathon barefoot I wanted to see what it was like.
How was it? It was frightful! My legs were no longer as sore, amazingly, but my hoofs were really beat up.
Who is your ranging hero? Probably my father. I recollect going to the inaugural LA marathon[ in 1986 ]. I was just a young boy and I recollect he ended up in the medical tent at the finish. He was a mess, he had an IV in his arm, he was shivering, and I looked at him and my first thought was: why would anyone do this, Im never going to run a marathon, this is the most ridiculous thing. So he affected me, but not in accordance with the rules you would think. But something about it must have resonated.
The Road to Sparta is published by Allen and Unwin( 12.99 ). To buy for 11.04 go to bookshop.theguardian.com or call 0330 333 6846. Free UK p& p over 10, online guilds exclusively. Phone prescribes min p& p of 1.99.
The post Dean Karnazes: ‘When you’re striving, that’s when “youre feeling” most alive’ appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
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saintkimora · 7 years
well here is how my past 2 days went! they were both pretty bad lol
so yesterday my first class was orgo lab. it was better than last week but it still fucking sucked oh my godddddd the actual lab only took everyone maybe 90 minutes but we had to get an nmr for our products and we had to do it one by one and it took 12 minutes per person so even though i tried to take my time doing things really slow to keep myself occupied i still ended up w like 50 minutes of doing nothing! it was so boring 
and then there was the girl who set me up. so we did the nmr in this separate room in the basement and the chairperson for the chem dept was operating the machine. the girl who works at the lab station next to me is named julia and i thought we were friendly acquaintances since we ask each other for help sometimes. so i got down to the room to run my product through the nmr machine and there were a bunch of students there already waiting for their results and stuff and the chairperson was talking to one of them and didnt acknowledge me at all so i was about to go wait for him to finish talking then ask him what to do but julia who had literally just finished putting her thing in the machine came over to me
she was like “oh i can help you set your product up and show you how to put it in!” so i was like “wow thanks!” so she showed me and as i was trying to put it in the machine it wouldnt go in so i was like ????? and then i realized julia literally showed me the completely wrong way to do it!!!!!!!!!! the chairperson came over and he was like “whoa whoa whoa that is not how youre supposed to do it” and then he showed me how to do it correctly. now julia had literally just finished setting hers up so i find it highly unlikely that she made honest mistakes when showing me what to do! i think she did it on purpose to make me look bad. she embarrassed me in front of not only the chairperson but my peers as well and if it was my messy classmates i wouldnt mind but it was all the ones who are actually good at this stuff!! rip idk what she gained from that since the chairperson has no influence over my grade but still an iconic cutthroat move i guess! i just wish she did it to someone that wasnt me
also i overheard 2 of my classmates talking about her a little earlier and they were talking about how she tried to steal both of their spatulas! so this julia girl is just cracked overall which is better than her just having a personal vendetta against me i guess
also 2 good things happened in that lab at least! first of all in the pre lab lecture noor came and sat next to me instead of whoever she sat with last time! so that was nice bc i wasnt sitting by myself. and then during the lab i was pipetting something and federico (the REALLY cute guy) was up to that too so he came over and he was like “can i borrow your pipet when youre done” and i was like yeah so it was nice that he talked to me
then i had like 45 min before gsa so i texted danielle and we hung out until the meeting and then the actual meeting was so much fun! we played jeopardy w lgbtq related questions and we were making the teams danielle and i were on one team while the president was on the other and we beat his team BOTH times! it was literally iconic bc we were losing the first game at first but then i started getting all these questions right and danielle started getting them right too and then in the second game this other girl on our team started answering everything too so the 3 of us were an unstoppable trio and the president was so bitter
also that reminds me i recently found out at last weeks eboard meeting and then i got even more info from danielle that day. so apparently literally all the other minority-based clubs on campus hate us and wont work with us bc our president wore that make america great again hat so like...rip that sucks for us lol 
so yeah gsa was super fun then in orgo lecture i got there early to make sure those freaks didnt steal my seat again but other than that it was uneventful
then there was what happened today. sociology was boring psych was relatively fun but also uneventful. anatomy lecture was fun except for one thing. the prof needed someone to help demonstrate something and he chose this random guy from the second row instead of me! and like it had to be a guy bc what he did would be kinda weird if he did it to a girl and i was the only guy in the front row so it wouldve been common sense to choose me but instead he chose that random!!! it was s/t about kidney stones so he made the guy come up to the front of the class and he had him like lean forward on the front table w his back/ass to the prof and rest of the class and he was like showing where the kidneys are and where to hit them if youre testing for kidney stones so he put his hand flat on this guys back and then hit his hand (that way he wasnt literally slapping the student) and its like...if he chose me that wouldnt been so iconic bc he wouldve had me bent over that table and he wouldve been touching my back but instead he chose that other guy so that was where things started going downhill
then anatomy lab was where it got even worse. so it was just a review lab before next weeks practical so he lets all any of his lecture students who arent in his lab sit in just to get extra review. so the lab was so full w all these randoms which made me irritated and one of the people there was the seat stealing guy! he was w this other girl and they were there kinda early and i was watching and they were gonna sit but theres only enough seats for everyone in the class so if extra people come theres gonna be a shortage of chairs. so they were sitting down and the girl was like “actually maybe we should stand bc it wouldnt be fair to the people who are actually in his lab if we stole their seats” and the guy was like “who cares!” and sat in a seat i was just like hmmmm.... so i guess hes just like this all this time 
so then i was still waiting for lab (several of us including the prof were there extra early bc lecture ended early) and this one random girl was talking to the prof just about random things for like 10 minutes!! i was jealous like who tf is she? freak
so then the actual lab was boring it was just review but it was kinda nice at first bc the prof was waiting for the TA to make copies of something so he was literally just telling us jokes it was like a rupauls drag race stand up comedy challenge but it was ruined for me bc the seat stealing guy was literally kissing this profs ass the ENTIRE time and he does this in all the classes ive had w him but he was doing it like even more than usual and it was just annoying i wanted to tell him to shut up but all of my peers like him so if i do that im not gonna be able to make any friends in my classes bc ill be the villain
so then after he finished the review we were left to review some more on our own then just leave whenever we felt like it but he also put out a sign in sheet for attendance. so everyone went up to it at once and i dont like waiting in crowds like that so i was just sitting then when the crowd dissipated i went up to sign it and it was gone and i was like “wheres the sign in sheet?” and the prof called out to the ta to take it out so i could sign it (it was literally right there but it was under the TA’s stuff so i couldnt just take it out on my own lol) and the prof seemed kinda exasperated at me asking and it upset me bc like its not like i waited until the last minute of lab to sign in?? like idk why they put it away so fast 
then most of the people left so i was at my table alone and there was one other table w like 4 people including the girl the prof was talking to earlier. and the prof literally went over and sat at the table with them just to talk about regular things! which he literally never does bc he always stays by his desk so first him not talking to me at all except for being pissy to me and then him being so nice and friendly to those other students really put me in a bad mood. but the TA came over to me and asked if i needed help w anything which was v nice of him. i didnt need help bc i was just reviewing the online models on the ipads but still. but then the TA went and sat down w the prof and those other students so whatever
so then i left and walked my dejected ass all the way to my car and drove home pissed off the entire time and yeah thats it! tm i only have orgo so since i have a lot of free time im gonna try to finally go to the student counseling center and set up an appointment
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apsbicepstraining · 6 years
Dean Karnazes: ‘When you’re striving, that’s when “youre feeling” most alive’
In his latest notebook, the ultramarathoner takes on the ancient Greek 153 -mile Spartathlon. He talks about the magic in sorrow and why he has stopped fuelling up on pizza
Hi Dean. You have a new volume out, The Road to Sparta. What is it about? It is the story and the lore of the marathon, from its genesis in ancient Greece 2,500 years ago to the modern marathon. Its how the marathon became the marathon.
And in the book you take on the Spartathlon race[ a 153 -mile race from Athens to Sparta] in Greece, right? Well, what I learned in experimenting the marathon is that theres more to the storey than a lot of us visualized, and it goes beyond 26.2 miles into an ultramarathon. Pheidippides was recruited to run from Athens to Sparta to draft the Spartan for duel. He was actually health professionals smuggler, they were announced hemerodrome, which entailed day-long runner. The Athenians realised that an elite ultrarunner could outrun a mare; we are able to essentially dispatch males quicker than horses if needed. So the Spartathlon is the modern-day form of that journey.
As an ultrarunner with Greek heritage, you must detect a strong connection with this story? Exceedingly often so. My daddy used to always say that were from the same village as Pheidippides. If you go to the hamlet where my fathers from, everyone gazes alike.
Youve flow hundreds of ultramarathons in all seven continents how did its own experience of is participating in Greece compare? It was a different sort of suffer in that Im a modern-day ultramarathoner. I have all the kit, Im gobbling gelatin jam-packs, hydration fluids and everything but in this race I tried to recreate what Pheidippides did 2,500 years ago, running in leather sandals, eating figs and olives and antidote meat I mean, the latter are a tougher raise back then.
What I detected when I was running for 24 hours eating exclusively figs, gives say I had some GI questions, my bowels kind of shut down, so I truly couldnt eat anything for the second half of the race exclusively ocean for 75 miles. I necessitate, he died at the end of his run, and I can see how it is unable to kill you. There was a point when I was maybe 120 miles into the hasten, I was excessively dehydrated, my electrolytes were out of poise, and as I was guiding along I identified what appeared to be a grasshopper, or a praying mantis, a little stick figure in between my hoofs moving along as I was guiding. And I was seeming down at this thing, trying to make sense of it, trying not to step on it and then I realised, it dawned on me thats me! It was as though I was in apache helicopters or a hot-air bag. So I make I had an out-of-body experience. Ive never had anything like that be allowed to happen before and I supposed, maybe this is how you feel right before you die.
Your volumes have inspired a lot of parties to take up ultrarunning. Is this a good circumstance? Ive been conflicted about this a little bit. Theres a race “ve called the” Western Territory 100 thats in my first volume, Ultramarathon Man, and theres a lottery to get in. You used to have a 50 -5 0 risk, but now theres 15 have applied for each entry, so its almost impossible to get in and parties blame me, they say: You told the world about ultramarathoning, and now everyones get into it.
I respect that, but I think its something of a myopic point of view because ultrarunning is a royal seek and has brought purpose to numerous publics lives, as it has excavation. I wrote about this in my book and, in a manner that is, that gave granted permission to other people to try these sorts of things.
I think people can identify with my floor because its every runners narrative, we all feel pain together. This latest work is about a very difficult hasten of quarry. I could have had a good race and it would just be a standard hasten report, but this is about a guy falling apart, its a commonality that unites us.
Do you think you have to be a certain type of person to enjoy putting yourself through those kinds of suffering? I think theres supernatural in destitution, and thats been lost in western culture. We pondered if we took all the sorenes and strive out of our lives, marriage be happy, and I think were so cozy, were dismal. When youre contending, when you look back at that ordeal, thats when you feel most alive, and I envision parties try that out because life is so prosaic now.
Youve done so many races, can you say if one was the more difficult of all? The Badwater ultramarathon across Death valley is a very challenging hasten, 135 miles non-stop, over 50 C, with a headwind.
Do you preserve your mileage? Do you know how far youve was participating in total? Not genuinely, but for the back of the napkin forecast, possibly about 100,000 miles.
Do “youve been” listen to music while youre operating? I listen to audiobooks. I perhaps have 500 on my playlist. I moved across America one time from LA to New York and I perhaps listened to 50 journals in 75 eras of running.
I really like nut butters, I find they sit better with me than gelatins ultramarathoner Dean Karnazes. Image: Atlantic Books
Whats the furthest youve ever run in one proceed? I once moved 350 miles in an 81 -hour continual push.
What do you like to eat while youre ranging? Ill never live down the story in Ultramarathon Man of prescribing a pizza and going it delivered to the roadside as I operate by. But I dont eat that sort of nutrient any more. I really like nut butters, I find they sit better with me than gels. I like coconut sea for hydration, I find that works well.
Whats your favourite home in the world to control? It was London today[ we did a curve along the Thames in central London before the interrogation ]. My favourite target is wherever I am that day. But that was a splendid drain. To you, it was all normal, but it would be like me taking you for a run across the Golden Gate bridge[ near his home in San Francisco ].
Do you ever extend barefoot? On the beach, or the infield of a track, yes. I enjoy leading barefoot, but not on pavements. But I did move a marathon barefoot I wanted to see what it was like.
How was it? It was frightful! My legs were no longer as sore, amazingly, but my hoofs were really beat up.
Who is your ranging hero? Probably my father. I recollect going to the inaugural LA marathon[ in 1986 ]. I was just a young boy and I recollect he ended up in the medical tent at the finish. He was a mess, he had an IV in his arm, he was shivering, and I looked at him and my first thought was: why would anyone do this, Im never going to run a marathon, this is the most ridiculous thing. So he affected me, but not in accordance with the rules you would think. But something about it must have resonated.
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