#i took ap comp sci like... fuck it was almost six years ago now
ploppythespaceship · 5 years
Tbh I wish I knew more Java, cause I have a great idea for a Discord bot: roleplay manager & tracker. I know some D&D bots already exist, but they’re very much meant for D&D and only D&D. But if you have any other kind of group roleplay setting, those bots are fairly useless.
Like... I would love a bot that works like this:
A moderator can designate certain channels as RP channels.
Within one of those RP channels, users can start a thread with a simple command like !startthread.
Users can then designate themselves as active participants with !jointhread, which adds them to a reply order. They can then start typing up their replies as usual.
The bot can tell whose turn it is to reply next, and DM reminders to people if they haven’t responded in a designated amount of time.
When you’re finished with a thread, you can say !leavethread to remove yourself, and !endthread to finish it entirely.
Some other commands (which may or may not all be feasible):
!changeorder - to rearrage the turn order
!noorder - to set the thread as having no determined turn order, in which case the bot tracks if you were the last poster, and if you weren’t the last poster, how long it’s been since you posted
!skipturn - to skip your turn
!myturn - to show all threads where it’s currently your turn
!allthreads - to show all active threads and whose turn it is everywhere
!openchannels - to show which RP channels aren’t being used
!setremindtime - to change how long before the bot reminds you it’s your turn (you can say ‘never’ if you don’t want any DMs)
!hiatus - to set yourself on hiatus and disable all reply DMs (and !endhiatus to reverse it)
Some other common features from D&D bots would be nice too, such as the ability to keep track of characters and the ability to roll dice.
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