#i think that they are sososo sillay :o]
razzafrazzle · 1 year
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her weirdgirl transfem swag... unrivaled. oh also peppino is here
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[image descriptions: the first image is a page full of drawings of noisette and peppino from pizza tower. on the page is a drawing of noisette walking happily, a simple headshot drawing of noisette with a trans flag-colored thought bubble above it, a drawing of peppino that has the words "strangely hard to draw" written next to it, and a comic. the comic contains noisette tugging on peppino's shirt and asking him "hey. why are you gay", to which peppino replies anxiously "I AIN'T-A SAYIN' SHIT WITHOUT MY LAWYER". the background of the page is filled with doodles of pizza
the second image is a simple drawing of noise wearing a business suit and carrying two suitcases with the words "his lawyer" above him. end id]
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