#i think it would be funny if keith could galra mode on command. my whole creative process is: is it funny? it's happening
treesbian ยท 11 months
klancebrained on main btw.
keith thinks he's above tiktok but lance has a great idea for a grimace shake meme so keith agrees to be in a tiktok. He goes "lance i really don't see what the big deal is nothing's gonna happen" and he takes a sip of the grimace shake and then immediately starts going Galra Mode. Yellow Eyes Purple And Furry Much Much Taller the whole shebang. and then everything gets much dimmer lighting and the camerawork becomes shaky while he "attacks" the camera person (who is lance). it's ok though it's just pretend. the comments are all like "whoa that's really cool sfx makeup and editing!" and lance responds to them like "no he turned purple and furry for real" and someone responds to that "just like grimace..." and lance responds "just like grimace."
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