#i think it WOULD be fun to draw hanako bc i think a lot of people would recognize him
moe-broey · 8 months
AH a part of me wanted to draw Hanako for Splatfest even though I'm joining the skeleton war on the side of skeleton war, BUT LIF IS LITERALLY RIGHT FUCKING THERE................
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kimetsu-chan · 5 months
Disclaimer! ⚠️: this is not meant to take jabs at the ocs as some of these characters have unpleasant personalities. I chose these based on similar traits, outfits they’d look good in, and the ultimate talents. If you would like me to alter the outfit, I will. It just needs to be recognizable as the specific character’s outfit. This will take me an incredibly long time, upwards to multiple weeks. Since I am doing splash arts and one big art piece. If you are uncomfortable with the character your oc was given, please let me know and I’ll do my best to rearrange things. I will only being drawing YOUR oc in THEIR outfit and pose. I will not be mixing the characters.
this’ll be a long post so get ready
First off, this can contain spoilers for Danganronpa V2.
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Kyoko Kirigiri technically shows up for the anime version on V2 but I want to include as many ppl as possible. + she’s my favorite so haha
Oc: Akari Fuyutsuki (@thewinterpillarhashira)
Talent: The Ultimate Detective
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An honorable mention since Eva thought Celestia would work better than Makoto 😋
Oc: Eva Himiko (@muitsuri)
Talent: The Ultimate Gambler—
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Byakuya Togami is the first person I thought of for this oc 😋 he and Makoto are sorta same in the sense that they appeared in the anime. Although Byakuya had an impersonator pretend to be him in the actual game
Oc: Celestine Ellis (@saffron0v0)
Talent: Ultimate Affluent Prodigy
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IF ANYONE KNOWS TERUTERU’S PERSONALITY, IM NOT TRYNA BE MEAN I PROMISE— I hate Teruteru okay 😭 I just like his accent and outfit
Oc: Kirika (I couldn’t find her last name) (@ta-ni-ya)
Talent: The Ultimate Chef
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Mahiru Koizumi so underrated omg 😭 I loovveee herrrr.
Oc: Marilyn Kaizumi (@cloudymistedskies)
Talent: The Ultimate Photographer
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Peko Pekoyama has such a fun name omg. I like saying it over and over again. Once again, and underrated character
Oc: Ilona Dulina (@tokito-dulya20)
Talent: The Ultimate Swordswoman
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I don’t really like Hiyoko either, but she’s adorable and I think her outfit would suit this oc very well
Oc: Akira Sakuranbura (@tinyperson00)
Talent: The Ultimate Traditional Dancer
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Ibuki is so chaotic and I love it. She’s so adorable. I love that she’s described to be pitch perfect and tone deaf at the same time—
Oc: Irina Gonshira (@shycroissanti)
Talent: The Ultimate Musician
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Mikan is such a shy girl. She also cries when embarrassed and stutters a lot. She’s not my favorite, but I don’t hate her. She’s really clumsy which I find relatable—
Oc: Milo Suzuki (@larz-barz)
Talent: The Ultimate Nurse
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Usami will be taking the place of Nekomaru since I don’t feel comfortable with draw Yuna in his clothes and such. Plus Usami’s the teacher and I thought it would be fitting.
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His character was a little hard to choose, but he’s actually pretty adorable. He calls everyone else “mortals” and he’s my sister’s favorite character
Oc: (I can’t remember her name 😭) (@littleolspring112)
Talent: The Ultimate Animal Caretaker
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Nagito is quite possibly the most popular character in the entire franchise. Man has simps left and right. It’s probably bc he’s a little crazy— and he has a rlly sad backstory 😭 he’s also the ✨ main antagonist ✨
Oc: Boo (idk their last name) (@boo-simplified)
Talent: The Ultimate Lucky Student
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Chiaki is the lead female character and I like her quite a lot!
Oc: Hanako Kimura (@rion-isnot-an-ai)
Talent: The Ultimate Gamer
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Hajime Hinata is the lead protagonist in this game CONGRATS TO THIS OC WHO HAS HIM
Oc: Yuki Ayaka (@sweetstarryeyedgirl)
Talent: He doesn’t have a talent though 💀
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I think you can tell by just looking at him… but he’s the mastermind. He also shares a body with Hajime 😃 (wee wo wee wo, wee wo wee wo weeeee—)
Oc: Ayuna Katsuki (@ayunakatsukiwolfhashira)
Talent: I think he’s also talentless, just really smart—
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My beautiful, stupid, girl. I love Akane. She’s really energetic and loud so she fits this oc
Oc: Asai (I can’t find her last name 😚) (@night-mince0)
Talent: The Ultimate Gymnast
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Sonia’s got two outfits, I’ll do this one though. She’s a literal sweetheart
Oc: Kiyoka Watanabe (@kiyokatokito)
Talent: The Ultimate Princess 0-o
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Kazuichi is such a goody goober. Keep your beanie on though. Please.
Oc: Amari Delarosa (@naramaiz)
Talent: The Ultimate Machanic
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Kazuichi calls him “boss man” and “baby face”. He hates it. Internally a sweetheart though
Oc: Basil (idk his last name) (@aceofstars0)
Talent: The Ultimate Yakuza— yes he’s part of the mafia. or at least his parents are
And that was the last one 😭
ima plan on doing a group pic, but I might not end up doing it— just cause it’s a lot of work 😭
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Ima replace Nekomaru with Usami/Yuna and add poses for everyone else who’s character doesnt show up (that’s not Byakuya I promis, that’s the impersonator)
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7ban-sama · 10 months
please give me your opinion on all the tsukasas / yashiros / amanes from the different aus aidairo makes ….. (feel free to just pick one character though if you want skdjfvns)
Forgive me if I forget anything egregious-!! There's so many AUs, I'll do my best to browse through them, but AidaIro are industrious... I might miss something. u.u
You will be getting my opinion on all 3 of them per AU though. It's fun to consider the OT3... :3 Subsequently, I think I'll be skipping anything where we don't see all 3 (like ah, that standalone idol Hanako from earlier on.) Just to streamline things. Here we gooo!
🔍Phantom Thief 💎
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I'm including this one out of fairness sake... but I will be real. I do not really think much about it, nor really care about any of their designs here. Unfortunately, idc about, detectives, criminal investigation, that sort of intrigue. Whether it's serious or funnay-sillay, I can't say it's very interesting to me. The most aesthetically pleasing one here is just Hanako, with hims fancy crane fabric and mask etc... (Kind of cheating though, bc he's just in his gakuran otherwise.) I know Aida-sensei really had fun drawing this guy whorishly covered in jewels. Tsukasa being a little boy-lad, funny. Nene-chan in some sherlock cosplay dress, bad. My eyes glaze over.
It's amusing to see their roles be stripped down to like, Nene INVESTIGATING Hanako's CRIMES, and Tsukasa being an INFORMANT, giving her TIPS because he knows Hanako's IDENTITY. That's what's happening in the manga, yes. It's so crude, in this way, I have to laugh.
🦇Ghost Hotel🩸
For this AU, I really love going over the interview of the people coordinating it, because you get to hear reports of AidaIro-sensei being very enthused about the theming of the cafe. They decided the theme, menu item names, and explained aspects of the world to the staff. It's very cute to me lol, it feels like they were having so much fun. The first cafe they did was more 'typical', with the characters as waiters/waitresses serving you. I think GH is a clever concept, finding a way to transport you into a whole other world, and also still justify that you are 'going' to an 'establishment', and going to be eating there lol. You still get the delight of experiencing the characters be 'staff', even — just in a more creative and stimulating way. An evil hotel manager is a lot more fun than just being your waiter-!!! Etc.
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Seeing Amane as an evil vampire, it's almost like seeing a frog on a lilypad. Suddenly it's like we're putting a pin on the whooole look, the Halloween cat vibe, black and gold eye'd scraggly shota. B'caped, villainous, but so cavalier. The villain of a point and click adventure game. His ah, many rows of buttons are a lil silly, but overall I like his 'fit. It's like Amane was always meant to be this... Running some sort of honeypot to ensnare innocent, poor wanderers, and seeming to do it simply for the love of the game. Glib, while watching you lose your memories and become brainwashed.
This Amane is INCREDIBLY FUNNY and an INCREDIBLY DIRECT representation.. In a way that just makes me feel like I'm gonna barf. Like every layer of it lol, the, I'm never going to let you leave❤ Mmhh I love to consume beautiful women (so what does it say I sucked my brother dry?) Anyways I will take your life tonight. Ehh, the fact that he doesn't seem guilty or troubled at all by what he did.. Well, it's maybe been so-? Many years-?? And he's become so established, he's just at a point of-?? A-acceptance? Enjoyment? With what he did... does-??? He's decorating Tsukasa's grave playfully, I dunno...
Also the, fact that Amane is a vampire, means you have to, basically conclude that killing Tsukasa was... pleasurous... in the way that eating a delicious meal would be... It's a biological urge. And also killing Nene, again, will be, pleasurous. Hm... What does this mean for their situations in canon... Aha hahahahaha hahaha
So yeah overall I like this guy a lot. I think I would have a lot of fun RP'ing this one.
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As for Nene here, I'm not really big on her starting look... It's liiike, not doing it for me, a bit too. Fancee lady. Victorian flavor etc. which just isn't my bag... She doesn't look awful or anything; I like her lil parasol. That being said...
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... this nightgown is wonderful. I love her hair adornments too. A sleepy little lady, bride material. Thank you Amane for, assaulting her like this, I agree with your decision. I've envisioned her becoming a ghostie just like Tsukasa, as a result...
She's at her sweetest here, too, just innocently letting Amane in without thinking too hard about it. I like that she thinks over her day, and smiles, noting that she had fun, despite the strangeness. (Despite the scariness...) It's very Nene-chan of her. I think she'll take to her fate graciously, as she is always destined to... I see a lot of potential in her. ❤
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Now, the original victim, in HIS frilly nightgown, ready for beddy-bye. Isn't he sweet... He's actually my favorite out of this AU, out of the three. Far too precious, it really hurts me. I like to think that, in the past, when Amane was a newly-formed vampire, he was a lot more self-hating and afraid to feed, prone to starving himself. (Closer to emotional profile of the more troubled Amane in canon.) Despite this, Tsukasa was always gracious and encouraging, permissive. In true Tsukasa fashion, he was so encouraging and loving that Amane one day couldn't stop. That was that. His ah, nubby right hand is also a remnant of that interaction (as much as the pillows and blanket...) Bit clean off.
So much time has passed and they've been bound to one another like this. Tsukasa is found lingering outside of room 87 / Nene runs into him instead when trying to seek the Manager / Amane's key is definitely to room 87, just blurred... They must share a space and interact. I feel like after 'work', once everything's quieted down, Amane must simply retire to his special ghostie boy at the end of the day. And does god knows what.
It's quite scary that not everyone can see Tsukasa... yabai. I always feel like Tsukasa's existence gets buried and obfuscated by Amane's actions... Isolated, locked away. *frantically gestures at the Antares speech also* Much to be concerned about. It's eerie, then, that Nene is one of the few that can see him. And ah, of course, again Tsukasa is simply willing to aid and guide Nene through this. I like when he's this counter-force... A rogue agent, someone who'll answer questions if you just asked. He'll help you.
My overall feeling for the AU is, I like how ship is here! It's fun! Whereas Phantom Thief feels crude with how 1:1 it is, I think GH is more like, a gd riot, while still managing to be sexy too. I'm simple, I like vampirism, I like the direct correlation of Amane predating on Tsukasa and Nene. Makes me feel endless concern whenever I look over the details. Much in store for the canon.
🎭Hanako of the Opera🌹
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IDK what it is about me, but I can admit, I struggle to parse this event. It's not easy for me to follow everything that happens... Perhaps just the nature of it being one of those 'game' type events, with randomized elements, and also it being a story with present 'roles' being inserted. It's limited in ways, ,,
Okay but, as always, it's funny what is conveyed in a couple details. Amane is looking so crazy during scenes, maniac. Tsukasa ?? kitty cat?? Lurking about??? Enigmatic. The twins matching rings (which, in the original story, are given to Christine to represent her loyalty to the phantom) — OK. Matching jewelry symbolizing twins devotion to one another, check ✅ And all three of them have roses? Wonderful, something threading Tsukasa and Nene-chan, as Amane gives both his girlies roses. Overlapping romance check✅ (This ship is always too much lol...)
Rating the looks: Nene is lovely 💕 Shining star of the opera. The boys are more *noncommital hand gesture* but I like the fanfare of the cape, and I do. *sigh* I do think the half mask is cool, I've always thought it was cool. Fsr I vibe 'split' face situations (even specifically having sonas with large white face markings...) so yeah I'm into it. I wonder if? They are-? Both disfigured under there-?? Mysteries.
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I distinctly like the shawl Nene is wearing here. Kiss kiss. (... I also just really love this image lol, this is so funny of AidaIro-sensei... to explain the delays within the narrative like this...) wait why am I just realizing in this image Amane has like. A laced up boot up to his calf. That's not what the twins are wearing in their character profiles ? Wait why does it look like he's only wearing 1? What? hm okay. Anyways I love this image
🐉Kamome Monster Nursery🍭
This is one of those really wild AUs... Though I feel like it's iconic, perhaps just as an example of how Iro-sensei can invent unpredictable worlds. Overall I really like their Halloween AUs; both Aida and Iro love Halloween, and since JSHK overall is so ~spookeh ghosts~ it kisses well with Halloween mischief.
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The twins. Let's evaluate them both at once!!
This is one of those Amane's that's more on the 'subdued' side, along with being more academically inclined. To me, it feels like there are a couple 'sliders' that move around in relation to one another. If Amane is more studious, he's lessss... ostentatious, with his look and personality. He's too busy looking at clipboards and taking notes. In this way I think he's a loser with no game (lol) but at least he has Tsukasa with him to keep him on his toes. Tsukasa meanwhile seems to be having lots of fun here! I like that he's the more capable one, I feel like that's a consistent truth, deep down... That Tsukasa is actually smarter and more talented, overall. He's just so 'odd' that people don't notice... ww
I like the thickness of Amane's turtleneck, and I like that Tsukasa's in shorts and has such thick purple socks. So fun!! I also like how 'blue' the shades of purple on his outfit are, I really love the dark purp and black stripes on his top. His stripes make him match Amane's turtleneck's ribbing. Harmonious. Tsukasa's stethoscope feels horny to me though, in a way that makes me, mad-? (I don't trust AidaIro and their thing with hearts.) Aside from that, lab coats are whatever, not my thing. They're not super fun to draw but I can forgive it. (I have drawn these goons.)
They're kind of enigmatic to me, in that I wonder how they wound up here, doing this specifically...? But the world is so odd lol, I think it's odd how the class of 'monster' feels like they-? Don't... have rights-?? They're raised and studied, not treated like people-?? As a result, I feel like the twins kinda have broken lizard brains in this world, regarding monsters as specimens purely, and not forming deep attachments... They are engrossed in their research. Tsukasa is playful as a person, and good with raising monsters, but doesn't bat an eye as they get shoveled along through the system. This place perhaps outright facilitates that kind of detachment, so they're a perpetual motion machine doing this. So ultimately they only care about one another...
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Small detail, but the drawing looks like Tsukasa's art to me! Aida-sensei bothers to be consistent with characters having a 'style', so ah, I think the point is it 'looks' like a little kid made it, but it's actually a gift from Tsukasa.. We don't see them interact much, but I like to think they must collude throughout the day, and then after the workday is over they retire together. They have matching seals too which means-? Some-? Thing-? Critical about their connection to one another...?? So they have to be entangled...
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But we need a Nene-chan to come into their life and shake things up-!! Hahaha. I'm glad she has the ability to burn this whole place to the ground herself... A creature with a lot of potential!
As a lolicon I'm SIMPLE, and I love to see LITTLE GIRL. Lil girl, baby girl, baby baby baby. Soo freakin' cute, ugh, acting like a little feral beasty... and that we can just put her in a thick collar. Whatttt?? Sexy... Are there really no limits here? I get to watch Nene-chan be bitey and demanding?? Ourghh
Also, the fact that she's being raised by Tsukasa and taking after him, while dressed up in 'his' color... Sick & twisted. Showing me Tsukasa playing with Nene and giving her whatever she wants and them going on rampages together??? Sick & twisted-!! The fact that she has a little red heart earring on her, corresponding her to Amane, SICK & TWISTED!!! It's worrisome you know, because Nene is Amane's bespoke love interest across every world... They HAVE to collude-? He has to be interested in her, he has to. Find her attractive...?? Inevitably!? At that point, it's suspicious to me that monsters also develop faster than humans. Hmm, so she will be sexually mature soon enough. (Lol, Renesmee swag?)
You can't just show me Nene being Tsukasa-like, resembling Tsukasa, acting like Tsukasa, and Amane's just also in the room. Dragon loli all dressed up and collared, and being hand-reared by the brother of her love interest. DON'T YOU THINK ABOUT WHERE THIS TERMINATES-?? I sure do. *sucks in drool*
The set pieces make me pretty horny. I think I am a bit weak to esoteric research labs and, like dehumanizing situations for sapient(?) beings. Nonhuman behaviors, hand rearing, the aesthetic of daycare and baby toys etc... fun, I like it. I like to explore the space.
🏫Teen School Drama🪄
This AU is like. Lol where are we-? This boarding school and the overall aesthetic is giving a kind of Western-slay. Ahh I've been transported back to Angelland lol. There's a photo on AidaIro's twi tter featuring a Harry Potter mug (the Marauder's Map lolll) so ah, this combined with some of their other work gives me the impression they like... That sort of Vibe, ~wizarding school in London~... regardless of whether or not that's the actual setting, I just think it's worth noting. The particular stink going on.
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This Amane... he makes me laugh. Who is this-? Little nerd? An even more subdued, sciency-aligned Amane than the guy in Monster Nursery.
He's so stripped down feeling, and his palette has mysteriously become black/blue/gold, instead of black/red/gold. Why's that... The way no one could have guessed he was that little blue apple. Like— obviously people would sooner guess the ghost cookie or devil cake, etc. Even the fanciful king, thing, Teru was, because like. You would think Amane is devilish or has some sort of imposing presence... so it's the funniest reveal he's like, a quiet nerd who tinkers with RC cars and drones... I would even say fandom at large is more apt to see canon living-Amane as more shy than I personally would, but this still came as a shock for many. This little meep. (Octavius rex i guess, since Nene is barking up this tree.)
It's pretty novel though... to be able to think of an Amane that is this hobbled with social interactions. I like to imagine he struggles with making eye contact. A guy of few words... not practiced with having conversations. If you read his mind, he would be slowly disassembling and reassembling devices. *staring at nothing, waiting for class to end so he can go back to his dorm and do this*
But as much as he amuses me, he also frustrates me... How to word this. I find it suspicious that this Amane can command Tsukasa to manifest to him, without even a word, just sending a drone at him — and Tsukasa would drop everything to do so. Okay, so you have this very powerful wizard at your beck and call... and Tsukasa is typically quite obsessed with Amane, so. Hmm. Just simmer on that. And then you have fact that Nene is, putting herself out there, being CUTE about it, and he's like. Mnnn. Please don't. You'll draw attention to me... thinking moreso about the social discomfort, not like, Nene's gesture.
... to ME, he feels kind of, 'stuck in his comfort zone'...? I'd say it's pretty generous to see him as 'just shy'; if I think about Amane across worlds, I'd guess this one is probably just as asocial and disconnected from valuing people as individuals... He's always had Tsukasa, there, reliably, and has never had a reason to do anything besides funnel into his interests. Eh, it's kinda like if Amane could just blithely read about constellations AND just have Tsukasa by his side, super OP, catering to his whims. And then if later down the line, Nene was pursuing him on her own terms, so he didn't have to lift a finger or put the moves on her... This is all insane to me... kslkfksdg.... I suppose this Amane feels like a LESSON in, how COMPLACENT he can BE... It is possible for him to be this withdrawn, this uhh, stubborn, this placid. Not oozing anyyyy charisma, it's crazy, lmfaofdj hgdks I really think if you dated this one, he'd absolutely suck. Negative one thousand points, bad boyfriend material.
(As an Amane kinnie it's like, watching myself be kind of insufferable like a spoiled child LOLL where is your GAME man... lol but you're still gonna get it i guess...)
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Now... this girl. I want to fuck this Yashiro so very badly. She exists to torment me. Hruu.
The look is lovely. Her blue knit top, her red jacket, short plaid skirt, tall socks. The absolute territory...! Since she's usually so shy about her legs, and covers them up, it's amazing to see her showing some thigh. Ehh... scandalous. And then pretty twin tails, decorated in hearts, makes me feel weak. I really like twin tails...💔 Her witch outfit isn't appealing to me, but I don't mind rly, since her base look is soo good. I don't imagine she has to get fully decked out all the time anyways.
Her status as both a cheerleader and a witch intrigues me... Such a confident girl! I wonder if having magic abilities helps her feel more capable? It's incredible to me she just, attempts to talk to Amane regularly. That she would be like heehee❤ I'll cheer for you~... She doesn't feel so uncertain about whether or not he'll be interested in her-?? Even though he's quiet and avoidant of attention. So fascinating... With the right tools at her disposable, perhaps Nene can do anything.
Hmm, I often like to envision her... getting in over her head, with the whole witch thing... Onene inflating her head a bit! The 'downside' to that gained confidence. It's easy to imagine that Nene wouldn't be above using magic to gain favor in the pursuit of love... If Nene would swallow a mermaid's scale out of desperation for a relationship... I think being a witch capable of spells would provide unfathomable temptations for her. Along with Amane being a challenge to court, I ah, feel like the situation is rife for Nene to create, schemes, plans, to bag him. With the confidence that she could definitely succeed... and that he would be none the wiser, about it. There could even be an angle of, feeling like she's doing him a favor by being forward, he's just so shy, I bet he's never had a girl like him before ❤ I'll take care of it all!!
Which is funny, because I think this is exactly the way Hanako thinks of his 'flirting' (sekuhara) in canon. This AU flips things around, but in a way that I enjoy. ^^ I like that Iro-sensei is capable of scrambling the main cast around, but still keeping things so interesting! Allowing me to witness the girlish version of simping and the wear down method lol...
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Now... Wizard Tsukasa-!!! The catalyst of the event!! The capable, full-fledged magic user... He's enchanting💜 In his nice white sweater, and untucked undershirt... Would love to see him put on that hat. Sigh
I love seeing a Tsukasa so capable. I like to think he's a prodigy, and no one on campus who uses magic could hold a candle to him. The great and powerful TsuTsu!! Bare with me for this flight of fancy, but in settings where the twins are in a 'normal' setting (going to school and all), I still like to factor in Amane's heart condition. I like to believe he was still born with it, though technology is advanced enough that he was able to be saved through surgeries at a young age. That being said, it leaves him with a weak constitution, still being the sickly twin. I like to think that Tsukasa's nature of fetching Amane gifts to his bedside persists, and he's by Amane's side constantly, helping with little things. For magic to exist in this world... I feel like, of course, Tsukasa would pursue it to be able to service Amane even better. It's in his nature... when granted power, access to grant wishes, he simply wants to use it for Amane. So, the reason he gets so good at it all is for Amane 💜 It's what sets him apart from others.
... haha, okay, personal delusions aside, I think Tsukasa exudes a sort of... pleasant serenity here. I like the music notes in his text, like he's humming or speaking melodically. Fun, playful boy... Someone who speaks with hearts❤ Similarly to Nene, I think being able to wield magic gives him a bit of a confidence 'boost', so he's less self-conscious than some younger versions of him (that feel clumsy or like a burden...) Comfortable with his position in life currently. He's by Amane's side, after all! Hum humm, might as well have fun then, ne? There's no harm in it~
Argh, you know, it's an AU where things are atypical/shuffled around, so I think Tsukasa looming over Nene and taunting her is closer to something 'unusual' and unexpected (he's not purposefully ominous in canon ww) ... but like, it's sexy to see here, heurr. I feel a little messed with, when I have to consider TsuNene like this... It's as if I'm being baited lol. But I LIKE IT so oh well. As much as I think about Nene getting up to shennanigans behind Amane's back, I like to think of her having to deal with Tsukasa, who can observe and thwart her with ease. He doesn't do it mean spiritedly or anything, but I feel like sometimes he is watching her like...~ It would be fun to meddle. Just a tiny bit... <3 Able to give Nene a run for her money. The fact that Amane likes her is interesting to him <3 and maybe there's a little bit of flirting on Tsukasa's end too... <3 Ahee...
The fact that Tsukasa is able to intercept Aoi and Nene's combined efforts to stop him, and, that Amane then interrupts — and Tsukasa just goes ohp, ok, Amane needs me! Bye! & drops everything... feels like it says so much about the ah, flow of 'power' here. Despite Amane being The Mundane and despite Tsukasa being OP magic user... Tsukasa still defers to Amane-!! Ugh it creates this visual in my mind, where Nene's POV is one where Tsukasa might as well be Amane's big pet tiger curled around him. Lounging, languid, but... intimidating...
I like this AU overall lol. It just makes me horny very effectively. At least I feel like I'm not alone, because fujoshi are distinctly distressed about this AU and the implications of. Amane like, sending a drone to get Tsukasa, with the? Head of the? Rabbit costume he is horny about now? It literally feels like he's just ordering Tsukasa to come help him out with this, problem. Like why are they about to have weird sex through this conduit. Yamete kudasai...
Nyways final note is, I think Amane can eventually tempted by poon, between the forces of Tsukasa and Nene both, and then he will start to metamorphasize into a nastier guy, thinking about suck fuck fuck fuck suck suck & fuck. Which is good for him. He will be healed.
📞Kamome Valentine Company💘
This AU came out of nowhere and really sucker-punched us for Valentine's day... One swift sock to the gut. I barely survived February because of this all. My god. Where to even start.
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At first glance from the twitter icon, you don't get much of an impression of this Amane. I was mostly surprised to see that he had angel wings, as so far, it's usually been the inverse (other illusts having Amane be a devil while Tsu is holy aligned...) However, once the event started rolling out proper, I felt my gut sink as we got a better look at this guy. Promising that he can polish your love and make it shine... That lidded gaze, the look of an Amane that is trying to WORK YOU OVER... I could not BEGIN to trust this creep, ueeuahhh!! Makes my skin crawl. He actually is a devil. (Avvy's proposed he might actually be identical Tsukasa, and it's just an illusion he has going on... good possibilities.)
Alright but what's this looooook??? The metal... collar? The corset-!? The boots, the one glove... All this fetish gear, why are you looking like this! Running this shop with your brother! Ackkk! Oh and of course, to top it all off, you and Tsukasa both have matching jewelry, as some, expression of your commitment to one another… While you endlessly make bets and squabble for fun, in this warehouse full of jewels... It's really yabai that they have some sort of, hearts in cages, while their power itself is the ability to make love into jewelry. Their hearts look different from what's present in the cages, so I feel like whatever extraction process was done was different...
It's extrapolating a lot, but eh while I'm here, I might as well say — I like to think of the twins as having once been human. Some... dirty raggamuffin orphan boys... And one day, they effectively tapped into a kind of magic, some sort of dark ritual, etc. that effectively cursed them into their current forms... It was an act of commitment, equivalent to canon's shinjuu, and they've been bound eternally since. The end product is they've really become cursed beings who cannot, think or love properly. Avvy's described them as having a sort of emptiness to them, and I agree. It feels like they're locked in their obsession... Ermm, and much like how, it feels like the canon circumstance is one where, the twins can't help but want to reenact the shinjuu — Amane just wants to kill Tsukasa / Tsukasa just wants to be killed by Amane — again and again... I feel like once the twins get on a tear, they're kind of endlessly looping their desires, and they almost can't conceive of anything beyond what they are doing. Just slamming the button that says MORE. Do it AGAIN.
Obsessed with turning love into jewelry endlessly... obsessed with playing with each other... so it goes... sigh
(also I hate that he's likely evoking Eros... Ughh, god of sex and love, urghhhh... I'm gonna hurl... *has had a sona named Eros since I was 14* Whatever.)
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It is time to have much pity in my heart for this Nene... She's a VICTIM of this establishment... one of MANY. They have cages lining the walls of what they do to girls like her. So scary... Excessive! Diabolical!!
I do wish we had more time to spend with her. I hope somehow she makes her way back here, through some thread of fate... I don't want to believe she'll be gone for too long... *worried for her* At least, she's technically unburdened from her last circumstance...
This is again not ah, the sort of look I personally would choose for her — too 'mature' feeling? A type of formal clothing I'm not especially into. That being said, I like the hair framing her face mostly emphasized as the rest is pulled back. (Still, not into the braid it's in...) She's pretty in some close ups... Not bad looking, just not my favorite look for her. This is a nicer hat than GH girlie tho. I'll kiss her still~ chu...
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Mmmh, once again, out of the three, I'm most bewitched by the Tsukasa of this set. First getting a glimpse of him in the header, brutal for me. Horns! Devil wings!! Pppuuushed back hair, white frilly top, shorts, baby blue socks... Girlie on the phone? *0 brains* call girl... *even less brains* Phone sex. Sex with this one. Sex between work. *stops having a stroke* anyways.
To me, pragmatically speaking, the idea of my unrequited love being destroyed and forgotten about is the most appealing. I trust Tsukasa's proposal more... well, I at least feel as though he's being more honest. Assuming that Tsukasa had a different path laid out for Nene, I would trust it more than what Amane did.
I kinda waffle back and forth on it though, because Avvy's brought up a good point, that perhaps both the twins functionally do the exact same thing — part of their game might just be about whose proposal wins? In that case, ugh, twins-!! I guess you shouldn't trust either of them lol. That might just be the reality of this world. =.=
Yk. Despite the twins having such an intertwined existence, and surely doing this sort of thing all the time... I like how Tsukasa, at the end of this all, is staring quietly with small mouth big eyes, as he feeds Amane. That's the sort of expression I often read as Tsukasa being... overwhelmed, or kind of subdued, his mouth practically disappears. It's like he's really focusing on Amane's mouth eating the chocolate. I must see. His hind brain is tingling, due to what Amane is...? Insinuating? With his comment? But it's Tsukasa, so I think he also can't fully grasp what is being said. I'll do something for you later? Okay, Amane. ⬅ It's aspects like this that really mess me up though. Because a world like this is like, urgh, ugh, ok, the twins are? Definitely fucking? Or inbound, about to fuck, maybe fucking all day, or like, on the precipice. Perfect 50/50 split, what is the reality. Fucking today for the first time on Valentine's day? Suck your fingers while you feed me c hocolate. Ahh... *you lose me in the mist*
🐈‍Bakeneko Ryokan♨️
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Our most recent cafe event to date, and honestly, what feels like the most luxurious one. It feels embarrassing to say (since it just came out) but this is my favorite AU of them all, currently-!!! It's far too decadent in every way... Just look at this map!! Eh, ahh! I wanna go here so badly! Ehhh! Everything feels luscious and beautiful...! It's crazy Aida-sensei made this... This feels so involved and over the top... Meanwhile, I'm enraptured by Iro-sensei's description of things, like how it feels to approach this place.
"The air outside is cool and fresh. A deep fog enshrouds this place… The only light you can see is coming from the Ryokan." (Translation by DBS Scans!)
I'm just like UGH, atmosphere!! Makes me want to immerse into this world so badly! Traveling up the mountain side, as the fog encloses around me... A light in the distance, my only hope... Again, I really admire the integration of ah, an entire narrative alongside the theme of, cafe, food establishment, being served by the characters, etc... Transported to another world while you come here to eat. And again there is an element of danger to your visit here. A place you won't likely be returning from... Will you get eaten, or will you get turned into a bakeneko yourself-!? Such a fun set up omg
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Hmm, another Amane that looks like a too-pleased maniac... why am I not surprised. :I It's so devious he is a nekomata amidst bakeneko... it's like ah, Amane is decidedly the more evil and dangerous version of this yokai — almost to make sure there's no misconstruing that you shouldn't trust him ww. I think it also conveys that he is perhaps more powerful than we can observe, hiding a slew of abilities... maybe even a more extravagant beast form, larger than his typical kitty cat body. No way to know... (typical for Amane though... he won't let us know...)
But much like his vampire self, being a naughty kitty really suits him. If there was anyone destined to be a shitty tom cat, it's just, Amane... He's just got that sort of nature, don't he. Patrolling his territory, pissing on your things. Rubbing his scent glands on you. Because you are his. Enjoying that silvervine... Meanwhile, the texture of his hair and ears make me feel like he must be a very scruffy feeling black kitty, if you saw him up close. Hmm, it's just a very compatible charisma... the Halloween cat swag once more.
Always fun when Amane is in yukata. :3 Get all silked out... and I like his black tabi socks, they are cool. They further obfuscate slivers of skin, making him feel very clothed, toe to tip. The cut in his high collar, so that his bell comes out, is very crazy looking. I'm into it. Also like the extra gold band and bell on the tail, and the teal ribbon with it... The red and white rope on his zori, and for the keys slipped in his yukata, are the same as Tsukasa's shimenawa obi he is wearing. A little something connecting them here. I have to assume the keys he's keeping are to Tsukasa's room directly. Ugh, lock you up. I get it I get it... *exhausted, threadbare*
As for this Amane's nature, it's kinda fascinating... because, I feel like having been Tsukasa's pet kitty means, he kind of, couldn't have the same sort of problems he typically does when they are human brothers... It's just? Hard to imagine that he struggles in quite the same way. Wasn't he living a simple life once, getting chin scratches... He would surely just purr and rub up against Tsukasa... and then, why would that change, after their escape from the circus? Just so easy to imagine the twins are very, pet pet rub rub, nuzzle purrrrr purr mrr... The way their life has gone, there's also no pressure of 'the future', in the sense of some impending career or pressure from parents. They are freed from such things. Maybe he still wouldn't be the best at uhh, verbally comforting you lol, but I think he would be openly affectionate. Oozing out, condescending sounding, but very much enamored. Kitty lurvvve...
Another thing: I've seen JP fans theorize that Amane chose to emulate his human form after Tsukasa's, which I totally love the thought of. He's so distressed in that shot of them running away... I like to think he was less capable with magicks once, so it took a lot to finally congeal his human form — so it comes to him in the moment of adrenaline, saving Tsukasa from the fire. But it's cute to choose to match... I want to think that's how it went. :3
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Mmm oooh I was soooooo looking forward to seeing more of this Nene, after the few glimpses of her from promotional art (and the original shikishi...) She seemed so, gormless, empty shiny gaze. Yet lovely and pleasant, happy kitty. I'm so happy the more we've seen of her. Her yukata is gorgeousss.... Love the petal-y frills at the end, the pink inner fabric, the long embellished sleeves and tassles! Light blue/green, pink, red! Yes yes yes!! Colors that totally suit her! Mmm she would be so nice to touch... I prefer how her hair is done up here btw, no braid, just tied up! I disprefer the tightness of a braid. A small bun like this is nicer to think about playing with, pulling loose. *Amane voice* I ah, also like that she has little bells in her hair, and they feel like they thread her design with the twins' ostentatious big bells... It's a nice touch. A little something.
She really lives up to her name... She really is Pretty-chan! Ackkh.... by the way, I'm still dying every day over the name PRETTY-CHAN!!! It's that thing, that rule almost, where Nene is considered beautiful when she is nonhuman... Becoming this fanciful, large breed of cat, long fluffy fur, and her seafoam green tipped tail!! It makes so much sense she was once a beloved house pet.
Though, true to form, a platonic guardian cannot mean much to the romance-focused Nene... Off into the mountains she goes! Searching for guys to fawn over her... Only to! Wind up with this shitty, scruffy mans harassing her! Such is her destiny...
I like that she does dances :) fun, I would love to watch. Shake that tail around for me, girl... Ahh. She's so fun. I guess I understand actually why Amane can't resist sekuhara... With such a nice girlie walking around, it really makes you want to nip her heels and chase her around lol
With the release of this story card, I've been kind of arrested though... Learning that even Pretty-chan is like, slobbering over the idea of eating a human... A-ah, okay, and Amane is stoking her? Playing along? Even though he's harboring his human brother-!? Whyyy... 😭 I do n't understand... What do you mean there's a world where Nene could desire to eat Tsukasa-!?!??Fg h gg./h. fhg... why is she also i nsan e... help... I still feel like I'm falling out of my body. I 've literally always wanted to explore Nene being 'crazy' but now that I have the chance it's like sits on my hands . This is too much. The potential here... I shudder violently thinking about it. I'm in a dream I can't escape...
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*biiig sigh* Glorious images of Tsukasa-chan in this AU... Much color and splendor... No shoes of any kind, because he's probably mostly indoors! The long decorative sleeves tucked away, because he's gotta be ready to scrub the floor. Little miss mittens. Nya. Even if you're not really a bakeneko, you've got all the charm of a kitty, don't you? Rolling around while your 'brother' dangles a cat tail above you...
I feel like this Tsukasa lives quite a fun life. Padding about, RPing as kitty, meeting nice girlies who talk to him and might find him novel and cute. Hiding in closets, getting dragged about by his tyrant master. Random naps, lazing in hot spring water, enjoying the food here... Considering where his life started — as some unwanted child performing labor for a circus... This is probably more than he could've ever dreamed of. Life is good and life is fun!
I have to assume the details of his disguise were by Amane. I feel like if it were up to Tsukasa, he'd just match identically with Amane... it's probably Amane who is like 'no, you're not a nekomata... and actually, you could never even become one, ever, you'd be some kinked tail little thing'. Fetishistic perception of Tsukasa. The fact that Tsukasa could complain about his ears and tail is like, so funny to me, it makes it feel like it really is mostly for Amane's sake... He's the one trying to keep you his tasty little secret, shhh. I have to assume it's also Amane who wanted the reciprocation of giving Tsukasa a collar, since he's earing the one from when he was Tsukasa's pet in the past. Ugh, I swear it just represents that they own one another, mutual feelings...
So much going on here... and I have to accept this is just another world where Tsukasa is some tasty morsel. There is a biological urge to consume him. Again. Because it just feels so good and he is so delicious. Thanks I guess, iro... *i am frowning*
!! Bonus section for AUs featured in stand alone illustrations !!
🐹Hamster Owners🐭
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Attached to one of my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE VOLUMES, is this baby. It's such a simple image, isn't it? But this is one of those things where I feel like, Ah. This was made for me, specifically... I love rodents... I love this style of little ferals, where they still have human heads — little sphinxes! Nene-chan hamster!! Tsukasa as some sort of little, mousey-wousy!! Incredible-!!!! The way Tsukasa is helplessly licking the outside of the water... he no understand. Ack... and then this young Amane!! 8 yo boy!! Peak boy!! In his shorts and with bandage booboos... clutching hamster cage bedding! Nrghhh! Pet owner Amane... yes, he's the 'owner' in the situation, and they're the pets. Ra urhghg!!! It's all so 'simple' but it's for me to adore!! It looks amazing!!!! It's feeding me endlessly, as a standalone image... (I've drawn too much porn of this AU... LOL)
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Haha, these feel like some random sketches Aida-sense did one day, just for fun. Maybe without much of a 'world' behind them... but they still give me pause! The Yugi's fancy rich lad quality coming out... Perhaps they are home schooled. While Nene is a servant to their household-!! God it's a good age gap here, she is very onee-san. The despicable charm of Amane splitting a donut with Nene and going shh, secret... Maybe it's unprofessional and not the sort of thing your parents would like, maybe you'd get in trouble for interrupting her from sweeping. But must do it still... Hehe. And Nene of course is like, oooh, okayyy~ Going along with...
Unforch at these ages, it's too easy to imagine Nene being like lol, handsome lil guy lol, teeheee, maybe he has a lil crush on me, so cute. Far too seamlessly going to make jokes like, ahh, well mayb e when you're older❤... Ohh, Amane-kun, how charming... I'll wait for you❤... (A particle of Nene's brain: but it would be nice if he grew up all handsome and I got to go from being a maid to a mistress of the house... swag...) All of this will get out of hand quickly. It's like a, give a mouse a cookie problem, you fuel this crush/concept, you will make Amane sick and entitled. He will like incel rage about it almost. I don't want to wait over a decade... I want my slaw
I'm tunnel vision ofc, would love to see Tsukasa tugging on Nene's dress as well. He's here too, he will have a crush too. Onene-san should have a lot on her plate.
❄️Kamome Skating School⛸
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Splendid... incredible... marvelous... This image blessed my crops, as they say. In one fell swoop, it introduced me so many things. Simply, a world where the twins are alive, and together, and we're watching them about to skate together? (It's usually more ambiguous, where they overlap...) B-bandaged boy-!? Bandaged Amane-?!? Even just aesthetically, that's crazy, he's such a specific boy that is featured in highly specific contexts... but wait, so is living Tsukasa! He's really a rare sight! Double rarity! And then Tsukasa is, looking, amazing, with skates on his hands, I want to see him SKATE LIKE THIS!! I think he could do it.
And then, you just have Amane dazzled by this increble Nene... The super capable Nene, look at her! Amazing!! Show stopping! I'd love for her to be super good at skating, distinctly... Ah, again, a Nene confident enough to show her bare legs ;; I love when this is the case... Rare girlies... Ugh and I'm like, actually very attracted to figure skating and the kind of attire that goes with it, so I feel very very very very serviced. We really just barrelled into this AU and RP'd it excessively the month we got this illust... good times✨
🎶Idol Cup🎤
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Much delight had here. To reiterate, I'm a simple idol otaku. I mostly like female idols but I'm into the general concept enough to be allured by the twins as a duo. They look amazing ww, it feels like Amane stans Tsukasa so hard here...
In the past, I was mostly keyed in on Tsukasa being mic'd up, but I realize Amane is as well, and they must be singing together. Duets... that's almost too much for me. I like to think the twins have 'the same voice' in reality, like how they work in the anime, just for ah. Some sort of eerie, unusual element to them. I wonder how much that would make their singing fascinating to hear... Would they blend seamlessly? The same voice, twice, harmonizing, echoing... IMO the twins are very talented and good at dancing/singing, but they can't win #1 because they are too creepy and incest vibes. It's like hmm it almost feels too scandalous, trashy. If only you two would gyrate less... but the women in the crowd ARE screaming.
Meanwhile: Nene back there makes me wanna cry, little cupcake. Littel cake topper wife. Help-!! !!! I want to talk to her backstage and invite her into our room lol, like come to our studio. Let me watch you sing and harmonize with Tsukasa... Really, I'd love to abduct her for a 3way routine, let's all have matching black and purple 'fits. And then I'll fuck you after the show just like I do my brother. Yaaaaaaa the crowd is going wild back there... Mmmm doesn't it just feel so good.
OK that's all I got in me. Enjoy
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only-lonely-lovers · 4 months
notes: rambling about Tanabata vibes... kissy!
Bird is あ / Avvy is つ
あ:I'll just deposit me crumb that I remembered
It's like ah… idk why but it was really suddenly processing that when Nene leaves Amane, the fireworks are just starting to go off, and then we have that illustration of Amane with Tsukasa looking at the fireworks… and Tsukasa has like a lil cotton candy… It's so cute like, as if after Amane had his encounter with Nene he immediately collected Tsukasa and they went back to walking around together, and Amane is all genki and souped up from forehead kiss
I wanted it to be that between Nene and Amane in general being the guiding, excitable force for their time at the festival… that, like, while having a lull, while Tsukasa is looking off kinda distantly and seems listless, that Amane is like ahm…. ambiently horny… thinkos about kiss… and wanting to really like do a gesture to Tsukasa that gets his attention. As if all night he's been trying to be as cheeky and fun as possible but it can't really be as infectious as he wants, so he's lean in… kism. its really like a peck. but I wanted Tsukasa to be so like "wah….?" at it and Amane is all [big grin hehe.] it's… ~ a tanabata kiss~! [as if that's something…]
Tsukasa getting like glassy eyed…
つ:feed the energy back into this. I imagine Amane is as lalala as possible… the fireworks might be what finally 'snaps' tsukasa out of the katanuki hynotism, his brain finally like AH-- FIREWORKS-- WITH AMANE--! WAIT.. my DESIRES
あ:I was thinking a lot about how yugi8 rly feels like a chain of injecting each other with poison. it's kind of delightful. i mean in the first place, Nene develops her habit of… [kiss] + [some sort of 'explanation'… like its a seal of protection,a good luck charm…] bc of.. Hanako…??? But what if young Amane got it from Nene.
つ:i think about this a lot, yeah. that Amane subconsciously repeats what he remembers Nene doing, but then she does it bc of him….
あ:We are so in the chain
つ:I think its where Tsukasa copying/imitating Amane overall is also interesting. you taught tsukasa through example how to be a minxy little thing but his spin on it naturally makes it, different
あ:Serving his own flavor… uncontrollably
つ:its sad to me if Tsukasa was looking so forward to Tanabata with Amane but he has. mental illness so he's trapped in Katanuki for 3 hours
つ:but I think due to Nene softening things once they come back together he's just perfectly perky, yes… genki boy.. very holds both your hands and swings them around
あ:ahh the thought of Tsukasa all like alarmed like NO THE FIREOWRKS DX but Amane manifests and is all smiley smiley… and like ah come on!! are you hungry? :3c …. i ate without you :P
つ:lets get to the center theyll look best there…! oh yeah and lets get you a snack how bout…?
brainless little tsukasa is like how long … it been… i saw some JP fan darwing tsukasa like excitedly showing amane a dinosaur shaped katanuki and amane just sortof putting it into a bag with a bunch of others like💔 its not special to him LOL
あ:No one could understand but perhaps Tsukasa has emotions like, a girl who is doing poorly on a date
つ:tsukasa looking like LOOK i did it klg;gjf it made me go omggg no. but like amane would be like ah sigh his shapes [like your kid handing you a crayon drawing] MAYBE SO
あ:getting quiet while lead around because kinda feel stupid. about the katanuki but it already happened but i missed out on Amane eating food [depressed eating this cotton candy]
つ:amane is so gracious about it…. quiet tsukasa like im… im behave nao… mentally im.. good… must experience the Tanabata with Amane…
あ:i'll be so good. when you give me the sparkler
つ:must absorb experience
あ:but like Amane seeing this all is like …….💭 thats too dreary for a festival…
つ:YOU'RE REALLY GLAD THEY GET TO DANCE AROUND EACH OTHR WAVING SPARKLERS AROUND….!!! aaooo streaks of color in the air… I'm sure only Amane exists, to Tsukasa.
あ:this expression….
あ:one mo gain just to let you know it DID happen
つ:BUT SHE NEESD YOU TO KNOW THE BOYS WERE HAVING TANABATA BEFORE AND ASLO AFTER!!!! nene just injected a fun energy into amane a real lalalalala so he has no frustration at tsukasa for gettin distracted
its just like lol met a hot girl whoa…. HI TSUKASAAA
あ:[swaggers in]
つ:catches a goldfish later feeling so chad
あ:no big deal It's whatever you know Feeling like hot shit
つ:whys tsukasa out here feeling like fail girl on date and amane feels like hot shit on date wtf….
あ:😭for no reason
あ:All you did was neg a girl and eat most of the food She had to wipe the crumbs off your face
つ:god. amane why do you have swagger
あ:I'll treat you reeeall nice
つ:will you now can we see it
あ:might as well burp in her face
つ:god the boy experience
あ:its like by contrast Tsukasa is like. does this yukata look silly on me Amane's all handsome in his dark one sigh
つ:its like he's gotten the sash all askew in the night and amane has to fix it
あ:Your girl is looking out the window moodily. spiritually
つ:she is fsr…. sigh…. really looking off into the night….
��:but I swear this sort of thing, while Amane is sooo like. smug confidence. is like. it mightj as well be bait in terms of how much he's like oh. I'll cheer you up
つ:I like to think it was simply what amane felt he was good at, once tsukasa came back…. mm time to but really rub you and pet you and say there there all the time and throw you my killer smile and play a little game
あ:entering niichan mode What can be said.. you need me❤️
つ:amane like ahhh I got all sweaty talking to that onee-san… [fuffs around with yukata] [tsukasa inhaling deeply] godi cant wait to get in the futon
あ:A treat for me [fingers crossed the smell stays all ngiht]
つ:incredible smells. i hope we're too tired to bother showering. i hope we collapse into the futon i hope we shirk off the sashes and then just become a heap. and he smels like summer… m
oh for a little rain on the walk home…. a little wet hair, a little refreshment that makes it feel even less necessary to bother with cleaning up or proper regimen… mmmm…. takoyaki breath….. a little drizzle… a nice thing to see after a festival….
あ:Tsukasa does have wishes…. he just doesnt know how to say
つ:tsukasa has this… situation of being… a spectator… to Amane. he just feels patient and observant once coming back. a capacity to really drink in every second. I think he really felt ultimately satisfied…. the festivals were everything he could have ever possibly wanted
あ:genuinely just wishing to be together. to just be there
つ:i'd just like tosmell him. he can just softly burp in bed next to me and i will stay awake a little while extra listening to rain and Amane sounds
0 notes
jengarie · 3 years
*taps mic*   anybody still here?
i’m struggling a lot with art this past few weeks and i was wondering if u guys could spare me some art requests or whatnot   i just rly want to get out of this funk i’m currently in ;v;
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llesbianwrites · 4 years
novel prep tag: wayward
tagged by @aziz-writes​! thank you so much! writing + tags under the cut bc it’s. a lot kmdfkjvndf and just in case anyone is interested — here’s the wip intro for wayward!
— first look
1. describe your book in 1-2 sentences (elevator pitch)
three hunters (hanako, jes, and rin) search for elusive but extremely valuable fragments hidden around the world.
2. how long do you plan for your novel to be? (novella, single book, series, etc.)
i’m planning on it being the first book in a trilogy! the more i actually outline though... i wouldn’t be surprised if it ended up being a four book series kvmdfnmkg
3. what’s your novel’s aesthetic?
a sword gleaming in the sunlight. wind-weathered sandstone. a pit in your stomach that nothing will ease. gnarled branches in a dark wood, their shadows playing tricks on you in the moonlight. blood and dirt smeared across your face. the crash of waves against a cliff. an ache that settles only when you lay down in your bed, exhausted after being away for so long.
4. what other stories inspire your novel?
the adventure zone (a DnD podcast) was the absolute biggest inspo for wayward — it’s the first fantasy story i’ve ever written, and the first draft borrowed a lot of ideas from taz. another big one is pokemon: explorers of time!
5. share 3+ images that give a feel for the novel
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— main characters
6. who is your protagonist?
there are three! hanako watanabe, rin watanabe, and jessica ‘jes’ alexander. technically only hana and jes are hunters — rin’s their psuedo-secretary and she HATES it
7. who is their closest ally?
theo! despite her general unpleasantness, she really does care about the girls. she’s the team dad!
8. who is their enemy?
god. can i say themselves? because it’s themselves.
9. what do they want more than anything?
hanako: stability
rin: recognition
jes: forgiveness
10. why can’t they have it?
hanako: she’s been the primary caregiver of her sister since the age of thirteen, and she doesn’t know how to let other people have control. she thinks it’s because she's fundamentally a bad person.
rin: she’s not willing to put in the work needed, but she thinks it’s because her sister won’t let her become a hunter.
jes: there’s nothing to forgive. it’s all self-imposed. the only way she’s going to find relief is if she forgives herself, and she doesn’t know how to do that.
11. what do they wrongly believe about themselves?
hanako: that she’s a bad person.
rin: that she’s stronger than she is.
jes: that she doesn’t deserve forgiveness.
12. draw your protagonist! (or share a description)
i’m gonna skip this one because for the LIFE of me i can’t picture what they look like
— plot points
13. what is the internal conflict?
does your past define you? are people capable of change? what matter more; who you are or what you do?
14. what is the external conflict?
trying to find the fragments while being HUNTED!! they aren’t the only ones who know about it and there are A Lot of people who would stoop very low to get their hands on the reward money
15. what is the worst thing that could happen to your protagonist?
hanako: rin dying/getting hurt when she could have stopped it
rin: losing her magic
jes: going back to the person she was two years ago
16. what secret will be revealed that changes the course of the story?
:-) hanako is [REDACTED] and she later learns that [REDACTED] is too. oh, and that mage from the first chapter? so is he.
17. do you know how it ends?
more or less? there’s going to be a stereotypical ‘final boss’ battle and i know who’s going to die but other than that... no idea how i’m actually getting to that point mvkdjbmbkfg
18. what is the theme?
does your past truly define you? what’s the difference between the person you are and the person you’re viewed as? is there one? does it even matter?
19. what is a recurring symbol?
hm. water, probably. specifically the ocean.
20. where is the story set (share a description!)
in the fictional world of arkalis! it’s set in the country of quette (which is loosely based off of north america) and the majority of the story is split between caspur, a bustling trade hub built from the ruins of a flooded city, and a (still unnamed...) desert!
21. do you have any images or scenes in your head already?
(eyes emoji) there’s one scene between hana and jes i have almost memorized. it was the first thing that i thought of when i started plotting wayward!
22. what excited you about this story?
LESBIANS!!! FANTASY LESBIANS! besides that, though, i always wondered how a DnD campaign would look written out as an actual book. it’s changed a lot since then, but the original idea has always stuck with me and it never fails to get me excited about writing again :’)
23. tell us about your usual writing method!
oh my god i don’t think i have one? i’ll usually just write whenever i find the time (so a lot of it happens in between class) and because i have adhd, a LOT of my notes are full of ideas i had while in class. it’s... fun? trying to piece it all together at the end mkjnkhbhj
this is a lot so no pressure if you don’t want to do this, but i’m going to tag @ditzysworld​, @milkyway-writes​, @andiwriteunderthemoon​, @hellsigns​, @urbanteeth​, and @evergrcen​!
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bokutokoutarou · 4 years
HQ matchup ✨✨U already know who this Clownie is🤡🤡 I’m 17, INFP-T, 5’0, she/her, insanely idiotic, short dark brown hair. I’m kinda good at music tho I’d never admit it. Im first quiet, but I’m chaotic when u kno me and tease a lot I’m reallly passionate when it comes to creative arts, but I’m stupidly insecure about it. even tho I’m stubborn, ppl find it endearing lol. I wnna soulmate, but I’m scared when it comes to love, and can be shy, irrational, and over analyze everything. have fun 🤡🤡
MARI UR MY IRL CLOWNIE AND ILY!!! and stfu w/ all this self depreciation imma run to ur house and fight u after quarantine is over
side note: i’m adding details about u that u didn’t mention in the ask because i know u in real life and i’m not missing out on anything
your first mini matchup is...
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listen, it’s freaking obvious that kenma would love ur clownass to death!!!
don’t even try to say anything self-depreciating around him okay!!!
kenma’s very critical about himself, so he doesn’t want u to feel the same way and he’ll never let u get away with saying anything bad about urself
he doesn’t talk vv much if he’s unprompted, but if u even try to insult ur own writing, singing, or drawing, he’ll stop u immediately and tell u how amazing u actually are bc u can’t seem to realize it urself (that’s right, i’m exposing u clownie)
u two would definitely play vid games together. he’d have his head on ur lap and his nintendo switch in his hands as you’d race each other on mario kart
ur rlly good at mario kart (don’t try to say otherwise u legit beat me 10 times in a row) so u’d win kenma just as much as he’d win u
and u CANNOT TELL ME that kenma wouldn’t read the hell out of ur writing!!! he’d legit beg u to write bc he’d get so invested in the storylines and oc’s that u ranted to him about for hours on end
also, he’s literally in love with ur voice!! like pls sing him a lullaby (isabella’s lullaby from the promised neverland obviously) and he’ll fall asleep in seconds
it would take a while for u two to show affection bc u are both shy about love, but once u do it’s the cutest thing ever!!!
also, kuroo would totally tease u two if he saw u holding hands, but he’d regret it immediately bc u would go off on him like the clown u are lmaooo
just pls protecc this pretty setter aaah!!!
your second mini matchup is...
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u and hinata would literally be so chaotic together and it’d be the best thing ever!!!
he’d literally be ENTRANCED by ur voice (who isn’t lmao?!)
he’d legit beg u to sing for him every five seconds and he’d try to get u to sing for the team, but ur shy so there’s no way in hell ur doing that
if u ever insult urself in front of him, he’d be so confused bc ur legit perfect in his eyes and he doesn’t understand how u feel otherwise
he’d probably go on a TANGENT about how perfect u are in front of the team and you’d be so embarrassed lmaooo
but ofc u’d forgive hinata immediately bc he’s a babie and he means the best
u CANNOT tell me that the whole team would tease u two bc u both are short af (i’m a hypocrite for saying this bc i’m only 5’1 oopzies)
“wow, the two short clowns finally got together. a match made in heaven,” tsukki would say when hinata announced u two were dating
tsukki instantly regretted it tho, bc u went off about how u’d rather be short than be a “blind tree” LMAO
hinata would want to show all his love and affection for u immediately, but once he realized that u weren’t comfortable with it yet, he’d try his hardest to restrain himself from giving u a huge hug every time he saw you
but once ur comfortable, u better prepare urself bc this boi would shower u with so much affection bc he thinks ur perfect in every way aaah!!
there u go clownie!!! this one will probably be way longer than the other ones bc i know u irl and i’ve wanted to make a matchup for u for SO GODDAMN LONG u don’t understand!!!
ps: write ur hanako toilet fanfiction already bc i’m still waiting okay??😌🎪
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shrikeofficial · 4 years
📌 how did you find your hyperfixation?
TUC: I actually found out about tuc after finishing the hunger games trilogy when I was about 10 or 11. I loved that trilogy so I was just HUNGRY for more good books and I really hoped the author had written other series that could hook me. Of course I saw tuc was ~for kids~ and had giant talking animals so I almost didn’t give it a chance but um. IM SO FUCKING GLAD I DID. Bc this series is damn BRILLIANT. Wouldn’t unread it for anything!!! I love it so so much.
Hanako: just found it recently actually!!! Right after episode 1 aired. I saw the anime’s art style and was immediately enraptured. Decided I would watch it even if the story ended up sucking bc the art was so gorgeous (and hanako’s seiyuu is megumi ogata). TURNS OUT I love aidairo’s art style even more than the anime’s (but they’re both amazing don’t get me wrong) also the story is SSOOO GREAT AND THE CHARACTERS ARE AWESOME SO I WAS IN FOR SUCH A TREAT. I’m so lucky....
✨ what draws you towards your hyperfixation? what is interesting about it?
TUC: there are honestly so many things I love about TUC. The characters are so lovable and dynamic. The plot is engaging and paced well. The story integrates lots of dark, important and deep themes while also being innocent enough to be marketed as a children’s book. You WILL be shocked at how dark it gets, I will just let u know. It’s so memorable and really leaves a unique feeling in your mind. The ending is one that I can never quite forget. But I think it really ended perfectly for the point it was trying to get across. (As painful as it is.) I could go on and on. I love the blurred line between “good” and “evil” and the very ambiguous characters on each side. Who is the REAL villain of TUc? Well I have my own theories, but you’ll just have to read it and find out for yourself. (Also, I love the progression of Gregor and Luxa’s relationship. It is so sweet and soft and pure and very comforting for me, and has been since I read the books when I was 10. ;W; ❤️)
Hanako: (I was first drawn to this series by the art, so I gotta just say that I am OBSESSED with aidairo’s art style.)
But I stayed for characters I absolutely adore, (all of the main four are my kids and I would do anything for them), and a really fun plot full of wacky hijinks, some time travel, fun comedy. And of course, (my favorite), an overlying plot of darkness, murder, and tragedy. I love the mystery of hanako and his past. The way they tease u with little hints and set up foreshadowing of future chapters and revelations is just //chef’s kiss// I love the way comedy is integrated through the story, so while it gets progressively darker, you can still have brief moments of reprieve and humor. Overall I find myself tearing up in one way or another almost every chapter. It really hits hard, honestly.
🎥 do you have any favorite scenes from your hyperfixation?
God I’ve got so many favorites I don’t even know how to choose. Also a lot of them are spoilers. So I’ll just try to pick moments from early on (like book 1 of tuc) to minimize that
TUC: Luxa’s entrance scene. Including getting out-smarted by a 2 year old.
When Luxa drinks the root beer “weapon”
Every instance of Gregor taunting Henry and Luxa. (I love him so much? He’s so realistic. I love that he has such a gentle heart but he WILL NOT let u mess with his friends and family. He can and will snark at u with deadly precision)
Honestly like every scene with Luxa in it. Luxa and Gregor slowly learning more about each other and coming to an understanding of each other’s differences? I.... love them so much ;;;
Speaking of, the scene where Luxa opens up about her trauma and Gregor thinks “he forgave her for everything in that moment. He even forgot why he needed to forgive her.” Why is he such a good boy? Anyway I’d do anything for them,
Hanako: hhdndndndmndhd like every moment? Uhhhh I love all of the moments when Hanako opens up about himself/his feelings. We need more of them.
Can’t say that one bc spoilers.... OR THAT ONE.... OKAY I GIVE UP JUST READ THE MANGA PLEASE
Also I love... hananene so like all their interactions make me tear up.
🏳‍🌈 do you have any headcanons (lgbt, race, neuro, etc) that are important to you?
TUC: I have SO MANY headcanons. But I’ll stick to a few. I love African American Gregor. I’ve also seen mixed race hcs for Gregor which are great too. Also Luxa has ADHD. I’m certain of this but I forgot what made me so certain. Just trust me on this tho
Hanako: My autistic Hanako hc is so important to me omg.... like I would go down with this hc
I have LOTS of headcanons ttho. About random things like Gregor’s amateur family band, Luxa’s hatred of airplanes, all Gregor’s overland friends infuriating Luxa with Rick rolls, and more
💎 are there any fun facts or trivia that you would like to share?
A lot of the ones I can think of have spoilers so I might skip out DJDNDNNDNCJC BUT
TUC: Luxa’s name comes from the word “lux” meaning “light” which is so coincidental bc she’s the light of my life. (Yeah I’ve made this joke like 20 times but it still hits for real)
Bats run into each other a lot, also, so u can just imagine Gregor and friends constantly crashing into other bats.
I lowkey wanted to call Chillie (stray cat I’m feeding) “ripred” but Chillie doesn’t have a very ripred-like personality tbh. I one day wanna have cats named Ripred and Twitchtip
Hanako: I can’t really think of any off the top of my head that aren’t spoilers IM SORRY. But my friend and I did come up with a whole warrior cats AU for hanako-kun so there’s a fun fact for u. Yeah we’re the most valid tbh
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