only-lonely-lovers · 20 days
notes: tsunene emotionally communing!!! nene helping tsukasa reflect on memories, and pursue poetry...
Bird is あ / Avvy is つ
あ:You know I have such a… esoteric thought I have been trying to congeal for days but it hasn't been easy, I feel stumped by it & yet it's like Amane is furiously trying to take another pass at it again and again. I'm trying to work with his desires. I feel like I should just try and type what I have, and accept how half-formed… Though I'll be real and say it feels like a guy trying really hard to direct an avant garde lesbian porno.
So that being said… typically envision like… it's a circumstance where Hanako does interact with Tsukasa sexually during the threeway, but fleetingly, as if he's still wrestling with what he's doing. On some days, he's emboldened enough to direct both Tsukasa and Nene in specific ways, get into poses, this or that. Tsukasa and Nene are having their girl time, in the broadcast room, chattering… Nene has detected, over time, through random anecdotes, that Tsukasa and Hanako perhaps have always had something pretty… "weird" and, struggling to fit within the definition of "platonic" -- even if she understands their situation is complex. Out of curiosity… Nene wants to ask Tsukasa about a few memories. Things that have been driving her crazy to hear only cursory mentions of around Hanako, where Hanako is a fuddy duddy and shoots it down & won't elaborate. It's like ugh, fine… I'll do this research behind your back, if you won't be helpful…
This is a Nene who has dwelled a lot on Tsukasa's feelings and related a lot to him, uncontrollably, and wants to have… for her own sanity, like, some sense of communing with Tsukasa's "crush", as she sees it. She wants to have Tsukasa reflect on things and perhaps walk him back on understanding… something. …… Nene herself, isn't like, 100% sure about the mission statement -- her own feelings in this, a little enigmatic…? Mm but like I want it to be that she's subconsciously trying to prove that Tsukasa was… HORNY… for Hanako… growing up together-! The girl in the room that wants to just finally hear it, have it crystalize, SOMEHOW. It's like she can't believe the air was sexless between them… HOW… When Hanako-kun is… the way he is -_- and Tsukasa-kun so receptive-!? Kinda feel a little crazy, like. You two were boys. YOU HAD TO HAVE FELT-- [and so on.]
But it's, a bit graceless, it's like… sitting down with Tsukasa to talk and… like quietly beginning to massage his chest while pressing for more detail -- I think Tsukasa is so simple and childish, he doesn't think to paint a whole picture, it's like. "OH yeah me and Amane did that! It was fun!" … you need a girl to ask further, what was the day like? What did Hanako-kun seem to be thinking, feeling… what was his expression like… Were you excited…? Happy…? [stroking…] //// it's embarrassing. Kinda, you know, feel self-conscious to be all like this. But Tsukasa is simply observing this like. Interesting! and genuinely excited to get to reflect on specific memories, ah the beautiful times… the history together… Though I think sometimes its like [gets a little blank-eyed] … if the memory IS one that's a bit 'real', like Tsukasa having to re-experience feeling small and humbled by Amane's side… Re-experiencing the hansy boy…
But it's, a bit graceless, it's like… sitting down with Tsukasa to talk and… like quietly beginning to massage his chest while pressing for more detail -- I think Tsukasa is so simple and childish, he doesn't think to paint a whole picture, it's like. "OH yeah me and Amane did that! It was fun!" … you need a girl to ask further, what was the day like? What did Hanako-kun seem to be thinking, feeling… what was his expression like… Were you excited…? Happy…? [stroking…] //// it's embarrassing. Kinda, you know, feel self-conscious to be all like this. But Tsukasa is simply observing this like. Interesting! and genuinely excited to get to reflect on specific memories, ah the beautiful times… the history together… Though I think sometimes its like [gets a little blank-eyed] … if the memory IS one that's a bit 'real', like Tsukasa having to re-experience feeling small and humbled by Amane's side… Re-experiencing the hansy boy…
And, in a lull like this, Nene, kind of impulsively, reaching down to… cup and massage cock through the hakama… It's like fkjhfkgh [out of body watching self] but Tsukasa isn't totally put-off or anything, it's just like '-uahh? Huh- whoa…. this too…' Maybe looks at her like ? Do I stop now? But he is encouraged to keep going. She's like ah ah ummmhhh… I want to try something [squeaky] to which Tsukasa just goes. OKaye. They continue walking through the scene. Perhaps Nene just wants Tsukasa to have a moment of going "ohhh, this… is like that feeling then" in a way. It's um, it's a bit of a sloppy method, and I don't think Tsukasa really immediately understands what Nene is attempting to "get" at with the ministrations and talking about childhood with Amane. Is it exciting for Nene-chan? he humbly wonders. Assuming this is more about her interest in them both, despite everything not thinking this is "about him"… as Tsukasa's brain is geared to thinking.
Though I do eventually want there to be some sort of harmony between Tsukasa getting to a point of a vivid memory where he is describing feeling warm, tension, something in his chest… and then be… [squints] ………….. ……… ……. ………. ………. ? …. …… wait…………… ive seen this car before a little…. ……… ……….. [dial up noises] …….. & on Nene's end I want it to be that hearing this many stories about Hanako, intimately as a child, forces her to understand she'd have it just as bad and she'd want to do anything for him and it's painful to imagine being related… Just being real with herself, she'd have it bad. It's almost been too rude to, like begin to imagine what she would think/feel in Tsukasa's place so directly (isn't it just inappropriate to think about being Hanako's sister…) but, like. At a point where she's over it, already done it, thought it, finally, for real, AND. Dying at the thought.
anyways i don't have a conclusion just every now and then i lay in bed thinking about. yashiro jerking off tsukasa and they're both talking about kid me thirstily and i'm like hm. [threads fingers on chest]
つ:its a conversation he would hurt to overhear and be overwhelmed by. but in the realm of the host imagination we can do wonders for Amane's ego
あ:trying to discover pleasures of the flesh
つ:I like the idea…. Tsukasa would amusingly (a little wigging to her in a way) just see this sort of thing as-- Nene wants to 1. talk about Amane and 2. touch pp. It wouldn't seem as a favor to him. oddly I think handjobs in general if Nene does them read as "she wants to do this" and it's more like, he is a resource to her. its like okaye!
Amane would get fussy to talk about his childhood and he's not so chill so as to get jerked off during it, so Nene wants to combine these flavors with me specifically…..!
あ:Yes… Tsukasa is just amicable to providing it. wigging in that he's very blunt in his mind about how she like to touch pp. she likes to do that
つ:I think Tsukasa really has a…… view of love and affection that is almost so … literal? that… its hard for him to even… think in a romantic way. it's all matter of fact. you were born with amane, so you love amane, you can only love amane, amane has always been there, and you always love him so its interesting for nene to try to walk him into a greater , perception…..
I could see why she'd want to. you wish you could really ah… enunciate with Tsukasa…. you can start at step 1, which is just talking about Amane together, wait he does, says, thinks, watch Tsukasa giggle and kick and be so happy to think about him and never lose focus in the conversation…. and, step 2. is walking through his memories with Amane…
あ:His endearing denseness… it juuust doesn't occur to him, I think there's genuinely a lack of perception + atypical thought process. It would take a lot of massaging him towards something before it even began to load in
つ:its funny, just today i was thinking about how when Amane asks Tsukasa what he's doing, during the first Mitsuba thing, he very seriously considers the question, puts a finger to his lips, and answers like…… he looks sincerely like he thinks: why am I doing it? well, I like how people look…..
あ:eyes upturned in thought, hmm…
つ:etc, etc. I appreciate that he really does listen and tries to answer. Even in the second mitsuba situation when asked, he does answer Amane again, like oh it's this…..
あ:The good thing about Tsukasa is he's not being resistant to reflection He's not going to fight or resist or anything like that… you just have to be patient
つ:mmhmm… i think sometimes while thinking and talking with nene in this situation she'd watch him like blink slower. squint one eye. maybe like grab her wrist for a second like . trying to focus. while gathering words in brain for a memory….
I think if you talk Amane enough with Tsukasa though you can almost hypnotize him. Wish I could see it
あ:Oh I do think it's a lot… I think, in reality, it's the thing Tsukasa would like to talk about the most. Waaant it… would love a sustained interaction all about Amane [basting]
つ:I appreciate bird's thought…. Tsukasa sortof stopping nene's hand occasionally to be like mmm… [think haaarrdd] ….. then releasing again like ok…… mmm… he would not feel like. aware he's being hypnotized
you do want to see a modern day tsukasa as dazed and dreaming as 4 y/o thinking about Tanabata…
あ:like ah wouldn't that be nice for him… go back there for a second…
i'm sad he IS absentminded and has memory probbles, things feel so slippery for him currently. and, you know, with good reason… it's why it'd be nice to have a grounded activity to look back on things and , feel good, about them.
You got several years of being together at Tanabata… Nene would be so excited to hear about them
つ:specific years….. and memories of things like, watching Amane gracefully successfully catch a goldfish
You know. I think a fun rseult of nene/tsukasa's powwow would be …. tsukasa becoming more self-aware during the next playtime with amane. and nene noticing him being more like, observant and quiet and thoughtful
but in a cute, funny, almost overly obvious way to her, though Amane is Blind To It. really holds Amane's hand and looks at it. thinks of all the times we have held hands. touches chest feels the warmth and the luv.
あ:Steadily guided towards self-perception stat… Observing YOUR own Feefees… It'd make her so pleased, like, I'm doing something here… -!! !!
it really would be enigmatic to Amane like ? like to him Yashiro is mysteriously pleased looking while glancing over to Tsukasa, who seems demure. Dunno what you guys are feeling Watches Yashiro reach over and pet Tsukasa's back. dunno what that is
つ:girls… having feelings.
つ:continues getting sucked off
あ:[comes anyways]
つ:Tsukasa at his little meeting with Nene later like……….. hands in lap she puts her hands in his lap too. leans towards. he is think
あ:I think sometimes its a real… [head tilted] [hiding under hat a little] kinda thinky eyeballs under there peering around. [avvy sound] mnouuu
i'm sure nene tries to give tsukasa the room to simmer before saying anything gently coax eventually like "… is something the matter…? Tsukasa-kun?" [pets paw]
つ:"thinking…………………………. " finger to lip…… kicks legs
あ:"Thinking…? About…" [becomes dot eyes simple silhouette] "… um… the past?"
つ:nod nod… tilt head… look off to the sides
あ:"Is it… a nice thought?"
つ:pauses. like really actually considers this closely. then nods
あ:"That's nice, then… Is it just um, complicated?" [rubs wrist]
つ:thinks about this……. "no."
あ:in moments like this its like💭 it would be silly if i said "thats good" but what do i say… [just pats his hand like ^^] "Is it hard to talk about, though…?"
つ:really thinks. finger to mouth. sortof paws at his chest and looks at the fabric….. "it IS….!" big eyes in her face "How does Nene-chan talk about it?"
あ:"Oh… um… UM! Well… I think, as a girl, I've had a lot more time to think about these sorts of things…!" ù_ú
[suddenly serious] "I feel like I've been preparing my whole life to talk about how a boy makes me feel. Reading poetry and writing my own… And listening to music and playing games-! But you haven't had anyone to help you think about this! … Hanako-kun isn't really a romantic type…"
-_- …………… "Or, maybe the best way to word it is… he's not self-aware… so he couldn't have helped you be self-aware…" "… he sometimes says poetic things… Maybe there's things inside of him too, just buried…" [perks up] "-- but this is why I'm determined to help you both!!" n.n
つ:claps! "Nene-chan is a big help! To.. Amane. Hmmm… me, too? You want to help me?" "… do I need help?" "….. OH! you've been helping?"
あ:"YES." [gets very upright] [sits back down]
つ:WATCHES. wow
あ:"… honestly… my heart hurts sometimes, just hearing you say things Tsukasa-kun… When I think about living your life… Well, I know we're different, in ways, but…" 👉👈 "… I think… actually… I wouldn't be too different from you, in a way…" /// "… that is… I think… I'd also……… just be happy to be with Hanako-kun… as Amane-kun. I um- I've seen little glimpses for myself, even… He's… a lot to be around. If I was his sibling…" 6.6;;;;; [embarrassing to say it but like feels she should be raw] "-- I'd probably just be happy to hold his hand and go places with him… and do whatever he says…"
つ:tilting head listening "WOW---!" blinks "You've thought about that? Wow…. wait! I'd switch places with Nene-chan, then….. " [brain chugging]
あ:[hadn't thought about that] < • • >
つ:[mouth does.. some stuff]……………………….. "…. it's hard…….."
あ:"... I've actually never thought about you being in my position..."
つ:"Amane would like you if you were born with him!"
つ:brain struggling…..
あ:[hurriedly] "-- he'd like you if he met you!!"
つ:"oh, I dunno how Amane would be with a girl from the start… its different with girls….. --" [lost in thought] "--ah? Hmmm…" looking at the ground "you think so?"
あ:"Yes, of course…! I mean, it's a little weird to think about… it's all a big game of pretend. But, I think it has to be true!" [clasps their hands together]
"We're um… we have the same-- 'appeal'-!" [loanword] "… I mean… he wants to do similar things, to us…"
"Ah, if only instead of switching places, we could be the same person at the same time, though. That seems less confusing." ^^; "If we could go through your memories together… I could give you romantic insight." [hm hm… nods at my own thought]
つ:thinking about all this…. "Amane…………………………………………….. could he use insight too? does he need it?"
あ:[seriously] "Yes. He needs it the most, actually." "I just wish there was a way to force him to listen. That's… the hardest part." "Tsukasa-kun is open to listening, which is why… um, I went for you." [that doesnt sound like great but.]
つ:"romantic..... Nene-chan is the expert...."
あ:💞 🎶 🌸 🌹 🎶🌼 ✨ < u u > "She is." 🌸 💞 🌺 🎶✨ 🎶 [a moment of just enjoying the compliments.]
つ:"am I romantic?"
あ:🥺 oughhgf "IN YOUR OWN WAY!!!!!!!!" "It's um…" 😭 "It's very innocent." "I think Tsukasa-kun is very honest and appreciative and considerate… Honestly… in many ways, I think you're a very good girlfriend." ☝️ "but this is why I get sad… it's like, you're an underappreciated girlfriend-!!"
つ:wow words ?????!??!maybe just says futago. like a clueless animal
あ:❔ hai.[both dot eyes]
つ:give him a second. "……… hmmm. Maybe if I was romantic like Nene-chan, something would change? AH" runs out of the room wordlessly. comes back with a notebook "you can help me write a poem." "that's romantic, so, maybe Amane will appreciate me in that way you want him to"
あ:[eyes sparkle] !!!!!!!!!!!!! "Ah-- yes!! This would be a great way to express this-!!!" this is really the sort of thing that just makes Nene very pleased and happy… like wtf yes… let's get in it!!!
つ:she would fucking love it
あ:She cannae help it
つ:god Nene would beome so. Ok Tsukasa. lets think of your feelings. [touches his chest. closes eyes] and. really feel them. they feel like something, don't they? maybe like……………….. [getting sparkly] a drum being struck… or a bell…… or………….. a river flowing swiftly…………………. or maybe…. its like fireworks, at a festival……………………… those sorts of things!!!!!!!!!!!!
あ:I think it helps to try and compare it to things like that… Is it, fast-? or slow, or, LOUD or quiet…
つ:[goliad voice…. my chest are you sure…..?] "…. deep…………."
あ:[horns perk up]
つ:"DEEP LIKE, a, [stupid] deep river??? the ocean??" "ssss……….. stab"
あ:hearing 'deep' was like this
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but then its like "," [internally shaking head, smacking herself] NO-- THIS IS A SAFE SPACE-- DONT JUDGE "S-soo, 'sharp', too-?"
つ:"AH!! yeah, yeah! mhmhm…..ssstab….. cold, knife…… hot, blood."
あ:"… it can feel like that, aha…" [feels a little dumb… but determined to be supportive]
つ:"Amane……. " [moves hands into position of holding knife, to imitate "focuses…. like, a knife! He, feels sharp, cuz he's sharp! Sharp….. I'm, soft! Hot…. wow. is this poetry?"
あ:"It is!" [small claps] "What's fun about a poem, is it can be anything… It's not quite like a book, that has to describe lots of things and in an order, usually. It can be whatever feels best, sounds nicest, to you."
"… I like to ask questions in mine… Or, sometimes there's just a lot of repetition. Or ah, writing something a little different every time… It can be dramatic feeling, but satisfying. Like um… like…." [closes eyes] "…….. begging…?" [tfw i have never vocalized this.]
つ:nods, thinking. pencil scribbling. tapping mouth…… scribbling…..
あ:"And um… It's really amazing how feelings can be so different, moment to moment… I feel like some days, I'm up in the clouds about something, all doki-doki… and other times, it's dark and heavy…" [rubbing face] "… with Hanako-kun, it really is… all over the place… Feels like… what, I imagine drowning must feel like." [quietly doing a delicate gesture over chest, lungs area, fingers pinched and pulling 'up'] "… overwhelming… no way out of it. I guess… I guess that is like, 'deep'… and why I think, like the ocean. Being at the bottom of it…"
つ:"pinned…. to the bottom"
あ:[vague memories of being pulled rapidly underwater via all the mermaid biz] "Mhm…"
つ:"Amane….." scribbling. "ah, AH, like drowning, hmm…. but! Inside…. " gestures to throat. does a choking gesture, but its not too macabre, tongue out a bit. he's so literal, but… he does understand what she feels, in some abstract sense….. it's just so anchored to-- how the shinjuu did feel like… it unified how Amane makes him feel, and what he was feeling. "from my chest, into my throat. It connects there. Pouring…. out!" the memory of blood leaking from pierced cavities of the body into each other, esophagus filling with blood…. "maybe because Amane is my twin, it comes from inside?" not something else coming in, but…. something already inside, always inside
presses his face to the notebook on his knees, sortof shimmies. breathes into it….. "does Nene-chan get excited. when she's romantic."
あ:Listening, enraptured… Nene's taste in things means the words do get to her, it's like mmh yes….. [simply titillated by the choke gesture, like auha.] honestly this is the sort of experience she could never actually have with Aoi, in this way Tsukasa is a lot more 'indulgent' for 'girl talk' ww… Like ah, sharing me your feelings and exploring poetry with me X'O !!! its so different than Aoi clapping her hands and cheering along, at a distance…
[closes eyes at tsukasa's last statement. feeling something between "ahhhh my pupil…" and humbled genuinely.] "Oh, yes… Very."
"It's why it's all I could think about for a while… um, I mean, even when it was just me on my own… It's the kind of feeling you want to chase, forever…"
つ:SCRIBBLING "forever…." fklkg you know when justins like. im gonna open a notepad later and its just gonna have 'Vintage' written on it
あ:Lol fjghfk yeah
つ:i think functionally thats all tsukasa can do here for hi.s. first time. in a sense. but its important....
あ:It's cute though…. and really all Nene could ask for. like step 1!!!! brainstorming Genuinely so excited to look over anything, or just hear him scribblin away
It makes me think Nene is going to come to Tsukasa with a little notebook with skulls on it with THE most cringe stuff she has written (and thus, the most edgy stuff as well) and presents it humbly Fueled by the enka kinda stuff. ouhh
つ:there is truly no judgement girl. aoi would judge tsukasa cannot
あ:im sure for tsukasa its just like wow. pages a whole little book
つ:this is something they could both understand……
あ:Entrusting you with her poems that are indeed about Hanako i think some are so -- "and when you fuck me. RAHHHH"
つ:we can't imagine how awful it gets
あ:we cannot. as a courtesy, we shouldnt. aw but i feel like some are about tsukasa also or like twins as a unit and that must be like :O
つ:he would love to be pictured as a unit, a singular referred to entity
あ:the fetish for twins… and all. its present talking about how you both move in sync, mirrors. hypnotically so sets of gold eyes… sets of hands
つ:Nene watching him stilt and think hard… he needs more prompts, maybe…hmmm…. "well. So….. maybe…." [nene getting. horny a little.] "youuuu can also… find inspiration…." tapping lap "….. in the memory…. of….. you know." pauses. then realizes she has no choice but to do a little jerkoff mmotion. and blowjob motion. gkl;fgh. its tsukasa so she can do it.
thinking oh i could not do this with aoi at all i would die.
"OH, that's romantic stuff too, right…. sometimes….." like he's really for the first time thinking of sex as romantic
あ:Its like she can't help but want to cross the wires… cha girl is often hot wet pussy when writing stuff.
[a little scandalized, like a touch] "Tsukasa-kun of course it's romantic…" "It's… it's an expression of. L-love. Between us." [hiccups]
つ:i like when she's stupid
"hehe….." taps feet around… thinks about that… mmmnneeueueuhue
あ:😣 .. 🥴
つ:presses cheek to notebook preciously. "would Amane like us calling it that…..?"
あ:[crosses arms] "Maybe he wouldn't want to hear it-- but I'd kill him if he argued with me." "Not about this one… oooh."
あ:[huffs] "Besides, he'd... definitely like it deep down-!!!!"
つ:"Amane……." brows knitting…. looking at paper….. "he………………………………………………………………… puts stuff in" the metaphors. reaching his cerebellum
あ:[experiences this]
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Oh its like she was angry but then was like mugh …. uhuh? "…………………… he does." [emotionally a rope of drool trickles down]
つ:drags face on his paper. he's got some smudgings on hsi face by this point
あ:[watching him attentively] "… it's um. It's……… his whole thing, isn't it." .3.
つ:"…. its so hard to write hehe…… " scribbles a little tho. its like mm jsut wanna. go to him "nene-chan is diligent to be romantic"
あ:"Ahehee… maybe, a little."
つ:Tsukasa's little brain becoming soup suddenyl able to think about cock and knife att he same time and sortof juxtaposed
あ:it's becoming liquidous in there
つ:but i think his brain's becoming a little addled by it like mmlluuhuhehh. stab? and… also. blood…. and also. thinking at once about blood coming out of throat and come going in throat. losing his little mind
its actually so funny to think if you could make amane write a poem his would be genuinely artful and abstract imagery like stars and moon and whatall. and nene and tsukasa's are more like. horny. despite everything. amane is not gonna write about anything going in anywhere
あ:lmaoo god its more like little kids trying to talk about their feelings… i do think there's a sheer crudeness to it
I do think Amane would be a little dweeb about it and meticulously think out his piece Trying to think about how to describe your essence really thinking about the speed something orbits around another thing
つ:I do have like a loose approximation of the resultant poem but it does not feel complete. yet it feels like i need to share it for this all to have its context. well ig i will at length but idk maybe i'll edit or delete it after or summat
あ:understood o7 i'm sure its interesting no matter what~
つ:anyway. how I think Amane would respond. for one thing, I think Nene would see it, and be like . just so curious how tf Amane would take it….. Hanako looking at this. I dont know. He loves Tsukasa. . so. she'd be very encouraging and proud of him, and that it's a good first poem (and for what it is, yeah…. like… oh sometimes you have to understand tsukasa AS like a 4 year old, so. this is perfectly adequate)….. and ask him if he'd want to present it to Amane, and that she'll do hers too, honestly like [mouth saying it before she thinks it through can't take it back] and Tsukasa is like aweou…. Amane seeing it………….. ! hehe OK!!!!!
when they go to present their poems to him. Nene is very brave and feels it is her duty to go first, she is a big girl, she will lay herself on the chopping block…. and however he reacts to her little poem, it will at least give her an idea of things. I do think Hanako is like lol aouh what is this lol…. mmm well yes i would like to read whatever you say about me. please do go on. floating chinhands. I imagine its just such a good ego stroking. mmmmm. pet nene after
be condescending about it a bit. like awe….. so sweet…..
あ:it's good to see how you're spending your time at home… ❤️ nanaban-sama takes your offerings generously….
つ:having the base frame of Nene is funny, to then wait for Tsukasa to hand his over. he kinda imagines it will be like a kindergarten assignment… like, that nene gave him blanks to fill in…. or a very rigid outline. you know how it is in school.
あ:Like Nene gave Tsukasa the framework of "poem" so, perhaps assuming, naturally it'll be like hers but just…. Tsukasa-y. which is a little amusing to think about surely. hai hai, hand it over
つ:maybe he'll go off about toys or fireworks you know… perhaps Nene, as Tsukasa is handing it over, is like--
"remember. it's Tsukasa-kun's…. first poem. He wrote… from his heart." staring at Hanako like you be. good. to your brother PLEASE
あ:yeah yeah…. [receives the vibe]
[rip I do not have access to tsutsu's poem... key thing is that it touches on the shinjuu, which amane was not ready for]
Oh like in the haze of the madness. word your pupils center in your eye forSuch a busy page… lots for the eyes to dart around and read. since it's so busy i'm sure it's like, your eyes don't easily navigate it in one clear path
つ:anyway I do like to think Amane is so . pupils are ever shrinking. the room is closing in. there's a kind of outrage….. bubbling inside. you suddenly feel put under a spotlight. but i think ideally, he looks towards Nene and she can feel the weird vibe in the room.
he floats forward. says "Yashiro. I'd like a moment alone with Tsukasa." and before she can respond, doesn't push her out but utilizes haku-joudai. if he pushed her out shed just lean against the door, and he'll need to babysit her with hakujoudai to keep her away.
with her gone take a beat. inhale, exhale. but the response is like WHY WOULD YOU-- YASHIRO. READ THIS????
for amane its like we're trying to maintain appearances, why are you sabotaging this, what is this////???? its the justin saying daddy in blade n soul, a bit. but also he's just. upset. breathing heavily. it's so much
WHAT do you TALK TO HER ABOUT you-- why-- wh-- why would you tell her about-- any of this????? why-- would you talk about it???? but also distressed by nene having been, like, the steward of this, its so difficult to PROCESS. WHY WAS NENE supportive klfj I DONT WANT HER TO BE
あ:Leaving you two alone to be together is like -- SO YOU CAN IDFK DO WHATEVER GAY SHIT YOU GIRLS DO!! NOT THIS
つ:SHE CANNOT BE!!! mentally you cant stand this idea tsukasa could write this DERANGED POEM and nene could somehow-- ss--??? see it as some-- pure, expression, like, comparable to hers???
あ:the side by side experience of Nene's poem right before this one is surely part of the problem… like… insanity
つ:Tsukasa is impervious to being hurt by Amane's response to him, though. "Nene-chan asked me to write what I feel!" "I wanted to try to be romantic, like Nene-chan," tilts head "it's not right, is it?"
あ:Oh what a test on Amane… Even though Tsukasa wouldn't balk under this reaction, i still feel pity for it all. but the ah, 'point' of this all to me is that he's totally in the dark as they work this stuff out, so it IS far beyond anything he could fathom. I feel like hearing romantic makes him like, woozy.
That there was any inkling of, romance. It's so… disorienting… He's far from them in viewing anything like this as romance isn't he… It would already be perplexing to think about Tsukasa engaging with the concept of romance.. Oh, idk, maybe to humor Yashiro… but wanting to be like her? and. this being the end result.
つ:"THATS OKAAAAY-- if Amane doesn't like it, I won't do it agaaaain." hands behind back, dipping forward "can I have the paper back?" reaches for innocently
あ:Hesitant. Clutching it. Feels radioactive in his hands. Don't want it, near self, maybe afraid to look down at it again? but don't want to hand it back. Struggling. If only this hadn't been presented as some sort of offering… complicates things.
つ:curious that Amane isn't handing it back. "….or you can keep it." "I made it for you! so" "Nene-chan said I'll get better at it."
あ:[pinches brow] "Wait, wait wait... You can't keep doing this with her." [shakes notebook] "Not. Like this." [inhales...] "You can't go talking about this stuff with Yashiro. She doesn't know what she's brushing up against." tense-jawed as he says this. LOOKS pointedly at. "... and that's how it should be. Okay?"
つ:"hai." mmm. but thinking about his poem… its nice. there's the feeling… of being pinned down, in place… being under
あ:hearing that is like… sigh… [eases posture a bit, rolling back] …. you hate feeling like such a dictator, in the unsexy way, when its like this. it's no good. [brushes back bangs a bit, pushes hat back] "You can write poems with each other still, just… Different themes. Literally, anything else…" [leans back… but, scuffs shoes restlessly, has such a question on the tip of his tongue] "… Tsukasa. Did Yashiro ask you to write about romance? Is that why you feel you have to?" … eyebrows a bit pinched and upturned, like he's wincing a bit, like … please explain. i'm trying to understand here
つ:oohh i gotta backtrack my little pea
"AH! mmm…. We've been talking about it for a while…" contemplative. "Maybe I don't know what romance is? Nene-chan said….." staring up at the ceiling. I'm so sorry Nene he knows not that he is putting you in the doghouse. "…..that I was a good girlfriend, too! But… I'm your twin." it's all disordered "oh oh, right we talked about switching places…."
あ:it's so. tf is my WHORE GIRLFRIEND telling my brother
つ:"if she was your twin and I was the Nene-chan. So! wait…." like losing his train of thought
あ:screams the psychic damage…
つ:"nooo, wanting to know about romance was a different thing, we've been doing some stuff…." "well, it's related, hmm…" "when we talked it sounded like it was the same! But I guess it isn't!" "it's different if it's me."
あ:The amount Amane is so far from conceptualizing if Nene was related. its like you inject that into blood stream. vision turns black aughhh. what are these CONCEPTS
つ:"Nene-chan would make a good twin. But I don't make a good Nene-chan after all. Or what is it again, girlfriend"
it is like tsukasa and nene are 1,000 miles ahead of you trekking into the woods going. up mountains into the oceans depths. youve recieved a sliver of their journey and its turning you into. dust
あ:CHOtto matte. matte. 🖐️matte matte matte☝️ [hoarse] "WHAT. ARE YOU BOTH. TALKING ABOUT." "Thinking about… switching places??? WHY are you thinking about that?? EITHER of you!? You can't switch places-"
つ:"you don't think we're similar?"
あ:[goose honk] This feels like a trick question or something squints warily. "… do YOU think you're similar?" feeling like. dont you ask me questions
つ:"ah, Nene-chan said so……" thinking for himself….. "…. ah, maybe, but Amane treats us very differently, so we can't be, hm.." "when Nene-chan and I talk, it feels the same."
"….but our poems are so different." [tsukasa is holding the poem. he somehow took it from you very quickly] [that thing he is capable of doing]
あ:snatch! hey.
つ:looking at hims poem again
あ:sssighhhhh… moving on. "I don't think you're complete opposites or anything… but. Yashiro's a simple girl. I'm sure when you're together, you guys have… things you can talk about." [handwaves]
あ:"Tsukasa." [robotic]
つ:looking at his poem in his hands. thinking about the things nene said, suggested…. water, the ocean, stuff like that…. hmm… "so it's no good….." dame da. makes no expression and rips it in half "ah well"
あ:oh it's like the wine died what the. my present.
つ:makes to rip it again,
あ:[LURCHES] i do think its so. UNCONTROLLABLY reacts, makes a sound. NHH
つ:a part of his brain is like noo his first
あ:SSstopp stop...
あ:"Tsukasa-- you don't have to rip it…" literally was like. being very serious in his head, about not being an asshole and ripping it, 'it's not like that' he felt, internally. It's not that I hate it.
struggles with the feeling. just groans. "It's not like that. If I wanted to do that, I would have." "But I didn't."
つ:hands Amane the pieces
あ:quietly takes it. tucks it... into my gakuran.
つ:watches it go away. smiles bc its like aweou… going home
あ::> emotion
Imagining Amane really standing there for a moment… and then, sighing. Snaps fingers. Points to the ground. "Sit." and then kneels in front of him. takes off hat. tugs collar… just feeling overheated and exhausted, like he had 100 thoughts and feelings too quickly, heated up like a supernova.
"… look." inhales, exhales. "It was your first, right? That's what Yashiro said, made a big deal about it and what-all. And… I'm sure she's looking forward to you writing more. You can keep writing them for me. Just-- like I said. Anything else." grabs face, tilts jaw. "Got it?"
つ:uuuauhhhg feelings……
"hai hai hai…… aah," reaches a hitch "but……. Nene-chan…. asked me to write what I feel….. that it had to be about what I feel inside, when I look at you! She said…. maybe it could be like a river or…. oh, a drum. I could write that …. but would it be a poem, then?" tilts head. its an innocent question. "or, romantic…. "
looking down "Nene-chan said I was romantic in my own way," thinking about that "if it's not this way, maybe I can't do it, though" "if it's not. about this feeling…."
あ:[covers mouth]
あ:Ooh… Was trying to calm self down and 'close' this interaction neatly, just wanted to hear a crisp clean wakkata and feel as though he doled out some piteous kind attention despite everything. But hearing this all again… really, frustrating… I think having to hear romantic over and over again is like singing him, dousing drops of boiling water on skin. fhrhghf… [GLARING…] Like STOP MAKING ME FEEL INSANE FOR A SECOND..
つ:wraps hands around amane's wrist but loosely just enjoys feeling the wrist attached to the hand around his mouf
あ:Hissing voice internally like of course of course of course… your feelings can't come out in any other way….
つ:staring up at blink blink.
あ:makes a guy wanna gouge your eyes out [holds jaw tighter]
あ:"Whhhhaaaaaaat is she telling you…." beleaguered
つ:perks a little… likes this tone shift. like wiggles amane feeling a little better maybe….. maybe….
あ:[shakes face side to side] "Ah. But." stiffly. "Of course-- it'd come out. Like that. From you." "Actually? I don't know what I was expecting." "Maybe you CAN'T write any other kind of poem." [shake shake] "Nothing else in that head. Huh." "What would 'improving' even look like." sneering… "What, more blood splatter. More vivid descriptions of bleeding out." "A hundred pages, like that?"
つ:smiling under hand. it sounds nice, really, nene had so many pagessss…. it would be nice to have as many pages as she did….. nods nods
あ:[dirty talks you a lil while venting]
つ:squinty eyed pleased. awewewuoo! amane not really dislike it …..
つ:muffled behind hand: "I can write 100 pages"
あ:"OhI'msureyoucould." under breath.
あ:"Well." [releases. wipes hand on front] [looks away] "If that's how it's going to be, fine. But you can't show her, still."
つ:".... a secret?"
nods. [feeling eroded but resigned about it] "Just give it to me when you're done." fucking.. if its FOR ME ANYWAYS!!!!!!!!!!!
あ:[is hold. but doesnt look at you aloofly.]
つ:nene in a classroom somewhere pacing to and fro: hanako-kun is either being so mean, or, maybe they just started fucking
あ:50/50 she's like fingers crossed for fuckin
つ:she's like pleeeaaaase ITS HIS FIRST POEM
あ:dont you WANT HIM CARNALLY AFTER A GESTURE LIKE THAT!!! and like, well yes.
つ:if hanako-kun does not do something for tsukasa-kun i will just do it. i'll do it in front of him if i have to oooh when i find out what happened
あ:when nene is free from jail
つ:when amane has decided enough said and done. and pops her back in. she will detect the aura of the room. butit will be a little confusing. tsukasa will just like run to hug her and be like OOuuuu he liked it❤️ YAAAY NENE-CHAN the girls are like palm to palm cheering. i think hanako is like mmnrgh i dont get this. i must try to not think about. it
あ:he's looking out a window i shant watch this
つ:why would yashiro look like that. why would she be so happy. i dont want to think about it
あ:I'm done thinking about it i'm gonna go stand on the roof later
つ:[nene and tsukasa start making out]
つ:like nene whispers hey did you two… you know… and tsukasa is like ? oh no…. and its like. okay run protocol. begins
あ:[gets offended] [but like sooo horny he needs to be dissolved in pig slop etc] this mental foreplay
its actually the funniest to think about being like leaned by window looking out it to maintain distant chill but turning back adn being like HACK OHROUGH staggers "Yashiro!" like wtf is this am i not a person to you
つ:its all coming and going out here what the fuck she's like TSUKASA-KUN WAS BRAVE!!!!!
あ:you guys have 500 insane conversations about you wanting to fuck me as my sister or whatever and then this you do THIS!
つ:cups him outside the hakama
あ:i do think its like. [stuck staring wordlessly after a sec] didnt know my hoes could do this the insanity of yashiro telling tsukasa he's like -- girlfriend, like a girlfriend or SOMEthng??? [agog] what are you DOING to my baby brother girl… [but is experiencing the lesbian porno]
つ:you can just watch them go at it
Oh just the thought that if nene blew tsukasa under the hakama I think it benefits hanakos like lesbo delusion in the back of his mind like nothing to content with. Just girls getting up each others skirts
あ:mm.. indeed… just watching the silhouettes flush… Nene ducked under the flowing hakama… her own uniform ruffles and tights visible below, her long hair… ty i like to think about this. ❤
つ:so I like to think Hanako would for 1 second be like hey but then be like. actually. I need this too. got so stressed out. leans against the wall and gradually slumps down it til he's just sitting on the floor with arms on his knees watching this lidded. i enjoy the little show.
あ:hm yeah i was thinking it becomes a situation of simply hanging back and watching… like enjoying the sight at a distance, even, fullbodies. i think also after everything incurring an interaction and injecting himself in there is like. i dont need that. i need no one to say anything. just stand there and look pretty
in that kind of state where he's self aware that, being looked at the wrong way would be like dkfjghdkg // at least at a distance its fine
つ:thinking my stupid wenches would be better served just doing this all day while i'm not there [thinks about it] yeah. no more talking
あ:please stop contemplating the meaning of our relationship through poetry 💔 just leak all over each other okay. you'll find all the "meaning" you need there.
つ:why must the hoes get. intellectual
あ:that's not what you're here for.
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only-lonely-lovers · 20 days
tags: objectification, denial, edging, blowjobs
notes: mostly the 1 thought train... but then small random 3way cumrot at the end :B
Bird is あ / Avvy is つ
つ:god i know before falling asleep one of the times my brain was very like. woo blowjob, amane, condescending dirty talk, and i feel like it was more successful at generating the content than usual, but i remember. none of it not a phrase remaining in my little pea….. a liminal state
at most i remember…. eeouuh. ah sickness. amane letting tsukasa clean it off after nene's finished him, but mid-way in the cleaning another jolt drips out, and he's very like, oh lucky you, about it
あ:oh like sigh… some crumbs for you.
つ:know you'll like it, appreciate it. tsukasa responding as if he's gotta focus to not let it drip out of his mouth. must keep keep safe. have. gift present
あ:will whine if anything spills out. uouhhh.
つ:and Amane being gross about it all… uuuuruhg like to think about him gratuitously sighing way too indulgent
つ:with Tsukasa there is a new degree of, meanness…. ig its, different, from like eyepri bc of how his desperation is a part of it.
あ:Ah with eyepri its kind of like mindbreaking a girl with an iron will…. really wrestling something into submission and overcoming years of trauma. but with tsukasa he literally is so open and willing, completely forward about his adoration…
There is.. 'no good reason' to string Tsukasa along… just because you can Amane could have normal interactions w Tsukasa if he so desired. but he's a sick fuck. but like, their rship could be 100% platonic and thatd be fine. Amane's fault it is not. etc.
つ:tsukasa is not the deranged sex guy
it's a novel mood ig >> to think about like, Amane messing with him…. resist coming in Tsukasa's mouth for a long time sortof run (only let him at it when you're past it and don't let him continue long enough to get going again)… finally do it but like, require him to hold mouth open and let it drip out down his tongue. just like, lol…. but in this circumstance you just hope Nene will snowball with Tsukasa
あ:Mmh it is novel… I was actually thinking of an Amane who has not ever let Tsukasa put mouf on it, like a Tsukasa who… has maybe at best only tasted it indirectly, eating out Nene after she has been finished in…. this kinda sitch, but Amane carelessly swiping pre off with a finger and sticking it into Tsukasa's mouth. Feeling exTREMEly charitable from his POV. (edited) if i think about how shitty he could be. it's very shitty
but it sucks how much Amane would enjoy just watching the girlies enjoy his come, together. like sigh that's right.. i enjoy, the big show.
つ:starving little animals mm..
yeah, I like Amane really keeping Tsukasa at a distance, at first for a stupid protective reason, but eventually its just its own… fetish.
あ:The motivation at first WAS just like, protecting self and being unable to permit getting that far with Tsukasa in a way he never did in the past etc etc…. but there's a point where you like how *pant, pant* Tsukasa is. though i feel like Nene witnessing it like THIS rly gets frustrated for poor Tsukasa
つ:oh yeah……………….. i guess my mental state. before bed lately. is really just . fsr. amane catering dirty talk to tsukasa. but in the amane way. i… have no control over this
i remember a little more of it than last time. but its like im always fighting how its on the crux of falling asleep it feels like they get vaulted so quickly. leave me. but for a moment its so like mmmrmgh….
あ:oh to massage her brain into giving me it… mlem
OH but you know this reminds me, i've had the weirdest… like.. thought that's been trying to crystalize for days… it feels like a cloud but a cloud that really wants to form. it's so… weird though hm.
つ:we will try to think together….
あ:rub our heads together
つ:my thoughts feel so simple…. syuuure.
its very basic like…. Amane feeding his ego teasing Tsukasa, if Nene's not around for the moment. Condescending, you just like me the best, I'm your favorite lol…. of course… you'd do anything I asked, wouldn't you….
あ:It's... so easy to imagine Amane wanting to target Tsukasa in this way... Just gets off on asserting the facts too, like, relishes in the truth. Mmm.... I'm your favorite...
つ:but… being. mean even… amused watching tsukasa hypnotized (but well-behaved) sitting on knees in front of him. jerking off languidly. but clasping palm over self when coming and just like flicking it off his hand onto the floor unceremoniously. lol. sorry did you want that
if he even begins to compulsively run at it its like ohp. grabs by the hair
あ:[clucks tongue]
つ:baiting him for so long with come. again something that started off as some sort of complex, feeling weird about it, but. now it's. something else. now its become like, just really enjoying being mean in any creative way with it. holding tsukasa in place to jerk off, but pulling up to come against his own jacket, then just poof it away. like ah gross, a mess….
but it's sortof a longcon. you'd like to …. mindbreak TSUKASA into outright begging for it. wouldn't that be easier
the desire to hear onegai from him, but the struggle to request it directly so tastelessly….
あ:Trying to reduce Tsukasa to a dog salivating heavily while staring at something. Ugh the tastelessness of it.. but I do also like how, like pathetic it is in its own way, reaching a point of fetishizing your difficulty. That's kind of submitting to something lol despite your best attempts to act above this all….
I think he could reach a point though of just outright being like, Geez Tsukasa this is getting sad to watch…
つ:ahhh you just want anything if it's from meeee huh…..
あ:You don't look so well. Can you really handle this.
つ:[amane's brain rotting] [pulls tsukasa's jaw over] mmmm…. [drools over] [will he really seek to catch it lol….]
あ:bark like a dog lol…. emotional spectrum asshole sucks drool back in 💭 oh if only tsukasa could cry about it…………………………………. mh.
つ:experimenting with how mean you can get. if he really will cry eventually. something so… peak heinous about getting to some final ideal stage of tsukasa sniffling and hiccuping and you going mmmyuuu ouuhhh shhh shhh if you want it so bad, okay…. [gently places cock against lips]
あ:It's really your older brother being shitty and twisting your arm until you cry. because he wants an excuse to pet you
つ:make this about you not me. you just want it so badly...
あ:poor thing…. really making me feel just sooo bad for you…
i know tsukasa can endure many things but i think being faked out a bunch is a unique kind of weardown method that amane hasnt like. done before i think its embarrassing to get like. excited. like why'd i think…
つ:he wouldn't even think so hard about getting to swallow in such a way, but he's literally being conditioned…… so much build up its always like [ears perk] THIS TIME?! if you weren't making a case out of it, he wouldn't even be thinking so hard….
あ:but then it doesnt happen and its like. right of course. uahhh……
つ:but amane MAKES it into a-- WHINE not getting, treat….
あ:i dont think he understands how much it is like targetted torment. just sitting there like. i should be grateful to just get to look at it [pupils dilate] being forced to conceptualize the treat i mean if you faked out kissing tsukasa for days i think itd belike ._.
つ:he would be a little mess!!! you'll also create a dynamic where he's staring at yashiro swallowing. and becoming quiet for it. and yet amane will just feel like… heh
あ:we make eye contact during this ohh do you want something…
つ:why are you trying to invent jealousy in tsukasa. you dont even want that but it in some way makes his life easier to give tsukasa a complex instead of himself having one
あ:i dont want to be alone here. stop being so gracious and accepting have less fun how about. i would like it to hurt you too.
つ:yes master
あ:god. that's what it's like. not as exuberant during things. more 1000 yard stare and distracted. the thought of nene being like ?
つ:nene is fully fooled into thinking tsukasa is simply cockthristy and thats that
あ:i dont think you can help him though girl its just like a mystery. yeah
つ:its just like wow he really likes to look at it….. it also just sorta makes her horny as she swallows being stared at. she cant think straight about this all. sorry, tsukasa….
but sadly, I want Amane to get what he wants, and to get Tsukasa pleading…. quietly, at first…. like he's literally not used to asking for anything? not used to the word or how to express it just looking desperate for a while making small noise, and amane like hmmmm~? something to saaaaay~?
あ:[finger to ear] [leans in]
つ:I think finally getting jackpot, is, overwhelming in the way of-- suddenly its like-- mmgmgnhhh [in candy shop] what --position do i wanna-- what angle-- give to tsukasa, it, what-- do i wanna-- be standing-- or, laying, or sitting or above him
ohh what will be hottest what will really convey all my power and control
あ:TOO excited honestly...
つ:laying down languidly and making him do all the work...... or shoving him against the wall or floor to do it down his throat.... or jerking off holding his mouth open.....
あ:but i think it just makes him so horny to hear. ahh finally the more miserable the better my PATHETIC LITTLE BROTHER….
つ:confused and miserable sounding pleading… please… Amane….. please…. euh, please? please…
あ:I think languid has the appeal of getting to log the desperation… like, you get the position of being an observer and every gesture is tsukasa's own
in a case like this, i think it has appeal… like oh i want to see YOU be thirsty <3 it's just another day for me Offering something to a poor beggar. well, go ahead.
つ:all the efforts make Tsukasa really flinchy and like you're gonna take his food bowl away
petting him like ahhh I'll do it, I'll do it, I promise…. don't worry….. you'll get it….. this time……………. [really doing the extremely loud airhorn back and forth in brain though]
[mmm but god it would feel so good to be so mean] [no. i said…. i have to be good big brother….] [he did what i wanted… he is being good…. …. mmmmmbut] [maybe a fake out…… but then giving it to him? mm….]
あ:it's hard being a sadist and doing anything with tsukasa. like telling self 'that's enough messing with him for now lol…' but then also the devil on your shoulder is like. mhghhh but what if he started to really cry. [tongue lolling]
I think what would really sting is being like… Ah, actually, Tsukasa, this is really tepid… Kinda feels like you're not even into it. Hm…. [starts to push off]
I thought you'd be more excited Well, you did your best. You can go back to watching :p
つ:WAILS fighting against palm like a cat trying to get food on plate
あ:you love to see it i imagine its so. NO OGHMHGH I CAN DO IT
つ:AMA--neee I ca--- I CAN-- do it-- I c. I can I CAN !! Or, or if, [getting a thousand yard stare] if I never can do it right…………………………. ………..[losing voice] ….. anyway….. have it anyway …… ? [feeling foolish] paws at pants over thighs…. will it feel bad if it goes in me………………………………………
あ:"have it anyway"…….. [acting contemplative like hmm. but cartoonishly keeping a hand on tsukasa's face and pushing him off] wow though for a moment just being like [internally] awww what. okay maybe overdoing it
つ:tsukasa is too ignorant about BJ science….. there must be a reason it doesnt go in me, he thinks…
あ:[thinking about sad little dot eyes tsukasas]
つ:will it feel bad if I do it wrong ............................
あ:BUT i think its finally like okay. SHOVES. holds head with both hands. comes down your throat amane got everything he wanted really saw the most pathetic tsukasa
つ:despite it all, it is satisfying. comes. buckets
あ:excessive. eughh really leaps to the most extreme…
つ:I was just kidding, Tsukasa…….. it's too easy to tease you. pet pet. you do it all well, of course…. pet pet…..
あ:lots of shushing and petting… ruffle hair, reach down and stroke nape. as a kindness also lets cock rest in mouth for an extended period of time. that would be… like nice… especially if it's not really something you see happen to nene… just one of those "thats not rly what we do here" things mouth swaddle
つ:let him keep sucklin at it and mouthing it.....
あ:cup cheeks… roll up into face casually
つ:somehow its a cute pose, if amane is sitting upright and tsukasa is on his tummy, but its just amane petting and placing palms on tsukasa's back maybe have a luxurious time….. come again in a while. m.
あ:Ya I like on belly for Tsukasa here esp… it's got it's own unique submissive flavor so low… to the ground…
All this build up really means that I think Amane kind of got to subvert a lot of his own hangups rly… so it allows all the doting after… Suppose it is like a toukan koukan. in THIS context I can praise you and pet you lots like aw see…. 's gooood…..
つ:it was a good thing. it did work all in his favor. Tsukasa just wrapping his arms around Amane's middle…..
the next day you also get to show your new trick to nene. lol then SHE can be blowing you and you can go mmnnh--tt, wait, yashiro…. ah…. let's give Tsukasa the prize this time, eh?
let nene watch you nut in seemingly effortlessly and without a care and feel like. SHOCK!?!? TSUKASA-KUN WAS NEVER ALLOWED IT BEFORE…..1!!!
あ:Like oh this nbd….
つ:he looks so blissful…!!!! hugging him. Tsukasa-kun….!!!
あ:her eyes are like gonna bug out WHERE AM I….
つ:pets him. Tsukasa-kun is here too…….!! crying. he's an equal citizen….
あ:(he. is not.)
あ:Somehow sex really jumpstarted me to think about Hanako proposing to Nene at the start of sex, like, if you want Tsukasa to suck me off then YOU move his head onto it [points down at cock]
and… in general forcing her to be a more active catalyst, like, if you want Tsukasa involved, then own up to being so horny about it. Take his hand and put it on my cock. & just point blank instructing Tsukasa to grab Nene and ease her onto cock directly… basically having it so each of them has to move the other "over" it and direct it. Tsukasa with his hands around Nene's middle pushing her on and off of Hanako… and, Hanako furthering it by saying, like, "Go ahead Yashiro. Describe how good it feels. Look Tsukasa in the eye." [reaches down and lifts her chin] Forcing her to do this while being plowed…
another instance of like, Hanako feeling "better" if it gets "equalized".. if Yashiro pays the toll of being overwhelmed and distraught by her own desires and reduced to take "credit" for them
… but.. also it's fun for a girl to feel so directed… it IS hot… and also nene has to have resolve like…. BUT I MUST… FOR TSUKASA-KUN!!!
つ:she's like, I have been handed great power…. actually… I… will make Hanako-kun rue the day
あ:If you become strong enough… He has essentially handed you a dagger You just need to endure the initial difficulty The gauntlet will be, that he is being very mean and condescending
つ:i think Nene will be much more of a whore than he's ready for, directing tsukasa… i think she has no middle slider… he'll enjoy it when she's shakey handed and dealing with the weight of things, like thats right, fucking sympathize with me here its not easy its a lot….. but once she gets over the hurdle and is : i decide when the fruit will fall. its. hanako suddenly on mrs bones wild ride
あ:the wild ride! constructed it myself
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only-lonely-lovers · 3 months
tags: scars, emaciated bodies, blowjobs, piv, menstruation (brief ment)
Bird is あ / Avvy is つ
あ:Oh right… something bird wants to contemplate more is thinking about the twins genuinely having an upsetting situation under their clothes. And this being brushed up against by Nene. since we were recently running a scenario where she handles Hanako being avoidant of even unzipping pants, i wish to also contemplate Nene really having to digest just how many layers there are… like… wait, haven't even touched him under his jacket… Get forlorn…
These things just naturally emerging as she enters 'having a boyfriend' brain and is like ;;;;; but i wanted to… experience…. things…… i want to….. touch…………. boyfriend
つ:I reaaally would like them to be disasters…. it would be a major trust moment for Hanako to finally let her peel him. but it could also be a very crushing angle of things, if you're having sex and such, and yet he won't let you see him topless, ever
nene is a simple thirsty girl, too…. i think she would really want the hotness of her boy open-shirt lounging being a slut.
maybe all the more reason to ask tsukasa first….. bc they are twins, and tsukasa would simply oblige. and have to confront that situation first
あ:juuust not willing to… and dodgy of hands slipping under anywhere. but god its literally hard to get at him, he's like a crab.
つ:pinch pinch
あ:wont let you get at my delicious meats
but yes i was thinking Tsukasa would be an ideal conduit for things. prep her while also being warm and obliging
つ:I would like the element of spookiness to really mean Hanako's situation isn't in any way conventionally sexable, and leans closer to feeling like fucking a corpse if you did strip him down at all
I reaaally like the idea of it being fullbody messed up. picture perfect tells us nothing as the illusion even had the power to hide his seal, or mitsuba's hand.
あ:Yes PP is really a full-scale illusion, their bodies feel like normal and warm and they have heartbeats
つ:Tsukasa, who is proud of his wounds and scarring, not at all presenting them like something shameful or upsetting despite nene's response, he would not falter
あ:sustained smile. he has faith in her though
つ:simply encourage her to feel it. Nene might ask him if Hanako-kun…. died similarly… or if… it was just, him…? upsetting for a moment, and slightly a bit of bargaining… like, maybe Hanako…. wasn't this thin and malnourished….. auh
あ:It's hard to stomach…
つ:but Tsukasa just warmly clarifying that they looked just alike…. but maybe reflecting after a moment like…. well..❤️ maybe he has some more booboos…💔
あ:^^ ….. ahe. you like Tsukasa being so unflappable because he'll still be like, ah, you wanted to touch, right? :3c [hand extended] [grabby grabby] but i feel like Nene does have to commit like 6.6 welcome to being a corpsefucker sweetie…
つ:being entangled with the twins should feel ghoulish, if you could peel them. ahh but i'd love consequences to her touching tsukasa, and giving tsukasa the impression she likes or wants this. its funny 'cuz its not as if i'm a person rly into naked skin, but you know…. its fun if his actual body would be triggering, to hanako. maybe just shrug the top half of the outfit off during a session together and make Hanako panic
but I think even if he wanted to quickly hide Tsukasa's body, he'd be arrested by SEEING the wound and unable to move not a bad time to start unbuttoning Amane like🎵
あ:unbuttons you
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but i do rly think its like this for a sec
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あ:its true despite not being here for nakies rly. liking all the clothes. i just like the thought of having to confront it yk
tsukasa unbuttons you like a nice doting girl in something fixing someone's outfit does it all affectionately
つ:you like Hanako having to feel ah… humbled… really…. unfortunately, while i know he's not top shelf to most, he does act like he's hot shit….. thinking about him actually getting very gnnnnn ddoont look--!! is, ahhh… gap moe
あ:He's usually so unchallenged in his mind he is #1 handsy boy in the room
but things moving faster than he's ready for is like moe. [clutches the ends of my button up like a girl trying to hide behind a towel] once he catches up. like h- HEY
つ:[Tsukasa stares at him with no mouth for a minute]
あ:[they just stare eyeball to eyeball for a min]
つ:[Nene slowly reaches forward and starts undoing a button while they're stuck]
あ:get a hand between this
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it would make hanako feel so like . AND YOU??/
つ:like noooo! betrayal
あ:once again stare in shock for a min like mghh why do you two conspire…. against me
つ:but ah maybe at some point he'd hit that moment of. fine okay you want to see if tsukasa's already showing off his ….
hanako's being, worse… i like to think he was very careful killing tsukasa, and its more… precise? while stabbing himself would have been uncontrolled by nature, more, nasty, jagged and then… the wounds across the body, in general
あ:i do think it's the sort of thing you can't fight really, if it's already known facts. its like. okay. fine fine… if yashiro knows what she is "getting into". that's her business
つ:teach you to leave my gakuran on, idiot...
あ:ahh i feel like nene would really have to think about the boy getting his wounds bandaged by tsuchigomori… like…………. right…………………….. I know this… gotta be heart pounding loudly in ears… uahh… but also it's excitement from like… it's happening….
つ:I think she's horny despite it all
あ:yosh. like mghh boyfriend… touch doin it…
つ:the vulnerability…. the signs of Hanako's, tragedy. the…. skin… ribs…. seeing how Tsukasa and his wounds correspond…. maybe she can just faintly feel the artistry of it.
あ:in the end i think she can't avoid how touching skin to skin will make her feel… whole planes… like ah,,, havent gotten do this yet… running hands across belly…
kfsdgh… on hanako's end i do think he's like… god.. yashiro.. a freak… she's like staring so hard and breathing heavy and face flushed. whats wrong w her
つ:you were supposed to be appalled and embarrassed to have again forgotten i am a ghoul it is like. furrows brow she is just moving to lay over you and rubbing down sides and feeling dip before pelvis…. ueh. looks at tsukasa, like, you see this? wtf? but tsukasa is just purring
あ:[wasn't ready for that either] it's like he looks at tsukasa and they make sustained eyecontact LOOKS. AWAY. sheesh…….. [twists and throws arm over face.]
つ:if nene gives tsukasa some space to share this all tsukasa will lick the scars
あ:hmm one of those gestures that makes the room more humid light gets dimmer
つ:mmm lights flicker
but it would be nice if nene seeing that was switch flipped to llkjmh,. ohhh working with tsukasa…. nene could aim to jerk hanako off and blow him, with tsukasa giving attention to the exposed wounds
would make hanako feel like WHATS WRONG WITH MY- GIRLS, dklkf;kld;gjdfkg whine why am i-- why would anyone want to make this horny
あ:IT LITERALLY SHOULDN'T HAPPEN LIKE THIS hmm but painfully hard about it… reactive… nene can feel this.
the sort of thing that really makes you want to strangle tsukasa in the middle of this
つ:what an interesting show for nene, to be able to look up and see tsukasa's situation… i imagine he's very lounging mostly laying. seeing both of their… bodies…. despite it all, i think for the simple girl, it's, erotic.
sympathetically takes off her top. it makes hanako's propeller hat spin
つ:tsukasa is like WOO PARTY
あ:like oh what are we doing my whores. submits and puts a hand on both of their heads
Hanako is so stubborn though, I feel like after an experience like this he'd still go… 'okay, you got your fill.' and not expect to ever do it again w Would make a face if someone started unbuttoning him again. like. what you need more??
つ:it's 'fine', tolerable if its some sort of… 1 time ritual. is it a fetish…? worrisome i dont want you to. fetishize my. sick body
あ:being besot with visions of hanako fucking nene doggystyle while tsukasa is laying underneath nene on his belly. and he casually takes Hanako's cock out of her pussy and sucks on the tip while lazily jerking him off.
ahmmn and. Hanako very pointedly waiting until he can tell Nene is on her period so he starts to eat her out, on his knees sticking head under her uniforms dress, pulls out tampon. in this context she's never felt anything like this. tfw this kind of motion is rly hanako-appropriate, just disregarding anything Nene says or does or feel about it. so selfish… going to stick it in anyways. but also being so streamlined at this point that after finishing he can whistle Tsukasa over to clean bloody cock with mouf… the ah sorta thing that would be like, too. like unclassy to instruct Nene to do, so it is saddled onto Tsukasa. And Nene watches like
つ:ah I love Tsukasa becoming indulgent rat. Feeling like mmm but I wanna feel it… homf. In my mind once he makes this adjustment to BJ, Hanako freezes for a little while just arms around Nene registering what's happening. Like…….. Tsukasa…. funny for Nene to be like [out of it] aouhh sssex stopped..?? whynnn.. [hears blowjob sounds] oh…. thats good for him [warm]
ahh but it would be cute for Nene to have a day she's like mmghh Tsukasa-kun aagklfjgl no please… [IMPATIENT!!] and she reaches down to take it back from Tsukasa and guide Hanako back inside.. Hanako is observing this like… god, my hot commodity….
oooh everyone just needs it, huh. nobody thinks about my own feelings [high on ego]
あ:nyehh I like both truly… the thought of Nene being like, mid pound & needing it so bad, or, like in a mood thats like. nouuu i need h;is come
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only-lonely-lovers · 3 months
tags: repression/denial, dubcon, blowjobs
notes: This one really digs into how difficult & dodgy I imagine it can be to touch Hanako. Also alludes to the 'sake RP' later on.
Bird is あ / Avvy is つ
あ:Err, before bed/upon waking I actually really had a whole like oveur in my head, reflecting on 3way stuff very early on vs. later… This might sound disordered but let me do my best to collect everything.
It's always fascinating when I feel rebooted back into a certain kind of apprehension/fear of permitting Avvy to touch me. Despite everything you know. I think it's not uncommon after feeling so "in control" and proud of myself like heh yesss did so good at eating and fucking pussy… I can feel my little Amane brain become reluctant to transition into the brain that happens when dick gets touched. Like er… waito. [mouth tense]
Makes me really contemplate. There's this gap moe Amane has, despite being a sicko freak pervert, where he is so overwhelmed by the intensity of his own feelings, which is what leads to your tubro virgin repressed guy, who has a vacant stare and can barely talk while he is inundated with emotions. Face flushed, helplessly staring agog and all, that guy. When he's not in that mindset, I think he dreads it and fears it, he's not seeking to feel like his whole head is filled with hot fog and he is paralyzed. Don't want it. Also why he's like [snaps out of it] wourarhghh -- like often enough. Ah oh christ. [flees]
When you're a repressed guy, I swear the journey with having a cock is first it must make you feel very, very weak. Since you're not actually so familiar with handling it while it's, you know. Hard. Leaking. Wanting. Watching porn and thinking of the 500 things you would do to Yashiro can be cool, like, you can feel so aggrandized and powerful in your head, and telling yourself all the crazy things you'd say.. but, like, I think in practice, twitching and huffing and whining when brushed up against feels so feeble. It doesn't feel, hot and cool and sexy. And I think of Amane as being able to premeditate as much, and avoidant of bringing it out even, earlier on. I really do like to think of "hard mode" starts to runs, where you can't even brush your hands against his belt without him pulling his hips away and redirecting. Sex is ONLY under the context of doing things to Yashiro him self, and Tsukasa is extremely limited and allowed only to hold her in place or stoke things via dialogue… if Amane is benevolent, that day.
But ah, you know, I was thinking specifically about Nene's brand of thirstiness, and I realize I really want something like this to wear away at her brain. She has to deal with being so… in anticipation… for cock, specifically, that she feels a little cucked to not even get to look at it… Nene is not like Tsukasa, she can feel impatience and pointed desire. She has to confront that she has been waiting for so long to touch a guy herself. Want it. Need it! … like ah, at first, it's easy to be overwhelmed that Hanako-kun is touching her at all, and I think her goodgirl bones & desire to be convenient tell her to appreciate it. It's lucky he is even touching her [gets reduced] … for a while, this is the case, and well, like. I mean it feels good, it does. But eventually just starting to feel like mrrhghh… but… It's like a hot beacon in the corner of her eye sometimes.. Tented black fabric of slacks… Not fair…
Just thinking about a girl really having to baste in cockthirst, and have an impulse to just cup hand over it one day, and feeling it tense & jump under her hand. Feel dizzy from that -- but Hanako grabs her wrist like he is fighting for his life suddenly, and I think Nene feels like. About to cry. Like, ah I know I know, it's not… allowed. hghhrg…. [internally, boiling] BUT WHY… BUT- BUT YOU'RE A PERVERT.. BUT AREN'T YOU… BUT DON'T YOU WANT TO… YOU DON'T WANT ME TO ?? TOUCH IT ?????? … like starting to get, like 😭 what is the POINT OF A BOYFRIEND!!!!!! KSDJGFK
つ:in early situations I imagine Nene unfortunately has a simple "he's…. generous…" sort of feeling about how servicing Hanako is, feeling spoiled, lavishing under the obsessive and pornographic attention-- Hanako can even feel 'indulgent' and 'needy' in his own way while touching her, so it -feels- at first like a kind of shared vulnerability in some sense. but over time you have to realize he's holding something else back and it's not exactly a matter of 'most generous lover in the world needs not you to touch him' but that he's just, ah, protecting himself.
and he's just doing the physical equivalent of not talking about his feelings. it takes a long time to process that though. for a long time i think it's just a weird feeling in the back of her head.
I'm sure Hanako even benefits at times from FRAMING it with a word or two as if it's generosity, like, don't worry, no need, it's about you, shhh….
it works for a while, but he'll shatter the illusion some day with flinching too protectively and he won't be able to play it off enough for her to forget about it
あ:On paper, it can just feel like she's allowed to be a pillow queen, and um, girls… girls would like, love to be in her position, right-? it's… it's lucky… she's lucky. Ah, poor Nene, she's going to have to cross that bizarre threshold of being confused about wanting more, she's so used to the mindset of "if i could have anything-!!" … it almost feels like, illogical to question the circumstance
It's tricky you know. especially when it DOES feel good… you both are attracted to one another and enjoying what is happening-?
You'd be stupid to say Hanako doesn't love to lick your pussy. right ._.
つ:if only Tsukasa could be a bro and make a point to her by reaching HIS hand towards it for one second and Amane would so violently lurch to stop him without any of the pretenses he offers yashiro and look terrified and then have no recourse for explaining that
あ:... but this is why Tsukasa is vital backup
つ:would just throw tsukasa's hand away and huff and angrily get back to sex
あ:Protective and defensive, like he be! Tsukasa in the room is just like a dousing rod feeling the cumulative energy of Nene's yearning and Amane's avoidance and apprehension Everyone's psychic waves are hitting him
つ:the desires in this room! foo-wee
あ:[fans self]
Amane grasps Tsukasa's wrist like he is for real stopping a wild bear You really need Tsukasa in the room to help contextualize things….
つ:Tsukasa gently says gomen ne. and recedes his hand gently and moves back to holding yashiro in place for him. squeezes yashiro's middle as a communication to her like mm.. you see that?
あ:Something's going on here… Girlie to girlie communication
Something to maybe confer with Tsukasa later on her own… Like. Ah Tsukasa is just a safe place to field the raw insecurity and doubt, of like, it's not that he doesn't want to right…?
つ:oh! he wants to
あ:How validating but frustrating to hear. like well… YEAH….!!! BUT……… OOGH.. Wants to.. but won't let us…
つ:its also peeling for nene at least. its why its doubly hard to deal with. its hard to be honest about. wanting cock. want to see it smell it touch it taste it. mmmmm takes a long time to be able to talk about that even to tsukasa
あ:This is the part where there is no honor
つ:YOU can try to frame it protectively as like.. you feel bad/selfish only receiving attention, its only right to give it.. but tsukasa will tilt his head and smile at you and you knooow its not gonna work on him
and be like . chigau… thats not. right. i know.. its not. thats-- its like what he's doing , isn't it trying to say something another way…. to get away with it….
あ:^^ ………… nene-chan is smart to see how it's the same
つ:she's been around this world of hanako's, too much
あ:God one always feels bad for Nene, it feels like the journey intrinsically requires her to feel mindbroken and end up crying a lil fkdsgjhdghhg like tsukasa-kun [wails] I WANT IT
つ:ah but the convo is gonna reach the funniest moment, nene will be like this when she realizes wait. does tsukasa also want to suck off hanako
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あ:A girl needs someone to pet her hair while this kinda stuff happens
what the. wait a minute
つ:hes going to be petting her and being so like amane is stubborn~ and he's not thinking about it either. theres gonna be a nice moment at least where nene is like…………….
tsukasa-kun………………………… would you like to..do that sort of thing… to Hanako-kun.. too?
and he's going to be staring blankly like he hasn't earnestly thought about it looks around
あ:the moe
つ:nene like…………… [it feels like he's processing something new, actually]………. [tsukasa-kun………….] but it helps her feel like slightly less of 'the child in the room'
あ:>Wants to.. but won't let us…
i actually thought it'd be cute if nene worded it like, "he wont let us…" due to tsukasa getting his hand smacked from touching him earlier, but that tsukasa just regards this wordlessly, internally like ?? us-? :)? hm well anyways
In his mind he was just showing you something. but not like. but he was never gonna, like… you know.
emptyheaded lil guy staring blankly like he has learned new colors existed
I feel like spiritually Tsukasa is always easily brought back to the "amane would be happier without me" mindset of little red house boy. like ah well it would be nice but he doesnt want that from me, this is about nene
つ:its like. i need to be a big girl…. Tsukasa-kun is disadvantaged, too….. I already felt unease about how he's more of a support character (in RPG terms….)… but I assumed at least kindof that it was OK, he doesn't seem like he wants anything….
nene needs tobe brave and be like
m . don't you. uhhm. [gets quiet] tsukasa-kun. uhm. don't you want to know. what it . . t. [SQUEEZES EYES SHUT] tastes like. he's like wow. blink! wow
あ:[brain buzzes] taste…
つ:looks down though but is just like hehe… ah. amane wouldn't want me to….. [twiddles fingers] nene angrily: TO HELL WITH ''AMANE''
if he doesn't like it, he can be abig boy and TELL US! he can't be-- shoving our hands away, like a, picky, toddler!!! its not fair!!!
あ:In moments like these I imagine it's such a 50/50 split of Tsukasa being like wow nene-chan is so impassioned wow… [feeling her desires, feeling how they would be fun] but like intermediately she says words that kinda are like butter and distract him in the middle of it like . amane control . picky toddler. these things make me🤤
つ:awe but i like that💔
あ:like you ARE trying to give a rallying speech to a slave [finger in mouth] duhhh i dunno…
つ:takes a moment. breathes mmmmm. …………….. I think this has to be up to Nene-chan…..❤️
あ:i think tsukasa has enough wisdom stat though to be like. [through the haze] but amane IS bound to simply deny himself what he really wants if we do EVvverything his way. i will support you👍 like well it wouldnt like mess him up forever to get kinda molested by nene :3
つ:he's able to think 'its not fair' but only in the framing 'for amane to not let himself have what he wants'
if Nene-chan wants to be more forceful………….. [breathing very close to her] I will support Nene-chan, when the time comes. she shivers. like ah wait gmhnr what are we
あ:a moment of what are we. as is necessary, in these times
つ:she's hypnotized a lil though. its like o. okay……
i think that when the time comes it willl be more comedic than anything at first. for a second it will be like. nene will not be able to do it gracefully. it will be like. nnn… [quietly] nnn.. hanako: mmm~ whats that… Yashiro…. [purring] a request….? NNN… NOW, TSUKASA-KUN its like suddenly flung to the floor w tsukasa's chimp strength
あ:it's like FJKSDHGF??!/ she like. she straddles you like a madwoman
つ:panting. TSUKASA-KUN AND I…. WANT TO DO SOMETHING, HANAKO-KUN! hanako looking at tsukasa like betrayed WHAT'S SHE TALKING ABOUT????
あ:imagine tsukasa just looking down like [eyes squinted] like teehee
つ:he has god's power so you know. i think it really can be like holds you down w one arm behind ur back. reaches forward to unbuckle belt for nene
あ:The wildcard stat is always that tsukasa is more crazy externally OP
つ:the 1 moment hanako is like why do i have a seal on me i need to not. i gotta not
つ:gomen-ne, Amane…. [darkly, in ear] I promised nene-chan I'd help her, with what she wants….. she really, really wants something. [smiles up at her pleasantly]❤️
あ:Why don't we watch and see what she'll do-?
つ:nene insane mode. grabbing both her hands around the tent like she's possessed eyes spiraling
あ:thinking about your girl's crazy jerkoff strength hands what a . like YELPS
つ:stares at it just tented and squeezing it in hands like its really here right here… i can do . it he'll likeit though he's a BOY!!! he has to [angrily] he has to like it of course he will!!!!
つ:THATS THE PROBLEM if anything it has to be
unbuttoning. unzipping. tsukasa hearing the noises experiences an odd… nostalgia. its been a while, really… since hearing amane dress down…. it's naturally something that evokes the past-- just changing in the same room together….
あ:It's actually probably immediately, somewhat satisfying that Hanako was like, in the middle of saying something in rebuttal, in an annoyed/frustrated tone, only to cut off into a choked, higher sound as she grabs at it. like already, that's… new. hyeah
Indeed though… it's been so long. Tsukasa would even specifically be familiar with this uniform being taken off. like… same as it ever was
As panic sets in, I think Hanako starts to sound more overtly distressed, like. The reality of how no one is backing out, is hitting him. Thought you could clip Tsukasa to let go, thought Nene could feel guilty and embarrassed. But feeling the material all shuff and move away, she's over there panting above it like a maniac. alarming!!
Devolve into being like , "Y. Yashiro." swallows. "Come on, I said it wasn't necessary. What's with you.." dodgy hips pulling away, trying to lift a leg up to tuck in and cover self Jostles her
but you know, uncontrollably tries to be mean, like. "What, you're telling me YOU'RE the type to not listen when someone says 'no'?" the crazy noncon murdered his brother guy in here saying this
つ:Tsukasa, to Nene-chan: ah, he's being mean [not talking to Amane directly] Nene: h. he is. its like EH???
あ:like wtf i'm right here [gets objectified for 1 second] wtf treating me like i'm not a person
つ:Hanako-kun….. I. Want to. [closes eyes] I want to. To do it. Really badly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE! I'M TIRED OF BEING HELD AT BAY! Its. its selfish. I know! it is! BUT I THINK I CAN BE SELFISH ONCE!!!! I won't do it again, if you hate it so much!
あ:spiritually tsuaksa seal clapping over amane getting called selfish i think its always like AHUHA yeah
つ:I'll-- [kindof… getting dizzy thinking this, and also knowing it will effect hanako who is possessive] I'll never get to do it… if you don't let me. If you won't let something happen… then…. isn't it my only chance to feel. something
Tsukasa being a wild card: or maybe she'd do it to me [EVERYONE SPITTAKES AND TURNS TO TSUKASA] I have one too, after all Nene-chan likes that part of the body. [being a simple kid] Amane would rather it be himself, right?
あ:at first mutually becoming dizzy. feels like a weight is dropped on his chest. NOT ready to hear Yashiro be so overtly desperate and also talk about this… but omg LOOKS UP AT TSUKASA
つ:Nene-chan's first taste. [nene: he said taste… no, tsukasa, please… i'm trying to not talk about the blowjob]
つ:it's made her really crazy. This is already really out of character for Nene-chan! the word taste can hit hanako's brain at a delay
あ:He's got such whiplash at everything he's not really like. processing what the full implications are
going from like ohh she wants my cock.t o like wtf WHAT ARE YOU IMPLYING??/
つ:[nene, shaking, trying not to turn to dust] [understanding undermining hanako's possessiveness is a good tactic but is dying] r. right.
m . maybe I would. do anything. [weird moment with tsukasa, it's funny] rly funny but like Hanako is the: DON'T just jerk eachother off
oh so you're just going to grab my little brother's cock if i don't put out. WHAT KIDN OF WORLD!! you're gonna hear his shoes scraping the ground from kicking angry horse
つ:gets it out into the open air. Tsukasa again is like… natsukashii I do remember that thang distantly…
あ:like a dream a dream i once knew
つ:[hanako hearing tsukasa and nene inhale]
あ:it's good actually if hanako is trapped in the whacky shack really. becomes completely stiff
"Alright… alright alright alright, okay, fine, can we just. Get it over with." "If you need it so badly."
つ:nene gets electrocuted to hear this its like. green means go swallows it
あ:oh once again like You really- [CHOKES] .. i think its really like, KNOCKS HEAD BACK INTO TSUKASA
あ:immediately panicked breathing. like he's hyperventilating. trying to kick and pull away. despite what he said… it's like, the sheer panic to the intensity, means he really twists and pulls out of her mouth
つ:popppp scrabbles and grabs with hand
for Nene…. ah its all become raw impulse gklfgj no more thoughts HAD IT IN MOUTH WANT IT IN MOUTH!!!!!! FEELING REFRESHINGLY LIKE--SEXUAL!!! hot. cccock. sexy. in
Tsukasa's eyebrows are a little floating off of his head, not quickly but slowly
あ:Hanako is not really to feel… genuinely assaulted… It's rawwww such raw sensations. it makes being touched through pants feel like it was paltry little flirting grazes…
つ:tsukasa reaches forward, and presses a hand down into Amane's pelvis area, to try to anchor him down, palm splayed…
nice webbing of thumb and pointer framing base of cock, more or less, though he's leaving plenty of room for nene, they barely graze one another.
あ:Necessary, otherwise he'd really be twisting and pulling back a lot
つ:Nene's little brain becomes only the goal of making Hanako come. getting to the. finish line. I WANT
あ:we got this far
つ:I like the idea of Hanako starting to plead tsukasa and manipulate to tsukasa's slave brain nature lol…. like, Tsukasa-- TsuSkaasa yy, you-- listenn--! you listen to me--!!! HISSINGGG
あ:Underhanded… but I think Amane is also just, like sincerely feeling like, THIS ISN'T FAIR… i tell tsukasa what to do…
つ:you do what I say, you're….. [can't bring self to say 'you are mine' though…] [which is a weakness, maybe if you could say it so directly he'd give in]
あ:[huffing air through teeth, ungracefully] You know.. you know-!! how it works [cough] mm but you like this all happening while the blowjob is starting to really deteriorate faculties. slurs. blinks out of sync
つ:his last ditch effort really trying to use your big brother voice on tsukasa… sound angry with him
tsukasa leans down…. again says sorry…. but… …. [whispering just to him] I can tell….you like it. aren't you glad it's happening, Amane….
releases some of the pressure on pelvis… moves hand towards Nene, gently strokes her cheek with his thumb, stokes her to open her pleading little eyes wet and determined… so admirable
あ:I think you finally get Amane to just have brows pinched, looking miserable… in that way that's clear he does like it and knows he does. staring up at tsukasa and then eyes shifting down to where yashiro is, naturally drawn by the movement of tsukasa's hand. feel struck at the sight of her… Ugh
to not be able to see your own cock because it is enveloped in a mouth… instead, looking down at her face nestled flush against… huuurts. can't squeeze eyes shut fast enough, to hide them rolling back into skull
rambling in his mind like stupid sexy… stupid…. what kind of girl does this… force a blowjob-?? insane. since when. can't be happy just getting fingered-? need to suck my cock. need it so bad you do THOS?? crazy fjsdjghdfj whore lskfdghfj d what kind of girl… have to smell it-? need "a taste"… GGGODD
つ:letting the fetish truly sink in. SHE JUST WANTED IT SO BADLY!!! becomes violently narcissistic
あ:finally… roll hips a lil the freed up room from tsukasa moving his hand…
つ:Tsukasa nuzzles Nene is like TT____TT he moved…… into it…… [angelic choir] [starts tearing up] finally thinking: I don't want to do it only once…. TT___TT
あ:feel awareness of self occupying her mouth… ugh…
つ:I want to do it over and. overrrrr every day after class… please wish he could become addicted to it--!!!!
maybe he was holding back cuz it'll drive him crazy [getting fetishistic] [whore brain]
あ:Wish it could feel so good… that he wouldn't… that he COUDLN'T give it up…
once again tsukasa feeling the psychic waves coming off of you two I think you could break hanako though once we're this far. once he's starting to sink into the divine ego of it all.
つ:tsukasa pets nene…..
あ:want to reach down to rest a hand on her head finally, too
つ:hanako wiggling but, differently wanting to free a hand… tsukasa would be like … ! hmmm… allows…..
あ:It's like sigh… i may not have liked how we got here. but. it's a blowjob. Not trying to make Yashiro feel rejected here it's already happening so i might as well get to feel the motion thread through her hair…
つ:Tsukasa will settle into just arms around shoulders and nuzzling amane enjoying the vibes.. mmm I did good Amane is having fun❤️
あ:Nonconsensually has become a king resting in his throne what can be said. all makes your dick feel good.
つ:finally sit up at length…..
あ:Uehh but you want moments like this to be like… sex is special, it really makes you capitulate to your desires more urgently and wholly than you normally would. it's like rhghh well. well. WELL!
つ:if you want it so badly……
i like sitting up 'cuz it makes him loom over her, finally taking control back in the situation tsukasa hanging off of you, not over you… nene under you, not over you.
あ:readjusting… take a deep breath. exhale
つ:poor desperate girl….. mmm. have to pity her….
あ:I like to think it fluidly shifts into grasping her jaw and like.. adjusting the pace, directing her to slow for a second… but it's not like it's stopping, just taking the reins. moving in and out of her mouth willfully Pity indeed… like it finally loads in
つ:poor nene is clearly so relieved to see hanako becoming agreeable…. its like ahh.. she didn't want to force it, now did she…. she does want to be good…. she just got so desperate
あ:Such a needy little thing. sigh…
つ:and so agreeable to just once….. maybe a fine time to sigh and drag her a little… like "just once…. won't be enough, will it….? I can tell…"
"you're. already thinking about doing it all the time, aren't you…?" the response is like he read her mind and she ducks back to her task…. iiieiiiiei…..
あ:drinks it in. "Ahhh, that bad, hm…" "I should've known. It's, the kind of girl you are, isn't it, Yashiro." punctuating it with shoving forward, more firmly… sinks to the base closes eyes, winces. mhh.
つ:Hanako's new mission: i've gotta get so freaking good at controlling the . moans i gotta. meditate in a cave
あ:it's a gd test
つ:it WAS cowardly to just run from it…. I just need… endurance.
あ:It's hard to juggle talking and moving, in reality… if you try and pick up the pace, you're gonna stutter and cut off into a moan or whine. sooo difficult to hear self like that egh… the hard part.
つ:must tactically speak… and pause… hoold tongue mm tsukasa toussles nene's hair affectionately with both hands for a second……
…. then moves her head over Hanako's cock kinda… absent-mindedly. for a second some pressure…. up, down…. but just for a stroke or two. then quietly recedes
something for Nene to notice happened…. Tsukasa himself is like oh what am I doing ? idk
あ:oh well.
つ:looks on blankly its fun to watch woo
あ:i think hanako should leak pre in this moment like conspicuously just something to make nene feel like, a little crazy you really like get a taste
つ:its like. concurrent things to note. it also sorta shakes her around to get serious like AH w, wait the, finishline,,, so close
あ:Hm the wax and wane of it all… I think Hanako will have settled for a moment and been leaning into it all, but getting closer to finishing is like ah, wavers… looks like he's struggling to keep his eyes focused, gets all twitchy. slumps a bit. it FEELS so egregious when you can no longer talk clearly rly, when you've been keeping up dialogue, it's embarr. [covers mouth with a hand]
つ:want to learn how to come cooler but its so wmmarnwarm mouth good
あ:gotta work on that. feeling all jittery
つ:stamps foot. feels stupid twitch twitch fidget jitterrrrr
あ:Oh at this point I think Tsukasa is really like [stare.] but thankfully i dont think Hanako can observe this meaningfully now this is new
つ:and his little brain thinking mmmfmng… ffffin her mmmmouth. gknh.. amane losing his cool brain aaouh girl tsukasa excited to see new movements. spellbound
あ:but also for nene it is like. I WANNA SEE WHAT ITS LIKE WHEN HE COMES…. ;;;; ><….
つ:I do think a good step 1 after this IS nene just offering tsukasa to like…. hold her, face , while she does it…. like being brave w him privately like.. [puts his hands on her cheeks] you…. liked. uhm when we were… doing that…. you seemed to like. holding, like this…. …. so you can if you want…. … its only fair….
あ:twirls hair
つ:it only happened because of you…. if its fun…. you should, do it, then….. Tsukasa is like…. that was fun it would be fun…. okay…. staring. the synchronicity of tsukasa and nene doing this is going to fuck up hanako he's going to be afraid
あ:observing tsukasa when he gets a little [tumbleweed] must rly be interesting
つ:stop.. working together
あ:you need to stop conspiring [comes faster] [but hates this]
つ:staring at tsukasa's hands on yashiro's face is like. mmgm no… not. not two great tastes that taste great together i do not want this NO strawberry and cheese!!!!
あ:stop making me taste the strawberry and the cheese i dont think they should taste good together
but oh it must feel nice for nene. to just get held through it all and you feel like you're sharing something with tsukasa
つ:but tsukasa's hands being there makes you feel subconsciously more like just rutting face and its a moment of [catches self being more. facefucking] nnggh no [slows down. calms] not-- because.. of any reason, no if i do it like that i want to do it to make nene feel like a whore it cant be subconcious response. no i wont let it
あ:it should be a decision it shouldnt just happen to me
i always feel like this 'phase' should be the peak like. being unable to stop tsukasa before he does something innocently. like ah, tsukasa watching nene's hand wrapped around the base of cock, and looping his fingers around for a sec too. at times, to be helpful, angle something. the sort of stuff you can't even always notice until you've already pushed into it fervidly multiple times. again, cock makes you feel weak and able to be manipulated ww stop making me enjoy this
つ:Tsukasa is truly just not thinking hard about the impulses coming out of himself its like. me halp
nene truly is in her state of peak what are. we lol? also. what are you and hanako… i dont know would hanako-kun like it… if tsukasa-kun…..? -just doesn't know-
letting him be there at all is weird but it's always another thing entirely to… you know… Nene is familiar with porno rules. the balls don't touch etc you can have two guys and a girl and a reasonable distance
あ:Right. but well tsukasa-kun himself is… um, not afraid to think about this stuff. he likes it. so… what could hanako-kun feel…?
Though if only she could really press her brain one day and think about what Hanako does already permit. and think, like ahm. well. i guess guys in porno, don't, like, lay against the other guy and get held and nuzzled in the face. while they get stuff done
つ:briefly: what would I feel. that is my uh… boy… friend … ? [wind blowing thru head]
I guess it just doesn't… bother me. it's just tsukasa-kun…. that's his brother so, they're as close as they're going to be….
…..but …. [squeezing pea] like….. what is it…. it wouldn't be, NTR, or something…. right would I start feeling weird if Tsukasa-kun took the reigns…
あ:Really so much to ask yourself. would i feel like-? something was being taken from me-? ._.
つ:[simulates tsukasa blowing hanako] [brain flips upside down inside of skull] I uh. I don't… I don't know. how it would feel. laying in bed. Or do I
あ:Get 1000 yard stare feeding black canyon
つ:nooooo… enough of the running from anything and forming indirect thoughts….! slaps cheeks yus. going thru ur little chores
あ:But you're finally at this point liek mgh… come on girl THINK IT
つ:think it sooo hard fully form the thought. sits on corner of bed
あ:imagine Tsukasa-kun really doing it okay. and, imagine if Hanako-kun lovedi t
つ:[distant shot of her sitting on corner of bed] [zoom in with zoom lines but no change in expression] I'M HORNY
あ:welcome. to the mindfuck
つ:opens eyes and looks at floor good job nene. you're being a big girl. rn. that was a hard thought. girl [to self]
あ:A lot of other girls. Couldn't think about their boyfr.en like this
つ:it's quite taboo….. on a few levels. both infidelity (in a sense…) and….. you know. [incest]
あ:I'm uniquely mature.
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Able to think about these all.
つ:these topics, they're a lot for anyone. it's good I'm not completely freaking out.
well, if Hanako-kun wanted, I would ……………………………….. be willing to sh…are…….. [sits up straight] NO, NO NO NO! STOP THINKING OF IT AS A FAVOR TO OTHERS! WE'RE PAST IT! PAST THE PHASE OF THAT! FOR REAL! ………………………………… but then what …. …..
つ:do I just … do I say I want to . see it for . . myself …. thats a little much
あ:Hm. Somehow… I have a feeling that it wouldn't go well, if I said it like that.
つ:it doesn't seem good either. to want your boyfriend to have sex with his . brother. for. your own pleasure. also-- thats not, entirely it? o-okay, I need to walk it back actually… maybe its OK to a little want it for Hanako-kun….. and Tsukasa-kun? Well, mostly Tsukasa-kun
あ:maybe it can just be for all of us !?
つ:it's more like, an accessory detail, really that I might be into it. it's-- a side perk. I mean, it's good I'm not…. not into it
あ:Of course, I just want them to be happy. that's the truth [writes a poem]
つ:fkldskg i must express myself you have to like lay in bed and intrusively think about being like a sexual harpy like mmmgggh fuck eachother for meeee
あ:nene-sama commands it
つ:Hanako like. trying to be like creepy and you just clipping him. get to it BROCON
あ:a fantasy where, like, it's YOUR turn to be like "i KNOWWW you want to"
oh but you know i'd love to envision an insane run where nene just is like do this for me thats new like. what if we applied everything we learned just be forward
つ:she needs to just like, jerk off tonight about this so hard and then lay starfish on the bed like OKAY
あ:>__O what's the worse that could happen Hanako-kun will say no, or make fun of me? ……………. that already happens.
つ:hanako-kun already laughs at me and makes fun of me
unfortunately there's no punishment hanako-kun should think about this stuff before he belittles me for nothing. i'm like a poorly trained dog.
this is a funny circumstance bc tsukasa will also be like jaw dropped like ?!?!!? NENE-CHAN? whoa!
あ:[pointing kid from IZ]
つ:to be like… Hanako-kun….. I…. want something… I want you to………………………. do something…. different…… if you don't want to. you can make fun of me. I don't care. [no eyes] [shockingly still and stern]
Hanako would be so👂🖐️
あ:like lmao??/ whatcha got for me queen
Literally puts hand to ear and leans in
つ:his mind is thumbing thru pornhub titles fetishes things she might be into, probability wise the kind of girl she is
あ:want me to spit on her? spank her? smack her?
つ:I….. I want. To see…………………. you………………………………………………. [Tsukasa is also floating by, leaning in]
you. ANDTSUKASA-KUN FOOL AROUND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [SUDDENLY SHOUTING] [sonic blast] [epicenter]
Tsukasa's tiniest needle eyes hair blown back tooo everyone's ears are ringing. the silence. nene just fists to side. breathing.
あ:there's like blood running down hanako'[s ears
つ:hes gonna black out his little brain is like hearing it echoing handjobs? blowjobs? necking? tongue? fool around. fool around
あ:It's really like. looks at her. LOOKS AT TSUKASA? LOOKS AT HER. you PRANKING ME ?
つ:tsukasa is also doubletaking but like you're both clearly so clueless tsukasa. like i had no idea this was anything. mentally. whoa.
あ:he's having his own version of repeating things, but slower. tongue..........................
つ:fool around ........
あ:This really should be such a cray move that Hanako cannot actually say anything for a good min
つ:you've stunned the boys to silence
あ:you killed him. for asec. you're not speaking human language it's almost like. how can i address this. i can't
つ:you're not ready for any of this.
あ:what could i possibly say [quietly floats further from tsukasa] [backs up]
つ:tsukasa looks at that looks at nene. who is just like staring at the ground. also silent. she's just a stone. she's very ready for anything…. you can feel her holding so much in. just letting this pass over everyone in the room as it will….
"so brave, nene-chan…" tsukasa finally says….. "you really think about that?" she nods "you would like it?" nods. "why?" flinches
あ:[hanako's pupils focus] [center of eye] [looks]
つ:Nene's little brain… struggling. a childish question…. honestly, she doesn't quite entirely know them all…. so well…. the reasons. but why not be the most mockable, first? isn't it what hanako wants to say? "It. Would be hot."
"I thought about it, and, that I'd want to see it. A. And." swallows…. "maybe. if you'd like to do it, that'd be nice. For. All three of us." "If it was-- if it was-- if-- if you'd ever, second-guess doing it, because I'm here. I want you to know, to not do that." "I won't be jealous. Or. Feel. Ch. cheated on? uhm.." getting slightly awkward
"I mean, I won't feel weirdly about it…… in that way…." "so, now or later, if you ever wanted to.." [getting weaker] "if you did anything, you wouldn't have to worry…… about my response……." "if you know where I stand….."
あ:I do think internally, Hanako is like 'HOT'? YOU'RE ASKING, BECAUSE IT WOULD BE HOT. but tongue still is lead. just stares incredulously… I think Nene seems to be moving at such a faster pace, she's talking faster than he can scrape his braincells together to reply. just reeling.
つ:Tsukasa drinks in the reply, it's so interesting.. "Really? You wouldn't be jealous?" shakes head he's just like wow most people are. two-timing is bad you know "Nene-chan is into two-timing?" "IT'S NOT REALLY-- I mean, it doesn't feel like that…. !" getting a little tweedle dee tweedle dum while hanako loads
"Th-that's what I'm saying really, it wouldn't feel like … uhm… a breech, or something…."
Tsukasa glances at Amane, but without intent for eye contact… just to try to read his expression a little, out of corner of eye..
"Just. Think of me as a. A. Stupid, girl into that kind of thing….." trying to preempt the mockery aloud… "s-so, if nobody wants to, it's just funny, okay…..?"
あ:Indeed really like. having the babiest conversation suddenly. hanako inhales and rubs his face, pushes back bangs and hat for a sec. Feels like he's getting too hot in his jacket and everything, tugs collar.
The childishness they're both exuding suddenly makes him feel like, okay. [big brother mode] break it up… but Nene's preempting is like mmhh well. you understand that much
"Okay, okay okay, calm down…" closes eyes. a long inhale. but…. he's really not as put-together as he'd like, feels his mouth twitching at the corners. Trying to move past this procedurally, not make Yashiro cry… "I get it, you have a 'thing' for it. I know people are into… twins, is that it-? -- well, whatever, it's. I mean, it's nice of you to offer, to not be jealous." condescending. "But, that's not how it is. Between us." [gesturing back and forth between him and tsukasa]
つ:Tsukasa feels: ah. but gracefully and seamlessly
あ:"We wouldn't 'like that'."
つ:Nene looks at Hanako, feeling small.. fleetingly. its fine though…. but, looks at Tsukasa, kinda sadly….? Tsukasa smiles at her but doesn't say anything……. Nene squints at him… twists her mouth….
あ:[reclines in the air, crosses leg]
つ:At length, Nene finally says…. "…. you said We…….. but…………. don't you mean…. you……? wouldn't like it…."
あ:... ? arguing with me. why. cracks eye open at
つ:sortof feeling like. mm… I mean obviously….ah… uhm….. "Tsukasa-kun……. you would like it…. wouldn't you?"
Tsukasa keeps smiling at her…. ahh what a funny position to be in….! Ahhh…. hmmm! mmm….
あ:"I meant we." stubborn "You're just projecting onto Tsukasa."
つ:Nene keeps looking at Tsukasa. Like…. mm… I'm not-- ????! Tsukasa is like whuh. whoa! conversation….. uhmm…. but just twiddles his fingers like a toddler… "I don't need anything…." like heehee awwuuuu me? little ol me
あ:…………….. wait that's not the reply i wanted. tilts head
つ:it's hard for Nene to place the-- mmmgghh--! like… rrurghh its not… mmm "I'm… not projecting….! It's-- it's so rare for Tsukasa-kun to-- (sorry) show a new feeling, and so-- so I notice when he… does! I've….seen him……" "look….. at you……"
あ:really don't like to hear that. like, don't be gay turns head. "He's always looking at me."
つ:Nene holds Tsukasa's hand. IGNORES YOU
あ:"It's nothing new."
つ:"Tsukasa-kun……. you…. want to do what I do sometimes, don't you…..?" [does not have a mouth now] feeling like a pet asked to misbehave. dont you wanna go apeshit dont you wanna chew amane's shoes. well
あ:hruu hruu… of course we all want to chew shoes…
つ:a very very long pause….. i'm sure hanako isn't even looking and is frustrated by all of this
あ:No he's not observing it up close. he's like whatever. tilts hat over my eyes I already said what I had to
つ:maybe just feels like, ah she's doubling down fsr….. sigh
あ:She just needs to sulk about her idea not being accepted
つ:"hai." really small from Tsukasa. but he's like. fingies together "it looks fun…." she's like POINT
つ:"EXACTLY!!!!" "Tsukasa-kun, you're just always thinking about what Hanako-kun wants!" "uhhuh"
"BUTWHATIFYOUCOULD-- HAVEANYTHING!!" throws hands up in air tsukasa is like… eyes wide. uoh anything puts finger to mouth……
あ:Hanako is feeling like wtf i looked away for 1 second whats going on
つ:"ah, but Amane doesn't want to" "HE DIDN'T WANT THE OTHER STUFF EITHER-- OR HE SAID--!" devil horns "we can't trust him always! I-- mean. Maybe this is a little far." "-- BUT also most people would say its ALREADY PRETTY FAR, so"
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つ:"--ANYWAY-- TSUKASA-KUN!" "HAI" "YOU WANT IT!!" "HAI." "do you want anything in particular!??!?!" long long pause………………………………………………………………………………………. "chu." "…chu…….?"
あ:this is going to make nene like weep 💔nooo
つ:falls to the ground hands to the floor "chu…………………………." he really just said chu…… my soul is leaving my body…..
あ:It's like ah. The soft "hai" from Tsukasa finally admitting he would likey, like kinda fails to load into hanako. and then they're off to the races and rambling and he's like staggering to catch up, hey hey hey… but once nene is like WE CANT TRUST HIM i think he really freezes and becomes a little statue. like whatre you saying 😭 wait was starting to stammer like chotto matte
つ:he's gone to them theyre in their bubble "Tsukasa-kun, you have to want more than 'chu'…… I can't handle that meek of a desire, actually….." shaking on her arms
あ:but you know I think the truth of Hanako in such a situation, is that, he would rather make sweeping statements about him and tsukasa mutually being 'fixed'… Our relationship is what it always was, we're just brothers. if you think you see something, you're imagining it, or projecting. tsukasa is just weird, he's clingy, he just likes to be here, but it doesn't change anything. he's "just" my little brother
if we so clearly establish Tsukasa. wants. things. it puts him in a position to. REJECT? him. and it's like n i don i dont like that either
つ:Dont like to make choices
あ:it feels cruel, like why did you just set me up to "turn down" tsukasa this is…. illogical i shouldnt have to
つ:Tsukasa meanwhile already just feels turned down and he simply is graceful of it
getting way too simple about it like: "awe, but Amane doesn't wanna, so….." when nene argues its like g,mfgh "I like to watch, its ok Nene-chan!" confused pat her
あ:Fucking. slides between you two grabs Tsukasa by the shoulders
つ:ouhp oh noes
つ:me in trubble nods Im gonna get scolded ouh "hai."
あ:[kinda like. desperate.] "... Yashiro is just getting carried away, right...?"
つ:looks down at Yashiro on teh floor like. little tears coming outta her eyebolls "carried away?"
あ:"You don't really want that." continues, pressingly. "Right-? I mean. But why would you, all of a sudden. It's the same as it's always been, right."
つ:oh but the. "Uhhuh" it is the same as its always been. Nene from the floor, strangled: "its…. the same… in that….. " shes dying "you've…………………………………….." "wanted it…………………………………………………………………. the whole. time" rasping "isn't that right. Tsukasa-kun" like its her last words
あ:"Okay, this is what I mean, by 'carried away'."
つ:"Eh? She's right" Nene collapses onto the floor
あ:you know when griffin is like ahh my bean. and then is liek THE BALLS ARE BACK IN THE ORIGINIAL CUPS [STRANGLED] this is nene
つ:yes. LMGMNMgjg ahhhh steaming on the ground. "It's the same, nothings changed!"
"you and nene-chan are both kinda right?" too casual
あ:You're really hurting his little Amane brain. he understands this part its the same
つ:from the floor: "its that………………… you wanting it…… is the same…………" curled on her side "thats why--" "it doesnt feel different" curling in "to Hanako-kun" shuddering
あ:looks at her looks at you looks at her looks at you
つ:"he's used to it. so, used to it," "that he's……………….. BLIND" COUGHS
つ:nene is like i understand everything… ho god the shape of the universe… too big for my brain
あ:don't you tell me about my brother wtf
つ:"it is…." rasping
"It is." Tsukasa agrees. like whats going on
あ:[furrows brow] "It. Is." !?!?/ gf f what tf conversation are we having
つ:"But if Amane doesn't want something, I don't need it."
Nene dragging herself forwardddd… "Tsukasa-kun… is too used…. to having……… it be what it is……!" cough…. "he cant…" shaking a fist in the air weakly "he can't…. dream…. of more….." Tsukasa touches her fist like a truck would tuch
あ:his little amane brain its just like stop it… youre making it sound like its all on me or something
つ:tfw it is all on amane
あ:what, so its my fault that tsukasa cant have what he wants
つ:master overlord slave the situation. i know i have total ownership but
あ:frowns thinking about him having such a petulant… like ah… slowly relinquishing Tsukasa. and getting reduced, like. "I d. I don't want us to feel. Differently." Helplessly looking around. mrghh. RUFFLES OWN HAIR REALLY FAST takes off hat
つ:tsukasa earnestly: ah handsem mmm… gazes at with little pin eyes as always amane really is feeling stuff rn…. what an interesting day
あ:struggling to word it. like. I'm not……………. trying to… REJECT???????????????????????????? YOU?? you just hate the concept of this being spun like its unrequited
つ:its rough its like mnghr.. but you also dont want. to clarify. that tsukasa wants you. its hard
つ:you dont want to unnecessarily clarify you're not rejecting, if you haven't properly clarified. tsukasa is so into it. but you dont wanna do that ohhh i'll stab you with my knife but we cant. watever seems INSANE
I think a fun wildcard would be tsukasa going "we sorta did stuff once" Nene: "eh"
つ:"Amane got us sake" "eh"
あ:tilts head
つ:"our parents kept it in a cabinet." "we were just role-playing, though." "so it wasn't really me. I was a lady." Nene lifts herself on her palms ???????????????
あ:nene is going to feel so
つ:furrows brow.
あ:opening crawls are supposed to catch you up to speed not make you go Wait run that by me again
つ:"Amane was Amane, though....."
あ:"Tsukasa what are you... talking about."
つ:"you got really sick after it" "you were in bed the next day, whole day" "and, you said we can't have sake again, so we didn't"
あ:"N…nnh, wait, I mean. I remember that." brushes past it. "but what do you mean roleplay-?"
touches temple. its like heoughh looks like he's trying to have a psychic vision
つ:"what do you mean roleplay." nene sitting up on the floor
あ:"I do remember we dug around… for fun, we just wanted to try it. But, it just made me sick, and I couldn't…" SLOWING, FEELING BLOOD FREEZE. "….remember…. anything…."
つ:nene "you don't remember…………………………….."
あ:nene is so extremely in this BL vn
つ:"Amane was always looking at those magazines. with the girls" "so I was pretending to be like that" "He wanted to think about girls, after the sake" looking pleasant "it was fun. It was sorta like what you do." "is that fooling around?"
あ:you put amane in SUCH a position. of like. oh mygod i can't be guy who will only do stuff with his brother if he's sloshed and also his brother is pretending to be a girl from a porn mag that's actually a new echelon of creep that i'm not ready for you know its literally this emotion though.
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yashiro, no, don't see me like thsi
つ:no. my image
あ:makes brocon seem like small potatoes
つ:Nene though like actually a new kind of sad "….. he pretended you were a girl……" like jfc…. no…. i wanted to feel uplifted "Tsukasa………….kun….." crawls up to grasp at his hakama "I like you just the way you are, okay….?"
つ:Tsukasa: wow, so many emotions rn
つ:"eeoouuuhh… 10?" "11?"
つ:"It was fun. It doesn't gotta happen again."
あ:"But-- no, ugh… I!!!!!!!!!!!!" [cant even finish the sentence, hand just held up pointing in air] ….. [tries again] "-- Tsukasa doesn't need to be different, or something-!!" "I'm not asking him to be any different-!!! He can be the same forever!!!!!!!!!"
つ:"Amane has Nene-chan now, so he doesn't need to pretend with me"
つ:Nene's "IT CAN'T BE MY FAULT--"
つ:tsukasa: whoa, nobody liked that
"TSUKASA-KUN!" "Nene-chan is a real girl"
つ:"so you don't need sake"
つ:"but it didn't happen any other time"
Nene like to herself: "I can't, it can't be, me, breaking you two up, no…." "I don't wanna get between…"
あ:"N- no, that's not what I was getting at-- I mean, I meant I didn't need it to do that, I didn't take it to do that, it just. Happened, I guess! But we. You remember-!! We were just, curious what it did."
つ:nods, nods
あ:[eyes spiraling] "but it's not like I need you to pretend to be a girl for me or something, you're. You're always you." sputters. "Look, this conversation is, crazy-- you're both crazy-- I never said it'd be gross-!"
つ:Nene snapping out of it to listen to that. little electricity
"Yeah, it's not." flatly. no emphasis. tsukasa says. "I'm Amane's twin brother!"
あ:[feeling soothed] "That's right…" [pets head…]
つ:mmmm… enjoys. leans into mmmm
あ:"You'll always be that. Okay."
つ:Nene, frustrated on the floor: "no. you can't start it all back over!" "after all of that!!!"
"YOU THINk that because Amane has me, a real girl, now, that he'd have no reason to want you, in that way!" "… THAT'S SAD! RIGHT? THAT'S TOTALLY SAD….!"
"so you'll just be his brother forever, while I get to be his girl, 'cuz I'm a girl and not his brother" sounding insane
あ:hanako is like 😭!? AND??!?@wtGKF,DKLF;SD'
つ:"And I get to do all of the girl stuff"
つ:"IF I HAD TO:!!??!" doesnt know what she means
Tsukasa listening "is it sad…." thinking deeply….. "I like being Amane's brother……" looking down at the floor…….
あ:[sternly] "You can't stop being my brother." [oppressive aura]
つ:Nene. "You don't have to stop being his brother....."
あ:"Would this conversation stop if we kissed."
つ:Tsukasa's hair flies up for a second m ? Nene's too
あ:Jostles the treat bag
つ:everyone looks at amane with massive anticipation
あ:and fucking. take control of the table
つ:tsukasa….. does a quiet… chu……?
あ:[inhales] "Yeah. Okay, fine. Like, if we already did stuff…" grits teeth. "Like, whatever. Sure! Let's prove it can be sober and without a whole roleplay, and it'll be fine. And then after you both can stop thinking about it like tragic and sad."
Just a little kiss??? like, god, you princesses
つ:Tsukasa. the floor is kindof falling out from under him no mouth staring.
あ:[grabs jaw]
つ:aaogkgh… does not understand how the situation lead to this at al Nene is staring. seeing tsukasa's response is breaking her to pieces but she is stilll like shes watching deer eat flowers she's paying close attention, so she can see his breathing quickening…
あ:You've just made nii-chan so depressed at the concept of Tsukasa being like. some unfulfilled girl trapped being his younger brother. like jesus christ…
I think it's fluid tbh. Just grabs face and dips thinking to self ITS JUST A KISS. GOD!!!!!!!
つ:Tsukasa whines
あ:[air becomes different]
つ:grabs at front of gakuran feebly
あ:[humidity increases] [chest hurts] but… must prove point… persist.
つ:breathes into your face
あ:looking at Yashiro through a narrowed eye, like… You see this?
つ:ohsb she sees it
あ:Pupil drifts to look at Tsukasa… but then goes, mn. no. closes eyes. Inhales… Leans in. It's fine… [arrogant minded] I'm a good kisser. I get why Yashiro wants to watch sicko
つ:its a lot. the layers so thick thicker than she could have ever imagined. the air
tsukasa suddenly looking sf weak, reduced, tiny. never seen tsukasa seem so …. overwhelmed….. swear you see his hands shake a little against the black gakuran…..
あ:What a sight…
つ:this will stop the conversation indeed
あ:I think it simultaneously feels like she has fought so hard for Tsukasa's sake.. and ah like 'what. have i done.'
Hand holding jaw strokes with a thumb. Amane's other hand grasps at Tsukasa's wrists. … trying to ah… do his usual, ~feeling benevolent~ deal. but. Quietly.. Tsukasa could feel his hand trembling too. Chest… really hurts. … barreled at something. painful.
You're also stuck there thinking about. ah, all those years ago, sake night… what happened… frustrated at the murky, half-formed memories. It's just feelings. Not really typically reflecting on life that often, these days, anyhow… rusty at it.
つ:maybe having a moment of . wishing you were doing it for a better… reason. not… frustrated. is that any better than doing it cuz of sake….. if you did? to prove a point….
あ:You got like, argued into doing this… That really doesn't feel any less scummy You didn't just say, "ah, I want to do it too"
つ:Tsukasa is passive.... he doesnt lean any pressure into it. he only waits for Amane's pressure. you have to use your hand to push him into you firmer, if you want to
あ:As is expected… Tilts his head up Persisting forward, but feeling like a coward, like… can't look at what Tsukasa's expression is doing rn…
つ:can't handle it….. wet little anticipating eyes, sparkling tooo much Nene's here to look at it all, though
あ:Also dunno how long this 'ought to' be. when will it be 'satisfying'… sigh. guess tsukasa would just let it last however long he chooses to. mrghhh…. feels lip snarl (edited) like of course. it's Tsukasa's entire nature.
つ:it is the way he is...
あ:Lick teef…
つ:aaaaaahhhh mmm a… fidget, paw at… tap foot situation
the conversation didnt overwhelm tsukasa at all, but the result of it is thinking very hard about how this isn't… about pretending, like it was before
so its explicitly between the two of them…Amane directly…. and what Nene said was so interesting….
あ:Suddenly launched into this interaction…
つ:he never would or could think of it as being trapped being a brother, of course she's got her own foolish spin (few people can, understand, incest, really, so nene has a simple view)
but…. there's stilll something sortof sticking about it all…. he hadnt thought of anything as limited… more like…. whatever he was allowed was glorious, and as it all came from the relationship of brother, he owes everything to what that means, or else Amane wouldn't even look at him
Amane had no friends, only his brother. so , it was the best thing, to be the only thing to be
あ:It was the most prized, precious position in Amane's life back then… at this point, inarguably yorishiro seal and all…
つ:it was the only thing to think about being….. and everything it entailed was more than incredible
あ:No one else got to be that
While, I think Amane is frustrated/depressed by his own motivations, I feel like for Tsukasa it's also interesting to digest the motivation to explicitly do this w/o sake, w/o roleplay. like, Amane himself wants this to be its own thing, in the present moment
つ:Nene really is… nene, she's different. having what she has, it's so hard to apply to self…. to Tsukasa it is a very sincere gesture, interesting to want to do
Amane was upset at the iidea it was sake, or that, being a girl had any sort of thing to do with it… or not being a girl…. which is confusing for tsukasa-- it seems like, just normal stats facts? plain and simple things? well, the sake makes you funny, do funny things, even if you're a grown up, like wanting to pretend your brother is a girl its just a silly thing. people take it to be silly, cuz its fun to be silly
あ:It was never a tragic thing to Tsukasa… just a night they had, they might as well have just played a specific game together.
つ:neither of them are capable of understanding all it did briefly unravel, which was just the undercurrent of mutual attraction and willingness. thats all really
it's like anything! it's like, ah technically it's a kind of fooling around, is all….
Amane wants to prove though, that it wasn't about conditions or qualifications……
あ:doki doki…
つ:but if it isn't about conditions or qualifications.. can it just…. happen…..? as easily as it does for Nene…….?
if it wasn't the conditions of being 10, or, sake, or, being a girl or not, then there's nothing to it but a thing you can do…… mm. its like aoaoo… no, that doesn't mean it'll happen more, does it…..
I like when, Hanako finally pulls away, Tsukasa just earnestly squeaking out the question, "will that happen more, sometimes….?" just confused… really…
あ:drop an anvil on him like oh my god right away huh
つ:is it the 1 'proving'…. ? is the new 'condition', 'proving'? the 'condition' replacing 'age, sake, gender, game' will I need to wait for another moment for 'proving' something? or…. does it just happen?
あ:[rubs mouth with back of hand] "… if I feel like it." now everyone shut up💔
つ:💞if he fffeels like it….? the new condition then, is 'when Amane feels like it'….. likes that💞 eeheeheheheheheheehe. giggles and nuzzles face a lot
つ:nuzzzzzzlenuzzlenuzzle nuuuzzle Nene claps
あ:okay okay.
つ:wipes a tear from her eye
あ:[holding tsukasa by the waist on reflex] [really looks at him. like raises brow.] ………………. i cant resist cuz im shitty…….. "… was it that good."
つ:as tsukasa rubs his face all over yours, you regretably feel the wetness of his eyes rubbing all over you
あ:"Already thinking about it happening again."
つ:"HAIIIIiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeieeieeeeeeeeeeee" tippytoes leaning into
あ:"So you're both that desperate and needy."
つ:"HAAAAIIIIIIII" I guess SOOooo Nene is like. mghk. but.. laughs ah, finally… the mockery. she was waiting for
あ:[rubs back mindlessly.]
つ:Tsukasa laughs with Nene "Nene-chan!" reaches a hand out to her "your idea…. was good" "Amane will do what he feels like doing."
あ:Thinking about the girlies like holding hands
つ:they simply do. heehee hheuu
あ:Amane watches this like. static and unmoving.
つ:Nene is liek "I'm so happy for you, Tsukasa-kun….."
あ:mutters. "Ugh. Maybe you are like, a girl, Tsukasa." "I see it, actually."
つ:Nene is AGOG
あ:like what the fuck!
つ:its like wtf that is your brother excuse me
"are these a girl's feelings?" tsukasa asks plainly
あ:the thought that hanako-kun could already allude to THAT TIME HE-? MAYBE DID STUFF WITH TSUKASA-KUN…
"Yeah. I don't have those."
あ:"I guess, maybe I just understood it all, for a moment. Back then." lol
つ:"It has to be about everyone but you, doesn't it………." squinting at you. i'm becoming too smart
あ:raises brow tf… getting saucy?
つ:"uo? It's still tense." Tsukasa looking at everyone
あ:"It's not tense."
あ:"Yashiro's just struggling to accept how you're both completely obsessed with me." "So, it IS about you two."
つ:well ok. that's a very fair get
あ:"I can't control the fact that you both want me so badly."
つ:"…. I wasn't projecting onto Tsukasa-kun….." turns this into a beautiful moment thru her heart. "I was… relating, to Tsukasa-kun." swaying his hand in hers
"you do look at Hanako-kun the same way I do…." "It hurt to watch, sometimes." Tsukasa tilting his head "did it….?" its like uoh….
あ:looks too
つ:nene is so interesting
あ:thinking about hanako being half hard ambiently through this at this point
つ:the effects.
the funny thing about this scene is nene is incidentally on the floor on her knees and the boys are like just upright embracing next to her the look of them all talking rn
its so funny for hanako to be like arms around tsukasa. lingering tsukasa draped on amane but reaching his arm down to hold nene's hand
maybe a fine ender is Tsukasa just dragging Nene forward by the hand to Amane's cock and directing her to take care of it
あ:i felt dis
つ:like he notices it. and is like oh..... well!
あ:this is the ultimate.
つ:get Amane sucked off while hugging and nuzzling him.
あ:like, nene gets to feel smug for a sec whats all this then
つ:sooooo smug ohhh what could it be indeed. is silent butit doesnt help hanako feel less about it
she's like. i willl be benevolent i will not call him out i will simply start sucking him off unbuckles gracefully
あ:all the reassurance you need here. mmmm it was worth it i was so smart and braev
hanako just has to be silent in the end like whatever hold tsukasa. fine get my dick sucked cuz you all love this
つ:everyone. fine!!! HAVE AT ME. YUO ANIMALS
あ:[just vents frustrations by death gripping tsukasa]
つ:mm but in my mind hanako is a little like whats next is tsukasa gonna start macking on me ? [crickets chirp. tsukasa will never instigate the kiss himself, not anytime soon anyway] you really are just hold him
あ:The ball is in your court, psycho this'll make you feel worse in reality
つ:I bet yashiro is so wet right now. freak so-- horny for, seeing us kiss all. dripping. down there probably, visibly shiny under her skirt. probably seeping thru the tights
つwas jerking off all night about this ig, before trying to talk about it been envisioning it in her crazy little head. inher bed at night
あ:Just how your whore mind needs to conduct its business, I suppose going to bend you over
つ:ooo you want meto fuckgyou while i kis my brothre [hasnt noticed how jittery and fast he's pumping] oohhhim jsut suspposed to have you adn tsukas a inmylap nowbegging for a turn
[mind going back tot he beginning of the convo] wait she didnt only say kissing she was thinking about handjobs and blowjobs what the fuck…. ooohhhhh???? youy want meto finger you whil tsukasa sucskk me off/?
あ:have you really been thinking about this!?
つ:got all emotional at the end got distracted but you were just being really horny thinking about us straight up fucking. 'fooling around'...
あ:Oh and I'm just supposed to... be like yeah, sure, I'll love that thanks for the OK, Yashiro
つ:ohhh thank god I was scared you'd judge me I'll do whatevern i want to tsuaksa i dont ened permission
あ:You don't get how this works If I wanted to fuck him I would just fuck him [brain boiling]
つ:not worried about how it'll make my gf feel its about how i want my. cock to feel ok
あ:i. killed him with my own hands i'm not afraid to do things to him. rhgh .gnjg hf [comes]
つ:oh gkldfg the funniest guy on the planet comes so hard it makes yashiro cough
あ:becomes a hose
つ:a good long nut
あ:she will just walk away from this like jesus. i guess he really liked to kiss his brother
つ:she will quietly. log that was a crazy. orgasm
あ:the nut was different.
つ:may as well be that you edged him th e entire conversation how long was he half-hard. before any of you noticed
あ:having after shocks of twitching… another stream… I think ther'es something wrong with Hanako-kun.
つ:much to.. investigate.
あ:going to be at home later like, tf could that RP have been like. oh it was just so passionate gahhhhhtta ask tsukasa-kun about it later
つ:truly a haunting thing to be told, that they jsut fooled around as kids. later interview tsukasa about itlgdfg yesh but the deets will be like: he's been. sleazy. for this long
あ:Make your skin crawl like oh Tsukasa can tell you things he did and said
つ:in my mind its just like pantomime and humping and stuff which is sad in its own way to her like, jfc all of that feeling and he just rubbed it on tsukasa and came in his . pants.
あ:Just dab her tears with a hankie It's her mission to let Tsukasa feel more in this life
wish she could just wig hanako so hard though like Ah, it was different… after you kissed. It felt… Different, when Hanako-kun… [gestures]
つ:Tsukasa would be so like waaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!! she's like i 'll be keeping track of this. any time. you. are involved what its like.
あ:I'll tell you later. Okay.
つ:tsukasa like hai…! looks up … I wonder when the next time Amane will feel like doing it will be… nene you… you could kiss him, I think…. blinks at you. …. no, he said when he feels like it. so, it's up to him. he might not feel like it
あ:But we can't trust him Tsukasa-kun… people don't just kiss each other like that without there being… [fujo who writes poems voice] something there… oh right! Amane said you play games Just try it… okay!!!
つ:Nene-chan knows a lot about this stuff oh right! Amane said you play games games all about dating
あ:Dont like hearing this like. oh he's talked about that >:T Ooh. I hope you kiss him do this for me
つ:looking at the ground….. hard 2 think about
あ:its just like, when you helped me before, though-! … so, what, if he has to stop it, is it so bad… [she's trying so hard for you] but nene is so surel like…. HE WONT STOP IT-!!!
つ:poor Tsukasa i kinda think he'd get close to Amane's face and Nene would be like SPARKLING EYES and then she'd watch tsukasa get no mouth and turn away just hving a lil period of feeling like. oh i dunno… twiddles fingers for hanako i think its funny to be like. ah--! ff.. fuck, he's about to…. [isn't]
あ:Indeed though. oh poor baby
well geez. fine then i wont either. it's not like i want to.
つ:nene watches that happen FKSL!!!!
あ:you watch hanako moodily turn away it's SO FRUSTRATING.
つ:gotta be a day tho amane talks to tsukasa and is like. frustrated that tsukasa collabs with nene lately like ok. well me too i'll do it too. hey tsukasa. you should find out what Yashiro really wants most. you know you guys talk, right? she mentioned a lot of stuff that first time things came up. I wonder what she really wants to happen.
あ:[swirling finger on a surface] You know, there's quite a difference between a kiss and a handjob… even, the difference between a kiss and necking is a bit much. I wonder, what she was envisioning would happen.
つ:she'll probably tell you…..
Tsukasa is just like okei………! it does sound interesting
あ:Mmmh. Yeah, you do that. Do your big brother a favor, okay? pet.
つ:such a fucking dirty story girls conversation wth hard to imagine though i do think tsukasa could get nene to talk about it but.
あ:[propeller hat spinning]
つ:brain becomes the soup
あ:oh i want to hear dirty story girls though now this is some new shit
つ:but like. the first thing she thought about was. fsr. blowjob. tsukasa
maybe Nene could simply want…. a reversal in a sense, of the first blowjob scenario… simple but, like. holding and comforting and kissing. hanako while tsukasa……. goes she can lay that out. but then be like………….. …………….. well, I mean, thats waht I thought at first……… …………………………………
あ:tsukasa leans in there's more?
つ:w, well.. I guess I did think about….. when you pulled me over to hanako-kun after everything…. i thought you'd maybe keep kissing… hehe. so… mmm~…. [becoming whimsical in mind. becoming whore]
あ:seeing such tapestries
つ:[brain blast] AH, I didn't think about................. penetration ...... [simply envisions hanako plowing her while making out with tsukasa] ettooo.... mmm heehe... eeooo...
あ:but ah, it… sounds nice, doesn't it… 👉👈hehe…💦
つ:maybe Hanako-kun….. doing that…. to me…. but euo, kissing you…. OR, ahhh, or, wait….. ahhh, mmm, you could g, g [gets dizzy] get it ready, first……
??? ready ???
あ:[twirling hair in fingers]
つ:g. your-- put, spit… get, his, thing wet… [becoming stupid] it makes it go in, easier tsukasa, pleasantly: that sounds helpful!
あ:m… mhmm…!
つ:yashiro turning the triangle cylinder sphere aohhh. wait.gg..
あ:Umh…. it's um, it takes effort, you know.. to get it in… have to hold it, and… it would be helpful, to have more hands… [rambling]
she really is rotating the pyramid rn
つ:[getting off of the helpful track] youcould jerk him, off int. into or on, to me. hhhhe could just sit there… [LIKE A KING drools]
i wish yashiro could be so cumbrained. i want it for her to be so like aofookhm the possibilities are endless ohhh gfm
Tsukasa: what about the other word. necking? Yashiro: [closes eyes reeling remembering. words and things]
あ:it's a safespace.. she deserves it… this is a girl who has endured so much. but i think she could be this bold if she felt sure about their history, being, like loaded. knowing they've messed around and that tsukasa shares her feefees like well if we're all down then fucking.. anything could happen
つ:like. hanako obviously is soo into it. god
y. yeah I. could work on him while the, you two. necking…..
あ:I think Hanako-kun would like doing that, to you…. //// and it would /// be h. hot! to watch
つ:having a moment of like hehheeuoouhu marks on tsukasa AND me....
あ:matching… uohh g….
つ:m, maybe us both….. on our knees, that would be good too….. he can make us take turns……………………………… uhm. touching it or.. together……
あ:i would like a girl to run all around the bend, it is definitely conveyed it's beyond efficiency. it's so indulgent and lavishing.
つ:Tsukasa's magical mind logging every word of this to recite to hanako later
あ:[wrrrrrr] His eyes may as well be a camera recorder
つ:he holds inhuman capability for knowledge and memorization
あ:I think Hanako-kun would like us both……… [quietly] under him…. don't you think it'd make him feel…………………………… [really, admitting. liking something here] [sigh] important….
He likes to feel… important… He. He likes to feel like we're , 'obsessed' with him. [closes eyes]
つ:Tsukasa nodding. also. buzzing at being, under he really hasn't thought about this all…. it beinga sortof mission for amane has displaced his processing a little
He does…… It feels good to make him feel important!!
あ:Slowly inundated with this all It just makes Nene seem so capable of dreaming for Amane's behalf
つ:Nene's magical ability to dream FOR others....!
あ:she knows what he is like… she's thinking about what amane likes… ah, so magical
i'd like nene to also get to humbly be like. at the end of this . like. [coughs] and. ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm………… maybe, just for me. i would. enjoy. umm. getting to feel 'it'. inside. while also. maybe. one of you. also. in my mouth. sounmds. fun
as a girl i think about what i can do.
つ:she gets to be twirl hair twiddle thumbs…. if that would be fun….. Tsukasa is just like !?!? OUH… SURE !!
あ:like alskdfghdf... whoa-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
つ:If Amane would like it…!! nene, crazy: you could, also, kissing during that.
あ:8U o3o ?
つ:so much!!!
あ:when i think about hanako digesting nene's 100 desires for him/tsukasa slowly. i feel like he winds up feeling like, You know actually I need to see it for myself. Yashiro getting horny about the prospect. and plans to do some sort of fake out where in the middle of something he makes Tsukasa get on his knees in front of him. and both Tsukasa and Nene ARE like [praying mantis eyes really looking] and Hanako observes this. and is like. Mongrels.
つ:poor tsukasa really is like idk💔 its if amane feels like it…. so when it seems to crest its very [no mouth] feel like it…………?
あ:surely starstruck… it's like you're placed in a timeline you didn't know could exist
Ah but you know, for Hanako, I think this time he can actually be perceptive and distinctly note that Tsukasa IS receptive, anticipating… and this is something heavy to swallow.
This little ploy forces you to perceive it
つ:they both really await my command… sigh….
あ:Simply the truth.
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only-lonely-lovers · 3 months
tags: bondage, spanking, fingering mouth/throat, facefucking, bodysharing, rough sex
Bird is あ / Avvy is つ
つ:Ah it’s too funny to subject amane to the weird differences in his mind between nene and tsukasa. You’d hope some day he’d kinda appreciate tsukasas agreeableness and even be like, I wanna. Test run something I wanna do with Yashiro. Like some real goons mood of it all like I need to practice tying these ropes and see if it’ll hold and I WILL sulk for 5 days if I try it with Yashiro and I fuck up . But tsukasa idgaf. If he falls from the shiddy ropepulley or comes undone I will just be like sigh
あ:Lmaoo this is like peak shennanies yes… This is like the, ah, accepting that you can't "fail" with Tsukasa
つ:Almost like rehearsal with tsukasa. You can get frustrated with the knots and stuff if you want. And ask him to wriggle around. But like Amane trying to rehearse some bits even running dialogue. He has tsukasa gagged though like don’t say anything you’ll break my immersion for this ok
But like one day going to be doing this and like get too into the dom boyfriend mindset and like smack his ass but then feel like. Didn’t like that. Don’t like that I did that to tsukasa fsr
あ:the TANGIBLE silence
つ:I’m fine with calling him good girl as part of the rehearsal but I need to go stand on the roof About this one Them both still like we both know somehow it was weird
あ:It's like he smacked Tsukasa's ass and Tsukasa made a noise just from the impact. fucking dead silence after
つ:And just an earnest moment of impatience. The problem was it wasn’t part of the rehearsal
あ:I got my dom jeans on too hard
つ:You did it in the manner to which you’d bop tsukasa Like ugh stop the wiggling SMACK then was like . N just walks out. Nene walks into the bathroom later tsukasa tied up like hiiiiii Amane left💔
あ:Sometimes I like to think Tsukasa is like [I do not see it 😑] [for Amane's sake]
つ:I know he is awkies
あ:so funny to think about Tsukasa in moments like this. i think sometimes he is also like I'm sorry❤️ i have aboner statistically sometimes you're doing stuff and it's like. gomen ne
つ:Tsukasa doesn’t have to feel it was weird but just feels like. Ohp! Amane doesn’t usually do tha I know it Waits for his response
It is always like well I like anythiiiinggg But that’s the problem too Sorryyy I not supposed to like it💔 I will be quiet thooooo Kicks legs on bathroom floor alone. Sings a song
あ:🎶oh well It's so funny to think about rehearsing dialogue, the things that you're not ready to feel right or wrong. you know I think sometimes Amane must enjoy something but then be like wait. i actually dont like that it wasnt awkward no winning either way Saying good girl does feel pretty innocuous, this is neutral territory
つ:It’s rough. Also if you come during the rehearsal sometimes it’s fun sometimes you hate that you came Trying to deliver a line and nut. Just get quiet
あ:but I think it might get kinda like. dicey when its like. I'm going to fuck your pussy so hard girl
Sometimes amane is like; this is a cool time to come well punctuated by the scene, immersed, delivered a line have “her” set up. If it happened like this I’m ready to go. Other times it’s shameful And your own brain knows when you’re in the roleplay VS unable to shake the Meta of tsukasa and responding to any part of that. It’s not wrong to nut about tsukasa but it’s like STAY ON TASK.
Like mmgggher i wanna nut about you or Yashiro intentionally I don’t like feeling out of control BUT I NEED THE REHEARSAL IM IMPRESSINg YASHIRO SOOO MUCH LATELY ITS SO USEFUL!!
You do imagine Yashiro is getting the most stellar 5 star insanely streamlined experiences He is an expert. At the knots He is smooth at transitions. He flubs no lines. He looks inhumanly incredible. At domination
She is floored. She is a puddle every time. It just makes him more insane about embellishing and like I NEEDSD TO OVERCOME THE SHAMEFUL MOMENTS!! (On ground) I need to be the coolest boyfriend for my whore gf
あ:like UMGHH i need the pay out… tfw you want to be really impressive lmaoo like ugh but i need it i need it.. i need her to feel like her whole mind is being fucked with… you could never handle how capable i am
つ:I like tsukasa doing this all having a grand time having fun and then at the end amane IS like ahh good job. That went well I think I’m ready. Let’s tsukasa clean off cock with mouth while amane unties the ropes and shuffles them into sleeves
If there’s ever a day you’re caught it’d be like. You’re going to have to ask yourself. Would you rather tell Yashiro, that, This is practice, and reveal that you practice and ruin the illusion of the seamless dom. Or let Yashiro think you just call Tsukasa good girl and tie him up for your own private reasons between the two of you.
Do not like these. Sleeps you Tsukasa we are going to lie to Yashiro I am going to put her at her desk with her books and make it like she fell asleep doing homework on the classroom Ok She had a dream. GRABS FACE. okay?
あ:looking at tsukasa like this PUPIL MOVES DOWNWARDS
When Yashiro comes back you are just playing cards Nailed it…. saved the day
あ:I hope there are moments… that are more like seamless and wordless. still tinged w strangeness, but also the kind that Amane can glide past. Like ah… simply running hand over Tsukasa's chest, simulating a grope, and Tsukasa wordlessly curving his spine to push into the touch a bit, trying to be like -- oh yes yes, nene-chan's chest… [trying to assist]
Tsukasa being a good mimic… in reality, being able to recall how Nene typically moves or poses and try and further assist Amane in his little roleplay. he wants to mentally prepare so… I will help Amane by doing Nene-chan like things
つ:It’ll be just nice when it isn’t goon time. He’s good at it Letting my mind run for 2 minutes was like aaaaaaa the (glass floor shatters under me) So I’m making peace with that and getting unembarrassed I’ll have my little notepad here in a second. I just want it known none of my thoughts were my intent
あ:[cooing sounds] come here sweetheart fall into the gap with me.
つ:Uuuuoooo the gap Well the final thought.
Amane frustrated and done with avoiding anything— why shouldn’t he have complete indulgence? Wouldn’t tsukasa like anything? Can’t he just shut him up if he makes a single sound he doesn’t like? Searingly embarrassing to confront a single thought at all, but once he indulges one action they fall like dominoes.
Tsukasa laid over lap, irregular, hooks fingers in mouth, effectively gags him before starting to hit with his other hand. Feeling tsukasas fangs bite down. Going on a little crazy litany. Like you’re convenient, cuz I can go as hard as I want. There is more brutality in the motion, and the fingers in his mouth are resentful in their touch— pissed off at Tsukasa for reducing him to wanting this, for being tempting. All conveys in unforgiving motions.
Gets… insane. Slurs out that he wishes tsukasa had a pussy, so he could finger fuck it between hits. Gotta settle for your mouth. Fingers mouth aggressively, shoves to throat. Bleary state of mind…. To be able to confront such a thought, gotta be so mad to have been made to have it. Crane Tsukasa’s spine backwards by hooking around his teeth and dragging him up, to glare at him… wanna squint at while administering impact. Understand how pissed I am, don’t get it twisted. Amane can feel his own wrists muscle memory itching to switch to the fingering motions, it almost makes him wanna whine….
Ssso accustomed to the back and forth, smack smack, grope slide in, wiggle wiggle, his fingers keep twitching. Just frustrates him!!! It’s not fair, to have these conflicting urges!!! It shouldn’t mix at all! Actually tsukasa SHOULDNT remind me of anything… just stomp his foot under everything restlessly. What useless urges!!!
Finally throws tsukasa off, kicks him (he’s bound, arms) til his back hits the wall of the bathroom, then drags him up by the hair, plants a hand on the wall, and reaaaally facefucks him against the wall, breathing into the tile. A very ah… legs spread apart, stance, shoving.
Finish. Out of breath… lean against a stall panting. Feeling like a demon was exorcised. No ability to think, just buzzing. Teeth marks around knuckles, looks at those…. sighs.
Tsukasa is a little sickle shape on the floor cuz of being tied up still, fell over after amane stopped holding him up. Eye contact…. Sustained. A lidded and dark-eyed tsukasa panting…. amane, too. Weird moment. Tsukasa drooling come, licking his teeth. See you… something different happened. Amane finally only feels: and? So what. You made something different come out. You just do that. You know you do.
あ:Anyways… I just really enjoy the sheer selfishness of a scenario like this — an instance where, the very conceit of it all is already Tsukasa being really gracious, more than the average person would be. Lots of people would have at least some insecurities with being enlisted to RP/do practice for your Other Partner… It's unique that Tsukasa feels no sense of competition or inadequacy, he is just here to help. Ready to lay there and be acted upon as needed.
So… for Amane to then get frustrated and take things out on Tsukasa… as if it's Tsukasa's fault for inducing the desire in his heart, like "ugh, how dare you do this to me"… It's so shitty, but one does go SIGH it's Amane's appeal isn't it… That even while being catered to and accommodated wholly, he'll get agitated about his own feefees… his own arousal… Huff huff.. Having a cock just makes you feel weak, so often, and Amane doesn't like feeling weak to it. I think it's so simple like… hate feeling cock twitch about this or that, stupid leaky thing jumping about things it wasn't mean to. Hate your vision blurring… hate breath getting heavier and words slurring, where they shouldn't.
Ugh but yeah as I mentioned earlier, I've thought about being as selfish as to finally growl about, like, "UGH, if you had a pussy…" I think this would just make Tsukasa's head spin, like what-? not a thought in his little head. Amane feeling this-? What's he saying-?? [trying to focus, but being wailed on]
つ:It’s too fantastical!!!! Like he’s in a dream
あ:One of those thoughts that almost seems too abstract you know…
つ:He wants to do more to you than he even can….?
あ:Could never remotely think such a thought! i like this time Avvy worded it like, tsukasa's emotions being "but I'm Tsukasa". ww….
つ:So simple I am a fixed thing! You know a tsukasa Blurring Nene emotions towards him….. sooooo interesting!!!
あ:The way Tsukasa doesn't ah think conventionally, well you might as well complain about him not having an animal body part, wings or something… In terms of how, it's all equally fantastical right
つ:Amane is so distinct and exact and unchanging to tsukasa, it can’t work in the other direction. Nothing in common to mingle between amane and nene Brother and his gf! Different
あ:Entire islands
つ:Fun to grope nene, nothing to blur here
あ:The idea that Amane could be restless and wishing for something like that… in the middle of it all… I do like Tsukasa having to register twitchy hands or something, or feel how he's acting upon his mouth the same way he would pussy, fingering it…
つ:He is having impossible dreams…. Wahhhh💞💓
あ:Amane's frustrated expression… brows pinched… such sharp gaze
つ:All so tense, despite that amane is releasing something…
あ:The idea that... he wants more, than your mouth... it just seems dizzying... like getting facefucked with this all in mind
つ:When I thought about uhm… well for one really like— yeah….. the. Lost my train of thought but that was one of them
I was hooked on the crassness of “settle for your mouth” directly correlating, and then proceeding to facefuck SO hard. I thought about Tsukasa’s head really hitting the wall sometimes if amane pulling away pulls him forward, just doesn’t care. Donk donk
Wanting his head pinned between him and the wall so he can really drive it deep and grind towards throat…. want tightness of throat around.
あ:The sheer harshness and lack of consideration… chasing something, like trying to scratch an itch. it's so oppressive
つ:Noooo room for lackadaisical bobbing dick around open mouth jumps to wanting throat as closer analog
あ:sigh i do like it all… like, harsh driving into… coming down throat like this… and tsukasa left to topple onto the ground after….. one of those things that would make nene really reel to watch
つ:understand. The dynamic of murderer and victim
あ:You can see how it escalated. so much
つ:oeuuoruhgh but i have bene like ah…. m. ah I feel like amane's sentiments and clear restlessness would make tsukasa feel frenzied in back of mind…. his chessmaster little brain like i have to…. help… i was thinking about tsukasa one day just ah. suddenly SLEEPing Nene when she come into the bathroom and then immediately booting her out of her body like gomen ne. but immediately bending her over and spreading and beseeching amane to have what he wants and it would be like fkksdlf;kl;FJKG;SJGKL; OKAY. but i want nene to wake up like. really quickly bc tsukasa didn't actually do a deeper spell on her
i like to think you can control the intensity of it, if you just brief sleep blip or you truly conk them out for hours can't be roused. anyway i like nene on the ceiling 'coming to' like what happened. STARING AT HANAKO FUCKING YOUR BDOY SOOOO HARD
which is like jfc this is fucking!!!! hot and sexy!!! BUT I WONDER UNDERSTAND IT. but then he's rambling insanely to tsukasa obviously and you're like [pin drops] theyre using my body to have sex with each other [pause] this is fucking… HOT AND SEXTY and hanako does not know she woke up lol
あ:I'm sooo the pussy in the room… the asset nene just feeling like. smug about it klfdjghdfjkld (edited)
つ:its also liek: i knew it. they want to fuck so hard i have known all ALONG i'm really helping them come to terms with something
あ:becomes nene-sama mentally
つ:its also like; it must be so hard… hanako is straight
she is nene-sama on the ceiling benevolent entity like…. mmm. i have provided… the promised. the coveted. a solution for you two….
going to jerk off about this for months. oh the visual of your own body being plowed, hot. getting to see you x hanako from a distance: we are so hot he moves hot, he moves body hot. he is so rude.
あ:Having unwoke brain is so useful though isnt it, she can just feel so simple about it in a way i think-? like "ah of course its a problem, hanako-kun is so into girls… but he loves tsukasa-kun so much… and of course, tsukasa-kun would want to do anything hanako-kun would want…"
つ:tsukasa-kun is very clever, how did he come up with this….
あ:seeing it as tragic but in the romanticized way like star-crossed lovers almost. like awww
>oh the visual of your own body being plowed, hot. getting to see yuo x hanako from a distance: we are so hot
I do think it is this. ahhh and how euphoric, to feel so.. like… made hotter in tandem… underneath him… your body is pure sex
つ:i think its also like,inspiring, to hear tsukasa not muffle anything and make w/e sounds in her voice, lol. she's like ah gosh…. i always am embarrassed to make noises. but its hot actually
i need to go harder. tsukasa is just like thrashing back into hanako's cock and drooling and making sounds. nene is like wow . watching a porno starring me
あ:Tsukasa being in there, I'm sure even makes it easier to feel fondness, like, you'd never want to think of Tsukasa as homely or something, he's not unattractive in there
つ:and then hanako is being. rougher. than usual. so it all feels like. jesus. so extreme
あ:aint no frumpy girl
つ:nooo this isnt a cringe frumpy girl being fucked…. suddenly you are just a slut for hanako's cock. the body obviously loves hanako's cock a lot it feels very good. facts
あ:benevolent nene-sama also is like, ah i am granting tsukasa-kun the gift of feeling pussy stuffed with cock…. it feels so good doesn't it tsukasa-kun…. [wipes tear]
つ:i think theres a. funny quality of the 2 boys being together where they can-- lgkjfkl be boys moreso, hanako at least, i really think he's got a certain laxness around tsukasa so i like to think when he comes he just like groans inelegantly its my brother so i'm casual. might as well be jerking off
あ:not putting on all that flair. you know me.
つ:a bit more boorish.
あ:not doin it up for a girl… its different
つ:needs to be like something like that happens where hanako sortof is just way too hair down and nene is like. wait. he 100% doesn't know i'm awake
[thought for a second this was the plan] [but realizes she's awake by incident maybe, or tsukasa-kun's decision wthout telling hanako]
つ:the gracelessness needs to be so like. groaaans. rests hand on hip/ass junction for a second like whewww… siighs…. fans self with hat lolls head to the side
obviously not… performative. too casual. groans and bumps. is like mmm tsukasa stay like this a little longer i wanna go again… in a minute…. sounding like 2 kids.
あ:Unbuttons my gakuran jacket and peels it off, stretches
つ:while still cock in
つ:nene seeing hanako w no jacket is liek KLFSDJ;FLDSJKGL; youre like scared hes gonna pull his pants all the way down
あ:screams fjksdghf like oh god feeling like she's hiding in the rafters
つ:hanako just stretching and closing his eyes a minute and tsukasa peeks at nene and winks
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あ:it even works that this is a sex cutscene SEEING SEX.
つ:yes SEE
あ:Tsukasa really like ………. [places finger over lips]❤️ it would be so uOUH wiggles my fingers. blows you a kiss
つ:Hanako is mentally like mmmmmmmmm mating press next. [using porno terms in brain] feeling loose limber feeling good mmmm. rubbing thumbs around tsukasa's lower back for a bit.
あ:tabe houdai all you can eat going to flip you like you are livestock
つ:i actually think an incredibly funny thing to do would be be like mmmgmmmhh wait…. snaps my fingers puts nene's body in your kimono and hakama
あ:psychofink but they literally can do shit like this Procure me the set dressings
つ:also makes tsukasa like. aougfg… ,fdjsfkl [stars spinning around head]
あ:hanako really would be likea uhghh finally. tits and pussy under all this whore fabric
つ:that is what i waaaaant
あ:It feels so multi-concept… like ah amane can really think about me clothes? like dis… wow Despite everything i do not think nene is ready to watch mating press just happen to her body like jesus
つ:folds you in half it takes until this for her to be like: wait this is going to hurt my body physically!!!
oh I think Hanako is so fucking disgusting at this second round…. like folds and the position would put pressure on everything so the. come inside would just ooze out and he'd be like ooooo
smears it around pussy with his hand holds legs back with one hand. smears come around with the other
あ:enters gnasty mode... god yeah. swirls my fingers near the entrance
つ:just openly: you know. I try to be more polite, for yashiro. she's just a girl, you know…. you can't be too much all at once…. even though she's….. 'you know' we'll get there.. [pleasantly wistful] of course
あ:It's nice to get a taste though…. mm
つ:tsukasa wiggles legs. hanako just licks down the calf
あ:oh its time to activate me creepy thing
つ:hanako is like siiiiigh ahh feels good rubs thighs indulgently
あ:[closes eyes] tsukasa don't say anything. [just takes legs and presses foot to sternum, strokes hand down along calf, thigh... rubs knees weirdly]
つ:nene is like. i'm getting a little frustrated hey…. why are you….
つ:why dont you just go have sex with your brother in my body again. enough with this commentary
あ:we don't like the interlude the audience is leaving poor reviews so funny to be like wait let me be a little leg creep for a sec. ahhh
つ:oh but its not all bad at least. in his shirt. also he's so much less with the decorum (saying a lot not like he has a ton on average) just cock out
あ:the smell reaches teh ceiling
つ:you're tempered.
あ:our bond lets me smell your spectral cock even though i am out of body
つ:thats the bond
あ:the porno resumes, as hanako just rubs soft cock against pussy, smearing come… jerks off against. uehh that sort of… like lazily just pulling foreskin back and forth, instead of having a whole hand wrapped around the length or something, a few fingers along the tip
つ:finally is like ahh ok ok…. fiddles with hakama in fingers too. kimono, during. basically stims with it while doing this liking the tandem of tsukasa's outfit and the pussy. mmmm
あ:i think nene though could also be privy to the boys familiary making them so simple abt commentary like. ah yashiro's voice… 's nice… and tsukasa being like yes it is… hehe
つ:[wistful, loving] she's a little shy about making sounds… ah but you know, people can hear her, she thinks about that too…. hehe….
あ:when nene is overhearing hanako talk about her cup size with kou and just puts a hand by her ear about it
つ:she wants to hear the boytalk
あ:overhear these dirty story boys [husking] but wouldn't it just be hot, if people had to hear her clearly being fucked… and loving it.
つ:ahhhh…. closes eyes, sighs. alright… thats enough. are you ready, tsukasa…..? lol, just kidding [SHOVES knees back]
mmmmm, maybe I should be more careful… mmm~~ no, no~ I think Yashiro's body can handle it….
it's her mind that's not ready… [wistful, pleasant, my little virgin] but her body's ready for anything…
あ:Such a receptive body. so wanting, really. ahh it's hard to say no to it, again and again… [fetish for whore body oozing out] I think Hanako is the type to feel quietly tested by pussy still being so wet and limber.. when the walls really still feel so receptive to the pounding. it's hard to not just take it as "she still needs it"
つ:this is all good proof that nene could always use some more, ahh the body is so eager always…
once he earnestly gets going he'll get back to task. mating press has benefit of looking at face. Get to say more sentimental things like mmmmnn.. ahh I like your, expressions. on her face. such a good idea, tsukasa…. pet pet mmm. pounds
あ:Some earnest nuzzling... talking against face...
つ:round 2 feels like luxury cruise
あ:pet hair… You do like to see Yashiro's red eyes staring so widely up at you…
つ:maybe some day. m.n. we can have Yashiro watch….. tsukasa nods
あ: >this is all good proof that nene could always use some more, ahh the body is so eager always…
Ah you know I think Tsukasa could also just continue to report like, feels good… he's in there simply enjoying the sheer overwhelm
つ:ah hanako would looove to hear it like mmm yesss confirmationnnnn.. mmmmmggh
ahh pleasant whore hanako with both palms holding back of her knees to the floor, tilting head back eyes closed rutting forward loving all the hakama spilling all about, the kimono all bunched up
あ:Artful… I think he can be unclogged a bit and just find it pretty… 's on a girl so. it'd be rude to be like, it's not pretty. it looks nice…. you like to see all the ruffles and flow of the fabric helps add flourish to all the motions, emphasize that you are Plow
つ:i think for round 2 once ya hit the stride it finally gets to become ahh Tsu-ka-saaaa~~ tsuuu-ka-sa, on beats of impact. pleasant singsongy feeling too good ahhh relaxed w my cock deep in pussy. mmmm comfort of brother and gf
あ:Like he got all warmed up and is fully leaning into it… It is just indulgent and cozy at this point. in that sickening way. You both just hit a rhythm of going back and forth with names…
つ:which to nene is a lot. they're. really brothers. in love
あ:uehh the gay shit… i'm sorry if you watch them hit some fingers laced peak
あ:maybe in a way nene could understand why hanako-kun runs from this
つ:in some way… you can see how its incongruous….. you hit a beautiful peak. and then he nuts and he's like…
MMMMMMmmm. moves her legs around like levers. I wanna keep cominggggggg
あ:It's strugglesome… it takes so much greasing to ease hanako into such a place. you are sort of watching him regress and be childish and capricious in a particular way though like wahhh i'm not ready to leave it…
つ:[WHORE hentai boy voice yet also 6 year old] I wanna fill you with cooome
あ:i don't wanna stop until you can't mooove tsukasa also a child in the situation: til i-!! can't move-!!! pant pant
つ:tsukasa flinging hands up panting aahhh whatever you want!! amane!
あ:I think it's always refreshing to be so mortal feeling. like ah for real out of breath, for real aching and light headed and shaky
つ:mmm but can I reaallyyy… mmmmmmrr… teetering pounds a little she'll definitely be sore by now…. I can feel it….. mmmm…~~ mmmmbutIwannamakeagirlsore……..
あ:[enabler voice] re-ally really REALLY!! [hiccups] it'll be good nene-chan will appreciate it
つ:you just wanna get fucked more, you're biased… [talking a little angrily. you whore] mmm its not fair…..
あ:clucks tongue. leers.
つ:if it were just you… then I really wouldn't have to think twice yyyouu don't need to go anywhere… or do anything. [gets… dark]
あ:deliberating and becoming this boy
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like ah so selifsh… you're not really being considerate of Yashiro. it's always up to me
つ:starting to think about how to blame tsukasa positioning carefully…. sigh.
Yashiro…. needing to take a day off of school isn't good for me, you know….. are you going to keep me busy while she's stuck at home, 'cuz of what you wanted?
あ:Saying all this while rolling hips… as always, I think it's satisfying to implicate Tsukasa as the selfish one here. like ah really Tsukasa… This tone, like you're scolding your younger brother. Hey now…
つ:yashiro is like. s. stay home….? what are you gonna do to my body… waito. but staying silent
あ:what are . you thinking about what the… what is Hanako-kun imagining ??
つ:gonna….. watch him make you bleed
あ:Eh but you know I think the true efficiency would be switching to fingering in-between everything… Like well while i'm recovering…. keep this going this is really like. targets cervix
But I feel like Nene does start to like worry over the sounds Tsukasa starts to make in there He's not like… censoring self.. so as it starts to sound ah. agonizing. this is heard with no obfuscation (edited) Hanako himself registering the new quality to the voice, like god sounds miserable… [horny] [eyes rolling back]
つ:when it hits that brutal octave, definitely pain
あ:it just sounds like it hurts
つ:but still so sexual.. mmmm blood in the water
あ:Just incentive to slam harder, in reality
つ:nene didn't know she could sound like that…… crazy. hearing your voice take new shapes. won't… be able to go to, class……?
あ:[cruelly] Is it still "good"? Is it, Tsukasa?
つ:NODS NODS NODS NODS ah begins laughing. mania induced
あ:>won't… be able to go to, class……?
you've never thought about your pussy being able to hurt so bad. like whuh but its my pussy… [eyes are dots]
つ:just from….. having sex….?
amane finally getting too… insidious. mmm. its…. it'd be bad, actually if you were like this, Tsukasa…. there's no way…. we'd… do anything else…..
whispering. it'd happen… sooner [actually referring to. murder]
yashiro: sex? tsukasa receives the meaning proper tho
amane, inhaling slow after saying that. knew it…. knew you'd….. tighten. gh…. mmM…. [gets back in there]
if only you could carry nene-chan home like this after everything. in an ideal world
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あ:The aftercare we deserve. Sorry sweetheart
Alluding to murder really is the most lurid thing, in reality… In a circumstance like this. But ah I really imagine it does alight every nerve in Tsukasa's body like mghhhh… the concept that if things were different, it wouldn't undo your shinjuu. but ah of course it wouldn't… it's what Amane wants of you…. [boiling internally to process it all, still]
If it would functionally just stoke Amane and incite him to act. I also feel like, there are dokis had whenever there's an implication of — … and I would've done it to you, even if life had been different around us
つ:inevitable….. i'd love for amane to know it's not the circumstance that caused it, it's himself
あ:It wasn't just a coincidence or, like a matter of your specific circumstance, it's more about his nature…
つ:to just simply know that so confidently
あ:it's what he's been agonizing over for years All of this in mind, while slipping back in… i like. it's good flavor
つ:pulling out fingers, observing blood… showing it to tsukasa kinda like… mm you like to see it don't you, mentally. yup, you do….
あ:Of course you do… grabs jaw with bloody hand. continuing, lowly, "It's always like this, with you, isn't it… It can't be any other way."
つ:nothing but manic giggling and wiggling and panting can come out anymore
あ:Reduced... ueghhrhgh i feel like the scariest thing is when Amane just breathily laughs too. you both make each other sick
つ:reach a bit of peace again somehow. hai hai…. hugs legs while pumping. will finish pleasantly despite where we've treaded but then its like….❤️ I have no idea how we'll explain any of this to yashiro …❤️ I thought we could just play it off with a little tidying up….
あ:^^…………………………………………. I don't want to explain anything❤️
つ:will just get her some water and goodies from the cafeteria (stealing) set a girl up in the infirmary. can carry her there at least. its post-school its empty out here just caretake her for a bit yashiro has much to think about. oh when she's placed back in her body, oh it'll be like being hit with a truck
あ:try not to scream challenge
つ:immediate respect for tsukasa for just laying there . the STABBING FEELING
あ:at least for a second i think its really AKSUFJDGHF
つ:oh its really AFKLADJF!!! AAouuuouhhh… curling on side clutching tummy
あ:tsukasa-kun😭 hefsldkjgdshdf tsukasa out here like mm reminds me of. you know
つ:tsukasa very apologetic
つ:him and nene have special knowledge so hes really like❤️ i sowwy ❤️i got into it toooo much❤️ oops
あ:gomen ne
つ:i wanted to look out for you girl but… uhm💔
あ:tfw you trying to look out for your girlie. but you ARE his slave we'll just have much girl talk later
つ:much to girl talk about some day
あ:AS ALWAYS i just want nene to be able to have someone be like. it feels soooooooooooooooooo good to be fucked in your pussy! >:o i understand so much
つ:the pussy is so amazing and cool it really does like to be fucked
あ:nene-chan is amazing
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only-lonely-lovers · 3 months
tags: fingering, pee
Bird is あ / Avvy is つ
つ:we should take a moment to indeed though think about tsukasa enabling nene's feelings of like. [jenny's sister saying ough… nancy! having sex! voice] about hanako actually having some fetishes pertaining to that which he is into
and yet its so hard to tease hanako without him just leaving
あ:Mm yes i was like, entertained thinking about it earlier, but now I'm just like, relishing at the thought
I think you could thread the needle… it simply would, have to be particular. but i think in the first place we could only get this far if, this was like an ongoing 3way deal, and we are slowly chipping away at Hanako. he's submitting to multiple things, like ugh ah, okay, I permit Tsukasa to watch me get. touched. MGUGHF !! fine we're doing it Like this
Though the terms of service initially, probably are like -- and don't you open your mouth kind of breadcrumb trailed towards this…
つ:I think Tsukasa could boiling water hanako, with some other details….. he could also rope Hanako into staying invested in being horny and playing by, ah, like groping Nene while starting to talk to her, a funny situation of the… girls are talking about you, giggling at you, but also they are fucking. sometimes i think tsukasa/nene fooling around inf ront of him does have the flavor of lesbians doing it for their straight boyfriend
Mmn yeah I think so too ww… Decidedly, positioning themselves as eyecandy for Hanako to enjoy. I think it makes him empty-headed and just staring at, expression becomes slack-jawed in nature, and Tsukasa logs whenever this happens. Like hm okay, Amane likes when I…
I was going to say, that the greatest component to keep Hanako in place, is just making him enough of a slave to his cock that he doesn't want the situation to end. The scenario is just hot, enough, he's far enough into things that he has that basic "I want to. come." emotion and doesn't want to leave high and dry — and it wouldnt feel, satisfying or powerful to storm out, and be all heartpounding, sweaty and flushed elsewhere, all alone. He's deep into it enough that he wants to just see it through
You could really weaponize Nene's body, in reality… You flash a guy a tit and his brain hiccups, you know
つ:yeah i don't think he can protest if tsukasa sweetens the deal a little
I like the idea as well of Tsukasa urging Nene and Amane to change positions.. encouraging her to like, stand above him, him to lay back, but doing so very discreetly, almost like Amane won't notice he's been so moved until a beat later
rubs his sternum and eases him backwards
just to let nene be like omg….. me step on him. he will really let me do this? tsukasa is a wizard omg
あ:oh like Amane in the progress of being moved is like mmm.... feels good
つ:tsukasa is elegantly juggling the plates of like well now amane is under her, i will show him her pussy he will enjoy that very much so.
let nene-chan feel like a goddess up here, and get more leverage to press down. sometimes i think tsukasa does just rip her tights to expose her pussy and stuff. she has to deal withit
あ:small price to pay etc. but GOD will it freaking WORK. Hanako is down looking like hot wind has descended upon him, ouighf… hh… hakk hagk hhoruhg….
If I think about a guy's fetishes…. the angle of looking up at Nene and really drinking in the perspective of, like legs/thighs, pussy nestled between… Tsukasa serpentining around, handling her, it just will make him horny. It's EMBARRASSING but it's also like mguhghh A SHOWWW for meeee
but i want to enjoy the big show.
つ:you add enough elements then you can basically dirty talk nene after and whispering to nene will just become sexy to hanako instead of hives-y hanako: the girls are. talkign about how amazing my hog is
あ:like his mind is racing to guess what they're saying but is only generating cumrotted porno stuff. talking about how it looks, real nice. the girls want me so carnally….
つ:hanako would indeed enjoy pervert perspective from below….. tsukasa is artfully removing articles of her clothing, mussing with her bow, ripped her tights, bunching her skirt…..
あ:there's many ways to sweeten the pot… eurrr really thinking about a guy's fetishes and, Tsukasa's fingers spreading pussy, lingering touches, slipping in her for even a second… he simply likes it if it all feels like a display for him to witness….
I think in earlier instances, Hanako can get away with being all huffy and like "ugh, Tsukasa, c'mon…" about him being invasive and involved, but. it's like in this moment you have to accept that you LIKE. when Tsukasa spreads her pussy for you. you just like the look, it lookksssss hot it's sexy…
つ:i'm getting distracted but i wish tsukasa could make her pee and catch her off guard with this somehow and make amane feel surprised/startled
あ:no this is good. I'm thinking about the perspective…. it's a good way to watch a girl pee.
つ:I do think it would be fun though avvy's brief detour is i'd love Nene to try to whine privately to tsukasa about needing to pee and tugging at his wrist. and tsukasa staring at, amane below her. staring at the bathroom around them. knowing amane's …. things. and just suddenly goes SO brutally hard all at once both pressing firmly into her bladder, wrapping an arm around her body, and viciously fingering her
before Amane can be like TSUKASA [he's too busy [[EXHALING ALL BREATH LOUDLY LIKE AUSTIN POWERS FIRST]]] get it… going. get him hit with it
really rubbing a girl's clit once she gets going to force her to keep clenching and persisting. also have that hand spreading everything for a clear aimed shot.
あ:Ahmm the way Tsukasa can be so PRECISE… it's really good to utilize for something like this. Especially since Nene already was enjoying catering to Amane's fetishes, this is surely, in reality, just another way she can do that, she'll see… hehe.
I really like the thought of squeezing a girl's bladder pointedly, like there's no way she could expect such a thing
つ:going to pop the seal with precision through this
あ:and you'd love for Amane to be down there and simply having to experience the sight, sensation, and then just get. like dizzy, about it.
つ:just got him horny enough that he can't be thinking about this feeling like anything resembling being subjugated to anything…. and, it's complicated. it IS all in service to him-- just had to reaaaally get him into that mental state via putting on the shows first…..
あ:I think it's just like mouth gets dry. Staring at the stream. watching ah, the way it's running down her legs… and through Tsukasa's fingers…
Mmm actually would like Amane to like… possessed, lurch to feel it hit his face…
つ:tsukasa is flirty, what I like about pussy and pee is that redirecting a stream is as simple as slightly tugging the skin this way or that… just flick it upwards with a pull to get his face. hehe.
つ:its ok i got you brother
あ:I suppose we are both going to meet in the middle here
つ:tsukasa feeling well i'll be darn happy twin synchronicity feel
あ:you knew what I wanted.
As overwhelmed as Nene is, I hope she can like eventually process the sight of Hanako down there like. i think looking, like he's really basking in it, a guy who is lost in the sauce like a-ah. is that…. is that. what. is going on.
つ:well he is… of the bathroom
あ:it IS in the title, isn't it.
つ:i thinkshe would also be like TSUKASA THIS ISNT WHAT WE AGREED ON...!!!
あ:Yes jfdhgdf
つ:why do i trust you i thought we were together on this!!!!
あ:we were both supposed to be miettes trusting each other. but you betrayed me
it's okay girl just let a guy lick your pussy… he needs it take pity on him
つ:cute if amane started just pawing upwards like a brat like mmngnh… mn. giveme
あ:give. give it
つ:tsukasa like hai hai FORCES NENE DOWN i like amane sitting up…… a nice position to eat pussy in. leisurely sits, nene a leetle having to bend her legs, bc he is short
あ:it's a fun skew, he wouldn't normally be like this
つ:tsukasa's hand is nearby, and amane has the wild urge to grasp his wrist briefly to suck piss off his fingers
あ:Ahh yes… guy who is lost in the sauce. a moment to press the palm against his face too… need this Just want to feel hand… palm… tongue against it This is like. where tsukasa's propeller hat spins
つ:i do not expect to be more than accessory. and it is always a profound joy. loses mouth for a moment.
i think even as tsukasa is very integrated…. it's still just the way he operates, seeing himself as a moment enhancer and background accellerant i'm too used to being stringpuller!!
あ:It is his intuitive thought process, just thinking of himself as puppeteering things into place in a very like…. clinical way, like I'm just putting everyone into place. but it's not about me doing it… but you are wrong!!
it's like oh tsukasa it has to be about you… otherwise you wouldnt be allowed to so much as graze her pussy
つ:would not be allowed!!! it must be these nice hands, good gestures.... actively enhance nene's beauty, accentuate it. like ribbons. anyone else would be nasty crone hands
あ:it really could only be Tsukasa to handle her so, appealingly… They play off of one another in a way that is so complimentary it's like eating the cheese and the grape
つ:its relieving to have amane engage in a scene without necessarily having to maintain this over the top veneer of dominating, fklsdj;kl its almost a little insecure to do so, you know
let a girl pee on you….. and step on your dick. it won't lessen your power, it will feel good. feel spoiled instead placidly eat out nene for a long time…..
あ:Noo, like, it would be good for him to submit to this side of him, it's extent and real!! there's no need to "put it on" all the time w. ah sometimes you're juuust a 13 yo boy, so you're dumb and horny and 1000 yard stare watching things happen like unmgh… sex
it all feels good. burying your face against pussy…. noooo thoughts necessary
つ:tsukasa feeling mmmm❤️ crawls between nene's legs like a creature to get to amane's cock to finish him off like this belly to the floor. nene's legs like an A above him. a very leisurely, slow BJ, though….
nothing hurried, just enough stimulation, to not rush him through but to give him something…. not meant to distract from nene-- only to accompany nicely.
あ:aghhh god. i'm sleepy and out of it enough that it's like. i'm immersed and feeling the "what? if orgot. you could suck me off." nice and slow…. mghh…. the way amane's hands could alternate pawing at nene and then down at tsukasa…
pleasant way to wrap up… feels like coming would happen so easily and fluidly, weak jitters… nene can feel his quickened breff and getting arrhythmic while eating her out. good job girlies it was good
つ:tsukasa is like ^^ … nene feels. boneless. run dry flumps to the floor
あ:she is going to look, like a mess <3 flops with you though we lie together liek corpses for a sec
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only-lonely-lovers · 3 months
tags: fingering mouth/fingers in throat
notes: link to PART 1
Bird is あ / Avvy is つ
あ:Starting the day with a couple of vignettes…
In one, Amane is straddling Tsukasa, legs saddled on either side of his chest, hands grasping his face. This is an impulse for Amane, unannounced, Tsukasa is watching attentively and waiting to see what he will do. Amane is deliberating, tilting Tsukasa's face around in his grip, adjusting pressure and walking his fingers across his jaw as he does so. Thinking something, clearly, but not saying anything… yet, he doesn't seem too self-conscious or worried about it. He finally presses two fingertips — middle and index — against Tsukasa's mouth. Familiar, this Tsukasa knows, since Amane pressed a finger into his mouth on that night on Tanabata, and sometimes freely hooks a finger in his mouth when directing Tsukasa. So, Tsukasa encloses his lips around them obediently, runs tongue along… Amane shifts on his legs, and pulls his fingers out of Tsukasa's mouth. Yet, pushes them back in, curls them against his tongue, then draws them out again. Oh, um, 'in and out'… Tsukasa quickly identifies. He's been noticing trends when they do stuff, this repetitive in-out, back-and-forth, is typically a part of it. It's so interesting, because it dose suddenly imbue things with sexuality, kind of magical feeling. Tries to follow Amane's lead and just bob in time with his motions.
On Amane's end, it's like he's starting to really excite himself over thinking what he can do TO Tsukasa, subject Tsukasa to things, and also his mind is just running wild with thoughts like, ahhh but I wanna do "fingering"… Sigh, like it seems hot to do, rapidly flick your fingers in someone — but then it occurs, like Amane himself vaguely remembers finger in mouth being pleasant, and is like hmm… Yet it's decidedly executed in a way, like, that would just be too rude or weird to dump onto a normal girl, and yet. That's like the appeal of it to Amane. Ohh maybe other people would complain or ask questions or think it's weird, but Tsukasa is gonna like it… And when observing it in motion, he watches as Tsukasa gets hazed over, getting lost in the rhythm… At this point, there's a degree of sheer conditioning and anticipation doing the work, making him horny… the opportunity to perform this… for Amane… Much excitement felt, heat blooms inside, to get to do it. Ah, and it's fun, when Amane does something different. Doki-dokis over how Amane is so creative, thinking of new things to do with him. Really feel like Amane is thinking about him, thinking about doing things to him… >//<;;;
The proximity granted from the position provides a different perspective, get to really be bent over and learned close to Tsukasa while he does this. And the ah, sheer control and specificity of fingering, get to do it rapidly, shallowly or really driving fingers into Tsukasa's mouth, holding them there and feeling his throat seize and gag. Watching Tsukasa try to be good and hold it as long as he can…❤️ Cute. But also the leisure of slowing down and idling, rubbing against Tsukasa's gums, tracing teeth, have Tsukasa open mouthed and tonguing your knuckles, or wrapping lips around a finger and sucking, all of it… Enjoyed…
But, Amane, is, a bully, and I could see it going to his head, the degree of which he can direct Tsukasa to do anything… Getting too indulged by watching the sheer obsession for him reflect in Tsukasa's eager body. You get to watch your effect on him so profoundly, it's… bound to make you sick. So, I've also been thinking about an instance where Amane just holds Tsukasa's face and talks to him, says… "Tsukasa." and Tsukasa is like [alert, mouth tight, like yes master. waiting] "You like me, don't you?" [suki deshou?] and Tsukasa urgently being like "YES yes I like Amane!!" "You really do?" "Yes! Yes." umhgh!! wiggles. [amane tilts his head] "Really?" "REALLY!!!" "Are you sure?" "YES!! Ah- ahh yes yes" "So you like me." "I LIKE AMANE!!" "Why don't you say it some more, then." rushing, fumbling. sss-s!! suki suki. "I LIKE AMANE! I LIKE AMANE I LIKE AMANEE!!" "Do you like saying it?" "YES!!" "It feels good to say?" "YES!"
… so unnecessarily milking it… just being like ahhh Tsukasa are you sure? just to spur Tsukasa to be like I;;M SURE !!!! XO!! Really string him along, send him into a tizzy. Eurr but I think of Amane walking him into dialogue that makes him feel like he is going to cry… Just from the sheer intensity of all the feefees, and, like disrespectfully toying with the responses. Touching on sensitive things… You wish you could alllways be with me right-? You want me to like you? You want to be my favorite? it's like [brain kinda sledgehammered cumulatively from this…] … like the topics get more difficult as you progress… and all of this pairs with no physical action, it's just Amane instructing him to repeat things or say stuff aloud. "Go on. Say you want to be my favorite."
I'd be curious to hear what Avvy thinks Tsukasa would feel, being tested with stuff like this, I kinda envision it devolving into making Tsukasa a bit hysterical? But I'd be interested to hear what she thinks, or how Avvy herself would "get there" -? with this set up. I'd also want to know wtf it could be like for Amane to then start initiating some touch…
つ:much to think about…. I think ah. with being teased… at first it would all be in response to the words themselves being said-- too tied up in the back and forth, the raw literal sentences, for some time. I think hysteria is part of it and visible, but… ah… raw intense arousal-- and I think that would be interesting for Amane to finally be in a position to stoke (more or less this is equivalent to jerking tsukasa off)… he's always I think, a little doubtful and mystified by Tsukasa's alleged tingly-feelings-- I think no matter what, he kindof does think "we don't really feel the same things" in a way that is condescending to Tsukasa a bit. Like for all that Tsukasa tries to say he likes it, Amane can think "oh but not really in the adult way I do" in a sense….. but in this position of teasing Tsukasa, doing something for Tsukasa entirely for once, overwhelming him and observing his response…. Amane would be faced with and intrigued by…. watching how incredibly intense it is for Tsukasa… he would be scrambling his legs on the ground, clawing with his hands, open mouthed panting, eyes rolling back on certain words. for Tsukasa once a little of this sets in, he could also finally think in the haze "Amane wants to watch how I react to this, he wants me to hear this, he's saying this to me because he wants to see what I'll do, Amane wants to look at me so much…." and that is intoxicating. if only his raw response could be appealing, could be what Amane wants, this stripped-down interaction where all Amane asks of him is his visible desperation and confirmation…. the very conceit of this interaction is overwhelming. Feeling like he can somehow please Amane simply by being himself, by, saying things… he would want so badly to say them more and again and right, but it's also becoming difficult by his own eagerness….
Amane seeing him shudder and flinch and sorta convulse and fight his own mouth to make words and scratch the floor and become. Over the top actually maybe more…… visibly aroused than. Amane ever is….? That's….. interesting. It doesn't even… accost Amane in this same way. What.. is this? I think that would make it more addicting to keep going. its mystifying
it just shouldn't be that Tsukasa can appear more overwhelmed by words…. this isn't. a blowjob. I Am Just Talking To Him.
あ:I do think Amane is a bit, reductive and crude, and doubts the intensity/authenticity of what Tsukasa is experiencing because of… how he doesn't need to "do" anything about it. like well it can only be so good lol, it's not like you need to jerk off about it. Kind of a condescending emotion about Tsukasa really being "the baby" in the room comparatively (amane vioce I am once again fabricating some sort of age discrepancy)
he's just excited about it like… because it's thrilling to do behind our parents backs and it makes him feel cool or something
つ:on a humorous level lol. I've thought about Tsukasa just coming from it (no fluid… not how he's wired) and Amane having to watch that very obviously happen (you just know the overall appearance of body language..) and fdfj;k feeling a little for 1 second the brotherly 'ew' emotion gkfl;gj like omg no I wasn't trying t. I…that wasn't. I was just fooling around. Does not know what he's doing. Feels out of place to continue now fkfflkdg
あ:you weren't ready to watch Tsukasa come from your actions like n. i didnt. okay.
つ:tsukasa who doesn't know what nutting is or anything just feels like oh my god something spiritual and divine is happening
つ:feeling an otherworldly amount of good wishes to cuddle you does not know this is offputting or so new or different in a way like that. you know me i just whine and wriggle
あ:truly making amane feel like eughhhgjnh f shoves you dont get any closer
つ:its too funny to think about it ending like this fkldsj;gklf but you cant take tsukasa off his cloud. he will just laugh
あ:some absolutely insane emotion like,. no only i should come from the stuff.
つ:continue rolling around on the floor like a maniac repeating the dialogue in his head [amane defensive voice] im jsut using him
あ:I was thinking that, DESPITE EVERYTHING, despite the insanity of instigating this, the amount Amane is NOT confronting how this makes him feel…. it's impressive, you could say.
a little too busy being like hahahahhaahha [points] you like me
つ:him having to hit this brick wall if something that overt happened…. but, before that happens, it being a very simple state of addicition for them both to the cause/effect. its just….tsukasa is a weird creature, isnt he?
Amane could really come to feel … that Tsukasa is… built different. He's not actually like any other person with this stuff. [condescending voice] not a boy anyway. maybe girls really like words and talking
あ:Sounds like some girl shit You just like thinking these thoughts so much? Observes you like particle.
… but ah, it is enchanting… it is, addicting to view, I think it stokes Amane in the same way Tsukasa is being stoked actually. what they don't know… is Amane is also trying really hard to search his brain , how do I keep this going/increase it? how do i say something even more intense-
i want to invent intensity… I want to see your eyes struggle to stay in place-!!
つ:I think it's par the course for them to Amane to want to increase every level of intensity, and yet the consequences of doing that will be dire
あ:ehgmh but omg I have thought about Amane condescending Tsukasa about being more like "a girl" like wow, you really do "that girl stuff". maybe that's why you're weird. says it point blank like an asshole
つ:tsukasa would recieve none of it badly he would just put a finger to his lips and be like really?
あ:uhuh. [not looking at you] 💭though it's like a girl with the perks of a little brother* *has to listen to me looks up to me is more helpless etc. < not true just a crazy person thought
つ:its all he knows.
oh… ah I specifically was thinking about Tsukasa ah, just moaning and it sounding more, overt than ever…. I think he does his best to be 'well-behaved' overall when they are messing around, because… Amane set the tone for this by regularly requesting silence, so the general idea in Tsukasa's mind is to not get too out of control that he makes a lot of noise. whines and such escape him, breathing can't be helped, but he tries to keep a relative lid on it…. but in this situation, it's all about Amane wanting to hear him talk…. but ah. I do think Tsukasa would be troubled by how hard it is to meet his requests, to talk, to reply interestingly, it's like his head can't form words, and instead pushing sound through his throat keeps resulting in these noises, noises he is used to choking down but hasn't had to hear in the open air…. I think mid-sentence trying to scramble out it gets caught up in gasps and inhales and groans and things, and he's Tsukasa, so he's as frustrated by this in some small way, as one would be if your hands were shaking trying to place down a puzzle piece…. but Amane wants… me to talk … I like the thought of him struggling through replying to Amane, trying and failing, pawing and desperate and scrambling to balance treat on nose and it keeps falling off, and feeling like he has to apologize…. finally struggle and hiccup and say ssorry, AAmmane, sorry which would make Amane feel like.. what on earth is he apologizing for? but intrigued by the notion of begging his apology, the king shall hear you out….. actually articularing out hard. hard to talk!! want, want to, hard, sorry, I'm sorry, I want to …. makes Amane just laugh cruelly and shake Tsukasa's face back and forth affectionately by the jaw. Like aaawwwwee. it's hard isn't it….. you're really getting tongue-tied about this……
but if Amane actually jovially said ahhh, its okay, the sounds you're making are interesting. it would be like . heuueuuueuugh? really….? do you like those too….? but sometimes the ardent desperation in Tsukasa is a little-- hhrghn. to receive. like ugh mmgh. sparkly-eyed at me. on instinct mentally yeah theyre stupid and funny
あ:Like ugh you Oh don't you look at me like that , I'll….
つ:much like in canon. he starts the conversation. with yashiro. about his motivations. and desires. but once she's like. please elaborate he's like mfgh. no shut up
あ:why would you ask me that
We're on the same page though, wrt thinking of Tsukasa as trying to be well-behaved generally and not make too much noise, bc Amane is often requesting NO COMMENTARY shush. and also, well the baseline is, we're trying to keep this secret, so it's in our best interest to muffle it… shhh… you have to be quiet at night…. etc.
つ:maybe a good response is to shove tsukasa's head back hard enough to donk it onto the floor and be like. don't you like to make them? you think about me too much.
あ:I lean into my bully response
つ:[like he is granting you a blessing] for just now, do as you please. don't hold it back. but i think if you say that its like [goliad voice] are you sure. but i gklsdgj;skg
あ:if master wishes…
つ:i'm like he'll like scream your name at the top of his lungs and you'll have to muffle him before the NEIGHBORS RUN IN
あ:fucking wails
あ:I hope tsukasa gets like a good stream out
つ:i think being stopped/halted though cartoonishly is like. ? immediately is calmed
あ:blimk blimk
つ:blinks at you from behind your hand. yes amane like. ok. well. maybe hold back a little.
あ:[pinches bridge of nose] ah... we still... are in a house... don't sound like THAT unless.... we're in the middle of the woods or something, OKAY?
つ:at that level, the neighbors are gonna hear you….. [calms down from his panic response after a bit]
あ:pats your head. That was, impressive though.
つ:tsukasa mentally ❤️i don't understand❤️ i messed up again❤️ oops
あ:its never easy sweetheart
つ:amane like lol. that. was a lot, tsukasa. is that how ….'you feel'? are you sure you like me? [DESPERATE TSUKASA LIKE WHAT HAVE I BEEN SAYING!!!!? HELP!!! YEYSSS!!!] ah calm down sh shh. pet pet. I know I know you do….
あ:it just sounded. like I was really hurting you. more than anything else.
つ:[looking blankly] [thinking hard] it's big [holds…. shirt] loud….. feels…. big
あ:[leans closer] that big huh.
つ:nod nod nod
あ:[amused…] if you could be that loud… how long do you think you'd last, like that. would you lose your voice
つ:[thinks about this, contemplates seriously]…… [nods]
あ:[holds your throat like a crazy person]
あ:[it's not done violently, like a threat or anything, it's more like examining someone clinically. he's got a small lopsided smile, thinking, sheesh…]
[but it is an insane move]
つ:worried you were going to squeeze my throat shut and ask me to scream now
but for a second hold on lets think. about amane holding his throat shut like a maniac and asking him to try it now… to feel the sound vibrating and trapped under his fingers, where it can't actually come out, but he can feel the intensity of it being snuffed
a murderer's urge. a paraphillic second. of… i want to see actually how hard he wants to do it. but it can't make so much sound.
あ:I was thinking Amane had sentiment of, like, "seems like it's bad you keep that inside you"
It's not fair, is it If it's so "big"… Let's see it it's because of me, after all ^^
つ:I'll just manage it on my end. I think Tsukasa would fundamentally like the exchange, as scary as it is. would like feeling the sound itself fight amane's fingers
would feel poetic… would feel so appropriate for all the struggle the sound fights in his own body itself…. hurts his throat and chest…amane making it hurt manually and fight him to escape, aaahhh
あ:It does seem so in-line with everything felt already. Mmh and Amane's role in this, dictating you…
つ:genuinely do this for a long duration…. maybe until tsukasa's eyes start threatening to just roll back from passing out. maybe amane is hypnotized for a while by just how intensely tsukasa is trying and indeed the duration…. but finally snaps. out of it like. wait I
why. wait. no I… why. wait this started with just making you say you like me… puts a hand over your mouth to silence you normally and pulls off hand…. why-- why am I doing this?
see the imprints that will bruise later, on tsukasa's throat… watch him cough and hack and sputter air and spit out of his unsealed throat
あ:Somehow chasing the impulse didn't come with the, like conscious thought at all, that this is. Choking, Tsukasa. Like Amane got so lost in the details of sound/voice, throat, muffling it
あ:Ah but you know, I think hearing the wail in the first place was, in its own way, very enticing and new and novel. That it just sounded so miserable… The immediate panic was distracting, but i do think there is a desire for more of it. so the result of it sounding even more strained….
it makes you just close your hand tighter around throat
つ:mmm yes, i think despite it all, it's thrilling too, when he first heart it burst through the air…. the sheer horrifying sound
あ:made your body temperature raise but then you catch yourself like wtf. are we doing.
つ:wide-eyed watching tsukasa try to recover…. eyes squeezed shut, tearing.. mouth fighting for air…. chest heaving up and down…. shuddering breath in a sore throat
あ:Why did I. for-real hurt tsukasa.
つ:he…. just… was telling me he liked me.
あ:like, glibly had commented on it sounding like he was hurting Tsukasa. but th.
つ:leans down and hugs him…… nuzzles face arms wrapping behind his back, pulling him upwards…. but mmgh. the…. h.humps uhhhhghngg why'd i. do it… mm it sounded. good….
hump hump. while tsukasa is still trying to recover. hump and listen to him coughing intermittently feel his body limp and stiffen with the force of the coughs…
あ:hot sound. unlike anything you've heard before. Tsukasa's voice, warped becuase of your own hand....
つ:the feeling, it was 'big'… you could feel how big it was. directly. even if it hurt, the sound still tried so hard….. why didn't he ask you to stop….? why didn't he even try….
あ:I think Amane himself was also umm, like keyed into, and enjoying the abstract satisfaction of "holding" a voice, making sound curve around your fingers and such. it's like getting to clutch something immaterial, very physically. the walls of the throat bowing…
fervid hump… it's a good chaser you know I kept thinking, that like, prior to this, Tsukasa wasn't really at the "wraps legs around you" level yet. but after this you make him sicker
つ:mmmm its truueee that's something yet to unlock. appealing
あ:he's not so liberated you know but if we're this indulgent…
つ:at the very least, you break tsukasa so much by this point, his own leaning into his ardent feelings willl lead to a more childish dependence and comfort
if finally broken to just think of nothing but his adoration….. finally his body language would just become expressing that without any interruption
あ:after enough stoking , and assurance that its what Amane wants of him… it just becomes more intuitive to abide by instinctive response
つ:[self aware for a moment that this was a pretty sweet situation of amane teasing tsukasa about his love and fsr i made it about hurting tsukasa physically]
i am sorry if that is not what was wanted
あ:Oh no omg… I mean I actually went into this wanting to reach an ending where Tsukasa starts to cry w.
つ:I do think he would finally be sobbing at the end of this. and i would like amane to keep humping him and listening to it… and addressing internally that it's arousing. but. why. i don't know
あ:but i like the DANGEROUS PARAPHILIA being grazed. since i do imagine it's percolating steadily and the more serious we get the more we have to contend with it
つ:I think it's always playing with fire….. to confront the love between you naturally brushes up against what amane's…. instincts are with it
あ:Like it's literally dangerous… as is, I think it's woefully irresponsible for Amane to set up this scenario you're literally going to hurt you both with this If you reduce it to dialogue… I think it's going to get raw
>I do think he would finally be sobbing at the end of this. and i would like amane to keep humping him and listening to it… and addressing internally that it's arousing. but. why. i don't know
now this, you don't have any explanation readily for or logic. it's mystifying. but it feels really good and the momentum keeps it going. i think it's egregiously like [humps you harder than ever]
but the drop from this i think is like. the amane's that have to go on the roof to sulk it's like. if you saw two teens having sex on tanabata but the girl was, sobbing. you know that wouldnt be like. right
つ:shouldn't see someone…. bruised. feeling tsukasa shakily wrap his arms around you, and nuzzle in….. feels good to finish, and doesn't feel good to finish.
あ:somberly nuzzle back
つ:for me to be indulgent, before coming, Amane just slightly adjusts the hemm of his pants to let it spill onto tsukasa directly, and not into his own fabric. watching himself do this. both selfishly don't want to deal with cleaning yourself, and want it to hit tsukasa
for some reason, it's important.
あ:a nice detail. you manage to be so self-serving even now
つ:marking emotions….. even while feeling guilt tightening stomach…
あ:wouldn't feel right if this ended like any other time just incidentally coming in your clothes. no…
あ:Oh yeah, earlier when we were talking about stuff, it jogged a memory of a very idle thought train i had when thinking about 8yo boy RP timeline we were recently discussing. it wasn't a properly structured thing and I didn't really imagine a whole scene or have any like conclusion, but… It occurred to me that, Tsukasa having a visible injury on his throat could actually cause someone at school to notice/worry about him, and… this would be like a bizarre yet artful parallel of canon TL amane just deflecting tsuchigomori. in that, i think tsukasa is like an impenetrable wall in reality and you couldn't meaningfully wrangle him or get him to talk about anything. it'd be like confusing to him almost that you could see what was happening (All the events have felt so insular and private, everyone in the world might as well have ceased to exist)
but also just feeling nothing about a random person being concerned like :? [justin voice] that's not an apple
つ:mm yeah, I think to him it would be like. what? you can see it? it'd be like. ? not relevant to you though… it might as well be someone looking at you and reading your memories
あ:but this is happening to me not you :?
but really not troubled about any of it. oh at most you remember Amane said this is all stuff that you need to sneak past ppl it's like ahh… right…..
つ:like the teens have to hide things. thats just what this is
0 notes
only-lonely-lovers · 3 months
tags: blowjobs, public sex, pantomime, kissing
notes: notably sentimental ~first time~ for twins. this is PART 1, there's a little more in PART 2
つ:-pretends the white line continuing up isn't just lighting but is amane's yukata parting all the way up his leg showing up to his thigh-
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あ:Just a little flash for you all a taste
つ:licks from your knee to your hip in a long line
あ:so that's what we're doing…
あ:I'm listening though
つ:we're getting... cotton candy.....
あ:sounds nice… Are you excited?
つ:hai it comes in two colors
あ:It's whimsical like that. all colorful and fluffy. really food meant for an event like this
really just suits the night. It's like how it's exciting to just get a little of everything, the yakisoba is more exciting to have on a night like this. and we can meander with it or sit down and eat in da grass….
つ:un un
あ:and we get to do this all for… hours…!! into the night
You really get the impression Amane was in a good mood all night
つ:yes.. so pep in his step, loving another year's tanabata festival….
a boy with no problems, nothing on his mind but enjoying the night. it must have been so exciting to see the dinosaur masks among the options and both get one. i wonder who saw them first
whether amane sees them first… and buys 2, places one on tsukasa… or whether tsukasa sees them first, and is so excited, while amane simply walks to the vendor and pays for 2 while he's ogling them excitedly and rushing to put it on…
saying something like "we have to pay for it first….!"
あ:either is kyooot… you could imagine Tsukasa spotting it first and being simply overstimulated by his own excitement on Amane's behalf
it-- it's am… it's amane's favorite thing out of all themasks here… he would definitely want this one!!!
Amane handles the transaction… but after taking a sec to look it over, it's like hell yeah though aw, tsukasa these ARE cool…
あ:an emotion like. nods. that's right sweetie. [puts it over face for a sec] [poses] RHHH….
つ:RUSHES TO PUT ON HIS fumbles a little. gets it on. it crunches a little in his hands, the thin plastic, indents from how he holds it firmly RRRURURUR!!!
あ:[peeks one eyeball out] Woow…. [this is exactly what i wanted yes.] Pretty good though i think mine was better. still good though. [leans in and tonks the noses together]
つ:nuzzle nuzzle nuzzle nose [guy at booth staring] [wishing you'd move and make room]
あ:obnoxious children time [throws head back] [headbutts]
つ:POH nearly falls into the booth display. Amane catches his wrist quickly. NOW the festival stall vendor shoos them out for being troublesome and we run out, holding hands. skeedaddle style
あ:deemed pests… appropriately…. i bet they really are like rats running around, to many people. weird bug eyed twins
つ:you do not like to see two unattended kids….
a funny trajectory for the night is actually like. SEEING some young couple doing stuff behind a booth while trying to just like running away from the vendor all silly. youve got your masks on half-way falling off and you stop and pant, pretending you've been like, running from something more dangerous cuz its exhilarating. then you stop and look up and theres some blowjob teens staring at you where you wandered to.
tsukasa is just like looks cluelessly. amane is like OBSERVING THE HAPPENINGS COHERENTLY WITH BRAINCELLS
あ:experiencing . the sight
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very much like hyuEUGH but also i think its like. stands there completely silently like . when griffin is like we're in enemy territory
つ:maybe a good vibe would be to… grab tsukasa's wrist and run in opposite direction like a madman, and be like. . . [gets.. manic actually] HA HA HA HAHAHAH!!!
HAHAHAHA!!!! running like madman thru tanabata with tsukasa dragged along cluelessly
the adrenaline of having already been running, and then…. this…. its way too funny. overstimulating. horny
あ:sounding hysterical for a sec lol. just really like… going to run into your lungs burn and you're catching your breath loudly scampered away from the crowds
つ:got yourself sequestered away… then clamp your hands on your knees for a second.. then maybe, on tsukasa's shoulders….? just to be like HAW HAW in his face a little kflsd;g blast him with your hot breath
i think seeing amane out of breath and running so hard always makes tsukasa feel feelings…
あ:wait its like my drawing. this emotion
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crazy guy voice UAHHHG FJKDGH
あ:ahaha… I C.. i cant believe w- hhh….[ruffling own hair fervidly]
but you know ithink amane is weird and genuinely also likes feeling like wheezy and his body burning in a moment like this… you can feel a bizarre nostalgia somehow, for coughing heavily and being all hot in the face well, you just feel GOOD rn….
つ:TSUKASA! THOSE TEENS WERE…. having… ………………. [quiet] s*x……….! …… hahahahaahaAHAhaha ears burning, hot across face mmm… tsukasa just likes to observe him like this….
あ:sucking in breath in sharp gasps sometimes. swallows audibly. wipes sweat off face. grabs tsukasa by the front of his yukata, rocks from side to side, like bouncing on either of his feet makes you wobble
s-- ss*x…… ah ah, i bet they had to, ah, sneak to do it, they probably cant do it anywhere else, this is probably theirbest chance huh…. hahah….
つ:best chance? sneak?
あ:gets like this
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well yeah… I mean, there's no way their parents would let them do it Otherwise, they'd just be doing it at home, right but -- but you're not supposed to til you're older… And all that.
You know how people are about, sex, don't you…? [uncontrollably] baka. ww [grabs either side of cheeks and plays with face]
つ:un…. [thinking, while amane holds him] [sticks tongue out, thoughtful, looking around] is it fun to do it at Tanabata? [thinking about 'cant do it anywhere else' and 'sneaking' and stuff… but does that mean it isnt fun?]
pulls candy apple he's been holding up to his mouth and starts mouthing it, stimming, hardly meaningfully eating it
あ:Ohhh… [releases, just rests a hand atop his head] it's fun. It's fun anywhere.
[thinking more himself… hums.] I mean, if they're doing it in the first place, they must at least feel like it's worth it. The risk might make it more fun…
I bet they feel… clever, like "oh, everyone thinks we're just out here playing games… but really… we're…." [sticks tongue out]
つ:amane is thinking so abstractly to tsukasa, tsukasa is like. thinking. is the weather nice for it. like is it warm. are the lights nice and the fireworks. like is it a good environment for that. much like one would wonder if its good to like do any activity in any random place
people probably do it inside but is it nice feeling outside. he's thinking but amane's answer addresses none of this, so he's like hmmmmm…. it's fun anywhere…? wow….. thinking …. risk? more fun? trying to compute….
[stupidly] are they gonna do it all night? or do they stop
あ:poor tsukasa. Your brother jumps to thinking about… things like underhandedness. gomen.
gets kinda spaced out thinking all night like geez… [8 yo thinking] Iii…. [voice gets smaller] i dunno if you can do it all night… maybe. if it's good. if they're good at it. ?
つ:[sortof thinking] [mouthing apple] should we do something we can't do at home? [amane's so interested….]
あ:uh…………………… ah………………………………. m………….. [feels . confused. ] ….. like what…?
its suddenly like. wait. what can we do that we cant do at home. [is like horny so these are difficult things to parse]
つ:ah, I dunno, something…… [literally thinking completely vaguely, brainless] like that? or something you wanna do?
あ:[just stares]
つ:[receives nothing, has no empathy, just looks around mouthing apple]
あ:… [shakes head] [stretches arms behind back] Ah… Sorry. I'm just still thinking about it. [quickly] the sex. stuff.
I can't think of anything that exciting anything, AS exciting, you know? Mnn. [crouches. flops back onto the ground. sticks legs up]
つ:looqs gets on hands and knees to join, observing
あ:ahh, it's not fair though, those kids were older… [rambling, mind wandering] it's always, like high schoolers doing stuff, you know. or middle schoolers. but we're not there yet… [sighs]
つ:[leaning on elbows, on stomach, looking at Amane] but its already not allowed, right? you said. for them. you have to wait to break rules? but people can't know theyre doing it, you said?
あ:Huhm. well, no, that's not it. chigau chigau. um, I think it's just easier, cuz…
つ:may as well tell tsukasa you cant steal until you are 16.
あ:………………………………………………. [talking out his ass] cuz………. there's more uh. there's more people who wanna do it…? you need two bodies. [seriously] at least.
あ:i guess… i guess i don't know if our classmates ever think about this stuff… [makes a face, like ew lol] but uhh, it's not like we even know anyone…. so it wouldnt matter… its uh, complicated, i guess
つ:we gotta know someone? [tilts head] we're two people thats enough, the amount? isn't it?
あ:[it's so direct that. like amane actually cannot even feel anything about this. it's just like, tilts head and kinda lopsided smiles] Tsukasa…
あ:like: oh honey…
つ:he's comically direct… thinking so simply about the rules of this
あ:It's enough, yeah. hahh. [just laughs. but like rolls to his side.]
つ:rolls with him, opposite way, just enjoying the grass… the, candied apple gets grass stuck to it…. he looks at it, then abandons it sortof carelessly….
あ:but like. [you know what? i'm not even going to address the fleet (brothers. incest. 2 boys)] … Tsukasa. are you really thinking about it
[almost like, i gotta own you a little bit about that thing you said actually]
つ:[very simply] I wanna have fun at the festival [picks some grass, looks at it]
あ:Don't we all.
つ:[the grass has become candied a little, some red off the apple melted off onto it… candied grass… wow]
I want you to have fun at the festival, Amane [looks up from grass blade]
あ:[i face you seriously and i grab your face] but think about it You remember what you saw right. yeah? [nods your head for you]
つ:looks into eyeballs
あ:Do you really think we could do that?
つ:ueh-- [i mean he didn't see it well or coherently. its like. a kinder version fo birds blurry memories of wieners all sortof distorted]
did they have something we don't? [like… a tool or toy… thinking] you dont need anything else, right? they didn't have anything else?
あ:no, that's not it… Wait, I'm wording this poorly. Let's try again I think you're thinking too much about , like technical stuff … but would you like it?
つ:[thinks… about how excited Amane's been… about this, how much he was laughing… it's like he saw people playing a really exciting game and got excited…] [nods, nods, nods, nods]
あ:[walked tsukasa all the way here himself but feels like. a little slow when he just nods.]
つ:I'd like it! Amane would like it?
あ:[covers face with hands] [turns away wordlessly]
つ:[its funny, the other foible is they dont know what side of it the other is imagining…] it might be a lil complicated for amane, lol
あ:We're not discussing it no. its like eughdfjkghdf
つ:like . you dont wanna-- 'do' all of it
あ:[dramatically] I'd only like it ONE WAY though [crosses leg] [is in denial about this conversation like. i've mentally filed this away as , just some silly weird convo we're having]
つ:[oh no, i made Amane… mad?] we can do it your way you can show me what to do! [PROPS self up on palms over him, giiiiiiiiiiii's down]
あ:[face starting to burn again… but it's not, uh, exhilarating this time. it's… embarrassing.]
No, iii don't gotta do that. i KNOW for a fact actually, you-- you must be imagining it wrong… you don't really know what you're talking about, you wouldn't like it
つ:[spiritually, ears going down. then springing back up] But I would! … and Amane can teach me! [thinking… very hard… touches, own lip] [trying to visualize] it was… a kind of…. 'chu'…. right? [there was a mouth thing going on…. and a kissing face]
あ:ohmm time to . blood pressure drop. hmm…. mouth dry… but kinda like. braindead. nods
in own mind, replaying it. seeing the… the silhouette… fsszzzz…. echoing words of tsukasa earlier, proposing they do something they can't do at home. pulse getting louder between ears. starting to feel like… suspended
つ:Its a secret thing, right? [looks around] I won't tell anyone. it can only happen at the festival, right?
あ:blinks heavily. nods.
つ:we should do something we can only do at the festival!
あ:looks around. we are indeed, away from everyone and everything. and no one is going to come looking for them.
つ:and maybe amane can even think.. that... he'd... do a better job playing it off/recovering, than those stupid teens.....
あ:my little pea is sizzling. my own stupid thoughts. of like. who would even expect it. we were supposed to just be playing games. blah blah…
つ:they're brothers, so visibly, and young, it… maybe it would be even easier to pretend anything else was going on indeed, who would… suspect it
あ:it's like everything he said is loaded into a gun who would… who would…? think….?
つ:you see one teen girl on her knees before a boy… you know what is going on… but….. …… it wouldn't… 'look like' anything… ….if it is only teens who do that stuff… not…. little kids adults would just think they were sneaking some cookies or something
あ:temptation and impulse… it is descending on him like a cinder block on the chest but I like the atmosphere of going from being so foosy and like ugh to like. just getting 100 yard stare and silent has no instructions
あ:Ehmm you like the reality of Amane having NO GRACE... fumbling mentally, like, pos.. positions....
つ:suddenly its like cant talk gotta steal gotta steal fast
あ:its descending upon me how easy it is for my yukata to shuff out of the way like oh my god i'm just wearing little boy shorts [ahmm my tummy is so tight from da apprehension ohhh]
つ:tsukasa is like ouhh the quicktime event uhmng. ? raises to, raises onto knees-- oh-- wait one was standing, one wasn't, amane.. is standing, so I……
あ:I think at least, Amane assists, like… going to pat Tsukasa's head and kind of, indicate, knees yeah… this height…
つ:crawls to... closer... thinking like ah, it IS familiar... it WAS like this [picture in brain becoming less fuzzy]
あ:[grabby hands... give me your face]
つ:ooouhh… I get to…. ….. I get to be the …. 'chu'…. one…..? little sparkles in eyes, thinking this….
あ:kiss boy….
つ:amane really feels excited….. grabbing him so much, wao… its really that kind of hands-on sortof game…! ahhhh as nearing the yukata happens, its so warm…. its like a window in summer, with the curtains drawn, when you can feel the sun baring down on the back of the curtains….
あ:radiating heat, like a beacon…
つ:thoughtlessly, he rubs his face into the material of the yukata simply 'cuz he's nuzzly…. and its warm
あ:heep-!!! sucks in a sound. gets really STIFF, and more on toes, like standing to-attention. if he weren't so tongue tied, he'd be like tsssuuuKAS!A!! but I think Amane really has a lump in his throat. hands grapple around restlessly on tsukasa's head, pattapatpat
its just like jesus…. tsukasa is really bringing his face closer…?? is he really that ready… i mean, what if he didn't like it…. [suddenly] oh but, i'll, kill him, he'll have to deal with it djkshg IDC…..
つ:I'll make fun of him for it being his idea if he doesnt like it i'll be like. well what did you think, baka i warned you!
あ:I told you so.. ugh… you owe me!!
つ:you should think before you talk, when you don't know what you're talking about!
あ:[thinking all this but looking like a scared rabbit slipping hands under own yukata]
つ:contentedly rubs head against amane's warm thigh while amane's hand fiddles under the yukata…
after a beat is like oh, [distantly] right, it's…. sex… so it involves his…….
あ:it is such a can't talk gotta steal sitch… ughh i gotta… i gotta….
lol the thought of tsukasa being like 💭I will help! reaches under and tugs down shorts but to Amane it feels so. like being pantsed. but sexual
つ:suddenly becomes proactive
あ:😭like what the hell
つ:RIGHT THAT PART…! suddenly thinks harder about what sex is just reaches under bottom of yukata and tugs. like s. so firmly that amane's cock catches on the fabric and it pulls against it, which is like HIEIEIKGHK. Amane makes a noise and Tsukasa quickly puts a finger to his own lips🤫
あ:…….💢 ugh this is going to make him impatiently grasp for his own cock and grab tsukasa by the jaw and cram a thumb in to pry mouth open. SHOVE.
つ:get back at you!!!! you cannot outpace me DONT YOU TELL ME TO BE QUIET finger in mouth does shut tsukasa up. chuu….. slides tongue against thumb while hooked forward
あ:, experiences this. ah tongue across finger sensation, distracting in its own way. like a little zap
つ:gazing up at Amane's response…..
あ:actually cute to think abt just getting distracted for a sec…
つ:is this part of… sex…? don't know…. are fingers involved? he doesn't remember…. rolls tongue over knuckle…… salty… a little grass-blood, a bitter hint of that from amane rolling around…. scent of dirt on his palms
ah, can feel his fingernail, smooth… traces tongue over that, it glides so smoothly…. ah, wait… chuuu… its a chuu thing…. wraps lips around… kisses, they make you pucker… like you're eating lemon!
あ:Ah, it's cute, it's like even this little gesture could feel complex to Tsukasa, such a tactile experience. many senses stimulated Amane watches… rubs the pad of his finger against seam of gums and teef…
つ:and from the mouth of his yukata, the sleeve, blooms the heat of Amane's body, with every movement of his arm.. its like being in front of a very dull, dying hairdryer, sometimes a hot breeze puffed out as the sleeve sways or compresses
tsukasa looks at the patterning on it, the nice dark colors…. Amane was suited to the dark color
あ:Everything scarily oscillates between feeling like it's happening in a rush, to achingly slow, grinding to a halt…
Thoughts race, as much as they are just vanished, head is an empty auditorium, silence. Just having a moment where he is touching the inside of Tsukasa's mouth. It's so weird… this doesn't feel too unlike… an interaction they could have, outside of this
…. tugs Tsukasa forward, and more decidedly positions finger to prop his mouth open. get it… get it over… Bring your mouth over, upon..
つ:ah, this isn't the final kiss, right, right…..
あ:Going to feel scary, once the wetness from Tsukasa's breath is felt, the humid exhale… reigniting that sense of-- heep-!!
つ:it smells so different from the rest of Amane…. not only unfamiliar, but not an everyday scent… not the usual sweaty scent, not like his body, nor his hair…
not even like when his arms are held over his head sleeping beside tsukasa in summer… not even that scent.. a really different scent. audible sniffs.
feels like the cloud of his own breath meets the cloud of amane's… body part, it's vaporous all around
あ:s-sniff?? smell??? smelling it-??? the sm.. the smell...??
つ:the inside of his yukata…. also is a prison of the smell, and every movement wafts it out, too.
hard to believe he couldn't smell this before, actually, even standing beside him
so distinct, and so much of it. hot in the air. maybe the yukata traps it all…. oh, his shorts, too
あ:An extra layer, hugging it all against his body… Accumulated scent….
… Tsukasa surely doesn't mean to but, lingering and drinking in details really leaves Amane feeling teased, like, mhgh…. he's really not… uhh, mentally prepared for this sort of thing, hasn't actually thought hard about self IN sex, it's only just starting to crystalize you know… puberty… so i don't think he can repress a whine… but it feels unfair.. like.. ugh but it shouldnt be me who needs to be reminded to keep quiet… YOURE. ..,, why i cant … if you just. hhurried up…
つ:like what, aren't you, serious, about doing it….
あ:[hissing whisper] Tsukasa…! … just put your mouth on it….
つ:[snaps out of the haze] [goes to say 'hai' but realizes he's supposed to be quiet] [simply, ………… kisses it] … and then rolls tongue out under it, peering up at Amane
well, the finger…. he was touching my tongue….. that was like an example, I get it the finger is like a thingie
あ:The foolish thing was, thinking that this would 'help'. Amane nearly has to bite his tongue to choke back more sound -- LOUDER too, crackling up his throat. body shivers…
ahm, but, his eyes roll back dramatically too, it's like sss..
つ:WHOA--! looks possessed!! whoa!! what'd his eyes do……
ah, wraps lips around it, wait, kiss, proper…. the kissing motion naturally sucks amane a little further in ah, how much goes in, I don't know… --AH it tastes, saltier than his finger, ah, it's really, really warm……
the skin, smoother than the ribbled divets in his knuckles, pliable, moves over the shape of it.. right, right! [forgot. he has one of these] yea the skin does that sortof thing, it can move… sortof…. experiments with it, right…. it's this part…. slides tongue firmly over and back, feeling skin tug……
あ:It f. It feels good. It feels good. Unfathomable, the immediacy of the intensity, it's-- he's just not ready to, feel so much, concentrated, feeling, in his cock. Everything at the tip feels like it sends pulses of heat, p.. pain? to the gut, up your spine, you can't stop fidgeting!! A-ah. Hot. the mouth his hot. It feels like Tsukasa drank tea. but he didn't… that's just, that's just the mouth, lips… Sssoft. Soft? Never really consciously thought a boy could have a, nice soft mouth, it's not what you think. [stupid, reductive]
Shifting weight on feet, it kind of makes Amane pivot, sway like he's in a dance -- it pulls himself out of Tsukasa's mouth a bit, rests more against the edge of his mouth. Brushes against lips lightly, side to side… but even that feels really good, since… when does it feel this good. It's a body part that's always on him, it's always been known to be like, sensitive, taxonomically, yeah, it is… But what is this-? Scary. But magical…
つ:pauses, letting Amane move it against him as he wishes, imagining its another tutorial, just like the finger….
あ:It's a magical sort of evening, actually, isn't it…? Beautiful sights and… exciting moments, ah, so much fun had… with… Tsukasa… [reduced] It felt good, to be with Tsukasa, all evening, never wanted to be too far away. It's… it's nice to have… this focused attention, time… It's like, they're in their own little bubble.
Shakes head. Trying to gather self, ah, eyes squint. It's like there's a warm fog… Ruffles Tsukasa's scalp. … what a familiar gesture…! Astounded by it, dumbly. Ruffa ruffa ruffa
つ:oouuuo i like a ruffa IT MEAN I DO GOOD??? wiggles a little. tugs hands on the draping cloth of amane's parted yukata, against his either thigh. he's having fun, isn't he…?
あ:Maybe this is fine… Mmmaybe Tsukasa could just, grant him this little taste of excitement. Why wait… and ah, why not… like this, what more trouble would there be to get into-? Right? [not thinking very logically…. getting wrapped up in own pleasure]
つ:nobody has to ever find out, and its only for Tanabata....
あ:Tries to focus… Slooowly… pushes hips forward… Like the- like… hump gesture… yeah… Pull hips back… move them forward…
つ:like the colored chicks and the masks, it'll go away after today, when the stalls disappear in the morning….
あ:An indulgence… like, as much as maybe mom or dad wouldn't like how much food you guys bought and ate really or, this and that, too many sweets… but who needs to know…
つ:tsukasa tries to keep up… take the hint, of pressure, as it pushes against lips, I'll kiss it into my mouth, again, then…..
あ:Catching up mentally for a sec like, ugh , wait, s. sex. SEX motions… mghh… shove.. ah, wanna do it… like, like TEENS do it, not tepid!! but n. but no, I could do it more…
つ:what is even the point of doing a risky thing carefully
あ:I could do it better [has nooo metric for what that would even mean]
つ:a risky thing. it's already a risk whether it's full force or weak, it's the same degree of risk, it's the same--! he could do it better than teens
あ:all this swirling around in his head… while he clutches at Tsukasa's face, two hands planted firmly. and bucks forward -- though.. for all the resolve, it's quite clumsy, he's not… thinking to make sure they're lined up. but it's probably entirely exciting for Tsukasa -- Amane seems so purposeful nonetheless
Cock kind of crushes against outside of lip, clumsily bumping up Scent is coating Tsukasa's skin…
つ:scent is so strong…. all he can smell anymore, the grass is gone, the festival booths are gone, the fried oil scent and the candied apple nearby, gone, nothing but this new fog….. pushing into his skull, vision blurring, it's like a steaming window inside of his head
exciting to be held, to be directed-- want to be directed.. please show me don't have to be polite while showing me, can always push me around, just want to know what to do, don't want to mess up, don't want to be called stupid….. want to do it well, make it nice, it's only for Tanabata
why did Amane want to know if I'd like it… it doesn't matter does this mean Amane is liking it?
so purposeful-- is it because-- he is frustrated, or, because it's good… these thoughts finally make tsukasa's throat make a small noise, which buzzes around amane
mysteriously… more overwhelming than usual, and he doesn't know why… the feeling of wanting to do something well, for Amane
the feeling of anxiety inside of him, is not unusual…. but it accosts him differently. pulling his chest a little… its like all the things that can't fit in his foggy hot brain are tangling in his chest with nowhere else to go
あ:Focused boy… just really thinking about… his performance. Ehmm, wanna be impressive… Shuffling about, adjusting his posture ever so slightly, trying to adjust how he's balancing his weight. Scuffing zori against the ground. Bump, bump… He has the looping gif of the teens in his head, though they're comically becoming less vivid in Amane's mind, like guff, like your brain can't retain too much about them. They've given you the information you need… becoming slippery in your mind… Just reduced to silhouettes, motions. But it's also being used to think about what the two of them must look like right now…
The idea of discretion is actually carelessly discarded, in favor of obsessing over how much their postures, everything, must undeniably resemble sex right now. Tantalizing. Looks just like it….
This is all occurring before Tsukasa makes a sound, I think. Because that sensation is a new thing to feel overwhelmed about -- vvv… vibrations…!!
BUz..z… buzzing…!! All around…!! Feels like Tsukasa hummed all throughout his body…!! it reverberates… creates a shiver, while he really leans on his tippy-toes. startling… but ah, sssso cool. [braindead] h.ttt..t. h… hot. hot hot. It's muffled, because… cock is in his mouth… blocking the sound…
Pat pat pat pat pat… Pets hair, dances hands all around. Uahhg.h….
つ:uueuueee hhhe feels excited, Amane, he doesn't move like that any other time….
WISH I KNEW WHAT INCREASING THE THING MEANT, how to do it more harder better…. doing something so cluelessly is difficult for Tsukasa!!! the feeling in the chest is so much!! like worms wriggling tickling his lungs and heart, hah, haaahhhhg.. whines again, like an overstimulated puppy
he likes it he likes it, right? not, , impatient because i'm-- too slow, it's because Amane is excited?? I don't wanna be quiet--!! pulling at his yukata…. mmm but i gotta be quiet… thats the only thing he told me
あ:Ugh… Amane is just soooo… pleased, on this evening, he's more open and receptive in ways. He's also just so young, and sexuality is so new… I think the end result is feeling like UAHHh uahhh i wish i could hug tsukasa right now. you're doing me such a favor lol-!!!
ah poor Tsukasa though… Even experienced adults can struggle during sex, and they have more communication going on….
つ:amane's role is simply to feel like god this is fucking awesome tsukasa is such a trooper i would not do this AOAUooo hmmmmmm
あ:your brother is no help… He thinks that, maybe you, somehow understood the noises were hot-? doing them more…? feelszzlzz goood hhghhgf.g…
つ:he really isn't getting grossed out and stopping
あ:shoves harder…
つ:can't help but make a sound in surprise, O-okoh, faster, or, d, deeper!! its nto deep enough-- ITS SUPPOSED TO BE IN ALL THE WAY, IS THAT IT? SWALLOWS TO BASE, closes the small gap until his face is pressed flush to amane's torso before him
あ:this is awesome > this is agony cock experience. but its still awesome. I think he comically was not going as 'deep' bc of like, already overwhelmed with it all. but mgngh but also oh god all the mouth… scrabbling, clawing hands grasping at Tsukasa and tugging at the fabric of his own yukata. Let's out his own whine… starts out quite strained, but is finally a sound that really escapes him. mirroring your overstimulated puppy status
really. coughs. slaps palm over own mouth for a sec.
あ:panting heavily into his own sweaty palm… feeling the way moisture just traps against…. feels like if you both peered at each other, you'd be… pleading eyeballs
つ:looks up so quickly with such thoughtless ferocity that Amane's cock pops clean out of his mouth with a noise that rivals the fireworks, then feels like AHH OH NO and immediately swallows it back down
あ:angh, [rub rub rub rubs own face]
つ:when your cock is small. it easily pops out and back in. such is the way of the little boy didnt think about that when you decided to have preteen sex
あ:I did not remember my baby cock.
hmm thinking… I kinda like the thought of like. amane genuinely starting to buckle so much it slike gdhf.gh. fumbles backwards to rest back against the back of a stall… or some sort of structure… but this is like a. [grabs tsukasa by the hair and moves him with me] deal
つ:need support oh god the blowjob has become dangerous and life threatening can 8 year olds die from blowjobs
あ:ahmm but you like the look… shoulders pressed back, legs more out.. chest rising and falling quickly
but i st. but i still push into mouth god help me continues whining. hiccups. maybe this is a way to die
つ:ah… agog… it. really looks like amane is…. feeling the same things….
i wish i could tell amane, that i like it and it feels good and he smells nice. can we talk now? he's talking. sortof . i want to let amane know!! I-- !!! [BRAZEN IDIOT WILLL] "Ahmah-- ne," cock drapes, drags, against his lower lip as it slips out, but he keeps it close, as close to it as he can, muffling just a little, "Ilike, it--feels, good! its good! you-- aha--!" aaouhh my head is so dizzy…. "I-- I like it, Amane!" he was worried he wouldn't, right? ah.. and tsukasa…. he wasn't even thinking about liking it, that wasn't … why…
あ:Watches on, feeling awed genuinely, at the look of it all, Tsu... Tsukasa just talking around, it, and ah, as it's out in the open air... it feels cooler, because it's wet... from Tsukasa's spit... Tsukasa's words pelt him, the tone makes him blink slowly. It takes longer to process what is being said
Tsukasa stopped to, breathlessly tell him that he liked it…? Mmh… Such a, such Tsukasa thing to do, really, get all caught up in the moment and stop what he's doing thoughtlessly. He's out of breath too… well, that makes sense, aha… Marvels as well, at the ways they feel similar. Tsukasa's face is flushed too… [reaches out and touches it compulsively] It's so much hotter than his palm… His bangs are sticking to his forehead from the sweat. The hair has gotten more ruffled, from all of Amane's grabbing and tousling… Looks fluffier… It's honestly, a messiness that suits him though. What a picture this is-! Framed by the pale of his yukata, so pristine by comparison, bright and light and delicate…
[exhales] this is, a safe space and also this Amane cannot read the commentary. but i think you could describe him as feeling something like, love struck… ugh, but he's really feeling it all, you know!! A night with your best friend. It's like fireworks in your chest!! And then getting to do something like THIS, this thrilling, and, Tsukasa likes it… ahahah…
laughs aloud. Aha….! Offvvv. Of course-! you do…
eyes squinch I was overthinking it….
つ:its simple, finally the familiar feeling of comfort comes into play, just hearing him talk as simply and directly as always....
あ:mm mmm…. crouches! touches foreheads rubs… back and forth
つ:LEAAANSS!! M!!!! "Amane….!"
あ:"… haha. You smell like me." [voice low]
つ:>:o "I DO!!"
あ:"It's weird…"
つ:"its really strong" "its everywhere"
あ:…………………………………… [closes eyes.]
つ:[dumbly] "it all smells more right now." [beams, pleasantly]
あ:"You're smelly too." defensive. "It's hot out." what do you want from me!!!
つ:"I am?! oh."
あ:"Yeah. I can smell you alot." [inhales.] [gets. dizzy.]
つ:"I can't tell." "I can only smell you"
あ:imagine he tucked his face closer to like, crook of neck to whiff
つ:stiffens a little at being sniffened like a dog at a dog park
あ:"Well, I'm letting you know, your stink is in there too."
つ:ah. well. brazenly nuzzles against Amane's cock, because there's no reason not to. feeling so pleasant. I like that Amane said he could smell himself on me… mmmm…. mmm i want. smell….
あ:cough cough ahghh ahckg hacl hakc
つ:as amane is crouching the idea of getting even lower to do this is funny tbh
あ:you duck between his legs like a cartoon ostritch
the way the dynamic simply seamlessly continues. even if you make me horny sighs. but like gets back upright pat pat.
つ:its just tsukasa…… amane while he isn't literally immediately experiencing the blowjob: it's no big deal amane in 2 sevonds experiencing the blowjob: AHAOUEUGOHGG
あ:OOO UUHE AHHH OUHGHH ouhghh eve six. somehow haughtily is just like eh whatever…. Oh it's just messing around. like whatever.
つ:tsukasa is just having his simple little good time isn't he…. hehe
ah but so pleased to have talking confirmed okay…. "Amane..!" nuzzle, nuzzle ahhh anxiety gone resolved amane… love meeeee, happy with me, playful, we are having fun
あ:rubs your shoulders "Tsukasa." curtly.
あ:[tilts head.]
つ:why things feel different right now is an enigma….!
あ:"…? Tsukasa…? You… okay?"
つ:laughs, breathily, "uh huh! un" paws at Amane's yukata… "I wish it was OK to do this at times other than a festival." matter of fact
あ:[looks at you with immense pity] [but then the concept like stirs around in his skull and a tumbleweed blows through amane's brain] opens mouth closes mouth opens mouth
つ:tsukasa thinks but oh well, and licks your cock
あ:aghh fh oh not again
Tsukasa you don't know this but that's actually well played. i think amane was just going to be enigmatic and quiet but feeling tongue on cock again is like ohg of hgjfkd
"Ahhgh mmmmaybe wec an just get good at sneakingg" like oh my god im not ready to leave it "It'ss hgjust gotta be a secret"
つ:mouth is hung open w cock resting on tongue, tsukasa doesn't understand what he is quite hearing. hm?
つ:….. …. "ih-- duhn't havf be , fessval….?"
あ:"Maybe there's other eventssor….g h…." [feeling like lungs are filling up with water] "or….f fffff….. no one sns… home….?" [bumps hips]
つ:for the first time of this event simply holds amane's cock with his hand like he's never thought of this, to lift it a little away but. ilke keep it. warM? held? odd impulse and not thinking about it
ah, he bumps into tsukasa's hand…. wah, the skin movement, felt it there--! so interesting
あ:simply keeps dipping in and out of Tsukasa's palm, even as he is trying to pause
つ:…. "… we can do it at home?" wide-eyed, head tilting. hand pumps a few times on sheer instinct
あ:"Mhm mh mhmh" voice gets unflatteringly high. OH ANYHT GUIHNF stamps feets
つ:"really????" pumps cluelessly, its like momentum more than conscious action at all
あ:"Un, un, home… at home wh. i m. ah. if we're alone and…" [eyes rolling] "I dunnno maybe w'ell just get good at it..g…h…" teeth chattering holds tongue between teeth pads out the motion
つ:ouuhhhg also feeling gassed by this..a aaouuhh…..? gets… visibly dizzied "good at it… I wanna be good at it…." wobbling a little "for Amane…."
turns… back to his cock in his hand, thinking about this simple phrase, which is satisfying to think about…. ah, a skill… something to do, beyond just… existing, with Amane, something he could practice…. that Amane wanted to do, mentioned, first….
Amane really seems to like it… I don't see him like this….. it's so different. it doesn't have to be just Tanabata….? thats so much to think about….
あ:"You…" swallows, squeezes eyes tightly, before opening them, and they're less hazed and lost but more… focused, suddenly, affixed. Staring down at him. Thoughts were swirling, trying to conceptualize… variables of, house, home, hours? School… time alone? Parents? How does it all come together…
But-- it all gets knocked out, hearing that reply. Squints… "Tsukasa." swallows again, licks teeth. "You… you'd really like that…?" voice getting quiet. "This…" punctuates, sliding in and out of hand…
つ:mmmmezmerizing…. looks at hand like oh i didn't know i was doing this. whoa whats going on here. watches wetness bead out… leans forward to lick it on instinct, just as he would tears
あ:breath quickens… sounds like he's hyperventilating…
つ:doesn't taste too dissimilar from tears….. saltiness…..
ah, distracted by the taste hitting and buzzing brain/tastebuds, so he forgets a question was asked, falling out of time, instead getting back to putting it in his mouth, thinking: wait, its supposed to be mouth…
i got distracted talking… supposed to…. do this, right now
becomes very focused, for the first time in all of this, for some reason. perhaps doing a few pumps taught his hindbrain something intuitive. bobs on his own, over it, in-out
fingers still wrapped around the base a bit, but more out of thoughtlessness-- like holding something while you leave the room unnecessarily….
brain is…. leaving…..
i really wanna be good at something. for Amane i really want to be good at this, if he likes it
あ:It's just so easy to derail one another, mutually. It's all so pressing and distracting, isn't it? Watching Tsukasa's mouth enclose around it, the motions, feeling… graceful…. Stomach-turning kind of grace… It looks natural. ah, it's pretty….
Isn't it weird to think… pretty… But, ah, what about it isn't pretty…. Like the yukata… It's made of nice fabric, print… Our shared face, there's nothing wrong with that… Look at it, all day, don't we.
つ:its the serene devotion emanating
あ:Having focused more, Amane's able to drink in more details… The concentration… the lack of hesitation… … there's no way the people earlier were experiencing something like this, actually… [becoming strangely certain…]
つ:probably just some . fffucking…. stupid teens, barely know each other barely doing anythin,g, barely wanting it
あ:What, some classmates? If, even that
つ:no way. no way she. told him shelikes it no way
あ:She couldn't have looked so into it. Must've felt like a chore… her mouth would just get tired and… that'd be that…
They aren't going to go home, to the same house, at the end of the day. They're not going to take a bath together.
つ:they are not in matching yukatas amane i assure you that
あ:[exhaling] "You really do. You just do like it…" muttering… fills in the blanks himself…
つ:humms in reply… feeling serene being told a plain fact
ah, i do like to think it's… somehow become bizarrely graceful bobbing. hit a stride… reached pure bliss
あ:"If you could do it more… you'd do that?" ah, squeezes pea. mnn wait ugh… "For me? Like you said…."
つ:comprehend the rhythm-- motions-- experienced it enough, subconsciuosly logged it
あ:ugh, chest squeezes to see…
Unfiltered admiration… It's, it's impressive. Tsukasa is being impressive. Fff… feels good… ahh… teeth what to chatter, feel overwhelmed. Tingling all across the skin.
つ:humms... "for Ahmma-ne"..... thinking the words to self. ah, feels good to do things for Amane.... swirls tongue around
あ:Chases after, trying to sync rhythm with own motions now… though, they're understated, slow pumps… He's trying to not lose his thoughts. Though, what comes out is less… thoughtful than he means
"It'd have to be for me. Like this. Iiii. I wouldn't wanna do, what you're doing." huffs…. "- ssso… you'd have to keep doing it…" "Like this…"
つ:ah can barely understand but is a dizzy mess and nods obediently. heard 'you'd have to keep doing it like this' and that sinks in. feels like a bell rung.
あ:presses palm heavily against one of his eyes
つ:wants me to do something....
あ:… can't help but get severe, suddenly… "If we do this, you couldn't back out. O-kay. It ff… itffffeeels really good, it wouldn't be fair. You can't. Say you're gonna and then… change your mind…"
Muttering under breath at times, rubbing own mouth. it's not liable that tsukasa will hear or understand all of it, but Amane is moreso talking to himself
つ:its so high concept. its unthinkable for tsukasa to even consider the imaginary concept of changing his mind or backing out
あ:"Seriously…" sucks in saliva. "If this is… going to happen outside of Tanabata…" still struggling with such a thought. looks down. "It's only fair…" huffs. "You're." huffs…. h-hhaha…? "You're."
"You're already good at it…" losing. faculties.
つ:aaoaooguooououououawo whiiiines WANNA BE GOOD A T SOMETHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
あ:heep…. eyes roll back again -- do eyes DO that this often?? feels like they are spinning… can't- can't even control them… do they just DO that… what the hell… why would your eyes do stuff…
つ:ahhh overstimulated but determined to not stop but struggliiiiingggg, whines.... whiiiines
あ:Starting to open-mouthed pant…
つ:aahhh good at it. . not only for tanabata. going to be good at something. pppraised. aahhhhh please
あ:Ohhm… he's freaking 8 years old…
"Tss…. tsu.. tsukasaa…." whines back… parallel… IT'S OVERWHELMING, WE'RE ALL OVERSTIMULATED ACTUALLY BY THE THOUGHTS. feels a LITTLE nauseaous. but also it's the. feeling close. to coming. antsy.
degrading into just whining… back and forth. ahhh name is, love to, hear it, like this, why?? what does it mean, if amane whines it? mm nn no, wait, ah I'm whining rn, ah… didn't notice, oh, it's the same feeling again….
there's. no way amane feels like this….. the same, really?! nnn.. bbbut he's the one saying good things. whiiiness
to tsukasa he's, on the better end of things. spoiled here praised, played with, tasting smelling so much…. a dream
あ:There are ways it feels like a whoole experience surely, hard to imagine what Amane is getting out of it, by contrast… Not being talked through the experience or pet…
あ:But that's just the bias, feeling like Amane is all enchanting… on Amane's end I think at this point Tsukasa is lke scary, my scarily capable and sexually potent otouto actually, i'm starting to preemptively feel afraid at the thought of experiencing a taste of this and somehow this not going well later. DON'T YOU DO THIS TO ME. THIS IS RUINING ME AND IF EEL IT SO HELP ME…
I think it'd be cute actually if he came while rushing to cover his own face… hide… and then also immediately FALL. slide down to the ground. lays on the ground like a rabbit shot with an arrow bleeding out
つ:tsukasa would be so shocked by fluid and dealing with that WHOA if its dry though its like what is happening i dont know excessive twitching and squeezing and then amane dying
あ:one likes either option… romantic first fluid nut on tanabata
あ:ohhhh ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the moon and stars
つ:either way its like its suddenly become more alive than ever which is startling and slightly scary. like its doing everything. then spits in his mouth then just slips clean out as Amane flies away to the ground
left on hands and knees processing liquid in mouth, dripping down chin….. takes a second before moving it around with tongue, feeling odd thickness to it, no idea what it is at all, spit? it spit in me? it did something…..
kiss me… back? i drool all over it it drooled in me
あ:whoa. so mysterious feeling bodies can do so much
つ:uhm uhm… swallows it.
あ:amane is kind of writhing. i think the mania is also getting to him like thrashes kicks legs
つ:licks lips. looking like birthday table boy swallowing licking and then looqing
あ:hmmm. this is one of those. like. post nuts that just isnt graceful. GROANS AND KICKS. and moans. OHGHHGH
つ:watching amane like a very interesting bug. whoa
つ:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW WE'RE REALLY NOT BEING QUIET ANYMORE
あ:rolls over and rips up grass claws at the dirt
つ:blinks. whoa! "whoa….."
あ:somehow im thinking about him getting up though and looking at tsukasa like. flushed. panting. about to cry. and yet menacing. "YOU'RE going to keep doing that later."
あ:[closes eyes] "Good." keels over again
つ:[stupid] "…. do you want more now?"
あ:hm……. "I w…" [quiet] "………. yeah………….. b-but."
つ:crawls towards accidentally menacingly
あ:HIEHYGF crawling backwards like its a zombie movie MATTE MATTE matte matte matte ahh nnn TSUKASA!!!
つ:tilts head. why go
あ:My st. my tu… my tummy hurts. w.. wait!!! wait aminute
あ:and my… **** feels sore.
つ:!! ah!!
あ:[holds hand over it like its a wound] s…. so… not right now…
つ:IT SPAT something at me, is that 'cuz it got hurt??
あ:…………………….. I GUESS? [RUBS FACE] chigau.
It um… [i dont fucking know the science of come.] It did the thing Cuz it felt really good, actually. Umm… Like.
Well it was all good. [serious.] but that part.. um… [looks around] like.. LIKE!! like the "pop" [hands close and open] part of the firework
あ:… it felt like… it felt like that… I think… even the.. the part like.. up up up… going higher… [frazzled, ruffling own hair] like, uh… yeah… and then… pwhhh…
つ:[listening to attentively]
あ:[wiggles fingers]
つ:…… oh its a thing you can do too much. like eating or running. or something. are you tired?
あ:………… nods.
つ:we could go home now
あ:… aren't you tired…
あ:… Your mouth isnt tired…?
つ:[WIDE AWAKE] [sortof. testing jaw out. messing with it] …. no!?
あ:mh. [… well then i wont feel bad about anything wtf…] Sure… okay, then. Let's just go home. =,= ……………………………………………… i wanna bath….
つ:beamssssss we'll take a bath!!!!
あ:you run it…. [yawns] saying this and dusting self off… settling things back in place.. ah, but mindlessly hold hands at the end of it all
つ:as we always do. walk home hand in hand
あ:Gonna sleepily slump on tsukasa in da tub Gonna be like mghh tsukasa….. Get me… a snack… Before bed… fetch
つ:he will be so fetcheth you things master. and amane will feel so justified the penis incantations i have been weakened. tsukasa is fine. i almost died. inch of my life out there on the grass
あ:You got allll hot and sexy sucking coxk for no reason and it almost killed me. i need to learn to forgive you for that
つ:Tsukasa: [laying on tummy, idly asking after a few sessions] does it really feel good for Amane…. ?
Amane: of course it does [annoyed]… it's you who's the confusing one… [defensive] what do you even get out of it…
Tsukasa: ? you pet me and tell me i did it good, i always like that!
Amane: [got so horny hearing that he got nauseous-- yeah you like that, don't y-- but then recovered quickly and doesn't like the statement anymore, in a pragmatic way] is it really like anything then? for you? it's not different? [sortof … a little reserved about this… suddenly like: wait I…. maybe don't like it if Tsukasa isn't horny whatsoever and its just me]
Tsukasa: …. [no mouth] no its different from stuff [no idea how]
Amane: ok. it feels different, right. but how. I'm not touching you. you know?
Tsukasa: no, you pet me [literal]
Amane: NO-- I mean. y. [sighs] okay … do you… does it feel like… [realizes this takes more.. braincells, to talk about. and that he has a real question in his heart right now! how to tackle it…] [clutches…. own shirt] like here… it goes fast [heart] … and. it's hard to breathe…
Tsukasa: [mystified that Amane is confirming, aloud, the synchronous feelings] hai….
Amane: [nods] and… its. tingly. All. over.
Tsukasa: IT IS TINGLY!
Amane: [doesn't like this conversation but does] [you dont' like Tsukasa Not being horny and you also don't like him being confirmed horny.] yeah, and. and it's different. it's different. uhm. its even different-- hearing. listening. to. uh. each other. like- like, say, names….
Tsukasa: whoa, you're right. [staring at nothing]
Amane: [also staring at nothing] yeah. [shakes head, knocks out of it] wait, so you really feel that stuff? just doing it? I thought it was just, what you did to me that made me feel that. I don't get it.
Tsukasa: why not?
Amane: [frustrated] its like if-- I ate a sandwich and YOU got full! or something! like why would that happen? m- [struggling] my body. feels new. and weird things. 'cuz of. you know. you're. touching it.
Tsukasa: mhm.
Amane: but why would just you touching it make you feel weird
Tsukasa: I dunno. It's special?
Amane: [flinches. mrngh ugh no… lame, to say that. ew] I guess…
Tsukasa: [simply] I've never heard you make noises like that. Or look like that
Amane: [feels called out] you make new noises, too…. [defensive]..
Tsukasa: [oh true, the whining is so new-feeling] do you like them?
Amane: ………………….. [puts a pillow over Tsukasa's head] [has no pupils or mouth]
just like thing in my brain last nite/this morning the way convos could be so casual and so stupid is funny to me, the charm of being way too familiar
あ:kawaii… Whimsically I was enjoying the thought of, like later just getting to rap about stuff, talk about the details i was thinking of Amane just being like. so……….. what's it. taste like. [uncontrollably curious] Like… is it just, whatever. is it neutral. or is it a little ah.. weird but…. like Tsukasa just is good at working past that.. or.
つ:Tsukasa the world's biggest freak: oh it reminds me of your tears! but its a lil different [touches finger to lip] bi..tter? like… [thinking] … tea? [thinking] if you put tea and sweat and crying together ina cup
あ:LOOKS………………….. [but says nothing.]
so if you put all of those in a cup, you would drink that.
つ:if Amane wanted me to
あ:oh one of those moments where Amane just pities you. like, Tsukasa… clicks tongue
I worry about you, you know. [holds your face condescendingly though]
Would you really drink anything if I made you. [going to get horny about the sureness of tsukasa's reply]
あ:ooooooooooooooooooooh youve made me so. [redacted]
I was really enjoying thinking of the immediate aftermath of this sitch where. They have almost like an entirely normal night and Amane passes out so hard snzzzzz…. And we just fall into our routine so normally it's like w/e, we have breakfast, oh another day. Like Amane's brain just suspends from the events and you're just eating dinner with your parents. I actually was kind of thinking about, like a whole 2 days passes by or something, a lot of time just doing normal stuff. but then you're both alone in your room and you process your parents went to do some errand, or you're not going to be really bothered for hours, and it's like …………………………………. [the room darkens]
Looks around
つ:darkness descends upon you
あ:Sensing… opportunity its like ah god i wasn. i wasnt really thinking about it
つ:you have blowjob vessel with you at all times
あ:Tsukasa innocently fiddling with some toy has a plastic dinosaur wordlessly walk up to and be like. tug tug. but after this it's really like the cumrotting. OHH ITS JUST SO EASY!!!
つ:for tsukasa it is also like oh fell out of my head haven't been sminking about it but its like-- THE SMELL is back
whoa i can just smell it again. though i do like to think after blowjob tsukasa is suddenly vaguely atuned to cocksmell wafts when they happen. like you guys get into the bed and the sheets plume as they do and youre like snf.
あ:There's a good smell here :) I'm sure it's just ilke a-ah… there it is…! It actually exists normally, I just didn't know that was the smell…
つ:now i recognize a new color
あ:And the world. became a little MORE special of a place.
あ:I actually had a bunch of miscellaneous thoughts within this scenario… like, random little conversations where Amane is curious what Tsukasa is experiencing/feeling, but also since the "nut and keep sucking" experience is on my mind, thinking about Amane dealing w frustrations of penis limits. feeling like, but i want it more and longer. trying to overcome this. it's also like, he doesnt like feeling as though someone Tsukasa has more stamina, it's always me prying Tsukasa off… huff huff. [want to be impressive]
Just bemoaning to Tsukasa outright, about wishing it could last longer. which could be interesting for Tsukasa to hear bc. [memories of Amane ripping him off abruptly] its just interesting these desires could exist, conflictingly
つ:oh. then why do you pull me off. sortof mindset about it
あ:[finger to mouth innocently] Especially when its like. pries off. AND. is like. dont touch me ouhh dont lay on me
Amane both petulantly, flippanyly huffing about wanting this outside of it happening, but then also agonized whining for it during… Much for Tsukasa to digest
Tsukasa, who always wants Amane to get what he wants. like hueue…. how do i halp…
つ:its like awe… what do do i keep going or not…..
あ:Which Amane do I listen to…😰 But one day Amane just humbles himself and tasks you with a mission Sits on my knees in front of you we are facing each other sitting
つ:tsukasa listening to this like. hmm…. so. I listen, to the Amane, now but I don't listen to the Amane, later. but what if the Amane later wants me to listen to him….?
あ:Like Amane is underestimating his own reaction here I'll just power through it I'll just…. want it
つ:when the time comes he's going to get scared when tsukasa doesn't stop easily and does indeed just bare down and continue
あ:The resistance. It can be scary We make, some new noises today
Thinking about the Amane tasking Tsukasa with this like. Trying to emphasize, like, we'll just experiment. I wanna see what it feels like… maybe we could just make it last a bit longer… I'll just like… try and focus. But if you're not tired, you should just keep at it [not expecting to tear up from fear]
つ:brain is like nOOO I'M UNDER ATTACK HELP!!
あ:you cave and are just like ST. STOP!!! STOP!!!
I actually like the dramatics of saying "stop" and "no" aloud its really ilke. well its the part where its noncon
i think it would be interesting whether or not tsukasa listens… like i think it's cute if he's just so good boy brain and like :< about it and does let up… but then you have amane meditate on it and is like. wait. no. i mean. i thibk. i think we're ontos oemthing [hand over mouth, thinking]
つ:i imagine the first 'try' tsukasa doesn'thave the werewithal to continue ignoring once he keeps pulling and asknig stop and sounding upset
maybe only lasts a little while… then is just like…. amane….. do you really want me to stop….. i know what you said before….
あ:He's just so programmed to listen…. er, and, I mean, the second Tsukasa lets up, amane will shove him awayand pull his hips back like. >_< [wheeze] So… its not like… reassuring at first
つ:just be like.. mm. p. pets. pets. you… did it good…. tsukasa [straining] uhm, i just wanted to. uh feel it. right its … hard…
あ:mutter an apology. its like. sorry… its confusing…. but you were doing what you were supposed to
つ:you just want to do what I say, don't you…… 💭I… need to get better.. at not saying…. no, or stop….
あ:See i like the thought of Amane having to problem solve actually you meditate on it… it was an educational experience
Actually i think a babystep could be like… just… staying completely still… and letting it rest in Tsukasa's mouth… we just breathe here
Maybe if we go… reeeally reeeeeeally slowly…. but I think this is more soothing for Tsukasa as well, like. just getting pet repeatedly. Amane can have more mental faculties to be like. [swallowing] "um, you're doing fine…"
つ:when he starts hissing and flinching, having a mind to pet
あ:Maybe you still just have to tap out, but you feel better about how far you got… crawls over and just nuzzles
… without all the primal terror… you can report that this time it was um um… interesting… it's, it's nice, it's.. intense but. like… feels good still….. It was better that time…
つ:fidgeting. I like that it lasted a .. a long time. tsukasa is just wigglewiggle uuuu ah good…. did it good…
あ:[quietly] It's fun.
つ:I'LL DO IT AS LONG AS YOU WANT! we'll get really good at it!! we'll do it for hours! I know you can, Amane! if you want it you're good at difficult stuff
あ:chokes coughs blood spiritually. ohhh you think i can be your little blowjob champ get real good at getting a blowjob. help
つ:a part of amane like . we shouldn't ought have hadsex at the tanabata
あ:I have a feeling it was a mistake.
あ:I think this is why. People don't have sex. With their siblings It's too easy, isn't it Teens need… to sneak out of the house to do it It must be good for you. Growing up
つ:to have to wait for the festival times and then to sneak theres gonna be a day. in the middle of the night amane is like. wait it could happen now. if we're quiet
あ:That's when you'll really be broken I also feel like. when you discover. just pantomime. its over part 2 invent humping. uahhhhhhh [brain disintegraets]
つ:ahh i was thinking about inventing humping… to one day be like. tsukasa. there's something else we can… do. like what we've been doing. something. teens typically do if we're already doing this…. i figure why not…. if we don't like it. we just won't try it again
あ:Scuffs shoe It's whatever you know. Just. We'll take our temperature on this
[the air increases humidity as you both feel the, like vibe of 'marking property' that humping gives]
つ:something neither of you can begin to articulate, to yourselves or each other. amane would see it as simply a physical transaction-- like the BJ, it's just about acquiring a sensation and being horny….
there's some subtle feelings of ownership to a BJ, but not too much, and its easy to handwave, I feel.
あ:The ahh part where, cock makes you weak, a blowjob makes you feel. weak.
being so young and tender too, you're more often just whimpering and clinging while getting sucked off
つ:it's the act of it all, you cant have many thoughts during.
あ:it can often feeeeel like tsukasa is just doing you a favor…
つ:he is fanning you with a big leaf now and again
when you get into…. baring down on Tsukasa…. grabbing him in place, squeezing him steady, pushing him against the floor, humping….. it feels… different….. and tsukasa feels it, too. it's just… visceral. forceful.
あ:It is simply different to… grab, move, squeeze, shove against Tsukasa's whole body… pin him against a surface… You're also more ah, coherent. for it
In the first place, I think instructing Tsukasa to get into position already feels like "."
つ:face away from being the logical first attempts.. lets not make this awkward
amane also like. fidgeting. look. if you dont like it-- or wahtever-- just. tell me later okay. and don't. laugh or…. I'll do something
あ:Eheh yes, especially since we're trial running… Can't deal with Tsukasa having his very focused little pinpricks. dont look
つ:I don't want you to talk. just-- put up with it. for. this first time.
so awkwardly…. having tsukasa maybe palms against a wall. standing or on knees, i wonder…. but its comforting to have tsukasa pressed to something, so he really can't move much….
あ:I like the vibe of against a wall Let me… approach this
つ:holds.. hips hips. i imagine it would be like… mmm… awkward. just looking, thinking. but actually starting is like. ffffine ok ok here i go uhm. just. does it
grabs. bumps against… more uh, cartoonishly at first pull to, and away from not knowing the actual hip-movement
あ:A lot of it just feels awkward and, like "is this anything"… is it going to feel like anything, for either of us.. but some part of you vaguely is like, interested, seeking something. so…. persist
Kawaii. like approximations it really takes a second to figure out how. like. to get a rhythm It can feel sort of wrong… like… isn't it smoother… it should just be like. bump bump bump
End up feeling like, it was essential to instruct Tsukasa to not look or say anything. Feel like he would turn around and leave , to be interrupted rn
But mm… I believe in Tsukasa's gracefulness and , also eagerness, just going to be receptive and quiet. Maybe wiggle… Whatever Amane is doing is interesting
つ:bumpbumpbump.. it feels interesting… more of his body is involved in this….. can feel that thang up against him. amane wants to rub it places….
あ:It is interesting to feel it like this. Something you've been getting familiar with Can't see it but know it…
I think any sort of… like, receptive, or playful sort of wiggle/sway from Tsukasa is good incentive. it ah. make you horny to feel/see [grips tighter]
… it's all… not nothing… I always think the way a curved spine contours very artfully against the chest, when you're looming from behind. it feels so neat. like ah, bodies… its nice to rest your face against shoulders/back too…
つ:i like to think of amane getting an increasing urge to press closer…. pull harder… at first being sortof like, ah, at a distance-- more similar to like, how we casually hump at fridge
bump. bump…. not wanting to immediately be too overinvested, a reserved amount of involvement like if you did just this and felt really embarrassed you could just, forget about it…
あ:Uhuhm… noncommittal enough. not even holding onto Tsukasa that firmly or anythin…
Light pressure. just ah, getting a feel for the territory but as a result it's cute, the spike of interest and intensity…
thinking about him really leaning face against and rubbing between shoulders. i always feel like this is just comforting. inhale Traps hot breff against Tsukasa's back
つ:feels tsukasa shudder from the breath and feels sadistic
あ:Man when I remember how little self control we had before though. how much it felt like goootttta do it... gotta hump until we're sore
つ:my creep goosebumps are manifesting m.mmm
oh yeaaahh babyyy. my spine and his muscles and hips.. unlike BJ you can really hump for a long time, especially if you dont really have apointed goal to it and aren't coming….
あ:Oh you can feel like such a creep all loomed from behind. tbh the quality where you can't see the other's expression….
つ:first session could get pretty ribbled and last a long time.. despite the start. wrap arms around his waist. really make him feel like. fklsgjlfh….
oh, this one really involves more than, just my mouth or something….. if the other thing is a kind of kiss, this is like a kind of hug
あ:oughh. the way you see the world but youre not wrong
つ:more firm…. shallow… quicker humps. i dont need to pull away all the way, he thinks… ah, its like the BJ…. its nice to do it shallow and stuff…. it doesnt have to go in-out full length every time….
あ:Sometimes doing staying really close and against is nice… mm…
つ:… but it is fun sometimes….. mmm… experiments with shallow, short humps close to tsukasa's body… then pulling away, holding him by a hip at more distance, and slamming into
あ:Really exploring the territory hmm i fjsdgh i do think it's just easier to feel like. egotistical about it. maybe its hard to leave it due to this as well
つ:stands still. like ah hm, wait a minute... he moves his head to me sometimes.... hmmm.. grabs tsukasa and pulls HIM towards, but keeps himself still.. moves tsukasa to his hips. brain pops fizzles
あ:Drags you upons… the collision can feel so dramatic!! impact…
つ:tsukasa himself easily sorta wobbly and not sure wtf is happening, trying to stay steady, has to get a better stands on the ground to not be shaken
あ:All the partition of clothes and stuff really helps keep it from being as, overwhelming and raw as a bj. but still very satisfying
つ:amane can see the utility of it all…. that you can be harsher, and the 'target' is so broad, its not like trying to aim for mouth… so you can really pull away, and pull back, and slam….
it all feed into itself though-- doing this like. mmm but i should try to do some slam with the other thing too, can't i do some…. not exactly like this, but…. more than I have
あ:Getting more comfortable and aware of yourself. yabai
つ:[pulls tsukasa over harshly a few times repeatedly, until tsukasa is panting trying to stay steady, and jostled] Amane, despite being the one requesting silence as always, is like…… [way too careless, because he expects how tsukasa will answer, by now] you really don't mind even if it's so rough?
shakes his head. he's try to be GOOD BOY UNLIKE YOU and was told to be quiet again…
[sneering behind him] can I get even rougher. [knows how you willl answer but wants to fuck with you] …. tsukasa nods, of course
あ:He is shitty like that
つ:horrible brain: i will make you regret agreeing so easily
あ:Maybe you should think twice. sticks tongue out
つ:finally a situation where maybe i can make tsukasa blanch first really awful harsh slamming repeatedly awful porno manuevers and he's amane, so he really can be tongue out THIS . HO
あ:Making Tsukasa pant is exciting… any involuntary sounds made are, like. It makes Amane feel like he "won" =,= he sucks
つ:little stops and hiccups and ah-- hhg--khk-- scritch scritch, feet unstable on the floor hands scratching the wall….
あ:Squeezes your middle so hard you squeak… and so on fucking. he's amane also so. he laughs
つ:tsukasa is . very surprised just by all the-- roughness. amane isn't really such a… ah, he's not your, jock brother in such a way, you know, he's not like headlocking you or something….
he's not. wrestling you to the ground typically…you have your little games, and when younger you had some rowdy ones, but…. he's not a frat boy! he's not usually just. i mean hitting you or something. just slamming is wild!
tsukasa thinking… so he wants to be rough….? he wants to be this rough….?
あ:We're.. weird little guys, we're typically sentimental and hand-holdy, the familiarity just lends to some playfulness, but… I think even the rougher rowdier games were under the pretense of, some RP or imaginative play. we're at most liable to get wily in the pool or something
I think the lack of proxies is really interesting… it means, Amane, just wants to be rough with, Tsukasa so Tsukasa has to process…. you want to do that to me…? He wants to hear me make these sounds…?
つ:its all so. very blank while this is all going on. despite panting physically mouth open stares at the wall
あ:… I think it's uniquely overwhelming for Tsukasa to process…. simply because it is not typical of Amane to do this… Like mnn… because it's not just in his general nature to be aggressive like that. What is this… [radio static]
つ:i think it would be really funny if Amane was having fun being really gnasty tongue sticking out snarling a corner of his lip slamming tsukasa and then unexpectedly comes and is like. stills.
forgor it could happen. didn't. wasnt trying dont feel strong anymore
あ:How do you play this off You feel the come leaking down your leg
つ:going from crushing it to just still is incriminating
あ:the wet spot. its just like. i mean theres no good options bc weakly bumping and then being like hue is also like. i think tsukasa understands What happened
You simply linger. still. hand on tsukasa. and then cough. [jenny's awkward christian grey voice] Well, that was great. (edited)
つ:maybe its just like. walks. away. goes to bathroom to like. handle this. like. wipe cock down just came all over yourself. its just. covering your cock in your shorts. soaking
sssmmmmallest spot of soaked-thru come on tsukasa…. he simply rubs his hand against the spot and brings it to his nose while amane is gone, licks it tooo…. like ah. it is the stuff.
あ:incriminating… It's interesting to think, that even without umm… mouth stuff… wetness… it could happen just force… rubbing against…
つ:he liked it as much as the other thing…..
a dokis moment alone against the wall still, unsure also if he should move or not.. its cute for amane to come back in and tsukasa has not moved an inch.
dokis of. ah he-- mm… we'll do this more, then… if he liked it.. we might start doing this too…. regularly… whenever we can…
あ:[gets dizzy]
つ:and... if we dont have to take off any clothes or, get anything out...... that seems easy
あ:[rubs face.]
つ:really don't understand his own feefee, but it's the odd ownership feeling of it… feeling, branded… roughed with treated like his… just can't have that thought formed, yet
あ:This stage where everything is just percolating…
Ah for the humble little Tsukasa I think there are dokis to be had, also, at like -- oh, yay, another thing I can do… that Amane likes… two whole things. a frog in a well like me… maybe feel a little spoilt. How did I get here…
つ:and, uhmmm it was my, suggestion sortof in the firstplace… that we could do it… so….
あ:._. me do something good 👉👈💦…
つ:i do think dryhumping is a new problem eventually, but at least at first maybe amane is a little like. avoidant of doing it again for a Second
like i. cant think about how i was there immediately >> whyd i come so hard so suddenly
あ:It's kind of embarrassing. To reflect on.
つ:and you gotta come back into the room and be like-- … tsukasa…. tugs pulls him away from the wall its over, tsukasa…
you. [through teeth] did good… pets…. ruffles hair.
あ:Trying to balance, wanting to breeze past this/move on but affirm it was good >> Like ah. that was good. maybe it's something we can do together, too. Oh uh, you can talk. now.
つ:[EXHALES LOUDLY AS IF HE WAS HOLDING BREATH] turns around and beams at Amane
あ:[looking put off] ….
つ:...... [OPENS MOUTH WIDELY] [has nothing coherent to say immediately] [looks around] [thinks so hard]
あ:............................................................. [im choosing to not be mean.... so i wont tell him to actually be quiet again....]
つ:HOLDS amane's hand in both of us suddenly it-- was-- fun! really fun! [SHAKES HAND AROUND]
あ:[resigned] Mhm…. [sigh] Good to hear you had fun. [but like… stretches leggy out] It was… interesting. [kinda kickin leg out, crosses it behind other] It gave me… ideas~ ^^
あ:[feeling smug again finally] So, look forward to.. the future~ [tongue sticky outy face]
this does feel like. its time for sadist brother to percolate thinking about. fucking you hard. sorry here it comes
つ:going to dream about slam now that i know the slam going to bleed this into the BJ stuff its like. but tsukasa has been such a good sport. and he doesn't. mind so. why should I… hold back
あ:going to treat you worse during it
つ:start really moving tsukasa's head forcefully. get more creative with positions.
あ:if tsukasa likes it so much…. really. grab by the hair. freely move you over cock the… objectification
つ:like moving over top of m.
あ:Hm the appeal of this scenario is like watching Amane like, real-time evolve into horrible pervert naturally as he gets more confident and acts rougher its like… gets more talkative during.. starts. dirtytalking. im sorry tsukasa.
あ:Like oh. he's saying so much Since this stuff started so 🤐 its … an unexpected shift but also its like wjfdgjhf when the dialogue is like [warped voice] you like that don't you, you little
つ:oh its all gonna be. tell me you like it. wanna do it. more tell me don't you wanna do this for hours?
あ:I can tell you're thinking it [out of breath]
つ:you like it more than you can say. i can tell. cuz of how you. hhlook at me
あ:you should tell me though. how you want it. don't you think i should hear it. it's just you and me here. why hold back
つ:LIhkKE-- [Amane hooking a thumb in his mouth to make it harder to talk. kind of just as a bullying thing. coming out.]
あ:hooking thumb in mouth, tilting head side to side
つ:Wannit! Wanna-- lihkk-tt do it! aaahahaaa.. I liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiike… I lliiiiiiiiike when… Amane…. ♥ isssz, rrrough, haha like this… he's rougher when we do this, you don't hold back
あ:Mmm oh he loves to hear it…. it's just like [nastily] That's right The way you are means, I don't have to hhold back. at all! aha You're easy like that
つ:I want, to be the person Amane neeverr holds back with.... [dazed, out of it...]
あ:Hahaha… hahah, aww, Tsukasa… [mock scandalized tone] You want to be special-? You want to get what no one else can… ?
つ:eeouuuhhmm… squints one eye . kicks at floor nnhnnnn.
あ:[tilts head] Hmm, it would be nice, wouldn't it…
つ:it sortof hurts to hear….
あ:[going on] getting to be special… mmm… I can see why you would want it…
つ:Amane…. I like when, Amane looks at me… [wobbly] you look at me more since starting this I like that
つ:touch… [paws at a sleeve] me more…. since….
あ:Amane is stupid, he doesn't expect to have words pain him… but it's like ahh.. The sincerity… I think it's a real balance of being horny about it and getting chest pain
つ:and feeling condescending, as he does amane with his capacity to pity the little creatures
あ:Yes. like ah. Tsukasa is… being pathetic….💔 Holds face in both hands
つ:is that what's under tsukasa's surface… tsk tsk… hold my little dummy
あ:[lower voice, pitying] It's nice to be looked at, and touched, isn't it…
つ:nodddddd… no mouth gazing at. pitiably
あ:Well, as long as you always listen to me… if you keep being, just like this. [pat pat] Thennnn why would I ever hold back…? You got this far, right?❤️
つ:mmmmm. nuzzles into hand for a moment, sortof restlessly. presses face into palm by turning himself
I WANT Amane to do whatever he wants!! I want [thinks about these words.. Amane was asking him about whwat he likes and stuff…….. its so hard to think about things in terms of whatever he's wanting…]
I want… Amane [gets still and looks around at the floor] I do like it [thinking harder.] it tastes good because it's you and it all smells good I like it.
[very simple. but it is going to sound the way it does] I like that I can swallow something from Amane and put it in me and I have it in me all day
あ:It's so simple and yet. amane really needs it to be so blunt. rghhhg…. that IS what's hot about it, isnt it…!?! rhgh
You like it cuz its me… JUST me… it. [becoming severe] it couldn't be just anyone, right-? You wouldn't like just any person… You wouldn't get on your knees for someone else. right.
つ:[FLABBERGHASTED] NO!? NO ONE?! no….! no….. no one else-- ?! no! [getting caught in it] I dont wanna smell like someone else!!!! I dont wanna put someone else in me!!
あ:spiritually Amane is steepled fingers pleased and simmering thats right…………………….
つ:only Amane!!!
あ:but you know like. thinks about it for 1 second as well and is like ugh. no. fufjghf.g never anyone else's come. oooh. OOOH. ONLY me. Never anyone else, okay?
つ:possessive guy discovers an inch of his fetish
okay!! yes! never ever! never!
あ:I don't want you to smell like anyone else either
つ:no! gross
あ:You don't need that
つ:no! never need it!!! [very definitive. firm] only AMANE. [but childishly so.]
あ:Good, good. I like the sound of that
つ:if Amane stops doing it it'll never happen again [surprisingly intense statement but said very plainly]
あ:Im-impressive… this is actually kind of high concept for amane. the future? houh….
つ:never ever. not even at a festival [as if festivals are places you just have sex. tsukasa's conceptualization of being a teen]
あ:Never... ever, even if years pass...? [quiet]
つ:never ever til I die [so easy for tsukasa to say things like this]
あ:impressive good boy otouto wtf… ah. kinda got blasted with a beam by this [breathing 1 inch from your face] That… that is how it should be… why- why should it be any different? Til.. til we die We'lllll [getting manic] WE'LL JUST do it lotssss then cuz whoo.. who cares !!
つ:oh in his miasma. staring. breathing shallow uh. uh huh.
あ:Who cares… who cares!! It's just us… hhahaha-!! ah…
あ:but it's always just us… isn't it?
あ:mm…. [rubs face on face]
あ:ohmmm my amane brain. im inventing the thought of kissing its happening what are we doingggggg [tongue lolling] its almost funny we havent gotten here but if i have your undying loyalty. idk lets fuck around
つ:its always funny how its not a thought between them it has to be like, amane thinking like….. ah. i always feel like… it's amane…. pitying tsukasa…. in a way… in the way he pities yashiro for clearly being into him…. the feeling of ahh… poor little thing…. really likes me, huh? hmm..
あ:ah, if the only way you're going to experience anything is through me… I grant you a little somwthing
つ:the easiest way to crack into it isn't as an earnest confrontation of his own love, but pitying tsukasa for being. madly in love with him it would seem
I like the thoguht of it being like a little pin drop for Amane… like ah Tsukasa… is a little weird about me.
あ:i think he's sick
[suddenly entering a 1000 yard stare state as i think harder about kiss] … ah, but I do like it being out of some sense of pity, ohhhh pity for your circumstance… In the middle of nuzzling their faces together, it occurs to him suddenly, the impulse. A real spur of the moment thing, where Amane holds Tsukasa's face and tilts it, firmly, aligns their moves. Soft press for a second, while Amane peacefully lids his eyes shut, then swipes his tongue out, over Tsukasa's mouth. Kisssss with tongue… that real stuff, like teens do. Won't be satisfied until it feels properly 'adult', tongue meets tongue. Though it doesn't end up lasting very long (still childish in this way) — it's exciting nonetheless… makes it feel like there are sparks in Amane's throat, very low in it. Crackly. Exhales heavily into Tsukasa's face.
"A little something. Siiiince, you won't be kissing anyone else, either." laughs. evilly. "I don't want my little brother to die a kissless virgin though." [you have my pity voice]
i am, throwing you a bone.
つ:stares with tongue barely poking out. aohhh ppooor tsukasa…. little brain obliterated
you're talking to him from the other end of a wide expansive gymnasium. its like that hannibal scene though where theres two hannibals and one is right next to his ear. saying the words.
kiss. kissing….. mouth to mouth. he kiss me…. kissing? kissing…. a kiss. amane… kiss me? does not say anything but starts wide-eyed leaning closer to amane again….. o 3o
あ:………………….. [looks at you.] [but like lol. yeah let's do it] [like the kombucha girl like AHAH.]
つ:oh sure. so pitiable…. are you so eager for it… lol
あ:in amane's perspective, he is giving you an extra 5 kibbles. cuz he feels so sorry for you.
つ:just a little something for my hungry pet
あ:leans in
つ:makesa tiny noise ah
あ:Wow. it is like kissing a virgin tho licks
あ:it must feel so strange right. like tsukasa is usually the one whomst licks. for tsukasa it's like mgahhh lick ME? but this is a context where amane is like. oh i know people use that thang. tongue.
つ:HE LICK MEEEE!!! drool on. me i want to have amane's drool in me
あ:desire unlocked
つ:more. substances this time i wil focus on the taste of it very very very hard
あ:moar… it is of course, not fair if amane walks out of this fine, so he should have to deal with being miserably horny about kiss. even if its delayed. like you walk yourself this far out of a sense of, i'm pitying my poor lil brother lol. but it is you who is lying in the middle of the night on your futon like . wish i was making out rn [arrested by it]
つ:I would like him to suffer despite it all. Eventually should roll over in the night get on top of Tsukasa to kiss him in a wild impulse. Had a boner for so long its painful. But fsr instead of protocol drag tsukasa to cock the makeout urge manifests. but then you're on top of tsukasa who is groggily startled and gasping confused for hair and. you realize. through the force of your hips moving on their own while these responses arouse you. that you can. make out and hump at the same time
あ:it doesn't have to stop…. [math equations flying aruond] Actually everything at once
つ:eventually going to crawl over tsukasa's head to put dick in mouth its going to be everything all at once like ughruhgjgh ouhhg wait waaait wait mm wait i canmm
あ:yes chasing it like…. AND, I WANT -- THIS its like unlocking a skill tree i can think of.. POSES Ah the intensity of like. cocksuck while straddling face though. hueee….
つ:getting all the way to humping down into face. its gotten as bad as it can get for Amane
あ:ooo eee ooo. In a way this is actually the worst timeline zim voice worse…….. or better
(~link to PART 2 down here for convenience~)
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only-lonely-lovers · 3 months
notes: bath times again!
Bird is あ / Avvy is つ
あ:suppose the boys died in 1969… so their house would've had something predating this. but its just interesting to have markers i also assume having a bougie house just means it would be less likely to be a convenient modern solution?
つ:its true, i wonder… i HOPE they have a sexy wooden bathroom with the cedar tub mmmm really baste together smell so good
あ:That is what i hope it feels like it'd be so appropriate…
つ:something this sexy……
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あ:I want to think the western aesthetics just arent that available yet beyond more easy-to-acquire furniture like tables
つ:hot…. envision
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あ:we're getting lamps to look like an english house and couches but not like renovating whole rooms God i want it 5 yo boys enjoying they tub time
つ:if a bath tub was would i would want to chew on its edge i already like to put my mouth on the edges
あ:Leaving indentations with your fangus
つ:when i am gone. then you will
つ:touch my little indentations. you shoudl not have yelled at me for doing it
あ:Why did i. ruin our precious few shared bath times Sadly puts my mouth over it
つ:your teeth sink into the indents perfectly as we are twins
あ:Starts crying
つ:and…. scene
あ:Start a new scene. bring my brother back. please
つ:ok. ok. I will come back
あ:Get in the tub with me N Now
あ:This translates to amane being like. insistent and tugging on tsukasa's shirt we just had dinner i want a nice warm bath!!!
つ:okay. I'm home and you're fretting about how its probably been a while… since i had a nice cleam. mom is also fretful about it all godknows where i've been siome have called it hell…
あ:Me thinking you were like lost in the woods living under a stump Trapped in a cave somewhere
つ:in a stranger's house at BEST 4 towns over somehow
あ:… I really do like imagining like, having a competition with mom over fretting, like, no, IM… help… nyuhh… I've got this
つ:and maybe mom lets you. because you are best friends and she knows you missed him and had no comprehension or brain to cope with any of it
you are filling the big deep tub… mom is nearby but letting you do what you want. admiring how responsible and sweet you are… I too am admiring this… you think a thought and go to run to get toys. but then you flinch-- turning back to me a foot away -- and grab my hand and take me with you to the toyroom to grab a few things for us to have. i must have missed toys while i was gone… OUR toys
I didn't, because I had all manner of toys, but you don't know this, and, I watch you gather them rather than the toys i look at your hand in mine, how you didn't leave the bathroom without me
あ:The thought really descends onto me. Toys, toys of course… I haven't really been touching them myself… Well, it's inconsistent, really, sometimes I need to remember what we played together, I need to think about how we'll get to again… but most days, it was too hard to even look at them. Too painful, too listless on my own, can't think of games for only myself. It felt so impossible to think about. Heart is beating with anxious excitement now, at all the things we can do again together, runs through the mind like a neverending list. So many things…
All that moping… it's behind me… US… We have so much to do…! Squeeze your hand.
つ:its interesting… to think about toys with someone else. I won't have to talk for them
seeing you move them in your hands is startling. wow. its like magic. to see anything move that I'm not touching myself
you'll drag me back to the bathroom. when i run with armfuls of toys, i drop them the whole way until only half are left in my arms by the time i get to the bathroom you don't drop any
あ:[playfully wiggles one in your face]
つ:yytruuuuuu aaaoo looks like youre performing a magic trick i think how easily agog i am makes you both feel successful, and also, sad
あ:It's so easy isn't it, it always is… You're too quickly bright-eyed and hypnotized seeming. I have to worry about you. Ah, your nature… [pets.]
つ:did i have so little going on while lost, that a toy in my face is amazing? makes you cringe
あ:Determined to make up for every second… The hot water will help!!
つ:we'll help each other rinse off int he shower first… you dump the toys into the tub, but move to the nozzle… maybe, make me sit down on the lil stool
あ:Must be responsible It's better for me to be the one to fiddle with this stuff though, i'd rather you just sit ahmm… maybe a moment where i'm surprised to be emotional seeing your hair wet… it's just the feeling of seeing something familiar again, after so long stare…
つ:waterlogged. it feels weird-- I haven't thought about, any of this, stuff. wasn't necessary. it feels weird. watching water droplets sink down my skin, feel them. warm… hot! .a…. giggle
holds paws in front of mouth to laugh. collects water in my palms then throws it up over us both, getting you wet a lil its amazing to watch it pool in my hands!!!
あ:A bit dumbfounded, lagging. My turn, I guess, to feel easily hypnotized…. tilts head
あ:ME TOO i do it too
つ���spews it out like fountain
we get into a loop of filling our moufs and spitting it out because you are doing it too i do not want to stop
あ:it's nice to have some mindless fun, easy fun… i'm eager to think less. would rather be physical shakes head all around like a doggie
あ:For the most part… I can't be-!! so embarrassed, about seeming silly….
つ:I'm like. bath now? and you are like. Y--- NO wait we didnt wash you at ALL….. there was no soap we got distracted. i forgot that components of washing are
あ:Scrubby scrubby now… serious [stern] [plants a hand on you]
つ:get into that hair. get that back. be so scrubby. it tickles and im wiggle a lot and make it hard
あ:mutter mutter…. but hold my tongue. no, I can be good big brother… I won't complain. [just really keeping a hand at your back/shoulder]
0 notes
only-lonely-lovers · 3 months
tags: drinking, pantomime, roleplay (pretending to be a girl), deepthroating an object
notes: brief continuation of sake prompt
Bird is あ / Avvy is つ
あ:Bird likes sake RP, it's like a fun set-up, I think also in general we were having a week where we were really thinking about, like, what it would mean to grow up with Amane, so we were thinking about 100 little dumb instances of the twins being goons, it was fun. Ah but every now and then I go back and like re-roll events
And this time I ended up thinking about, like, Amane staying fixated on the bottle as a proxy to demonstrate things like fingering/jerking off on, so. He continues to subject Tsukasa to stuff, kind of delighted in his own deduction that Tsukasa leans towards "the girl" role… but [frowns] its like. I'm your vile brother… so I really move you around and settle you onto your knees and hold your jaw.. and then like start sliding mouth of bottle in and out of your mouth. But like gets horny watching the simple bobbing/sucking and using own hands to guide the bottle. [stares at this…] Just get too into directing this.
ehmm in a similar vein, being so [claps hands] excited when Tsukasa is doing his spot-on mimicking of Hot Girl posing and dialogue that he's like. an idiot just feeding Tsukasa things to say and being like, now do this pose. Ahh ah… now like this… oh stretch all out…. start acting like you're going to unbutton your shirt. Now say…. like.. kid at a candy shop.. ITS CRUDE… but the way Tsukasa could feel so ////////// to have that much instruction and pointed attention. like ah i think Tsukasa's brain is kinder and is just happy to be guided, directed, eyes on him the whole time
つ:feel like center of attention……. ahhh I'm catching the shrimp so good…. wow…
あ:it's like an instance where inebriated Amane is stupid and can't think beyond like proxies so he's like hrgh…. [finally steam coming off his brain…] i w.. i want… [holds… bottle over his. like crotch.] [as if this is like BIG BRAIN PROBLEM SOLVING SOMETHING…] but like. this only makes it 'worse'
and its lke g.fd hg. [stupid] wish i could. come. through it ? fdkgh f
つ:oh missing the important part still. can't connect that he simply wants to do a sex with tsukasa. instead its like mnrgh wish i was this bottle lucky bottle rn…
あ:staring at it like ugh…
つ:putting it between thighs but sortof frustratedly. like already knows this isn't right. brain is, popping crudely. mngrgh..
あ:like no thats not…
つ:tsukasa is simply like. it is fun to mouth things i like the bottle feeling
あ:The glass, fun
つ:amane looks sortof frustrated i wonder why. maybe its hard to hold the bottle still
あ:It's a special night for Tsukasa it's like if Amane suddenly got real excited when you chewed on paper Doing your weird shit like always… in a sense
つ:[tsukasa's teeth clink on the bottle briefly] [amane's crazy porno world cumbrain compulsively] honey you've gotta keep your teeth offa it be cccaaarefulllllll [gets sick] mrngh
あ:Truly this braindead yeah
つ:[horny suddenly for instructing specifically a dumb, clueless girl] you dunno anything ddo youuu… its okei I am patient❤️ itsz still good… even… if you mess up a little
tsukasa, earnestly in his brain: that's really nice to hear! i will definitely mess up so thats nice of Amane he really is patient
あ:He understands I don't know much Ah, he's petting me… Receiving this all as sincerely as possible
Amane is really like horse trying to eat a picture of oats in a sense. it's like [wraps my hand around the neck of bottle.] [i stroke it.] [my brain goes woo yeah like against her mouth….] [my COCK still SEALED AGAINST ME just HURTS] [frustrated]
Yyou want to make me feel good right. [TSUKASA NODDING AS URGENTLY AS POSSIBLE.] ookay . so do it faster. [IT WONT HELP.]
つ:omggg really like doing mroe to the poster this is getting confused about the picture of oats. tsukasa is simply dutifully keeping the pace… masterfully, perhaps
あ:Given the circumstances, its unfathomably elegant Not put off by the strangeness of it all. just taking to all instruction. Keep my spine all curved
つ:amane, dumbly: [pushes it in further, experimentally. watches tsukasa flinch a tiny bit, as its pushing it….) ccan you feel it. at the back of your throat. (OW) tsukasa nods, but carefully, bc. there's a thing. at his throat entrance. trying very hard to balance thsi treat on nose and not. gag
its like ah now its like an endurance sort of game…. i'm definitely not supposed to throw up
あ:Serious stuff. Amane is really inventing new games Tsukasa the guy who would find it interesting to light sparklers inside your body though It's just like: I'm down The body can provide us unique fun Really aware my throat rn
つ:indeed. he's… like built to see things as fun, physically.. like to put things in mouth, like to swallow odd things, like to fool around amane is so fixated, its interesting, its usually just him….
あ:He's not usually so encouraging, or an active participant.. let alone the praise, the ah, excitement
つ:you're often on your own putting whatever in your mouth or amane is pulling something away at risk of you swallowing it…suddenly amane is pushing something at your throat….??
あ:Tsukasa's elegance is to contrast the sheer stupid caveman horny that Amane is here
i hate it but he would just be horny about pushing it in deep. but this scenario in general in my head has been so 😑…. Salivating about the visuals. use own hand to grab tsukasa's hair or something and be like hough….
つ:oh he's the way he is…. I imagine once he can feel it becoming a bit of a struggle for tsukasa it activates the (somewhat condescending) caretaker gland which is also: exciting sexually. he hasn't thought hard about specific types of girls or anything….
now, indulging this idea of a… dumb, inexperienced… girl who takes well to being spoken down to, who won't get offended or balk
its like.. yeah i dont want her to…. like get mad…. no she should like it being pet… and encouraged… yessss…. while flinching and beginning to squint eyes with effort
あ:One that you can pity, ohh look at her do her best, aww… There there.. You look good like this
つ:tsukasa finally hits a moment trying to inhale thru throat compulsively and winds up coughing around the bottle, teeth clinking all around it briefly… grab his jaw gently and hold him away from it for a minute while he gets it all out, kaff kaff. eyes tearing… merng OWWWW… thinks amane. ouhg hurt me… in brain and pp
あ:[Amane just strokes jaw with thumb. really admires any errant ropes of spit… its thick…] ah but after a moment just saying, That was good for your first try. But ah, lil more… c'mon. For me?❤️ [wiggles bottle] You can do that, can't you?
つ:IS EXCITED HE DID NOT RUIN IT!!!! AH thought i was going to get called gross….!! feeling so gross and spitty woop… wow amane is being ssso fun right now… wag wag it feels good to drool all over hehe… if amane doesn't hate it, then its fun too…..
あ:Wouldn't be expecting him to touch it...!
つ:[losing RP for a moment, breaking character briefly in excitement at still playing] I can do anything you want! [catches self! uhm… swallows and talks quieter] anything….. [forgot how the girl voice went briefly in joyous idiocy]
あ:What you cannot understand is it just makes Amane hornier. Like ooh. [actually speaking aloud] You really would, wouldn't you? Hahahaha
it would be hot if a girl couldnt even contain herself. over wanting to suck dick. ahhh. who would want anything less
つ:mmm anything aaahhhh mmm nice to hear. roll that around inside brain tsukasa simply nods in reply mhmhmhm….. (indeed, anything!)
あ:It really simmers Amane's brain. ahh the ego.
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only-lonely-lovers · 3 months
tags: hickies
notes: contemplating separation
Bird is あ / Avvy is つ
あ:[in reference to a sketch of avvy's where the twins are laying in the grass during tanabata, and amane is teasingly asking tsukasa what he thinks orihime and hikoboshi 'did' that one day]
Falling into. a gentle before bed cumrot of imagining this somehow devolving into giving each other hickies. like we take turns sucking on arms.
つ:Ah if only to do weird shit in the grass. Amane very lalalala and tsukasa very (stares at him)
あ:Like seeing Tsukasa stare at him vacantly just makes him feel like. wily. You know when Amane just wants to surprise his dummies I bet they… [breathless, grabbing your wrist]
Oh but its funny bc like. as much as the comment is so "you know ;)" before this, the thought of doing some baby virgin thing like suck a hickey. bc youre 8 and having your very first thoughts I kn. I know when you--
つ:I’ve heard of hickeys he thinks
あ:Its easy right. mouth latches on
つ:Startled and electrified paralyzed feeling it with every atom that composes his body
あ:Amane is simple he'll just be excited there's any mark at all when he pulls away like Aha-!
つ:Tsukasa seeing it is like UOH… magic trick Changed color ?!? Grabby hands lemme
あ:Very bonelessly gives paw like lawl its like lol you want to copy your cool brother i know i know…
つ:Thinking of the amane in picture perfect who is like aoh it tickles
あ:God Like aheeee AH its weird! Haha… Kicks legs XD energy
つ:Tsukasas Fangs leave a sliiight indent… slight Even with only sucking, they just stick out so much…
あ:I imagine Tsukasa hyperfocuses and holds his mouth on his arm longer than Amane did . but its ok
つ:It’s like woooooooah Now THATS
あ:but it means its a more prominent mark
つ:probably what it was like The— hikoboshi orihimew You know? Such a big one I mean imagine, If you only saw someone once a year
あ:And… and you knew you weren't gonna get to do this until next year. [voice drops low] can you imagine it.
つ:-staring at marks-
あ:ne, Tsukasa…? … I bet you can't… (the. like. falters. brain wavers. was ribbing like, 'how could we know what thats like lol' but suddenly really heavily recalling, being separated for over half a year. Months…) (from Amane POV. its like ,,,,,,,)
つ:It’s a lot for them both…. Accidentally amane stumbled into something… hard to recall directly It’s been long enough they both pause at the notion of separation
あ:Get ensnared by it Ah it felt like… forever… back then… the thought of, maybe not seeing Tsukasa for twice as long
つ:Maybe just squeeze tsukasas hand….
つ:And suggest it’s late, and to head home now…
あ:Hold your hand the whooole way back never break contact..
つ:Pretend to be exhausted on getting home.. but lay mutually silently awake a long time, holding hands
Tsukasa thinks about it all seriously… or tries to If he only saw Amane once a year…. Well… he’d just want Amane to do whatever he wants
あ:As always, it's in his nature to just be grateful for the circumstance, any sliver of Amane
つ:Without holding back…. Without being polite. Without reservation
If it was one day a year…. What would it be like? Like the night he returned….. every time?
If they could replay that night, how would they change it…. If a year was given to prepare for it….
あ:What would that night feel like, also, if they knew they were going to say goodbye again?
つ:So quickly….
あ:… makes your body heavy to think about, I think…
つ:It’s intense, to be stars…. …. But Amane was so excited about it all. So, maybe he’d like it in some way. Maybe?
あ:i like the atmosphere of all this on the mind, while holding hands is the dark. like to think that Amane quietly shifts to rub wrist, and at some point run fingers over part of the arm where hickey was left Kinda uncontrollably like… touch touch
Amane is… funny… its like… he made himself sad… thus avoidant… but like if you asked him what HE'D do i think he'd get distracted feeling horny again like oh I'd make the most of it
つ:I was thinking he’s more avoidant and brain dead and less philosophical
あ:Yeah on his own internally i think its silence
つ:If tsukasa recognizes he’s awake he’d just ask amane something like that Amane, what would you do?
あ:maybe being engaged with would be a welcome distraction even, like, to deflect and diffuse the tension
つ:If it was one day a year Like the story
あ:like. Huh. …
…. oh
つ:(Vague and poorly worded like child) (Completely ambiguous in many ways)
あ:Like the… Well. I'd… [like starts whispering seriously] I'd go crazy I'd just go nuts
つ:Listens Would it feel good
あ:Oh. Yeah I mean it's the one day right. So it should only be about feeling good
つ:Listens It’s very relevant, to a person who knows the. Time and method of their own death. Lol
あ:[rambling] I'd make sure to. make the most of it. I MEAN… if you think about it, its like. If you could only taste your favorite food once a year. Well obviously you'd eat it all day You'd actually eat more food than usual
つ:It’s interesting he’d compare it to food, to tsukasa… The food doesn’t feel pleasure The abstraction is too far for tsukasa
あ:[is having some real caveman like. thinking about it as physical needs] [s… s*x… like hunger.]
つ:But it makes amane seem selfish in his vision … which excites him
would it not matter… how she felt? The one day… for just the cowherd, then… to release whatever he had to
あ:Oh talk slower
あ:So funny. Imagine Amane getting like really really stiff. tense. but not like in a defensive manner (this has "nothing" to do w "me" rly) its more like. A boy who. Is finally experiencing penis emotions. being dowsed with the vague concept of noncon. selfishness.
If that hot oneesan couldnt like. say no to anything
つ:Thinking about if they could redo their meeting over and over and over… would Amane just… do more of whatever he wanted, needed?
あ:[doesnt realize he is pathologically combining his sadstuck feelings abt missing Tsukasa + nene encounter]
つ:Soooo pathological If I was so sad and alone but then so. Mmmmmmmf
あ:> would it not matter… how she felt? The one day… for just the cowherd, then… to release whatever he had to
Ah… m… maybe…? Wouldn't she want him to… feel good though No matter what
つ:Squeezes hand un……
あ:Squeezes back without thinking
つ:thinking, that’s how it’s supposed to work…
あ:[under breath] If she really loved him… and all that… I mean. They were very in love The story.
あ:It's so sad because of how much they loved each other.
つ:It’s “unconditional” (as if from a book)
あ:[shuffles legs.] Uhuh… That means no limits.
つ:If it was only once a year, it would be really good if there were no limits And, it was gonna be over And you could do it better next time
あ:If anything. she'd come to appreciate what happened (edited)
あ:Even if maybe it wasn't fun for her right away [turns head] She'd learn to be grateful [this is getting so meta.]
つ:(Able to think about how alien and bizarre it felt returning to Amane’s wild emotions) Whatever comes out, Of the cowherd, that would be interesting, to her To see it, more than, anything that happened, in the year Because that wasn’t him
あ:Mm… mhm.
つ:So even if he was weird (crude voice) Or it was new or different It would be hers, To have Uhm. Get
あ:Yeah… An-- and…[feeling stupid] but like, you know, if it really was me. The cowherd. I'd make her feel reeeal good actually. She'd like what she was getting. Actually
あ:If. Cuz. You asked what I would do. I'd. [braincels fucking. congealing] I'd d. Do it
つ:Ouh ? Do it?
あ:Like. S…
あ:silence s.s….sx.
あ:se sekkusu.
あ:[staring up at the ceiling eyes completely open] I think that'd be the best thing to do. I mean its the only thing that makes sen se
つ:OHHHHH… do you know how to make it really good?
あ:Chest feels like a hot air balloon oh im 8 years old and im finally thinking about it
つ:(Completely blown off course just now not thinking of self at all)
あ:what you do with girls Holding tsukasas hand so tightly Dont leave me here alone
つ:She would definitely like that
あ:[gets dizzy]
つ:You’d do it all day???
つ:Would she like it all day? Would you kiss
あ:😭wait whtd insay that gjfhdvr A.. ah y. Yeah I mean… That's. probably the first thing we do Tsukasa [trying to sound educated]
つ:Well, that’s what lovers do (sounding as educated as a 4 year old) You would be a really good cowherd amane Squeezes
あ:help… I sure hope so Amane is like . Uhuh. OKAY GOODNIGHT
つ:ROLLS OVER tsukasa in his brain like hm I would be a bad cowherd I don’t know what id do
あ:It seems like itd be easier to be the weavergirl Oh well
つ:Amane just thinks more And knows more sex….! All day… wow
あ:Thinking this meanwhile Amane is like ahhfbgng myy pp hurts
あ:Goes to pee
つ:I like to think his side of the bed smells rly good Inhales it a lil Mmmmm
あ:Gettin musky Body very very warm from being horny
Its time to pity tsukasa again Im sorry you do live with like. a caveman
あ:some shitty kid whose like: i could do it right
つ:But it’s like he needs it
あ:You need the bluntness
つ:Tsukasa just feels mystified like whoa he will do it right and good and she’ll like it I believe him I would like anything amane did for me so
あ:Things tsukasa remembers later as a yorishiro
つ:If he decides it will be good then it just will be That is how it is!
あ:Amane can make it true
つ:It’s funny bc if you un abstracted this. And tsukasa was just like. What if we only met once a year? Amane would get like wounded and sad and feel bullied and be like tsukasa…
I don’t want to think about that…. You… you already…. …. Once… mgh z Don’t. Ask stuff like that. Okay?
あ:He literally would be soo angsty It's like Tsukasa you were gone. for h.. half a year.. I dont want to think about more
つ:Tsukasa like ah haihai…. Deep down like ? but we already sortof had this conversation… or, no, he just pretended to be the cowherd… so we didn’t! Hmmm….
あ:Amane frustrated sounding. and yet i think he rolls over to hold clutch
あ:Grumbles against. Nothing like that is ever going to happen
つ:(In the middle of nowhere) do you think the cowherd and weaver can think about it
あ:… ?
つ:or do they not wanna talk about it, Until, it’s time To say hi and bye
あ:I don't think they want to bother spending time talking about it They can't change anything Isn't it wasting their time together What's there to even talk about.
つ:blinks… he’s right An immutable fate…. trapped in an ephemeral state of together and not
あ:[sighs like a dog]
つ:That’s all it will ever be…
あ:I'd just want to focus on the… being together part.
つ:It’s so interesting wen amane says it so simply
あ:I mean, anyone would. [squeeze…]
つ:(Ruthless, unintentionally) if I wasn’t gonna be here tomorrow, You’d rather not know? or talk about it Or think about it
あ:Ugh… eyes squeezed shut. teeth grit. Tsukasa. I told you I don't want to talk about. That. You can't do anything like that ever again, okay? Ever!
つ:Hai! cough, a little I can’t (Thinking: why can’t the cowherd do this?)
あ:[sulking…..] Why would you even ask that, though That's already what happened… I didn't know.
つ:Ah. I was thinking about Tanabata!
あ:That's different… [frustrated]
つ:They always know, right? It makes it feel good sometimes, maybe? Anti—anticipation?
あ:[untenses a little bit… like. right the. ugh…]
つ:It felt good….. the day I came back. so good, it was scary Maybe they feel that all the time.
あ:What a weird feeling Amane gets stung with. Hurts… always gonna hurt to think about this stuff. Makes you feel like a dumb little kid in an instant.
but the day tsukasa came back was. I mean it was like, all those nights of hoping and wishing and crying and begging finally culminated
つ:A miracle….
あ:Swallows Rubs Tsukasa's back slowly He cant really say it so. directly. but nods finally. Like well… I wont ever act like Tsukasa coming back felt BAD..
つ:Force amane to be slightly contemplative about the reality of tanabata
あ:Maybe at most he can mutter "… like it's all they're waiting for…"
つ:Maybe amane could have a moment like…. I was being…. Stupid, before….
If I was… the cowherd… it wouldn’t keep going, like that… I’d find a way…. To keep her With me No matter what happened
あ:I couldn't keep doing it… being apart… w-why? If it feels so terrible After one year, who could keep doing that
つ:For what…. The sake of… other obligations…? Other things… staying in place….
あ:Just so cows wont be loose in heaven Someone else should do it. if they care so much
つ:All the cows could resent me.
あ:Why cant the weavergirls father do the weaving. If he wants her to do it so badly. Why is it her job
つ:she won’t be the weaver-girl. And I won’t be the cow-herd. Then We’d just. Be each other’s And there wouldn’t be. Stupid jobs Anymore
あ:[hiding behind the proxy of language] Tsukasa… anticip… anticipation is one thing… feeling so good its scary… but it's better to have every day, isnt it… All the time… every hour, every day…
つ:(Knows where this terminates) yeah
あ:You can do more. With each other. Instead of saving it up. … I mean what are you doing, when you're alone…
つ:(Thinking about…. The future) maybe it still builds up even if you’re there all the time
あ:Maybe… It's a lot of time
つ:We’ll be together a lot
あ:[becomes booboo keys] [shrivels a little against]
つ:(Thinking about a day at a time for tanabata… if they could have all those spread out days in a few short years, would they choose that?) (if they had each other every day, but they’d die quickly…..)
あ:[mgh… but like.. doesnt pull away.. just gets quiet… rubs face against]
つ:Nuzzle, nuzzle
あ:need to snuzz Gets all moody like man though I wish i was my stupid self from before though im jealous of him thinking about hickies
つ:I was figuring this was a different day, tsukasa thinking more on it still hooked on it
But all the more reason Amane is like@omfg that idiot before hold on… but indeed like ugh wait Take me back
あ:Truly though When life was simpler
Some bratty impulse like ugh tsukasa do that thing we did before cheer me up It was more fun when it was physical actually
つ:???? Like amane shoves his arm at him
つ:It would get him to just do it
あ:Grabs you by the hair cuz im innately a psychopath
あ:Hm this keeps Tsukasa from talking Hieieee
つ:really polka dot his arms
つ:Relieves pressure off valve
あ:Rudely dismisses the pathos
つ:Come down like 😑tsukasa you’ve really gotta stop with tanabata ok. It’s just a story who’s purpose is to be all sad and tragic. It’s just dramatic!
あ:Nothing has to be that dramatic
つ:You’re just supposed to be sad about it. Not— like go into it
あ:You cant ask too many questions. It's just confusing you know Normal people would just go insane in these circumstances Who would want to really be them [im talking as i bring your arm to my mouth]
つ:Eats corn cob
あ:Really get my teeth in there this time It was cool when there was teeth marks
つ:(Mouth pops off) we were better off before how we were talking about it. It should just be fun
あ:It should be about-- thinking about stuff you'd do to someone. not conversations you'd have. or feelings or whatevr. [gay shit]
つ:I like to think of amane notices tsukasas chest rising and falling distinctly it’s just like lol gottem
つ:Like not so tough
あ:Its kinda funny like we're playing chicken sorta Oh me im normal… Is this bothering you?
つ:Becoming haughty like armor (Blank eyes) no it’s fun. (Picks up arm and sucks)
あ:He's your nasty brother hes like yea. it is. licks Mlehh
つ:Blinks out of sync but doesn’t notice
あ:Eyes squint
つ:💭lol does tsukasa ever get ….. lol😂
あ:XDDDD How easy is it..
Im sorry Tsukasa this is a new game I've tricked myself into allowing myself to spectate you be horny Idk to get the power back in the relationship
つ:His empty headed ness about it makes amane feel more mature
あ:It's good to know you're only human and a tongue is a tongue to you
But what amane cannot fathom. is that Tsukasa is like. watching him be lidded and face flushed and doing this . breathing heavier YOU look like a dirty maniac
つ:But indeed amane looks more psycho Flopsweat Eyes so hazey and different. Intoxicating to observe Amane
Amane is just like lol damn tsukasa really spacing out Blinking slowly! He is HUMAN
あ:How long can he deal with this lol… (DONT ASK THAT QUESTION…!!!!)
つ:Longer than you bitch
つ:Tsukasa could but all day stare. But your dick will hurt eventually Tsukasas brain can take it all
あ:Really take the punishment You'll be like ohh im getting a headache mghfhbf legs squeezing
つ:You’ll be like urgggh get me water My mouth is dry. From all this
Amane will move to tsukasas shoulder cuz the arm is mostly spitty and covered and have to move his shirt and somehow it won’t be fun anymore and in that moment he’ll complain he’s thirsty Go get us ice water…
あ:Staring at the skin i have exposed suddenly feeling like an animal looking at a beartrap under leaves No…
つ:Takes tsukasa a second to load in the request Then is like blinks. OK!! Stands up. Visibly wobbles and looks confused about it. Which makes Amane😏
あ:Bakc on top baby
つ:Ambles out of bedroom to kitchen
あ:Somehow a little smug while I cup my penis
つ:Amane listening to Tsukasa drop the plastic cup: haha
あ:Haha…[press.] I win
つ:Sure did (Haughty) it’s cute hes so clueless about it and confused lol… He is, the little brother. After all
あ:That otouto of mine
つ:(Yelling) TSUKASA PUT A STRAW IN MINE (from downstairs) HAIIIII
あ:I hope Amane gets some bad karma like later Tsukasa will be like oh are we continuing. [moves shirt out of way and presents shoulder, as if to pick up on our last save point] and now you feel like you TAUGHT UR BROTHER SOMETHING BAD!!!
you watch him do a WHORE MOVE
つ:It’s like ugh no my… mouth is tired (Flat expression) no I don’t wanna play that more today (As if you’re childish for asking)
あ:since this was a mutual 2way thing ur gonna deal with Tsukasa asking if you want him to do it then if ur mouth is tired and then its like ugh n. no!!!
つ:It’s bad . For bloodflow. Maybe To do it soooo much
あ:Blood is right under the skin.
つ:You’re not supposed to be so purple all over probably… (Amane’s new cumbrain about imaginary older gf: you will never not be purple)
あ:Make all your skin so fucked up.. …. (really imagining something NIGHTMARISH bc he soesnt have like realistic thoughts)
0 notes
only-lonely-lovers · 3 months
notes: rambling about Tanabata vibes... kissy!
Bird is あ / Avvy is つ
あ:I'll just deposit me crumb that I remembered
It's like ah… idk why but it was really suddenly processing that when Nene leaves Amane, the fireworks are just starting to go off, and then we have that illustration of Amane with Tsukasa looking at the fireworks… and Tsukasa has like a lil cotton candy… It's so cute like, as if after Amane had his encounter with Nene he immediately collected Tsukasa and they went back to walking around together, and Amane is all genki and souped up from forehead kiss
I wanted it to be that between Nene and Amane in general being the guiding, excitable force for their time at the festival… that, like, while having a lull, while Tsukasa is looking off kinda distantly and seems listless, that Amane is like ahm…. ambiently horny… thinkos about kiss… and wanting to really like do a gesture to Tsukasa that gets his attention. As if all night he's been trying to be as cheeky and fun as possible but it can't really be as infectious as he wants, so he's lean in… kism. its really like a peck. but I wanted Tsukasa to be so like "wah….?" at it and Amane is all [big grin hehe.] it's… ~ a tanabata kiss~! [as if that's something…]
Tsukasa getting like glassy eyed…
つ:feed the energy back into this. I imagine Amane is as lalala as possible… the fireworks might be what finally 'snaps' tsukasa out of the katanuki hynotism, his brain finally like AH-- FIREWORKS-- WITH AMANE--! WAIT.. my DESIRES
あ:I was thinking a lot about how yugi8 rly feels like a chain of injecting each other with poison. it's kind of delightful. i mean in the first place, Nene develops her habit of… [kiss] + [some sort of 'explanation'… like its a seal of protection,a good luck charm…] bc of.. Hanako…??? But what if young Amane got it from Nene.
つ:i think about this a lot, yeah. that Amane subconsciously repeats what he remembers Nene doing, but then she does it bc of him….
あ:We are so in the chain
つ:I think its where Tsukasa copying/imitating Amane overall is also interesting. you taught tsukasa through example how to be a minxy little thing but his spin on it naturally makes it, different
あ:Serving his own flavor… uncontrollably
つ:its sad to me if Tsukasa was looking so forward to Tanabata with Amane but he has. mental illness so he's trapped in Katanuki for 3 hours
つ:but I think due to Nene softening things once they come back together he's just perfectly perky, yes… genki boy.. very holds both your hands and swings them around
あ:ahh the thought of Tsukasa all like alarmed like NO THE FIREOWRKS DX but Amane manifests and is all smiley smiley… and like ah come on!! are you hungry? :3c …. i ate without you :P
つ:lets get to the center theyll look best there…! oh yeah and lets get you a snack how bout…?
brainless little tsukasa is like how long … it been… i saw some JP fan darwing tsukasa like excitedly showing amane a dinosaur shaped katanuki and amane just sortof putting it into a bag with a bunch of others like💔 its not special to him LOL
あ:No one could understand but perhaps Tsukasa has emotions like, a girl who is doing poorly on a date
つ:tsukasa looking like LOOK i did it klg;gjf it made me go omggg no. but like amane would be like ah sigh his shapes [like your kid handing you a crayon drawing] MAYBE SO
あ:getting quiet while lead around because kinda feel stupid. about the katanuki but it already happened but i missed out on Amane eating food [depressed eating this cotton candy]
つ:amane is so gracious about it…. quiet tsukasa like im… im behave nao… mentally im.. good… must experience the Tanabata with Amane…
あ:i'll be so good. when you give me the sparkler
つ:must absorb experience
あ:but like Amane seeing this all is like …….💭 thats too dreary for a festival…
つ:YOU'RE REALLY GLAD THEY GET TO DANCE AROUND EACH OTHR WAVING SPARKLERS AROUND….!!! aaooo streaks of color in the air… I'm sure only Amane exists, to Tsukasa.
あ:this expression….
あ:one mo gain just to let you know it DID happen
つ:BUT SHE NEESD YOU TO KNOW THE BOYS WERE HAVING TANABATA BEFORE AND ASLO AFTER!!!! nene just injected a fun energy into amane a real lalalalala so he has no frustration at tsukasa for gettin distracted
its just like lol met a hot girl whoa…. HI TSUKASAAA
あ:[swaggers in]
つ:catches a goldfish later feeling so chad
あ:no big deal It's whatever you know Feeling like hot shit
つ:whys tsukasa out here feeling like fail girl on date and amane feels like hot shit on date wtf….
あ:😭for no reason
あ:All you did was neg a girl and eat most of the food She had to wipe the crumbs off your face
つ:god. amane why do you have swagger
あ:I'll treat you reeeall nice
つ:will you now can we see it
あ:might as well burp in her face
つ:god the boy experience
あ:its like by contrast Tsukasa is like. does this yukata look silly on me Amane's all handsome in his dark one sigh
つ:its like he's gotten the sash all askew in the night and amane has to fix it
あ:Your girl is looking out the window moodily. spiritually
つ:she is fsr…. sigh…. really looking off into the night….
あ:but I swear this sort of thing, while Amane is sooo like. smug confidence. is like. it mightj as well be bait in terms of how much he's like oh. I'll cheer you up
つ:I like to think it was simply what amane felt he was good at, once tsukasa came back…. mm time to but really rub you and pet you and say there there all the time and throw you my killer smile and play a little game
あ:entering niichan mode What can be said.. you need me❤️
つ:amane like ahhh I got all sweaty talking to that onee-san… [fuffs around with yukata] [tsukasa inhaling deeply] godi cant wait to get in the futon
あ:A treat for me [fingers crossed the smell stays all ngiht]
つ:incredible smells. i hope we're too tired to bother showering. i hope we collapse into the futon i hope we shirk off the sashes and then just become a heap. and he smels like summer… m
oh for a little rain on the walk home…. a little wet hair, a little refreshment that makes it feel even less necessary to bother with cleaning up or proper regimen… mmmm…. takoyaki breath….. a little drizzle… a nice thing to see after a festival….
あ:Tsukasa does have wishes…. he just doesnt know how to say
つ:tsukasa has this… situation of being… a spectator… to Amane. he just feels patient and observant once coming back. a capacity to really drink in every second. I think he really felt ultimately satisfied…. the festivals were everything he could have ever possibly wanted
あ:genuinely just wishing to be together. to just be there
つ:i'd just like tosmell him. he can just softly burp in bed next to me and i will stay awake a little while extra listening to rain and Amane sounds
0 notes
only-lonely-lovers · 3 months
notes: silly crossover conversation lol? But it devolves into other things... *Shrug!*
Bird is あ / Avvy is つ
つ:[talking about TS nene-chan] she's such a special girl. its like proportional to amane in the opposite direction
あ:Harmonious in this way
つ:the sheer degree of sexless little nerd and so she becomes hypersex everyone feels so shifted on the scales
あ:[brain shrinks more and more every day due to the salt]
つ:twintails whore. special vibe. feels like such a cringe girl
あ:amane's cringe gf
つ:like a true shame of the school in a way. such an interseting nene. so liberated. but still a virgin its rly funny to have so cringe a gf
あ:but youre like FRIENDLESS AND A TECHIE NERD...
つ:i think if normal amane could see this nene he'd like be really scared of her like what…. [becomes frollo]
あ:ah like jesus thats a girl whose gonna grab me by the zipper first thing
つ:i think it would be too scary for the pervert to meet his like equal
あ:he likes being the most sexual one in the room
つ:yes. and good for him. that is what he typically is.
あ:meanwhile so funny to think about hanako seeing himself be such a sexless little virgin itd be like god what is the DEAL.
つ:he'd be like omg no. wtf YOU'RE ALIVE YOU CAN'T BE WASTING IT LIKE THIS
あ:what happened to me
あ:i think he'd honestly want to kill him
つ:im gonna toukan koukan
あ:its not fucking fair He has to watch footage of Amane just opening his mouth and Tsukasa shoveling rice into it
oh so THATS WHAT HE'S BUSY DOING!?tf/G.F getting fucking babied all day… KILL YOU
つ:he's out here like pushing tsukasa with his socked foot like tsukasaaaaaa turn on the faaannn…
あ:its wretched
つ:this AU tsukasa seeing hanako: a
あ:poor tsukasa seeing a fucking. nasty dirty amane it's like he has never prepared his whole life for such a thing
つ:if you swapped out amanes i think it'd be a dual problem of like WHAT'D YOU DO TO MY BABY WHERE'D HE GO but also hamina
seeing this creep kabedon nene. stares. anyway uses magic to pull my boy back from the aether at all costs eventually i will be calm when i have both amane… but unfortunately you cannot they will kill eachother
あ:you're literally not ready for him....
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absolutely not ready for him. but amusingly i dont know how this one interacts with tsukasa. awkwardly, probably he's like im just here to fuck whore nene
tsukasa sortof like twiddling fingers not needed. staring at you. maybe amane ushers you out of the room [uses magic to get back in but invisibly]
あ:just uhh think of it like, you have the afternoon off. okay? I don't need my food shoveled into me i'm not a mental patient. uhhh…. you just.. [claps hands] dismissed.
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a little out of it. but you have to worry about your boy TSUKASA experiencing the -- oh my god roachie
つ:well the reality is his amane can't do shit anywhere else so he's in the fetal position in the bathroom
あ:sucking his thumb
つ:he's crying
あ:It's like wahhh i;m havnfin a nightmare where's my animal crackers….
つ:nene trying to come in but the bathroom is locked. he recognizes her voice but he's like still scared i imagine its like [wails] tsukasaaa…. [CRYING BECAUSE HE DOESNT HAVE HIS DRONE]
あ:someone stole all my stuff what if i've been kidnapped
つ:kou's gonna break open the door w his caveman foot and amane is gonna be a disaster
つ:nene trying to assess but its like ???? hanako ??? hanako-kun???? why are yuo-- dressed-- wh>??? tt-- YOU WANT US TO>?? GET??? TSUKASA????
あ:it's like, he's going to have a panic attack and throw up a litlte bit
つ:he'd recognize kou after a second is the thing. just your classmate though. its like no my classmate was insane?
あ:right it is like. oh god i know him does he know where i live!?
つ:one of them could watch amane while the other runs off to like. shout for. tsukasa like hes somewhere in thia school right thinking tsukasa is somehow. needed. for this
あ:this tsukasa
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つ:?????? oh coming out of the broadcast club cluelessly. beig dragged to amane
あ:he summon me
つ:and just. staring. amane like scrambling up to him to grab
つ:clutch…. hold…. but also like [sobbing sniffing] why aaore [coughs] you dressed so weird
あ:what's happening… is it some………. historical..r ecreation… day!?
あ:[wind rustling] 1 sense at a time sort of deal. itslike ah. he is warm
つ:…………… pets… pets
あ:smells alive
つ:detecting with my sonar that this is a different amane.
[vibrating] [can sense your bones]
つ:alive boy….. initiate… coddling mode
nene and kou staring watching like what the fuck is going on why are they hugging whispering
あ:Did something happen
つ:shuld we do something? is hanako crazy
あ:who do we call. tsuchigomori. like! literally who do we defer to. its just like [headache]
つ: you just get very earnest cuddles on the floor at least amane is just like hhuuuuu…
あ:[beleaguered] i barfd…. my tummy hurts………
つ:oh no!! thats not good….
あ:Do you have anything for me...
あ:procures like a horrible eyeball
つ:pulls out. some . things truly some spirit bugs. butterfly wings. string. rubberbands. bubble wrap you know. things. we have. in my kimono sleeves
あ:[just wants like a tums.] 🥺……….. is this like a magic trick…
つ:being like… this is a dream right….. you're different too…. aren't you? sniff…
あ:[dejected] [sinks to the ground]
つ:helpless creature. its ok. your tsukasa will like correct things. he shall pluck you from the air and bring you back i like to think before he sends hanako boy back he takes a second though
あ:You must trust him. he's just fiddling with the technicalities
つ:i like tsukasa getting to look at a more relatively 'independent' boi like. hmmm.❤️ you're interesting…. nice to see. holds you by the jaw
あ:Appraises you like a fine stable horse
つ:mine needs me back…. but… it was nice meeting you.
あ:Hehe......... ❤️
tsukasa: do you have any questions for me, before you go back….? hanako: what the heck was that back there. with. the-- me. here. for real. what is that. tsukasa: [lying for fun] 🎶we are lovers❤️ BYEEE [THROWS YOU INTO THE PORTAL]
あ:just make hanako turn into a withered husk NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
つ:make hanako return like he just faced the balrhogg
あ:well tsukasa is here.
つ:face down on the bathroom floor oh it'll be like nene and kou rush to him and he's like mngnngh.. [looks around] [SEES TSUKASA] [SCREAMS] FLIES OUT THE WINDOW
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つ:poor nene and kou. they don't benefit. the other nene got like. shmoozed and groped perhaps. i feel like tsukasa wouldn't let him take virginity its like ohh no❤️ thats for MY boy
つ:GOD HANAKO!!!!! not with that attitude💔
あ:you dont deserve it
つ:nene and kou like. i guess you can. go now tsukasa. he seems. back to normal ?
あ:> poor nene and kou. they don't benefit. the other nene got like. shmoozed and groped perhaps. i feel like tsukasa wouldn't let him take virginity its like ohh no❤️ thats for MY boy
so funny to think about this being interrupted before tsukasa actually has the spell figured out to bring his boy back. like. UHHh hold on there [freeze] [sleeps her]
つ:simply puts it on hold. funny if his magic doesn't work on ghost boy nene just freezes and hanako is like oh shit hell yeah
Now I dont have to hold back
つ:SCRUFFS YOU is like-- jkesus [getting the vapors] amane…. now, now……
あ:You should know better….❤️
つ:tsukasa would really have a moment mentally of. [griffin voice] he looks really nice.
あ:[inhales deeply.]
つ:trying to be respectful though. he wouldn't want his boy molested while he was swapped. i must resist
あ:It's like Tsukasa has the eyeballs to drink in your design. the bright red accents that guide you to look at his cock
つ:the only person capable of truly percieving the sex mmmmmred socks… nnnice shiny black shoes….. gold buttons, sakura detailing….
あ:[bites hand.]
つ:you are like sports car. so fancy maybe i can buy amane a gakuran…
あ:temptations. you're like, i wish i could just do it. ahhhhhh but muri muri……………………. but. if the he is so horny you know. AHHH but no no no. my morals
つ:maybe I've earned. one favor from amane, after all this time… when he gets back… perhaps he would try one on for me… maybe
rly goes back and forth for a minute just compulsively its like tsk tsk. weeell. no. mmm.. hehe.. no. ah. its too bad….
あ:Youre trying to not be like. "IF youre so impatient…" [clutches rosary]
つ:this temptressssszzz
あ:this will just be a lesson like. whet the appetite. i want a treat, says tsukasa, for once
つ:its funny but yes. its like ahhmmmm… welllhlhlhl maybe a treat when i have my boy…. i'msure i can find a classic gakuran somewhere…
its . like amane comes back. you know and is like TSUKASA WEEEEEP i had a weird dream… snfsfh ana, a…. you were… there, sortof, you… looked…. different……
tsukasa like… ^^ OOOHHH i had a dream too….! haha… hehe… you were in different clothes, and you acted differently…❤️ isn't that so weird…. ?❤️ I wonder why that would happen…
あ:[completely cluelessly] oh, weird………….. ……………………………. 6.6 ……? because we are twins.
つ:[loves this logic] i guess so…! [KAWAIII] mm really nuzzle and rub my boy….. amane asking for tums….. and tsukasa getting it… simple.
hanako will. be okay. eventually. tsukasa had to release 1 demon into him i was a good boy i did not suck your cock❤️ so i tell little joke you were so rude💔 you can handle it
あ:you deserve a little something. for being so… sexy.
あ:stupid rude sexy boy… at my doorstep…
つ:its funny to imagine tsukasa being like ruined for a bit actually. with desire. hes' not meant to have
あ:🤪im ngh kdfh !!_ ghf
つ:actually does have a dream about 2 amane going at him wakes up like ah. this is bad
あ:😔This is going to distract me………….🥴
つ:the confident body language…… the haughty expression…
あ:I couldn't have dreamed of such a boy, in reality.
つ:the lurid gaze at nene.... the cavalier confidence.... decked outin all black..... hhhhhhh
あ:so toe to tip hansy boy… what's all this flair for….
つ:If He Had Pinned Me And Not Nene I Would Be In Trouble Ha Ha hnnnggh no i belong to this amane…. help
あ:Put in a position to DENY Amane…. for, Amane…….. NO!!! break my brain
つ:oh it would be fucking. aroauruogurhogrugh
あ:But my loyalties
つ:my sexual tension blows up the apartment
あ:starts sweating bullets but if my little boy comes home and im all. FRESHLY FUCKED. no icannot but this is where your brain is trying to be clever like "but ah, if it was both…"
つ:mmngnhhh… ah but its like truly a pipedream💔 that amane……………………….. he didn't seem so interested [thinking about a truly 100% straight amane💔] ah well….. I'm only me. I wonder what his tsukasa is even like….
あ:All fucking titties out
つ:all fucking. luxuriant. a god
あ:nice big skirt. it'd be like oop. 🤔………………..🤐.
つ:like oh sure this tsukasa is a pwoerful wizard. but literally. a God. over there
あ:like oh my. in this world people can just BE weezards
つ:in his finery. when i was looqing into kimono and hakama stuff it was that tsukasa's set-up is really something only common for like shrine maidens and shinto preists …..
あ:melded with a GOD…. maybe that's just what it takes to match THAT Amane
つ:like ohhh god you have your adversary lol… me and my HUMBLE boy. sheesh
あ:We're just in our sweaters
つ:our lil matchies
あ:I truly was not meant to taste this opulance a sip of something with gold leaf in it
つ:if only to peer thru the veil later and see amane cutting open his mouth and fucking his thighs lol
あ:One day looking into my crystal ball
つ:get electrocuted
あ:like as a treat. wonder what that one is doing [struck by lightning]
つ:watching it like an anime occasionally while amane is asleep
つ:AAOAOUGOGDFGJFKL!!!! boiled my eyes out gets so horny I throw up
amane watching tsukasa rush to the bathroom and yartz: -FEAR. HAS NEVER SEEN THIS. OH GOD NO- tsukasa. is ill. oh god. oh god no. roachie. oh god. what is this. no. it cant be
あ:no not like this
what a hubris it feels like at the end of this your body is going to feel like its fighting off an infection ahh the ciguatera poisoninggg
つ:i have tampered. with dark magics and i have. been burned
あ:[is like. crying on the bathroom floor]
つ:i can't cope with having seen such a brutally. hot thin. g indeed poor amane this is horrifying for him seeing tsukasa like this
あ:all the manuscripts warned me.. literally
つ:literally i was told to not dark knowledge.. why did i think. i was above it i've been filled with the crazy urge to be stabbed…. ohhhhhh I NEED TO BLANK MY OWN MEMORRRRYYYYY
あ:I cant live life wanting to be stabbed
つ:I KNEW IT WOULD COME. i cannot. be trusted with this… desire and all my. powers i cannot…. i am too powerful to want something this badly
あ:There's a gd timer ticking down
つ:ineed to hurry. before something takes HOLD i was not meant to have this sort of desire it isj ust like… i'm sorry… amane……💔 freezes you💔
such a dramatic scene of like getting his shit ready to wipe it out but shaking hands and stopping and starting like mgmghmgnhgmmhn no maybe i cccc. maybe i can rrresist… noooo NO
あ:the goofy movie devil red lighting
つ:can't i just have one thing . [dark evil voice] once…. NO
あ:stages of grief. oh bargaining. ahhh but i just want to have this memory inside of me please
つ:pleeaakse the peace of knowing there is a version of me that would beg amane while being cut open AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
あ:ohhhh what if im good…. don't take the mental image from me its the most beautiful image i have ever seen
あ:OHH like a bandaid Tsukasa COME ON But this is one of thos emoments where its like why did i trust myself to be the wielder of all this with no one keeping me in check😩
つ:I need some checks and balances…… sigh
あ:ughhh…. BORIng………!!!!!!
つ:..maybe I should finally….. tell Amane……
あ:time to get all wistful
つ:i should finally… tell amane….. about… my magics…. and i should….. give him the power….. to stop me…. [gets horny] hmm. yes this is the right course of action [thinks] wait no. is it?
あ:Now that is doing it right!
つ:NO i was supposed to blank my. memory. …. well, maybe I can do both? I'll write a note… to myself
あ:Yes. ah…. okay.
つ:saying…. tsukasa. you've made the choice to share your secrets with Amane. you need him to hold his own power over you. you need a system for this.
You've just removed something important from your memory. Trust me, it was imperative. It really was. And what that thing was, taught you that this is the next necessary step.
You can never know what it was, but you must hand Amane some sort of tool. You cannot be trusted. You're not infallible. You are weak to things.
あ:There was a draft of this that was like. you saw something far too. incredible-- no. crumples paper
つ:disappears paper
あ:this is like trying to make warnings for radioactivity in the future
あ:Something that would ruin you foreve You stupid… slut
つ:why can't we just be normal what, can't just walk back fromgm,, seenig amanegm sssztab us>?
あ:Be normal. be normla for once in your life tsukasa… OOHH
つ:mgr,gthm…. hhover abov us pinning….
あ:ahh the perspective… [thinking about it through 1st person POV]
つ:whiels we….. wiggle and plead…,. eagelr,, for mor legs give out
あ:It would be so good to beg.
つ:WHINEs OOOHHHHHHH!!!! stupid. fuckgin
あ:Whjy did you get so distracted conjuring porn in your large boiling flask [has a psychotic break]
つ:fkl;gkfld;hdklh [nakamura screaming over and over above takao but its tsukasa]
あ:[blurred from motion]
つ:Anyway tsukasa waking up on the floor having erased it reading the note is just like ….🎶things have gotten so interesting…!
Aha, okay…. if it was really so severe. I must have meant it. There is evidence all around of a struggle… his hair and clothes unkempt, pulled at… things strewn about. Looks like I really wrestled myself down.
あ:Its funny to wake up like. Tehe. it seems i. went somewhere i shouldnt. well! i must have really been out of my depth if I can no longer be trusted with my own secret… ^w^ … onwards…
つ:A lesson was learned🎶
あ:If I have decided to trust Amane… then I will ❤ But its like smacks lips. idk its not as worrisome as you'd think. somehow amane havijg the control is like………. yes ❤ aw well… it can be lonely you know.
つ:Anyway. This is all funny actually bc I think at the end of this all amane is given essentially a word command which trigger shuts off Tsukasa’s powers at will and offers him complete control and tsukasa cannot reverse it like he sets it up to be very simple and easy for amane. But then Amane has this in his brain and one day tsukasa is just like finishing a paper or some shit and amane gets to do “stop the post.” But extremely manually and tsukasa is like .
Like . Well I can’t do anything about him just using it now can I. Can’t argue back like “amane that’s not quite what I had in mind…” because it’s …. interesting he is thinking about it AND it’s good he get in the habit of using it… then he won’t be hesitant in the future
It’s good to get accustomed to it casually first really… oh yeah I was also thinking it like compels tsukasa briefly for the first command said. It’s a whole system he rigged to BUT REALLY give amane reigns even despite Tsukasa’s powers
あ:You gave your spoiled toddler the master key unfortunately
つ:I do whatever you’ve said and then they’re gone until you permit them back. Yeah The end result is the spoiled brat has power to compel you
あ:Amane wants mac and cheese NOW!!!
つ:Some day Amane just like. It only compels you for a little, right? And it’s like mhm. Why? Make it longer What if I need you to do more things than one or two
あ:tsukasa coughing like he has black mold in lungs: ahah…. i guess you're right…
つ:That could happen. Hakk Why do I feel an ominous sense of danger…
あ:Somehow this isnt… Safer feeling…❤️‍🔥
つ:Surely isn’t what my past self had in mind
あ:This is like going to teach Amane to have even less tolerance for things than he already does
つ:It is scary and overwhelming but as well like paaants woof Indeed no more seconds of delay
あ:But also i feel like a side effect is whwn Amane is entirely alone its like mghgg… I HATE BEING ALONE!!!! (throws shit) I dont want to tolerate anything anymore [kicks desk] god the stupid tyrant boyking particle simply alive and well
Idk where this terminates but i do think you set Amane up for a real tantrum any day he is just like fed up w everything… i think the most paltry use case would be one day just realizing he can make Tsukasa say specific things and it's like a day you want to just hear something said aloud. like mghhhh tell me i dont have to go to school tomorrow…. like oh just say the words to me
つ:It’s like whoa. Scary to feel the compel make him talk….
あ:(insecure) Tell me you always want to take care of me
あ:must feel weird
つ:almost sad to feel the compelling take over like NOOO LET ME SAY IT WITH MY OWN BRAIN AAAAAA
あ:NO BABY JUST ASK!!!!! XU!!!!!
つ:OF COURSE I WIULD ALWAYS SAY SUCH A THING!!!!!! Well the spell doesn’t make me do flourishes I can make sure I say I will always want to take care of you directly in your ear….
あ:must embellish shudders dramatically it's like wait. keep going
つ:What are we doiinnggg💞 I love taking care of you….
あ:[grips your sweater]
つ:I would never want to do anything else. Nothing else is as important…. If this was the only thing left, that would be all that I need
あ:[reduced] … really.
つ:Of course❤️
あ:hueeee….. simmers
つ:This is all any of it is for….
あ:baby needs to hear it. the soothe.
つ:I only want you to be happy. Anything that makes you happy, Amane….
あ:[nods while tucked against]
つ:That’s all I’m ever really trying to do.
あ:… I like that. About you.
あ:…… I like that it feels… like you're never thinking about anyone else…
あ:It's ummm easy. everything else is hard…
つ:You wouldn’t like me tied up in too much else…..
あ:[grips] NO. nooo never ever never.
あ:Don't ever get tied up !!! In other stuff-!!!
つ:Okaaaay❤️ you know I have to do whatever you say…..<3
あ:u…………. yes.
つ:I think the compelling spell is taking me over… maybe magic can get worse, like a virus….❤️
つ:I think soon, I’ll do anything you say, always, no matter what.
あ:Oh……. ………………
つ:(Not really but he’s so cute I need to make it true xD)
あ:fucking… experiences tongue lolling emotion actually??? looks like. normal hanako for a second its like hm….. …. i like…. the sound of that I hope you get sick.
つ:Ah, you do…..? Ah.
あ:It would be fun.
つ:it would.
あ:n_n …🎶
つ:I was idly reflecting upon the AU tsukasa rly seeing the normal hanako like a fucked up sex beast It’s just funny for someone to look at hanako like ahhnnng…? Sex BOY
あ:He has wandered there mentally now and again. it is still like… stimulating conceptually it is just funny for someone to be able to perceive the whole look & demeanor as accostingly sexual like jesus…
つ:Nene and tsukasa are just young and innocent in canon Nobody mature looks at hanako
あ:They look at their guy and their little peanuts like vibrate but it can't be so conscious
It's like if Tsukasa wasn't. stunted by such crazy events. and his Amane is so humble that fanciful boy with all his embellishments. gold buttons and whatnot. is just like [tilts down sunglasses] but like the thought of. managing to get your dweeby amane ina gakuran is a funny step 2 like. some real octavius rex shit
つ:We respond unconsciously to it
あ:all done up. but like Meep.
つ:Maybe you put him in the gakuran actually and he’s like damn I feel hot
あ:I think once he looks at his reflection he will feel it actually
つ:Sticks tongue out
あ:but i like to think the first few seconds are like [clueless]
つ:Why did tsukasa want me to try this…. Stands in mirror. Oh hey
あ:Stares Turns around hmmm… [grasps brim of hat] Uah. cool. it looks cool
あ:kakkoi na....
つ:He is a lame little guy he can simply find it edgy
あ:All black…
つ:Tsukasa, you really just had a dream I wore this? No mouth looking at Amane
あ:Tsukasa in after school hanako kun like 👉👈 about the tea set
Amane is just muttering, wish I could've seen your dream now… sounds fun Does a stretch sits down on a surface and kicks leggies
あ:If only our uniforms were so stylish we could match.
つ:(Rudely) it wouldn’t really suit you though…. (Amane thinking) you know in.. my…. (chooses to bury immediately) nvm Don’t wanna think about the tsukasa I dreamed about actually
あ:lmao rude… but yes forced to dwell like ah he was ina different……… wait.. nevermind. You cant even begin to crystalize the thought of Tsukasa wearing fanciful pleated things
つ:Like THIS tsukasa? Lol….
あ:She would be interesting
あ:Fsr this is like a train of thought I've been having like, half-formed before bed for a few days, it's just arbitrarily picking up a sort of "in media res" situation between AU yugi8, where Tsukasa has already set up Amane to get laid and this is the circumstance etc. and Nene is just on the wild ride. The first time Amane puts it in there's this completely wordless acceptance about him finishing inside like. I mean there would be no negotiating it, he's holding Nene extremely tightly in place and buries himself as deeply as possible before doing it. Tsukasa like doesnt, care, because its like [internally] I will just make Nene-chan infertile it's fine. [dismissive] … but it's funny bc Nene herself is also like 💭 it's fine i'll. find a spell. her. what-EVER. everyone's just like swallowing this down whatever. except Amane really who isnt having a single solitary thought about any consequence.
… no one in the situation is really prone to thinking about meaningful consequences of nut inside (not a braincell between you all wrt this stuff) but BUT, I think Nene could feel a way about… like… what the gesture itself means coming from Amane… like, even if it doesn't scare her, I think the subsequent instances of being nutted in will make her a little more "." …. quietly thinking about this… in the simple sense of, 'ah… Amane-kun really doesn't… think he ought to, ask or, anything, d-does he…' It's kind of scary lol, he's so serious during sex each time actually, and she's already seeing a degree of ehm. Passion. that hasn't existed elsewhere. She's been totally flipped on and ensnared and this is crazy and all. Scary. but like //// i mean accepts. Oh I'll do whatever I have to. [gets on all fours]
and like in general thinking about Nene having to really load in. digest. Amane's selfishness. really feeling like a piece of meat. It's the complete lack of conversations or asking if things are OK before doing them
つ:the charm of amane being the Normal Boy and therefor you read his actions like he's just normal, not aware you have an extra layer of relative control due to magic and don't face mundane problems so much….
あ:Uhuh. like from HIS perspective…
つ:Amane-- in all realities. shall never even be a pull-out king, much less a condoms boy. he's so far from it. he's far too indulgent of a person….
あ:Not gonna do it. and not going to open a dialogue about how you feel about it
つ:its funny, most boys (especially shy ones) are like aahh no wait not my… gross come in your mouth… tries to pull out…. but Amane will definitely just shove to the back and come down your throat. he is not thinking about it
あ:it's just like, baseline, this is the sex we are having pulls her forward by the hair as he does it
つ:in the moment he is only: FEELS GOOD FOR ME
あ:it's like OH GOD I NEED IT DEEP!!!!!!!!!!!!! not going to compromise even a fraction of it w but this is a Nene that can really appreciate being reduced to like her pussy . SUPREMELY OBJECTIFIED….
つ:I think Amane's problem in all realities is this inability to resist a vice
あ:a sort of negative self control base stat
つ:deep down all nene are down to be reduced this one just. will have less of a crisis about processing it and already knows she is a skank
あ:simply leaning into it. oh let the bodies hit th flor I think his rudeness is just stunning but in a way that leaves you fascinated. like finally Amane has some gumption to pull you both out of the middle of class but its because want to fuck. in a closet or something. and it's like jesus….
i think a lot about the scene in oyasumi punpun where aiko is liek nnno my period… [stopping hand] but this just means it fluidly transitions to a blowjob I really imagine its like. this kind of wordlessness
つ:its like oh i see. [changes course]
あ:if its like ohghmh fh im sore…. its like blink. okay.. [tugs down]
つ:mouth is fine tho
あ:nothing wrong with that [still unzipped and all]
Tsukasa lauds her graciousness with it all. nene-chan… faito
つ:he's like awe what a good girlie… I thinkt his is waht canon tsukasa feels about nene too, really! like just pleased with her gumption and her commitment! its all like… ah you really DO like Amane❤️
あ:i think the funniest circumstance is one though where Nene is like doing small spells to like do basically a plan b style kill da sperm. but Tsukasa has wordlessly made her barren
つ:I already have everything set in place girl its funny if she can actually notice this. and then later tsukasa is just like grin❤️ [FEELS.. VIOLATED. BUT FINE]
あ:winks its the most unchill thing ever liek you know how the world generally regards fertility
つ:its like lol you cannot entrap my prince a moment nene is just like … aware even if she was insane and wanted something. tsukasa is the. more potent wizard so. m
あ:😜 tsukasa is like. the ref. like.💔 I'm sorry. but my baby doesn't need that stress He'd just get all nervous. poor thing. Our priority is Amane… naturally.
つ:she's gotta submit .. it is… probably a good thing amane has tsuaksa there… if it was another girl, you know… someone ah, crazy in a different way… well, you can see how amane is. vulnerable
I think in moments like this Nene feels quietly put in her place. not like it's what Tsukasa is trying to do, its just that, sometimes you can forget there is this element going on and then you are reminded and it's like "ah…." 🙇‍♀️…
other things i thought about briefly was like. well in general this Amane confronting urges like, in real time with himself, this whole forray is such a case of activating sleeper cells. that i like the thought of not even meaning to, but being a lot rougher with Tsukasa one day, and this entrances everyone in the room to witness.. like it's a first time thing. we've gotten acclimated to Amane being kind of uncouth and rough from sheer eagerness, but not with like, something as pointed and unprompted as just grabbing Tsuaksa by the throat while he was speaking. not even saying something he didn't like -- i mean, if anything, saying something he really liked…… it's like everyone goes quiet because of how different the energy got. for a second. but it's like flying too close to the sun for a sec and amane releases while feeling mystified like… 6.6
?? ………… ?? [guy who doesnt watch porn voice] what the…
つ:Amane who is usually not… stopped by anything. and tsukasa as well is not typically altered in expression-- ah I feel like.. nene typically in fleeting moments during sex with Amane… looks around the room, and, it feels like tsukasa is a static figure-- just with a ^^ expression always, pleasant and watching. you fade in and out, you sometimes forget he's there, you sometimes are so focused on amane….. but when he fades into view, he's never any different, whatever is happening-- however rough or easy amane is being
あ:The baseline serenity this Tsukasa kind of maintains
つ:I think it adds something… mm I think she'd actually… come to like this… feeling, subconciously, of being the 'disadvantaged' one… once she completely understands how Tsukasa is with Amane… you know that… if Amane wanted to do something… anything… Tsukasa would not stop him. He would stop you, from stopping him.
she could fight Amane 1 on 1, she has magic as a trump card, as well as Amane not being-- er--strong or particularly capable physically, she's squirrely and wiley and somewhat trained in self-defense as a witch… and yet, that sort of proactivenss about her safety… doesn't mean anything if Tsukasa is here
but subconciously that feels…. good. feels good to be bottom rung you sortof… dont know about your own, fetishes
but it would be a little sad to be able to overpower amane objectively. this nene is a self-possessed person, she has skills and confidence and is a skank, she is liberated….. but that's not her true heart's desire, to be Amane's cool witch gf
あ:One couldn't even say Tsukasa "balances" things as much as he completely skews things entirely in Amane's favor only. This isn't like things even out 50/50, it's… more like all points get put in Amane's basket. Perhaps before this Nene thought Tsukasa was more self-motivated and wanton, doing things for his own sake, and not afraid to string along his brother. futsu little Amane. but in reality all of Tsukasa's whims are like irrelevant in the face of whatever Amane desires. and… in reality, most of his magic, attention, effort, revolves around Amane.
I like that one has to think of Tsukasa as clever in this world, there's no other way to word it. like 5 steps ahead of you and totally disaffected by anything you pull. just like hehe ^^ cute of you. … you know if anything happened, he'd have a better reaction time than you ever could
the sheer loyalty also means there's just 0 hesitation about anything. this is someone who would disregard your autonomy to any degree in an instance. if it is what Amane wanted.
… but idk i think it must be interesting to be aware of all of this… but also know there's no ill intent towards you he does like you
つ:he has the world's most pristine sublimation of flight or fight reflex and can think on the fly and it will be all means be in Amane's favor every time so 'trying anything' is only asking for yourself to get dunked
あ:You cannot fight it sometimes i think the optics are kind of cute, it slike…….. in truth………………….. tsukasa is like the "familiar"……… but being a slave to someone who has no magic skills and doesnt even know you do magic. idk it all seems so cerebral doesnt it like damn tsukasa
つ:I wish Nene in canon could. like understand this is also her circumstance you know
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only-lonely-lovers · 3 months
Bird is あ / Avvy is
つ:begins… thinking about yugis showering together
あ:yeahhh. actually since i was writing small boys stuff. there's a part where i was like gasp. bath together
あ:[thinks about it]
つ:it feels like. one of those things once amane is healthy it's like WAAAIT
あ:yes like ah ah ah!!!!!!! we have to…
つ:with a heart condition something like a hot bath would be really dangerous… i'm sure it had to be very controlled and at best lukewarm situations and highly parents driven…
あ:highly supervised, no fun
つ:extremely monitored, etc…
あ:as much as you lost just having sleepy times togever
つ:tsukasa just like KFLSDJ;GKL;GJKLKF GRABS ARMFUL OF BATH TOYS [in the tub] I FORGOT [RUNS NAKED THRU HOUSE WETLY GETTING SOME HE FORGOT] amane in the tub alone a minute: stupid…
あ:just kind of watching him like. sigh
あ:now it's a party
つ:they knock it back and forth on top of the water dimly sortof braindead fills a hollow plastic dinosaur with water and makes it barf the water back out
あ:[clapping] ah tsukasa's little pea vibrates , as if he must provide amane bath time entertainment the entire time and amane's like. i mean it's fun. but we can also just have a bath [lazily paws you with my feets]
つ:plip plap pap
tsukasa is like remembering every little thing he does with each toy….. like wait. and this one…. you can do this cuz it floats but i like to think no amane bath time is like sits in water blank eyed as mom helps bathe
あ:in reality yeah it hasn't been so fun tsukasa probably not enjoying swimming or nothing without amane….
it makes me so emo amane is looking forward to pool time like … really has desoirs
つ:SWIMMING really has to have been so incredibly contraband….
あ:such a no no...
つ:i imagine its so. swims around in circles together heeheehee
あ:paddle paddle
つ:time to be sharks. gators. heehee
あ:dives under and grabs your ankle
あ:water makes you wily. its just so fun to be bouyant and not having to worry abt ur whole body fun for newly healthy boy
つ:HOW DOES NOBODY THINK ABOUT HOW GOOD THE REUNION MUST HAVE BEEN!!! we haven't seen it bc they are saving this pocket of time
あ:i have to imagine amane was truly just like manic about stuff for a sec combine this + the glee of having tsukasa back i think it was just epic for a sec
just so excited liek TSUKASA!! momgh said [mouth full of food] werre goingtoda BEAHC
つ:you hope it was so amazing. that whatever awfl things happen later. tsukasa still feels it was worth it
あ:trying to make a big cool kaiju out of sand or, using sand castle molds and then pretending to be a big stupid godzilla stomping on the buildings
つ:we're compressing the joy into a few short years
あ:tsukasa tasked with making a bunch of these
つ:yeaaahhhs baby oh tsukasa just fuckin havin to funnel all the sand around
つ:he is just like hai being given any assignment
あ:I think Amane really could just command him. MAKE me a city. and its like hai. becomes diligent
つ:amane just like puts flags on top and sticks a seashell here or there
あ:sits around frootily
つ:as he does. sigh stares for a minute looking… upon your splendor on the sand…. in the open air… the sun…. upon skin….
あ:[swirling my finger in the wet sand]
あ:Moments like these, they happen
つ:snaps fingers to make him continue the work
あ:Hey cmon i wanna do this and then swim to get all the sand off of me what excites tsukasa more, amane popping up under him in water to carry him, or him getting to carry amane in some way (edited)
つ:amane carrying him would make him [no expression] simply [little shapes floating around]
あ:brother is being whimsical
つ:calculating, except calculating nothing
つ:its like somewhere in the deep recesses of tsukasa's brain is like a bridal carry image he saw once but he's not cognizant of this its more like a little brain itch feeling
あ:amane is just excited to do something like this. ahh my blood is pumping. runs around, feels self panting, but it feels good
つ:guy loves to be athletic it feels good
あ:he's laughing
つ:he's like wow its easy to carry people in water…. i had no idea bounces tsukasa around hup hup takes a minute to be like (he's become so quiet……) but tsukasa is just like that…
あ:its like ah…. [pauses] …. tanoshii…? you having fun? [kind of wry tone like lol]
あ:hehe. [spins in a circle…] after enough time itll be like lol. my turn ok. you do me next entertain your prince
つ:amane behaves as if he is on a throne about it i'm sure. I think tsukasa is more outwardly like heehee grin heehee SPINS YOU VERY FAST MAKES US BOTH DIZZY
あ:really gets all, like, comfy on you, like you're a chair, i cross my legs. i rudely lean my elbows on you ohh i can barely feel it tsukasa you're going to have to go faster than that…
つ:becomes serious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh god catching SHRIMP!!!! EBIIII
あ:every day it is catching the shrimp for our dear little tsukasa
つ:really works self into a panting mess doing a ballet show with amane
あ:[finally claps] i bestow that upon you
つ:FEELS VERY VERY ACCOMPLISHED!!!!!! oh i think tsukasa is the sickest person of all having grown up with amane… nene you need to weep for him sometimes its a lot to…. deal with…. isn't it… wtf
あ:It's bad unfiltered amane 24/7…
つ:this is a guy who as it is can feel so 'i know i am your favorite'
あ:i knowww you like me exploits if there was EVER an exploitative mfer
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only-lonely-lovers · 3 months
tags: masturbation, dubcon(?), caretaking, possessive language
notes: I think a lot of this one was us laying around in bed texting each other and it shows... w
Bird is あ / Avvy is つ
あ:Anyways I was thinking rly hard about… uhh… I liked a lot when Avvy proposed Amane having been incepted sexuality due to Yashiro so commencing jerkoffs and being distracted and this being a new thing. Tsukasa observing this like oh……. kawaii…. something new. It can't be sad that Amane is attempting to be secretive and hide stuff even though they do absolutely everything together. Thinking about them outright sharing a bedroom and 1 bed. kinda deal.
Somehow its novel and cute to Tsukasa that Amane would be shy about something with him. Since when, you know? Amane is a shy person but there's nothing he's actually embarrassed about around Tsukasa… is full autisms and can be as rude and wordless as possible, doesn't hide his interests. So any sense of Amane sequesting into the bathroom for periods of times or, when Tsukasa runs an errand and comes back he can hear Amane shuffling quickly in the bedroom. This just makes Tsukasa get good at coming home worldessly. Presses ear to door. Oh. the sounds of jerkoff. naruhodo
Does this ritualistically. It's kind of fun. New Amane sounds just dropped and all that.
つ:It would just be cute… not offensive or saddening at all.
あ:I think Tsukasa is perceptive enough to quickly deduce who and what is prompting this. And is perfectly calm and ready for Amane explaining Yashiro-san wants to visit. Hmm yes… let me meet her…
つ:amane having a new feeling that he is embarrassed offffff
あ:Ah the more i wrote… the more this was really just a perfect sunshine-amatsuka fusion… But that was kind of cozy feeling to get to imagine
つ:It seems like a nice cozy place to beeeee no challenges. Some spice as tsukasa knows magics and nene is some new Magic’s user And amane just a nerd between these
あ:This really is a tsukasa who goes to get groceries and is like 🎵🎶 about it monitors my boy with spells
つ:Give me the little list of nuts and bolts🔩 you need
あ:I think its so. sedates you puts you into bed. when you need it.
つ:An equivalent of koku joudai if amane is super stressed before a tourney it’s like❤️ sleep
あ:Yes. oh dont worry sweetie. i learnt it all for you
つ:I’ll sing that song you like so much (It is a spell)
あ:So… Yashiro does come over. And the vibes are weird. She is like all thotted up but has to have this emotion like ah… tsukasa-kun. (doesnt resent you BUT. idk how to think about the thing you did last year or w/e) but Tsukasa is just pleasant. I'm bringing you guys tea. its cool.
At some point leaves them alone for a bit and monitors via magic. Oh i look into my crystal ball yk whatever. And I think Amane is like… very shut down and overwhelmed by the, pheromones, and the way he hasn't been actually feeling better over time. He's really perplexed by wanting to spend time with Yashiro, the urge itself is enigmatic and conflicting with his skills. aversions. but here he is allowing it. But i was cumrotted so yk It's as extreme as being ROCK HARD when she is right next to you and talking to you and wordlessly staring at the space between your feet and deathgripping legs. Nene sees this and is like ',' [brain falls out head]
but this Nene having more confidence and sluttiness is funn i think her stupid braindead thirst (the way she is like. a girl can have multiple guys as a treat ❤ during the event) means she just tries to be like ah… Amane-kun
… how are you feeling… [touches his chest] is this-? Good… are you having… fun? Do you. Like this…?
つ:Poor Amane’s life was so easy before
あ:Hand lowers… she strokes over his belly.
But this makes. Amane have a panic attack and run into the bathroom and close the door harshly. fwmp. and Tsukasa is like kyaa. oh… Amane!!! the way you definitely do want this… but run away from it!! So interesting. [didnt intervene when he could] You deserve to be bothered a little i think. awwwwww….
Returns into the scene. Nene isnt like made of steel she IS. embarrassed. face hot. apologetic, sorry Amane-kun went… I think he… I…
つ:Nene is a human being!!
あ:but Tsukasa is like ahh daijoubu daijoubu its fine Nene-chan. Ohhh he gets like that. ^^ You stay here. one sec… Peeks in. heyyy my shawnster…
He is comically like. Shivering and hiding behind a toilet like a scared cat. Standing up though. boner visible. Tsukasa is like [closes eyes and inhales.]
(duhh my notes.. one sec. im gonna just look)
"Is something the matter, Amane?"
As always, it takes Amane time to deliberate and reply, but you're never frustrated with him. You relish in getting to watch his fretful eyes tilt downward, his nervous hands clasp and squirm. You couldn't fathom rushing him. You wait patiently. Amane holds his arms and and waits quietly – you rush into them, clutch him close, and close your eyes as he nuzzles your shoulder.
"… I… want… to have sex," Amane finally breathes. He clutches you tighter. "With… Yashiro-san."
"Ah, I see, I see. That's very new and interesting, Amane. I'm happy you told me." You nod in understanding, genuinely proud at Amane for finally being able to say it. "If you ask me, I think Nene-chan would be more than happy to."
"I don't want to be alone though. I want you there."
You take a deep, deep breath.
"Mhm." his hair brushes your cheek as he nods.
It's been a while since you've felt so humbled to be included with something of Amane's. You were used to doing everything for him, with him, but you would have been understanding if he pursued this girl without you. But dear sweet Amane wanted you, even here. You sway, side to side, nuzzling against him. Amane's hips jitter as you do – oh! … still excited… You stroke his back.
"Of course, Amane. You tell me anything you want me to do. Where to be, where to touch… I can even move Nene-chan for you, get her ready… anything."
Kshfhd its all like. accepts everything very immediately sure i will get you to fuck her. ohhhh i get to be there? yes.
つ:Walks out the bathroom holding hands
あ:Both of you acting like space aliens admittedly. there's not really any sense of deliberating on… emotional closeness… Amane is just crystalizing that he wants this thing and Tsukasa is like , and so, it shall be
No proper anything… I'll get your dick wet sweetie…
つ:It’s like… does amane try to explain or tsukasa. It’s cute either way. Amane like. Yashiro-san. I’m sorry, I know it’s weird. So I get it if you don’t. Want to. Do anything. But. If we d. If we do. If we do anything I. I want. Tsu… kasa…. With…. Us…. or else. I’ll. Rrun away. Again and. Again
(Tsukasa wiggling fingers at nene and looking a little apologetic) Feeling on cloud 9 though
あ:I think as Amane speaks, he sometimes gets so shut down he actually just needs to dictate to Tsukasa what comes next. soo like… step 1 is actually walking out together and telling Tsukasa the living room area is scary and it needs to be in the bedroom. comfort space. and with like nearby stuffies or something excessive like that. pls… and so Tsukasa is like ohmm Nene-chan this way, let's talk more in the bedroom ^^ and she's like o. kay.
つ:Thats so like. Fear Ok The want for the dick I hope tsukasa doesn’t turn me inside out
あ:It's fear inducing. also you walk into their room and see its 1 bed. and this is definitely the 1 bedroom in this dorm actually. ok Like whatever
つ:Yashiro quietly says naruhodo
あ:But itd be cute if then Amane could be like im. do wanna. i do wanna. Do it
つ:Amane voice: but there’s something wrong with me
あ:I need help Tsukasa, really laying it on. I'm just here for moral support. Rubs his shoulders
つ:Yashiro: ah… I could… I mean if it’s just help I know what I’m — amane: nnnnnnnn (tugs tsukasa) Tsukasa: ^^ …my help is needed. Sorry, nene-chan. I won’t do anything if you don’t agree. (… unless amane asks me too lol❤️)
つ:Think of me as… a security blanket! That’s all!
Yashiro looking at two boys on the bed. Brain begins to melt Tsukasa like mmm… well… you’re already like this…. (Guides amane to lean back to show off tent more lol)
あ:It's a lot like. To submit to. But I think she'd genuinely feel too awkward to bow out in a way. As overwhelming as it is. Oh Amane-kun is so sweet. His… beseeching gaze. His. cock is right there also. To leave him so snubbed. When you do want it.
Tsukasa is intimidating but in a sultry way. like shahgdgdfhgI did imagine it being very much like. presents Unzips his pants. Releases from boxers
つ:He is clutching tsukasas arms like hiding behind one a lil Skrunky…. Let the scent waft to nene lol
Tsukasa also gets to be like. Eyes widen a little AH ITS STRONG LOL I’m always getting the after breeze left in the bedroom Oh the source is much more potent… HAS THE RESOLVE OF A DEMON TO NOT GO CRAZY
あ:The cute thing is Tsukasa himself experiencing stuff for first time gets vertigo for a second. OH keep it together
つ:Linger hands near him for longer than he intended… it’s so warm. Smiles at nene
(… I will hurt amane a little) Nene-chan… don’t you think it looks nice…..? Ah…. And this scent in the air~
あ:Like heuugjvjfh!!!!
つ:WHAT THE FUCK!!!! Dhdududkdjdhdhdj
あ:Coughs Ah…….. s.. souuu….
つ:Amane like dndjdjd tsukasa—!!
あ:You need Tsukasa here to be like why don't you come closer… dont be shy Come see… it's nicer up close
つ:Despite all her bravado, is shy and slow up close It’d be different if she was alone…
But being watched… she’s suddenly aware amane is very delicate, isn’t he…
あ:Perhaps Tsukasa nerfs her in a way that puts her on Amane's level
つ:Always thought of him as a mundane amount of shy… but… … he’s actually very unusual…
あ:Forced to contemplate the boy
つ:Does he really need something like this….? Tsukasa-kun…. Do you. Uhm. Do you always… help .p. Ah
Like this? …. No…. This is both our first time seeing this, nene-chan
あ:A fun question for a girl to be made to ask herself.
… I was thinking about Tsukasa being as excessive though as. like pulling back foreskin to show off (edited)
つ:Mm a good time to pull it back …. And (TRYING NOT TO BREATHE HEAVILY) Amane’s first time feeling, (pulls….) this…. Nene shuddering. Jesus Lights popping in eyes
あ:Fweeeewww… its hot in here. the humidty is spiking. your pussy is on fire etc.
つ:Delicately places for fingers along shaft…. Nene does. Simply crosses over tsukasas to the head….
あ:Amane whimpers… It's genuinely a lot… I think he is not used to being touched by other people. let alone in this context. Your body is like a liiittle fearful of something unfamiliar. But girl hand… lovely to feel, atop it all. but it's so good it's alarming. (jitters.) I sorry. amane. but the Tsukasa commentary track is like oh he liked that. keep goinggg
つ:Fluster nene and amane both…. I imagine tsukasa is the icebreaker always chatting during
あ:Yeah i think its kind of an instinct keep a dialogue going to fill in space. he is used to little or no response.
つ:Girl’s hands are soft, aren’t they, amane? Hehe…. Gently leaves cock to pet his hair and rub his knuckles
あ:maybe ask Nene if its HER first time… (bc Amane would like that…!)
つ:She’d get so WHY PUT ME ON BLAST But just mentally Take a SECOND.
あ:He is GOING to put you on blast.
つ:Squinch brows… Wiggle mouth….
Think about how girls should maintain mystique… but… sees little amane all. Small and shy and. Urhgg
あ:Amane peers an eyeball at peeky
つ:Y. Yeah. It’s. My first time. With anyone. Doing anything. Like. This
あ:His.. eyes lid. shudders Tsukasa gets to be like hueheueu yayy he likie… Oh! … Amane likes that.
つ:Tsukasa kind of mentally like ah thank god nene if you had nonvirgin hands….! Knows what Amane wants and wishes for him to have it all
あ:That would be too sad. i would. maybe have to erase that from Amane's memories. 💔
つ:The real option In reality I will fix this if you fuck up I will never put my amane at risk….
あ:Nene this far into the experience does have to be thinking 💭 this doesnt quite feel like… he is JUST a security blanket
つ:She is ignoring feeling a nonzero amount about it For NOW
I think nene has the power to start jerking him off….
あ:Yus i did think she would pick up the ball. Tsukasa presents but Nene does not leave anyone hanging Genuine lust takes over. the boy is warmmmm and so boy.
つ:You get a nice rhythm going…. Tsukasa keeps his hands busy here and there
Fixes hair, flattens some wrinkles in shirt, does the usual preening to make amane feel it’s not so different Something new, and stuff familiar
Enables amane to get comfortable a bit… subconsciously can relax more… less tense ball and more… bumping into hand
あ:Make it as easy for him as possible, ease him into it. Doesn't have to be as tucked away. steals glances at Yashiro and what she is doing. Mhmhnhn…. it is… nice. It's better than. jerking off.
つ:Tugs at tsukasa and mutters at him shakily. Tsukasa stifles. Shuddering feeling the heat of his face so near and what he’s asking…. Which is just for him to please thank nene… Like tell her she’s doing good
あ:Yes your majesty hhhhh
つ:just shy like nnoooo she’s doing me a ffffavorr
Nene-Chan (WAS STARING AT COCK FORGOT TSUKASA WAS THERE FLINCHES) Amane wants to thank you…. it’s very nice, how you’re willing to help…. You really do want to do this, don’t you? It’s fun for you, isn’t it? Amane isn’t being selfish…. This is actually (can’t control voice getting heavy finally) very generous of him, right? To let you do this.
あ:Oh the room just feels like it keeps getting hotter
つ:Amane staring. Not what he asked you to say…
あ:Overwhelmed to hear Tsukasa implicate that, oh i think his little brain is like. noo. that's not what i saidjfhfhg… like gets caught up in a technicality. why would Tsukasa say something different though he is here to help me… [CANNOT. SPEAK THO.] But also why does this make my cock shudder a little
つ:Don’t you feel…. Lucky…?
Nene who has been broken a bit: h. HAI!!!! I AM— LUCKY!!! JERKS FAST
Tsukasa watching. Ooouuuu Likes what he sees in you….
あ:This is where its fun. like. the noncon potential Just a touch actually Despite everything
つ:Yosh Ah…. Nene-Chan really understands❤️ Holds Amane more firmly….
あ:Amane genuinely so like, not ready for feeling this, gasps. F-fast!! ssscary. trying to inch away. but i think it just reads the same as his bumps into hand Tries to tug Tsukasa like a lifeline
つ:Touches forehead toooooo for a second Inhales your exhale quietly mmmm
あ:Sigh. the…. kind of choking sounds… made when the sensations get scary. lots of choking vocalizations like breaking off. mgh - gh -- hhgh- nhh
つ:So interesting….
あ:Cock is evil though it works against you. it does want to push up. i think sometimes cock wants shove, while hips and body want FLEE… you get these broken little jitters
つ:Tsukasa suddenly reaches forward and grabs nene’s shirt front. Drags her body forward
That’s not all you came here for And that’s not all amane needs you to do
Her hand lets go in the shock…. A nice momentum bounce of cock in the open air
あ:Nice cinematography.
Amane who doesnt know about anything beyond what is happening in this immediate moment. no idea where we're going. his brains are already melted out his ears… just continuously tugs Tsukasa’s sweater, waiting to be understood
つ:Just before Amane can whine for the lack of contact, or move, tsukasa swaddles cock in his free hand as if he’s coddling it Like keep it warm while they work this out
つ:I don’t think Amane’s first time should be finishing in your hand, don’t you agree? Don’t you want something more special? Of course you do! DRAGS ONTO HIS CHEST
He’s been finishing into his own hand so much, nene-Chan! Thinking about this!
Amane wants to “do it”. Of course! So badly.
あ:Dizzying to hear… disorienting, for both Amane and Nene. This way that Tsukasa can suddenly feel omnipotent You know everything…
つ:Yashiro very dizzy, yes… dumbly nodding and panting loudly… plants a palm on his chest Well, she was well prepared…. No panties
あ:A girl wants what she wants…
つ:As she gets a hand between her legs… tsukasa observes. holds Amane ready… A situation of nene lowering over while tsukasas hand gradually recedes
あ:It is all for this... Tsukasa assisting in the line up and all. Watching it happen...
つ:Enjoying each second… amane is dying. But I’d like it to be that warm PUSSY GOOD SHOVES
つ:Activate sleeper cell
あ:Hehhe yes … actually part of the. cumrot was the thought that while deep into this Amane would actually become insatiable. like he has no self control!!!! cant!!!!!! its actually like oh god dont STOP ffffucks like a cylinder
つ:Yossshhh autistic grip SITS UPRIGHT Make Yashiro shriek
あ:Mmm delightfully scary. pivot
つ:Tsukasas propeller hat spins
あ:Shahshdhh. HELLO handsome the emotion Tsukasa experiences
つ:makes tsukasa very very excited childlike
あ:Amane amane amannnyyeeehh
つ:Yashiro processes that— not a tsukasa she has ever seen Giggling kicking around Really nuzzling into his hair….
あ:You're doing so good!! Amane!!!! breathless
つ:She’s being. Jostled sf hard. Bed is shaking
あ:Holding on for dear life. rghgjfh trapped in this crazy room it feels like
つ:Would love Amane to manage to pivot to pushing her backwards on the bed and hammering Brain is only composed of. AND IWANT HARDERR
あ:I wanted the sex Everyone was patient for me now im ready wanted to FUCK you i understand now
つ:Understand how fuck works It’s all too clear
It is the wacky shack as tsukasa is just like dhdudjdbdhdjdndjdj hehehehehehehehe Lehhlleheleehll I’ll make you guys dinner after thisdss
NENE-CHAN GOOD GIRL!! PETS HER TOO She’s drooling. Delirious can’t see
あ:Its like ah. the beautiful parallel in how Amane is like any other TL of Amane in that. he functionally is going to treat you the same, like, piece of meat, hes not SOCIAL he doesnt have manners.
つ:It’s just shy though. Not even polite really It’s disarming but says nothing of his selflessness
あ:nnnno. just shy. he's not. respectful I do think Tsukasa completes the energy by being so mmm yes yes yes ohhh look at him go its a faaaaaast car Love you baybbieeeee
つ:You feel the most degraded in a funny way Yashiro finally feeling like. This novelty. But she’s such a slut this AU she loves the sensation Come to this dorm to get manhandled by twins
あ:She is the pussy in the room Finally… what a girl has been seeking
つ:dragged over cock and instructed what to do. It’s her own awakening
Thought she was— a forward, sortof dominating type Idealistically imagined herself that way. But it’s not what she wants In her heart this is, perfect… shoved and pushed
あ:Even assuming her preference for Amane-kun came packaged with wanting to mess with a shy feeble boy yk
つ:Your crazy girl Schtick
あ:So endeared was she. but like. experiencing him rail her. makes her go oh. Its sfffff hot… if he is like this. about me
つ:If that’s what’s inside amane-kun….
あ:Amane-kun who can barely look up from his fiddling… his projects…
つ:Ah a nice situation of tsukasa and Yashiro calling his name in an easy back and forth Tsukasa kickstarts it being himself Yashiro follows the addictive lead
あ:Ahh kawaii kawaii… It seems like it feels good to do
つ:Amane scrambling about
あ:The incentive is feeling his cock respond inside her. fweee….
つ:Ahhhh the chorus
あ:it feels good to be a girl in a moment like this
つ:Epic feelings I think the nut moment is scary Like grabs so so hard Congeals in his virgin pea brain🧠IT CAN GO INSIDE
あ:I WANT IT i do think its a real jfc… amane… digs nails in… trying to hold you down so hard It must go in and stay in
つ:Gotta unload I think Tsukasa is beyond sane helping he’s like on his back arms wrapped around Amane somewhere flopped kicking around
あ:Its cute. he is a fairly responsible composed boy in the grand scheme of things. made excited by Amane's own liberation uuouuuuu i love you
Amane is so cool!!! Amane is sooo capable… Amane is soo special!
つ:Amane does everything amaasziiiinnggfgly
あ:[pants] Amane should get everything he wants
つ:All this and then once he finishes it’s like. WHEEZE and tsukasa has to be like— AHHH RUNS OUT OF BED TRIPS FALLS ON FACE GETS YOU GETS INHALER
あ:kdfjhfdh my boy fuck whens the last time he drank water
つ:puts it in Amane’s mouth RUNS GETS WATER!!! Yashiro is blearily watching laid out
あ:Yashiro witnissing this. in a delirium like….❔
つ:You want like a kinda fussy Amane here honestly Like mmmmmn… squints
あ:lmaoo yes… like .. ugh.. TOO HOT … rips sweater off makes pissy sounds
つ:tsukasa helping When it gets stuck
あ:Throws it on the ground
つ:Fully removes Amane’s belt Knowing he disprefers it but wanted to look nice for this date Yashiro is still watching. What am I seeing
あ:What the…
つ:Amane, I can start a bath…. You got pretty sweaty, right?
あ:Grunts Its unflattering like ugh yeah
つ:I’ll go start it. Bows to nene. Leaves room She’s like wtf am I…. Seeing…. I do not understand the dynamic here actually
あ:I want Nene to spend like 24 hrs rly having bits and pieces load in for her You thought you understood but its like. [remembers this thing and this other detail and ???]
gonna later be like. wait. tsukasa being all…. we're lucky… and… amane should have whatever he wants… what I thought Amane was just a lonely boy but. IDK anymore do lonely people get dinner made for them ? Tsukasa has put on rice immediately
So funny for Amane to be so into routine and being taken care of he doesnt. offer yashiro much. at the end of this. like i need my bath… shuffles off
You know is like. Thank you I liked it
つ:Ah it’s funny. Yeah.
あ:Rubs mouth.
つ:She’s like. I did. T-too. You— you were impressive.
あ:Really [shuff shuff…]
つ:I didn’t think it’d … be like that
つ:Tsukasa though I do think would… like to usher her out Im sorry my boy has a timer
あ:Sorry darling
つ:He needs his routines again…. very cordial
あ:Baby simply needs his juice
つ:Nene-Chan❤️ Thank you for being so understanding. You’re a brave girl! That was so fun. Amane really surprised us, didn’t he…? He’s…. Incredible.
(Amane in the bg tugging his socks off) Like nyeh….
あ:stupid socks…
つ:Can’t get these jeans off fast enough
あ:That water better be ready for me
つ:The shitty afterglow Fsr true for amane
あ:Smells self. ugh Too much smells
つ:Kind of an annoyed voice… tsukasaaa…. It’s like whip cracks in brain WELL! ILL CALL YOU SOON NENE-CHAN, OKAY? I’ll get your number from Amane!
あ:Until then. Bye bye
つ:We’ll talk soon, ok? Byeeeeeeee
あ:nene like. will we i guess we will.
つ:Amane has literally never answered his phone for her
あ:He doesnt do that.
つ:It’s an emergencies thing really Nene walking home feeling many things. Much to think about. Feeling good though.
あ:Well. it was weird. but it wasnt bad.
つ:So strange.
あ:Ummm its complicated. Aha.
つ:…. What on earth will tsukasa and amane do now H-he said he never did that to him before….
あ:Is their relationship going to… change…? …. did it… change… did i see it change?
Somehow its truly more challenging than if Tsukasa has always been jerking off Amane. why now
つ:I do like to think it’ll be normal up until Amane gets a boner again in the night and his brain is like. Wait Bodies
あ:I can get
つ:Can be used for goods and services
あ:I can make Yes… i did. imagine a follow up. which is later like tugs. wordlessly. drags your face down
tsukasa part 2. oh…… are you sure….. … this is funnily enough perhaps the 1 amane that would be like. theres no reason to not ask Tsukasa. as the guy who already takes care of every single one of my needs
Cannot resist the simplicity of Tsukasa taking care of a chubby in the middle of the night sorta deal dont. wanna jerkoff anymore. is the thing. it doesnt feel as good. and rly didnt like having to evade Tsukasa for a sense of privacy. … but now there's no reason to…
As always I think there's just a different vibe. To Amane wordlessly grabbing Tsukasa’s face and rubbing cock over cheeks, pushing against lips. mnnn… dont have to overthink it… shoves… and Tsukasa is just like despite everything humbled , bc again, not assuming it actually has anything to do w him and already geared to think it was just a matter of being useful as an assistant
つ:Pleasaaaant… a silent graciousness
I also like humping tsukasa in the day… and tsukasa like aaaaa dials nene while this is happening Nene-chaaaaaaaan how about another date? Amane misses you….
あ:kawaii. yeah humping could become such a thing… very easy to do the feeling is like. ouhhmmm… im his binkie rn. he is becoming, incessant ❤ fun. but like. HELP! lol.
つ:Tsukasa for this is like mmm I wonder how long this will go on…. Will he get burnt out on it? Satiated? Okay and accepting if after a week he calms down with him…
But I think it just gets. Worse The more often it can just be like ughhhgh Puts hand on
あ:Not even needing to say anything
つ:COMES back from ROBOT SHOW throws BACKPACK on the ground grumbling STOMPs autistically to bedroom Drops pants
あ:counting the seconds. until you Its like mmghfh… suddenly too autistic for my autisms. like the tourneys ar elike. fucking annoyinggg gbdhfhf
つ:Being so like emotional tho at the show like. I miss tsukasa so much…. I wish he was here and not busy at his schooling… it’s so much easier with him
It’s so hard… (comes home and behaves uhgratefully despite this) The weight of the backpack and the journey home eroded him
あ:Get less grateful by the second. as you approach the door i WANT MY SLAW.
つ:I have to calm DOWN!!!
あ:opens the front door. moans. Tsukasaaaaa (edited) drops my shit kicks off my shoes
つ:Skitters. Another result of this situation is this tsukasa losing grace and returning to some regression
あ:Youre really shaking his pea around in there really bring out the. amane amane!!!! mode
つ:Slides into room
あ:The seamlessness of fullbody hugs and wraps legs around. and then gets leaned onto a surface
あ:Indeed it does just get. worse. for a while i think its a real. like. legs and spine getting fucked up. situation losing hours
つ:Ah novel to see. Tsukasa truly losing his grace in this AU
つ:Nene is like. It’s a little like. …. Living with amane seems like. …. I’m not ready Yet For that
あ:It seems. a bit dangerous chotto abunai yo…
つ:But I will be… some day
あ:Its like a prospective future
つ:Dating is what it is, for now
あ:but. intimidating. I. if he would really fuck me. all day . ah You know its like. becomes collected at the thought. BUT…. FOR NOW. WAITS.
つ:One loves to have a future to dream about Tsukasa walks into a door
あ:I think he has 0 graces fingering like it is. a lobotomizes you situation
つ:These fine motor skills
あ:Like jesus its actually more brutal if he fingers Lances you
つ:It will be much worse. Give nene my multiple day long stabbing pain that nothing can make you forget or ignore
あ:Serious business
つ:I think she’s a bit more of a pansy than me though No offense nene
あ:She's cute like that It's a lot to ask of a normal girl
つ:It’s good to make a girl suffer, too
あ:Yes Truly suffering for this boy
つ:The extreme masochism is for Tsukasa
あ:Souls are divided in this way
つ:But Nene can appreciate it like a loyal gf of an abusive boyfriend The Pride
あ:It's like a medal she gets to display on the wall of her mind later I really will. Let Amane. Do things to me. heep. but i love the thought of like. willfully deciding you must let tsukasa bear the burdens im normal i am trying to study
つ:Some of that energy. Must be burnt off
あ:The girl talk is as stimulating as ever under these conditions Its fun though i like to think Nene has to be a little bit like. drools. hearing about Amane needing an hour long blowjob
つ:I think this situation cumrots nene I think it’s going to get heinous
There will come a day Nene is laying in bed and she finally congeals TWINCEST IS HOT!!!! OKAY!!! FINE I CANT IGNORE IT FOREVER DO THEY WANT ME TO FIND ITHOT?
but I think the final form is tsukasa noticing and it’s surprise part 2 like awe What first amane likes me here…. Now nene thinks I am a sexy element?
あ:What the h*ck… Even a frog in a well like me…
Wants to watch ME blow amane…. But it’s inviting the devil into your house he’s going to send you videos out of nowhere or something
あ:you think to yourself that you're nothing special woof That is a problem
つ:Catch on to nene’s fetishistic interest and be like titling them deranged things like ❤️do you think I’m a good little brother?
If nene understands she kickstarted Amane's sexuality then this would feel like such a corruption like her sick desires lead them all heor What did I bring out in these BOYS…
つ:Did I ruin a pair of siblings
あ:They were just normal…. er… well… sort of normal siblings before. They werent fucking all week at least. jesus
i kind of both like the thought of Tsukasa covertly filming but also clearly prompting Amane to hold camera suddenly in the middle of something
つ:He’s got Hims spells fuckin invisible floating camera dgaf But it s also funny to just do it some time despite this capability to utterly hide it
あ:Yes doing both. www. just cuz its fun to see Amane's reaction I think hes like umgh…. ……… but i do want it Frustrated and feeling owned
つ:Adjusts the camera like a nerd
あ:Oh fiddling. fussing about angles.
つ:Really enjoys watching through camera
あ:but its moe. like something Amane does that Tsukasa wouldn't think to or account for is reach down and even direct Tsukasa's face this way and that… entranced.. Slows pace…
つ:Get weirder about touching cock on
あ:I think you can rly get a sense for how used to handling Tsukasa he is, like… the sheer ease of reaching and pulling, directing with harsh or more delicate touch. Tugs hair. pulls at skin around corner of eyes to make you look
The element where Amane definitely. isnt thinking abt this being sent to anyone I think it makes him look like an absolute madman
つ:Moving like alien The free spirited in his natural habitat I think eventually tsukasa can do weird shit alone with Amane like subject him to some spell but only after he’s so. Spoiled and cumbrained that he gives in to some temptation
あ:Liberated at last..
Tsukasa is willing to fux with Amane a BIT as it is. but i think something earnest for his own enjoyment with Just Amane takes a higher power level Thats so directed and not wanton for the lulz yk
つ:A lot of being cum slave for a month
あ:Has been comed on and in for so long its like.
つ:It would have to be studying some stuff time and reading a spell and lingering for a long time
あ:Hair messier, clothes all fucked up. twiddles my wand in my hand. a treat for me. maybe
つ:But ah with failsafes in place… I just like the idea of manually stripping away the inhibitions with a spell to parse the raw most urge
But it should just be getting insanely violent And rambling like a maniac
あ:Functionally makes like that botion that Hakubo gives to Aoi
つ:The autism ruins Amane for talking much at all but override the stoppers…. Nyaaa. A temporary version of that But you just get a very ah. YOU BELONG TO ME!!!!
あ:your body my property. ohhh it pours out… The entitled heart…
How unfathomably special, at the center of this all. Quiet little Amane, doted on and tended to. Feeling, not just, gratitude, but a sense of divine entitlement. Reference your history… YOU'VE BEEN MINE FROM THE START
つ:Expoooose the entitlement!!! That he is obligated….
あ:I'm going to make sure you never leave me
Oh sigh… i think for Amane there's almost so many feelings and thoughts unsaid it leaps out of him messily, daisy-chained thoughts
I'm, I'm tired of going places alone I can't do it. I WONT anymore Why should I?? Why do you let me Tsukasa!!
つ:LOOKING DEVASTATED I— I won’t! Then! I’ll — can go everywhere with you…. Feeling out of breath to hear and seeeeee
あ:In a straddled sort of pose… Amane could bear weight heavily, hands on sternum
Eugghh but it could b so insane… grabbing something to use as makeshift rope… tying Tsukasa's arms. or forming a noose around neck
つ:ah at some point it has to be like FREEZES TIME SHUDDERS AND WAILS ON THE FLOOR FOR A MINUTE
Ok. Time to reverse the effects I’ve learned What I wanted to
あ:I. asked for it
つ:I just wanted to know if Amane… really wanted me… here With everything changing…. if he’d run out the door or… Whatever he wanted… I just wished to know Whatever came out…! Whether it was simple or complex or about me or not
あ:A sense of obligation almost you know…? Enough time passed and you wanted to know what Amane was thinking… about any of this
admittedly Tsukasa would be like. Nevermind. if nene doesnt think she is ready for something. i need to know if Amane is coping with… not having something
Could I be doing more for you… But then its like. a. i. suppose. the answer was yes
つ:Was failing my boy Tsukasa simply wants to please him… To the utmost
あ:I arrange your tater tots in a little galaxy just to make you happy
つ:As his pleasures have been escalating… but have somewhat platuead… needed to know if force was needed It’s so like so help me I would subject nene to any spell
あ:if roachie could really ask you what you wanted there's no Tsukasa ready to be so specifically wanted… its like… how… why… It came out so… unlike anything ever before
つ:Demanding more… wanting no separation I will make it so…. kisses head of frozen in place amane
あ:This has to be such a. sleeps you. cleans up. puts you to bed is somber pets my guy
つ:Contemplates steps patiently
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only-lonely-lovers · 4 months
08.12.2022 (2)
tags: masturbation
Bird is あ / Avvy is つ
つ:there are so many possibilities for the wizard and nerd boys it is fun to spin around. like an alternate thing is almost as a result of the sheer… lack of any and all challenge, and therefor non-discovery of paraphilia through like the misery of near-loss, Amane being like, so inert. for so long. if only Nene could sortof kickstart something and tsukasa just be like :y …… this is very fun. i like to see this new thing. thank you nene-chan. watches Amane struggle to jerk off and do worse at his robotics. fuck up… late for class. Woooow❤️
あ:He's such a funny little particle to think about , it's how Amane indeed has some..? like….?? withdrawn quality, it's the nonsexual interest in space and sciencey things, combined with the sheer asociality, like they could kiss in a way that results in a turbo virgin subdued boy. with no challenges in life nothing kickstarts anything, the sheer comfort provided in tsukasa gets to be this perpetual crutch. Nothing stops you from being hyperfixated on stuff for hours , its like if my puzzle brain just had perpetual fuel but also i had no stressors. like since i was. doing mathsheets to pass time at school recreationally and playing sudoku etc. AND i literally never jerked off……. it's so easy to imagine actually
actually its funny this is almost like, a sunny-amane fusion… when you like your comforts and your toys. nonsexually.
つ:its like you dont need to think about sex, for a long time.
あ:Nene engaging with him really challenges his little brain like. [just so confused someone not tsukasa is talking to you regularly] 6.6 ………………[stilted replies when asked about special interest… rambles a tiny bit] ……………….. [she is turned to face you pleasantly, the updraft of her hot pussy like makes you shut down]
I do love her pose here, it makes me feel like she turns around in her chair and hugs the back of it while talking to him pleasantly
Tumblr media
[receives her pheromones] augh………………
つ:its good to have a world amane is maybe harassed a bit you know. girl really talking you up while youre doing a sheet… but you are into her….
あ:a little equilibrium its funny though to get derailed by thinking about poon
like mghhh starts leaking in the middle of the day. NO….!!! why……….. tsukasa observing this can just feel like well………………….. a little challenge is good for amane maybe :3 its like, enrichment it seems he is learning about himself. his body. kya
つ:I help in all matters. Perhaps its such a funny situation to think abt bc its like. YOU'RE THE LOSER NOW in its own way.
あ:its funny that it is reversible amane's endearing lack of self awareness at times. its like at its max here. having sexuality would just mean being fully accosted by it like mgh whuhh….. why is this happening…………………
つ:seeing amane has not finished some sort of thesis in time and is panicking and crying and tsukasa getting to be like ahhh don't worry❤️ I'll explain something to your teacher…. you'll get an extension on it…. don't worry❤️ just stay home for a few days, we'll say you're sick….. !
the talent of being perfectly convincing. meanwhile amane struggling to not just take the extra extension time to jerk off more. aouurgh
あ:💭 it feels like i AM sick……………………………………………… how long is this going to keep going on……. is it gong to pass like a fever…. a week…. two weeks…[a month goes by] 😭 no im scared
ahhh my robotics tourneys its like i dont have new ideas or concepts anymore idont want to keep tinkering with my drones. BUT I CANT KEEP RUBBING MY WEINER ALL DAY
but i am thinking about how i could use the time i'm usually granted to go to robotics events and just skip and stay home and touch my wiener. starting to wish to know what pussy looks like
つ:yashiro in her short short skirts and much more whore looks just needs to happen in order to tip the scales here you know she cant be a… subdued normal girl. in this AU. if amane is a little nerd she has to be the skank. its crazy but true
we really reverse it all in this one so funny, aidairo
あ:its soo funny but like im listening its like well but nene is skanky in her heart
its so funny if it remains to be true that no one here is conventionally attractive though A yashiro of whom is going to be flashing you bra straps more and like you see her panties when she bends over. its necessary
its crazy shes in like thigh highs in that drawing its so like hello. what are we doing. I guess brandishing absolute territory
つ:you need to make amane feel very like…. shy…. and reserved… like ah… no. please dont….
あ:Its kind of funny though that making him more feeble doesnt change the fact that he is going to be evasive and avoidant i think…. its like there's no timeline where your boy is open. i think being attracted to her does scare him in all worlds lol
its like please god… dont provide me temptations…. [rests textbook over my lap]
Yashiro like damn pussy on blast today…. oh well………. [later, Amane is like smelling the air unconsciously but like a lot. like wehn i dont realize im smelling avvys pussy] [this just creates a sort of ohhh??? emotion] [sucks in mouth]
i do think seeing amane have feelings makes tsukasa like [salivates] like wtf . my little nerd guy. is he horny. hi
つ:hi sweetie!!! I will enable everything. I will gradually let you procrastinate and shirk off your robotics and encourage you to take time off and quit clubs until you don't notice you have little going on
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only-lonely-lovers · 4 months
tags: sex dreams, dreams in general
Bird is あ / Avvy is つ
つ:i think the concept of tsukasa being like "there we go. very good" while you come is like a nightmare hanako would have. its been funnny to think about bc it isn't their dynamic. its liek you have an extremely fucked up dream that is inscrutable
あ:lol yeah just something to make you feel really fucked up like -- NO..
つ:hai, hai……
あ:its so funny though bc like again one has incest dreams even when youre a normal person the thought of alive boys ever having them its mutually so funny
つ:yes, they're completely normal. its something i think about. its free childhood incest thoughts no rules no limits
あ:in my mind tsukasa isn't able to parse his as incest he's just like. what a silly little dream i had about amane and the contents arent actually incriminating enough it really is like we're helping each other pee
つ:he's just like ah that was interesting
あ:omoshiroi. that would never happen though.
つ:as much as you have a dream you both eat big caterpillars together off of leafs wooow intresting. i liked that that dream had amane in it
あ:as unfettered about them as one could be amane hasnt been in my dreams for a few days. im glad he is back
つ:amane wakes up more like… woeuhg.. [going to try to willfully forget this. distract with tasks] ugh… weird dream… shakes it off
あ:in a haze sometimes. like wipes drool off of mouth. eugh…. well whatever…. as weird as having dreams where i'm like stuck in this scary old man's sexual carnival like just garbage brain making up shit [represses]
its like overall i think amane just ahs more sex dreams. and sometimes they're nonsense by virtue of having more. just fodder.
つ:i think when you get into the harming phase of their relationship…. it's…. hmm. going to get sicker but I also love the idea of nutting in sleep but the dream wasn't coherently sexual at all
あ:mnnn yeah i think then its a lot more.. visceral, relevant, and stomach twisting
つ:when you have major anxieties repeating all the time it does start to reflect… ah no sad tothink about amane having a lot of dreams tsukasa goes missing again, NOOO
あ:I think emotional stress IRL makes things manifest more coherently in dreams… well, its like it simulates your sense of helplessness etc
having dreams where tsukasa just is very listless and if you let go of his hand for a few minutes he's trying to leave, crawl out windows, like a pet stress dream
つ:probably a lot its his fault, too..... get distracted as one does in dreams.... forget about tsukasa while you're like. tabbing through dolls in an extravagant shop. only remember him existing later like MY-- TSUKASA!!!! NO!!! TSUKASA!!!! RUNNING AROUND THROUGH EVERY BUILDING
あ:dreaming about being in crowds and tsukasa just walks in the opposite direction and he's just gone you blink and you're just like ??? wait. oh NO
つ:dreams of hearing tsukasa just behind a door and opening it and he's not there… desperately opening hundreds of dors…
あ:and calling his name and sometimes you hear "amane" but also like "its fine… im fine…. you dont have to come…" and its just like😭 TSUKASA!!!
つ:the nature of how blissful you were before he disappeared means you can never have just…. security. i imagine dreams would be very cruel and be very WOO HOO BOUNCE HOUSE and then tsukasa gone
when bird can't stop himself from like . forgetting about me or neglecting me in a dream like you just have an extreme memory problem
あ:Noo yeah like i just have this disability almost, I'm just pathologically unable to be more attentive or considerate. Like i fall out of time. Amane just getting so engrossed in tuning his telescope
つ:youre like discovering a new astrological phenomena or some crap or for age 5 youre like seeing. real bunnies on the moon. making a stupid discovery
あ:Lately i keep having dreams where im being so supremely picky about video games like … obsessing about old consoles and getting the right versions of games. but it makes me meaner and shittier somehow like a version of myself thats an eviler nerd. thinking about Amane more or less becoming some goblinized version of self, liek you're staring into your telescope and you FEEL tsukasa's hand tugging you urgently but you slap him dismissively and keep adjusting and when you look up tsukasa's just liek gone His stuff is all scattered on the floor in a mess like he dropped a bunch of stuff and staggered away
つ:you wake up and you. must. let tsukasa do whatever he wants today lead the way… tsukasa PLEAAASE
あ:anything at all roachie So sad, you can really imagine there being bed time distress both at like 4-5 freshly dealing with tsukasa going missing/returning, and then 12-13 as life gets bad
I just think early days there was soo much anxiety to be had also about tsukasa leaving again…. ah, i like to think about them really being prone to waking up in the middle of the night from bad dreams and face snuzz and cuddle… just need the comfort
つ:it had to have been .... the circumstance which really rots them from the inside out..... the act of losing contact, once.....
あ:Its reasonable to, come a little, in your sleep, once in a while. after everything you've been through.
つ:it is completely normal and reasonable.
あ:Sitting here trying to think about what the average random incest dream for Amane is before things get psycho specifically and it's so funny I think he's just like ruined himself from porn. I think it's like I'm jerking off in dream and then Tsukasa is like WHOA let me help. WOW your cock is awesome.... Amane... Impressive, its bigger than mine. wow. WHAO!!1 your come... so cool
あ:like the gormlessness of an amane at some point being like ahah.F GH.F. sh/.. SEX!!!
つ:tsukasa is just there bc he always is and you know him and he is always supportive and down and thinks you are really cool
あ:Yes sjkfdjgh like i think its almost comically like oh let me help you with that. Your hand looks tired brother Just sit back I think some dreams are like. tsukasa wasnt part of the plot but suddenly in the middle of it you know tsukasa
つ:whoa it went really far!!! itslike a normal dream youre like hiding in a closet jerking off but then tsukasa is just there to comment on your cool hog
あ:it's a gormless sex dream like you're going to fuck a big life sized sex doll or something and tsukasa is suddenly here to pull down your pants for you
the random detail in someone's sex nightmare where the machine had to jerk them off to make them erect before cutting it its like wait you need to get hard first.
つ:fkld;sjfsk its sf funny how dreams are procedural and not tasteful HERE I'LL HELP puts dinosar hand puppet on your cock and goes homf homf homf
つ:butits a dream so youre like fuck it feels so fucking good jesus ive never felt anything this good in my whole life
あ:yes. its also like haphazard and completely abandons plots and changes details for no reason so suddenly its like ahhh i fuck the dinosaur puppets mouth and like THIS is the fetish i was chasing
I actually think itd be funny if Amane's inability to like respect people as individuals means he cannot have sex dreams with strangers so its always some stupid fetish nonsense your mind cannot generate the fantasy of interfacing with people. so instead you really are sooner some panty stealing pervert or like at best peeping into love hotels or something
it's like ahh in this dream im really hornyabout marbles what number is the sexiest
つ:it feels just so feasible you like hear about dinosaurs laying eggs and youre like whoa i forgot dinosaurs would have sex like normal animals [THINKING OF THEM LIKE UNICORNS OR DRAGONS MAGICALLY] . have a dream you guys are playing dinosaurs and tsukasa is like. auhho i wanna have eggs [you are 4 with no understanding of biology] get eggs in me
あ:Please amane screaaaaaa and its like oh god oh christ… gets into the positions
its all crude and like meaningless dream nonsense but the point is its like whoa feels pretty good
つ:dreams can put you through any bullshit and irl youre like coming about it
あ:itd actually be funny to be like older but having a dream about being 4 in the yard again and doing this but older like 8
つ:to have more knowledge. take it again. I know what it means to put egg in you now
あ:the dream wires get mixed up and you start also RPing attacking tsuaksa during it still like bites [tsukasa shrieking]
つ:fighting you….. wrasslin in your grasp
あ:its a dream you really bit through his shirt and there is blood
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