#i think he would be soo happy and then callie would be like.... why do you look like gramps</3 and then she would sob his eyes out while sha
circus-k · 10 months
voice of guy who's gocart thingy tipped over: cant have serious injury if i can edit spatoon :3333!!!!!!
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likeafairytale · 8 months
"I'm sorry for what happened to you, Malachai. I truly am. I want you to know that when I burn Triton it won't only be for me, but also for your baby." - Ursula to Malachai
Malachai said nothing. Even if it happened months ago, the lost of his child was still something hard to think about, for he didn't grief properly; the war was declared not so long after Yasmeen's miscarriage, so let's just say that the merman was pretty distracted those past few months to think or mourn. The fact that no one knew helped a lot in the process, and long story short, he was still in the denial of what his father did, for he never thought, in a million years, that Triton was this evil. But Ursula knew, she was there, she witnessed the sadness and the pain, so he couldn't lie to her like he lied to his other siblings.
But Malachai wasn't ready yet. He couldn't let his grief take control of him, not right now when times were difficult. This time it was Calypso who was pregnant, and he was scared something similar happened to her, because Triton's evil knows no boundaries. He was strong enough to not let that take control of him, but he knew his youngest sister; Calypso would be crushed and knowing her past, she would probably die of sadness. He didn't want that to happen, and the only one he trusted right now was his twin sister, because at least Ursula always was consistent in her words and actions, he knew where she stood.
❛We're not here to talk about that. Will you, or not, help Cally?❜ He asked with such a cold tone that didn't look like him.
❛I will do my best. I'll train her to use her light properly.❜
❛Training? She is pregnant, you can't train her.❜
❛I won't be a guard, Malachai, I have better things to do. But I'll make sure she can defend herself and her daughter when time will come.❜
❛How do you know that?❜
Surprise could be seen in Malachai's face. Calypso never revealed the gender of her baby, he doubted she knew it already, and Ursula didn't have any contact with her prior to this discussion, so that she assumed it was a girl was quite confusing for him. He frowned, a bit lost, and she had this smile he knew too well. The smile when she knew a secret no one else knew.
❛Ah, yes. It's a girl.❜
She simply shrugged. Malachai did not know what to think about that. A part of him was happy to have a niece, while a part of him was just sad he learnt it before his pregnant sister.
❛So, you'll be an uncle again.❜
❛Don't ignore my daughter.❜
❛Don't start with that.❜
❛Why are you like that, Kai? You were always the one who accepted everyone, and suddenly you refuse to acknowledge my daughter as your family.❜
❛Because she is not!❜ Malachai realized too late that anger was the primary emotion now, and that he almost yelled. He sighed, before added: ❛She is not your daughter, so she is not my niece.❜
❛Oh, that's rich coming from you. You're the one who brought Nathaniel home, all of a sudden, saying it's our brother now, and you refuse to do the same for Zelda!❜
❛Nate was a child. Calypso's daughter will be a newborn. Zelda? She was already a grown woman, she is older than our little sister, what were you expected of me? That I opened my arms to her, as if I didn't lose years and years of bonding? As if everything was normal? After centuries, you came to me with a husband and a daughter, you're stupid if you thought I'd be welcoming.❜
❛Because I don't know her!❜
Now everything was clear, for him and for Ursula. Malachai had to admit that he never truly knew why he was rejecting Zelda all the time, refusing to admit she was Ursula's daughter and therefore his niece. He didn't know why he was so bitter about that, and although she looked nice, he couldn't bring himself to enjoy her company. But it was just hurt. He was hurt he had been excluded all those years, sadness he didn't know about his twin's life all those centuries, but also guilt. Because maybe he should have done more. He should have opened his eyes sooner about his father evilness. Ursula could see all of that in her brother's face.
❛We didn't know Nate either, but we were okay with him.❜
❛Now, you're just being unnecessarily rude.❜ Ursula said, and Malachai sighed. ❛You're like that just because you still don't accept your child's death.❜
❛Do not talk about that!❜ Now Malachai was visibly angry, but that didn't stop Ursula to keep going:
❛Grow up now, you'll have plenty of opportunity to have a child once your father is dead.❜
❛This conversation is pointless, Ulla.❜ He cut short, making her frowned. ❛We'll never see eye to eye about this subject. So why keep going? All I want is Calypso and her baby to be safe. Can you do that for me?❜
❛No I won't. I'll never touch my wife, and I refuse to put Yasmeen through that pain and trauma again. I'll never have children, our family name will disappear once I'll be dead.❜
This time she stopped talking. The merman didn't know if it was surprised, or confusion that made her stop replying. He knew the look she was giving him. The same she often gave to Triton, when she had something to say, but knew by saying it, it will anger him, so she was evaluating the conversation to see if it was worth it. This look annoyed him right now, because that meant he was now just as much as his father and he did not like the comparison, even if it was a silent one. Finally, she came a bit closer, but he stepped back.
❛Malachai I-❜
❛She will be.❜
❛Fine. Fine...❜ He repeated and Ursula could hear sadness in his voice, but she wasn't sure where it come from. The merman was ready to leave the room, but before taking the door, he stopped. He hesitated at first, but it was clear he had something to say. ❛Just... The baby... It was...❜
❛You were having a boy.❜
❛Alright.❜ Malachai almost choke on this simple word. Once again, he did not know what to think of that. But he decided that his grief could wait longer. ❛Promise me to unleash Hell's fire on him.❜
❛I definitively will.❜ She answered and they both had a little smile to that
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whitestaghere · 4 years
I'm here - Edmund Pevensie x reader (Chapter 7)
Hiii!! And I'm back once again! So I thought I'd end this book by chapter 10. Don't want to keep it too long too. I hope you guys enjoy reading this chapter ❤️ thank you for all the support! Appreciate it a lot <3
Y/n's Pov
Waking up in the morning, I felt my heart leap with joy. I'm finally going home! It's going to be a while to actually find my way back, but I'm sure I'll find it.
Though... there was that one thing that came shooting back into my head.
The previous night I went to bed rather confused. Edmund and I hadn't exchanged our usual good nights. Instead, he left the room as soon as he was done with dinner.
Maybe he hates me.
Oh how I hope that's not what it is.
Just thinking of it pained me.. for the first time, I was genuinely happy meeting good friends. I forgot all about my bullies and the tough times I had at school. And Edmund.. I felt like I could finally be myself, and that was all because of him.
Truth is.. I fell for him.
I wish I could tell him that, but either way I'm afraid. I don't want to ruin what we have right now. But a part of me wants him to know how I truly feel.
Suddenly I remembered the little smile he gave me before he sat down for dinner.
Flashback to the night before
"What's taking them so long?" Lucy furrowed her eyes curiously.
Susan shrugged.
All that was running in my head was if Edmund was okay. I left him hanging there. Without even asking if he wanted to talk about it. I ran a hand through my hair letting out a sigh of frustration.
Lucy looked at me worriedly, "y/n? Is everything alright?"
Smiling at her reassuringly I replied, "yeah, yeah Lucy.. I'm okay.."
Suddenly Peter came running in laughing.
"PETER!" I heard Edmund shout, coming in right after him. The two letting out strings of laughter.
Lucy and Susan exchanged confused glances, "what took you two so long?" Susan glanced back and forth between them.
"Oh nothing..." Peter sent a wink in Edmund's direction to which Edmund returned a rather disgusted look.
Taking their seats, Edmund gave me a soft smile and sat right in front of me.
I guess he's okay?...
And we proceeded on with dinner.
End of flashback.
Just picturing his smile gave me butterflies, even though I wasn't sure what he hid behind it.
I really hope he'd visit me when I go back. I'll miss being under the same roof with him of course. My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a knock on the door.
I got up. Adjusting my clothes, I went up to the door. Opening it to reveal Susan, "Good morning y/n!"
"Good morning Su!"
"Big day huh?" she grinned at me, to which I returned a shy nod. She let out a hearty laugh in response, "well, go wash up.. breakfast will be ready in a bit."
I smiled at her, "okay Su.." I watched her close the door behind her, only soon after to hear someone knock once again.
Opening the door I was greeted by.. oh here comes the butterflies.
For a second I felt like time stopped. Ahhh. What is he doing to me?
My cheeks began to heat up. This was not anything new of course. He always had this way.. to make me blush by just the littlest things he did.
I began to observe every little detail. His dark brown hair, wet and slightly tousled. He was wearing a striped blue and white shirt, clad in blue jeans. His lips soft and a peachy pink. A soft smile delivered from them.
Getting captivated by his chocolate brown eyes, I smiled unknowingly.
Edmund broke the silence clearing his throat, "y/n?"
"Hmm? Yeah?" I replied, still stuck admiring him, in my own little world.
"Like what you see?" he smirked.
I snapped out of my thoughts. Did I hear that right? He was smirking, and that was not making things any better honestly. I let out a nervous laugh, averting my eyes, "umm y-yeah I mean no! I mean no, yes ah... you I.."
God why was I stammering so much?! There was nothing I wanted at that moment, more than to just go back to admiring him. I felt the blood rush upto my cheeks.
He chuckled, "good morning y/n."
I stood there for a second processing what he said, "oh yeah, g-good morning Ed.." he laughed. My smile dropped a little. Why was he acting like this?
This didn't go unnoticed by Edmund, "is something the matter?"
This is your chance, ask him y/n.
"Hmm? Y/n?"
"I-I thought you were mad at me.." I whispered but it was enough for him to hear.
"Why would I be mad at you?"
"Well?" he raised an eyebrow.
I took a breath and began to ramble, "I just... Iwantedtotalktoyoulastnightbutyouleftsoonwithoutsayi-
He took my hands in his chuckling, "slow down love."
Looking at our latched hands, I couldn't stop the little smile forming on my face, "I'm sorry.. should-should I repeat that?"
He shook his head, "I know.. I'm sorry for leaving abruptly like that. I just, I had a lot in my head at that moment." Letting go of one of my hands he placed a hand on my cheek ever so gently, "I wasn't mad at you love.."
A sense of relief washed over me. Suddenly I felt a stinging pain on my cheek.
"Ouch! ED!!" I whined, he squeezed my cheek. He burst out laughing and I could only pout at him in response.
Soon enough his laughter was replaced by a smile. The smile that I absolutely adored. He stood there, staring at me.
"What is it Ed?" I stiffled a laugh.
No response. He just stood there, with a smile still plastered on his face. For a second I forgot that he had a hand on my cheek until I felt the other come up in result, cupping my face.
"Umm Ed? A-a-are you?" my throat began to feel awfully dry. Clearing my throat I tried again, "are you okay?"
He came a little closer to me.
I wanted to back away, but my body kept refusing to move. So I stood there, literally stuck in that position.
"Y/n I..." he gently bit his lip, eyes fluttering down to my lips for a millisecond and back to my eyes. He leaned in a little closer.
I felt like I could melt at the close proximity. Wanting to close the space between us, I leaned in too. Our lips just inches apart.
My eyes fluttered close.
That was it.
In just a matter of seconds, his lips were brushing against mine. I felt like a million fireworks just got lit up inside of me. Sparks of electricity, I felt like I was on cloud 9. It was like a dream come true.
His hand moving behind my head to push me closer, deepening the kiss.
"Ed, Peter's calli-" I heard a familiar voice, her words stopping halfway only to let out a squeal right after.
We pulled apart at once, looking everywhere but at eachother. I looked at him from the corner of my eyes and he looked so flustered. Me being on the same page as him.
Lucy stood there wide eyed with a huge grin on her face.
"What was that Lucy? Peter called? Oh yeah okay!!" Edmund ran out of the room in just the blink of an eye.
I was blushing furiously. My fingers touching my lips unconsciously. I missed the feeling already. Lucy ran upto me squealing, pulling me into a hug, "oh my gosh y/n!!! I KNEW IT! YOU BOTH LIKE EACHOTHER!"
Laughing I hugged her back. Her enthusiasm was just so adorable.
"I'm soo happy for you both!!" she pulled away from me, eyes literally sparkling with joy. "Are you both like.. a thing now?"
"Umm well honestly, I-I'm not sure Lu.."
Her smiled faltered, "what do you mean you don't know?"
"Well everything just happened so fast."
"You didn't confess your feelings?"
I stood there in silence for a while, "no.."
She intertwined our hands together, "well, he'll have to after that." she widened her eyes kind of in a look of realisation. "Oh no! It's probably my fault.. I'm sorry for walking in like that.."
"No, no Lu! Of course it's not because of you," I gave her a reassuring smile which she glady returned.
"Well, I must say you're lucky.." I tilted my head at her in confusion. "Ed doesn't really express his feelings like that at once. The fact that he's more positive when he's around you is just.. it's amazing. I can tell he likes you a lot."
"R-really? You think so?"
"I know so! And you should be knowing that by now too. Especially after what happened just now," she giggled.
I turned away blushing.
"Come on, let's go get breakfast!"
Edmund's Pov
"I kissed her."
"YOU WHAT?!" Peter looked at me with a mixture of shock and amusement.
"I-I-ah she must be hating me now!" I ruffled my hair furiously.
"Of course not Ed..." Susan said rather calmly. She was surprised at first but claimed that she 'saw it coming'. Except not me kissing her like that. "If it's anything, I sure she's just as happy as you right now.."
"I don't know what came over me.. I couldn't hold back. I just.."
She was there.. she looked so adorable all flustered. Her lips looked so plushy I just couldn't resist. I really wanted her to know how I felt, being too shy to actually tell her how I feel.
As if reading my thoughts Peter spoke up, "you wanted to show her how you feel.."
I glanced at him immediately. He wiggled his eyebrows at me. "You love her," he said rather cheekily.
Trying to give him a nasty look, I failed. I just couldn't stop smiling at the thought of hearing her say she feels the same.
"Well, now that she knows something about how you feel.. you should confess to her before we take her home.." Susan said looking up from her book.
"You think she'll say yes?" my thoughts flooding with multiple possibilities.
"Why wouldn't she?"
"She didn't pull away did she?" Peter laughed. I just groaned shaking my head, covering my face in embarrassment.
"Well, if she didn't.. that's a good sign." I felt a hand on my shoulder. Looking up to see Peter smiling at me, "trust me, she likes you.. I'm pretty sure everyone in this house knows that by now." Well that was.. reassuring.
Though obviously Lucy saw it with her own eyes.
"Bold of you to make that move though."
"And what's that supposed to mean?" I frowned at him. Susan stiffled a laugh while Peter shrugged giving me a goofy grin.
"Ughhh..." I looked away. Smiling to myself, I touched my lips. That was amazing.
Oh my gosh. Is this getting cheesier each chapter or is it just me? 😂
Edmund :- yes I agree, you are making me look cheesier than I seem.
Author nim :- oh you.. shush!
Edmund :- getting mad now are we?
Author nim :- *ignores*
Edmund :- you can't ignore me!
Well I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! How do you think Ed would confess to y/n? Stay tuned to find out! Love you all and stay safe ❤️
To be continued... <3
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Practically Impractical 33
[ < ][first][ > ]
Jaehee having a date was an excellent distraction to the slow deterioration of her mental health. An excellent excuse to hang out in the basement with a bottle of wine or two and try on a bunch of ridiculous dresses she’d only ever worn once.
“Where did you even get this one?” Jaehee throws a one sleeved, obviously very fitted, sequin gown on the bed and looks aghast.
“What!” Callie gasps and clutches her wine glass to her chest. “I’m offended that you don’t recognize this monstrosity.”
“Mr. Han definitely did not buy that for you.”
“He definitely didn’t” Callie laughs, “and he really hated that I had to wear it.”
“Mr. Chairman didn’t—”
Callie snorts she’s laughing so hard. “Absolutely not! That, my taffeta covered princess, is the infamous tango dress, given to me by the Oil Prince himself.”
“Oh my god,” Jaehee holds it up again. “Is it custom made.”
“Shit I hope so. Needless to say I am keeping it forever and never wearing it again.”
Callie pours them both another glass of wine, emptying the bottle and hangs the sequined torture device back in her closet. “You know,” she smiles at her friend, “if this goes well, you’re welcome to my closet any time while you’re house sitting, shoes jewelry, anything that fits. Think of it as a bonus or an apology for whatever nonsense Jumin gets up to without us.”
“God Callie, I think having a whole house to myself without upstairs neighbors stomping their feet or downstairs neighbors hanging art at all hours of the night will be more than enough.”
“Ok but promise if this date goes well you’ll take advantage of some of these, tailor them so they fit, I don’t care. Look, everything on a purple hanger makes Jumin uncomfortable, remember that for if her gets shitty.”
“You organize your closet by what makes Mr. Han happy?” Jaehee scrunches up her face and starts looking through the dresses on purple hangers.
“God no, but I mean, you know the way he gets about some patterns, I just keep them separate. If we need to appear like a couple or he’s taking me somewhere I try not to wear them, but if my main goal is to flirt with investors I can’t have Jumin all over me so I wear my Han repelling diagonals.”
“Han repelling Diagonals, we could market that in the office.” Callie cackles.
“You know you do a lot for Mr. Han, I’m not sure he deserves you.”
Callie shakes her head. “I don’t do that much, no more than I’ve done for you or Zen, or anyone in the RFA.”
Jaehee frowns. “No I disagree.”
“The things I do for Jumin are just more, I don’t know substantial isn’t the right word,” Callie flexes the fingers on her injured hand.
“I think it’s an appropriate word.”
She shrugs. “Maybe it is but Jumin does a lot for me, he doesn’t expect me to do most of the things I do. I mean you of all people should know how much he’s done for me.”
Jaehee shakes her head. “I don’t, he sends everything to do with you to another department.”
“Conflict of interest,” Jaehee shrugs.
“Wow, I’d never considered, I thought he took care of it all.”
“Yes anytime someone emails me about you now I have to forward it to Soo-geun Lee.”
Callie is quiet for a moment before she starts to laugh. “Well let me tell you how that could get complicated.”
Lunch with Jumin’s father was not supposed to go like this. She had agreed with the assumption that Jumin would respect her privacy in the same way she respects his. Instead here she was in the middle of the day, drinking scotch and trying not to argue with the father son tag team across from her.
“I don’t think it would be out of the question—” Mr. Han starts.
“It’s so far out of the question. I don’t want to sound ungrateful—”
“Well you do,” Jumin says bluntly.
Her vision flickers and she tips back the last of her scotch, acutely aware that it’s too early to feel as unsteady as she does right now. She flexes her fingers inside the brace and takes a deep breath.
“I accept that you both think I’m stupid for saying no. Believe me I understand what you’re offering, and I respect that you support Jumin’s offer to help Mr. Han but I really need to do this myself. C&R pays me well enough I can afford a decent lawyer.”
“Is decent really enough?” Mr. Han inclines his head in a way that immediately puts her in mind of Toby being condescending.
“Honestly a free lawyer would be enough. All anyone you offer to pay is going to do is speed the process up.” Callie sighs. It’s been the same argument with Jumin for the last week and a half. Saeyoung had taken up the chorus briefly but at the very least he’d known when to give in.
“Which is why I don’t understand why you wouldn’t want to accept my offer,” Jumin almost raises his voice. His fist falls to the table with a dull thud.
Her vision flickers again and she glances around the room.
He doesn’t want her to leave, not for as long as this could take, and part of her knows it. Saeyoung and Saeren were going with, they could work from anywhere and Jumin had to stay. Even if he could have come with them, it wouldn’t have exactly been subtle.
She asks for water when the waiter comes back to check on them and Jumin orders her a coffee instead. They finish their meal in tense silence. She knows she should accept the offer, she knows her refusal is an issue of pride but she’d hoped if Saeyoung could accept it that at least one of the two men at this table could understand that.
But Jumin’s pride was also hurt. Her decent lawyer had suggested that her and Saeyoung be married before she had to be in court, and Jumin had been pouting since he had signed as a witness. He’d had opinions since, increasingly aggressive opinions.
Mr. Han takes her hand when she reaches for her coffee, another flicker in her vision. “What a lovely ring Ms. Miller I don’t think I’ve seen you wear this one before.”
“It’s Mrs. Choi now,” Jumin mumbles into his wine glass.
Callie pulls her hand back and glares at him. “No, it’s still Ms. Miller.”
“Are you married now then?” Mr. Han asks, intrigue distracting from the earlier disagreement.
It’s Jumin’s turn to tip his glass up.
“Saeyoung and I have been engaged for more than a year, my lawyer suggested that if we were married it would help my case, at least regards to being financially capable.”
“Can Luciel’s income even be tracked,” Jumin snorts.
Another flicker, Callie takes a deep breath. Jumin has been trying to fight with her all day, and the rational part of her brain screams at her not to take the bait from somewheredeep beneath the pile of anxious thoughts wrestling around in her head.
Jumin has pulled his phone out and she excuses herself. She’s going to have a very public fight with him if she sits here next to him in this mood and she needs to gather herself before she has a panic attack in the middle of this restaurant. Mr. Han takes her hand briefly as she passes and when she turns to look at him she can see the apologetic look on his face. She shrugs as another flicker catches her.
This time though, she can see the source. Not her pending panic attack but a woman a few tables away, a familiar woman that Callie has been catching glimpses of since before she left the hospital.
She drops Mr. Han’s hand and moves towards the woman; a waiter jumps out of her way and the woman scrambles out of her seat when she realizes she’s been made. She holds her phone out and brandishes at Callie. “I’m recording this!”
“Good,” Callie flexes her fingers in her brace. “Are these for Toby or are you going to sell them?”
“Don’t act dumb, you were a worse PI than a Paparazzi but it’s worked out for you. Are these pictures for sale or are you sending them Tobias Kreiger?”
“I’ve got plenty of evidence you know,” the woman shouts at her. The entire restaurant is staring at them and Callie feels like she can’t breathe. The woman shakes the phone in her face and Callie slaps it away instinctually. “Break that phone, I don’t care,” she keeps yelling, “I have backups of all the pictures I’ve taken, not just todays.”
She can feel Jumin’s eyes on her back and she knows she needs to remove herself but she just can’t pull herself away. “What evidence? What is he paying you? I don’t even care, you don’t have anything I just want to know who is paying you to stalk me?”
The woman bends and picks up her phone. “How many lovers do you need,” she snorts, “and to have them all around your child, what kind of a mother are you? I hope your ex-husband takes her far away from you.”
The thought that she probably shouldn’t hit this woman in the middle of a fancy restaurant is just ending when she looks down at her bleeding knuckles. “Shit,” she whispers and covers her mouth with her bloody hand.
She stands in the middle of the room vaguely aware of the commotion around her. Jumin is touching her shoulder gently and from somewhere in the swirl of thoughts in her head she realizes she might be crying. Security seems to be escorting the woman she hit from the building but Callie can’t tell if she’s actually injured her.
Mr. Han seems to be taking care of everything, she glances around the room while Jumin holds a napkin to her bleeding knuckles, he appears to be responsible for the woman’s swift exit, and the fact that everyone has simply gone back to their meals, as far as the hurricane in her brain is concerned Jumin’s father is the hero of the hour. He puts a hand on her shoulder and nods at her in a way that brings her own father to mind.
Jumin lifts the napkin from her hand and she notices that she’s shaking. Mr. Han sits his untouched scotch down beside her. She flexes her fingers inside her brace.
“That was impressive, if inappropriate Ms. Miller, another secret talent?” Mr. Han says softly.
It takes a minute for her to form words. “No,” she inhales, “just a Dad in the service, you know?”
“She’s lucky you’re not left handed,” Jumin scolds, “and so are you, she wouldn’t have walked out of here if you’d hit her with your right hand.”
Mr. Han pats Jumin on the shoulder and the two share a series of looks that Callie can’t quiet decipher. She reaches for the scotch and then changes her mind. The C&R security guards have come back and they help her stand, Jumin takes her in hand, his face grim but his body language changed from earlier. She leans on him as they make their way to his big black Sedan.
“Please take us to my doctor,” Jumin asks Driver Kim.
“No thank you,” Callie says. “Take me home please Mr. Kim.”
“Calliope you need stitches and antiseptic, look at your hand, her teeth cut you.”
Callie pushes her big bag towards him with her foot. “There are steristrips and rubbing alcohol in my first aid kit. I’m going home.”
“Calliope—” he starts the tone seeping back into his voice.
“Jumin, use the fucking first aid kit, I need to go home.”
For the first time in weeks, Jumin Han does what he’s told. When he finishes with her hand he takes the brace off her arm and she freezes for a moment while he pulls and tugs.
“Callie, Relax,” he says softly. “The rate you were drinking at lunch you shouldn’t have any of your medication for at least another hour.”
“Shows what you know,” she snorts.
With her arm free he pulls her closer to him, the seat belt making it difficult to really hold her the way he’d like to, and she gives in a little, he’s stiff, frustrated with her still,she wishes she had a good reason to refuse his offer. Something that would satisfy him, quantify the value of her pride in a way he could grasp.
Instead she laughs. The tightness in her chest squeezing until she finally gives in and it bubbles up and out of her mouth as a choking, cackling, doubled over, tears in her eyes laugher. Jumin pats her back and waits for the moment to subside.
“We’re fucking idiots,” she manages, between wheezes.
“I can agree to at least part of that statement,” Jumin says dryly.
“You know I thought it went without saying,” she starts, taking a deep breath, “but maybe you need to hear it. If we get there and we have to go before a judge, and he’s completely fucking unreasonable, I will be happy to accept your offer.”
She’s still doubled over, hugging her knees. She hates having to say it out loud almost as much as she hates not having said it sooner. She can feel Jumin tap his fingers thoughtfully along her spine.
“Would it not have saved both of us a lot of hurt to have said that sooner?”
“I don’t know,” she shrugs, “I mean it hurts to say it out loud, I just kept hoping you’d, I don’t know, trust me, or something.”
“That’s foolish, you sound like Zen, why would it hurt you to accept someone’s help, especially considering you’ve accepted conditionally.”
“Yeah, I grasp that,” she snorts. “It’s just, I get why it’s such a big deal to you. Don’t act like is altruism, neither you or your father want to pay that much money for an American lawyer because you’re just that nice. You want me and Saeyoung and Max back here as soon as possible.”
“I’ve never pretended this was anything less than selfish on my part, I simply assumed our goals were the same.”
“I mean they are but,” she sighs again as they pull into her driveway. Letting the conversation drop until they get in the house. Saeyoung isn’t home yet and Max has been in the States with T for 3 days now, as much as she hates her being this far away. Max calls her first thing in the morning, and right before bed every night, she emails her whenever she can. Callie and the Twins will be leaving in less than a week.
“I hate the idea of leaving all of this for more than just a visit,” she drops her things by the door and kicks off her boots before she trudges through to the living room and flops on the big plush couch.
“Then let me help,” Jumin implores her. He kneels next to her and presses his forehead to hers. “I’ve accepted that we can’t be married, Saeyoung is a better husband than I am. But please let me help you with this, for all of us, Max included.
She brushes his hair out of his face. “I thought when he left me, that was it, you know? I was so far gone that I just accepted it. I thought ok we can just live together as roommates, we’ll rent another house and parent and just be different, and then other people pointed out that that was weird. I started to get that it wasn’t really an even arrangement, so I moved out.
“Then I thought that was it, I mean we could be friends, he’d visit until he got orders, and he did, and he called and I accepted less than Max deserved because we’re nice people and I could just ask if something came up. And then other people pointed out that seemed like a bad idea, wouldn’t having something on paper be good for both of us? Then something came up and it wasn’t a good time, and then something else came up and it was a very bad time, and then there was an emergency and he was in the middle of getting orders closer and absolutely not.
“So when everyone said I needed to just get the piece of paper, because if he’s such a good person what’s the paper hurt, I did it, I mean I drug my heels, I let it take forever but I did it. And I told him, because they’re right. And you know what?”
“He was mad,” Jumin says and kisses her palm.
“Livid, angry, pissed the fuck off. No more working together and you know what I learned? I was fucked up. Faced with all his bullshit I realized I was this unhappy ball of tightly wound feelings. Feelings I hadn’t let myself feel since before Max was born, and through it all I never let Max know, never once put blame on him.
“I sucked it up, I clawed my way back to some version of me that was closest to the one I remembered, closest to the me I missed being, I saw a doctor and dealt with the fallout of his abuse, I dealt with him. And every step of the way I did it on my own. I proved to him and myself that I didn’t need him. And he left us alone, and as much as it hurt to see Max lose faith in her Daddy it was a relief to be done.”
“And now it’s not,” he says.
“It’s not and I can feel myself twisting into that person again, packing away all the feelings I can’t control until I’m that small vibrating ball of anxiety again and I appreciate that you want to help but I need to at least try to do this alone. Maybe it’s pride, probably it is, but he knows I’m doing well here, his support was just adjusted again to reflect that and when he ultimately asks me if you paid for my lawyer, I want to be able to say no, I did.”
Jumin sits on the edge of the couch. “Why would he assume I paid for your lawyer? Why would he even concern himself with those details.”
She sighs. “Because he’s petty, because I threatened him once with your lawyers, because he continues to undervalue Saeyoung, because you are the person who worries him.”
Jumin crinkles his nose. “Why would I worry him?”
She laughs. “I don’t know, I think at first when he saw us together that day in the park he thought you’d be validation.”
“For what?”
“He likes to tell people that I am and always have been the root of his money problems, I think he thought that seeing me with the rich guy on the magazine covers and a pile of shopping bags would prove that but, just like when we were married it was almost all for Max, I didn’t even know about the one bag of things for me.”
“But at that point he’d already hired the woman you hit today.”
“I don’t know. Today was stupid. I’m going to have to email my lawyer. How bad was it?”
“I think I remember you telling Hyun that it never seems stupid in the moment.”
“Well that was a fucking lie because I was telling myself how stupid it was while I was hitting her,” she laughs. Jumin shakes his head. “She appeared to have a split lip and security said she complained of a loose tooth. I’m sure father will take care of it, he is fond of you.”
“Is this going to fuck me, Jumin? I should just suck it up and accept your help, after today what am I even doing?”
“You’re doing your best,” he smiles and kisses her on the forehead. “Use your decent lawyer for now, as you’ve said he has no grounds, he’s simply trying to make your life difficult. If you need my help, you just need to ask.”
“I’m sorry I’m like this,” she scrunches up her face and looks away.
“I’m not,” he smiles and smoothes back her hair. “I’m sorry I let my feelings about these things get the better of me. This is your life and I shouldn’t feel entitled to any part ofit, I shouldn’t have forced this information from you.”
“Jumin, it’s fine. I should have just explained.”
“You shouldn’t have had to, I was jealous and I felt helpless and that is not your fault, I’m sure your family will have enough to say about your choices, you did not need me acting childish.”
“God Jumin, you weren’t childish, you had every right to feel the way you felt.” She sits up and wraps herself around him. “Not everyone is T, it’s hard to remember sometimes.”
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