#i think future generations would look at his energybending with horror
the-badger-mole · 7 months
How do you think the Avatar (either Korra or your own personal OC) after Aang would view him? It's clear from the canon that he had his own disagreements with his own past lives. Do you think they would try to make amends or fix any damage Aang caused?
To me, Korra was enamored with both being the Avatar and really emotionally invested in Tenzin and his family. I don't think as a young woman she it would occur to her to think more critically about her predecessor's legacy. But since she cut ties to the past Avatars, and now had the opportunity to start a brand new legacy, I would hope that she would look back at Aang's life and see all the holes in his time as Avatar, and that she would take time to hear from Kya and Bumi about their experience with him, and understand what an imperfect, neglectful, and arrogant person he was. I don't think she would change her mind about Aang being more or less a good person and successful Avatar, but I'd like to think that she tried to learn from his mistakes.
Mostly, though, I think the problems with Aang and his tenure as Avatar would be things for historians to pick through. I think history would ultimately be the judge of Aang. It would take someone less personally invested in Aang legacy to look at the Acolytes and Aang's lil' fandom and see how weird and gross it was that the Air Nomad culture wasn't the center of their admiration and even worship, and that Aang had built up something like a cult around him. I think history would look at his energybending and be glad that that particular power had died with him. I also think that Aang's attitude about bending and the superiority of the Air Nomad culture would be listed as a contributing factor to the equalist movement. I really do think that LoK missed an opportunity to have an honest conversation about Aang's imperfections and how it affected his family and his time as Avatar. It almost make me want to write a "biography" for him.
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