#i started blocking wincesties for putting weird shit in my inbox
shallowrambles · 4 months
sounds like you have medical trauma, which is actually a separate issue. i wasn't trying to be an ass, i genuinely like your meta and i like coming on your blog to see it. I just don't always tag my wincest, and I don't want to get blocked because of that.
I honestly don't know how to answer this.
(A) Issues overlap and influence one another, and whether or not my "trauma" is "understandable" or "severe enough" or "on topic enough" or whatever don't really factor here. I have a boundary. That boundary might be drawn for Serious Reasons or it might simply be that I Find The Thing Annoying. Both are Good Enough (TM).
(B) I get not tagging. I have trouble tagging, too. (Attention issues, fatigue, exhaustion, etc.). The difference here is, I'm good with whoever blocking me, even if it's just "OMG SHAL I CAN'T STAND YOU TODAY." It can be 'cause of random crap or mis-tagging or not tagging or even "I hate the Kentucky Derby" and "Gross, you like sports!"
(C) For issues like this you're going to have to decide if it's worth taking the time to tag or just eat the risk of me blocking you. Honestly, I might block you anyway, depending on how I'm feeling that day.
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