#i slept through the livestream of the update lol so i just now got to it
projectcatzo · 5 years
The community: Please....... demote units........
Heroes: You want death with titties??? You want sexy death?????????? 
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
survey by starsareonly2nd
Have you ever been to Las Vegas? Nope. I’d like to go sometime, though. I’m not into the casino scene, but they have fun shows and other stuff to do there.
What did you have for breakfast this morning? I didn’t have anything. I’m about to have dinner soon, which is the first thing I’ll eat today.
Do you have any loose change in your pocket? I don’t have any pockets right now, but I never use pockets anyway.
Do you like Taylor Swift? Not a fan, personally.
What's your favorite Disney Channel movie? I have several from my childhood and teenage years.
If you met your favorite celebrity, would you be calm or star struck? I’d be starstruck in a calm way; like I’d most likely be too shocked to get more than a few words out. I’m sure I’d come off as shy or boring haha, which is why I’ve refused to meet or interact with my favorite celebrities even if I’ve already had the chance to. <<< Aw, omg I’d be the same way. I’d be freaking out internally for sure. I wouldn’t know what to do or say. My awkwardness would definitely shine through.
Are there any lights on in the room you're in? Yeah.
What's your favorite subject in school? Mine was always English. And obviously psych in college.
What's your favorite holiday? Christmas and Halloween. Do you ever have to do yard work? I don’t do the yardwork.
Is your school close to your house? The schools I attended are all local and pretty close by.
Speaking of school, how did you get there today? I’m done with school.
Do you think Bad Romance is a catchy song, or an annoying one? I like it.
Do you use perfect grammar online? Yes. I’m one who texts that way, too.
Are you currently using a laptop? Yep.
Do you have any live versions of songs in your music software? Nope.
Did/do you listen to Britney Spears songs? Yeah.
Is it a windy day? It was a little windy today.
In the past week, have you ridden in a taxi? No. I haven’t taken a taxi in several years.
What shorthand do you use the most? “lol”, “wtf”, “wth”, “omg.”
Do you ever wish on stars at night? Nope.
What color are your eyes? Brown.
What album is the current song you're listening to off of? I’m not listening to music, I’m watching Eli Roth’s History of Horror on AMC. I love this show, each episode discusses different aspects and themes of horror movies through interviews with actors, directors, etc of horror films and show clips from the movies talked about. Tonight’s episode is about body horror and the movies they’re discussing are pretty disturbing :O Like, Hellraiser... wtf is that??! I’ve never seen that movie, but yikes. Or this Japanese movie, Audition... 
What are you doing after you finish this? I’m about to have dinner. And after watching that show ^^^, I’ll watch this other show called Cursed Films. That’s an interesting one, too. As the title suggests, it discusses films that have been said to be cursed. Like, if you’d heard about the Poltergeist curse. Last week they did The Crow and what happened to Brandon Lee is so sad. Tonight they’re discussing Twilight Zone: The Movie. 
In your opinion, what song is the most overplayed right now? I don’t listen to the radio, haven’t for a few years now, so I don’t know.
Are you in a band? Uh, no. I can’t sing or play an instrument. 
How clean is your bedroom? It needs a little tidying up.
Is there a pen within reaching distance of you? Yeah.
Are you sitting at a desk? No, I’m sitting on my bed.
Does your favorite band have a male or female lead singer? One of my favorite bands, Linkin Park, had a male lead singer. RIP Chester Bennington. :(
Do you normally shut your bedroom door before you go to sleep? Yep, always.
Have you seen the movie Moulin Rouge? I haven’t. 
Would you ever dye your hair a different color? I’m gonna stick to dyeing it red for now.
Are there any framed pictures in the room you're in? Yes.
Have you ever been to a Broadway show? I’ve seen Phantom of the Opera.
Do you watch So You Think You Can Dance? No.
What's your favorite movie soundtrack? Hmm. I don’t know.
Do you prefer group or individual work? I much preferred doing my own work. Group projects added more stress for me. Although, I did like group presentations better than doing one by myself. Being up there with other people to back each other up and not having the focus solely on me helped a bit. 
Do you have a key to anything besides your house? Just my car.
Are you wearing anything with stripes? No.
What time did you go to sleep last night? I kept falling asleep off and on, but I didn’t fall asleep for good until after 9AM. :/ I ended up sleeping until 5PM.
Did anyone tell you you were beautiful today? No.
What show did you last watch? I’m watching the show I mentioned earlier, Cursed Films.
Do you think you'll do anymore surveys today? Yes.
What's your favorite ice cream flavor? Strawberry.
When was the last time you stayed home from school sick? I don’t recall, I’ve been done with school for 5 years now.
Could you ever complete a 500-piece puzzle? I have before. I used to like doing puzzles when I was a kid. I get the urge to do one every now and then. Perhaps I’ll get into them again.
If you could run a red light and not get caught, would you? Um, absolutely not. Getting caught is the least of it when you run the risk of possibly KILLING someone or yourself or getting badly injured. Doing stuff like that is how accidents happen. Don’t do it.
Do you like to listen to music as you do your homework? I did sometimes.
Did you think Adam Lambert's AMA performance was really that controversial? I don’t recall that performance.
Do any bands flat-out annoy you? Not currently.
Do you have a mirror in your bedroom? Yes.
Was today a birthday for any of your friends? No.
When was the last time you rode in a limo? My dad actually used to work for a limo service when I was a kid and I got to ride around in one a few times. It was fun.
Do you take naps daily? Not daily, but I have been taking one more often lately.
Do you still make Christmas lists? Yes, my family and I make one for each other.
Do you watch the show Dexter? No.
What's the background on your phone? The lock screen is a pretty picture with a Bible verse and my home screen is Halloween themed. I’ve been switching the theme each week this month with different Halloween themes. I love the new update that allows you to add widgets to the home screen and you can change the background.
When were/will you be a a sophomore in high school? I was a sophomore in 2005.
Are you scared of any animals? I mean, I wouldn’t want to encounter any lions, tigers, or bears. ha. But I’m not afraid to see them at the zoo or in a photo or something, but killer whales? Nopeeeee. Not even a photo or on TV.
Have you ever been to any sort of convention? Hmm. No, I don’t think so.
Which song did you last listen to on repeat? I don’t recall. I don’t usually listen to songs on repeat. Not literally, anyway. I’ll listen to a song a lot, but not back to back to back.
Where do you want to live when you grow up? I am “grown up”, but I better have my beach home one day. 
Are you currently using a blanket? I actually do my blanket over my legs right now. :O It’s finally getting cool at night, which is nice.
Are there any songs that make you cry? Yes, a few.
How many siblings do you have? Two.
What are you doing this weekend? Yesterday I slept until 5PM, got up to make coffee and checked my social medias and emails, started this survey, watched Carrie, Eli Roth’s History of Horror, Cursed Films, and Pet Semetary, had dinner, did my Bible study, read, ate ramen, and now I’m finishing this and watching YouTube videos. Today, I’ll watch my church’s livestream and then do much of the same things but with different TV shows/movies, ha.
Do you prefer swimming at the beach or in a pool? I don’t like swimming at all. I definitely never swam in the ocean, though. Nopeeee.
When was the last time you had a haircut? I got a trim back in February.
Which musical instrument do you think sounds the prettiest? I love the piano.
Are you in band or chorus at your school? I was in choir for a few years and did violin for one year in elementary school.
Do you know what you want for Christmas? I have a few little ideas.
Do you watch fireworks on New Year's Eve? On TV, ha. I like watching the New Year’s Eve festivities every year.
Is your birthday within the next three months? No, my birthday was back in July.
How long is the song you're listening to? I’m not listening to music. I don’t even know the last time I was when asked this question to be honest. I like to listen to ASMR videos while doing surveys.
Are you anticipating anything this week? I’m anticipating it to be a typical week for me.
Is your mom or dad the older parent? My dad is by 4 years.
Have you taken the SATs yet? I never took the SATs.
Do you watch anything on E? Yeah, KUWTK and Daily Pop. They play movies sometimes, too, so I might tune in if they’re playing something I like.
Are you going to get off the computer now that you've finished this? Nope. I’m going to do more surveys.
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xpouii · 5 years
Tentacletober Day 19
Yes it’s late! Yes I skipped Day 18! Yes I’m very tired lol. This day is a sequel to Day 12--which is a sequel to Day 9. SO if you want to read the full series from the start, 9 then 12 then 19!
Prompt: Protective Tentacles
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Characters: Logan, Roman, Virgil, Remus
Warnings/Tags: SFW, Swearing, sleep issues, sleep deprivation, mentioned bulimia, mentioned seizures, mentioned hallucinations, mentioned sleepwalking, drug use, prescription medicine abuse, kissing, fainting, brief mentions of therapy, hospital stay and psychiatric evaluation. General apathy and sympathetic Remus
               Logan grabbed the doorknob and heard the maid shout his name; he winced and turned, “Sarah, I really don’t have time to-“
               She held up the dropper with a look of longsuffering. Logan opened his mouth and took the drops of CBD oil under his tongue before rushing out the door. He spat into the bushes, taking a sip of water and rinsing out his mouth as he crossed the large lawn, punching in the code to open the gate as he spat again. He climbed onto the bus and sat down, taking out his phone and checking the school’s portal. Mr. Stevenson still hadn’t graded the Calculus exams, and Logan grit his teeth, shoving his phone into his pocket. Even though his parents would never ask, Logan liked to have his grades updated and ready to show them when they came in on Wednesdays for dinner. He was starting to feel slowed, and he checked the time, firing off a text to Roman as he swallowed his last stashed Adderall, hoping his friend would have more today.
               Logan had a schedule, just enough Adderall to last him until Wednesday, then he’d leave his new batch in his locked cello case until Thursday when his parents would no longer be home all evening and search his room. Then he hauled the cello home for his weekend lessons and used the school loaner on Friday. His mother would bring him on Monday mornings so he could bring the cello back and store it in the band room. Or Tuesday, if his mother was busy with meetings, like this week. Anytime Roman didn’t manage to palm enough Adderall—which was often—Logan would turn to the three other rich kids with prescriptions that were willing to sell—or trade for pot; Logan would take several pills a day, as many as it took to keep withdrawals at bay, unless he actually managed to run out. Logan’s parents were scientists, but his mother had gone on a natural medicine kick when the therapists had given up. So now he had a weed card, and a mother obsessed with monitoring his sleep—very unnecessarily. Logan had done plenty of research on the best ways to skip sleep, and other than days when his parents—or the maid—would watch him to make sure he didn’t spit out his treatments, or when his mother decided to try some new pot baked goods or when his father would smoke with him in some odd attempt to make Logan feel like they were bonding as men.
               As infuriating as that was, it didn’t hold a candle to the way his mother would wail and beg him to sleep on the weekends. Ever since his first seizure she had been insufferable, unbearable in her smothering. Logan tried to be more careful now, keeping track of the Adderall and the CBD and the caffeine and the sleep he’d actually given in to. The seizures had been the first symptom of critical systems failure, but certainly not the worst. The hallucinations were bad, auditory worse than visual because Logan had a harder time dismissing them. Worst of all were the episodes where he’d black out, but his body would keep going. He’d broken through his bedroom window and rolled off the roof, falling down and cracking his left shoulder. Thank god for your mom’s azalea bushes! Sarah had shouted at him, watching him writhe in pain in the grass. The time he’d managed to scare her had been his most frightening time as well.
              Logan had come to in the kitchen with a knife in his hand. Sarah was curled on the floor between the island and the oven, screaming for him to stop with the kitchen phone in her hand. He dropped the knife and started crying. He wanted to go to her for comfort. Sarah had raised him, after all, and Logan was six before he’d finally learned not to call her mommy. He was the monster, though, the bad thing he was scared of—and she was even more scared than he was. So, he turned around and went to his room, crying at his desk until the police and paramedics showed up. He’d spent a week in the hospital under strict psychiatric observation then. Logan had slept for 36 hours straight, and woken up with tears in his eyes. Both of his parents had been there, the whole time, and even now Logan’s heart would tighten at the warmth of the memory, waking up to their hugs and kisses and smiles.
              Logan was pulled out of his nostalgia when his phone pinged. His mother’s contact photo popped up on his phone over the text Have a good day, sweetie! See you tonight! I’m making dessert!
              Logan’s lip curled and he quickly checked his homework schedule, moving things around. His mother would definitely dose him tonight, which meant he’d sleep, and run behind. He would have exactly three hours from arriving home until his parents came in for dinner at 7 pm sharp. He could finish almost all of his homework, but the extra credit for Calculus 3 would have to wait until Thursday evening, pushing back his homework he planned to finish early in order to take a few hours off to watch Nasa’s livestream of the upcoming meteor shower. He swore under his breath. He hated missing the livestreams, especially when his parents would be bothering him about watching it. He wanted to, but he couldn’t fathom it now.
              He jumped when the bus stopped short and he had to throw out his hand to save his face from hitting the seat in front of him. He straightened his glasses and scowled up at the man in the mirror. Behind him a rowdy pair of girls started shouting obscenities, blaming the driver for interrupting their impromptu makeup session. Logan rolled his eyes, reminded of Roman and Virgil. The thought of his friends brought a genuine smile to his face. Although Logan was put on edge by the mere thought of sex, romance or—god forbid—love, he did wonder when his friends would admit their feelings for one another. Even his own mother had noticed their shameless heart eyes for one another during their last concert. Logan had tried to stop her from calling Virgil’s dads, but the woman never listened to him no matter how loudly he shouted. It was one of the biggest reasons Logan didn’t bother getting angry anymore, especially with his parents; it accomplished nothing and it wasted precious energy.
              A jab to the back of his head made him turn around, that well-hidden anger bubbling to the surface, but it dulled when he saw two of his usual suppliers had moved to the seat behind him. He glanced back to the usually inattentive driver and then dug in his backpack, producing the small parcels he usually divided his stash into for economical reasons. He set two between his feet and nudged them backwards, his eyes glued on the driver. A second later, the parcels were replaced with a pill bottle and he grabbed it, taking visual inventory of the total pills inside before shoving it into his backpack and zipping it. The two boys did the same, disappearing back into the proverbial crowd. The school was two stops away, and Logan had already gone back to calculating his homework time, and whether it would be worth skipping lunch or not. He decided against it—Roman probably wouldn’t eat, and Logan usually tried to get extra food for him at lunch, passing it to him during band and hoping Roman could end up trapped long enough to actually absorb some nutrients before purging everything again. It usually didn’t work, but sometimes the director was in a bad mood and he’d make Roman wait. Logan knew manipulating friends was technically wrong, but guilt wasn’t really something he participated in.
                 The hours went by fairly quickly until lunch; Roman had another Adderall for him and he saved it, swallowing it during third period Calculus when he decided to try and cram his extra credit in between taking lecture notes. Unlike the day before, Roman and Virgil attended lunch rather than smoking in the parking lot. Roman got a salad and a water while Virgil and Logan went for the cheeseburgers that were probably not made from actual meat, but they tasted brown, and they had cheese on them, and that was enough. They sat down at their table—avoided by most of the other students due to Logan’s snippiness. He was halfway through his food when Virgil choked on a bite, “Jesus L! Is that your heartbeat?”
               Logan looked down where his heartbeat was causing his shirt to tremble in time, a bit elevated, but not that bad for him. He scowled and moved his drink—a large canned energy drink—in front of him, “What about-what are you doing?!”
               Virgil had stood and pressed two fingers to the pulse point on Logan’s neck, “Hold still and be quiet.” He watched his phone timer until it beeped, “Two hundred bpm!”
               “No it isn’t,” Roman said, standing up to check.
               Logan sat sullenly as they double and then triple-checked their results, “It really is two hundred. Logan that’s too fast!” Virgil said. “When’s the last time you had an Adderall?”
               Logan opened his mouth, but he couldn’t remember, so he scoffed, “Stop overreacting. It’s no big deal anyway.”
               His throat was dry, and he tried to clear it, taking a slow swallow of his energy drink and waving them off. “Logan maybe you shouldn’t be-“
               “Just shut up, Roman!” Logan sniped, then he closed his mouth and pinched his nose shut, trying to force air out of his lungs. After twenty seconds, Logan moved his hand and let out a long, slow breath, smiling, “There, nothing a vagal maneuver can’t fix. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve lost my appetite.”
               Logan stood up and—without any warning—fainted.
                 Logan winced against the bright overhead lights, trying to blink away the blurriness, but he didn’t have his glasses. He could hear voices, distant and muddled. ”…-es, ma’am. His two friends are beside themselves. If it’s going to be a while would you mind if th… alright. Yes ma’am he’s asleep now, but unfortunately I can’t administer anything you haven’t given me here… CBD oil? No Mrs. Berry we don’t… yes ma’am I’ll tell him.”
              Logan squeezed his eyes closed as the curtain around his cot rustled and the nurse checked on him. “I know you’re awake, Mr. Berry. Your mother said your friends could come and sit with you until she gets here. The band director already gave them a pass. Feel like visitors?”
              Logan nodded, “’s bright.”
              “That’s what happens when you do whatever shit you’re doing and then wake up with a hangover in the nurse’s office,” the nurse said. “But, I’ll turn half the lights off. Just try not to get rowdy some of us still have to work.”
              Logan sighed, but he did smile a bit when the lights went out, only to jump as Virgil and Roman crowded in beside him, “Fuck, Logan you scared the shit out of me!” Virgil scolded.
              “How are you feeling?” Roman asked.
               “Mom’s on the way,” he rasped.
               “I got it,” Roman said. “I already took it all out of your bag.”
               Logan looked to see the nurse, but her desk was empty and she was standing in the hallway. Virgil glanced over, “She didn’t hear y-“
               “Give me one,” Logan said.
               Virgil shook his head, “Logan no fucking way! You just fainted!”
               Logan squeezed his eyes shut, “Please, I’m gonna have to go all week… maybe longer, please! Roman? Please?”
               Roman glanced at the nurse, then pulled the curtain, fumbling in his jacket pocket.
               “No!” Virgil hissed as Roman pulled out the bottle and offered it to Logan.
               “I c-can’t swallow it,” Logan said thickly. “Not whole.”
               Roman met Virgil’s eyes and ignored his expression of horrified disappointment. He popped two of the pills into his mouth and chewed it, wincing at the taste—though it was nothing compared to the things that he tasted on any given day. He gathered as much saliva as he could and then bent over Logan, pressing their lips together. Logan wrapped his arms around Roman’s neck to hold him in place, and he licked the Adderall out of Roman’s mouth like a dying man. The kiss was slow at first, mechanical, but it became something else as they stayed close, and soon Virgil was checking the nurse’s whereabouts again as the other two made out, Roman letting out little pleasant moans against Logan’s lips.
               Virgil cleared his throat loudly when the nurse returned, and Roman straightened, fixing his shirt. Logan closed his eyes again and waited for the meds to kick in a bit more. “How long til she gets here?”
               “Nurse said an hour,” Logan said. “Or that’s what I think she said. Mom’s got clinical trials today so it’s not something she can just leave.”
               “They should have sent you to a hospital, not left you here with your dealer,” Virgil growled, glaring daggers at Roman.
               Roman sighed as he pocketed the pills, “Look, I’ll keep these in my bag until I get to come see you, ok? Then I’ll leave them behind that loose siding under your window. Just don’t be stupid. Maybe this is a good opportunity to quit.”
               Logan wanted to argue, but his lips were still kiss swollen and the taste of Adderall soothed him, so he just nodded. “I’ll think about it.”
               “I love you,” Roman said, lifting Logan’s hand to kiss it, then he ducked out.
               “He’s just as bad as you are,” Virgil said. “For enabling you like that. I can’t stand it, Logan. I can’t stand what you two do to each other.”
               “Are you jealous?” Logan asked; his words were cold, but so was he, and the last thing he needed was a lecture.
               Virgil winced, “Fuck this,” he muttered. He turned and pushed the curtain out of the way, leaving the office—and Logan—in buzzing silence.
                 Logan woke up on Friday, late in the evening. His parents were home, judging from the voices downstairs, and he could remember faded scenes with them over the past two days. He’d missed school, missed band practice, missed the meteor shower and—judging from the raging head and body ache—enough Adderall to start withdrawal. He sighed and slid to the edge of the bed, sneaking over to his window. He’d just reached to open it when something grabbed his ankle in the dark, pulling him. He hit the carpet and was dragged, scrabbling uselessly at the carpet until suddenly he was on his stomach on smooth, cold stone. He squinted in the low light as he stumbled to his feet, until someone—or something—handed him his glasses. He quickly put them on and found himself standing in front of a stranger, “Hello?”
               “He was finally awake!”
               Virgil and Roman stepped out into the light and Logan took half a step back, “I’ve never hallucinated these two before,” he muttered to himself.
               “We aren’t hallucinations, Logan,” Roman said. “We’ve been waiting for you to wake up all week.”
               “I didn’t really get the chance to tell you about Remus because you fainted at school and… well I took off. But he’s my friend.”
               “Our friend,” Roman said. “He’s been keeping us up all night pretty regularly. You should love him.”
               “By the way,” Remus said. “Whatever they have you on, those brownies are delicious. I stole five while waiting for you to wake up.”
               Virgil rolled his eyes but it was an affectionate gesture, “Glad to see you again, L. I’m… sorry I… whatever, I’m sorry.”
               Logan opened his mouth but Virgil stepped forward and hugged him, and as soon as Logan felt him, he knew he wasn’t hallucinating. “Virgil… I’m sorry too. I shouldn’t have-“
               “Yeah what did you say to him?” Roman asked. “He was mad the whole night!”
               “Mind your business,” Logan said when Virgil’s cheeks turned red. “So um… Remus, huh? What is he?”
               “No idea,” Virgil said. “A monster from under my bed, but he said he can get us into the amusement park through the staff emergency sleeping quarters.”
               “Theoretically,” Roman reminded.
               “Close enough!” Remus said, clapping his hands together. “So, Logan, would you like to come on some potentially life threatening rides with us, without any security or safety measures taken?”
               Logan smiled when Virgil nudged him, “I guess so, as long as I don’t break my glasses.”
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beihonglin · 6 years
binbin & bangbang’s 18/4 livestream: a summary 3/3
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second segment: quickfire questions!!
first impressions of each other 
the first people they met was each other!!! they sat with huang shuhao :’)
they got shookt when they got their room assignments after 
who likes to eat snacks the most?
pointing at each other 
stupid boy dropping his mic pt. 034 BIN STOP DROPPING IT
what do you buy to eat from the convenience store? 
LEMON TEA!! bangbang was the one who got bin addicted to lemon tea
recently they found another lemon tea that’s better than vita
rip bin’s fansite miss vitalemontea
bangbang: HE EATS SO MUCH 
apparently binnie gets ramen, rice balls, more ramen, fries, more ramen and pudding then finishes them all in one night
bangbang: but he doESNT GET FAT (angry!!)
bin: yeah after i realised that i wouldn’t get fat no matter what i ate i started just eating everything 
bin: pls calm down asjhlkdj
bangbang: wait omg what if there’s a pill that lets you eat without getting fat,,,,
interviewer: uh moving on
who sleeps later? who takes care of their body better?
bangbang: we sleep at the same time but jeffrey sleeps the earliest and he takes care of his body the best
bin: oh right bb has ur body clock adjusted back?
bb: what body clock lol
apparently they sleep really late and wake up really early to the point where they look at the clock and think 3am is still pretty early 
there was also once when they slept at 630 and had to get up at 7 :(
whose rooms did you visit the most?
bin: we didn’t really go to other people’s rooms, they came to ours,,, yeah, our room was the most popular - there were times when there were 10+ people hanging out in our room
interviewer: why?
bin: because we have a lot of food lol
bangbang: also because we’re very,,,,,, kind :)
bin: :)))
bb: :))))))
interviewer: can you expose something about each other?
bin: bursts out laughing 
bb: YOU TOO 
interviewer: okay but were there any awkward incidents?
bin: bangbang dances really funnily and cutely and he always comes back to dance for us
bangbang: nO I DON’T
bin: he doES do it, do the cute version of ei ei that you did
bangbang: what cuTE VERSION NO :(
interviewer: okay so do you guys compete at games?
bin: snorts
literally the cutest snort i’ve ever heard in my life bye
bb (mumbling): okay i thought i was really good at this game and ruibin didn’t believe me so i challenged him but somehow every time i challenged him he won :(
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binnie: i’d be sitting there after practice when i’d get a text from him saying, “hey trash, come challenge me-”
bb: i didnt say trash- 
binnie: - and i said, i really don’t want to make you lose, but then he said it was because i didn’t want to lose to him that i didn’t want to play,,, so i played with him
bin: and every time i was close to winning he’d scream at his phone, “NO!!” so i’d let him win for a bit before i killed him in three seconds 
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bb: NO i thought i was better so i kept challenging him and i got angry when i lost but in the end i realised he was right,,,, 
bin: he got angry at me too!! he refused to speak to me after he lost, he said he’d never play with me again
bb: wait ur making me sound like a kid
bin: ye u r lol 
what’s your most used meme?
bin: uncle li junyi’s crossed arms pose!!
bb: bu fan’s half beast!!
bin: dong yanlei’s “your lei-zi has appeared!”!
bb: deng langyi’s sad face!
what are your future plans?
bangbang: we’re gonna go to shanghai tgt! we’re gonna stay tgt to carry out some activities
binnie: i’m also acting in an upcoming show! i want to become a well-rounded artist
bin: also lol in the dorm bangbang made me act with him
if you guys act tgt in a show, what kind of show would u want?
bangbang: us as villians!!!! 
bin: (sighs)
bangbang: who go around stealing monuments!!
bin: wait but what about spies!!! and there’d be a hacker and we’d have a swimming scene
bangbang: i’d want to have a hacker -
bin: and i’d be the one who gets to save the female lead, really handsome -
bangbang: i’d be the one who climbs the wall -
bin: - and i’d go down a zip line - 
i swear they’re 8???
interviewer: uh yall have great imagination 
final words??
bangbang: thank u 2 those who have liked me, thank u for ur support and love
binnie spinning his fingers in a circle asmdhdlaksj let bangbang live pls
bb: NO it’s bc i have a lot of things to say 
bin: no he’s like a pinball his mind is just running everywhere
but also binnie: thank u bangbang for being by my side and for making this interview so fun, it still feels like we’re on the show and bangbang and i were just conversing! i don’t feel like a celeb; i feel like i’m still a normal person, but i have a lot of people supporting my dream. thank you to all those who voted for me so that i had more chances to stand on stage. the only reason why i’m here now is bc of u and ur votes and support; it was only through ur support that we could stay in idol producer for so long. i hope that everyone can still trust in us and believe in us - we’re still growing and we hope that everyone can grow with us and accompany us to walk even further on this road. 
i love the most rambly and sincere boy in the universe bye :--(
interviewer: can you sing in cantonese?
both: yah but i need lyrics 
DUET !!!
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i love binbin singing so much i love himi lvoe him i love him ilvoe him
bin tried stuffing his phone in his pocket but he deadass didnt have a pocket why is he like this 
im literally so sorry i know i said summary but this basically became a transcription of whatever they said wheezes 
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