#i should really start writing these earlier in the day than like 8pm
internetcatholicism · 2 years
Y'all wouldn't believe how amazing life can get when you start recognizing which thoughts are actually coming to you from the Holy Spirit. Even just the smallest of things.
For example, me last night
Practicing violin around 8pm when neighbors start blasting music that triggers my sound hypersensitivity.
Brain: i should go to the adoration chapel to get away from this.
Me: oh. Yea. That's God talking isn't it? I just need to finish practicing this passage...
Jesus as I continue playing: why are you delaying your visit which I have requested?
Me: also remembers that I needed to print a hard copy of an encyclical because the library wasn't open on Saturday. Was supposed to go after Mass but forgot. Looks up the hours and they don't close until 11pm. Providence! I will go and print and then head straight to the chapel.
On the way I realized. On Sunday everyone goes to Mass, they receive communion, and that's it. The adoration chapel is likely visited the least on this day of the week because most prefer to fulfill their obligation and then be done with it. Jesus is lonely on this day!
The encyclical prints with no issue and I drive to adoration where I plan to study it for a writing project. I arrive and say "I will stay for at least 45 minutes, " as usual.
Inside I begin praying, reading and studying. After a while I write about 500 words that seem to be coming from Someone else more than from me. I finish this and check the time.
Woah. It's been two hours. It's bedtime.
I say goodbye and head home.
Earlier I had been worried that I would return home too early and still have my neighbor being noisy, but I ended up staying with Jesus so long that quiet hours have begun.
I return home with almost an entire page to add to my project and to a quiet apartment that won't cause me any anguish through noise.
So to sum up: Something difficult to deal with comes along, I have a thought which I recognize as a primpting from grace, don't respond absolutely immediately and am given a small chastisement, given another grace that I can finally have something I've needed even though the hour is late, obtain this thing easily, go to chapel and spend more than twice my minimum amount there with no trouble, am given another huge grace while there, get home and the issue from before is over.
This is just one of the times where I've recognized the quickest thought as a graceful prompting from my guardian angel or from God and have had something wonderful happen because of it.
Even the smallest idea of "I should pray," or "I should talk to that person who is struggling," should be looked at as not coming from myself because good things come from God, the only source of good.
It really just is amazing. Listen to your good "ideas."
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heyitssashag · 1 year
It’s 5:30pm, New Year’s Eve. I wasn’t planning to write a post today but I’m back in bed, in a bit of pain with a heating pad around my neck… so I guess I have the time to do some writing.
Today, I took Ella to the Shaw Centre for the Salish Sea. It’s a marine life aquarium dedicated strictly to only sea life that exists in the Salish Sea. We got to see an adult octopus which was really cool (and a baby one). Also got to delicately “pet” a starfish. They even have a simulated submarine. Pretty cute. Definitely geared towards young kids but it was fun.
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I also got my 21st Conquerer Challenge in the mail. It was for Yosemite National Park.
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These medals are so cool. (I’m also a big nerd so my opinions don’t necessarily reflect the general population. lol) They 🏅 are, however, much nicer than a lot of the “typical” race medals. I gotta say, I’m pretty proud of all my hard work this year rehabbing myself back to better mobility.
We also went for a little walk and lunch, picked up a few groceries and headed home. Unfortunately, my neck started to randomly spasm around my C7 vertebrae. It probably has to do with the infusion I had last week. Hoping the pain will subside soon. I haven’t taken a narcotic since Oct 15. Trying absolutely everything else first before taking a hydromorphone pill.
I forgot my phone at home today. Glad I did. Ella had her phone in case we needed one (she took the photos/videos) but it was nice not to be distracted for the afternoon. I may “forget” my phone more often. 😉
I have a lot of old pictures that have come up on this day for my Facebook memories. I’ll post a few below. This one is New Year’s Eve 2014. 8 years ago. Ella would have been 8.
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Below is when we went downtown Vancouver to watch the fireworks. We also checked out Robson Square. 7 year old Ella was looking a little like Elton John here. lol. Taken 📸 New Years Eve 2013.
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This photo below is one of my favourites of all time. Ella (4 years old) and my niece (3 years old) on the snowmobile. Dec. 31, 2010. So little and so cute!
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Anyway, there’s my trip down memory lane. lol.
Last year, I ended up with a pretty bad (delayed) reaction to the Moderna Covid vaccine on New Year’s Eve. I was covered head to toe in a red-fiery, itchy rash. Of course, I didn’t have any antihistamines and it was around 8pm when I slowly developed it. It first started on my arm where I got the shot. Then it spread. I took like 4 cold showers and was using cold damp cloths all over me. Covered myself in calamine lotion. Finally got some Benadryl and allergy pills the next morning. Slept a lot for a few days. Took almost 4 days for it to completely clear up. Was an awesome start to the New Year. 🙄 lol.
At the moment, I haven’t made my 10,000 steps for the day but I’m pretty close. I did, however, manage to sleep 9 1/2 hours last night! 🎉 Pretty amazing (for me)!
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This evening, we will hang out with my parents for a bit and have some “snackies”. 😋 Then Ella and I will likely watch a movie (or two). So it will be very low-key. Just the way I like it. 😉 It’s been quite the year. There was a lot of stress but a lot of good things happened, too. I’m so incredibly grateful for the love, generosity and support of my family, friends, acquaintances and even strangers earlier this year. It helped to get me more mobile without dealing with agony 24/7.
I’m so grateful for my daughter, Ella. She is a compassionate, kind person who does a lot but has also had to deal with a lot. Very proud of her and her resilience and tenacity.
I’ve had a lot of help these last few years and I’m so thankful. I hope next year I can do more to give back to the community. It’s nice to give and feel useful. I’ll be continuing to focus on my physical and mental health - as everyone should. As the old saying goes: “If we don’t have our health…” (you know the rest.)
As I’ve said before, I don’t have any expectations for 2023 but I do wish for good health, peace and love for everyone.
Happy New Year Everyone! 🎉 (Or at least to all 3 of you who read this blog. 😂) Cheers!
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