#i rewatched glee over the pandemic and was delighted by it BUT he doesnt understand quinn like i do no one does
lezarus · 3 years
just remembered like a week ago i sent you a top 5 that was approx “top 5 things ppl misunderstand abt quinn fabray” and on the off chance tumblr just ate the ask i’m resending bc i’m genuinely so interested in ur thoughts on this
ok! sorry this took me so long ive literally been thinking abt it for days also this is going to be a long rant rather than a numbered list bc this DOES drive me insane
so basically i think that ryan murphy fundamentally did not understand quinn at all and tried to make her villain when she was always a much more complex character than that. this is like obviously largely because they hated dianna agron so they wouldnt like let her come back for like major episodes like the cory monteith tribute episode or the wedding episode etc. and even the episodes she did come back quinn is completely dull and lobotomised.
ANYWAY i think that quinn getting villain treatment NEVER made sense because they always tried to frame her coldness and lack of emotion after beths birth as being a character defect rather than an extremely understandable response to having a losing a child after being kicked out of her HOME as a teenager. most rage inducing scene on the show to me is when will accuses of quinn of never understanding her privilege and how good shes got it after she got kicked out of her home and had her life destroyed and just HAD A BABY bc she didnt want to like sing songs in his choir anymore.
she never got over having a losing beth which is INTERESTING u can do interesting things with that but like she was the villain for not wanting her baby and then a few seasons later she was the villain for wanting her back. which yes is a product of bad writing bc they could never decide what her motivations were from one season to the next but they could have USED that. quinn did awful things but she was a teenager who went through a trauma and was never allowed to grow beyond that because they hated her. she does remind me of dean in some ways in that she was never allowed to escape the narrative they wrote for her so she just kept making the same mistakes over and over again bc she made the perfect villain when she was always more complicated than that and you can see glimpses of it, especially in season one, but they never let her grow from that. AND THEY HIT HER WITH A TRUCK
ultimately shes like a deeply interesting character to me and her rage and pain and coldness were all justified or understandable and if theyd just allowed her that complexity well…………
i simply ask myself every day what blonde cheerleader slept with the guy ryan murphy liked in highschool that made him treat quinn fabray like that.
also shes a dyke
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