#i really love himc
basslinecal · 11 months
itching to make a calum mb rn but keep getting lost in the pinterest sauce
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eliza1911o1 · 1 year
The possibilities that have just opened up from Din being captured has me REELING
On one hand, and by unpopular chance as it should be, we might even Din rescued this season. We might have to wait for whatever machinations Favreau and Filoni are getting up to, maybe drawing out interactions with Boba and Fennec or them not being able to find or get to Din (similar to how Din rescuing Grogu in s2 took a few episodes). It’s unlikely, but the thought is unsettling enough that I have to give it credit
On a different level, the parallels this draws between him and Grogu is so emotional. We really haven’t gotten a lot of father-son interactions this season and it was a smart move to give us their chaos earlier in the episode because it made their separation all the more painful. These two characters have been taken from each other in an assortment of ways over the past two seasons and yet have come together no matter the forced pulling them apart. But the forces are stilling pulling apart and all I can say is they just deserve a break. Din was so upset and vengeful when Grogu was taken before (alsoby Moff Gideon, no less) and him having to watch the same of Din is heartbreaking. And interesting. Because Grogu has been given a lot of independence this season, even from episode where he gets Bo to save Din, so him finally saving his father with his own —excuse me, IG-12’s — hands is kinda beautiful. No, it does not mean the trauma is worth is, especially when they already showed us how tragic Grogu’s backstory was and how so many people have been killed and taken right in front of him, but Grogu being able to finally save someone feels like it could be a really empowering and poetic choice
There’s also the option of Din going absolute badass and busts his way out like one of our favorite episodes The Prisoner from s1. As much as I love clumsy Din, I personally feel there hasn’t been enough action from him, especially scenes where he shows his impressive combat and problem-solving skills. Din is smart, Din is talented, this isn’t just my mantra it’s been proven by the show and some of the coolest scenes have been him absolutely throwing down in his clever way in fights. I think the way he has to focus more on outwitting others to make up for lack of grace (as opposed to Bo, though she is also smart) is part of what makes his fight scenes intriguing, too. That’s why, for the mess it as, I still liked ep 6; it showed the way Din utilizes his knowledge (when he talks to the Ugnaughts) and himbo-ness (when he straight up just starts kicking droids). While I believe Grogu and maybe Boba/Fennec and Bo will end up saving himC Din busting his way out would be so fun to watch and I’d be willing to condone the narrative choice is they gave him a semi-logical way of escaping. They’ve really just had him falling and beaten down so much with this season with very rare moments of action spotlight (not supporting moves), so a chance to see the slick bounty hunter we saw s1 and s2 would be appreciated
And last is the most dreaded possibility, most soul-crushing choice the writers would make: Din’s helmet is forcibly removed. Even writing this, there are so many implications from this scenario that it’s going to have to be its own post. It’s cinema.
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goth-girlfriend · 4 years
Endeavor’s Intern
Rating: Fluff
Warnings: Student age reader
The rest of the week passed, of indulging in sweets and cold Soba with Shoto, and then loving on Enji when he wasn’t busy. He was gone during most of the day but here for most of the morning and late night. So lucky for me meant cuddling the big explosive man from late hours of the night into late hours of the morning filled with breakfast
“Sit down.” I turned to watch Shoto scolding a cat black cat that was on the verge of knocking over a glass cup off the counter.
His hands stretched out standing, he looked at Shoto contemplating if he should listen.
“Don’t.” He told the cats.
He moved his paw closer to the cup.
“NO.” He squinted at the cat who’s toe beans were now on the glass cup staining it.
“Sho, he’s not going to listen.” I said turning around and facing the duo.
“Yes he will. watch.” He faced the cat once more, “SIT.”
The cats sat, surprisingly, just as Shoto smiled and crossed his arms the cat moved and swatted at the cup. Sending a feather diving for the cup it stopped mid fall. I gave Shoto a look.
“He sat.” He shrugged.
“Fair enough.” I mumbled and placed the cup to be washed, my feather just floating in the air.
I plucked it out of the air and tucked it behind my ear.
“Okay,” I turned back to the paper I was looking at, “What’s all this?” I asked and tried to read the directions infront of me.
“I thought they were yours.” Shoto shrugged again and picked up his cat holding it to his chest
“They’re....tickets?” I asked.
“Maybe.” He hummed.
“That’s helpfull, now help me out here. We’re supposed to be in the car and pick up Midoriya in like thirty minutes!” I rolled up my sleeves and took Shoto’s cat.
“Fine, also, turns out we might pick up Natsuo. So, you might end up riding front seat like you wanted.”
“Great, I look foreward to it. To bad I can’t show any love.” I sulked quickly and then walked away placing the cat down.
“Now, everything is packed, Enji is packing everything and there is room for Midoriya if he pack a big suitcase.” I went back grabbing the papers folding them and sliding them into my pocket.
“Great.” Shoto had a faint smile.
“It is, me and your dad, you and your.....boyfriend.” I eyed him waiting for a reaction.
“I didn’t ask.” He mumbled and picked up a bag.
“Welllll, If where were going is fancy than you can ask.” I payed his shoulder and grabbed my bag and wallet.
“Now, do you have your jacket?”
“Extra jac- “OKAY MOM.”
I laughed, “Thats weird.”
“You’re not the one who said it.” He mumbled.
“I mean, no offense I know one girl who would’ve call you d-” I coughed cutting my self off.
“Let’s get to the car, I’m excited.” I smiled.
“If you don’t like where we’re going we’re leaving you on the side of the road.” Shoto smirked at me.
“I’ll fake it if I have to.” I smield as we left the house and got into the car.
There, looking good as always was the man I wanted to call my husband...but due to laws, press, and hero things. I couldn’t....publicly.
“We need to get Midoriya.” Shoto said as we started to back out.
“Alright.” Enji answered we started our trip.
Picking up Midoriya, and Enji getting a call from his second son learning he’d caught a ride with his sister we head straight on to where we’re headed. Midoriya was very flustered to learn the real truth behind Shoto and I’s relationship. I cracked a joke saying one day I’d be his mother in law, everyone chocked but Shoto who smiled. Shoto expresses his love for Disney songs which shocked EVERYONE. We talked about progress in school and the Internships and we asked questions to Enji about how he was in school. And I’ll say I’ll probably never see the mans ego inflant as much as it did in these moments.
After what felt like hours, and sunrise turning into mid day we stopped for lunch. We got drive through and parked in a secluded part of a park. I sat by Enji at the table but not close incase press. Shoto by Midoriya. We ate and enjoyed some silence and stretched.
As we went to get back into the car I was stopped by a quack. I turned to see a duck walking up to me. He was so small and plush looking. He wiggles his tail and tilted his head.
I awed and squatted quickly falling in love with the duck, I looked up and over my shoulder, Shoto and his dad shared a confused look Deku came to my side staring at the duck. I held out a small piece of bread I was about to throw away and he quickly ate it.
“It’s so cute.” I brought my hands to my face.
I picked him up and placed him on his back on my arm. I cradled himC he looked up at me and his feet tucked into his body.
“Look at him.” I held him out to Shoto and Enji. They looked at the duck who held that pose even as he was held mid air.
I handed him to Deku and he held him for a while scratching his head and neck. I took a selfie of Midoriya, the duck and myself to save the memory. The duck was basically smiling, he waddled away after we put him down. His tail wiggling as he waddled off.
“Okay, we can go now.” I said and used hand sanitizer the park offered.
Back in the car we drove for a while longer finally stopping at a large Hotel, “I KNOW THIS PLACE!” I said pressing my forefingers pad against the window.
“This si literally the best hotel in Japan! It’s amazing! I’ve only be here once, but it was just because my dad had a meeting so I was only waiting in the Lobby.” I explained stating at the hotel.
“It’s where we’re staying.” Enji said as we pulled up tot eh front doors.
A Valet came and talked of him. I was admiring the building from the window I could head Midoriya doing the same. Shoto was looking out the Window but not making a fuss like us poor people do when we see something nice.
We walked into the lobby, I felt under dressed. I was standing by Deku, and Shoto, we were all in Casual Clothing. We looked bad compared to the other people we’d seen dressed nicely.
“I didn’t know we were supposed to dress so nice.” Midoriya mumbled and fidgeted.
I nodded my head at Midoriya and made eye contact with Shoto.
He got the idea and placed a hand on his back, “Midoriya, you don’t need to be dressed as nice as these people. You’re always beautiful to me.”
I choked and walked off a bit, that was smooth. I looked back to see a red Midoriya and Shoto smiling softly down at him.
They walked over when Enji Approached, he had four key cards.
“You each get a card, lose it that’s it. Its twenty five dollars a replacement.” He said and we each took one.
“Now, were top floor, they’ll bring the bags up. Today we’ll just be in the hotel and go eat dinner.” He said and lead the way.
I watched him walk, I get the the term cake but this man was a bakery. I laughed lowly to myself stopping when I noticed another woman staring at Enji’s figure. Spreading my wings out and ripping the shirt I was wearing I shielding my boys body from immediate sight and let my wings close as we got into the elevator. Shoto smirked at me.
“I saw that.” He whispered.
“Saw what? How awesome my wings are?” I stretched them out slightly and rested one on top of his head.
“I saw how you had to just show that lady how amazing they are.” He mumbled
I stayed silent the rest of the elevator ride, just watching out the glass as the floor
Got smaller, it was only then I realized I wasn’t to fond of heights, scared? No. Just shivering at the thought of falling. I reached For Enji’s Hans and looked straight ahead. He sighed and squeezed my hand. I smiled and squeezed back a little. Getting to floor there were four sets of doors, one on each wall of the building, and then the room he opened the door, it was massive. I was wowed, it was like a one story mansion. My first thing was to record to save to my Snapchat memories. There were five rooms, the master, and four smaller rooms, three rooms have queen size beds, they’d be Natsuo, Shoto and Fuyumi. Midoriya and I would share the fourth room with two twin size beds. It was between the master bedroom and Shoto’s room. We walked into our shared room and I looked at Midoriya.
“I’m just saying, if you leave in the middle of the night to go cuddle with icy hot I understand.” I shrugged and dropped my suitcase on my bed.
“I-uh- no it’s not like that.” He got flustered.
“I’m just saying I may or might not do the same.” I smield at him patting his shoulder with my hand.
He calmed down and smiled down at the floor.
“No one would’ve guessed it huh.” I said and sat on the plush luxurious bed that I didn’t really wanna use.
“Guessed what?” He asked.
“That you the biggest fan of All Might would be on vacation with Endeavor.” I grinned as he got flustered again.
“Calm down.” I put both hands on his shoulders, “I was joking.”
He smield and rubbed the back fo his neck, “right.”
We left our room Shoto was sitting on the leather sofa and relaxing. I made my way to the door of Endeavor’s room, I walked in admiring the spacious room.
“Must be nice.” I mumbled and looked around.
“Hm.” He hummed turning to face me.
I wasn’t prepared to see shredded chest, the shirt he was wearing was half open. I looked down at my socked feet, we left our shoes at the door.
“You get a nice bed, with lots of space you won’t even use, and I’m stuck with a small twinsize single bed, that I’ll probably fall off of.” I exaggerated throwing myself back on his bed.
“Mhm.” He hummed and was staring at me as he changed shirts for a loose pull over.
“So,” I turned it my side propping my head up.
“what.” He asked as he walked to hang his shirt.
“Are you going to invite me to your bed instead?” I rolled onto my belly facing him my hands holding my head up as I kicked my feet in the air. “I promise I’ll keep my hands to myself.”
“Last time you said that you ended up on me with your elbows propped on my ribs.” He mumbled and walked into his bathroom.
“Please?” I called out louder, “How do we get dressed for dinner?!” I called louder eBaying to know if I should prep.
“Classy.” I got the muffled reply.
“So Yes bed?” I whispered.
“Convince me.” I heard him just barely.
“Bet.” Was all I answered
I left to my room and ripped open my suit case, and looked through it, I opened the other suit case and found what I was looking for. Can never leave the house unprepared.
I brushed my hair over and over and then used a hair straightener to get it smooth. I sighed as I got it flat and then moved onto lipstick testing it to make sure it was transfer proof. After that I pulled out my dress and hung it so it wouldn’t be so wrinkled. I nodded and went to Enji’s room. He was laying on his back arms behind his head, looking at the ceiling lost in thought.
I took the opportunity and jumped on him propping my elbows on his ribs. His hands went to my waist as I smiled at him and ducked to kiss his jaw making sure no lipstick stained his skin.
“Did you need something.” He didn’t really ask.
“Your attention.” I moved and kneeled on the bed beside him. Taking his merge hand between mine holding it in my lap.
“What is it you really want?” He asked my looked at me.
His left arm fell in my direction across the pillows. Holding his right hand I shimmer down onto my right side and used his left bicep like a pillow.
“Cuddles there are four hours until dinner time.” I said and let go of his hand placing my left arm over his chest and my left leg over his left leg.
“Mmhm.” He didn’t seem amused, but let it be.
In the mean time I cuddled into his side loving him and kissing his jaw or cheek every now and then. I scrolled through Instagram and took our picture, I was smiling he seemed unamused at the camera.
“Wear gym clothes tomorrow, we’ll be active. And a sweater so you won’t get cold.
Finally he took my phone and slid it into my picked and got onto his left side facing me. I smiled and pressed my face into his chest hugging his torso and throwing my leg over his hips. His right hand came to press itself against my lower back and pull em closer to him. I moved my arms to hug his neck and I kissed his cheek and pressed my head into his chest. He kissed the top of my head and mumbled something about rest. I nodded and squeezed him a bit.
I looked at him, his eyes half kissed as he slowly fell asleep. All was calm and peace full, I feel asleep when my own eyelids grew heavy.
I fell asleep to the sound of his heart pumping blood in his chest.
I fell asleep, falling into a dream of one day wanting to marry Enji.
I was at peace, calm, happy, until I was being shook vigorously.
I was quick to jump up and onto the floor, wings flaring out I grabbed two long feathers ready to defend or attack. Until I noticed it was Shoto. He didn’t seem impressed. I sighed and let go of the feathers and let my wings rest against my back as they slowly disappeared.
“Natsuo and Fuyumi are coming up, so I decided to be a good step son and wake you up.” He nodded to the living room.
I looked at Enji, he was sleeping peacefully, a small smile tugging his lips.
“Alright I’m going.” I answered and Shoto left.
I turned an quickly kissed his cheek and took a photo before rushing and heading off to follow Shoto.
I sat to his right, Midoriya in his left, his arms on the back of the sofa we both leaned our heads on his shoulders. He sighed and smiled.
Midoriya was smiling, and I was smiling.
We all smiled for different reasons, but my reason was the dream is just woken up from, i dream of a perfect wedding and marrying my best friends dad. I felt heat raise to my cheeks as I smiled staring at the screen.
I turned to Shoto, “You’re one of the best things to happen to my life.”
I hugged him real quick and then pulled a Midoriya into the hug, “You’ll he the best son in law ever.”
Midoriya laughed and smiled, Shoto had a small smile and I didn’t fight the big smile on my face. We pulled apart when a knock was heard. I smiled faintly thinking back to Enji’s cute sleepy smile.
Tags: @daedaep69 @sabrinakishi
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scriibble-fics · 3 years
I think that EA James is so blinded by his pain that he can’t really see one inch in front of himc that’s why he comes of as entitled. And I mean, we all know James was spoiled, that is canon. That must have had a huge impact on his mod when facing a war. He never got dealt difficult cards, the all of a sudden he has to deal with a bleak scenario. That’s why I always think it’s very powerful when canon Lily mention in her letter that James is downZ. War is a nightmare.
100% this!! I probably read way too much into Lily’s letter to Sirius, but I think there’s something really revealing about the way that she describes James as down and itching to get out of the house and in need of Sirius to cheer him up, but never once complains herself. I love James as a character and I think he’s a good person and a great husband and father, but I think that natural spoiled tendency probably did have something to do with him feeling that way, whereas Lily 1. never complained similarly (that we saw in the letter, at least, and she could have) and 2. recognized that in him and sought to remedy it by having Sirius come cheer him up. Lily has her own flaws, but her empathy game is so on point.
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bxstiae · 4 years
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[ @shadowcrowned​ / —–  COLOURS  ]         A C C E P T I N G !!
honey: when your muse loves someone (whether it be romantic, platonic, or familial love), how do they show it?
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gods.... when he really loves somebody??? like absolutely & truly?? so many things happen really. not only that but it really also depends on who it is too. but honestly, it’s a little sweet -- if at all cute. but you know, first & foremost that we need to address the obvious elephant in the room: he’s a tsun. at least when it comes to those he has taken a romantic interest in.
that being said he does absolutely warm up to anybody who takes the time to get past his cold front. link is anything but a simple man. hes quick to get upset, but also quick to cool down as well. this is also seen in his relationships and interactions with others as well.
anybody he really cares about, he’ll first seem really annoyed with you. but he inherently cares about you and wants nothing but your happiness & safety.
take the village brats for example. he finds all of them ( except for colin ) to be very annoying. he sometimes even expresses that, but as his face is saying one thing, his body does another. he listens & he helps them without question. hell, he’ll cry for them, but you better not say anything about it. luckily the kids -- while being honest kids -- don’t really care all that much or read into his expressions. they just KNOW he’ll do what they ask him to cause he knows he loves them. they are his family after all. he’s helped raise them. so you see this whole interaction of i’m mad at you, this is my grumpy face, but i’m doing it any way cause i would die for you. familial people have to normally ask to get stuff from him. cause while he doesnt mind sharing after they ask, he’s a rather private person. you know that whole thing of the family drives you mad? yea that’s link.
platonic wise, he’s actually the best with ( most of the time ). while he still has his slightly cold demeanour towards platonic relationships, he always comes around to visit those he considers ‘friend.’ the grumpy man is actually the most chill around these people cause... he doesn’t get flustered with them, nor does he overthink anything. he’s just himself. or rather, he’s his normal, guarded self. mainly cause he doesn’t want people to worry about him. he gives them the cold shoulder with they ask him if somethings wrong but only cause he doesn’t want them to worry. it’s not that he doesn’t want to tell them, he’s just... really private. with platonic people, you can tell hes the one on edge between him and the other. he’s protective, and he’s  a bit of a hot-head. mainly cause he just doesn’t THINK, he simply does.
people he’s romantically in love with? LOL. he will absolutely deny it for months. you ask him about them, he’ll turn red in the face and yell at you saying that he doesn’t like them that way. when he’s around them? he’s honestly.... content. he may not smile all the time around them, but he’ll definitely be more receptive to doing a lot more with them. not to mention that.. He otherthinks all the time & sometimes thinks and assumes that they don’t think of him in the same regard. he loves anythign that they do though. and maybe he’ll get annoyed but... he’ll get more annoyed if they stop. and sometimes... things just are automatic with him. he’s going through the motions with them. at least when it comes to doing activities. like he’ll stop and fish for a little bit and when he’s caught something, he’s gonna show his romantic interest and then ask if they want to try ( without even thinking ). he’ll honestly DRAW them too. like in private??? he’ll make sketches of them and keep them hidden away ( he does that with midna post tp cause HELL he fucking misses her ... ) he’ll cry and not realise that he’s crying when he’s around them. just that whole... do you know you’re crying? and link has that *i am?* moment before he snaps away & says no i dont..
honestly.... it’s so hard to pinpoint with link what he does with people he’s romantically interested in cause.... it really depends on the person. i would want to say though that despite being the dominant one in the relationship, he’s... really soft towards his beloved. & you can tell he wants nothing more but to be his best for them. he tries to smile more often with them. he pays more attention ( and pretends he’s not giving you that attention ). he kinda really is a snuggle bug.... and its absolutely cute. but please please don’t even mention it to himc ause the moment you do and BOOM, there he oes being the tsun he is and whines about it for a split second. and yes its like a spit second cause you know when he gives that huff he’s lowkey looking for affection.
LIKE THATS HIS WAY to ask for affection. is just a.... huff. its the whole pay attention to me.... i want love and affection. but fasfdl im hoenstly falling assloe as i type this so. if this is all over the place. im sorry. im going to bed now. alshdkf
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boone-cooke-blog · 7 years
Who: Dan & Boone What: Dan notices that Boone is exhausted. Where: On the road in the middle of bumfuck nowhere.
They had only been on the road a few weeks, but already Boone was exhausted. Riding in the back of the truck over the coarse back roads of Montana had been awful - and while the highway had been a little bit better, no one could stop the occasional jostle of any of the vehicles he had decided to ride in. Sure, his leg had healed drastically over the last few months - the wound had closed up and he no longer risked infection - but God did it still hurt. Every bump or wrong angle felt like a blade tearing through the muscle of his thigh over and over again to the point it nearly brought him to tears. But he wouldn't - couldn't - slow them down; he refused to be the cause that someone else died of hypothermia or worse.
So he sucked it up, bit back the tears and kept his face covered with his beanie so no one saw the faces he was making. He knew that Dan and Abby both knew how much pain he was in, or at least they probably had an idea with how hard he would squeeze either of their hands when he was sitting by one of them. But at least tonight the air outside seemed warm enough to break out the below temperature sleeping bags and settle next to the fire. He laid in his own just slightly away from the fire, watching Dan and Archer for what felt like hours into the night talk amongst themselves before the older of the two finally stood up and announced he was going to do a perimeter check. "D-Dan?" he asked quietly from the two-man sleeping bag, careful not to wake any of those asleep mere feet away from him. He cursed the shiver in his voice, caused by a sudden jolt of pain smacked right into his leg.
Dan had been exhausted but he had tried not to show it; stowing it away with his worry and fear. It was harder than sitting idle in the caves but he had noticed it was at least bearably warmer down on the flats. He leaned closer to the fire as Archer stood up before he heard his name, glancing in the direction and offering a soft smile to the younger man. Getting up he moved to lay beside him but outside of the sleeping bag. "Hey, how are you feeling?"
"I'm alright," the former hockey player lied as he turned to face him. He hated making Dan worry about him - he knew the man already worried like crazy about his kids and Mav's kids (and come to think of it, anyone in the group who was smaller than him), so adding an additional layer of stress on the former teacher was something Boone would avoid doing if he could. But then again, he really hated lying to him and knew he'd see through him. So he sighed. "My leg hurts," half-truths were better than nothing. "What were you guys talking about?" he tried to change the subject.
Dan could tell Boone was lying initially. "If you need more painkillers I can take another scout and try to find some." He had seen the little glint in the eyes of many before long enough to pick it up. His wife was particularly fond of the act herself and Dan was far too well versed in it for his own liking. But he didn't question it. Gently he took to running a couple of fingers down the side of Boone's jaw before resting his whole hand down on the dip in the sleepingbag where the younger man's hips began. "Just things. Ivy's baby being due any day now, about food, about shelter...the usual boring stuff."
Boone had to resist the urge to outright sigh at the other male. There he went, looking right through him and worrying. He knew he shouldn't have said anything when he was in such a weak state; he should have just turned over and tried to fall asleep. "It's okay, Dan, really. It hurts, yeah," he admitted softly. "But the last thing you guys need is to babysit me high out of my friggin mind through the zombie apocalypse," he joked.
"We say boring, everyone else says necessity. But who needs that, right? Our love will keep us warm~" he teased with a cheeky grin, visibly biting his tongue as he grabbed Dan's free hand with both of his own and held it. It was no hidden secret the two of them were the most obnoxiously optimistic of the group, but even they had to tease each other once in awhile.
Dan chuckled gently as he watched Boone's grin and felt his chest grow warm even if it was still heavy with concern. "If we could survive off love alone, I'd make sure you wouldn't need another thing in your life." He lifted their hands and kissed the smaller man's knuckles; eyes falling closed as he let his head stay ducked and his lips settle against the skin. "You're doing well, I just wish i could make all this moving around easier on you."
Boone couldn't hold back his soft snort at the other man's words, his eyes falling closed as he inched a little closer towards him. "Ever the romantic, Daniel, ever the romantic." Boone hadn't had many boyfriends in his life (calling Dan his boyfriend seemed a little silly given the world they now lived in) - mostly teammates or even coaches later on in college, but they were all mostly sexual-driven relationships. A few had ridden on the border of something more coming to fruition but his lifestyle had just been too busy. Too much training. Too much partying. Romance had never been that important to him... but then Dan came out of no where with this mean right hook of adoration and the former hockey player had been knocked out cold... in a good way.
He opened his eyes. "I'll be fine, don't worry so much about me."
"What can I say? It comes naturally around you." And that wasn't a lie. Dan had been fucking the music teacher during lunch breaks, his little quiet christian town knew nothing and at night he'd go home to his blonde haired and blue eyed wife and tell her he was too tired for sex. He hadn't loved her - sure he adored her, fought for her and cared about her but he couldn't find it in him to love her. Boone, however, hard worked his way under the teacher's skin and into his veins and he never wanted to let him out. "I worry just the right amount. You're part of my family...I worry about you just as I would the boys."
Boone didn't know how to reply. Due to his horrendous lack of experience when it came to these things, the younger male most of the time found himself at a severe loss for words. So, like he usually did, he leaned forward and pressed his lips gingerly against the other males before pulling back and nuzzling his nose into his cheek. "I love you," he murmured softly.
"I love you too. " that was enough for Dan. As he wrapped his long arms around the ex hockey player, gently holding himc close. "Now get some sleep."
Boone wrapped his own arms around the other male and buried his face into his chest with a sigh. "If you insist," he muttered against him, though in all reality he was nearly passed out by the time the last word left his lips.
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