#i read a post abt the master creating a life for themselves outside of the doctor and was trying to think of what that LOOKED like and um
grandadtwelve · 1 year
thinking abt how the masters life revolves around the doctor and how the doctors life revolves around their companions and how the root of these obsessions (other than like love and affection and whatever) is probably just bc it must be so boring to be a time lord
like ok. as a time lord (and specifically as the doctor or the master) you’re generally the smartest person in every room, however, you know the flow of time very intimately so you can’t meaningfully invent anything, you can’t participate in the contribution to society because you can’t advance them past how they’re supposed to be advanced, and you rarely have peers who can challenge you and who you can challenge in return without becoming some kind of all-knowing mentor figure.
like, yeah, if the master created a deep and enriching life for themselves outside of their relationship with the doctor they would probably grow into a much happier and well-balanced individual, but like. How are they supposed to do that? they can’t go back to gallifrey (bc at any given point in time its either destroyed or they just don’t “fit in” there) to be around other time lords. they don’t care or empathize with people the way the doctor does so the challenge of “saving people” doesn’t interest them. and we’ve established that they can’t just join up with a group of scientists and inventors somewhere for the sake of timelines or whatever. so what does that leave? ummm attempts at world/galactic/universal domination i guess. obsession over the singular other being that is just as intelligent and disconnected as you are i guess. bc everything else is too easy or too boring and that’s without even considering any of the masters predisposition for violence/chaos/supremacy/etc.
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calypsolemon · 4 years
I know nothing about Ninjago but I would like to hear about your Au anyway
u didn’t specify but im gonna assume u mean transcendent and talk abt that. The au has Too Much going for it for me to give a basic low down without the context of knowing ninjago, (u can read the doc if u want the full lowdown anyways lol) but rn I’ll just talk about the cool god lore. also sorry this got long
What’s interesting about the gods in this au is technically, they are the remnants of the god that came before them. The previous god split his soul into many pieces and gave the pieces to humanity to create the elemental masters (think avatar, but more than four elements and only 1 person per element). Some of these pieces were powerful enough that those who obtained them could, eventually, ascend to godhood themselves. The main six ninja of the show hold these pieces, with Lloyd holding the final remnants of the old god, allowing him to control the very essence of life itself, and giving him the power to shape the world as he so chooses.
Since they technically are just pieces of the same soul, the gods are highly interconnected with each other, sharing emotions and thoughts and generally having the same goals. However each of them embraces a different element and various aspects both associated with that element as well as with their general personality. The basic lowdown is:
Lloyd, Golden God of Life. He’s the main guy who has jurisdiction over all living things, because of this he’s highly associated with plants and animals. He’s also associated the most with matters of spirituality and emotion, while the other gods are usually more associated with more tangible things
Kai, Chaos God of Fire. Naturally represents the duel nature of fire as both a source of warmth and potential for destruction, with the latter not being particularly demonized. He’s considered the original blacksmith, and over time this association extended to general handicraft.
Zane, Celestial God of Ice. He sometimes has a bit of a bad rep for being emotionally cold (hah), ruthless, and associated with death. While he can be those things, he also resides over the cosmos, including the Sun (which he shares jurisdiction over with Kai).
Cole, Spectral God of Earth. The earth part being related more to literal rock and dirt, as opposed to plantlife and such. Unsurprisingly, he’s considered one of the strongest of the gods, as he raised the very ground people walk on from the ocean. He’s also associated with music, the earth being said to have a natural rhythm one can tune in to.
Nya, Warrior Goddess of Water. Similarly to Kai’s fire, she represents both the life water gives as well as the great destructive power it possesses. True to her name, she’s also the one prayed to for strength in both physical combat, as well as to overcome any obstacles in life. She shares jurisdiction of the Moon with Cole.
Jay, Tempest God of Lightning. He controls all weather, though he is most associated with thunderstorms. On top of this, he’s also associated with technology, as he is the embodiment of the electricity that powers it, and this generally extends to the act of invention.
The remaining elemental masters who didn’t have the ability to ascend to godhood still share a connection with the gods, and as such often become mouthpieces for them, guiding people in their stead. While generally people worship all the gods, praying to whichever one seems most appropriate for a particular issue or occasion, most will choose to focus on one god’s teachings over others throughout their entire life. It’s also not unusual to see people worshiping gods outside the elemental pantheon (as there are gods of other realms, as well as just creatures or other beings that people see as gods). This is totally accepted by the elemental gods, and they will in fact usually try to have friendly relations with the gods and people of other religions. The biggest example of this is the serpentine (snake ppl) who live in ninjago with whomst, unlike the previous god, the elemental pantheon develop a close and friendly relationship with.
I’ve probably blabbed enough but I could talk for like 84 years about the god lore of this au. If you read all of this... congrats and bless u
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