#anyway I think that if the master looked at ‘saving people’ from a problem-solving/puzzle-solving perspective they could actually do a lot
grandadtwelve · 1 year
thinking abt how the masters life revolves around the doctor and how the doctors life revolves around their companions and how the root of these obsessions (other than like love and affection and whatever) is probably just bc it must be so boring to be a time lord
like ok. as a time lord (and specifically as the doctor or the master) you’re generally the smartest person in every room, however, you know the flow of time very intimately so you can’t meaningfully invent anything, you can’t participate in the contribution to society because you can’t advance them past how they’re supposed to be advanced, and you rarely have peers who can challenge you and who you can challenge in return without becoming some kind of all-knowing mentor figure.
like, yeah, if the master created a deep and enriching life for themselves outside of their relationship with the doctor they would probably grow into a much happier and well-balanced individual, but like. How are they supposed to do that? they can’t go back to gallifrey (bc at any given point in time its either destroyed or they just don’t “fit in” there) to be around other time lords. they don’t care or empathize with people the way the doctor does so the challenge of “saving people” doesn’t interest them. and we’ve established that they can’t just join up with a group of scientists and inventors somewhere for the sake of timelines or whatever. so what does that leave? ummm attempts at world/galactic/universal domination i guess. obsession over the singular other being that is just as intelligent and disconnected as you are i guess. bc everything else is too easy or too boring and that’s without even considering any of the masters predisposition for violence/chaos/supremacy/etc.
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