#i promise i have more legible thimgs to say but uh <3 yeah <3
lostjulys ยท 3 years
what are your thoughts on cold war arc c!tubbo? ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€
GD ok (thamk u for asking) i am so sleepy so this will b incoherent probably and maybe i will be more articulate ab it tomorrow BUT.
-so um first of all something that fucks me up a lil bit every time is that historically, there has never been a missile control center (where u can launch nukes) with less than two people present at all times. especially in a nuclear missile control center. mostly for safety nd so no one can enter and launch weapons w malicious intent, but also because.... being entirely isolated in an underground bunker with a key that ends the world if you want it to isn't something that is conducive to remaining sane haha. (that's the context of the 'no-lone zone / two man concept mandatory' sign in my last doodle- those signs were at every control center) which is part of why it's so upsetting that snowchester is so Alone? there's no safety net, 99% of the time. not that ctubbo is slightly unstable at All he is but it's just.. unsettling. that really, the only thing between the server and a radioactive pile of bedrock is him. l'appel du vide, right?
-c!tubbo is above all a fucking genius and a tactician and he plays piano and is good at chess and that makes so much sense because deterrence theory is um. a lot like game theory? it's very rational, it's very much based on manipulating whatever scenario you're in to make the other guy give up first. which isn't necessarily what he's doing here? since his nukes aren't public knowledge? but he has that ace up his sleeve, and i think. i think there should be more content of unsettlingly comfortable, confident c!tubbo who's never worried about being targeted. there's always an aura of slight danger about him. he can be on a walk with michael wearing a stupid ironic sweatshirt and undyed roots and you walk past him and feel like someone just stepped on your grave.
-nother messed up thing is the concept of mutually assured destruction, which is fairly self explanatory. thats also related to the fail-deadly concept. tubbo's deadman's switch is an example of a fail-deadly: a mechanism ensuring that even if you die, there Will be a response to any attack. (this also implies that any counterstrike will be overwhelmingly greater than the first attack)
ok anyway um it's just really really fucked up to think about tubbo being isolated and paranoid and traumatized in his empty arctic village to the point where he creates weapons of mass destruction in an attempt to regain a sense of safety. also this implies he is/was at least passively suicidal because theres no way you start a nuclear war and survive. there's no way you sleep with a bomb next door if you're not kinda comfy with the idea of something going wrong while you're asleep. it's fucked up to think of him strategizing deterrence and retaliation and response all day in his cabin because there are hundreds of scenarios that can play out and 99.9% of them end up in total annihilation and he must think about that a while lot. he must be okay with that idea because if the things care about are gone then there's no reason for him to stick around and there's no reason why the people who've hurt him should be allowed to remain happy. he's also fucking stupid smart because of the whole. yknow. creating nuclear missiles on his own part (nd i think cc!tubbo's history w modded mc is cool i think more ppl should explore that as part of his backstory.)
and i think the temptation to just do it must be enormous sometimes. i think he sleeps in the control center a lot of the time. i think he hides the launch key. i think maybe after he and ranboo married, he altered the system so that it needs two people to authenticate a launch command. but like yeah that boy needs therapy because i feel like. a lot of people reduce 'o nukes! >:D" to just like. the cool radioactive aesthetic which is! understandable & cool! but also if u genuinely look at it. the entire idea of ctubbo cold war arc is VERY fucked up and heavily based on his deep paranoia & trauma (which r only encouraged by techno & phil etc) because. nuclear deterrence isn't the equivalent of sleeping with a baseball bat yk? it's the equivalent of sleeping with a pipe bomb that could level your entire country under your pillow.
also cool parallels btwn getting blown the fuck up nd then deciding 'hm! you know what would be a good coping mechanism? give urself the capability to blow OTHER people up, but like, more! :D"
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