#i need to organize my illustration folder better lmfao
comradekatara · 2 months
Tumblr media
I am the shape you made me. filth teaches filth
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yeonjuins · 2 years
how do u sort all your gfx stuff..? Like resources wise (colourings, pngs, elements) idk if I’m using the right terms but you get what I’m saying right?
i think i know what you mean !! this answer might be a little too in depth in response to what you were looking for but i'm not sure how else i'd be able to explain it... hopefully that's alright ):
in terms of file management (hope thats what you were originally asking about)- this would be a bit easier for me to explain if i started with my layer management in illustrator (":
my work flow for tumblr posts is ai (sometimes ps if i need to use it for touchups, creating transparent photos, etc, and then shove it into ai) > ae > ps
in terms of layer management, my layers almost always look like this as well:
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in ae, i create different layers and will save accordingly to what i want to be animated, or, condone space for the things i want to animate. (i.e create the design of a search bar, then in ae, animate the text that i wanted to be typed in... OR, design what i'm going to animate (i.e a circle with text around it), save it as it's own individual layer, then in ae, i'd animate it to spin).
all these layers are their own individual file, and perhaps, have the most random title names (because im lazy to come up with a title for each file LMFAO) prime example: 
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ai is for designing, ae is for animating, ps is for converting into gifs and colour correction (because your animation will become a slightly different colour when making it into a gif... the most annoying thing to fix imo (": )
as a result, my work files typically always look like this:
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ae files - has everything in relation to ae, including final animation videos 
files - this is where my ai file of the project is located, along with the psd files to each individual gif i make for it 
finals - final drafts / what i’m going to post (although this should really go at the bottom but whatever its alphabetical LMFAO) 
photos - the saved images of each design/each individual layer that i animated + the other photos i gathered for this particular edit (this was for shop yawnzzn so i acc had to grab a lot of his modeling photos and whatnot) 
i honestly could organize my photo section better and likewise to my illustrator organization, separate it into into folders correspondent to the panel/page/etc but uh. once again, i’m lazy and i just wanna make hehe haha graphics PAHAHHAHA <3 
my ae files generally look the same... for each animation, i make another composition: 
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once again, i could be better with managing it all and name it but i was lazy <3 
overall that’s how i organize my work flow for making tumblr posts !!! this may be slightly different depending on the project (anything with 3d animation (i.e my fos set, my ulkin yeonjun set) is a whole entire different story) but nonetheless, it still follows this same general outline. 
to be explicit as well- you don’t need to follow this exact formatting either. i wasn’t this organized until the beginning of 2022 and making my first gfx back from my short hiatus because i wanted to find stuff easier ;; whatever works for you and however you’re able to arrange things to the point where it’s convenient is more than enough to do the job (: 
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