#i need a tag for sharky and hurk bc i feel like i will be talking about them a lot
selfshipstorm · 2 years
Pyscho, Carrie, and Last Man On Earth for Minerva :D
Horror movies and talking about my s/is. Two of my favorite things!
Psycho (1960): Excluding your f/o, does your s/i get along well with anyone else in canon? Is there anyone they don’t like? Is there someone that doesn’t like them? Minerva gets along amazingly with Hurk and Sharky, as well as Mary May Fairgrave. I suppose i could also put the three fangs for hire here as well, Boomer the good boy, Peaches the mountain lion, and Cheeseburger the bear. The next step down in friendship level would be anyone she works with : Whitehorse, Pratt, Hudson.  As far as not getting along with, that's also a relatively simple one. Joseph, for more than the obvious reasons. Minerva thinks he is the most annoying man to ever walk the face of the planet, on top of the whole doomsday cult thing. Maybe a shocking one that she doesn't like is Adelaide. The woman is a bit much, even for Minerva. The feeling is mutual, but Addie tolerates the deputy for getting her helicopter back.
Carrie (1976): What’s that one thing that your s/i is always associated with? Even if some people aren’t very familiar with them, what’s that one thing your s/i is known for? A cry of hope across the resistance has become three words. "It's the Deputy!"  Minerva is known mostly for her actions. Her enemies know her by the way she can systemically clear a base to reclaim it for the resistance, and her allies know her as the avenging angel who swoops in to save the day when she sees someone in need. Those closest to Minerva would tell you the most recognizable things about the woman is her custom SPAS12 shotgun, decorated in flames, her affinity for hitting peggies with a shovel she painted a smiley face on, the animal usually following her around, and her tendency to take the charm from peggie vehicles she crashes as a trophy, of sorts. 
The Last Man on Earth (1964): In a scenario where your s/i never meant your f/o, what would they be doing now? Would much change about them? A scenario where John and Minerva never met is more than likely a world where Eden's Gate did not settle in Hope County. She'd be just another Hope County Sheriff's Deputy, drinking with her friends on the weekend and trying to stop Sharky from burning the whole damn county down. Not much would change about Minerva however, she'd still be the same girl blaring classic rock way too loud as she drives around Hope County in her beat up old mid-70s Silverado, considering that without a holy war to fight, she'd probably have the spare time to get it running again. 
Thanks for the ask!!
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derelictdumbass · 3 years
DAEMON AU YOU SAY? 👀 This is your Free Ramble Pass 💌 (I also read your tags and I am losing it Dean HFKSHFKKD)
*holds this ramble pass up like simba* YOU HAVE UNLEASHED MY WORDS STRAP IN BELOVED AND FRIENDS (I'm glad you are losing it because I simply have been plagued with that thought for SO LONG and now it's ur turn)
anyway, some reststrained rambles about these bitches under the cut uwu 💕
(I'm gonna put a littol collage at the end so u can see all the bebs, but for now, WORDS)
John's daemon is a Ball Python named Seraphine and she acts very differently depending on who is around. With strangers she stays silent wrapped around John's shoulders and basically indifferent, with friends she's a little more talkative and will maybe slither down his arm or on the back of where he's sitting and with family she's very lively and sassy and will slither away to mingle with the other daemons. (I could go on about how that shows his comfort levels around people and all that entails for hours but I'll refrain)
Joseph's daemon is a Golden Monkey named Evelyn and she's very similar to Joseph, she doesn't follow society's silent/invisible rules and doesn't believe personal space applies to her. She'll climb all over other people and talk to anyone and everyone which unsettles many, other daemons even shy away from her when she's in the room. She's very affectionate to the project members and family naturally but like Joseph she does have that chilling calm violent nature about her. (Like okay I know a monkey isn't that scary but when she goes dead silent and just stares at you that'd be unnerving okay, I keep reimagining the plane crash with her and OOOOOO it just adds a lil Spice)
Jacob's demon is a Wolf named Dante (I KNOW SO SHOCKING LEAVE ME ALONE) and he's a silent, grumpy protector. He can go farther from Jacob than most daemons can go from their people but he'll mostly keep to his side and stalk by his heel wherever he goes. He doesn't talk unless provoked and even then it's very condescending retorts, he barely pays other daemons attention (Seraphine and Evelyn are exceptions of course) and he goes for humans if attacking. I'd like to imagine he helps in training Judges somehow, not sure though.
Faith's daemon is a Linx named Ophelia, she comes across as very aloof but can be very cunning. She doesn't say much as she's usually 'asleep' at Faiths feet or chasing after butterflies and basically just doing her own thing. Spoilers Ophelia and Faith have actually been separated, I thought it would be interesting if they had a way to use Bliss to separate Daemons and humans without the daemon simply dying. (although that is still a possible outcome and it's probably erratic) Ophelia tends to ignore humans and only talk to other Daemons.
Sharky's Daemon is a Jack Russel named Aideen and she's excitable and full of energy and her dream is to ride a bear into a fight. She's very sweet and cuddly and unsurprisingly will jump into close friends laps, she also doesn't shut up and much like Sharky she makes no sense half the time. (all Sharky's secrets and feelings getting spilled but no one notices bc Aideen talks too fast and throws in a bunch of other bullshit with it lol) Sharky and Aideen can't be that far apart for too long, they have one of the strongest bonds in Hope County bc I said so.
Hurk's Daemon is a Teacup Pig named Portia (AND I LOVE HER), she is just a tiny bundle of carefree joy with absolutely zero thoughts in her little head. Hurk usually carries her bc she's so small but sometimes you will just see her trotting behind him very fast (and getting distracted and wandering off before needing to rush back to Hurk). Like Aideen she's very cuddly but not just to close friends, she'll accidentally bump into people's legs or do it on purpose if Hurk knows them at least a little. She also really loves pie and sunflowers.
Staci's Daemon is a Stout named Leah!! (maybe you can give me an opinion on if that fits him or not, as our local Staci expert uwu) She's sassy and full of bravado and puffs her little chest out while sat atop Staci's shoulder. She will cause chaos around the office/jail, hide in filing cabinets and spook people and will constantly annoy Joey's Daemon (which is a Hyena, just putting that here bc he's not that fleshed out, he's a sweetie tho). I could go into the shift her personality goes through after what Staci has to go through but :) that's pain, so instead know she also tends to hide in Staci's shirt pocket and poke her head out.
Deputy!Dean's daemon is a lil Red Panda named Clementine and she is very playful and fiesty around most people, she likes to hide in his jackets or ride on other larger Daemon's backs. She's far more talkative than Dean himself, seemingly having a fun fact on everything and always ready to start a fight until a fight is actually presented. She's very protective of Uriel despite being half her size and it's not unusual to see her sat on Michael's shoulders.
Michael's Daemon is a Wolf and her name is Uriel, she's very calm and doesn't talk much. She stays close to Michael and is patient with other smaller Daemons that usually climb all over her. Unlike Michael she's more openly soft and honest about how she (and he) are feeling, often to Michael's dismay. Comically the only other human she's touched is Dean and usually only when she's dragging him away from danger (aka pulling him off the road by his shirt when he's not paying attention and Michael isn't close enough). (Also Alexys if u read this she would love you a whole bunch and rest her head in ur lap Often uwu)
James' Daemon is a Dire Wolf named Elizabeth and she's a giant white ball of fluff and kindness. She's a lot like James in the way she tries not to take up much space (while taking up a lot of space) and she'll curl up out of the way of everyone and basically act as a big bed for other Daemons. She's more talkative than James, often voicing concerns he would keep to himself and being more stern when it comes to keeping their friends from partaking in their dangerous ideas.
Okay so a lot of the others I'm not sure on but I did settle on Nick's Daemon being a Bald Eagle, I'm thinking Black Bear for Kim, an Owl for Grace, a Royal Spaniel for Mary May and that's about all I got owo;;
Okay I honestly just wanted to yell about the Daemons so thank you for the ramble pass I will shush now I have been sated of the yellies uwu 💕💕💕
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(The Bebs,, minus Elizabeth just imagine a big white wolf with blue eyes ajajsjsj)
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ultraklll · 4 years
Tony Miller as a Gun For Hire! Tagged by the lovely @envyfelled ! Ty! This was super fun! Also, I'm on mobile, so sorry for the garbo formatting! (Fun fact, tonys voice claim is laura bailey as fiona/fem!boss)
Paired With Fangs For Hire:
Boomer - "Heya buddy!" followed by excessive scratching behind the ears | "Fuckin' love this dog, can sniff out a peggie like shark sniffing out blood. Good trait to have! Awfully convenient too…" | [patpatapatptpataptap] | "Atta fuckin' boy Boomer!" When she sees him get a kill | "Who's a good boy! Who wants to kill some cultists!" | "Wanna play fetch? Rip out their necks?"
Peaches - "Good girl…" | stealth gang stealth gang | peaches: mows down peggies/tony: a baby!" | "I jus' think it's funny that when we went to the Henbane, we picked up a cougar, Addie, an actual cougar, Peaches, and joined a crew called the Cougars… Just'a thought," 
Cheeseburger - "This reminds me'a Vegas pride, saw plenty'a bears there too" | "Kinda ironic to find you in Jacob's region, all things considered," [snickers to herself] | [PATPATPATPATPATPAT] | "Get outta my pockets! These snacks are mine, not yours!" | "You remind me of those like, beware of dog signs, but the dog is always a sweetheart who'd rather play with a home invader rather than attack them," 
Paired With Other Guns For Hire:
Jess - stealth gang stealth gang stealth gang | Jess has a MASSIVE crush on Tony. Everyone can tell. Tony knows | jess: guns are fucking lame and the sniper rifle is the cowards weapon/ tony: uses a sniper rifle/ jess: actually sniper rifles are cool as fuck | "Good shot Jess!" "S-shit, um, thanks, Tony," 
Grace - sniper gang sniper gang!! | [steals a headshot Grace was lining up] "Cmon Gracie, thought you were meant to be Olympic level!" | highly competitive, do a shot whenever they get a perfect headshot to die instantly | smug top solidarity | also heavily depressed solidarity 
Adelaide - [acts like she's not sleeping with her nephew even tho Addie knows she definitely knows] | Tony is either constantly laughing or constantly face palming over the shit addie says | have gotten into an argument once bc addie said john was a top 
Nick - "What's up eye in the sky?" | [flirts over radio] [flirts over radio] [flirts over radio] [fli | Nick: speaks/Tony: god I just love the way you fucking talk | often talk about kim together | "Can we have a barbecue at your place once these fuckers are dealt with?" | [pretends not to be bitter the Deputy got to help deliver Carmina and not her]
Sharky - "Heya baby!" | [constant back and forth flirting. It's embarrassing] | any second they're both not talking is a second they're making out | Can and Will go john wick on some peggy ass if he gets hurt badly | "Do you wanna have a sleepover?" "Lemme ask my momma," | she calls him Charlie :> | loves him so so much they're just constantly talking about anything and everything | literally like A Comedic Duo. Have together for certified funnies
Hurk jr. - "Junior! This'll be just like Kyrat!" | competitions about who can shotgun a beer faster every 4 seconds | WILL tell you stories about their time in Kyrat together | Tony has punched Drubman sr in the nose before and she'll do it again | "Hey Tony? You still in contact with Ajay?" "He sends me a royal postcard every now n' then. Apparently it's boring being king, and his only solace is that his new bodyguard is cute," 
In Combat: 
Seeing an enemy - "Fucker in my sights," | "I got a bullet with your name on it… actually I don't, who the fuck has time to carve names in bullets, but you get the idea- im just gonna shoot you now" | "You're dead on arrival, shithead," 
Sneaking - "You'd think me sneaking is counter productive because I'm 6'4 and have a very loud gun, but you're the boss Dep," | "Shhhh… we're huntin' shitheads… Heard it in a game," | [shoots alarm boxes] "You ain't allowed to call your friends, you're all grounded," | *peggy triggers alarm* "Fuckin snitch!" 
Killing an enemy - "SKULLCRACKER!" | "I just don't miss!" | just fucking headshot after headshot after headshot | [sucks in breath through teeth] "God damn I'm good," | when shes not using her Wifle (wife rifle, a 45/70) she's being FUCKING EFFICIENT with her ak-ms or just blasting ribcages open with her shotgun
Reviving - "Up you get, baby," | "You ain't dying on me that easy, Dep" | "Not today Satan!" | "You gonna let some unwashed asshole kill you?" 
Hurt - "Motherfucker!" | "That's another scar I'll tattoo over," | "Thank god people find scars sexy," | "God fuck that's smarts!" 
Downed - "Dep! Give me a hand?" | "Clean up on Aisle 4 needed!" | "Don't worry about me, just bleeding out over here, no rush," 
Revived - "Drinks on me when this is over Dep," | "Thanks babe!" | "I'll kiss you when we get outta this mess," | "I owe ya!"
Entering a vehicle - "Lemme take over I'm a way better driver than you," | "Floor it!" | "Hang on I've got a mixtape, just hope I havent fuckin' crushed it," | [takes the opportunity to roll cigs] | *peggies roll up* "Keep her steady!" [leans out the window and headshots the peggie on their ass, causing them to crash the car, like that isnt the coolest shit you've ever seen] "Aight cool,"
Reckless Driving - "Watch the fuckin' road asshole!" | [desperately tryna grip the wheel so she can take over driving] | "STOP THE CAR! I'LL JUST FUCKING WALK!" | "Are you tryna kill us?! Fuckin' swap seats now!" | tony is the designated driver bc one she's fucking good at it and two shes also a really bad backseat driver. Just let her drive 
Changing Radio Stations - "Now don't tell Charlie I said this but some of the peggies music is actually good,"| "John's a prick but his music taste is fuckin' good," | [punches radio in when Only You comes on] "...Sorry… Force'a habit…" | "Bold and brave my ass, John looks like he needs help getting spiders out of rooms and wears fuzzy pink bathrobes," 
"Man, John's a freak, and yeah I mean that in the sexy way. Someone who demands so much outward control whilst being a shithead little brat likes to get trussed up like a thanksgiving turkey and stuffed like one too. Don't give me that look Dep, I'm right and we both know it," 
"That dude Jacob ate was called Miller?? God, that could've been me if I was much older and way uglier!" 
"Faith just makes me fuckin sad man. She's been manipulated and groomed into this life by fuckin Joseph- she's so goddamn young too. I'm not gonna tell you what to do Dep, but that's just my two cents,"
"Joseph's the worst kind of man- a manipulator. He tells you what you wanna hear, targets the misfortunate who have nothing left to lose, builds a fucking army out of em. The other heralds I'm ok with arresting, but Joseph's got to go,"
[Lights cig with either her fancy lighter or by striking a match on the bottom of her shoe] "Don't start smoking, Dep,  bad for your health," 
Location Specific: 
Testy Festy Aftermath - [pinches bridge of nose] "Not again…" | "Anyone got a water and like, 3 aspirin?" | "Ain't the first time I've woke up passed out in a field, won't be the last," | "Did we at least get a photo from the night? I've won the competitions here for the last 3 years in a row now, I'm not fuckin missing one cuz of these peggies," 
Falls End - "Fuckin shame to see Falls End like this, but Mary May and Jerome will take good care of her now weve got it back, they always do," | "Think we'll get free drinks for life at the Spread Eagle when this is all over? Actually, we probably won't even get free drinks for week, so for life is wishful thinking," | she enjoys playing with the singing fish on the front of the speed eagle and keeps tryna convince Mary May to let her take it for herself bc tony goddamn miller has the biggest singing fish collection in the entire county 
Seed Ranch - *loud whistle* "this place is swanky as fuuuuck… Not that big a fan of all the dead animals though…" | "IS THAT WEED ON THE TABLE? Johnny boy you fuckin' hypocrite!" | "Oh he's definitely got a secret room behind one of these bookshelves, like a home torture room? Oh my God, what if he has more than one...?" [starts frantically pulling books off shelves] | regarding his shelves with peggie memorabilia [takes baseball bat to it] | [pretends she's never been here as she frantically stuffs any of her own belongings she might've forgotten here into her bag]
Entering the Henbane - "Don't trust a goddamn thing you see here. You think you see something you're not supposed to, hit it," | [swinging at bliss induced angel/animal/faith visions] | "Can we try savin' Faith? Don't feel right killin' her, she's so young…" | "Can we go to Sharky's place? I left some stuff there that could be worth picking up,"
Hope County Jail - "Sheriff Whitehorse has always been a good man to me, Dep. Would appreciate it if he lived through this," | "I always feel like a giant whenever I come here, everyones like 5'3. Virgil, Tracey, Charles, all shortasses," | "I think it's cute they gave you a little pin! You're part of their Pride now! Or whatever the cougar equivalent is to a lions pride… do Cougars even travel in packs? Aside from when Addie used take the girls out for drinks,"
Entering the Whitetails - "Always feels like something's watchin' you in these woods. Keep your eyes peeled," | "Always felt like there's something in these woods that there ain't supposed to be…" | [Shifting from foot to foot] "Can we get a move on? Aint'a big fan of standing around waitin' to get shot by some fuckin' sniper with a bow," | [watching Jacob's video punishing Pratt] "I'll fuckin' get you outta here, Stace… you just gotta hold out a second longer," | [about all the dead bodies and 'you are meat' graffiti] "Love what Jacob's done with the place," 
The Wolfs Den - "Eli Palmer is a good fuckin man. Kind, smart, careful and ruthless against peggies. We've made a good friend here, Dep," | "Heya Wheaty! Got a few more vinyls for your collection! They're all my own though, so be careful with em," | "I don't think Tammy likes you that much Dep. I don't think she likes much of anything anymore, other than attaching jumper cables to Peggy's nipples… Oh god, my piercings hurt thinking about it," 
Joseph's Island - [hand firmly on rifle grip] | "Creepy, evil motherfucker, had him pegged right from the start. Well, not pegged. I'm not pegging Joseph. I'd rather stick my dick in a ceiling fan then go anywhere near him- I'm just gonna stop talking," | "You know what? No one else has asked it so I'm gonna- where the fuck does Joseph sleep.  In the church? In one of these houses? In the dirt somewhere? What if he hangs upside down from trees like a bat?" 
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naromoreau · 5 years
Dunkel AU: Late night delivery
Ok so I wrote this super self indulgent smut thing in the Dunkel AU cuz I had to go at Sharky even here. Yeah.
Tagging @deputyshitlordsantana (I couldn't have done it without your help!! ❤️) @deputyoneill @starsandskies @absurdwanderlust and @far-cry-all-the-time bc I used your girls!
“Better luck next time, sweetcheeks,” Santana quipped, palming Becca’s ass while Lila plonked the entire Hurk vs. Roosevelt file on her desk. It fell with a thud. The fucking thing was huge.
“C’mon you guys! Two outta three?"
“Nah, babe. We’re out of here. Your lucky break is over,” Julie chimed in grabbing her perfectly tailored coat, “time to learn how to aim.”
Becca groaned, slouching on her chair. “I know how to aim, thank you very much,” she fretted at Julie, glaring at the dart board, “is that fancy Dunkel shit I can't tolerate-- makes me feel all weird.”
“Speaking of which,” Kat intervened grasping the half empty bottle of expensive bourbon, “it’d be a shame it goes to waste-”
“It’s not juice Kitty-Kat,” Daisy pointed out, scoffing, while grabbing her purse.
“Let the girl speak, Daze,” Santana said, slurring slightly, and falling on Becca's lap.
Kat cleared her throat. “As I was saying, it’d be a shame to see Pappy Van Winkle here go to waste so,” she drawled with the flash of a grin, “what if we finish this at the bar at the corner and have some more? Dunkel pays.” Katherine’s eyes glimmered. She pulled a black card out of her pocket and held it high, between middle and forefinger.
Becca’s second groan got lost in the hubbub.
Everyone readied, sauntering to the elevator door. Santana stood up not before planting her lips on Becca's, defty tongues all wet and hot.
“There, something for the night,” Santana said with a smirk, adjusting her skirt and waving her goodbye.
Fucking tease.
“Thank you very much, Miss Rossi,” Becca yelled from her desk, beckoning at them with a sour smile.
Slowly, the grin ebbed away. She opened the binder and fiddled with the papers, trying to find the letters in dire need to be corrected.
“Mister Dutch Roosevelt.”
Becca started typing, droning on the following paragraphs in her mind. By the time she finished twiddling with the kerning, her mind was in the gutter.
Fucking Santana and her ridiculously plump lips. The thought of certain incident involving both of them on a particularly crammed supply store room three weeks ago, sent a jolt of pleasure that landed between her thighs. She pressed her legs, sidestepping the need to moan. But really. The floor was deserted, and there was not a single soul who could catch her while going at it.
She bunched up her pencil skirt passed the suspenders of her garter belt and drew a shaky hand to her center. Soaked. She stood, still throwing concerned glances to her surroundings. Maneuvering expertly she unhooked her panties from the garter belt and got rid of them, flopping back on her chair.
She found quickly her clit, alternating between rolling it hard and fast and dipping in and out with idle strokes. Her free hand unbuttoned her silk blouse, yanking down her bra. The fabric bundled under her heavy breasts and she didn’t lose a second rolling her nipples with avid fingers. She was getting there, her walls clenching by reflex under a hard rub of her nub, and fucking Christ if only fucking Dunkel would be useful for once. Where was the man when she needed his dick?
She bit her lip in utter ecstasy and her eyelids fluttered open. Next thing she knew she hollered her lungs off.
A man was standing in front of her desk, cheeks flushed and slack jaw.
“Who the fuck are you!?”
Granted. It was a very disrespectful and gamely way of greeting a stranger. For the other hand, she’d been giving him a free show when the only thing he’d had to do was clear his throat. Cough. Anything.
“Uh, m-mailman, Miss,” he said while she tried to compose herself and arrange her scruffed attire.
“What? What happened to Beanie?”
“He uh, he’s going to college ‘cuz he’s all smart and shit, and-and this gig ain’t ‘nough for him anymore,” the stranger blabbered.
“And when on earth deliveries have been so late? Who let you in?”
He took off his blue cap, ruffling his hair. She arched a brow. He was quite handsome. Chestnut hair, grey eyes, really good looking. Her cunt throbbed and she gnawed the inside of her cheek.
“Yeah, sorry ‘bout that, I’ve been hella busy all day helpin’ my cousin movin’ in and y’know how those things are--” he said shrugging, “thought I could just-y’know flip this shit before the day died. They were real good downstairs.”
Becca’s heart galloped when her eyes fell to the front of his pants. A very noticeable bulge straining the blue fabric.
“I-I mean I’m sorry, ” he said, in an awkward slur, shuffling in his spot, “I’m--I’m just tryna make a few bucks ‘mkay? Didn’t wanna disrespect, I mean you gotta do, what you gotta do right?”
“What’s your name?” Her voice was almost hoarse as she made her way to him.
As predicted, his eyes took her all in. He gulped. “Name’s Sh-Sharky.”
“Well, Sharky,” she said taking a step closer, brushing his chest with her hard nipples, her breasts fairly screaming for attention, “I got a problem here.”
He looked down at her, parted lips and hooded eyes. “Yeah? Uh, wh-what’s that?”
“That your arrival was very inconvenient and now, I wonder, can you help me?” She tipped her head up, smiling at him.
“Buckled the fuck up and ready to hit it,” he outright blurted out, dropping his satchel and placing eager hands around her hips.
When she slithered her arms around his neck, he leaned closer trying to repress a wide dumb grin. She angled her head for a kiss and after a minute to sort noses and disposing of his cap, they kissed. He hummed. No, it was more a groan-like rumble that went straight to her cunt and she opened her mouth, allowing his tongue slide against her lips, coaxing a moan from her.
“Wait, wait,” she mumbled, pushing him slightly.
For a second he looked as a boy who was just told Christmas was cancelled. “What gives, shorty?”
“Relax, mailman, we’re gonna switch the party to that office, see?”
She signaled Dunkel’s office, with a big, comfy leather couch, just waiting for them to desecrate it. He allowed himself to be shepherded in, as she pulled him by the hand and pushed him on the couch.
Things went very frantic at speedlight. Soon there was a heap of haphazardly thrown clothes laying around. His cock was already throbbing between her thighs, as his fingers played with the fabric of her garter belt, the only piece of clothing he’d begged her to keep. “See uh, I’m more like a, a Mc’Donalds kinda guy y’know?, never thought my wheels could take me to uh, fancy dine-o-rama land, so I’d like to enjoy the full experience,” he’d said and she’d chuckled doing what he asked.
“Oh fuck, shit!” He bristled, suddenly, “You have any wraps? I’m-- I mean I wasn’t hoping to--” He blushed to his ears while she stood from his lap with a smirk.
“It’s ok boo, I got you.”
She fumbled through the stash of condoms, grunting when she found the box empty. Fucking horny bitches. She included.
“Oh fuck it,” she said, straddling him again, “I’m game if you are.”
His eyes blew wide open. “You sure?”
“Fuck yeah.”
He stroked his cock before pushing in, sliding easily into her. Her eyes screwed shut. Fuck. It was a very tight fit.
“Oh shit, shit!” He whimpered.
Becca whined, lust rendering her speechless. Then she gasped under a torturously slow roll of his hips, and threaded her fingers in his hair. She was desperate to start moving, bouncing on that mind-blowing pressure but he held her in place.
“Gotta go real slow, babe or I’ll bust in two secs,” he gruffed, taking a mouthful of her breast.
She nodded, arching into him and rocking gently as every nerve received the overload of sensations of his teasing tongue and dick.
He was brushing the edges of what she could take, every thrust more forceful than the last one. His groans and moans grew louder as she played her own tricks.
She lifted her ass, dropping down on him, giving a slow grind when his hips collided with hers, feeling his cock twitching inside her.
“Oh fuck, you feel amazing, shorty, so fucking tight,” he breathed on her lips, “makes me want to ask--”
“What?” She panted, through the hard pounding.
“Is this-fuck--a one time only thing?”
Becca kissed him, sucking his breath away. “I don't know, are you gonna keep delivering to this building?” She moaned while he pulled her down hard on his lap, angling his hips.
“Then I, oh shit, I think-- I think we can work something out. Now stop talking.”
There was a silly grin on his face at her words and he thrust with renewed efforts. The endline was just around the corner and when his thumb found her clit, she shattered into a tailspin of pleasure.
“Oh yesyesyes oh fuck, please!” There was a whimpered babble leaving her mouth as an electric volley wrecked her whole, the rolling waves expanding as she clenched around his cock.
She strove to ground again as he now slammed furiously, moaning in her neck. “Imma come-”
He intended to pull out but in the flick of a second Becca remembered the couch and the subsequent mess she would've to face if--
“Inside, come inside me.”
He groaned as he bottomed out, digging his fingers into her hips and spurted into her.
After a moment he kissed her again. It’d been a really productive night under her terms, but when she stood the reality cracked a little.
There was a big, soaked stain on the carpet just beneath the edge of the couch and on the furniture itself from when she finished just seconds ago.
Becca groaned for the third time that night.
“Oh fuck it,” she said, “this office should already be signed as biohazard as it is so...” She shrugged.
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lokighost · 5 years
OC Questions Tag Game (In Character)
i guess since i was tagged by farcry5 fam @dolphinitley im gonna do stevie-lynn (who was a deputy but now im thinking is just better suited as a GFH bc id actually love to write her w other deputies one day~)
[dont know who else wants to/ has already done this so like before please please tag me back if you do this ...or.... literally anything bc i wanna see]
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(hey whats with that shitty face..... what are you up to...?)
1. What is your name?
stevie-lynn salt
2. Do you know why are you named that?
my mom couldnt pick one name shes a dipsh*t i love her
3. Are you single or taken?
nobody takes me??? i take them on DATES and thats that
4. Have any abilities or powers?
yeah i make one single face at somebody and they either wanna f*ck me or fight me hehHEH
5. Stop being a Mary Sue.
Narrator; Mary-Sues Are The Backbone Of Fanfiction
6. What’s your eye color?
deep/dark brown
7. How about your hair color?
8. Have any family members?
two half brothers who are giants and everybody else is divorced or dead
9. Oh? How about pets?
ive got a few stray cats i feed outside my cabin and i visit cheeseburger a ton.... i obviously..... can’t keep a bear anywhere............
10. That’s cool, I guess. Now tell me something you don’t like?
theres a MAN in the WOODS outside my CABIN at NIGHT like an absolute fucking TERROR.......... *whips open the front door and shouts into the night* JACOB
11. Do you have any activities/hobbies that you like to do?
me sharky and hurk hot-box my jeep outside his garage while his dad shouts for me to pull the fuck out of his driveway and release his son from my hippy mind control heh..... anyway good luck you old fart i memorized backing out of your driveway at fifty miles-per-hour yeEHAW~
its.... such a rush........ im sorry...... its so funny.......
12. Have you ever hurt anyone in any way before?
i feel like..... ive abandoned my friend......??? but i couldnt go where she was going...... 
i left...... i left her with them........ i.........
13. Ever… killed anyone before?
they.... they never give me a fucking choice....... fucking peggies
14. What kind of animal are you?
big BIG bear.... in my mind im a big bear i love them so much!!!!! have you seen a bear eat a salmon? have you seen a beAR DO ANYTHI--
15. Name your worst habits?
sometimes im a bit too honest and it pushes people away..... there’s also this.... temperament issue i guess..... or thats what angela says 
16. Do you look up to anyone at all?
sharky and hurk are actually clever in a pinch but goof offs otherwise... grace has a mean shot but im shit at ALL guns-- we’ll stick to knives, knuckles and baseball bats ..... oh i guess my brothers handle a MeAn fieLd O’ vEgGiEs and we love that round here hah~
17. Are you gay, straight or bisexual?
bi as fuck baebey~
18. Do you go to school?
did a bit of community college classes on agriculture with my brothers but otherwise? nah
19. Ever want to marry and have kids one day?
eeEeeeEEeeehhhhhhh.... this whole subject twists my stomach up lets just skip it--
20. Do you have any fangirls/fanboys?
hurk is my nUmBeR oNe fan we do........... a lot together ;^}}}
21. What are you most afraid of?
being separated entirely from my friends and brothers... like indefinitely or just for a long time thats ..... so scary.
22. What do you usually wear?
crop tops, tiny shorts, big boots. SpRiNg JaCkeTs BaYbEy...... NO bra >:( NO. keep it.
23. What’s one food that tempts you?
those snack pack cakes that look like zebras.... god that’s stoner cuisine 
24. Am I annoying to you?
are you? ....am i?
25. Well, it’s still not over!
..........*shrugs* do yer worst b*tch
26. What class are you (low/middle/high)?
okay wow that is your worst my f*ckin god...... *sigh* i live in a thousand-square-foot little cabin in the woods left to me by some dead relatives and i help pick corn and shit on the local farms i’m basically off the grid pal .... my brothers handle my money, do i look like i can handle my mone--- meh whatever.....
27. How many friends do you have?
sharky, hurk, jess, grace, mary-may, my brothers and i.... i uh.... my best friend angela she uh... she works for joseph now i....uhm.... .... i um........ ang--..... angela is still my friend.. i think....
28. What are your thoughts on pie?
huh!?-- oh of course, after all this sh*t you’re makin’ me say, please?
29. Favorite drink?
root beer~
30. What’s your favorite place?
on my cabin porch at night with a big beer in a rocking chair watching a f*cken weirdo shift through my woods ......f*cken.... *muttering while grabbing a baseball bat*.... werewolf-ass... motherf*cking.... ginger-bear....
*drops the bat* oh no thats actually cute..... oh no..... naw man... ugh......
31. Are you interested in anyone?
i am but you’re gonna need to really butter me up for all that gossip ;^}}}
32. That was a stupid question…
:^||| nah its not i just wanna f*ck everybody we don’t wanna scare you off just yet pal.....
33. Would you rather swim in a lake or the ocean?
lake of course! but i’ve seen the ocean a few times and its pretty fucking scary like people ENJOY the sand? you eNjOy ThE sAnD??? 
34. What’s your type?
steaks right? medium-rare
35. Any fetishes?
*pulls out a damn knife and starts flipping it around* okay, now i stop answering your questions.... 
36. Camping indoors or outdoors?
hm? both both, we do both out here.... or at least *i* do.... any way you can its all cozy and fun right? its a good time. do both! set the tent up in the living room i’ll hot-box that too
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