#i miss reki sm
ioveaether · 2 months
reki kyan headcanons (that i wrote in class bc i was bored)
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- Friends or lovers, this guy will SUFFOCATE you with hugs. (probably even kisses on the cheeks)
- Hand holding 24/7, 365 days, non-stop. Bro would NOT let go of you
- He's a sucker for praise. He would show you different stuff that he did (like skateboard, drawing, homework and etc.) and wait for you to tell him that he did a great job and you're proud of him
- If you steal one of his hoodies, he will literally give you every single hoodie from his closet to you. He thinks they look better on you anyway
- If you can't skate, NO WORRIES, he will teach you! He's honestly super excited to help you skate. It makes him happy that his favorite person is willing to try his most favorite hobby :(
- Spamming you random texts all the time
- Definitely sends "im pooping rn", "did you piss/poop today pookie?" and so on (i definitely did not take that idea from myself....)
- His little sisters always try to steal you away from him. But he actually finds it heart-warming seeing you play with the little gremlins (he fell in love all over again)
- He has you as his lock screen
- You definitely have silly pictures of each other (for blackmail.)
- Draws random doodles on your hand. That's like another love language of his
- Bro is the type to hug you from behind and to kiss your neck lovingly (i am so delulu....)
- If you two are in the same class, and you're sitting in front of him, he would be annoying you all the damn time. Play with your hair, put stuff in your hood or just draw shapes with his hand on your back
- I bet his lips taste like strawberries.
- He's a kpop stan. He would listen to any kpop group honestly. Stray Kids, New Jeans, (G)-IDLE, EVERGLOW, TXT, Enhypen, Ateez and more
- I feel like almost every kiss will end up with a make out session (in an established relationship) (i am so delulu x2....)
- He probably prefers to be the little spoon when cuddling with you, but wouldn't mind being the big spoon sometimes as well
- He sucks at English, so you help him out. And everytime he gets something right, you reward him with a kiss
- If you pull his headband down to cover his eyes and kiss him, his face would turn as red as his hair
- He let's you paint his nails and/or style his hair
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© ioveaether
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discountscoobyart · 10 months
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at this rate i'll start making season 2 myself
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kuneh-o · 1 year
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Sk8 the infinity bday art >>>>>>>
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sharksinflowercrowns · 5 months
Waking up at 3am for work means that I’m getting real time updates about the Sk8 event and my friend is not so I’m winning
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goldenmorningglory · 2 years
Fam have you heard the sk8 season 2 news!!!
hoping we get to see more of badass reki my header is him for a reason i need to see that lad confident and owning the track
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ao3feed-renga · 2 years
A Promise Lost in Woods
A Promise Lost in Woods
by RameWithAccent, zj3bson
Have you heard about the story?
A story about a fox, living in the dark woods. But it's not a regular fox. It has nine tails, and possesses magical power, using it to trick people. But they are also known for keeping promises. If they make you a promise, you can be sure they will keep it, no matter what. The creatures are called kitsunes. The legend says killing one can give you eternal youth and luck. But it's not as easy as it seems to be. A lot of peasants tried multiple times, and failed, drifting away to another world. Or simply dying. Have you heard of this story?
Langa, a 19 year old promising hunter, the hope of Ethania.
But after loosing his beloved he's nothing like before.
But the promise was left unkept. Will it be fulfilled?
Words: 836, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: SK8 the Infinity (Anime)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Major Character Death
Categories: M/M
Characters: Hasegawa Langa, Kyan Reki
Relationships: Hasegawa Langa/Kyan Reki
Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Grief/Mourning, Kitsune Kyan Reki, Hunter Langa Hasegawa, Hasegawa Langa In Love, Not actually dead Reki, Mystery, Alternate Universe - Medieval, Kyan Reki is a Ray of Sunshine, Pining Hasegawa Langa, Memory Loss, Langa miss his boyfren, Aged-Up Character(s), But only a little, Hasegawa Langa Needs a Hug, Everyone Needs A Hug, I love renga sm
From https://ift.tt/5hmnH4k https://archiveofourown.org/works/40484787
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cryptidmullet · 3 years
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they said 😚😐
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thecmaly · 3 years
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missing this goon squad 
more sk8 comics
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emmiewtf · 3 years
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sleepymrshmllow · 2 years
happy anniversary sk8!! ♡ here's some of my renga fanart I've done over the course of last year for fun!
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kadtherine · 3 years
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renga + hugs
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yuzuuu4 · 2 years
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skateboarding is fun!
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mazojo · 3 years
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I believe in Reki Kyan supremacy
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kanamesengoku · 3 years
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kreatureuz · 3 years
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i can't believe they already paralleled each other back in ep 1 and i didn't even notice
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cryptidmullet · 3 years
more renga headcanons bc i miss them
- rekis not one to like. hide his praise or anything he compliments langa a lot but just. every so often he'll grab langas wrist and look at him all soft and say "youre amazing langa" very reminiscent of how langa praises him and it just makes langa feel so fucking mushy and in love
- rekis used to affection from his family but thats kinda it and langas family was never super affectionate but he felt loved still but after his dad died he just felt super lonely but when they meet and start getting super close they both just feel like theyre overflowing with love both given and received and i just thinks that beautiful
- rekis chronically bad at opening bottles bc they hurt his hands and hes always embarrassed but he goes up to langa and is like. open please. and langa does KKFMSMFND
- it gets to the point he'll just go up to him with a bottle and langa will open it without being prompted
- yknow when youre really tired and you feel like youre floating in the ocean reki has that but he feels like hes rolling back and forth on his skateboard
- since he first started skating the movement and feeling got so ingrained in him that he'll be sitting at his desk or laying in bed and just feels the sensation of tick tacking like hes not moving he just can feel it like a ghost in his muscles and brain
- sometimes reki just wants to. stand on his board like not do anything just stand on it so he stores skateboards in his room and when he gets restless he'll just stand on one for a little bit
- reki talks to himself a lot he'll be doing some mindless task and then have a pretend conversation with nobody without even realizing it
- whenever reki cries or gets choked up about smth drinking water for some reason makes him feel better
- reki pokes the twins' bellies and blows raspberries on them to make them laugh :)
- langa cant pick up rice with chopsticks when he first moves to okinawa and reki makes fun of him but still teaches him how to do it
- langa has acne along his jawline its just bumpy and stuff
- reki wakes up and then lays in bed watching videos as long as he can before he gets up 
- he also holds his phone like two inches away from his face
- reki uses dark mode langa uses light mode until reki notices it forcibly changes it
- rekis phone is always at like really low brightness bc his eyes are sensitive
- its battery is also always low bc its an old phone and it takes forever to charge
- he takes a lot of pictures and videos of langa just for no reason half of them are blurry and out of focus and langas not paying attention but he keeps all of them
- he has a bookmark on instagram called 'langa' and its full of stuff that reminds reki of him or he wants to show him later
- langa and reki pair up for a presentation once and when theyre presenting they cannot stop laughing reki says um and pauses for a moment too long and langa does one of those long nose exhale laughs and it makes reki snort and then they keep messing up and barely get through it and when they walk back to their desks they shove each other while the class laughs
- langa has a really cheap purple phone case he got at walmart and rekis like dude thats so boring so he makes stickers for him to stick to it
- langa loves them but he also has this weird anxiety about putting stickers places bc he likes them and doesnt want to eventually get rid of whatever the sticker is on but reki tells him he'll make him more whenever he gets another phone so hes okay with it
- langa doesnt really fidget unless hes nervous and then he twists his fingers around but when hes sitting he rolls his right ankle a lot and his foots like always twitching really minutely 
- reki carries around a hairband partly for his sisters (and eventually langa) and partly so he can fidget with it
- langa carries one around too for the same reason but one day reki forgets it during work so langa gives it to him bc he looks restless 
- and langa kinda feels really bare and doesnt know what to do without it so he just rubs his wrist a lot but he doesnt mind 
- reki will get up to go do smth but just sit down curled in a ball on the floor bc he gets distracted for whatever reason and after like 20 minutes of scrolling through his phone hes like wait what was i doing
- reki has a scar on his lip/chin bc he bailed really hard and hit his chin on the concrete and bit through his lip 
- langas a dry ass texter when he and reki first meet bc he didnt really have anyone to text before
- but eventually he googles how to turn auto caps and everything changes
- hes actually funnier over text sometimes bc hes less restrained 
- hes made a ur mom joke and then was like wait i take it back i love your mom im sorry :c 
- and he points out every time reki misspells a word just to annoy him
- reki scrolling through tiktok and he randomly starts crying at a wholesome video and langas like.. you good man and rekis like look at this FRICKING tiktok dude and then langas crying too KFMSMFND
- obligatory "we make a good team" line idk the context ill think about it later but theyre gay they have to say it
- langa promised his mom hed go to the store but had to do a last minute shift at dope sketch and rekis like oh ill do it for you i already know what you get
- langa has a sweet tooth he loves candy and hot chocolate and all that stuff and reki is lowkey an enabler he always brings candy w him or has a bag in his room
- when reki laughs he wraps his arms around his stomach and hes the type to go silent when he laughs hard enough
- he'll go from standing normally to bent over to crouched down to falling and rolling on his back or side from laughing so hard
- its pretty rare but sometimes he snorts in the middle of a laugh too
- when langas laughing Really hard its loud and kind of wheezy and almost like a cackle and he covers his mouth most of the time just out of habit
- he curls up when he laughs too so he'll be laying on rekis bed or the floor and reki says smth that catches him totally off guard and he starts fucking cackling and brings his knees up to touch his forehead hitting his leg and wheezing
- langa helps reki teach chihiro and nanaka how to ride a bike and the four of them go on little bike rides together occasionally
- the twins pulling on langas pant leg until he bends down so they can whisper gibberish in his ear and the first time langa is like ??? but then he learns to just laugh and nod 
- all of rekis sisters coming into rekis room while langa is there to be like :D langa :D and reki herding them out and yelling we're busy and then just flopping on his bed to continue scrolling through his phone in silence
- reki does the older sibling thing and just stands in koyomis doorway 
- miya makes a meme reference that reki doesnt get and hes like god youre old and it wounds reki on a personal level
- reki has a piece of graphite just like permanently stuck in his leg bc when he was younger his friend accidently stabbed him with it and it broke off and just. stayed there
- reki gets super obsessed with one song for a week or two and he'll listen to it on loop like 10 times in a row and he learns the lyrics to them no matter the language and by proxy langa always has the stuck in his head
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