#i miss gemsonas and theorizing and not knowing everything and i just
ranger-kellyn · 2 years
fuck i miss steven universe
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dilophoraptor · 6 years
So the Next Steven Universe Episode leaked, Legs from Here to Homeworld Since neither of us have self control, a friend ( @alatreon94 /Frost) and I watched it, and we’ve come up with a very interesting theory that could possibly change everything.
Everything will be under a cut for Spoiler reasons, but still going to tag it
So, the first thing that stuck out to us was White Diamond, who seemed to be acting very interesting.
We think she knew that Pink was Rose the entire time
1. There was a congregation waiting for Pink before they even touched down.
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There was a whole stadium of gems waiting for Pink Diamonds return despite the fact she was thought to be dead for the past few thousand years.
2. She hails for Pink Diamond as soon as they land.
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She hails for Pink Diamond only, with no one else to be brought.
Here’s where things get interesting
When Steven gets to White Diamond’s room, she almost immediately being a barrage of questions. but not ones you would expect...
Infact all of her dialog is extremely off compared to what should have been an expected response.
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“Pink! There you are.”
“As for this latest little game of yours...”
“Did you have fun?”
“Did you get everything out of your system?”
These sound like questions from someone who isn’t relieved that someone they’ve loved is alive, like that of Blue and Yellow’s response from the prior episode. They sound like questions someone asks a child after they’ve been hiding for too long in hide n’ seek.
But things get much deeper, and much more interesting.
White Diamond doesn’t just sound like she’s not bothered by Pink’s 5 thousand-ish year disappearance, she sounds disappointed that Pink’s alive.
Which brings us to the most interesting part of our theory.
If White Diamond knew Pink was Rose, then why did she use the weapon that corrupted all the gems on Earth, which the diamonds stated should have destroyed all the gems on Earth.
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“Oh stars, how did you even survive? We blasted the planet and obliterated every gem on its surface.”
While this isn’t the case, the Diamonds thought that it did, which might include White herself.
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So why would White go through with this if she knew Pink was still alive?
Because she wanted Pink to be removed from the picture.
Now the question is, Why?
While there could be many reasons, the one brought up by Frost was the theory that Pink Diamond was an off color Red Diamond, which can be read here
This gives us a motive, which we can assume by the general treatment of Off Color and defective gems that White Diamond would have probably seen the appearance of a defective diamond to be something that should be destroyed.
but if she shattered Pink then and there, there could possibly be uproar from the rest of the gem race, including Blue and Yellow Diamond.
So how do you go about removing such a Diamond from gem kind?
You get them to start a rebellion, create a gemsona, and fake their own death.
Now this all sounds very contrived to say that this was all White Diamond’s doing, but here’s the thing.
It is entirely plausible that White Diamond had someone on the inside.
Who you may ask?
None other than our very own Pearl.
*Cue dramatic music*
now this may still sound like we’re reaching to the moon for this theory, but there is very much a logical reason to assume this is the case.
It starts with White Diamond’s Pearl.
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Out of all the pearls belonging to the diamonds, only two have not shared the gem locations with their owners. Our pearl, who has been theorized for a long time to have been a gift to Pink by white diamond. And this new Pearl.
The thing is, if the Diamonds flipped, then the placements would match up with their owners gem locations.
But you may ask, if this is suppose to be Pink Pearl, why is she not pink?
That may be explained by her obvious... disfiguration, which may have been White’s doing. (also Frost pointed out that she seems like she’s been lobotomized, which she has a missing eye with a noticeable crack, and the Orbit was the favored entryway for a lobotomy, just an interesting sidenote)
This may prove to her discolouration.
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Our pearl also seems to be very perturbed by the appearance of White’s Pearl.
How or why this has happened to White’s Pearl is unknown, but it could possibly be the result of a punishment?
So for our theory, Our pearl belonged to White Diamond before being gifted to Pink.
That's the key thing here.
Pearl was given to Pink by White Diamond, the person we just established may have a motive for shattering Pink Diamond.
and who suggested that Pink Diamond go out and mingle with the Earth gems?
who suggested the guise of Rose Quartz
Who escorted Rose around the Earth to see it’s wonders
Pearl did.
We’re suggesting with our theory that White Diamond gave commands to Pearl before giving her to Pink, which we know from the previous Arc that Pearls are programmed to follow orders they are given. That would set the rebellion for Earth in motion to get rid of Pink Diamond once and for all, and even though Pearl loved Rose, we saw that no matter how much a Pearl may want to go against their programming, they can’t.
The cluster may have been a failsafe as well, incase Pearl became shattered while the plan was incomplete or if some other unforeseen circumstance came around. Which while it was planned to just be used to destroy Earth, White Diamond may have seen it as an opportunity to make sure the job was done in destroying Pink Diamond.
It’s going to be interesting to see our Theory get either confirmed, or outright falsified as the show continues, but either way we’ll be waiting to see if we get more evidence or more holes.
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