#i miiiightve done a season of b0jack once in a day starting at a dawn and taking a lot of breaks
sothischickshe · 3 years
TV Show Ask Game - 3, 12, 42
3. have you ever quit a show before it finished? why?
Yea! But not that frequently... Like I've seen EVERY ep of glee, spn, bones, castle, tvd/originals, house, true blood, pll, empire, got, suits, nashville, the marvel netflix-verse... I'm not great at quitting shows, especially once I've invested a fair chunk of time in them (so I can be a bit fussy about what I start watching as a result).
I quit watching American gods after the second season cos that season was rubbish, and what behind the scenes stuff I heard about it didnt help its case.
I only ever got a few eps into once upon a time and I found it eye rollingly annoying and just couldn't push through to watch more. Ditto the it crowd...
I've only ever seen the very first ep of American horror story and it was RUBBISH!!!!! everyone said it got better after the pilot but ???!!!??? That was so shit, I couldn't in good conscience put myself through more. (also I'm not a huge horror fan/don't enjoy being scared, & Ryan Murphy has wronged me many a time.)
I had to stop watching chuck! I don't actually remember how far I got but I had a friend who kept telling me I'd like it and I kept trying to push through but I found elements of it v unpleasant, and the retconning annoying, and Sarah and chuck's relationship charmless, and Yvonne's American accent distractingly bad.
I've never seen the final season of roswell/High nor the penultimate season's finale I think, cos the BBC just didn't show it 😂 that one wasn't my fault ha but I think pre downloading era it was harder to commit to shows properly but also we had a much more limited selection! So there are shows like charmed or nip/tuck or desperate housewives or frasier or the l word which I was watching on real teevee as they aired & sorta accidentally quit but also don't have a huge desire to properly watch?
I quit girls pretty early on, largely bc I found the characters en masse SO unlikeable, BUT same friend who tried to convince me to keep watching chuck, convinced me to watch all of girls aaaages later & I do think she was right that it's an easier watch when you're not so close in age to the characters/can just go 'wow yea I hate young ppl' the whole time, BUT I found the tone of it overall & especially the ending SO bleak 🤯
I tried so hard to push through to keep watching 2 broke girls for kat but the laugh track and the lazy set up->offensive joke pipeline broke me
I stopped watching grey's pretty early on. It was already kind of annoying me and then... I feel like christina ricci had a bomb in her butt or something...? Did that happen...? And I was just like nope, this is TOO dumb and melodramatic, I've hit my quota, I can handle no more!!!!
I quit homeland pretty early too, although not as early as I would've liked. The cliffhangery ep endings kept hooking me, but also that in itself pissed me off!!! I don't like it when shows use that to keep you watching.... How about make your long eps actually engaging rather than rely on the last 2 mins to trick me into watching another?! I get VERY burnt out by loads of twists & turns 💤
12. have you ever watched a show just for a specific actor? did you enjoy it?
i watched the pilot ep of animal practice bc i thought i was the kind of person who would watch justin kirk in A N Y T H I N G....................turns out i was wrong!
42. what’s the longest amount of time you’ve ever watched a show in one sitting?
Ooh! so i remember when s4 of arrested development came out, me and a friend were really excited (still not sure why, cos neither of us liked s3 that much, or maybe that WAS why) and we made a plan to watch the whole season together the day it came out. i thiiiiink we did make it the whole way through? although by abt 2/3 of the way we’d achieved extreme grumpiness lol
the tv set
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