#i mean i have a lil clari tag there as well and a dari tag too which i think is super cute!!!
inkykeiji · 2 years
i stalked your aesthetic blog and it’s so well organized plus the aesthetic is super nice!! do you find it helpful to organize aesthetics/ mood boards to your writing process?
oh my gosh butterfly hello!!! it’s so lovely to hear from u i hope ur doing well!! <33 aaah hehehe wow thank you so much!!! i’m actually quite surprised you find it organized because i don’t organize it at all i just clickclickclick hahaha reblogging whatever’s on my dash at the time! i think it looks like such a mess (*/ω\*) omg tbh with you i SUCK at mood boards simply because i can’t organize them for shit n make them like flow and fit together nicely LMAO that’s why i decided to make an aes blog instead of like,,, pinterest boards hehehe BUT i do find that having this blog helps with like, enthusiasm??? like it’s extra/added motivation, if that makes sense? i really love spending time on that blog and just going ‘oh yeah this would fit with this fic’ or ‘oh yeah this reminds me of this fic’ hehe <3 making playlists is my favourite tho!!
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