#i love yosukes development so much!!!! hes my fav in all of persona :)
junesprince · 4 months
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wanna remind everyone of this scene in pq2 again
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husbandomail · 4 years
I HEARD HUSBANDS AS DADS AND CAME AS FAST AS I COULD. How would your fav persona boys be as fathers? I'm eager to know!
since you were so prompt in the ask box I pushed this to the front of the queue, it’s,,,, not bc I was excited or anything,, lmao
Hello I stand by my idea of house husband Shinji. Despite his gruff nature, he’s fantastic with kids of all ages; he’s incredibly in-tune with what the babies may want or need, especially if he’s a stay-at-home father. He’ll never admit it openly, but he just loves having a baby in his arms— while he’s doing the housework, he’s always carrying at least one of the kids, bouncing them on his hip and humming quietly. They’re all so squishy. . .
As the kids get older, Shinjiro definitely worries about them developing Personas of their own. He knows that the Dark Hour has been taken care of, but he still doesn’t have the most positive associations with Persona in general— and if his kids develop them, then that means Adventure, and he’s not sure his heart can take any more of that now that he’s got a family. But if his kids do end up with them, he just sighs in resignation and commits himself to training with them; he’s not going to let his children go into anything unprepared, ever.
Shinjiro’s a pretty low-energy man, and because of that, he adores the little moments with the kids. He adores when they all pile into his lap and start begging him for a bedtime story; he melts when they follow him through the kitchen, watching intently as he prepares dinner, clearly not understanding a word he says. He never thought he’d live to have a family, so absolutely everything that they experience together means the world to him.
Unsurprisingly, Yosuke’s a bit of a mess— he didn’t put much planning into the concept of fatherhood, so he’s not the most prepared. However, he’s an adaptable man, and at least has a bit of experience with wrangling Teddie and Nanako, so that counts, right—? It takes him awhile to adjust to having kids; as much as he loves them, Yosuke doesn’t want to be a stay-at-home parent, although he doesn’t mind if that’s what you want.
Yosuke moved around a lot when he was young, and that definitely impacted him negatively. Because of that, as soon as he knows you’re expecting, he starts planning for permanence. Whether it’s in Inaba or back in the city, he looks for a place with plenty of employment opportunities, so that hopefully you never have to move for a job; he also does his best to choose a house that’s either already big enough, or one that can be upgraded easily, so that your little family doesn’t have to worry about outgrowing your home.
He’s a pretty fun dad. When the kids are babies, he loves bouncing them and swinging them around; as they get older, he definitely roughhouses, although he’s always careful. Yosuke’s kids are definitely pretty high-energy, so it’s not uncommon for you to have to keep them on leashes— but then they figure out how to unclip their little harnesses, and suddenly they’re off, with Yosuke hot on their heels. He always catches up pretty quickly, swooping them into his arms, tickling them to make ‘em laugh— but inside he’s reeling at how easily the little things learned to start scheming.
Ren can roll with anything thrown at him, so whether you two were planning to have children or not, he adjusts incredibly quickly. He’s the type to want parenting to be fair for you both, so once it becomes clear that your children are settling into a natural routine— how long they sleep, how much they eat and when— he wants to sit down and really discuss your entire life situation once more. He doesn’t want either of you resenting the other because the kids may have preferences, or work schedules interfere with your family time— but he also doesn’t want the kids to negatively impact you, especially if you’re still working.
Admittedly, he’s not the best with babies, but of course he still puts in as much effort as he can. Not a super fan of all the cleaning that has to be done, but definitely loves holding the squishy little things in his lap and reading to them, tracing their chubby little fingers over the ridges in a picture book. It’s when the kids are a bit older that he can really shine— he’s amazing at connecting with people, so as soon as the kids can speak, he’s able to reason with them at their own level. This comes in handy during the teenage years and definitely prevents a lot of grief.
While he won’t mention it, the fact that his own parents pawned him off in his time of need struck a chord with him and continues resonating through his adulthood. Because of that, he makes it an active decision to spend as much family time together as possible, be it a cliche family game night or training his children if they develop Personas. He wants the entire family to know that, if you ever need him, he’ll be there for you forever.
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shsl-coder · 7 years
how bout that....999 and/or p4
fav character: Shit man you know me and my protags, it’s Junpei. Clover is super close though. I’m gonna clarify rn I mean their 999 versions and not their versions in future games because, bruh (I didn’t mind ztd junpei being so ooc too much but vlr clover... tf happened there)
least favourite character: Does the 9th man existing for all of 12 seconds count? Personal preference I guess, I don’t really like characters whose cowardice is so exaggerated, especially if they never get the chance to develop past it. If he doesn’t count then probably Ace but I still liked him lmao
otp: junepei ofc (junpei/clover is nice too though. I liked their interactions in the operating room)
brotp: Junpei and Santa is cool I think, but I don’t remember their interactions in game for some reason?? I honestly remember so little about 999 idk why
notp: Ace/literally anyone, also Snake/Clover for obvious reasons
fav character: As problematic as he is, I really liked Yosuke... I had already really liked the game up until his shadow boss, but then when him and his shadow had that confrontation (the “YOU’RE NOT ME” bit) I knew I’d love the game. Especially since it was my first persona game and I wasn’t really expecting that. Btw Kanji and Naoto are basically tied with Yosuke, they’re great too
least favourite character: I wanna say Mitsuo but idk if he’s too minor a character, so I’ll say Yukiko. I liked her and Chie the first time I played (because I just loved everything about p4 lmao) but thinking back on it now they feel kinda flat? Yukiko especially for some reason.
otp: Kanji/Naoto, though I like Yu/Naoto and Yu/Yosuke too
brotp: If Yu/Yosuke isn’t an otp then they can be bros. if yosuke would chill maybe even add kanji.
notp: Sometimes I see yu/adachi and... that’s bad
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