#i love when ppl ask me things it makes me feel sooo cool srsly
neilphen · 1 year
do you have any favorite ringo photos? 🤔
ohhh this was a BAD question to ask me anon.....bad idea....
adding below the cut cuz theres gonna be SOOOO many photos here
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i went SOLEY for ringo photos and not ringo with other beatles....
this isnt even all of them they are cutting me off at 30 pictures per post so. wahmp wahmp. i wanted to add more </3
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kyandice · 7 years
So my dad bought me a new watch ystd and it’s like a really nice watch and I like it a lot. He bought it online and yayyyy i really appreciate that he buys stuff for me and dote on me like that. But sometimes he srsly like just needs to let go a bit more and give me more freedom like omg I’m alr 18. Okay, the watch isn’t like anything branded but I’m not materialistic so I don’t mind cuz it actually looks pretty nice to me :D The last few times my father bought watches for me but I didn’t really like the design that’s why I stopped wearing it after a few days. But im really afraid that my father will be like sad thinking about how I might be materialistic as the watches he buys aren’t branded. But like I really didn’t like the colour and design sooo :((((
And I started Dayre ystd. I didn’t like really start on it. I just kinda read Wu Li’s entries from May last year all the way to today (she started writing in Dayre like last year May) It’s like a blog too but it feels more like an online dairy but okay whatev it’s the same lol. But like i don’t want to shift to like dayre cuz I’ve alr got Tumblr and I don’t want to change so yeaaaa. Anyways, Tumblr also allows the personalisation of your own blog to suit our own selves so I personally think it might be better than Dayre even if it might be harder to use.
I didn’t go training yesterday and it was kinda stupid because I got caught in the rain while on the way back home and I had no umbrella so I gotta wait at Macpherson Mrt until the rain stopped and by the time I reached home it was alr 8;45 and it’s probably alr halfway through the training. When i got home I showered, eat and stuff by the time I started revising it was already 10.10 its like when training ends and I might as well go training lol. So ystd was damn unproductive I didn’t even do a single shit???
I’ve always wanted to be a captain or vice captain of something like idk. I’ve always wanted to be the captain of my Softball team but  I wasn’t really chosen because like lmao I have no leadership qualities??? And yeahhhh before Coach James announced the captain and vice-captain of softball I actually prayed that I would be chosen but hahahahaha. So like actually I was the rebel in softball I was the first person in the CCA to have a heated argument with coach James and I guess it actually matters. Like im the ace because of my skills but I definitely couldn’t be the captain because hahahaha like I said I had no leadership qualities, like really. Seniors be like making sure the Juniors wouldn’t slack and I will be there teaching the juniors how to like fake train and stuff lmaooo. The Juniors loves me but like I was kinda bad for them too HAHA. But apparently being a captain in softball back in secondary school and being captain in tkd in poly is like two different things. Back in softball, the captains didn’t have to do Admin stuff you see. Their job was just probably lead the team, that’s all. But for tkd there’s like so many admin stuff to do and I guess it’s a pretty tedious job. So when I heard that Daina or I was gg to be the vice-capt I was kinda glad like tbh. But the more I think about it, the more I feel that I would only like this position as a vice captain maybe cuz idk the recognition? If I’m given the responsibilities, I don’t think I would be responsible to deal and handle them appropriately. And tbh, i would really like to be the vice captain of something. I mean ive never taken up any leadership roles once in my life ever before. So it would rerally be pretty cool if i can be a vice captain of something.
So yayyyy the demo tea people are coming to my house tmr and I’m fucking excited. There’s like gonna be 13 of my friends coming to my house??!!!! That’s gonna be like the first I’m so excited. It would also be the first time Bryan is gna come to my house?? :D i really can’t wait for tmr I never had so many friends in my house and it’s gonna be fun I hope. Actually, I’m like vvv afraid it might be awkward? idk i have a feeling that it might end up awkward, then everyone will start using their phones and there wouldn’t be any f2f interaction then I’ll be so sad :((((
Okay, I’m like so distracted from really studying because i keep day-dreaming about the things I would do during the holidays and it makes me vvv excited until I can’t study at all. I’m alr very very very excited for the holidays. That means exams are over and I can finally enjoy myself. I have also so many plans for this holidays and it’s making me really happy whenever I think about my plans for the holidays.
So for the holidays, I would definitely find a job and work part time, and hopefully, their shifts are flexible so I can request to work for alternate days for a week. SO SO SO I wanna meet like Bryan duhhhhhh. Hopefully he has same job as me so like I can see him every day for the holidays hehe. I also wanna meet Geralyn, WuLi, and Yi Le. It’s been vvvv long since I last met all of them 3 tgt but yeahhh I wanna go shopping or idkkkk take cute photos tgt. I also want to spend more time with Jazlin, she’s a really cool person and like we don’t speak and meet out so often now a days. I also wanna like spend time with tkd people like they’re really cool and funny HAHA. Apparently, Bryan and I also planned to go to the zoo (maybe with his small sister) and to the beach too. I would love to take many cute photos with Bryan during the holidays idk I wna print them out too, if I had the money. I still wanna buy more clothes online tooo I’m outta clothes for school already. I’ve got so many things I would love to buy like idk all the lip products I want to collect different shades, so like I wouldn’t use the same old shade every day. I need a new foundation powder too, mine broke the other time, I think it still can be used but like I want a new one.
Oh yeah, and the day before this, Vincent asked me for sex again but I rejected him the second time. I’m like really proud but like actually, why would I even be proud. Like I mean I’m just being a proper human being so it’s nothing special like omg (shi wo gai zuo de). But tbh, vincent should stop this shit. like he knows i have a boyfriend and like HE HAS A GF TOO??? wyd girl wyd with him. Vincent is a nice friend but like he should seriously know when to draaw the line omfg.
So yay the tkd demo ppl came to my house to like celebrate cny it’s like the first time I ever had friends to my house to celebrate cny with me yayy. It was like really fun ystd. It wasnt even a little awkward and it seems like everyone was enjoying the food and having fun too :D
OH NO MOCK GRADING ON TUESDAY. I have to learn all from like blue tip to red help that’s four patterns I must know very very clearly. and there’s like cpes i have to study. cepp assignment which i need to complete fuck. i wna kms like rn
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