#i love rambling about my weird design choices although they suck most of the time
calciumdreams · 6 months
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thanksss so much :"-D
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it took me a while to make a design that made sense with dream (...princely, but functional enough to fight in it jsjs), and simple enough that i could actually remember how to draw it :-8
in my mind everything about the apple twins is always related to children fairytale books, so dream had to look more like a prince. i also wanted him to look like he came from another time period (with the whole trapped in stone situation) but i kind of failed at that,,
at the very least he does look pretty similar to my design of him pre-apple incident, because if he doesn't look stuck in the past is it even dream anymore?
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confusedbluecactus · 2 years
I’m bored and not tired yet so more Centaurworld thoughts. Specifically about season 2. Again, spoilers and a TL;DR at the bottom.
To preface, Centaurworld is, in my opinion (something I will keep emphasizing because most things I write are opinions and personal interpretation), a pretty unique and colourful show with a nice energy (although it’s a bit much personally at times) and a fun, interesting premise. Season 1 was arguably the strongest season out of the two. It felt just right with it’s pacing and I don’t think there was a single song that I didn’t like.
Season 2, however, fell a little flat for me in the first half. It felt like despite all of these things happening in an episode, in reality very little progress was actually being made. It gave off some filler vibes despite still progressing the plot in some way.  Not to mention they kinda did Wammawink dirty.
Another thing that I was a little disappointed with was the lack of development or elaboration of the human characters and the Nowhere King. Rider doesn’t get that much screen-time, Woman only pops up at the last two episodes, and we only see Nowhere King briefly around 3-4 times. I think the longest scene he had in S2 was when he consumed that Minotaur whole, which was a very cool scene by the way. He fully separated his lower and top jaw to eat a guy. Metal as fuck and I’d love to have seen more of him.
Woman felt really under developed despite all the backstory we’re given. I wanted to know more about her and what she was up to after the events in the rift. How was she dealing with seeing NK again? Does she regret not killing him and why did she hesitate? What was he to her? Y’know, dropping little pieces of set-up and hints. Same dealio with NK. I wanted to get into his mind a bit more. Get hints or red herrings as to what his ultimate plan was and why he acted the way he did when interacting with the Woman. Was he gonna let her kill him or just showing a gentle gesture? Why is he the way he is? Again, dropping hints and pieces of set-up. The war felt like a backdrop instead of a crucial part of the plot and the human’s discrimination of centaurs felt a bit thrown in. Something to remedy that would’ve probably have been to show Waterbaby and Rider at the camp and the others soldiers reactions to Waterbaby. Are they unsettled by her cartoonish design? Do think she’s weird or untrustworthy? Are the centaurs even reliable or are they just goofy things that break into song for “no reason?” Maybe there are others who think it’s super cool to have a magical centaur on their side and like interacting with her while others are skeptical. Something to establish the behavior shown in NK’s backstory so it feels a lot more purposeful. Something to show how damaging those comments could be. Maybe Waterbaby doesn’t give a fuck for the most part, but it still sucks. But she always has rider to help defend her at least and some of the other soldiers too.
Some interactions with the general would’ve been cool too. It could drop the idea that he’s low-key pretty shady, but maybe that’s just cause he’s been in this war too long. He’s the good guy, and he cares for his troops, he’s cool with Waterbaby, Rider thinks he’s amazing, ans aww! Sad! He has a love he hopes to see when the war is finally through...But there’s something off about him. He knows something more but he tries to make sure others don’t see that, but we the audience can pick up on it. Sometimes his orders seem kinda cold, Rider questions him and he gives a somber speech (or in song form) about how being a leader in dire times like these requires you to make hard or cold-looking choices sometimes, for the greater good of everyone. It’s not easy, but has to be done and don’t worry kid I’ll protect you! Okay this is me just rambling and pitching ideas but you get the point. Set-up is important, and while the finale episode was epic and still hit hard emotionally, a lot of things could’ve hit even harder or given more “Oh” moments and attachments to the human characters, especially Woman, if there was some set-up to make the payoff even more tragic and satisfying.
BUT I have heard that there was a reason for this. It being the usual killer of all great cartoons and/or shows in general: they weren’t given enough time and that’s why it might’ve felt rushed. I don’t know the exact issues or reasons, but from what I heard it was one of the problems next to S2 and S1 actually being one single part. So let’s give them a hand for still being able to complete and tell a compelling and interesting story despite whatever constraints they may have had. For all of it’s flaws it still doesn’t take away from the fact that this is a show that pleasantly surprised me and had a lot of fun watching (and adding songs to my playlist.) I just started drawing again, albeit slowly, just because I wanted to draw everyone’s favorite goopy bastard. Plus it distracted from the frustration of having my laptop still being broken.
Anyway, this was just me giving out more of my thoughts, again these are my personal thoughts and opinions. Some people probably don’t have any problem with Season 2 and that’s cool. We can probably still agree that we had fun watching the show and are sad that it ended, but at least it was on a good note and it was completed. TL;DR: As much as I loved the final episode, it was a really big and nice payoff but had little to no set up at all. But that doesn’t detract from the fact that this is still a good show over all and other people should really go check it out.
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