#i love Jodie foster so much and I LOVE bullying him
unluckyprime · 1 year
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king of christmas hell = the most pathetic divorced wet cat of a man
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baronvonkrieger · 2 years
In Praise of Pugsley
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"An energetic monster of a boy... blond red hair, popped blue eyes and a dedicated troublemaker, in other words the kid next door... genius in his own way, he makes toy guillotines, full-size racks, threatens to poison his sister, can turn himself into a Mr. Hyde with an ordinary chemical set... his voice is hoarse... is sometimes allowed an occasional cigar" -Charles Addams
In the new “Wednesday” series, Pugsley is just an excuse for Wednesday to drop Piranha in the school swimming pool, after she finds him stuffed into a locker. Great plan by the way, so that when she get’s removed from the school, the school bullies will then have a free hand at terrorizing her sibling. Later, on the ride to the “Nevermore Academy”, he rides in the front seat of the limousine with Lurch, while Gomez, Morticia, and Wednesday ride in the back as they are actual family members. After all, it’s not like he’s an actual member of the family.
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In a discussion on Facebook, someone had this to say.  “It was somewhat sad that they could not find a way to make Pugsley interesting.“ It’s not that they couldn’t, they chose not to. After all, the creators of the Simpsons, never had a problem coming up with mischief for Bart to get into. That also goes for the creators of not just one, but two characters named Dennis the Menace.
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If your not familiar with the one on the right, that’s because he’s from the United Kingdom. Coincidentally, these two characters both debuted in March,1951, so their having the same name is quite coincidental, Pugsley, on the other hand had been stirring up mischief since the 1940s. 
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He was also part of the reason we got a TV series. When  David Levy saw a copy of the book “Homebodies”, he knew it would be perfect television.
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Up till now some of these characters were unnamed, but not all. Prior to the development of the series, there was a line of dolls on four of these characters. There was Grandmama, Morticia,Wednesday, and Irving.
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When it came to the series, I guess Charles Addams didn’t consider Irving weird enough, and suggested Pubert. The Network didn’t care for that, so Pugsley became the name of the boy, played by Ken Weatherwax.
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Unlike the new Wednesday series, the writers of the 1960s series were able to come up with stories centered on the boy. When Hannah Barbera did an animated version of the family, they also wrote stories where Pugsley could play a part. Interestingly, in the different animated versions of the family they produced, the part of Pugsley was always voiced by a female, starting with Jodie Foster.
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In later live action versions of the Addams Family, they haven’t thought as much of Pugsley, as Wednesday. Wednesday got a lot of memorable moments in the 1991 “Addams Family” Film, and had an even bigger part in “Addams Family Values”(1993). The most memorable thing Pugsley did in that film was to be dressed up as a giant Turkey by the unlikable Camp Counselors to humiliate him.
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I think Pugsley as fared better in the two MGM Animated series, as there were secondary stories about him. In the 2019 film, it was about his preparing for his upcoming Mazurka, a rite of passage that every Addams family member takes. In the 2021 film, it was about his falling in love with a girl that turns out to be a science experiment.
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Not everybody likes the 2019 and 2021 Addams Family features, but to their credit, they are about the Addams Family, and I’ll always have a fascination with learning about different takes on these characters. They are all interesting characters, and that includes Pugsley.
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A Baby?
A/n- This one got away from me. I blame @queen-of-deans-booty.​ I gave her the gist of what I wanted to write about (just in casual conversation) and she RAN WITH IT. Seriously, I love this woman. She’s amazing. This story was written for @gone-to-fight-the-fairies’ Supernatural’s Summer of Heroes Challenge, and my quote was from Pepper Potts. It is bolded in the fic. I hope you guys like this one!
***I know not all foster homes are bad. For the purposes of this work of fiction, they are momentarily talked about that way. If you grew up or knew someone that grew up in a foster home/similar environment, I MEAN NO DISRESPECT to you or your caregivers.***
Characters/Pairing: Dean x Reader, Sam, Jody (mentioned), Donna (mentioned)
Word Count: 3,544
Warnings: Swearing, typical spn level death, baby feels. FLUFF and a smidge of angst.
  With Dean being as sick as he was, it was up to you and Sam to take care of this milk run that Garth had sent your way. After an hour of him grumbling about it, you finally put your foot down.
“Dean you are too sick! We can’t risk you getting us all sick. This may be a milk run, but it will be ten times harder if we’re all puking our guts out every 10 minutes! Besides, you probably can’t even handle being in the damn car right now. You’re staying here and that’s that. I’ll drug you if I have to!”
“I hate it when you use your mom voice,” he whines.
“Well if you weren’t so stubborn, I wouldn’t have to! Someone has got to take care of you, because you obviously can’t do it yourself,” you snarked at him.
“Well if anything happens to you and Sam, who’s gonna save you guys?”
“Dean, it’s a ghost. I think we can handle a ghost. Now we have to go. Sam thinks he knows who it’s going after next.”
By the time you and Sam got there, you were too late. You pulled up and heard screams coming from the house, busting the door down just in time to see the woman take a nasty tumble down the stairs. You rushed over to check her but slammed your fist into the wall when you couldn’t find a pulse. Her neck had snapped on the way down. The ghost gave you an evil grin before dissipating.
“DAMMIT!” you screamed.
Suddenly, the house was filled with crying. You and Sam shared a wary look, hoping that this wasn’t another trick from the ghost. You quickly but carefully made your way up the stairs with Sam hot on your heels. As you turned the corner at the top, you were looking straight into a nursery. The walls were a pale yellow, with an antique white crib with matching cradle on one wall and the matching changing table on another wall.
Immediately you tucked your gun back into the waistband of your jeans and moved quickly to the cradle. Inside was a baby, who couldn’t be more than 2 months old, dressed in pink and white. She was screaming bloody murder; probably because of the ghost or her mother’s screams.
You scooped her up into your arms, trying to quiet the baby girl. Sam watched you as you moved around the room, easily finding everything you needed. You changed her diaper while humming to her and talking in a low baby voice. Soon the baby was quietly cooing at you. “What’s your name, huh sweetheart?” You looked around the room trying to find anything that might have her name on it. Mom’s gotta have a baby book around here somewhere… Opening a drawer in the small dresser located in the corner, you found what you were looking for. Scrawled on the front of the small purple and yellow book was the name Katherine Marie.
“Katherine Marie,” you said to no one in particular. The little girl in your arms let out a small gurgle and Sam chuckled.
“You seem like you’re enjoying this, Y/N.”
“Well, the girl just lost her mother. We know the woman didn’t have a husband or a boyfriend, so she was all Katy here had. Someone has got to take care of her. What are we supposed to do, just drop her off at the local police station and say ‘Uh, yeah, this kids mom was just offed by a ghost. We took care of it, but now we need you to find the kid a good home!’ Does that sound like a good plan Sammy?”
Sam stuttered over his words as you continued.
“No, Sam, that is a terrible plan! We’ll take her with us and call Jody. I’m sure she’d jump at the chance to take a baby.”
He sighed. “Alright fine. But I’m not responsible for any diapers!” he said with a scowl.
You chuckled. “What Sammy, you afraid of a little baby pee?”
His face scrunched in disgust as he shook his head and walked away. You quickly packed a bag full of stuff that Jody would need and a few mementos for the little girl and joined Sam in the car. As you climbed in, he was just getting off the phone.
“…yeah thanks Jody. We’ll see you then. Love you too, bye.”
“So where are we meeting her?” you asked him.
Sam sighed and started Baby. “We’re not. She’s entirely unprepared for a baby, so she needs a few days to get things ready and talk to the girls. She said she’d come to the bunker and pick her up when she’s ready, but it may take a week or so.”
You could feel the color drain out of your face and you subconsciously held Katy a little tighter. “Dean’s gonna kill me,” you whispered to yourself.
The two of you found the old man’s grave and Sam dug it up while Katy slept in the backseat, and soon enough it was all done and over with. No more casualties, no bumps and bruises. It was a simple salt and burn. But you still felt guilty about the poor mother who had lost her life because you weren’t fast enough. And looking at the little bundle in the backseat only made your heart pang even harder.
A few hours later you and Sam had parked in the bunker’s garage and Sam was helping you out of the car.
“Sam you gotta protect me. He’s gonna be livid. You know his opinion on having kids in this life. I can handle the yelling and whatnot, but don’t let him yell at her. She’s so tiny and innocent…”
“Just stay behind me alright? I think you’re overthinking this whole thing, but if it will make you feel better I will butter him up first.”
You nodded your head as you held the sleeping baby to your chest. You walked closely behind Sam into the hallway and cringed a little when you heard Dean’s voice. Sam pretended to not be scared about it all, but he froze in place with a deer in the headlights look on his face.
“God I seriously thought I was gonna have to come after you two. You’ve been gone for so long! I’m all better now, so there will be no more leaving me behind on any hunts from now on, and-” he paused when he finally took in the way you two were standing. “What’s wrong?” his voice immediately changed to panic. “Y/N are you hurt? Why do you look so terrified Sam?”
Sam started trying to explain the situation. “So, we get there and finally figure out who the next target was, but we got there moments too late. The girl died. Old Mr. Willow pushed her down the stairs and her neck snapped. But when we did a sweep of the house, we uh…well…we found…a umm…”
“Oh my god Sam, just stop talking!” you exclaimed. You pushed him out of the way with a sudden burst of confidence and held Katherine out to show Dean. “Before you say anything I want you to listen to me damn good and well. This little girl has no one else, and her mother was just killed. We already called Jody and she will be taking the girl in, but needs a week or so to prepare the girls and the house. Once she does that, she will be coming to pick her up from us. So this is a temporary situation. I know you don’t want to bring children into this life and I have been very respectful about that so far, but I couldn’t let this little girl grow up in some shitty foster home and be bullied and god only knows what else. So she’s staying with us and that’s final!”
Dean’s eyes got wider the longer you talked. When you finally stopped, there was a long pause and you could see all his muscles tensing.
“ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?” he shrieked. “Do you have any idea what a colossally stupid plan this is? Y/N, not only did you fucking kidnap someone’s INFANT, you brought it here to my home! You know how I feel about kids and why I feel that way, but this is too much. You can’t just do this kind of thing without consulting everyone else!”
You could feel your blood boiling with anger at his words. How dare he. How fucking dare.
“First of all Dean, this is a helpless infant. Second of all, HOW FUCKING DARE YOU. This is my home as much as it is yours and Sam’s, and I will do whatever I goddamn please around here. Last I checked, you are not my father and therefore have zero authority over my actions. Just because you are my boyfriend does not give you the right to treat me like a fucking child. I did not kidnap anyone’s child, I took in an orphan. I took in a child that had no one and nothing left; something you of all people should be able to appreciate. I took you in when you lost everything! When you lost Sam in the pit and had nowhere else to go! It’s called having compassion and being a decent human being! You don’t have to do anything with Katherine. I know what I signed up for and I’m more than capable of doing it by myself. I don’t need your or Sam’s help. So take your shitty attitude and get the hell out of my face. And so help me god, if you wake this sleeping baby up, I will skin you alive and then kick your ass 6 ways to Sunday. Do you understand?”
You turned on your heel and brought Katherine into your old room. It hadn’t been occupied in about a year, not since you moved in to Dean’s room with him. But it would work perfectly. Katy wasn’t old enough to roll yet, so she could just sleep nestled into the crook of your arm. You were suddenly so exhausted. That fight with Dean had taken everything out of you. You laid down on your bed with the baby nestled safely in your arms, and fell asleep before you could even give her a kiss.
Dean’s POV
I was so furious. I couldn’t believe she would bring a baby into this life like that. There are so many other options for this kid, none of which involve hunting or the life! It deserves better! And Y/N should know better. We’ve talked about kids and she knows where I stand. I just can’t believe she would do this.
I also couldn’t believe she got that heated about it so quickly. I guess I did speak to her a little harshly…
“Dude. You need to go fix that,” Sam says, interrupting my thoughts.
“She started it when she brought that damn thing here!” I growled back.
Sam smacked the back of my head. “You stupid idiot! That thing is a baby. A baby girl, I might add. And Y/N rescued her. What the hell were we supposed to do, Dean? Take her to a police station and say ‘Yeah, her mom was killed by a ghost. Find her a good home!’? That was the best alternative we could think of in a pinch, and it would’ve ended up with us both in jail. Again. So we thought of Jody. And Jody happily agreed. She just needs some time to get the house ready. Now you, need to go fix things with your girlfriend. Or she may never forgive you. Is that what you want?”
I shook my head in defeat. “Fine, I’ll go find her.”
“She went in her old room!” he called after me as I walked away.
“Why the hell would she go in her old room? Is she really that mad at me?” I wondered out loud.
I gathered my thoughts as I rounded the corner and moved to knock on the closed door. At the last second though, Y/N’s words about waking the baby echoed in my ears and I shuddered, opting to quietly push open the door instead. The sight before me made me freeze.
I’m so used to seeing this big badass side of Y/N. The one that can take down any monster that comes her way. The one that can drink any man under the table, and hustle even the best of the best pool players. The same one that puts up so many walls, it rivals my own.
But this Y/N was curled up on her side, protectively wrapped around the tiny child while still gingerly holding her in her arms. Her long Y/C/H hair was sprawled out on the pillow behind her, gentle curls throughout her tendrils, and her eyelashes gently fluttered against her cheeks as she dreamed. Just then, the baby started to stir. She wiggled side to side for a moment before Y/N’s hand came up to brush the little one’s head, instantly soothing her back to sleep. The whole scene was just so serene and peaceful, I couldn’t help but feel calm just looking on.
I quietly toed off my boots and shed my flannel to lie over the infant as a second blanket, and grabbed a spare blanket for Y/N from the closet. I laid down on the other side of the baby, Katherine, I reminded myself, and wrapped my arm around them both. I was careful not to go near Katherine’s face though. For some reason, I was suddenly anxious about this child. Was that normal?
Y/N’s hand moved once more to brush my face before she placed it back on Katherine’s chest. That was all it took to lure me to sleep.
I woke up to the sound of a baby crying, and momentarily forgot why there was a baby in the bunker. But when I opened my eyes, I was stunned once again. Y/N was gently rocking her back and forth in her arms, quietly speaking to the baby who was still wrapped in my flannel.
“Shhh, we need to let Dean sleep. He’s still recovering from being sick. It’s alright, I know I’m not your mommy and you miss her very much, but I’m doing the best I can baby girl. Let’s get you a new diaper and a bottle, little one.”
She must not have known I woke up, because she very quietly opened the door and slipped out of the room. The more I watched her with Katherine, the more I realized just how stupid I had been with my reaction. Y/N was only doing what she thought was best for the child, just as any mother would for her children…
I got up and stretched for a moment before I walked out the door to go find Y/N and Katherine. The further down the hallway I got, the louder the giggles got. I followed the sound into the library, where Sam and Y/N were leaning over a table talking and cooing to Katherine, who was cooing and giggling back. A pang of jealousy shot through me at the sight of my brother interacting with my girlfriend and the baby that way. Come on, Dean. It’s not even your kid, I thought to myself. But you wish it was.
The realization startled me enough that I cleared my throat. The other two adults in the room looked up at me with slightly sheepish looks on their faces and I couldn’t help the grin that spread across my face.
“Well don’t you two look like the cats that ate the canary. Team effort, huh?” I teased them.
Y/N just laughed. One of her full body laughs where she tosses her head back and her shoulders shake with a noise like wind chimes that echoes throughout the room. Her eyes sparkled when she looked back at me.
My eyes flashed to Katherine, who was still gurgling and cooing at Y/N and reaching her tiny hands up towards her. When my eyes moved back to Y/N, her expression had darkened. I felt my face furrow in confusion, but before I could get a word in, she was speaking.
“I’ve made arrangements to go stay with Donna until Jody can take Katherine. You made your feelings clear earlier, and I’m not one to stir up trouble in someone else’s home,” she sneered. She turned to Sam, “Could you watch her for a few minutes while I go pack a new bag? I won’t be long,” she added as she handed Katherine to Sam, who gave me a cautious look before nodding once.
“I think I’m gonna give Katy here a tour of the place. Give you two some space for a little bit,” he said while quickly exiting the large room.
I could tell she was pissed, and I wasn’t sure I could say anything to quell her anger this time. I was terrified if I let her walk out that door, she might not ever come back. After a few moments of tense silence, I finally found my voice.
“Please don’t leave.”
She rolled her eyes. “I’m coming back, Dean. I just don’t want to deal with a cranky infant and a broody man at the same time. I may be a badass sometimes, but I’m not a damn superhero.”
“I don’t want you to leave, because I overreacted earlier. I didn’t mean to blow up on you like that; I was just so shocked that I couldn’t control what fell out of my mouth.”
Her eyebrows shot up, and I knew I had phrased it wrong.
“What I mean to say is, I’m so sorry baby. Watching you with Katherine, you are a superhero. You rescued that little girl and took her in without a second thought. You have the biggest heart out of anyone I’ve ever known, and it never ceases to amaze me how loving and caring you are. You are the most selfless, kind, compassionate person I’ve ever met, and that is a damn superpower. You are a hero, Y/N. You’re Sam’s hero. You’re Katherine’s hero. You’re my hero.”
Her face fell and tears welled in her eyes.
“How can I be anyone’s hero if I can’t even save a helpless baby’s mother, Dean?”
The softness in her voice broke my heart, and I pulled her to my chest just as the sob broke through hers.
“Sweetheart you know we can’t save everybody. I know you did the best you could out there, and despite someone dying, you saved an innocent life. You saved Katherine. You were right earlier, when you said she would probably end up in some god awful foster home. Like you told Katy earlier, ‘you’re doing the best you can.’ That’s all I could ever ask of you. Now get out your phone and call Donna back so you can let her know that your superhero ass is staying right here in our home.”
“You heard all that?” she asked.
I nodded.
“But what about-”
I quickly cut off her thoughts. “She stays too, obviously. Besides, I may not like it when you use your mom voice on me, but you make an amazing mother.”
She looked up at me and smiled the biggest smile I’d seen in months. “Seriously? You mean that?”
I nodded. “I actually don’t think I’d mind Katherine staying here on a more… permanent basis.”
“What?! Are you kidding me right now?!” she screeched as she practically jumped up and down.
The laugh that burst out of me was uncontrollable. “You’ve clearly already bonded with her, and she with you, so why make her do it all over again? She trusts you. And like I said, I like seeing you with her. You’re genuinely happy when you hold her. Plus, you didn’t see yourself sleeping with her. It was the most precious thing I’ve ever seen. It made my heart stop, Y/N. And it made me wonder what it would be like to make you a mother, and be a father to children. So why not start here? We can do this together and maybe later on down the road, we can add a few kids of our own into the mix. Whaddya say baby?”
Tears fell down her face once more, but the smile had never left. “I would love nothing more Winchester. Looks like I have two phone calls to make.”
I listened as Y/N gushed to Donna, then Jody, about how I had overreacted and come to my senses about the sweet little girl she rescued, and explained to them that we were going to keep her ourselves. She would be safe here, we had grown kinda attached, etc. When she got off the phone, she turned to me with that smile still plastered on her face.
“Let’s go find our daughter.” She grabbed my hand and led me down the hall.
I grinned as my heart skipped a few beats at the mention of the word daughter.
I’m actually a father. God I hope I don’t screw this up…
  Forever Tags
Dean tags
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zrtranscripts · 7 years
The Way of All Flesh, Episode 4
In this episode: It's time to learn the truth about the murder victim. Or at least part of the truth. Someone's covering up evidence. Someone's tried to conceal what's going on. And that puts everyone trapped in Gadsen Manor in danger. Before night falls, another victim will die.
MANISHA: You killed Callum, and now we're going to kill you. That's what we agreed to do.
CHRIS MCSHELL: Aren't you going to say anything, Rose?
ROSE: Don't see that there's much to say. I've known this day was coming.
JODY MARSH: So you did kill him.
ROSE: If you say so.
CHRIS MCSHELL: You were in prison. Those tattoos Jody saw are prison tattoos.
GERI: And you're Callum's sister?
ROSE: Aye.
CHRIS MCSHELL: So why did you kill him?
ROSE: You tell me.
CHRIS MCSHELL: Oh, this is going nowhere.
SHEILA: Maybe we should talk to her privately, Chris. You, me, and Jody, the detective gang!
CHRIS MCSHELL: You're not part -
JODY MARSH: That's a great idea, Sheila! Rose, come have a quiet chat with us in the billiard room.
GERI: I'll find Keith and the Prof and tell them what's happened.
[recorder fast forwards]
JODY MARSH: Chris, can I talk to you for a sec, before we go in there?
CHRIS MCSHELL: What is it?
JODY MARSH: We're not really going to kill her, are we? We can't just kill another human being.
CHRIS MCSHELL: No! No, we can't.
JODY MARSH: You'll help me convince the others?
CHRIS MCSHELL: Yes, of course I will.
JODY MARSH: Oh, I knew it, Chris. You're just... just what I thought you were. [kisses CHRIS MCSHELL on the cheek]
CHRIS MCSHELL: Oh, I... thank you.
JODY MARSH: Not for a peck on the cheek! You can thank me when I do something better for you than that. No, not that I would... I mean, not that I would want to, I mean... oh, now I don't know how to end this sentence.
CHRIS MCSHELL: We won't broadcast this bit.
[recorder fast forwards]
SHEILA: Ooh, pool table! This is fun, isn't it?
ROSE: Is it?
SHEILA: I always wanted to be a dectective like on TV, asking questions, finding clues. Did you watch those mystery programs, Jody?
JODY MARSH: Yeah, I did. I used to really that cartoon Doctor Detector, with her sidekick Mister Mystery. She'd ask questions, and Mister Mystery would bang his robo-gavel on the desk and shout, "We can handle the truth!"
ROSE: I remember that. They had it on sometimes in the rec area.
SHEILA: I never liked that Mister Mystery. He had that squint. No, not for me.
CHRIS MCSHELL: [sighs] Rose, tell us from the beginning. How did you end up in prison?
[glass shatters, KEITH screams in the distance]
JODY MARSH: Oh, what now?
CHRIS MCSHELL: Lock Rose in here. Let's go see what's made Keith hysterical this time.
JODY MARSH: A tenner on a spider.
[recorder fast forwards]
[glass shatters, KEITH screams, zombies growl]
GERI: Keith, stop making that noise! You'll just madden them!
KEITH: Oh God, we were just having a quiet cocoa in the kitchen. I dropped a mug, and they started growling, and now this!
JODY MARSH: Throw me that ax! Keith, Prof, go for the guns. We'll hold them off!
JODY MARSH: Most of the zombie horde will leave in the morning, they said. If we just stay quiet, they said. If they can't see us, they said. Zombies, known for just wandering off, not for like, breaking windows and throwing their eyeballs at you. Sheila, get it with that chair!
SHEILA: Take that! There! There, you nasty, disgusting, eyeless, horrible thing!
GERI: Come and get me, you zombie covered in pus! I got a present for you!
JODY MARSH: [shouts] Ew! Ew, ew! Oh, it's got [?]. I think it had a cold when it died. Ew ew ew! Oh, get it off, get it off, get it off!
MANISHA: Oh yeah, interesting. Undead guitar. Jody, I think your turn's up. Here, headcold zombie, meet a heavy metal object!
SHEILA: Help! My coat's caught on that – what is it? - big metal sculpture! It won't come loose!
GERI: You've got to get out of your coat, Sheila, now!
MANISHA: Get away from the window!
KEITH: There. That's them away from the window now. Quick, get this table up against the broken board.
[table scrapes across floor]
KEITH: Oh God, I thought I was going to die. Like, really die. Are you okay, Manisha?
KEITH: Are you okay?
MANISHA: No, sorry. Yes. Yes, I'm fine. Sorry! I've never heard you express concern for anyone else before.
GERI: Look, we have to abandon this room. The table won't hold. Nail the door shut so we can all sleep easy.
CHRIS MCSHELL: I won't sleep easy until I finish interrogating our suspect.
[recorder fast forwards]
ROSE: How long do you think we've got? Days? Hours?
JODY MARSH: Us? We're going to get rescued. That's why we're broadcasting all this. Someone will hear it and rescue us.
ROSE: People get rescued if they're worth something. Army. Hospital for the doctors. I heard Netrophil rescue their own. We'll all die here.
SHEILA: Netrophil are terrorists. Of course they come for their own. They only care about themselves.
CHRIS MCSHELL: Not everyone's like that.
JODY MARSH: Abel Township will come for us. Bet you they're working out how to get us right now.
ROSE: If you say so.
CHRIS MCSHELL: Rose, will you tell us if -
SHEILA: Just tell us in your own words how it was you ended up in prison. You can tell us that, can't you?
JODY MARSH: Just doing one bad thing doesn't mean you're a murderer. I've done bad things, but -
ROSE: I killed my dad.
JODY MARSH: Oh. Right.
ROSE: He wasn't a nice man, my dad. Ma died when Callum was just a baby. Dad was a drinker, and he hit us. When I was 18, and he was passed out drunk, I hit him 12 times with a hammer until his brain all ran down across his face. [laughs] Who'd have thought it'd be good practice for the future, eh?
JODY MARSH: Oh my God. I remember that case from when I was a little girl. It was all over the telly.
CHRIS MCSHELL: It was notorious. Brutality.
JODY MARSH: The way they twist these stories. I mean, the way you just said it, it's totally understandable.
SHEILA: You were just a girl.
ROSE: Just old enough to go to grownup prison. I got in a bit of trouble when I was inside. "Bullying," they called it. I'm not proud of it. Got another 15 years added to my sentence for that. I've done bad things, and when the doom falls on me, I'll go to it smiling.
CHRIS MCSHELL: Callum was younger than you. Was he fostered?
ROSE: His English teacher adopted him, moved south a year later. Fresh start, new name, new school. He was always the one with the brains, Callum. I knew he'd do something with his life.
CHRIS MCSHELL: But when he did, he didn't want anything to do with you.
ROSE: Never a visit. Used to write to me, but that turned into just a card at Christmas and birthdays, and then the past few years, not even that.
SHEILA: That must have made you angry.
JODY MARSH: So you uh, what? Listened to his voice mails, and followed him here?
ROSE: Yeah. After the prison fell, I tracked him here, and when he didn't even want to show we knew each other, it made me so mad! "Poor impulse control." That's what they said about me in prison. Just grabbed one of the Prof's poisons and dumped it in his food.
CHRIS MCSHELL: And where's the vial now?
ROSE: I don't know. Threw it out the window into some bushes.
CHRIS MCSHELL: Which window?
ROSE: Ground floor hall window.
CHRIS MCSHELL: There are no bushes outside that window.
SHEILA: She's a bit confused, Chris, love. It's a big thing, killing someone.
ROSE: Tell you what. You go and look through my rucksack. It's in the lounge. Got a scrapbook in there, kept all of Callum's articles, and the letters he sent me. You'll see what I'm saying is true. Hasn't sent me a letter for years. He was embarrassed of me. Didn't want to know. That's why I killed him.
[recorder fast forwards]
JODY MARSH: It's definitely Rose's bag, Chris, but there's no scrapbook here. A few bits of paper with little notes on them, loads of bars of chocolate, some first aid kits. No scrapbook. Definitely not. Maybe she lost it and didn't realize.
CHRIS MCSHELL: Something strange is going on here. Jody, take me back to the cold storeroom. I want you to look at Callum's body for me again.
JODY MARSH: I really wish that sometime in the future I'll have a day where I don't have to stare at a corpse.
[recorder fast forwards]
JODY MARSH: Callum's still here, lying on the floor just where we left him. Still not dissolved, or whatever the Prof said would happen to him.
CHRIS MCSHELL: Where are the others?
JODY MARSH: Barricading up the front door. The Prof's organized everyone into teams to rip up the downstairs floor. Way he's going at it, you'd think he was digging for treasure or something.
CHRIS MCSHELL: Yeah, interesting.
JODY MARSH: I think Sheila's told them all what we've heard from Rose. Nothing's changed in here, Chris. Callum's body's still lying here.
CHRIS MCSHELL: Just describe to me exactly what happened when you moved the body.
JODY MARSH: Okay, if you think it'll help. I had his right arm, Rose had his right leg, the Prof had his left arm, and Geri had his left leg. Rose and Geri backed into the room. Me and the Prof walked in forwards. We turned the body and propped him up.
My grip on his shoulder kept slipping off, and I'd grab hold of that – whatsit, armlet? - he had on. Hey, just a sec. He definitely had a silver arm cuff, and it's not there now. Someone's nicked it!
CHRIS MCSHELL: And when did you find the note that had fallen from his pocket? The one that had the name of this house and the date we arrived?
JODY MARSH: Chris, someone's nicked something from Callum's body! Don't you think that's significant?
CHRIS MCSHELL: Yes! Where were you when you found the note that had fallen from Callum's pocket?
JODY MARSH: Standing just here, by the packet of soups.
CHRIS MCSHELL: Who was next to you?
CHRIS MCSHELL: [gasps] I've been an idiot! Look, we have to talk to Rose again, right now! Don't tell any of the others. Now!
[recorder fast forwards]
ROSE: You again! Haven't brought Hetty Wainthropp with you this time.
CHRIS MCSHELL: I doubt her investigative skill, to be frank. Close the door, Jody. [door shuts] We don't think you've been entirely honest with us, Rose.
ROSE: Did you find my scrapbook?
JODY MARSH: It's gone.
ROSE: [laughs] Of course it has, [?].
CHRIS MCSHELL: You didn't track Callum here by listening to his voice mail, did you, Rose? He told you to meet him here, and on what day. You wrote it on one of the bits of note paper you carry around with you, the note that slipped out of your pocket when you were moving Callum's body.
JODY MARSH: Oh! It fell out of Rose's pocket, not Callum's.
CHRIS MCSHELL: You and Callum were looking out for each other, weren't you? And you knew you'd be coming to Gadsen Manor today.
JODY MARSH: Callum told you to come here... but no one knew they were coming. It was just an accident we all got trapped here.
CHRIS MCSHELL: I don't think it was an accident for all of us. Did Callum tell you why he wanted to come here?
ROSE: Yeah, he did tell me to come here. He said he was heading here to find out more about an old story he'd worked on.
CHRIS MCSHELL: Pandora Haze scandal in Somalia.
ROSE: Oh, he didn't say. He called me two days in, when they were still saying on the news it was the flu. Said if I got out, I should come here on this day, that he'd be here, that would be that.
JODY MARSH: Oh. You said, "All debts are paid." You were looking after each other! You always had been!
CHRIS MCSHELL: What do you mean, Jody?
JODY MARSH: I've got three younger brothers. I fight with them, and sometimes I hate them, but I always love them. I remember once my little brother took 40 quid off the kitchen table and put it all down the waste disposal. All that was left were these little pieces of colored paper. My mom was so angry, and Danny was so little. I told her I did it, even though she'd punish me more because I was older. How old was Callum when your dad was killed?
ROSE: 12. He was 12.
JODY MARSH: Old enough to be tried as an adult, and maybe spend the rest of his life in prison, but young enough to start a new life somewhere else.
CHRIS MCSHELL: What... what do you mean, Jody?
JODY MARSH: You kept a scrapbook of his cuttings because you loved him, and you were proud of him. He found a way to help you. He wanted to know if his debts were paid. He knew he was in your debt. Oh, he owed you so much. He was your little brother. You'd protect him, whatever he did.
ROSE: I would have done.
JODY MARSH: You didn't kill your dad, did you?
ROSE: No. It was Callum.
[recorder fast forwards]
JODY MARSH: There. Have your tea. We found some fruitcake, too, if you want some.
ROSE: I will, thanks.
JODY MARSH: So who decided you should take the blame for killing your father?
ROSE: Me. It was always me. They wouldn't have gone for self-defense. He knew how to keep [?], you see, our dad. Knew how to hit us so it wouldn't leave a bruise. Imagine the headlines if Callum had said it was him. "12 Year Old Murderer."
At least I scared the other girls in prison. Never really thought about what a life in prison would mean. Just wanted to keep him safe.
JODY MARSH: Oh God, that's so sad! You were both just children!
ROSE: Life's not always fair. But I was proud of him. That's why I kept the scrapbook. He was living that life for both of us. Maybe I knew his life better than he did.
CHRIS MCSHELL: And do you know who killed Callum?
ROSE: Got my ideas.
CHRIS MCSHELL: [slams fist on table] Just tell us! We can solve this if you just tell us what you know!
ROSE: Let people remember Callum for a good boy. Let the rest fall away!
JODY MARSH: You mean if you told us who you think killed Callum, you'd have to tell us something bad about him?
ROSE: He was a good lad! I remember when he was born, such a good wee lad. This is the end of the human race, you know. Lights out for us, and maybe that's a good thing. We've caused more trouble than we cured, that's for sure. 
But if it's not the end, one day people will read old books and papers and make new history. If something's forgotten now, it's forgotten forever. That's all I ever wanted for wee Callum, may he rest in peace. Don't go troubling the dead.
CHRIS MCSHELL: If everything's gone, the only thing we have left is the truth.
JODY MARSH: Chris, come downstairs with me. It's time for everyone to go to bed anyway. I'll leave the recorder running, Rose. Try to get some sleep, and whatever you know, it might be easier to tell it to the tape.
[door shuts, recorder fast forwards]
[door opens]
ROSE: Ah, got any more fruitcake - ? Ah, no, it's you. I see, yeah. What have you got there? [paper rustles] Ah. Yeah, that's what I thought. You've got the same way of moving she had, same face. I'm sorry about what happened. It just got out of hand! I know what it's like to take the blame for something you didn't do.
You're not going to say anything? I suppose there's not much to say. This is a mercy. The rest of you'll be gone in a few hours, but I see why you wanted it to be you. Come on. I won't fight you. Do it for Billie. [chokes, collapses]
[door closes, recording reaches end, ominous music plays]
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