#i lost count of how many times Alan kissed his forehead in my story
crispywizardtale · 3 months
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gumnut-logic · 3 years
Dear John
@purfectpurple asked for question number 8.
(why won’t Tumblr tag you????? Aaargh! Stupid program!)
Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it. 
I have written far too much fic. It took me a while to work out which fic to choose, but then I remembered this one.
This is built almost entirely out of text messages so it is almost all dialogue. The back story is that Virg was seriously injured and due to reasons, he can’t see his brother John without a serious negative emotional reaction to his presence. But Virgil loves his brother and tries to reach out and talk to him anyway, even if it is only through text messages. And John loves his brother too.
This one was both painful and hilarious to write. It is one of my very early fics and part of a series that is kinda special to me. I’m particularly happy with this one because, honestly, for what it was, I think it works really well.
I’ve posted the whole thing rather than a snippet because I think it needs to be read as a whole to get the effect.
It should also be noted that at the time I was still terrified of writing John :D
Title: Dear John
Tales of Sotto Voce
Author: Gumnut
9-10 Sep 2018
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Message from OntheVirg.
Dear John.
I don’t really know where to start other than to say that I am so sorry. This is not your fault and I know I’m hurting you. If I could stop I would.
I miss you, little brother, please don’t doubt that ever. This thing that bastard has done to me has come between us, but I still love you (yes, I said it, you can now poke fun) and we will get through it. Somehow.
I’m having a hell of a time talking at the moment, so even if I could bear to be in the same room with you, having a conversation would be difficult. Would you mind if we swapped words using the message system? A little odd to be pen pals when we are only a couple of rooms away, but I’m hoping it will help. And I miss you.
Your brother, Virgil.
John stared at the message and something inside him broke. He knew the state his brother was in. He was still confined to the infirmary, could barely walk due to dizzy spells, could barely speak, and was wracked with emotional instability, his brain struggling to right itself after the attack.
Yet, he had managed to write this?
Message from GuyintheSky.
Certainly, Virgil.
I think it is a good idea. It is likely to help us regain our relationship.
It is also great to see you able to write so well, considering your condition. I am very happy to hear from you.
And yes, I love you, too. No poking required.
I am also so sorry this has happened to you. I would offer some regrets, but I cannot see any way that we could have honestly prevented it. Looking back reveals so many opportunities, yet given the same situations with the same information at the time, we would have acted in exactly the same manner. It appears the Hood planned well for once in his life and he almost succeeded.
The only element that he didn’t plan for was you. It is you we have to thank for his failure. I have never been more thankful for your stubborn streak in my life.
I’m am so proud to have such a strong big brother.
He hit send and bit his lip. He wouldn’t list personal relations in his list of best skills, but Virgil knew that. He just hoped he was good enough.
Several hours later, John was startled out of the sub-function he was writing by a chime from his tablet.
Message from OntheVirg.
Thank you for your vote of confidence. To be honest all I could think of at the time was that I couldn’t let you have my ship. You yelled and screamed, but no, you couldn’t have her. Then you hurt me, tried to force me, but no
Sorry, wasn’t you.
It was to be expected. John was surprised the message had even been sent and not deleted. Perhaps Virgil had hit the wrong button. Or perhaps he was trying to explain.
Message from GuyintheSky.
There are no words for the extent of the anger I feel for the violation made against you. There is no need to apologise. I understand, big brother.
Please if you need to talk. I am here.
He swallowed and hit send.
Message from OntheVirg.
Do you remember that deer Dad found on the side of the road that had been hit by a car? How it looked up at us desperate for help, but somehow knew it wasn’t going to come?
It felt like that.
It hurt so much. I couldn’t do what he asked, so he just hurt me more. And then I think he just hurt me because he could. There wasn’t any way out.
And he looked just like you. I think that hurt the most.
He had to resist the urge to run down the hallway and hug his brother. He rubbed his eyes instead.
Message from GuyintheSky.
I really wish I could hug you right now. Tell Scott to give you a hug from me.
Do you know why he looked like me?
Message from TheFlyingScottsman.
Hug delivered.
You okay?
Message from GuyintheSky.
As well as I could be considering the circumstances. How is he?
Message from TheFlyingScottsman.
Struggling to type. We’re going to have to call it quits soon. It is taking everything he has to hit those keys. But I think he needs this.
Thank you for being there.
How goes the programming?
Message from GuyintheSky.
Don’t let him overtax himself.
Where else would I be? He is my big brother.
Slowly. Whoever did this really knew what they were doing. It is cutting edge work. I can guarantee that the Hood outsourced it. Far too smart for him. I recommend we set Penelope and Kayo on their tail. I dread to think what else this person could be capable of doing. Brains has already started the groundwork to protect our systems. We have a long road ahead to get our equipment up to a level I will be happy to let out on the field without fear of compromise.
I’m afraid International Rescue is down for the count for the foreseeable future.
Message from TheFlyingScottsman.
Damn. I still had hope for a magic wand. Do your best. I know you will.
Oh, and if you need to talk, let me know. Virgil isn’t the only victim here.
Message from OntheVirg
Gonna have to stop soon. Tired.
I have thought about that and I’m not sure. Have you ever met the Hood? I don’t think you have. So I’m wondering how on Earth he knew what you looked like.
But then perhaps he didn’t have to know. Perhaps the program just needed to source the most likely person in my head it could use. You are unique, little brother. Because you spend so much time on TB5, I mostly see you as a hologram. That would be extremely convenient for a mole.
In any case, I fell for it.
Message from TheFlyingScottsman.
He’s asleep.
You know, watching him, I can see why the Hood didn’t win. He won’t give up. By the end of his last message his hands were shaking so badly, I had to help him tap the right keys. Wouldn’t let me do it for him, no, he had to do it himself.
We are so damn lucky to have him for a brother.
Message from GuyintheSky.
I know.
Message from TheFlyingScottsman.
He was still sitting, staring down at his tablet when Scott entered the room behind him. He continued to stare as his brother’s hands took away the tablet and placed on the shelf beside him. When a hand was placed gently on his shoulder he finally looked up into those caring blue eyes.
It was enough to break him again.
For the first time in many years, his biggest brother drew him gently into a hug. John let his forehead drop to the soft material of Scott’s shirt and simply clung.
Message from OntheVirg.
Roses are red We wear blue I look groovy And so do you.
Message from OntheVirg.
There once was a flyboy named Scott Who used to fly around a lot He flew so fast He kissed his own ass And completely lost the plot.
Message from OntheVirg.
And then there was one named John Whose appendages were quite long In space he was ace Full of delicate grace But in gravity everything went wrong.
Message from GuyintheSky.
Message from GuyintheSky.
You there, Virgil?
Message from LikeaVirgil.
Message from GuyintheSky.
How are you?
Message from LikeaVirgil.
Been better.
Message from GuyintheSky.
Scott with you?
Message from LikeaVirgil.
No. I sent him to bed. He looked awful. Please make sure he looks after himself. You know what he is like when one of us is injured.
Message from GuyintheSky.
I’ve been trying, but he is slippery. Any tips?
Message from LikeaVirgil.
Don’t take no for an answer and, if necessary, manhandle.
Message from GuyintheSky.
I don’t exactly have your physique, Virgil.
Message from LikeaVirgil.
Out logic him then. He does see sense occasionally.
Message from GuyintheSky.
I’ll try.
Virgil, I had an idea about how we could see each other. Do you remember my prom?
Message from LikeaVirgil.
Really?!! You’d try that again?
Message from GuyintheSky.
Do you think it would help?
Message from LikeaVirgil.
Honestly, John, I don’t know. Maybe. It is certainly a fond memory, for me, if not for you. Would you really do that for me?
Message from GuyintheSky.
Of course. It will grow back and maybe that could help you ease back into seeing me?
Message from LikeaVirgil.
You would really go that far?
Message from GuyintheSky.
Wouldn’t you?
Message from LikeaVirgil.
Message from GuyintheSky.
I know you better than that.
Message from LikeaVirgil.
It is asking a lot. Are you sure?
Message from LittleSpaceballs
Can you please give Gordon access to his tablet. He is driving me insane.
Message from GuyintheSky.
Yes, Virgil. Give me a moment. Alan is throwing a hissy.
Message from GuyintheSky.
No, Alan.
Message from LittleSpaceballs.
Then at least change my username for me. He’s locked me out of my settings and his sense of humour leaves much to be desired.
Message from GuyintheSky.
Message from TheShortestOne.
Thanks, John. Yours isn’t much better.
Message from GuyintheSky.
Now you lack the balls.
Message from TheShortestOne.
You’re not safe on your little satellite at the moment, John. Remember that.
Message from GuyintheSky.
Go and see Virgil. He needs the company.
Message from TheShortestOne.
How is he doing?
Message from GuyintheSky.
Go and ask him. I’m sure he would love to see you.
Message from TheShortestOne.
I guess.
Message from GuyintheSky.
Have you gone to see him at all?
Message from TheShortestOne.
I’ve been busy.
Message from GuyintheSky.
Message from TheShortestOne.
Message from GuyintheSky.
Message from TheShortestOne.
I hate seeing him like that.
Message from GuyintheSky.
We all hate seeing him like that. This isn’t about us, it is about him. He sacrificed so much to protect us, the least you can do is visit him while he is recovering. He’ll be missing you. You know what he is like.
Message from TheShortestOne.
I know.
Message from GuyintheSky.
Get Gordon to go with you if it will help.
Message from TheShortestOne.
Message from GuyintheSky.
Alan, do you have any idea how much I would like to walk in and see Virgil right now? But I can’t. Move your ass and go see him.
Message from LikeaVirgil.
Everything okay?
Message from GuyintheSky.
Yeah, Alan is just being Alan.
Message from LikeaVirgil.
He tends to do that. Being Alan and all.
Message from GuyintheSky.
Ha ha.
Message from LikeaVirgil.
So you are going to try it?
Message from GuyintheSky.
Message from LikeaVirgil.
I’ll owe you big time, Johnny.
Message from GuyintheSky.
No, you won’t.
Message from LikeaVirgil.
Do I get to keep proof?
Message from GuyintheSky.
I’m sure Gordon will oblige - at a factor of approximately one thousand.
Message from LikeaVirgil.
It will be painful. You have my sympathies. Speak of the devil, the terrible two are here. Speak to you later?
Message from GuyintheSky.
Of course. And you have my sympathies too. Yell if it becomes unbearable.
Message from EatYourVirgetables.
Message from GuyintheSky
When his brother didn’t answer, John pulled up the video feed from his room. Virgil was not in his bed, the covers ruffled and discarded.
Frowning John scanned the room. For a moment he thought it was empty, but no. Right on the very edge of the camera field, a hand lay across a discarded tablet on the floor.
He hit his comm. “Scott, get to the infirmary, now!” And he was moving.
He didn’t know exactly where in the building Scott was, but John was close. He dashed down the corridor, tore around the corner...and Scott had beat him to it.
Virgil was on the floor, distressed and disoriented, struggling to get up. Scott knelt beside him, his hands on his brother’s shoulders muttering reassurances.
John slipped back into the shadows. He could not be seen. Certainly not when Virgil was in this state.
“It was a nightmare. Only a dream.”
“It h-rts. G-d, it h-rts.” There were unshed tears in his brother’s voice, a shaking hand fumbling at his temple. “Mk it g ‘way.”
“I-I can’t, Virg. I’m so sorry.”
Virgil let out a sob. “Why? Why d-s he w-nt to h-rt m?
“Because he was a self-serving bastard who would do anything to get what he wants.” The venom in Scott’s tone startled Virgil.
Oh, god.
“No! John would never-“
Scott drew his brother close, rocking him gently, desperately trying to calm him down.
John slipped back into the corridor and headed back to his room, heart in pieces.
Message from TheMightyFish.
Message from TheMightyFish.
Message from TheMightyFish.
Message from TheMightyFish.
I really don’t like being ignored. You haven’t answered your comms and your door is locked. C’mon, John. We’re worried about you.
Message from TheMightyFish.
John. John. John. John. John.
Message from TheMightyFish.
Please John. I really don’t want to have to deploy Scott, he looks like shit.
Message from GuyintheSky.
What do you want, Gordon?
Message from TheMightyFish.
You okay?
Message from GuyintheSky.
I’m fine.
Message from TheMightyFish.
Don’t believe you. This all sucks big time. Let me in, pleeease.
Message from TheMightyFish
C’mon, John. We need each other in this.
John sighed and walking out of his bathroom, opened the door. Sure enough, Gordon was standing outside, tablet in hand, worry on his face.
“What’s wrong?”
“I should be asking you that question, bro. You look almost as bad as Scott.”
“Well, plenty of reason.” He sighed. “Is he okay?”
“Scott. Virgil. Pick a brother. Everyone is hurting.”
Gordon looked at him for a moment as if he was going to say something, but then decided against. Instead he took the opportunity to push past John and into his room. “What are you doing in here anyway?”
“What?! You’re going to dye your hair???” His little brother let out a laugh. “This will be good.” He grabbed the packet. “Blond? Do anything to be me, huh?” The humour in his brother’s eyes was definitely infectious.
“I’m hoping it will help.”
Gordon immediately sobered. He looked down at the packet. “Prom?”
“That sucked.”
“Yes, it did.”
Gordon reached up and patted his shoulder. “Hope it works better than it did last time.”
John looked down a moment. “Hey, Gordon. Do me a favour?”
“Anything, bro.”
“Can I borrow one of your shirts?”
Gordon cracked up. “Anything to be me.”
Message from EverVirgilant.
You ready?
Message from LongJohnBlondie.
Are you?
Message from EverVirgilant.
Scott’s here, and Gordon. Dunno where Alan is. We have enough troops should I lose it.
Message from LongJohnBlondie.
You are not going to lose it. Do me a favour and cuff Gordon about the ears for me. I don’t know how he has changed my username this time, but even I’m locked out now.
Message from EverVirgilant.
Cuff deployed. Consider yourself scowled at. I’ll speak to Brains later. See if I can get his font to appear pink with flowers and fairies.
Message from LongJohnBlondie.
Sounds great.
Message from EverVirgilant.
Now get your ass in here.
Scott was tired. But that seemed to be the permanent state of affairs since his brother had been injured. He was wary of this experiment, but agreed that it was worth the try. Virgil missed John, and John was going through his own version of hell in this, so if it helped just a little, it would help a lot.
Gordon dashed back into the room, a grin on his face. “Awesome. Totally awesome.”
Scott glared at him, but his grin would not be subdued.
He reached for Virgil’s hand. Simple reassurance.
Virgil’s voice was hesitant. “C-m in, J-hn.”
The middle brother edged around the doorway, and Scott felt Virgil tense.
Oh my god.
His tall lanky brother had cut his hair short and dyed blond. He had obviously shoved a pile of product into it and it stood up in messy spikes. On top of that he was sporting a pair of John Lennon sunglasses, conveniently hiding his eyes.
One of Gordon’s just a little too small, blindingly colourful shirts hung from his shoulders, leaving just a hint of bare skin at his waistline. Low hung burgundy linen pants and leather sandals finished off the ensemble.
So far from their John that a new man stood in the room.
“J-hn?” Virgil’s voice cracked.
John attempted a grin.
Virgil succeeded. “Yu l-k gr-t.” Scott started as Virgil suddenly pushed aside his covers and clambered out of bed. He steadied him as he wavered predictably, but let him go as he hesitantly approached his little brother.
His shoulders were tense, but he reached out and laid a hand on John’s chest. “H-w r yu?”
Quiet and still tentative. “Getting better by the minute.”
Virgil looked up at him, a mess of emotion on his face.
“How are you, Virgil?”
Whispered. “G-ttig b-tter b the m-nut.” He swallowed, then leaping in, closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around his little brother. “M-ssed yu.”
John gently returned the embrace. “Missed you, too.”
Scott swallowed as something caught in his throat.
They stood there for a moment before Virgil broke it off, stumbling a little and backing off. Gordon caught him and led him back to the bed.
John stayed where he was standing as his big brother sat back down on the bed. Scott grabbed a hand. “You okay?”
Virgil smiled up at him. “Ye, I th-k I am.”
The biggest brother in the room broke into a grin and tightened his grip. He looked up at John and finally saw a hesitant smile on the man’s face.
They had made a beginning.
Message from ScottyWantaCracker.
Message from TheVirgilQueen
What has he done now?
Message from HeWhoLooksUpSkirtsBecauseHeisTooShorttoLookDownShirts
What the hell?!
Message from BlondHippyandLippy
He’s in the pool.
Message from ScottyWantaCracker.
I’m going to drain the damn thing!
Message from SleekSilverandFoxy.
I’ll take care of it.
 #Username reset
The rest of the series can be found here.
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melmac78 · 3 years
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The first chapter of the Tracy’s doing the Overnight/Live Aboard program. It’s a WIP, and and will take a bit to finish as I’ve got to rewrite a couple of scenes as I found they’re implausible. (There are some minor liberties taken on the program, but I try to have anything that can be visited IRL accurate).
These pics correlate to the opening chapter.
Notes: the berth described in story is not exact to the above: The one I stayed in is the door and by the women’s Head (bathroom, accurate as they also have showers), and the quarters displayed above are part of a tour. Also, my headcanon is Texas was allowed to become an independent republic again in the future.
Scott Tracy was in love - again. She had sleek curves, a graceful nose, beautiful blue and gold colorings... and long graceful wings.
He stared at the real Navy Blue A-4 Skyhawk Blue Angel that "flew" on a tall, solid pedestal as though soaring the skies.
Scott could imagine being behind the wheel of the plane, zooming through the air to help serve his country. The swooping, diving and turning were all quite vivid in his head, and he got lost in his imagination.
In fact, Scott was so deep in his dream he didn't notice the world around him trying to get his attention - nor the fact he was grabbed and thrown into a fireman's carry.
It wasn't until he saw grey concrete and rough, seashell laden sand - and someone's shoulders hitting Scott in the gut - he realized he was even moving.
Scott finally was snapped out of his thoughts, aided by the crisp, salty air of the Gulf of Mexico. "Hey! Let me go! Put me down!" said the pilot, gently pounding on the man's left shoulder blade.
A gentle base voice laughed. "Sorry birthday boy but there's plenty more to see than your 'girlfriend'," laughed Virgil as he continued to walk the man a short distance to the front entrance of the USS Lexington in Corpus Christi, the Texas Republic.
The aircraft carrier, commissioned February 17, 1943, was the fifth one by that name. The previous one - CV-2 was sunk in the Coral Sea during World War I, and people chose to rename a newly built carrier from USS Cabot to Lexington in her predecessor's honor.
The nickname Blue Ghost, coined by Tokyo Rose, was created when the Japanese thought she had been sunk four times, but came back.
She was kept in service until formally decommissioned in 1992, and now had been a museum for almost 70 years.
When Texas was allowed to become its own independent constitutional republic again in 2047, the United States allowed the carrier to still be on display in the Gulf as part of a history sharing program.
When Grandma Tracy gave a Live Aboard trip to Scott for his birthday, he suggested they all go. He said it was all he wanted for his birthday - a trip through history of course, experiencing life on an aircraft carrier, but also spending time with his family.
They would be camping in the old crew quarters below deck as part of the program, as well as enjoy meals in the mess hall and see other sites in Corpus Christi, including the Texas State Aquarium and museums in the area.
Even John happily agreed to come down and stay on Earth for the two nights they would spend camping on board the vintage aircraft carrier, so it was for once the entire family.
Admittedly though no one knew how much excitement this trip would bring for the family.
It was already a struggle for them to keep Gordon from dashing off to the visit the marine wildlife and rehabilitation centers at the aquarium. His invite to feed the fish - inside the aquarium in his scuba gear - and the dolphins wasn't until two days later.
Now, just like Scott had done to Gordon over the aquarium, Virgil had to carry him away to get to where they were supposed to go.
"Oh come on Virg - she's not my girlfriend," said Scott, rolling his eyes as he lightly bopped his brother's head.
Virgil scoffed. "Yeah right - you also have to flirt with the TA-4 Skyhawk, T-2C Buckeye, SNJ-5 Texan, KA3B Skywarrior, N3N Yellow Peril, F/A-18 Hornet, 4A Phantom 2..." he said as he then gently set his brother down beside his others. They had their sleeping bags and backpacks bundled together for the two-night stay, packing clothing and other supplies needed.
What many didn't know there was another special "guest" on board - Thunderbird Four. She was boarded late the night before on a special elevator remaining active on the ship. The other 'Birds were ready to fly with EOS' autopilot at a moment's notice from Tracy Island.
While none of the Tracys thought any vehicle would be needed, they wanted to be ready just in case. Kayo was also on standby, staying at a nearby hotel with a helicopter landing on the rooftop to quickly board Shadow.
Scott chuckled in concession. "All right - I'm the 'Bachelor' for a bunch of aviator beauties," he said looking at the ship. "At least I'm not Gordon and want to kiss a sea turtle or otter."
"Hey - that was in my dreams," said Gordon, who then realized it only made things worse. He chuckled. "Yeah... well, I admit I'm wanting to go to the aquarium already, but I've also been looking forward to staying on the Lexington. I finally get to teach you a thing or two about ship life."
Alan chuckled. "Yeah, such as how to get stuck in the brig for hours misbehaving," he teased.
The aquanaut shook his head. "Can't do that bro - the brig is on the hard-hat tour, and Grandma couldn't get us on that one. Filled up."
"Doesn't mean they couldn't put you in the photo op brig," chuckled John, who was sitting on a large ship anchor as he finished his bottled water and snack.
They laughed at the remark as Virgil sat down by his red-headed brother. "How are you feeling bro? Do you need some more water?" he asked seriously.
John shook his head, waving off the remark. He was still suffering space sickness compounded with a rough descent in Thunderbird Five's space elevator two days prior. It had been bad enough he scared his brothers by passing out shortly after they greeted him in the living room.
They all had been worried his "space sickness" would keep him from going, but Virgil and Brains gave him the OK, as long as he ate and drank whatever he was given by the medic or brothers. They already had told him he'd be buying mozzarella sticks - a specialty - at the concession stand the moment after they got settled on board.
"I'm fine, besides - looks like we're about to start our adventure," John said, nodding toward the middle age man walking up to them.
"The Tracy brothers correct - Scott, John, Virgil, Gordon and Alan?" said the man, and the five nodded. "Just wanted to be sure. Your grandmother had already checked in with the girls from the local YMCA. Said though she was going to head to the Wardroom's mess to fix you dinner."
The five brothers gasped in horror, and the man chuckled. "Don't worry - we have people hired to cook the meals. We told her to rest and wait until Scott's birthday celebration - but only bring store bought foods."
Gordon wiped his forehead in a melodramatic fashion. "Whew! for a moment there I was afraid we'd end up getting something that closely resembles SOS."
Alan looked at his older brother, confused. "What's SOS?"
"Well it's also known as Sh..."
Virgil quickly clamped a hand over his seafaring brother's mouth. "Corned beef hash on toast," he said, glaring at Gordon. "SOS is a nickname for the food, and I'd better not hear you say it fully."
Gordon rolled his eyes but conceded.
Alan made a vow to himself to quietly ask his immediate older brother later - out of Virgil's earshot - what the acronym stood for.
The Lexington worker laughed. "Well, now that's settled, let's get started on your Live Aboard program. My name is Jacob Cobalt, and I'll be the ship leader during the next two days aboard the USS Lexington," he said. "Shortly I'll take you aboard so you can unpack in the berthing quarters. You'll be staying in the same area as the Boy Scouts, but have a berth to yourself."
The others nodded. They knew a couple of the workers were informed by the GDF about the need for the five to have their own quarters. Their berth would be slightly smaller than the larger groups, but they would be able to store their IR uniforms without the worry of prying eyes looking through lockers.
Jacob continued. "That said, you'll still have to follow the same rules of the Live Aboard, which means first, you must show proper decorum on this ship. It is a memorial to those who fought and died on it for freedom. Secondly, you have to obey whatever command I say…" he said, smirking before he then changed to a drill instructor tone. "So line up at attention! Backs straight and tuck in your shirt tails!"
The result was a slight comedy of errors when John tripped over a sleeping bag and crashed into Virgil, making both tumble to the ground. As they did they bumped into Gordon's shoulder, making him back into the anchor. Thankfully, all he did was sit on it.
"You have 10 seconds to get in line and shirt tails tucked and get in line," said the ship leader.
Everyone got in line and their tails tucked in by the count of 10 - except Scott.
Jacob clicked his tongue, disappointed. "You of all people - retired Air Force - can't get your shirt tucked in quickly?" he said, motioning Scott to come forward. "Well... I guess you get to give an example of what we do if someone's caught with their shirt untucked."
The other four Tracys laughed. "Oh boy, Flyboy got in trouble," said Gordon, teasing.
Scott gave a feral grin. "Don't think I won't be watching for my chance to get even..." said the eldest as he stood by Jacob.
"I think you'll have plenty of chances Scott…" said Jacob with a smile.
The aquanaut made a show of gulping, to everyone's amusement.
"OK...so what's the penalty?" Scott said, wincing. He hoped it wasn't clean the Head with a toothbrush.
"You have to do 15 pushups - the proper way," said the leader with a chortle.
Scott merely laughed and did as he was told - making sure the final five were single-handed to shush Gordon further.
One he did his 15 pushups, Scott returned to the line and Jacob continued. "OK, now we'll head up to the berthing area. Watch for low overhangs, your step on the ladders, and the lips of the doors so you don't trip over them."
John gave a subtle wince. "I thought I hated gravity before..." he muttered, praying he didn't go flying into a bulkhead not paying attention to the floor. He certainly didn't want to wind up ruining Scott's birthday suffering a concussion.
Virgil put a gentle hand on his brother's shoulder. "It's all right John - we'll make sure you don't fall - down or out," he said knowingly as they gathered their items and headed up the long ramp. They admired the exterior of the Blue Ghost, which included weaponry and lifeboat pods.
At the entrance, they received a blue wristband, showing they were part of the Live Aboard program and could stay past visitor hours before looking around the hangar deck. There was a machine that would simulate a flight simulation for guests while a real simulator lay on display nearby.
Other planes with mannequin workers getting it ready for takeoff, military memorabilia, and mockups for photos graced the area as well.
The Tracys however were heading toward a hatch leading to one of the Heads on the ship. “This way gentlemen,” said Jacob.
John leaned over the railing to look at the ladder of stairs and had a slight case of vertigo. "Oh brother, that's a way down," he muttered.
The youngest brother looked at his brother in sympathy. "You'll be OK John. I'll show you how to get down," said Alan as he started his climb down with his backpack. He faced away from the ladder, making his descent very slow.
When he reached the landing, he turned around, realizing he forgot his sleeping bag. "Um, guys, can you -" said Alan, only to be hit in the face with said item.
Looking up, he saw someone chortling. "Very funny Gordo," said Alan, only to be hit in the face again, this time with Gordon's pillow, then sleeping bag.
"Yeah - it is. You just took the worst way to get down these ladders," said Gordon as he turned around and faced the ladder on his descent. He would've slid down the rails as he did on occasion during his WASP stint, but the rungs were wrapped in rope to add grip safety. Gordon certainly wasn't going to let Alan tease him for rope burns.
Eventually, all five managed to make their way down without much incident. John went last just in case he slipped - and when he did three steps from the bottom, Scott and Virgil caught him. John gave a weak smile in thanks.
Jacob then descended and lead them to a doorway marked "Reserved for Live Aboard Only," and lowered the chain before opening the heavy door.
"OK, here's where you'll be staying the next couple of days. You'll use this head in the evenings after hours, and the showers are behind the wall there," he said, then gestured for them to come inside the quarters.
Inside there was a pool table, old fashioned arcade game that still worked nearly 80 years later, sofas and a ping-pong table. Military memorabilia from the wars the Lexington served in: badges, coats worn by sailors, flags, challenge coins, photos, adorned the walls along with mementos from past guests.
Seeing the youngest look over at the entertainment, the eldest sighed. "We're going to have to keep Alan from the video game, or he'll never go on tours," said Scott, knowing the youngest's fondness for antique games.
Alan rolled his eyes. "I can't play them - I don't have any coins," he said, looking at the game. "Besides - it's that old Donkey Kong game - I defeated it years ago."
The others just shook their head as they followed Jacob through a pair of doors. Turning left, they saw a kitchen area, clean but dark and clearly unused for decades.
Once they descended yet another set of ladders, they arrived at their berth. "Make yourselves at home. You can tour any of the paths until mess in the wardroom at 1800 hours," he said.
The Tracys nodded and entered the room, shivering at the abrupt coldness of the berths compared to the rest of the rooms earlier. It had pale olive green walls, tall, thin lockers for storing their items and bunk shelves complete with a thick foam mattress.
There were three levels to the bunks - beds near the ground, middle and near the top.
"Dibs on the top bunk," squeaked Alan as he quickly walked over to the nearest one.
"Hey - I get one," said Gordon.
Scott laughed. "There's enough for all of us to be on the top bunk if we want," he said, though he was going to stay on the middle bunk.
"Not me - I'm not going to fall out and get a concussion," said John, who wisely chose the lowest bunk, which lay about eight inches off the ground.
They chatted and laughed as they wandered around the quarters, choosing and making up their bunks before stuffing their lockers.
After a few minutes, Gordon and Alan walked around to look at where everyone selected to sleep.
Turning one corner, Alan sniggered at the sight in front of him while Gordon coughed to keep from laughing outright.
"Um, International Rescue, we have a situation," the aquanaut said, though his tone was not as serious as the comment would normally entail.
Still though, Scott went into smother hen mode and walked around to the bunks the youngest duo were at, while John followed, interested himself.
When they reached the others, Scott did all he could to keep a serious face himself.
He barely kept it.
"Um Virgil - what on earth possessed you to try and claim a top bunk yourself?" he asked.
The medic was stuck halfway in and out of the bunk, using his feet on the lower bunk to keep the metal edges from pressing into his gut.
In spite of Virgil's wishes and dreams to finally sleep on a top bunk, his large, muscular frame was just too broad to fit through the space between the safety bar, ladder and bed.
"Looks like Papa Bear forgot that those beds are too small for him," said Gordon, laughing.
"Very funny Squidface... can you guys give me a hand?" muttered Virgil.
The brothers laughed and helped assist Virgil down from the top bunk. The man then wisely chose to do the middleman choice and choose the middle bunk - still higher off the ground, but much more space as no bar was needed. He even double checked by effortlessly pulling himself into the bunk, silencing any further teases from Gordon.
Once they ensured everything was in place, and in the cases of the IR uniforms locked in the lockers, Scott turned and faced the others, smiling. "OK - let's take a journey through time... starting with the flight deck," said Scott.
"Of course - got to go see your girlfriends... FAB birthday boy," teased Virgil, and they headed up toward the hangar deck to go on the bridge/flight deck tour.
To Be Continued …
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