#i literally think the solution is just. to not engage. i don't engage with/reblog content that i don't feel comfortable putting on my blog.
lunetual · 1 year
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mookymilksims · 18 days
I was struggling with how to respond to blackswan, and you said it all so perfectly! Thank you so much.
I want say this in general because the drama is done and we aren't ever going to get a response here.
Firstly, thank you for saying that, while I never look to represent anyone, it is a relief to know that I wasn't the only one thinking it.
I've wonder why simsecret is such an environment recently, and then I realized that the simblr community space is a PR warzone.
People, in general, are afraid to speak up, afraid to speak their minds, for fear of losing notes, being canceled, receiving anon hate.
There's a bizarre and unspoken rule here that you need to do everything publicly in a very calculated manner and it incentivizes people to not be themselves and think about how other's will perceive them more. Then you consider that a good chunk of people in this community are not very good people, so who's rules are we even playing by?
I've been hearing from a lot of new and old simmers who state that this space is very depressing for them because they felt lonely and anxiety when attempting to interact with each other. Anxiety when posting their gameplay. Anxiety when asking questions to other simblrs. Anxiety when reacting to other people's post.
Tumblr was made to connect with people. So why is simblr causing so much anxiety and pushing people who want to connect and interact and speak up; into silence?
Then spaces like Simsecret start to make a little more sense. It seems to be a rebellion to the atmosphere here in simblr. Same can be said for the anon feature here on tumblr.
When people are having an easier time connecting on FB, Reddit, and Discord than tumblr, despite being mutuals here it's safe to say there is a root problem in this space.
I think this whole situation reveals a bigger problem with simblr in general, that just hasn't really been addressed.
I want to offer some solutions here that are pretty simple so I hope no one takes this as being condescending:
If you really like someone's blog, don't even look at their notes. Heart it. Send them a direct ask off of anon and talk about what you love about their content.
Reblog their content, again, don't look at the notes, if you like it and it makes you happy, and you want it on your page, reblog it.
DM simblrs, I mean is this a stretch? Just reach out and say hello. If you want to befriend them, be the first to extend that olive branch. The worst they can say is no or not respond, that's not that bad.
Real life topics such as queer-phobia, racism, sexism, etc will always rear it's head into any space with humans in it. You bring your biases with you. If you see someone express very harmful views, speak up. This doesn't mean or have to mean you or that person is getting canceled. These could easily be teachable moments, and even healthy dialogue. Unless you literally studied and work in sociopolitical fields and are an active activist, the vibe should be to not expect anyone to know everything. These ideals are so deeply engrained into us from a young age, it wouldn't be fair to expect each and every person to know exactly how these complex super structural systems work.
Tell jokes sometimes, I'd love to know what sense of humor you guys have, we get memes like once in a blue moon. Let's try to not make this space so serious, it has everyone on edge.
There is so much beautiful art work and content in general right here on tumblr but I've heard simblrs express anxiety with reblogging that because they don't want to lose followers by posting non sims content. I literally love the rest of tumblr for the very reason that I can translate that work back into my game. And I just thought someone's photography or drawing or story was so good I wanted to see it on my blog.
I mean bouncing off the previous one, why don't we interact with the rest of tumblr? That would be dope.
And this shouldn't even be regulated to the rest of tumblr, I'd love to engage with more ts1, ts2, and ts4 simmers as well.
I mean I think I've made my point, because I can keep going with this. I don't think this is going to fix sim secret or the need for simmers like blackswan to dirty delete. I'm actually very disappointed in that whole situation because she could've received a lot of support but she dug herself into a deeper hole after her actions. I'm sad for her and sad that this situation was flipped into drama and not that black simmers in general are tired of the micro aggressions. Which is a way more serious message. But people are afraid to speak up. So I guess everyone active in this community will keep going around and around in this cycle. I certainly intend to KEEP applying the solutions I've outlined above, anyone feel free to join me.
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hellsbellschime · 1 year
can you please address this? i love your content but this something serious and want to here your side too
Sure. This all stemmed from me reblogging a gifset of Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman years ago and some anonymous person sending me an ask criticizing me for supporting Israel by doing that or something, which is a beyond absurd reason for all of this to have started, but I made the mistake of engaging with it.
So, to give a short rundown of how I feel about things, I do not support the government of Israel, I do not think Israel should have been created in the first place, but I recognize that it was created and that the people there, who are mostly descendants of literal Holocaust refugees, are not uniformly and universally responsible for the crimes that have been carried out by the state of Israel.
It would be great if we could go back to post-WWII and get a takeback and undo all of the horrific shit that has been done, but we can't, and I don't think that blaming the people of Israel for being born where they were born is a reasonable solution to this problem. We can absolutely take the state of Israel to task now for the oppression and brutality that they continue to engage in, but I think that treating normal Israeli people as if they are inherently bad by virtue of existing where they exist is kind of a disturbing line of thought to go down.
Similarly, a lot of anti-Israel sentiment has personally made me uncomfortable not just because it seems to be misplaced, but at least in my personal experience (which I obviously cannot say applies broadly to the entire world), a lot of the anti-Israel sentiment that I have encountered has served as a politically acceptable mask for outright antisemetism.
Further than that, the casualness with which people paint all Israeli people and oftentimes all Jewish people as criminals because of the actions of the state of Israel makes me very uncomfortable. As someone who has quite a few Jewish friends, I can say that again, at least in my experience, the amount of harassment that they have encountered because they are Jewish and because Israel exists makes me really unsettled, which is one of the reasons that I as a non-Jewish person feel a need to distinguish between the actions of a government versus the actions of the people that may be affected by it. I mean, I definitely don't want to be condemned for all of the horrific shit that the American government has done that I actively disagree with, and I am further baffled by the fact that American Jewish people are so often pressured and harassed into condemning Israel, a country that they likely have nothing to do with and have never even been to, in what seems like an attempt to force them to prove that they are one of the "good ones."
With all of that said, I was having a discussion off the cuff about Gal Gadot of all fucking things and maybe didn't express myself as clearly as I should have, but I didn't realize that people would be screenshotting what I was saying and posting it on Twitter years later. To be honest I know fuck all about Gal Gadot and was mostly reacting to the implication that she deserves criticism solely for the fact that she is from Israel and was conscripted into the IDF like every other Israeli citizen, which I thought was absurd then and think is absurd now. If she has said anything problematic beyond that I don't support it, but I'm not a fan of hers or knowledgeable about her as a person, and I don't think anyone deserves to be dragged by virtue of their place of birth or government required service.
Ultimately I said what I said and if someone has a problem with it then they are 100% in the right to call me out for it, I don't want to hold anyone to a standard that I wouldn't hold myself to and I think it is fair to criticize anyone for saying what they said. But I wouldn't say the exact same things in the exact same way now, and I would have been more thoughtful about the entire situation had I known that it was going to be something repeatedly brought up years after the fact.
If whatever I said before or whatever I'm saying now makes you not want to support me or my content anymore that is 100% fine, going against your personal beliefs about real-world and serious topics just because someone makes some content about a TV show or book you like is not worth it, and if anyone does not want to support me for any reason ever, that's fine. Everyone has parameters for what they are okay with and not okay with, and if I have ever done anything that someone else is not okay with, then I am not here to argue with it or justify myself. I can only express my feelings and opinions as they are now, and I can't say that they won't change in the future because I don't ever want to stop learning or growing.
And I'm sorry for this absurdly long explanation, but it is a serious topic that I get repeated questions about and I understand that as my social media profile grows I will probably get more questions and criticism about it, so I would like to have one big reference post to explain exactly how I feel and where I'm coming from.
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formulaonedirection · 2 years
i want to preface this by saying i love ur blog but i just feel like you’re kinda a hypocrite when it came to lando’s comments this weekend? like the comments he made about juri are literally so similar to what m*x said about p*quet and you’re only vocal about one of those things?
Honestly I debated answering this because I don't have an answer for you and I'm not exactly sure what you want from me. I've discussed his comments with my friends in private and I didn't feel anything compelling or helpful to say on here beyond what I already did. I don't think his full statement in context was as bad as what V*rstappen said but I still think it's wrong so it doesn't really matter who said what worse. As I've said before, it's the words of white people who think being labelled "racist" is worse than the actual act of racism. But I also think M*x V*rstapp*n is one of the most consistently bigoted drivers, who works for a racist racing team, surrounds himself with a family of racists, and I also personally dislike many other things about him beyond that so I don't extend any grace to him nor do I want to. And I don't feel that way about Lando.
Obviously I don't endorse the things he's said and I'm disappointed (not surprised) he's said them but ultimately none of the white formula 1 drivers that appear on this blog are free of engaging in racist behaviours. Not a single one of them and that's like the shit I reckon with every day consuming this content, right? I went through the same conflict of conscience when Daniel said that whole thing in Jeddah last year but in the end here he is on my blog again. Maybe purifying my media consumption is the solution here but it's not easy, or fun, or that black and white.
Genuinely it's okay if you feel you have to unfollow me, I don't have a good answer or solution to this so I guess yes? This is not the world's most perfect anti-racism online blog for formula 1 drivers. I press reblog on my little tumblr app knowing this and knowing who I am, the things I stand for and the work I've done in real life and some days it feels shittier than others and some days it's just really pure mindless enjoyment and distraction from the every day struggle.
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hey steph! i've been getting more into makin content lately which i'm now learning comes with a lot of hate from other fandoms/"shippers" (idk why i hate that term)/people in general who are staunchly anti-tjlc. they reblog my oc with ugly comments, tags, etc. i just block people who are mean because i don't want to have fights or anything, but i wanted your advice as to what to do. is avoiding conflict (by blocking) at all costs the way to go? i doubt we could have productive conversation tbh..
Hey Nonny *hugs*
I’m so sorry you’re dealing with that garbage; it’s so pathetic and ridiculous. A lot of the antis target the smaller or new fans because they think that it will discourage them and make them leave – it’s a horrible HORRIBLE thing to do to ANY branch of our fandom, and sadly some people just don’t know when to stay in their own lanes and unfortunately these people may also have very sad lives and the only way they feel powerful is to bully and harass people they perceive as weaker than them. No one deserves it at all, and I find it really telling of someone’s character if one goes to SOMEONE’S OC and shits on them, for goodness' sake, an OC. We don’t all share the same opinions and views. I know I certainly cringe and fume at a lot of the Others, but I keep my opinions to my own blog and off of their posts, and if I choose to engage, it is in hearty debate, not hate (which are NOT the same things though they will constantly argue that it isn't).
Sadly Nonny, the only solution is to keep blocking people; reacting only fuels their fire and they will then continue to harass you until finally you crack. You can also report the harassment to Tumblr if it becomes too much, but Tumblr is Le Terrible™ at curbing abuse on this hellsite.
Don't let them discourage you, Lovely. And if you need some help signal boosting to more positive people who float in the same circles as you and I, let me know *hugs* Don’t give up; there are more nice people here than awful, I’m just sorry that you ended up being found by the shitters first and not the good ones. Try to wiggle your way into a space and befriend those there. You've a friend in me now, Nonny, and I know plenty of people who would welcome you with open arms.
Something else I literally just thought of: Maybe, until you gain a bit of confidence, avoid tagging the first five tags with “sherlock”, “johnlock” or “tjlc”; the trolls lurk in those tags the most. The first five tags show up on tumblr search results, so they will find them. It's unfortunate that we have to avoid our own fucking tags nowadays because these asshats don’t know when to not be dicks, especially to new folks. I don’t get this whole thing about shunning new people, honestly. Why shun creativity? Young people already deal with way too much shit in their real lives, and this place should be somewhere they can escape to be happy for a couple of hours.
Keep doing what you do, Lovely, and feel free to talk to me in the chat if you need any more advice.
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