#i literally forgot about all their cbs from 2021 bc they were too '4th gen'
sanstropfremir · 2 years
hii i love reading your kpop asks it makes some things click in my head!! idk if you know them that well but do you have any opinions on verivery's dancing? i feel their dance line is pretty strong in the realm of idol dancers/choreo goes 😊 like for me there's something about hoyoung's dancing that's so pleasing to watch lol idk if it's his body control or lines but i think he balances out the rigid nature of idol choreo really nicely without losing the sharpness of the dance
hello! i am somewhat familiar with verivery although i don't follow them that closely. they do have a very strong performance line, although that isn't really enough nowadays to be a group's signature anymore. verivery falls into the same trap that a lot of fourth gen boy groups do, and that is that they haven't quite found a thing that makes stand out from the glut of other fourth gen bgs of the 7+ member variety. i think they're maybe getting a bit closer to establishing something with their cbs this year, which i've found to be the most compelling work they've done (other than photo from rtk), but obviously it depends on if they keep up that theme or not as they carry forward.
i do think hoyoung is one of their stronger dancers; he has pretty good control, but personally i don't think verivery's choreo generally is that interesting to me, so i don't usually have a particular draw to watching them.
#kpop questions#verivery w#i say all that but undercover is making a quite high entry on my top stylings list for this year actually#ACTUALLY i also like lay back. that one is fun and the mv+choreo is pretty good#i do like the undercover choreo but i'm not enamoured with it yanno?#its not just verivery tho almost every post x1 bg has the same problem and that is that there's just too darn many of them!#there's a few groups that have managed to make kind of a niche but there's waaaay more that are struggling#bc concepts can been pigeonholed for a while. its only like this year that we've seen more visual diversity with bgs#i literally forgot about all their cbs from 2021 bc they were too '4th gen'#and im not talking about like sound or whatever here: i'm talking about styling/making distinct visual choices per cb#a lot of bgs have trouble making unique styling choices that separate one era from another#and a lot of them follow the same trends so it can become hard to tell them apart#i don't remember ANY of the styling from their prev cbs but i very clearly remember all the styling from undercover#bc it took a very specific niche of 90s revival that nobody had done yet and extrapolated on it#we want the unique ideas baby!!#obvs this rule isnt always true bc oneus just got a bunch of wins for same scent even though it has their least interesting styling#but there's no accounting for stans' taste i suppose#(the wins are deserved tho)#text#answers#their weird lore thing about doubles is kinda interesting though ngl. i think they should beat each other up more tho
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