#i like writing small things under my gifset <3 adds to the lore
katewalker · 9 months
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Baldur's Gate Ⅲ ◈ Delphene Goldshaper
▹They told her Wyll removed the mask from her face right after Karlach managed to knock her out with a strong hit behind her skull. All Delphene could merely remember while waking up was placing the damn thing on her face, then the hag's voice even though not her words and an all-consuming anger. Now all she was left with was a terrible headache, a deep sense of shame and the familiar feeling of dampness within her spine. The ominous sign of her patron's unwillingness to share their toy. Karlach joked that for someone so little she put up a hell of a fight, but Delphene saw the panic in Gale's eyes as well as in Wyll's good one. Had she been that close to the brink of madness? She muttered a weak apology, looking down at the muck, defeated. The Blade of Frontiers' outstretched his hand to her with a smile. "Get up, chief. We'll have time for apologies later. I reckon we have a hag to kill." He was right, but as she let him haul her up, she could feel tendrils of evaporating energy enveloping the sleeve of his coat. If she focused enough, she could make out the faint crackling distinctive of her eldritch blast fading into the air.
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