#i like the train he reminds me of wheatley. from portal.
misterradio · 7 months
why is doogal birtish
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guesswhattimeitis · 9 months
N A O L I C E + Q T
Uh anyways, thanks lol
N- Name three things you wish you saw more of in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice): So for this one(and later questions) I’d say I don’t have a “main fandom” but I think in general all of my fandoms need 3 things more: more femslash, more midsized fic, and more art of the shorter one being the top. It can be portal, or sailor moon, or star wars it all needs more. I need to see more girls kiss, I need more fics longer than 500 words and less than 50000 words, and I need the short one to pick up her tall girlfriend and show her how it’s done
A- Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed: So I still haven’t seen Ahsoka at all but um I love the wolfwren I’ve seen, I’ve weirdly been working on a bunch of original stories recently which has had my brain in a chokehold including a throuple I’ll probably make a post about at some point
O- Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of?: I put my longest playlist on shuffle and got Used To Be Mine from Waitress and this song recently reminded me a lot of Bo Katan, especially in her most recent arc, realizing she’s changed and not sure if she’s ready for that or if she likes the change
L- Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves. (Characters you’re neutral about are fair game, as are characters you merely dislike. Characters that you absolutely loathe with the fire of ten thousand suns are exempt, as there is no point in giving yourself an aneurysm over a character that you hate.): I’m going to jump to portal here; Wheatley is a deeply effective and enjoyable villain to face off against. The build up to his takeover, everything falling apart; it really solidified portal 2 as a great sequel. I don’t hate him, but wow I don’t like the way the fandom treats him
I- Has Tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why? I’ve been here since 2013, so. Many. Many many many. My blocked tags list includes dozens, so I’ll spare the list, but the most ironic is one piece, considering tumblr’s recent ad campaign
C- A ship you have never liked and probably never will: I don’t dislike many ships generally, I usually keep it to myself and just avoid ships I don’t like, but I genuinely dislike when Aloy is shipped with that one guy from HZD, I don’t even remember his name but he just personally annoyed me and gave me bad vibes. And also I think of her as a lesbian so.
E- Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what? I don’t think I’m “big” in any fandoms so I don’t think I’m responsible for any like, crack headcanons being spread around, and even on like a personal level I’m not usually one to jump down a crackship so much as I love rarepairs (yes I consider them different so sue me) but I did recently like Yue/Azula as a wild au kind of situation lol
Q- A fandom you’ve abandoned and why: I don’t abandon fandoms so much as they lie dormant until I return to them, sometimes years later. Even adventure time, the fandom that got me on tumblr, has lain dormant for a long time only to resurface now and again, especially with new releases
T- Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending? I love “Chell is deaf” and/or “Chell is mute”as something to read and see in fanart, but I will die by the idea that she simply chooses not to say shit. That’s so much funnier.
Phew! So many, ahhh I will send you some too btw I just literally forgot I did this 😵‍💫
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wolfie-dragon-rider · 7 years
I was tagged by @dragonescence to list my favorite characters from 10 different fandoms, and then tag 10 people. I’m not sure if I’m even in 10 fandoms, but let’s try it out.
1) How To Train Your Dragon: Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, of course. How can I not love this dork?
2) Voltron: Legendary Defender: Pidge Gunderson, undoubtably. I LOVE this character. She’s nerdy and sassy and smart and small and she’s not ashamed of these things. 
3) Star vs The Forces of Evil: Star Butterfly. I kind of like both Star and Marco equally, but I do love Star’s endless energy and optimism. 
4) Big Hero Six: Hiro Hamada. What can I say, I like the nerdy robotics inventor types. They remind me of myself. Plus, Hiro is basically a male Pidge anyway xD
5) Harry Potter: Severus Snape. I don’t always agree with everything he did, but he is one of the most complex characters I’ve ever seen, and I think he is probably the best character Rowling has written.
6) Gravity Falls: Dipper Pines (seeing a pattern with these yet?). Insecure, wants to be manly, yet smart and brave. I wish I could have seen this character and the show when I was 12 years old, it would have helped me a lot. 
7) The Order of the Stick: Redcloak. For much the same reasons as Snape. This is, in my opinion, the most interesting villain ever written. Someone who has, arguably, done the right or rational thing in almost any situation he had a choice, and yet created one of the greatest evils in the world. His motives are good, though the collateral damage keeps increasing in his quest for Goblin freedom. I’m very interested to see where his story will go. 
8) Miraculous Ladybug: Probably Adrien/Chat Noir. Sheltered upbringing with a difficult home life reminds me a lot of my teenage years. 
9) DC: Mister Freeze. Another tragic villain. Just wants to heal his wife, but crosses many lines to do it, more than Nora would ever want him to. 
10) Portal (nah, I’m totally not scraping the barrel for fandoms here, no way!): Wheatley. Even though he’s an utter moron, I can’t help but love this idiot ball. 
I tag @writerforthetylwythteg , @jayalaw , @twiggy242 , @tarched , @morelovelyandmoretemperate , @slavicviking , @MissMeltyCat , @astrxd , @spacekeet , and @carolinecrazyangel , and anyone else who wants to do it!
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toothpaste-dragon · 7 years
5 Things About Me
I was tagged by @blairaptor and I absolutely love doing these things, so here we go!
5 things you’ll find in my bag:
1) Vaseline Lip Therapy lip balm! Seriously, this stuff is the greatest lip balm ever created.
2) My phone! Always a must, especially when your mom wants to send you funny cat videos from facebook.
3) Earplugs! I’m constantly in the library doing homework, so these definitely come in handy.
4) Mint gum! Unfortunately...I have a reputation of having bad breath.
5) Wheatley and Mabel Pines shrinky-dink charms! They’re attached to the zipper on the inside pocket of my backpack, and always remind me to smile.
5 things you’ll find in my bedroom:
1) Stuffed animals GALORE. Most of which are dragons, but I also have a few pokemon plushies too!
2) My electric keyboard, from which I produce sick jams.
3) Lots of posters and pictures hanging on my walls, as well as the occasional drawing from a friend (looking at you @flufflecat)
4) A bookshelf full of my favorite books! I love to read, but don’t have much time to enjoy reading anymore, so I store books here until I can pick them up again.
5) A desk where I do homework and draw (though I don’t have time to do that anymore ahhhh). I really need to clean it off though...it’s currently covered in various objects that don’t belong there.
5 things I’ve always wanted to do in life:
1) Write and publish a book (or a few books)! I have no intention of becoming a full-time author, but I have so many story ideas that I’d love to share with the world someday.
2) Compose a choral piece that high schools, colleges, or professional groups across the country would find good enough to perform! I’d love to hear my work sung by other people.
3) Create a video game soundtrack, preferably 8-bit! I’ve been told I create great atmospheric music, so here’s to hoping you might hear my work in a game someday.
4) Have a quiet life in my own little house. It’d be cozy and cute, and would let in just the right amount of light for reading and creative projects.
5) Along with the previous answer, own a bird! I had a parakeet a few years ago and absolutely loved her, and have always wanted to own another bird when I lived on my own. Preferably a larger bird, like a cockatiel or sun parakeet.
5 things that make me happy:
1) My friends! Although this semester has been a nightmare, God has placed so many amazing people in my life, and I’m so thankful for all of them.
2) Playing video games! Especially when I play them with my bro, he always makes it more fun.
3) Drawing! Not super great at it, but it’s still fun.
4) Singing! Honestly one of my favorite things to do in the world (though I’m usually reluctant to share my voice with others, unless I’m in a large choral group. Only then I feel comfortable enough to sing my heart out).
5) DRAGONS. I love them, will always love them. End of story.
5 things I’m currently into:
1) Portal 2 of course, haha. Been in the fandom since 2013 and still going strong!
2) The Iron Giant! Every couple months my intense love for that movie returns. Definitely my favorite 2D animated film!
3) The Last Guardian! I loved that game so much ahhhh
4) Trollhunters! Still waiting on season 2, but just gotta be patient...
5) Unique instrumental renditions of well-known Christian songs! (Thank you to pandora for that one.)
5 things on my to do list:
1) Obviously finish this semester strong and do well in all my classes. RIP me :’)
2) Finish a bunch of miscellaneous digital drawings, and hopefully make fanart for other people!
3) Work on two of my original stories, bit by bit. I’ve slowly been fleshing out the characters and have to spend more time rearranging their plots, as well as focus on world-building.
4) Create some plushies this summer! There’s a possibility I’ll be commissioned to create a Thunderdrum plush (How to Train Your Dragon), but if not I might be making something else hehe...
5) Familiarize myself with music programs so I can create some sample songs!
5 things people may not know about me:
1) I have a birthmark on my right pinky finger. When I was younger, I thought I had drawn on myself with brown marker and the marker wouldn’t come off.
2) I wrote a choral piece my senior year of high school, and my conductor liked it so much that we sang it at our last concert of the year! I was so humbled by such a positive response to my work.
3) I have literally never had a crush (if you don’t count fictitious crushes). There’s never really been a moment where I’ve been like, “I totally wanna date this dude.” Maybe I just haven’t found the right guy yet? I guess we’ll see!
4) I always wear a watch ever since I worked at the YMCA. Helps keep me from staring at my phone for too long!
5) I hate failure. Like, literally hate it and cannot deal with it easily. I’m taking baby steps to become less of a perfectionist and remind myself that I physically cannot be perfect, unless through Christ. So I beat myself up about stupid stuff, but hopefully not for much longer!
I tag @flufflecat, @heather-draws-things, and @qgirlcrafts! 
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