#i like eggs okay they're a versatile food
ghostoffuturespast · 1 year
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I fought the law ii
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teabutmakeitazure · 3 months
Zuri's Declassified University Survival Guide
This is a post about survival tips in university (undergraduate), especially if you're an international student living alone in a different country in this circumstance. I will be adding onto this later on if there's something I want to add, so keep an eye out for update reblogs of this I guess.
General Tips:
it's okay to make mistakes. you are here to learn and grow. no one is perfect, especially in the first and second year of their studies. those are mandatory experimental years. you're not expected to get magically mature and perfect when you get to university (or college for you americans). be kind to yourself and analyse your mistakes instead of beating yourself over them.
don't bother too much about your wardrobe. just wear whatever's comfortable. you might think people care but no one does. more than half of the people at campus will be in sweats or pyjamas and if someone IS dressed up, they're probably arts kids or business majors and they're the ones with the least workload (yes i am dissing you guys I've seen your workloads stop lying).
put yourself in uncomfortable social situations. yes i said that. the only reason i somewhat learnt to make small talk and learnt to talk to strangers is because I go to every single social event that I can. it's not necessary to make friends in all of them. just talk to people, exchange contacts, laugh while the event lasts even if you never see them again. this is how you survive in the lonely dorm life. and if you make an actual good friend? amazing! it paid off. even if it didn't you'll probably network and build rapport and have acquaintances from different majors.
if you're an ethnic minority, don't be afraid. I cannot stress this enough. don't be afraid to be there and take up space. you are there because you deserve to be and qualified. sure, it sucks at times because a good amount of people won't interact with you because you're 'different' but the international students will and trust me they're the coolest bunch to be friends with (I have 0 such friends so far). most times you will have to take the initiative to talk and sometimes they won't respond or worse flat out ignore you but don't let that get you down. just don't interact with them again. the world is big. not everyone will like you and accept you. find the ones that will.
eggs and milk are your best friend. a glass of milk everyday and 2 eggs. make that a staple. eggs are also very versatile for recipes. more on that in the recipes section. also yoghurt. a smol cup of yoghurt everyday too and nuts whenever you can buy them.
always have a few pack of instant noodles at home. sometimes you have deadlines or you forgot to cook or need a quick dinner because there's so much to do and you didn't get groceries. always keep them in stock. they're a quick fix for food. I'm not promoting them for frequent dinner but it's better than starving. just eat the noodles man. there's already so much shit to keep track of just eat the damn noodles.
incorporate veggies into everything food. they're good for you. if you're like me and don't like veggies, experiment with different recipes and find the one you like best. one good way is fried rice or rice with mushrooms, veggies, and meat in the rice cooker (I don't own a rice cooker when I'm writing this). just eat your veggies and thank me later. if you don't wanna cut them up, get a pack of frozen veggies. it's better than nothing. baby steps.
meal plan. if I don't plan my entire week's food on sunday night, I do it the night before for the next day. eat out as less as you can. homemade is better even if you're a horrible cook. practice makes perfect and you'll be grateful for learning a few basic cooking skills along with your degree later on. cooking your own food also gives you the liberty to add more veggies or save money.
treat yourself to stuff sometimes. yes you deserve it even if you don't meet your goals. you're trying. be kind to yourself. get that boba.
study everything done the week by that week's weekend. do the day's content that same day and don't lag behind. utilise reading week and read. don't slack off please I'm begging you. I'll even get on my knees if I have to.
you're gonna miss home and it sucks. yes you will be having your fourth mental breakdown of the week on a wednesday night and you will be alone or hiding under the blanket as your roommate is asleep. you're gonna have to tough it out soldier. I see you and I feel you. it gets easier with time and when you're doing better, you'll feel relieved for toughing through. it's so lonely sometimes and it sucks but it's worth the pain. don't lose hope.
seniors are your friends. they will give you forbidden knowledge for free. from hidden places with good food or convenience things or just life advice exclusive to your institute, they have it all. they're also generally very friendly so don't be afraid to interact with them.
annoy the living hell out of your professor during office hours if need be and utilise the student help room for help. your tutors will be happy to help you so don't be shy to ask for help. they will appreciate you coming to them, trust me. as for your professor, they're lonely people. go to office hours if you need to, chat, ask them what you need. they'll appreciate your presence and happily help you.
the security guards and cleaning staff will be witnesses to your worst states (freshly out of bed or haven't showered in 2 days) but they don't care. they're just happy to be of service and have you around. be kind to them. greet them whenever you pass by.
sometimes coffee is bad.
if your classes start at noon or later, get an hour of exercise in the morning at around 8 or 9 am. the serotonin that will hit you will be unreal. trust me.
make local friends. they're cool people and friendly and very helpful and accommodating. I may be biased but it's true.
being a student helper, student tutor, or a research assistant looks good on your resume and helps you win more scholarships.
put headphones on when in public if you don't want to end up talking to someone you might bump into. it works.
your body also has rights. treat it with care. don't abuse it. nourish it. you should take care of your body like you would a loved one. feed it good things, clean it everyday, and so on. when you feel good by taking care of yourself, you still do better and feel more confident. wash your hair with a set schedule and use good products.
make your wardrobe easier. hang your usual shirts and maybe wear the one in front each day, the previous day's being hung in the back or in the laundry basket. it saves time.
there's no shame in not having stuff. I still don't own a proper laundry basket it all goes into an IKEA bag. you live in a dorm, not a house. sometimes not having every single kind of furniture or accessory isn't bad. don't compare your setup to others. if it's convenient, clean, and homey, it's good. you don't need those expensive lights or those expensive posters to make it seem cool. what you have and what you may collect among the way is enough.
notes on paper are better than laptop or ipad
take breaks. be kind to yourself. it is you for yourself. treat yourself with love.
manage your time by designating time blocks to a certain task. it might not always work but it will help create some discipline in the routine.
having a set everyday routine helps. you don't have to think what to do, thus saving you brain power.
use a semester planner for deadlines and important information. it's useful. I highly recommend. I also have a template if anyone wants.
write down your thoughts, what's bothering you, your feelings, everything on a piece of paper or journal at the end of the day. it'll help process your emotions and you won't have to let the thoughts and emotions fester inside you, slowly simmering and coming to a boil. remember, you are your best friend.
Recipes to help you stay afloat (they're all quick and easy dw):
right off the bat I want to say boiled jasmine rice with sunny side up eggs. you drizzle a pinch of salt onto the yolk, break it over the rice, mix it with the rice and eat it and it's just *chef's kiss*. definitely a comfort food and a very easy quick dinner.
a lot of these I found while scrolling through instagram and some are from when I was trying to lose weight. hope they're helpful!
one pot rice cooker rice with veggies
veggie and meat single serve in one pot
chicken wrap (primarily for weight loss I think)
chicken gyros (this guy makes amazing food)
minced meat weight loss meal prep
chickpeas (chana masala. this shit is bussin i swear)
something tomato + onion + egg
one pot veggie rice (recommended)
chicken shawarma (not dorm friendly cooking but looks delicious)
egg sandwich in one pan
potato marraka (THIS IS SO GOOD)
one pot rice cooker with meat and veggies
chicken and rice
pizza style chicken wrap
five different chicken marinades for meal prep
one pot biryani
takeout style egg fried rice
rice cooker carbonara
one pot yoghurt curry chicken rice
weight loss chicken shawarma
healthier mac and cheese
chicken fajita
chicken tikka masala crunch tacos
one pan braised eggs
air fryer garlic bread pizza
another veggie and rice in rice cooker
fried rice recipe
hainanese inspired chicken rice in rice cooker
tomato orzo(?)
creamy tomato pasta
tomato and egg rice
mushroom sauce (can be eaten with rice)
creamy tomato tortellini
grilled cheese sandwich
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hardcasey · 2 years
3, 7 & 19 for the OC that you would consider a comfort character
Ahh, hi Dell!! Thanks for sending some questions. It was hard to choose which OC to pick cuz let's be real.. they're all comfort characters lmao. I decided to go with Demo though, since I've mentioned him before and also because I find myself specifically thinking about him (and his gf) a lot.
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3 - How do they like their eggs? (Fried, poached, soft-boiled, etc.)
He's fine with any type of eggs. He's not a picky eater at all and is definitely the garbage can of the group so to speak.
7 - Muffins or cupcakes? Write at least one page of their rant about muffins vs cupcakes.
Like I said, he's not picky and likes both. But if he really had to choose, probably muffins. To him, cupcakes are good but not even in his top five when it comes to dessert foods. Muffins are more versatile in terms of flavor and also what you can eat with them, which is why they'd be his choice.
19 - Do they find fart noises funny? (Be honest.)
Okay this was a surprisingly hard question. I don't think he finds the noise funny in itself (so he wouldn't laugh if he was alone and farted). But he could find them funny if in the right group, because he wouldn't be laughing at the noise but feeding of the energy of the group and enjoying the childish goofiness of it all. That's my long winded way of saying he'd laugh at a fart noise while with his brothers, but not if he was with his gf (he tries to act more mature around her lol)
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